.. _singletable: =========== SingleTable =========== SingleTable uses `box drawing characters`_ for table borders. On POSIX (Linux/OS X) terminaltables uses ``Esc ( 0`` characters while on Windows it uses `code page 437`_ characters. .. image:: singletable.png :target: _images/singletable.png Gaps on Windows 10 ================== Unfortunately the console on Windows 10 changed the default font face to ``Consolas``. This new font seems to show gaps between lines. Switching the font back to ``Lucida Console`` eliminates the gaps. API === .. autoclass:: terminaltables.SingleTable :members: column_max_width, column_widths, ok, table_width, table .. _box drawing characters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-drawing_character .. _code page 437: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437