/* Tarlz - Archiver with multimember lzip compression Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Antonio Diaz Diaz. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tarlz.h" namespace { unsigned decimal_digits( unsigned long long value ) { unsigned digits = 1; while( value >= 10 ) { value /= 10; ++digits; } return digits; } unsigned long long record_size( const unsigned keyword_size, const unsigned long value_size ) { // size = ' ' + keyword + '=' + value + '\n' unsigned long long size = 1 + keyword_size + 1 + value_size + 1; const unsigned d1 = decimal_digits( size ); size += decimal_digits( d1 + size ); return size; } unsigned long long parse_decimal( const char * const ptr, const char ** const tailp, const unsigned long long size ) { unsigned long long result = 0; unsigned long long i = 0; while( i < size && std::isspace( ptr[i] ) ) ++i; if( !std::isdigit( (unsigned char)ptr[i] ) ) { if( tailp ) *tailp = ptr; return 0; } for( ; i < size && std::isdigit( (unsigned char)ptr[i] ); ++i ) { const unsigned long long prev = result; result *= 10; result += ptr[i] - '0'; if( result < prev || result > LLONG_MAX ) // overflow { if( tailp ) *tailp = ptr; return 0; } } if( tailp ) *tailp = ptr + i; return result; } uint32_t parse_record_crc( const char * const ptr ) { uint32_t crc = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { crc <<= 4; if( ptr[i] >= '0' && ptr[i] <= '9' ) crc += ptr[i] - '0'; else if( ptr[i] >= 'A' && ptr[i] <= 'F' ) crc += ptr[i] + 10 - 'A'; else if( ptr[i] >= 'a' && ptr[i] <= 'f' ) crc += ptr[i] + 10 - 'a'; else { crc = 0; break; } // invalid digit in crc string } return crc; } unsigned char xdigit( const unsigned value ) { if( value <= 9 ) return '0' + value; if( value <= 15 ) return 'A' + value - 10; return 0; } void print_hex( char * const buf, int size, unsigned long long num ) { while( --size >= 0 ) { buf[size] = xdigit( num & 0x0F ); num >>= 4; } } void print_decimal( char * const buf, int size, unsigned long long num ) { while( --size >= 0 ) { buf[size] = '0' + ( num % 10 ); num /= 10; } } bool print_record( char * const buf, const unsigned long long size, const char * keyword, const std::string & value ) { // "size keyword=value\n" unsigned long long pos = decimal_digits( size ); print_decimal( buf, pos, size ); buf[pos++] = ' '; while( *keyword ) { buf[pos++] = *keyword; ++keyword; } buf[pos++] = '='; std::memcpy( buf + pos, value.c_str(), value.size() ); pos += value.size(); buf[pos++] = '\n'; return pos == size; } bool print_record( char * const buf, const int size, const char * keyword, const unsigned long long value ) { // "size keyword=value\n" int pos = decimal_digits( size ); print_decimal( buf, pos, size ); buf[pos++] = ' '; while( *keyword ) { buf[pos++] = *keyword; ++keyword; } buf[pos++] = '='; const int vd = decimal_digits( value ); print_decimal( buf + pos, vd, value ); pos += vd; buf[pos++] = '\n'; return pos == size; } } // end namespace const std::string Extended::crc_record( "22 GNU.crc32=00000000\n" ); void Extended::calculate_sizes() const { linkpath_recsize_ = linkpath_.size() ? record_size( 8, linkpath_.size() ) : 0; path_recsize_ = path_.size() ? record_size( 4, path_.size() ) : 0; file_size_recsize_ = ( file_size_ > 0 ) ? record_size( 4, decimal_digits( file_size_ ) ) : 0; edsize_ = linkpath_recsize_ + path_recsize_ + file_size_recsize_ + crc_record.size(); padded_edsize_ = round_up( edsize_ ); full_size_ = header_size + padded_edsize_; } // Returns the extended block size, or -1 if error. long long Extended::format_block( Resizable_buffer & rbuf ) const { if( empty() ) return 0; // no extended data const unsigned long long bufsize = full_size(); // recalculate sizes if( edsize_ <= 0 ) return 0; // no extended data if( edsize_ >= 1LL << 33 ) return -1; // too much extended data if( !rbuf.resize( bufsize ) ) return -1; // extended block buffer uint8_t * const header = (uint8_t *)rbuf(); // extended header char * const buf = rbuf() + header_size; // extended records init_tar_header( header ); header[typeflag_o] = tf_extended; // fill only required fields print_octal( header + size_o, size_l - 1, edsize_ ); print_octal( header + chksum_o, chksum_l - 1, ustar_chksum( header ) ); if( path_recsize_ && !print_record( buf, path_recsize_, "path", path_ ) ) return -1; long long pos = path_recsize_; if( linkpath_recsize_ && !print_record( buf + pos, linkpath_recsize_, "linkpath", linkpath_ ) ) return -1; pos += linkpath_recsize_; if( file_size_recsize_ && !print_record( buf + pos, file_size_recsize_, "size", file_size_ ) ) return -1; pos += file_size_recsize_; const unsigned crc_size = Extended::crc_record.size(); std::memcpy( buf + pos, Extended::crc_record.c_str(), crc_size ); pos += crc_size; if( pos != edsize_ ) return -1; print_hex( buf + edsize_ - 9, 8, crc32c.windowed_crc( (const uint8_t *)buf, edsize_ - 9, edsize_ ) ); if( padded_edsize_ > edsize_ ) // wipe padding std::memset( buf + edsize_, 0, padded_edsize_ - edsize_ ); crc_present_ = true; return bufsize; } bool Extended::parse( const char * const buf, const unsigned long long edsize, const bool permissive ) { reset(); full_size_ = -1; // invalidate cached sizes for( unsigned long long pos = 0; pos < edsize; ) // parse records { const char * tail; const unsigned long long rsize = parse_decimal( buf + pos, &tail, edsize - pos ); if( rsize == 0 || rsize > edsize - pos || tail[0] != ' ' || buf[pos+rsize-1] != '\n' ) return false; ++tail; // point to keyword // rest = length of (keyword + '=' + value) without the final newline const unsigned long long rest = ( buf + ( pos + rsize - 1 ) ) - tail; if( rest > 5 && std::memcmp( tail, "path=", 5 ) == 0 ) { if( path_.size() && !permissive ) return false; unsigned long long len = rest - 5; while( len > 1 && tail[5+len-1] == '/' ) --len; // trailing '/' path_.assign( tail + 5, len ); // this also truncates path_ at the first embedded null character path_.assign( remove_leading_dotslash( path_.c_str() ) ); } else if( rest > 9 && std::memcmp( tail, "linkpath=", 9 ) == 0 ) { if( linkpath_.size() && !permissive ) return false; unsigned long long len = rest - 9; while( len > 1 && tail[9+len-1] == '/' ) --len; // trailing '/' linkpath_.assign( tail + 9, len ); } else if( rest > 5 && std::memcmp( tail, "size=", 5 ) == 0 ) { if( file_size_ != 0 && !permissive ) return false; file_size_ = parse_decimal( tail + 5, &tail, rest - 5 ); // parse error or size fits in ustar header if( file_size_ < 1ULL << 33 || tail != buf + ( pos + rsize - 1 ) ) return false; } else if( rest > 10 && std::memcmp( tail, "GNU.crc32=", 10 ) == 0 ) { if( crc_present_ && !permissive ) return false; if( rsize != crc_record.size() ) return false; crc_present_ = true; const uint32_t stored_crc = parse_record_crc( tail + 10 ); const uint32_t computed_crc = crc32c.windowed_crc( (const uint8_t *)buf, pos + rsize - 9, edsize ); if( stored_crc != computed_crc ) { if( verbosity >= 2 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "CRC32C = %08X\n", (unsigned)computed_crc ); return false; } } pos += rsize; } return true; } // if needed, copy linkpath, path and file_size from ustar header void Extended::fill_from_ustar( const Tar_header header ) { if( linkpath_.empty() ) // copy linkpath from ustar header { int len = 0; while( len < linkname_l && header[linkname_o+len] ) ++len; while( len > 1 && header[linkname_o+len-1] == '/' ) --len; // trailing '/' if( len > 0 ) { linkpath_.assign( (const char *)header + linkname_o, len ); full_size_ = -1; } } if( path_.empty() ) // copy path from ustar header { char stored_name[prefix_l+1+name_l+1]; int len = 0; while( len < prefix_l && header[prefix_o+len] ) { stored_name[len] = header[prefix_o+len]; ++len; } if( len && header[name_o] ) stored_name[len++] = '/'; for( int i = 0; i < name_l && header[name_o+i]; ++i ) { stored_name[len] = header[name_o+i]; ++len; } while( len > 0 && stored_name[len-1] == '/' ) --len; // trailing '/' stored_name[len] = 0; path( remove_leading_dotslash( stored_name ) ); } const Typeflag typeflag = (Typeflag)header[typeflag_o]; if( file_size_ == 0 && // copy file_size from ustar header ( typeflag == tf_regular || typeflag == tf_hiperf ) ) file_size( parse_octal( header + size_o, size_l ) ); } /* Returns file size from record or from ustar header, and resets file_size_. Used for fast parsing of headers in uncompressed archives. */ unsigned long long Extended::get_file_size_and_reset( const Tar_header header ) { const unsigned long long tmp = file_size_; file_size( 0 ); const Typeflag typeflag = (Typeflag)header[typeflag_o]; if( typeflag == tf_regular || typeflag == tf_hiperf ) { if( tmp == 0 ) return parse_octal( header + size_o, size_l ); else return tmp; } return 0; }