#!/usr/bin/env python """Example usage of terminaltables with colorclass. Just prints sample text and exits. """ from __future__ import print_function from colorclass import Color, Windows from terminaltables import SingleTable def table_server_timings(): """Return table string to be printed.""" table_data = [ [Color('{autogreen}<10ms{/autogreen}'), ','], [Color('{autoyellow}10ms <= 100ms{/autoyellow}'), ','], [Color('{autored}>100ms{/autored}'), ''], ] table_instance = SingleTable(table_data) table_instance.inner_heading_row_border = False return table_instance.table def table_server_status(): """Return table string to be printed.""" table_data = [ [Color('Low Space'), Color('{autocyan}Nominal Space{/autocyan}'), Color('Excessive Space')], [Color('Low Load'), Color('Nominal Load'), Color('{autored}High Load{/autored}')], [Color('{autocyan}Low Free RAM{/autocyan}'), Color('Nominal Free RAM'), Color('High Free RAM')], ] table_instance = SingleTable(table_data, '') table_instance.inner_heading_row_border = False table_instance.inner_row_border = True table_instance.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'center', 2: 'center'} return table_instance.table def table_abcd(): """Return table string to be printed. Two tables on one line.""" table_instance = SingleTable([['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]) # Get first table lines. table_instance.outer_border = False table_inner_borders = table_instance.table.splitlines() # Get second table lines. table_instance.outer_border = True table_instance.inner_heading_row_border = False table_instance.inner_column_border = False table_outer_borders = table_instance.table.splitlines() # Combine. smallest, largest = sorted([table_inner_borders, table_outer_borders], key=len) smallest += [''] * (len(largest) - len(smallest)) # Make both same size. combined = list() for i, row in enumerate(largest): combined.append(row.ljust(10) + ' ' + smallest[i]) return '\n'.join(combined) def main(): """Main function.""" Windows.enable(auto_colors=True, reset_atexit=True) # Does nothing if not on Windows. # Server timings. print(table_server_timings()) print() # Server status. print(table_server_status()) print() # Two A B C D tables. print(table_abcd()) print() # Instructions. table_instance = SingleTable([['Obey Obey Obey Obey']], 'Instructions') print(table_instance.table) print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()