import os import unittest from unittest import mock from sqlglot import parse_one, transpile from sqlglot.errors import ErrorLevel, ParseError, UnsupportedError from sqlglot.helper import logger as helper_logger from sqlglot.parser import logger as parser_logger from tests.helpers import ( assert_logger_contains, load_sql_fixture_pairs, load_sql_fixtures, ) class TestTranspile(unittest.TestCase): file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) fixtures_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, "fixtures") maxDiff = None def validate(self, sql, target, **kwargs): self.assertEqual(transpile(sql, **kwargs)[0], target) def test_weird_chars(self): self.assertEqual(transpile("0Êß")[0], "0 AS Êß") def test_alias(self): self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT SUM(y) KEEP")[0], "SELECT SUM(y) AS KEEP") self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT 1 overwrite")[0], "SELECT 1 AS overwrite") self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT 1 is")[0], "SELECT 1 AS is") self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT 1 current_time")[0], "SELECT 1 AS current_time") self.assertEqual( transpile("SELECT 1 current_timestamp")[0], "SELECT 1 AS current_timestamp" ) self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT 1 current_date")[0], "SELECT 1 AS current_date") self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT 1 current_datetime")[0], "SELECT 1 AS current_datetime") self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT 1 row")[0], "SELECT 1 AS row") self.assertEqual( transpile("SELECT 1 FROM a.b.table1 t UNPIVOT((c3) FOR c4 IN (a, b))")[0], "SELECT 1 FROM a.b.table1 AS t UNPIVOT((c3) FOR c4 IN (a, b))", ) for key in ("union", "over", "from", "join"): with self.subTest(f"alias {key}"): self.validate(f"SELECT x AS {key}", f"SELECT x AS {key}") self.validate(f'SELECT x "{key}"', f'SELECT x AS "{key}"') with self.assertRaises(ParseError): self.validate(f"SELECT x {key}", "") def test_unary(self): self.validate("+++1", "1") self.validate("+-1", "-1") self.validate("+- - -1", "- - -1") def test_paren(self): with self.assertRaises(ParseError): transpile("1 + (2 + 3") transpile("select f(") def test_some(self): self.validate( "SELECT * FROM x WHERE a = SOME (SELECT 1)", "SELECT * FROM x WHERE a = ANY(SELECT 1)", ) def test_leading_comma(self): self.validate( "SELECT a, b, c FROM (SELECT a, b, c FROM t)", "SELECT\n" " a\n" " , b\n" " , c\n" "FROM (\n" " SELECT\n" " a\n" " , b\n" " , c\n" " FROM t\n" ")", leading_comma=True, pretty=True, pad=4, indent=4, ) self.validate( "SELECT FOO, BAR, BAZ", "SELECT\n FOO\n , BAR\n , BAZ", leading_comma=True, pretty=True, ) self.validate( "SELECT FOO, /*x*/\nBAR, /*y*/\nBAZ", "SELECT\n FOO /* x */\n , BAR /* y */\n , BAZ", leading_comma=True, pretty=True, ) # without pretty, this should be a no-op self.validate( "SELECT FOO, BAR, BAZ", "SELECT FOO, BAR, BAZ", leading_comma=True, ) def test_space(self): self.validate("SELECT MIN(3)>MIN(2)", "SELECT MIN(3) > MIN(2)") self.validate("SELECT MIN(3)>=MIN(2)", "SELECT MIN(3) >= MIN(2)") self.validate("SELECT 1>0", "SELECT 1 > 0") self.validate("SELECT 3>=3", "SELECT 3 >= 3") self.validate("SELECT a\r\nFROM b", "SELECT a FROM b") def test_comments(self): self.validate( "select /* asfd /* asdf */ asdf */ 1", "/* asfd /* asdf */ asdf */ SELECT 1", ) self.validate( "SELECT c /* foo */ AS alias", "SELECT c AS alias /* foo */", ) self.validate( "SELECT c AS /* foo */ (a, b, c) FROM t", "SELECT c AS (a, b, c) /* foo */ FROM t", ) self.validate( "SELECT * FROM t1\n/*x*/\nUNION ALL SELECT * FROM t2", "SELECT * FROM t1 /* x */ UNION ALL SELECT * FROM t2", ) self.validate( "/* comment */ SELECT * FROM a UNION SELECT * FROM b", "/* comment */ SELECT * FROM a UNION SELECT * FROM b", ) self.validate( "SELECT * FROM t1\n/*x*/\nINTERSECT ALL SELECT * FROM t2", "SELECT * FROM t1 /* x */ INTERSECT ALL SELECT * FROM t2", ) self.validate( "SELECT\n foo\n/* comments */\n;", "SELECT foo /* comments */", ) self.validate( "SELECT * FROM a INNER /* comments */ JOIN b", "SELECT * FROM a /* comments */ INNER JOIN b", ) self.validate( "SELECT * FROM a LEFT /* comment 1 */ OUTER /* comment 2 */ JOIN b", "SELECT * FROM a /* comment 1 */ /* comment 2 */ LEFT OUTER JOIN b", ) self.validate( "SELECT CASE /* test */ WHEN a THEN b ELSE c END", "SELECT CASE WHEN a THEN b ELSE c END /* test */", ) self.validate("SELECT 1 /*/2 */", "SELECT 1 /* /2 */") self.validate("SELECT */*comment*/", "SELECT * /* comment */") self.validate( "SELECT * FROM table /*comment 1*/ /*comment 2*/", "SELECT * FROM table /* comment 1 */ /* comment 2 */", ) self.validate("SELECT 1 FROM foo -- comment", "SELECT 1 FROM foo /* comment */") self.validate("SELECT --+5\nx FROM foo", "/* +5 */ SELECT x FROM foo") self.validate("SELECT --!5\nx FROM foo", "/* !5 */ SELECT x FROM foo") self.validate( "SELECT 1 /* inline */ FROM foo -- comment", "SELECT 1 /* inline */ FROM foo /* comment */", ) self.validate( "SELECT FUN(x) /*x*/, [1,2,3] /*y*/", "SELECT FUN(x) /* x */, ARRAY(1, 2, 3) /* y */" ) self.validate( """ SELECT 1 -- comment FROM foo -- comment """, "SELECT 1 /* comment */ FROM foo /* comment */", ) self.validate( """ SELECT 1 /* big comment like this */ FROM foo -- comment """, """SELECT 1 /* big comment like this */ FROM foo /* comment */""", ) self.validate( "select x from foo -- x", "SELECT x FROM foo /* x */", ) self.validate( """select x, -- from foo""", "SELECT x FROM foo", ) self.validate( """ -- comment 1 -- comment 2 -- comment 3 SELECT * FROM foo """, "/* comment 1 */ /* comment 2 */ /* comment 3 */ SELECT * FROM foo", ) self.validate( """ -- comment 1 -- comment 2 -- comment 3 SELECT * FROM foo""", """/* comment 1 */ /* comment 2 */ /* comment 3 */ SELECT * FROM foo""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ SELECT * FROM tbl /*line1 line2 line3*/ /*another comment*/ where 1=1 -- comment at the end""", """SELECT * FROM tbl /* line1 line2 line3 */ /* another comment */ WHERE 1 = 1 /* comment at the end */""", ) self.validate( """ SELECT * FROM tbl /*line1 line2 line3*/ /*another comment*/ where 1=1 -- comment at the end""", """SELECT * FROM tbl /* line1 line2 line3 */ /* another comment */ WHERE 1 = 1 /* comment at the end */""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ /* multi line comment */ SELECT tbl.cola /* comment 1 */ + tbl.colb /* comment 2 */, CAST(x AS CHAR), # comment 3 y -- comment 4 FROM bar /* comment 5 */, tbl # comment 6 """, """/* multi line comment */ SELECT tbl.cola /* comment 1 */ + tbl.colb /* comment 2 */, CAST(x AS CHAR), /* comment 3 */ y /* comment 4 */ FROM bar /* comment 5 */, tbl /* comment 6 */""", read="mysql", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ SELECT a FROM b WHERE foo -- comment 1 AND bar -- comment 2 AND bla -- comment 3 LIMIT 10 ; """, "SELECT a FROM b WHERE foo AND /* comment 1 */ bar AND /* comment 2 */ bla LIMIT 10 /* comment 3 */", ) self.validate( """ SELECT a FROM b WHERE foo -- comment 1 """, "SELECT a FROM b WHERE foo /* comment 1 */", ) self.validate( """ select a -- from from b -- where where foo -- comment 1 and bar -- comment 2 and bla """, """SELECT a /* from */ FROM b /* where */ WHERE foo AND /* comment 1 */ bar AND /* comment 2 */ bla""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ -- test WITH v AS ( SELECT 1 AS literal ) SELECT * FROM v """, """/* test */ WITH v AS ( SELECT 1 AS literal ) SELECT * FROM v""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( "(/* 1 */ 1 ) /* 2 */", "(1) /* 1 */ /* 2 */", ) self.validate( "select * from t where not a in (23) /*test*/ and b in (14)", "SELECT * FROM t WHERE NOT a IN (23) /* test */ AND b IN (14)", ) self.validate( "select * from t where a in (23) /*test*/ and b in (14)", "SELECT * FROM t WHERE a IN (23) /* test */ AND b IN (14)", ) self.validate( "select * from t where ((condition = 1)/*test*/)", "SELECT * FROM t WHERE ((condition = 1) /* test */)", ) self.validate( "SELECT 1 // hi this is a comment", "SELECT 1 /* hi this is a comment */", read="snowflake", ) self.validate( "-- comment\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo", "/* comment */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo", ) self.validate( """ -- comment1 -- comment2 -- comment3 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db.tba """, """/* comment1 */ /* comment2 */ /* comment3 */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db.tba""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ -- comment4 CREATE TABLE db.tba AS SELECT a, b, c FROM tb_01 WHERE -- comment5 a = 1 AND b = 2 --comment6 -- and c = 1 -- comment7 ; """, """/* comment4 */ CREATE TABLE db.tba AS SELECT a, b, c FROM tb_01 WHERE a /* comment5 */ = 1 AND b = 2 /* comment6 */ /* and c = 1 */ /* comment7 */""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ SELECT -- This is testing comments col, -- 2nd testing comments CASE WHEN a THEN b ELSE c END as d FROM t """, """SELECT col, /* This is testing comments */ CASE WHEN a THEN b ELSE c END AS d /* 2nd testing comments */ FROM t""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ SELECT * FROM a -- comments INNER JOIN b """, """SELECT * FROM a /* comments */ INNER JOIN b""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( "SELECT * FROM a LEFT /* comment 1 */ OUTER /* comment 2 */ JOIN b", """SELECT * FROM a /* comment 1 */ /* comment 2 */ LEFT OUTER JOIN b""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( "SELECT\n a /* sqlglot.meta case_sensitive */ -- noqa\nFROM tbl", """SELECT a /* sqlglot.meta case_sensitive */ /* noqa */ FROM tbl""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ SELECT 'hotel1' AS hotel, * FROM dw_1_dw_1_1.exactonline_1.transactionlines /* UNION ALL SELECT 'Thon Partner Hotel Jølster' AS hotel, name, date, CAST(identifier AS VARCHAR) AS identifier, value FROM d2o_889_oupjr_1348.public.accountvalues_forecast */ UNION ALL SELECT 'hotel2' AS hotel, * FROM dw_1_dw_1_1.exactonline_2.transactionlines""", """SELECT 'hotel1' AS hotel, * FROM dw_1_dw_1_1.exactonline_1.transactionlines /* UNION ALL SELECT 'Thon Partner Hotel Jølster' AS hotel, name, date, CAST(identifier AS VARCHAR) AS identifier, value FROM d2o_889_oupjr_1348.public.accountvalues_forecast */ UNION ALL SELECT 'hotel2' AS hotel, * FROM dw_1_dw_1_1.exactonline_2.transactionlines""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """/* The result of some calculations */ with base as ( select sum(sb.hep_amount) as hep_amount, -- I AM REMOVED sum(sb.hep_budget) /* Budget defined in sharepoint */ as blub , 1 as bla from gold.data_budget sb group by all ) select * from base """, """/* The result of some calculations */ WITH base AS ( SELECT SUM(sb.hep_amount) AS hep_amount, SUM(sb.hep_budget) /* I AM REMOVED */ AS blub, /* Budget defined in sharepoint */ 1 AS bla FROM gold.data_budget AS sb GROUP BY ALL ) SELECT * FROM base""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """-- comment SOME_FUNC(arg IGNORE NULLS) OVER (PARTITION BY foo ORDER BY bla) AS col""", "SOME_FUNC(arg IGNORE NULLS) OVER (PARTITION BY foo ORDER BY bla) AS col /* comment */", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """ SELECT * FROM x INNER JOIN y -- inner join z LEFT JOIN z using (id) using (id) """, """SELECT * FROM x INNER JOIN y /* inner join z */ LEFT JOIN z USING (id) USING (id)""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """with x as ( SELECT * /* NOTE: LEFT JOIN because blah blah blah */ FROM a ) select * from x""", """WITH x AS ( SELECT * /* NOTE: LEFT JOIN because blah blah blah */ FROM a ) SELECT * FROM x""", pretty=True, ) self.validate( """SELECT X FROM catalog.db.table WHERE Y -- AND Z""", """SELECT X FROM catalog.db.table WHERE Y AND Z""", ) self.validate( """with a as /* comment */ ( select * from b) select * from a""", """WITH a /* comment */ AS (SELECT * FROM b) SELECT * FROM a""", ) self.validate( """ -- comment at the top WITH -- comment for tbl1 tbl1 AS (SELECT 1) -- comment for tbl2 , tbl2 AS (SELECT 2) -- comment for tbl3 , tbl3 AS (SELECT 3) -- comment for final select SELECT * FROM tbl1""", """/* comment at the top */ WITH tbl1 /* comment for tbl1 */ AS ( SELECT 1 ), tbl2 /* comment for tbl2 */ AS ( SELECT 2 ), tbl3 /* comment for tbl3 */ AS ( SELECT 3 ) /* comment for final select */ SELECT * FROM tbl1""", pretty=True, ) def test_types(self): self.validate("INT 1", "CAST(1 AS INT)") self.validate("VARCHAR 'x' y", "CAST('x' AS VARCHAR) AS y") self.validate("STRING 'x' y", "CAST('x' AS TEXT) AS y") self.validate("x::INT", "CAST(x AS INT)") self.validate("x::INTEGER", "CAST(x AS INT)") self.validate("x::INT y", "CAST(x AS INT) AS y") self.validate("x::INT AS y", "CAST(x AS INT) AS y") self.validate("x::INT::BOOLEAN", "CAST(CAST(x AS INT) AS BOOLEAN)") self.validate("interval::int", "CAST(interval AS INT)") self.validate("x::user_defined_type", "CAST(x AS user_defined_type)") self.validate("CAST(x::INT AS BOOLEAN)", "CAST(CAST(x AS INT) AS BOOLEAN)") self.validate("CAST(x AS INT)::BOOLEAN", "CAST(CAST(x AS INT) AS BOOLEAN)") with self.assertRaises(ParseError): transpile("x::z", read="duckdb") def test_not_range(self): self.validate("a NOT LIKE b", "NOT a LIKE b") self.validate("a NOT BETWEEN b AND c", "NOT a BETWEEN b AND c") self.validate("a NOT IN (1, 2)", "NOT a IN (1, 2)") self.validate("a IS NOT NULL", "NOT a IS NULL") self.validate("a LIKE TEXT 'y'", "a LIKE CAST('y' AS TEXT)") def test_extract(self): self.validate( "EXTRACT(day FROM '2020-01-01'::TIMESTAMP)", "EXTRACT(DAY FROM CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP))", ) self.validate( "EXTRACT(timezone FROM '2020-01-01'::TIMESTAMP)", "EXTRACT(TIMEZONE FROM CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP))", ) self.validate( "EXTRACT(year FROM '2020-01-01'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)", "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMPTZ))", ) self.validate( "extract(month from '2021-01-31'::timestamp without time zone)", "EXTRACT(MONTH FROM CAST('2021-01-31' AS TIMESTAMP))", ) self.validate("extract(week from current_date + 2)", "EXTRACT(WEEK FROM CURRENT_DATE + 2)") self.validate( "EXTRACT(minute FROM datetime1 - datetime2)", "EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM datetime1 - datetime2)", ) def test_if(self): self.validate( "SELECT IF(a > 1, 1, 0) FROM foo", "SELECT CASE WHEN a > 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM foo", ) self.validate( "SELECT IF a > 1 THEN b END", "SELECT CASE WHEN a > 1 THEN b END", ) self.validate( "SELECT IF a > 1 THEN b ELSE c END", "SELECT CASE WHEN a > 1 THEN b ELSE c END", ) self.validate("SELECT IF(a > 1, 1) FROM foo", "SELECT CASE WHEN a > 1 THEN 1 END FROM foo") def test_with(self): self.validate( "WITH a AS (SELECT 1) WITH b AS (SELECT 2) SELECT *", "WITH a AS (SELECT 1), b AS (SELECT 2) SELECT *", ) self.validate( "WITH a AS (SELECT 1), WITH b AS (SELECT 2) SELECT *", "WITH a AS (SELECT 1), b AS (SELECT 2) SELECT *", ) self.validate( "WITH A(filter) AS (VALUES 1, 2, 3) SELECT * FROM A WHERE filter >= 2", "WITH A(filter) AS (VALUES (1), (2), (3)) SELECT * FROM A WHERE filter >= 2", read="presto", ) self.validate( "SELECT BOOL_OR(a > 10) FROM (VALUES 1, 2, 15) AS T(a)", "SELECT BOOL_OR(a > 10) FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (15)) AS T(a)", read="presto", ) def test_alter(self): self.validate( "ALTER TABLE integers ADD k INTEGER", "ALTER TABLE integers ADD COLUMN k INT", ) self.validate( "ALTER TABLE integers ALTER i TYPE VARCHAR", "ALTER TABLE integers ALTER COLUMN i SET DATA TYPE VARCHAR", ) self.validate( "ALTER TABLE integers ALTER i TYPE VARCHAR COLLATE foo USING bar", "ALTER TABLE integers ALTER COLUMN i SET DATA TYPE VARCHAR COLLATE foo USING bar", ) def test_time(self): self.validate("INTERVAL '1 day'", "INTERVAL '1' DAY") self.validate("INTERVAL '1 days' * 5", "INTERVAL '1' DAYS * 5") self.validate("5 * INTERVAL '1 day'", "5 * INTERVAL '1' DAY") self.validate("INTERVAL 1 day", "INTERVAL '1' DAY") self.validate("INTERVAL 2 months", "INTERVAL '2' MONTHS") self.validate("TIMESTAMP '2020-01-01'", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP)") self.validate("TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2020-01-01'", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMPTZ)") self.validate( "TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE '2020-01-01'", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMPTZ(9))", ) self.validate( "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE '2020-01-01'", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP)", ) self.validate("'2020-01-01'::TIMESTAMP", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP)") self.validate( "'2020-01-01'::TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP)", ) self.validate( "'2020-01-01'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS TIMESTAMPTZ)", ) self.validate( "timestamp with time zone '2025-11-20 00:00:00+00' AT TIME ZONE 'Africa/Cairo'", "CAST('2025-11-20 00:00:00+00' AS TIMESTAMPTZ) AT TIME ZONE 'Africa/Cairo'", ) self.validate("DATE '2020-01-01'", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS DATE)") self.validate("'2020-01-01'::DATE", "CAST('2020-01-01' AS DATE)") self.validate("STR_TO_TIME('x', 'y')", "STRPTIME('x', 'y')", write="duckdb") self.validate("STR_TO_UNIX('x', 'y')", "EPOCH(STRPTIME('x', 'y'))", write="duckdb") self.validate("TIME_TO_STR(x, 'y')", "STRFTIME(x, 'y')", write="duckdb") self.validate("TIME_TO_UNIX(x)", "EPOCH(x)", write="duckdb") self.validate( "UNIX_TO_STR(123, 'y')", "STRFTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP(123), 'y')", write="duckdb", ) self.validate( "UNIX_TO_TIME(123)", "TO_TIMESTAMP(123)", write="duckdb", ) self.validate( "STR_TO_TIME(x, 'y')", "CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(x, 'y')) AS TIMESTAMP)", write="hive", ) self.validate( "STR_TO_TIME(x, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "CAST(x AS TIMESTAMP)", write="hive", ) self.validate( "STR_TO_TIME(x, 'yyyy-MM-dd')", "CAST(x AS TIMESTAMP)", write="hive", ) self.validate( "STR_TO_UNIX('x', 'y')", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('x', 'y')", write="hive", ) self.validate("TIME_TO_STR(x, 'y')", "DATE_FORMAT(x, 'y')", write="hive") self.validate("TIME_STR_TO_TIME(x)", "TIME_STR_TO_TIME(x)", write=None) self.validate( "TIME_STR_TO_TIME(x, 'America/Los_Angeles')", "TIME_STR_TO_TIME(x, 'America/Los_Angeles')", write=None, ) self.validate("TIME_STR_TO_UNIX(x)", "TIME_STR_TO_UNIX(x)", write=None) self.validate("TIME_TO_TIME_STR(x)", "CAST(x AS TEXT)", write=None) self.validate("TIME_TO_STR(x, 'y')", "TIME_TO_STR(x, 'y')", write=None) self.validate("TIME_TO_UNIX(x)", "TIME_TO_UNIX(x)", write=None) self.validate("UNIX_TO_STR(x, 'y')", "UNIX_TO_STR(x, 'y')", write=None) self.validate("UNIX_TO_TIME(x)", "UNIX_TO_TIME(x)", write=None) self.validate("UNIX_TO_TIME_STR(x)", "UNIX_TO_TIME_STR(x)", write=None) self.validate("TIME_STR_TO_DATE(x)", "TIME_STR_TO_DATE(x)", write=None) self.validate("TIME_STR_TO_DATE(x)", "TO_DATE(x)", write="hive") self.validate("UNIX_TO_STR(x, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "FROM_UNIXTIME(x)", write="hive") self.validate("STR_TO_UNIX(x, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(x)", write="hive") self.validate("IF(x > 1, x + 1)", "IF(x > 1, x + 1)", write="presto") self.validate("IF(x > 1, 1 + 1)", "IF(x > 1, 1 + 1)", write="hive") self.validate("IF(x > 1, 1, 0)", "IF(x > 1, 1, 0)", write="hive") self.validate( "TIME_TO_UNIX(x)", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(x)", write="hive", ) self.validate("UNIX_TO_STR(123, 'y')", "FROM_UNIXTIME(123, 'y')", write="hive") self.validate( "UNIX_TO_TIME(123)", "FROM_UNIXTIME(123)", write="hive", ) self.validate("STR_TO_TIME('x', 'y')", "DATE_PARSE('x', 'y')", write="presto") self.validate( "STR_TO_UNIX('x', 'y')", "TO_UNIXTIME(COALESCE(TRY(DATE_PARSE(CAST('x' AS VARCHAR), 'y')), PARSE_DATETIME(DATE_FORMAT(CAST('x' AS TIMESTAMP), 'y'), 'y')))", write="presto", ) self.validate("TIME_TO_STR(x, 'y')", "DATE_FORMAT(x, 'y')", write="presto") self.validate("TIME_TO_UNIX(x)", "TO_UNIXTIME(x)", write="presto") self.validate( "UNIX_TO_STR(123, 'y')", "DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(123), 'y')", write="presto", ) self.validate("UNIX_TO_TIME(123)", "FROM_UNIXTIME(123)", write="presto") self.validate("STR_TO_TIME('x', 'y')", "TO_TIMESTAMP('x', 'y')", write="spark") self.validate("STR_TO_UNIX('x', 'y')", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('x', 'y')", write="spark") self.validate("TIME_TO_STR(x, 'y')", "DATE_FORMAT(x, 'y')", write="spark") self.validate( "TIME_TO_UNIX(x)", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(x)", write="spark", ) self.validate("UNIX_TO_STR(123, 'y')", "FROM_UNIXTIME(123, 'y')", write="spark") self.validate( "UNIX_TO_TIME(123)", "CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(123) AS TIMESTAMP)", write="spark", ) self.validate( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test AS SELECT 1", "CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW test AS SELECT 1", write="spark2", ) def test_index_offset(self): with self.assertLogs(helper_logger) as cm: self.validate("x[0]", "x[1]", write="presto", identity=False) self.validate("x[1]", "x[0]", read="presto", identity=False) self.validate("x[x - 1]", "x[x - 1]", write="presto", identity=False) self.validate( "x[array_size(y) - 1]", "x[(CARDINALITY(y) - 1) + 1]", write="presto", identity=False, ) self.validate("x[3 - 1]", "x[3]", write="presto", identity=False) self.validate("MAP(a, b)[0]", "MAP(a, b)[0]", write="presto", identity=False) self.assertEqual( cm.output, [ "INFO:sqlglot:Applying array index offset (1)", "INFO:sqlglot:Applying array index offset (-1)", "INFO:sqlglot:Applying array index offset (1)", "INFO:sqlglot:Applying array index offset (1)", ], ) def test_identify_lambda(self): self.validate("x(y -> y)", 'X("y" -> "y")', identify=True) def test_identity(self): self.assertEqual(transpile("")[0], "") for sql in load_sql_fixtures("identity.sql"): with self.subTest(sql): self.assertEqual(transpile(sql)[0], sql.strip()) def test_command_identity(self): for sql in ( "ALTER AGGREGATE bla(foo) OWNER TO CURRENT_USER", "ALTER DOMAIN foo VALIDATE CONSTRAINT bla", "ALTER ROLE CURRENT_USER WITH REPLICATION", "ALTER RULE foo ON bla RENAME TO baz", "ALTER SEQUENCE IF EXISTS baz RESTART WITH boo", "ALTER SESSION SET STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS=3", "ALTER TABLE integers DROP PRIMARY KEY", "ALTER TABLE table1 MODIFY COLUMN name1 SET TAG foo='bar'", "ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME COLUMN c1 AS c2", "ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME COLUMN c1 TO c2, c2 TO c3", "ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME COLUMN c1 c2", "ALTER TYPE electronic_mail RENAME TO email", "ALTER schema doo", "CALL catalog.system.iceberg_procedure_name(named_arg_1 => 'arg_1', named_arg_2 => 'arg_2')", "COMMENT ON ACCESS METHOD gin IS 'GIN index access method'", "CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE", "EXECUTE statement", "EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM x", "LOAD foo", "OPTIMIZE TABLE y", "PREPARE statement", "SET -v", "SET @user OFF", "SHOW TABLES", "VACUUM FREEZE my_table", ): with self.subTest(sql): with self.assertLogs(parser_logger) as cm: self.assertEqual(transpile(sql)[0], sql) assert f"'{sql[:100]}' contains unsupported syntax" in cm.output[0] def test_normalize_name(self): self.assertEqual( transpile("cardinality(x)", read="presto", write="presto", normalize_functions="lower")[ 0 ], "cardinality(x)", ) def test_partial(self): for sql in load_sql_fixtures("partial.sql"): with self.subTest(sql): self.assertEqual(transpile(sql, error_level=ErrorLevel.IGNORE)[0], sql.strip()) def test_pretty(self): for _, sql, pretty in load_sql_fixture_pairs("pretty.sql"): with self.subTest(sql[:100]): generated = transpile(sql, pretty=True)[0] self.assertEqual(generated, pretty) self.assertEqual(parse_one(sql), parse_one(pretty)) def test_pretty_line_breaks(self): self.assertEqual(transpile("SELECT '1\n2'", pretty=True)[0], "SELECT\n '1\n2'") self.assertEqual( transpile("SELECT '1\n2'", pretty=True, unsupported_level=ErrorLevel.IGNORE)[0], "SELECT\n '1\n2'", ) @mock.patch("sqlglot.parser.logger") def test_error_level(self, logger): invalid = "x + 1. (" expected_messages = [ "Required keyword: 'expressions' missing for . Line 1, Col: 8.\n x + 1. \033[4m(\033[0m", "Expecting ). Line 1, Col: 8.\n x + 1. \033[4m(\033[0m", ] expected_errors = [ { "description": "Required keyword: 'expressions' missing for ", "line": 1, "col": 8, "start_context": "x + 1. ", "highlight": "(", "end_context": "", "into_expression": None, }, { "description": "Expecting )", "line": 1, "col": 8, "start_context": "x + 1. ", "highlight": "(", "end_context": "", "into_expression": None, }, ] transpile(invalid, error_level=ErrorLevel.WARN) for error in expected_messages: assert_logger_contains(error, logger) with self.assertRaises(ParseError) as ctx: transpile(invalid, error_level=ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE) self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), expected_messages[0]) self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.errors[0], expected_errors[0]) with self.assertRaises(ParseError) as ctx: transpile(invalid, error_level=ErrorLevel.RAISE) self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), "\n\n".join(expected_messages)) self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.errors, expected_errors) more_than_max_errors = "((((" expected_messages = ( "Required keyword: 'this' missing for . Line 1, Col: 4.\n (((\033[4m(\033[0m\n\n" "Expecting ). Line 1, Col: 4.\n (((\033[4m(\033[0m\n\n" "Expecting ). Line 1, Col: 4.\n (((\033[4m(\033[0m\n\n" "... and 2 more" ) expected_errors = [ { "description": "Required keyword: 'this' missing for ", "line": 1, "col": 4, "start_context": "(((", "highlight": "(", "end_context": "", "into_expression": None, }, { "description": "Expecting )", "line": 1, "col": 4, "start_context": "(((", "highlight": "(", "end_context": "", "into_expression": None, }, ] # Also expect three trailing structured errors that match the first expected_errors += [expected_errors[1]] * 3 with self.assertRaises(ParseError) as ctx: transpile(more_than_max_errors, error_level=ErrorLevel.RAISE) self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), expected_messages) self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.errors, expected_errors) @mock.patch("sqlglot.generator.logger") def test_unsupported_level(self, logger): def unsupported(level): transpile( "SELECT MAP(a, b), MAP(a, b), MAP(a, b), MAP(a, b)", read="presto", write="hive", unsupported_level=level, ) error = "Cannot convert array columns into map." unsupported(ErrorLevel.WARN) assert_logger_contains("\n".join([error] * 4), logger, level="warning") with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedError) as ctx: unsupported(ErrorLevel.RAISE) self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception).count(error), 3) with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedError) as ctx: unsupported(ErrorLevel.IMMEDIATE) self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception).count(error), 1) def test_recursion(self): sql = "1 AND 2 OR 3 AND " * 1000 sql += "4" self.assertEqual(len(parse_one(sql).sql()), 17001)