import datetime import unittest from datetime import date from multiprocessing import Pool import duckdb import pandas as pd from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal from sqlglot import exp, parse_one from sqlglot.errors import ExecuteError from sqlglot.executor import execute from sqlglot.executor.python import Python from sqlglot.executor.table import Table, ensure_tables from tests.helpers import ( FIXTURES_DIR, SKIP_INTEGRATION, TPCH_SCHEMA, load_sql_fixture_pairs, ) DIR = FIXTURES_DIR + "/optimizer/tpc-h/" @unittest.skipIf(SKIP_INTEGRATION, "Skipping Integration Tests since `SKIP_INTEGRATION` is set") class TestExecutor(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.conn = duckdb.connect() for table, columns in TPCH_SCHEMA.items(): cls.conn.execute( f""" CREATE VIEW {table} AS SELECT * FROM READ_CSV('{DIR}{table}.csv.gz', delim='|', header=True, columns={columns}) """ ) cls.cache = {} cls.sqls = [ (sql, expected) for _, sql, expected in load_sql_fixture_pairs("optimizer/tpc-h/tpc-h.sql") ] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.conn.close() def cached_execute(self, sql): if sql not in self.cache: self.cache[sql] = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchdf() return self.cache[sql] def rename_anonymous(self, source, target): for i, column in enumerate(source.columns): if "_col_" in column: source.rename(columns={column: target.columns[i]}, inplace=True) def test_py_dialect(self): self.assertEqual(Python().generate(parse_one("'x '''")), r"'x \''") self.assertEqual(Python().generate(parse_one("MAP([1], [2])")), "MAP([1], [2])") def test_optimized_tpch(self): for i, (sql, optimized) in enumerate(self.sqls[:20], start=1): with self.subTest(f"{i}, {sql}"): a = self.cached_execute(sql) b = self.conn.execute(optimized).fetchdf() self.rename_anonymous(b, a) assert_frame_equal(a, b) def test_execute_tpch(self): def to_csv(expression): if isinstance(expression, exp.Table) and not in ("revenue"): return parse_one( f"READ_CSV('{DIR}{}.csv.gz', 'delimiter', '|') AS {expression.alias_or_name}" ) return expression with Pool() as pool: for i, table in enumerate( pool.starmap( execute, ( (parse_one(sql).transform(to_csv).sql(pretty=True), TPCH_SCHEMA) for sql, _ in self.sqls ), ) ): with self.subTest(f"tpch-h {i + 1}"): sql, _ = self.sqls[i] a = self.cached_execute(sql) b = pd.DataFrame(table.rows, columns=table.columns) assert_frame_equal(a, b, check_dtype=False, check_index_type=False) def test_execute_callable(self): tables = { "x": [ {"a": "a", "b": "d"}, {"a": "b", "b": "e"}, {"a": "c", "b": "f"}, ], "y": [ {"b": "d", "c": "g"}, {"b": "e", "c": "h"}, {"b": "f", "c": "i"}, ], "z": [], } schema = { "x": { "a": "VARCHAR", "b": "VARCHAR", }, "y": { "b": "VARCHAR", "c": "VARCHAR", }, "z": {"d": "VARCHAR"}, } for sql, cols, rows in [ ("SELECT * FROM x", ["a", "b"], [("a", "d"), ("b", "e"), ("c", "f")]), ( "SELECT * FROM x JOIN y ON x.b = y.b", ["a", "b", "b", "c"], [("a", "d", "d", "g"), ("b", "e", "e", "h"), ("c", "f", "f", "i")], ), ( "SELECT j.c AS d FROM x AS i JOIN y AS j ON i.b = j.b", ["d"], [("g",), ("h",), ("i",)], ), ( "SELECT CONCAT(x.a, y.c) FROM x JOIN y ON x.b = y.b WHERE y.b = 'e'", ["_col_0"], [("bh",)], ), ( "SELECT * FROM x JOIN y ON x.b = y.b WHERE y.b = 'e'", ["a", "b", "b", "c"], [("b", "e", "e", "h")], ), ( "SELECT * FROM z", ["d"], [], ), ( "SELECT d FROM z ORDER BY d", ["d"], [], ), ( "SELECT a FROM x WHERE x.a <> 'b'", ["a"], [("a",), ("c",)], ), ( "SELECT a AS i FROM x ORDER BY a", ["i"], [("a",), ("b",), ("c",)], ), ( "SELECT a AS i FROM x ORDER BY i", ["i"], [("a",), ("b",), ("c",)], ), ( "SELECT 100 - ORD(a) AS a, a AS i FROM x ORDER BY a", ["a", "i"], [(1, "c"), (2, "b"), (3, "a")], ), ( "SELECT a /* test */ FROM x LIMIT 1", ["a"], [("a",)], ), ( "SELECT DISTINCT a FROM (SELECT 1 AS a UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS a)", ["a"], [(1,)], ), ( "SELECT DISTINCT a, SUM(b) AS b " "FROM (SELECT 'a' AS a, 1 AS b UNION ALL SELECT 'a' AS a, 2 AS b UNION ALL SELECT 'b' AS a, 1 AS b) " "GROUP BY a " "LIMIT 1", ["a", "b"], [("a", 3)], ), ( "SELECT COUNT(1) AS a FROM (SELECT 1)", ["a"], [(1,)], ), ( "SELECT COUNT(1) AS a FROM (SELECT 1) LIMIT 0", ["a"], [], ), ( "SELECT a FROM x GROUP BY a LIMIT 0", ["a"], [], ), ( "SELECT a FROM x LIMIT 0", ["a"], [], ), ]: with self.subTest(sql): result = execute(sql, schema=schema, tables=tables) self.assertEqual(result.columns, tuple(cols)) self.assertEqual(result.rows, rows) def test_set_operations(self): tables = { "x": [ {"a": "a"}, {"a": "b"}, {"a": "c"}, ], "y": [ {"a": "b"}, {"a": "c"}, {"a": "d"}, ], } schema = { "x": { "a": "VARCHAR", }, "y": { "a": "VARCHAR", }, } for sql, cols, rows in [ ( "SELECT a FROM x UNION ALL SELECT a FROM y", ["a"], [("a",), ("b",), ("c",), ("b",), ("c",), ("d",)], ), ( "SELECT a FROM x UNION SELECT a FROM y", ["a"], [("a",), ("b",), ("c",), ("d",)], ), ( "SELECT a FROM x EXCEPT SELECT a FROM y", ["a"], [("a",)], ), ( "SELECT a FROM x INTERSECT SELECT a FROM y", ["a"], [("b",), ("c",)], ), ( """SELECT i.a FROM ( SELECT a FROM x UNION SELECT a FROM y ) AS i JOIN ( SELECT a FROM x UNION SELECT a FROM y ) AS j ON i.a = j.a""", ["a"], [("a",), ("b",), ("c",), ("d",)], ), ( "SELECT 1 AS a UNION SELECT 2 AS a UNION SELECT 3 AS a", ["a"], [(1,), (2,), (3,)], ), ]: with self.subTest(sql): result = execute(sql, schema=schema, tables=tables) self.assertEqual(result.columns, tuple(cols)) self.assertEqual(set(result.rows), set(rows)) def test_execute_catalog_db_table(self): tables = { "catalog": { "db": { "x": [ {"a": "a"}, {"a": "b"}, {"a": "c"}, ], } } } schema = { "catalog": { "db": { "x": { "a": "VARCHAR", } } } } result1 = execute("SELECT * FROM x", schema=schema, tables=tables) result2 = execute("SELECT * FROM catalog.db.x", schema=schema, tables=tables) assert result1.columns == result2.columns assert result1.rows == result2.rows def test_execute_tables(self): tables = { "sushi": [ {"id": 1, "price": 1.0}, {"id": 2, "price": 2.0}, {"id": 3, "price": 3.0}, ], "order_items": [ {"sushi_id": 1, "order_id": 1}, {"sushi_id": 1, "order_id": 1}, {"sushi_id": 2, "order_id": 1}, {"sushi_id": 3, "order_id": 2}, ], "orders": [ {"id": 1, "user_id": 1}, {"id": 2, "user_id": 2}, ], } self.assertEqual( execute( """ SELECT o.user_id, SUM(s.price) AS price FROM orders o JOIN order_items i ON = i.order_id JOIN sushi s ON i.sushi_id = GROUP BY o.user_id """, tables=tables, ).rows, [ (1, 4.0), (2, 3.0), ], ) self.assertEqual( execute( """ SELECT, x.* FROM orders o LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 1 AS id, 'b' AS x UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS id, 'c' AS x ) x ON = """, tables=tables, ).rows, [(1, 1, "b"), (2, None, None)], ) self.assertEqual( execute( """ SELECT, x.* FROM orders o RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT 1 AS id, 'b' AS x UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS id, 'c' AS x ) x ON = """, tables=tables, ).rows, [ (1, 1, "b"), (None, 3, "c"), ], ) def test_execute_subqueries(self): tables = { "table": [ {"a": 1, "b": 1}, {"a": 2, "b": 2}, ], } self.assertEqual( execute( """ SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = (SELECT MAX(a) FROM table) """, tables=tables, ).rows, [ (2, 2), ], ) table1_view = exp.Select().select("id", "sub_type").from_("table1").subquery() select_from_sub_query = exp.Select().select("id AS id_alias", "sub_type").from_(table1_view) expression = exp.Select().select("*").from_("cte1").with_("cte1", as_=select_from_sub_query) schema = {"table1": {"id": "str", "sub_type": "str"}} executed = execute(expression, tables={t: [] for t in schema}, schema=schema) self.assertEqual(executed.rows, []) self.assertEqual(executed.columns, ("id_alias", "sub_type")) def test_correlated_count(self): tables = { "parts": [{"pnum": 0, "qoh": 1}], "supplies": [], } schema = { "parts": {"pnum": "int", "qoh": "int"}, "supplies": {"pnum": "int", "shipdate": "int"}, } self.assertEqual( execute( """ select * from parts where parts.qoh >= ( select count(supplies.shipdate) + 1 from supplies where supplies.pnum = parts.pnum and supplies.shipdate < 10 ) """, tables=tables, schema=schema, ).rows, [ (0, 1), ], ) def test_table_depth_mismatch(self): tables = {"table": []} schema = {"db": {"table": {"col": "VARCHAR"}}} with self.assertRaises(ExecuteError): execute("SELECT * FROM table", schema=schema, tables=tables) def test_tables(self): tables = ensure_tables( { "catalog1": { "db1": { "t1": [ {"a": 1}, ], "t2": [ {"a": 1}, ], }, "db2": { "t3": [ {"a": 1}, ], "t4": [ {"a": 1}, ], }, }, "catalog2": { "db3": { "t5": Table(columns=("a",), rows=[(1,)]), "t6": Table(columns=("a",), rows=[(1,)]), }, "db4": { "t7": Table(columns=("a",), rows=[(1,)]), "t8": Table(columns=("a",), rows=[(1,)]), }, }, } ) t1 = tables.find(exp.table_(table="t1", db="db1", catalog="catalog1")) self.assertEqual(t1.columns, ("a",)) self.assertEqual(t1.rows, [(1,)]) t8 = tables.find(exp.table_(table="t8")) self.assertEqual(t1.columns, t8.columns) self.assertEqual(t1.rows, t8.rows) def test_static_queries(self): for sql, cols, rows in [ ("SELECT 1", ["1"], [(1,)]), ("SELECT 1 + 2 AS x", ["x"], [(3,)]), ("SELECT CONCAT('a', 'b') AS x", ["x"], [("ab",)]), ("SELECT CONCAT('a', 1) AS x", ["x"], [("a1",)]), ("SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y", ["x", "y"], [(1, 2)]), ("SELECT 'foo' LIMIT 1", ["foo"], [("foo",)]), ( "SELECT SUM(x), COUNT(x) FROM (SELECT 1 AS x WHERE FALSE)", ["_col_0", "_col_1"], [(None, 0)], ), ]: with self.subTest(sql): result = execute(sql) self.assertEqual(result.columns, tuple(cols)) self.assertEqual(result.rows, rows) def test_aggregate_without_group_by(self): result = execute("SELECT SUM(x) FROM t", tables={"t": [{"x": 1}, {"x": 2}]}) self.assertEqual(result.columns, ("_col_0",)) self.assertEqual(result.rows, [(3,)]) def test_scalar_functions(self): now = for sql, expected in [ ("CONCAT('a', 'b')", "ab"), ("CONCAT('a', NULL)", None), ("CONCAT_WS('_', 'a', 'b')", "a_b"), ("STR_POSITION('bar', 'foobarbar')", 4), ("STR_POSITION('bar', 'foobarbar', 5)", 7), ("STR_POSITION(NULL, 'foobarbar')", None), ("STR_POSITION('bar', NULL)", None), ("UPPER('foo')", "FOO"), ("UPPER(NULL)", None), ("LOWER('FOO')", "foo"), ("LOWER(NULL)", None), ("IFNULL('a', 'b')", "a"), ("IFNULL(NULL, 'b')", "b"), ("IFNULL(NULL, NULL)", None), ("SUBSTRING('12345')", "12345"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 3)", "345"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 3, 0)", ""), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 3, 1)", "3"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 3, 2)", "34"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 3, 3)", "345"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 3, 4)", "345"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', -3)", "345"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', -3, 0)", ""), ("SUBSTRING('12345', -3, 1)", "3"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', -3, 2)", "34"), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 0)", ""), ("SUBSTRING('12345', 0, 1)", ""), ("SUBSTRING(NULL)", None), ("SUBSTRING(NULL, 1)", None), ("CAST(1 AS TEXT)", "1"), ("CAST('1' AS LONG)", 1), ("CAST('1.1' AS FLOAT)", 1.1), ("COALESCE(NULL)", None), ("COALESCE(NULL, NULL)", None), ("COALESCE(NULL, 'b')", "b"), ("COALESCE('a', 'b')", "a"), ("1 << 1", 2), ("1 >> 1", 0), ("1 & 1", 1), ("1 | 1", 1), ("1 < 1", False), ("1 <= 1", True), ("1 > 1", False), ("1 >= 1", True), ("1 + NULL", None), ("IF(true, 1, 0)", 1), ("IF(false, 1, 0)", 0), ("CASE WHEN 0 = 1 THEN 'foo' ELSE 'bar' END", "bar"), ("CAST('2022-01-01' AS DATE) + INTERVAL '1' DAY", date(2022, 1, 2)), ("INTERVAL '1' week", datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)), ("1 IN (1, 2, 3)", True), ("1 IN (2, 3)", False), ("NULL IS NULL", True), ("NULL IS NOT NULL", False), ("NULL = NULL", None), ("NULL <> NULL", None), ("YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)", now.year), ("MONTH(CURRENT_TIME)", now.month), ("DAY(CURRENT_DATETIME())",, ("YEAR(CURRENT_DATE())", now.year), ("MONTH(CURRENT_DATE())", now.month), ("DAY(CURRENT_DATE())",, ("YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + 1", now.year + 1), ( "YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) IN (YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + 1, YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) * 10)", False, ), ("YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) = (YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))", True), ("YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) <> (YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))", False), ("YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) + 1", now.year + 1), ( "YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) IN (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) + 1, YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) * 10)", False, ), ("YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) = (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()))", True), ("YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) <> (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()))", False), ("1::bool", True), ("0::bool", False), ("MAP(['a'], [1]).a", 1), ("MAP()", {}), ("STRFTIME('%j', '2023-03-23 15:00:00')", "082"), ("STRFTIME('%j', NULL)", None), ("DATESTRTODATE('2022-01-01')", date(2022, 1, 1)), ("TIMESTRTOTIME('2022-01-01')", datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1)), ]: with self.subTest(sql): result = execute(f"SELECT {sql}") self.assertEqual(result.rows, [(expected,)]) def test_case_sensitivity(self): result = execute("SELECT A AS A FROM X", tables={"x": [{"a": 1}]}) self.assertEqual(result.columns, ("a",)) self.assertEqual(result.rows, [(1,)]) result = execute('SELECT A AS "A" FROM X', tables={"x": [{"a": 1}]}) self.assertEqual(result.columns, ("A",)) self.assertEqual(result.rows, [(1,)]) def test_nested_table_reference(self): tables = { "some_catalog": { "some_schema": { "some_table": [ {"id": 1, "price": 1.0}, {"id": 2, "price": 2.0}, {"id": 3, "price": 3.0}, ] } } } result = execute("SELECT * FROM some_catalog.some_schema.some_table s", tables=tables) self.assertEqual(result.columns, ("id", "price")) self.assertEqual(result.rows, [(1, 1.0), (2, 2.0), (3, 3.0)])