path: root/tqdm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tqdm/')
1 files changed, 1541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tqdm/ b/tqdm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9dcca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tqdm/
@@ -0,0 +1,1541 @@
+Customisable progressbar decorator for iterators.
+Includes a default `range` iterator printing to `stderr`.
+>>> from tqdm import trange, tqdm
+>>> for i in trange(10):
+... ...
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from numbers import Number
+from time import time
+from warnings import warn
+from weakref import WeakSet
+from ._monitor import TMonitor
+from .utils import (
+ CallbackIOWrapper, Comparable, DisableOnWriteError, FormatReplace, SimpleTextIOWrapper,
+ _basestring, _is_ascii, _range, _screen_shape_wrapper, _supports_unicode, _term_move_up,
+ _unich, _unicode, disp_len, disp_trim)
+__author__ = ""
+__all__ = ['tqdm', 'trange',
+ 'TqdmTypeError', 'TqdmKeyError', 'TqdmWarning',
+ 'TqdmExperimentalWarning', 'TqdmDeprecationWarning',
+ 'TqdmMonitorWarning']
+class TqdmTypeError(TypeError):
+ pass
+class TqdmKeyError(KeyError):
+ pass
+class TqdmWarning(Warning):
+ """base class for all tqdm warnings.
+ Used for non-external-code-breaking errors, such as garbled printing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg, fp_write=None, *a, **k):
+ if fp_write is not None:
+ fp_write("\n" + self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + str(msg).rstrip() + '\n')
+ else:
+ super(TqdmWarning, self).__init__(msg, *a, **k)
+class TqdmExperimentalWarning(TqdmWarning, FutureWarning):
+ """beta feature, unstable API and behaviour"""
+ pass
+class TqdmDeprecationWarning(TqdmWarning, DeprecationWarning):
+ # not suppressed if raised
+ pass
+class TqdmMonitorWarning(TqdmWarning, RuntimeWarning):
+ """tqdm monitor errors which do not affect external functionality"""
+ pass
+def TRLock(*args, **kwargs):
+ """threading RLock"""
+ try:
+ from threading import RLock
+ return RLock(*args, **kwargs)
+ except (ImportError, OSError): # pragma: no cover
+ pass
+class TqdmDefaultWriteLock(object):
+ """
+ Provide a default write lock for thread and multiprocessing safety.
+ Works only on platforms supporting `fork` (so Windows is excluded).
+ You must initialise a `tqdm` or `TqdmDefaultWriteLock` instance
+ before forking in order for the write lock to work.
+ On Windows, you need to supply the lock from the parent to the children as
+ an argument to joblib or the parallelism lib you use.
+ """
+ # global thread lock so no setup required for multithreading.
+ # NB: Do not create multiprocessing lock as it sets the multiprocessing
+ # context, disallowing `spawn()`/`forkserver()`
+ th_lock = TRLock()
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Create global parallelism locks to avoid racing issues with parallel
+ # bars works only if fork available (Linux/MacOSX, but not Windows)
+ cls = type(self)
+ root_lock = cls.th_lock
+ if root_lock is not None:
+ root_lock.acquire()
+ cls.create_mp_lock()
+ self.locks = [lk for lk in [cls.mp_lock, cls.th_lock] if lk is not None]
+ if root_lock is not None:
+ root_lock.release()
+ def acquire(self, *a, **k):
+ for lock in self.locks:
+ lock.acquire(*a, **k)
+ def release(self):
+ for lock in self.locks[::-1]: # Release in inverse order of acquisition
+ lock.release()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.acquire()
+ def __exit__(self, *exc):
+ self.release()
+ @classmethod
+ def create_mp_lock(cls):
+ if not hasattr(cls, 'mp_lock'):
+ try:
+ from multiprocessing import RLock
+ cls.mp_lock = RLock()
+ except (ImportError, OSError): # pragma: no cover
+ cls.mp_lock = None
+ @classmethod
+ def create_th_lock(cls):
+ assert hasattr(cls, 'th_lock')
+ warn("create_th_lock not needed anymore", TqdmDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+class Bar(object):
+ """
+ `str.format`-able bar with format specifiers: `[width][type]`
+ - `width`
+ + unspecified (default): use `self.default_len`
+ + `int >= 0`: overrides `self.default_len`
+ + `int < 0`: subtract from `self.default_len`
+ - `type`
+ + `a`: ascii (`charset=self.ASCII` override)
+ + `u`: unicode (`charset=self.UTF` override)
+ + `b`: blank (`charset=" "` override)
+ """
+ ASCII = " 123456789#"
+ UTF = u" " + u''.join(map(_unich, range(0x258F, 0x2587, -1)))
+ BLANK = " "
+ COLOUR_RESET = '\x1b[0m'
+ COLOUR_RGB = '\x1b[38;2;%d;%d;%dm'
+ COLOURS = {'BLACK': '\x1b[30m', 'RED': '\x1b[31m', 'GREEN': '\x1b[32m',
+ 'YELLOW': '\x1b[33m', 'BLUE': '\x1b[34m', 'MAGENTA': '\x1b[35m',
+ 'CYAN': '\x1b[36m', 'WHITE': '\x1b[37m'}
+ def __init__(self, frac, default_len=10, charset=UTF, colour=None):
+ if not 0 <= frac <= 1:
+ warn("clamping frac to range [0, 1]", TqdmWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ frac = max(0, min(1, frac))
+ assert default_len > 0
+ self.frac = frac
+ self.default_len = default_len
+ self.charset = charset
+ self.colour = colour
+ @property
+ def colour(self):
+ return self._colour
+ @colour.setter
+ def colour(self, value):
+ if not value:
+ self._colour = None
+ return
+ try:
+ if value.upper() in self.COLOURS:
+ self._colour = self.COLOURS[value.upper()]
+ elif value[0] == '#' and len(value) == 7:
+ self._colour = self.COLOUR_RGB % tuple(
+ int(i, 16) for i in (value[1:3], value[3:5], value[5:7]))
+ else:
+ raise KeyError
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError):
+ warn("Unknown colour (%s); valid choices: [hex (#00ff00), %s]" % (
+ value, ", ".join(self.COLOURS)),
+ TqdmWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ self._colour = None
+ def __format__(self, format_spec):
+ if format_spec:
+ _type = format_spec[-1].lower()
+ try:
+ charset = {'a': self.ASCII, 'u': self.UTF, 'b': self.BLANK}[_type]
+ except KeyError:
+ charset = self.charset
+ else:
+ format_spec = format_spec[:-1]
+ if format_spec:
+ N_BARS = int(format_spec)
+ if N_BARS < 0:
+ N_BARS += self.default_len
+ else:
+ N_BARS = self.default_len
+ else:
+ charset = self.charset
+ N_BARS = self.default_len
+ nsyms = len(charset) - 1
+ bar_length, frac_bar_length = divmod(int(self.frac * N_BARS * nsyms), nsyms)
+ res = charset[-1] * bar_length
+ if bar_length < N_BARS: # whitespace padding
+ res = res + charset[frac_bar_length] + charset[0] * (N_BARS - bar_length - 1)
+ return self.colour + res + self.COLOUR_RESET if self.colour else res
+class EMA(object):
+ """
+ Exponential moving average: smoothing to give progressively lower
+ weights to older values.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ smoothing : float, optional
+ Smoothing factor in range [0, 1], [default: 0.3].
+ Increase to give more weight to recent values.
+ Ranges from 0 (yields old value) to 1 (yields new value).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, smoothing=0.3):
+ self.alpha = smoothing
+ self.last = 0
+ self.calls = 0
+ def __call__(self, x=None):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x : float
+ New value to include in EMA.
+ """
+ beta = 1 - self.alpha
+ if x is not None:
+ self.last = self.alpha * x + beta * self.last
+ self.calls += 1
+ return self.last / (1 - beta ** self.calls) if self.calls else self.last
+class tqdm(Comparable):
+ """
+ Decorate an iterable object, returning an iterator which acts exactly
+ like the original iterable, but prints a dynamically updating
+ progressbar every time a value is requested.
+ """
+ monitor_interval = 10 # set to 0 to disable the thread
+ monitor = None
+ _instances = WeakSet()
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_sizeof(num, suffix='', divisor=1000):
+ """
+ Formats a number (greater than unity) with SI Order of Magnitude
+ prefixes.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ num : float
+ Number ( >= 1) to format.
+ suffix : str, optional
+ Post-postfix [default: ''].
+ divisor : float, optional
+ Divisor between prefixes [default: 1000].
+ Returns
+ -------
+ out : str
+ Number with Order of Magnitude SI unit postfix.
+ """
+ for unit in ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
+ if abs(num) < 999.5:
+ if abs(num) < 99.95:
+ if abs(num) < 9.995:
+ return '{0:1.2f}'.format(num) + unit + suffix
+ return '{0:2.1f}'.format(num) + unit + suffix
+ return '{0:3.0f}'.format(num) + unit + suffix
+ num /= divisor
+ return '{0:3.1f}Y'.format(num) + suffix
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_interval(t):
+ """
+ Formats a number of seconds as a clock time, [H:]MM:SS
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ t : int
+ Number of seconds.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ out : str
+ [H:]MM:SS
+ """
+ mins, s = divmod(int(t), 60)
+ h, m = divmod(mins, 60)
+ if h:
+ return '{0:d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}'.format(h, m, s)
+ else:
+ return '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format(m, s)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_num(n):
+ """
+ Intelligent scientific notation (.3g).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ n : int or float or Numeric
+ A Number.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ out : str
+ Formatted number.
+ """
+ f = '{0:.3g}'.format(n).replace('+0', '+').replace('-0', '-')
+ n = str(n)
+ return f if len(f) < len(n) else n
+ @staticmethod
+ def status_printer(file):
+ """
+ Manage the printing and in-place updating of a line of characters.
+ Note that if the string is longer than a line, then in-place
+ updating may not work (it will print a new line at each refresh).
+ """
+ fp = file
+ fp_flush = getattr(fp, 'flush', lambda: None) # pragma: no cover
+ if fp in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout):
+ getattr(sys.stderr, 'flush', lambda: None)()
+ getattr(sys.stdout, 'flush', lambda: None)()
+ def fp_write(s):
+ fp.write(_unicode(s))
+ fp_flush()
+ last_len = [0]
+ def print_status(s):
+ len_s = disp_len(s)
+ fp_write('\r' + s + (' ' * max(last_len[0] - len_s, 0)))
+ last_len[0] = len_s
+ return print_status
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_meter(n, total, elapsed, ncols=None, prefix='', ascii=False, unit='it',
+ unit_scale=False, rate=None, bar_format=None, postfix=None,
+ unit_divisor=1000, initial=0, colour=None, **extra_kwargs):
+ """
+ Return a string-based progress bar given some parameters
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ n : int or float
+ Number of finished iterations.
+ total : int or float
+ The expected total number of iterations. If meaningless (None),
+ only basic progress statistics are displayed (no ETA).
+ elapsed : float
+ Number of seconds passed since start.
+ ncols : int, optional
+ The width of the entire output message. If specified,
+ dynamically resizes `{bar}` to stay within this bound
+ [default: None]. If `0`, will not print any bar (only stats).
+ The fallback is `{bar:10}`.
+ prefix : str, optional
+ Prefix message (included in total width) [default: ''].
+ Use as {desc} in bar_format string.
+ ascii : bool, optional or str, optional
+ If not set, use unicode (smooth blocks) to fill the meter
+ [default: False]. The fallback is to use ASCII characters
+ " 123456789#".
+ unit : str, optional
+ The iteration unit [default: 'it'].
+ unit_scale : bool or int or float, optional
+ If 1 or True, the number of iterations will be printed with an
+ appropriate SI metric prefix (k = 10^3, M = 10^6, etc.)
+ [default: False]. If any other non-zero number, will scale
+ `total` and `n`.
+ rate : float, optional
+ Manual override for iteration rate.
+ If [default: None], uses n/elapsed.
+ bar_format : str, optional
+ Specify a custom bar string formatting. May impact performance.
+ [default: '{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}'], where
+ l_bar='{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|' and
+ r_bar='| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, '
+ '{rate_fmt}{postfix}]'
+ Possible vars: l_bar, bar, r_bar, n, n_fmt, total, total_fmt,
+ percentage, elapsed, elapsed_s, ncols, nrows, desc, unit,
+ rate, rate_fmt, rate_noinv, rate_noinv_fmt,
+ rate_inv, rate_inv_fmt, postfix, unit_divisor,
+ remaining, remaining_s, eta.
+ Note that a trailing ": " is automatically removed after {desc}
+ if the latter is empty.
+ postfix : *, optional
+ Similar to `prefix`, but placed at the end
+ (e.g. for additional stats).
+ Note: postfix is usually a string (not a dict) for this method,
+ and will if possible be set to postfix = ', ' + postfix.
+ However other types are supported (#382).
+ unit_divisor : float, optional
+ [default: 1000], ignored unless `unit_scale` is True.
+ initial : int or float, optional
+ The initial counter value [default: 0].
+ colour : str, optional
+ Bar colour (e.g. 'green', '#00ff00').
+ Returns
+ -------
+ out : Formatted meter and stats, ready to display.
+ """
+ # sanity check: total
+ if total and n >= (total + 0.5): # allow float imprecision (#849)
+ total = None
+ # apply custom scale if necessary
+ if unit_scale and unit_scale not in (True, 1):
+ if total:
+ total *= unit_scale
+ n *= unit_scale
+ if rate:
+ rate *= unit_scale # by default rate = self.avg_dn / self.avg_dt
+ unit_scale = False
+ elapsed_str = tqdm.format_interval(elapsed)
+ # if unspecified, attempt to use rate = average speed
+ # (we allow manual override since predicting time is an arcane art)
+ if rate is None and elapsed:
+ rate = (n - initial) / elapsed
+ inv_rate = 1 / rate if rate else None
+ format_sizeof = tqdm.format_sizeof
+ rate_noinv_fmt = ((format_sizeof(rate) if unit_scale else
+ '{0:5.2f}'.format(rate)) if rate else '?') + unit + '/s'
+ rate_inv_fmt = (
+ (format_sizeof(inv_rate) if unit_scale else '{0:5.2f}'.format(inv_rate))
+ if inv_rate else '?') + 's/' + unit
+ rate_fmt = rate_inv_fmt if inv_rate and inv_rate > 1 else rate_noinv_fmt
+ if unit_scale:
+ n_fmt = format_sizeof(n, divisor=unit_divisor)
+ total_fmt = format_sizeof(total, divisor=unit_divisor) if total is not None else '?'
+ else:
+ n_fmt = str(n)
+ total_fmt = str(total) if total is not None else '?'
+ try:
+ postfix = ', ' + postfix if postfix else ''
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ remaining = (total - n) / rate if rate and total else 0
+ remaining_str = tqdm.format_interval(remaining) if rate else '?'
+ try:
+ eta_dt = ( + timedelta(seconds=remaining)
+ if rate and total else datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
+ except OverflowError:
+ eta_dt = datetime.max
+ # format the stats displayed to the left and right sides of the bar
+ if prefix:
+ # old prefix setup work around
+ bool_prefix_colon_already = (prefix[-2:] == ": ")
+ l_bar = prefix if bool_prefix_colon_already else prefix + ": "
+ else:
+ l_bar = ''
+ r_bar = '| {0}/{1} [{2}<{3}, {4}{5}]'.format(
+ n_fmt, total_fmt, elapsed_str, remaining_str, rate_fmt, postfix)
+ # Custom bar formatting
+ # Populate a dict with all available progress indicators
+ format_dict = dict(
+ # slight extension of self.format_dict
+ n=n, n_fmt=n_fmt, total=total, total_fmt=total_fmt,
+ elapsed=elapsed_str, elapsed_s=elapsed,
+ ncols=ncols, desc=prefix or '', unit=unit,
+ rate=inv_rate if inv_rate and inv_rate > 1 else rate,
+ rate_fmt=rate_fmt, rate_noinv=rate,
+ rate_noinv_fmt=rate_noinv_fmt, rate_inv=inv_rate,
+ rate_inv_fmt=rate_inv_fmt,
+ postfix=postfix, unit_divisor=unit_divisor,
+ colour=colour,
+ # plus more useful definitions
+ remaining=remaining_str, remaining_s=remaining,
+ l_bar=l_bar, r_bar=r_bar, eta=eta_dt,
+ **extra_kwargs)
+ # total is known: we can predict some stats
+ if total:
+ # fractional and percentage progress
+ frac = n / total
+ percentage = frac * 100
+ l_bar += '{0:3.0f}%|'.format(percentage)
+ if ncols == 0:
+ return l_bar[:-1] + r_bar[1:]
+ format_dict.update(l_bar=l_bar)
+ if bar_format:
+ format_dict.update(percentage=percentage)
+ # auto-remove colon for empty `desc`
+ if not prefix:
+ bar_format = bar_format.replace("{desc}: ", '')
+ else:
+ bar_format = "{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}"
+ full_bar = FormatReplace()
+ try:
+ nobar = bar_format.format(bar=full_bar, **format_dict)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ bar_format = _unicode(bar_format)
+ nobar = bar_format.format(bar=full_bar, **format_dict)
+ if not full_bar.format_called:
+ # no {bar}, we can just format and return
+ return nobar
+ # Formatting progress bar space available for bar's display
+ full_bar = Bar(frac,
+ max(1, ncols - disp_len(nobar)) if ncols else 10,
+ charset=Bar.ASCII if ascii is True else ascii or Bar.UTF,
+ colour=colour)
+ if not _is_ascii(full_bar.charset) and _is_ascii(bar_format):
+ bar_format = _unicode(bar_format)
+ res = bar_format.format(bar=full_bar, **format_dict)
+ return disp_trim(res, ncols) if ncols else res
+ elif bar_format:
+ # user-specified bar_format but no total
+ l_bar += '|'
+ format_dict.update(l_bar=l_bar, percentage=0)
+ full_bar = FormatReplace()
+ nobar = bar_format.format(bar=full_bar, **format_dict)
+ if not full_bar.format_called:
+ return nobar
+ full_bar = Bar(0,
+ max(1, ncols - disp_len(nobar)) if ncols else 10,
+ charset=Bar.BLANK, colour=colour)
+ res = bar_format.format(bar=full_bar, **format_dict)
+ return disp_trim(res, ncols) if ncols else res
+ else:
+ # no total: no progressbar, ETA, just progress stats
+ return '{0}{1}{2} [{3}, {4}{5}]'.format(
+ (prefix + ": ") if prefix else '', n_fmt, unit, elapsed_str, rate_fmt, postfix)
+ def __new__(cls, *_, **__):
+ instance = object.__new__(cls)
+ with cls.get_lock(): # also constructs lock if non-existent
+ cls._instances.add(instance)
+ # create monitoring thread
+ if cls.monitor_interval and (cls.monitor is None
+ or not
+ try:
+ cls.monitor = TMonitor(cls, cls.monitor_interval)
+ except Exception as e: # pragma: nocover
+ warn("tqdm:disabling monitor support"
+ " (monitor_interval = 0) due to:\n" + str(e),
+ TqdmMonitorWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ cls.monitor_interval = 0
+ return instance
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_free_pos(cls, instance=None):
+ """Skips specified instance."""
+ positions = {abs(inst.pos) for inst in cls._instances
+ if inst is not instance and hasattr(inst, "pos")}
+ return min(set(range(len(positions) + 1)).difference(positions))
+ @classmethod
+ def _decr_instances(cls, instance):
+ """
+ Remove from list and reposition another unfixed bar
+ to fill the new gap.
+ This means that by default (where all nested bars are unfixed),
+ order is not maintained but screen flicker/blank space is minimised.
+ (tqdm<=4.44.1 moved ALL subsequent unfixed bars up.)
+ """
+ with cls._lock:
+ try:
+ cls._instances.remove(instance)
+ except KeyError:
+ # if not instance.gui: # pragma: no cover
+ # raise
+ pass # py2: maybe magically removed already
+ # else:
+ if not instance.gui:
+ last = (instance.nrows or 20) - 1
+ # find unfixed (`pos >= 0`) overflow (`pos >= nrows - 1`)
+ instances = list(filter(
+ lambda i: hasattr(i, "pos") and last <= i.pos,
+ cls._instances))
+ # set first found to current `pos`
+ if instances:
+ inst = min(instances, key=lambda i: i.pos)
+ inst.clear(nolock=True)
+ inst.pos = abs(instance.pos)
+ @classmethod
+ def write(cls, s, file=None, end="\n", nolock=False):
+ """Print a message via tqdm (without overlap with bars)."""
+ fp = file if file is not None else sys.stdout
+ with cls.external_write_mode(file=file, nolock=nolock):
+ # Write the message
+ fp.write(s)
+ fp.write(end)
+ @classmethod
+ @contextmanager
+ def external_write_mode(cls, file=None, nolock=False):
+ """
+ Disable tqdm within context and refresh tqdm when exits.
+ Useful when writing to standard output stream
+ """
+ fp = file if file is not None else sys.stdout
+ try:
+ if not nolock:
+ cls.get_lock().acquire()
+ # Clear all bars
+ inst_cleared = []
+ for inst in getattr(cls, '_instances', []):
+ # Clear instance if in the target output file
+ # or if write output + tqdm output are both either
+ # sys.stdout or sys.stderr (because both are mixed in terminal)
+ if hasattr(inst, "start_t") and (inst.fp == fp or all(
+ f in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr) for f in (fp, inst.fp))):
+ inst.clear(nolock=True)
+ inst_cleared.append(inst)
+ yield
+ # Force refresh display of bars we cleared
+ for inst in inst_cleared:
+ inst.refresh(nolock=True)
+ finally:
+ if not nolock:
+ cls._lock.release()
+ @classmethod
+ def set_lock(cls, lock):
+ """Set the global lock."""
+ cls._lock = lock
+ @classmethod
+ def get_lock(cls):
+ """Get the global lock. Construct it if it does not exist."""
+ if not hasattr(cls, '_lock'):
+ cls._lock = TqdmDefaultWriteLock()
+ return cls._lock
+ @classmethod
+ def pandas(cls, **tqdm_kwargs):
+ """
+ Registers the current `tqdm` class with
+ pandas.core.
+ ( frame.DataFrame
+ | series.Series
+ | groupby.(generic.)DataFrameGroupBy
+ | groupby.(generic.)SeriesGroupBy
+ ).progress_apply
+ A new instance will be created every time `progress_apply` is called,
+ and each instance will automatically `close()` upon completion.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tqdm_kwargs : arguments for the tqdm instance
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> import pandas as pd
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> from tqdm import tqdm
+ >>> from tqdm.gui import tqdm as tqdm_gui
+ >>>
+ >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, (100000, 6)))
+ >>> tqdm.pandas(ncols=50) # can use tqdm_gui, optional kwargs, etc
+ >>> # Now you can use `progress_apply` instead of `apply`
+ >>> df.groupby(0).progress_apply(lambda x: x**2)
+ References
+ ----------
+ <\
+ progress-indicator-during-pandas-operations-python>
+ """
+ from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter
+ from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
+ from pandas.core.series import Series
+ try:
+ with catch_warnings():
+ simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
+ from pandas import Panel
+ except ImportError: # pandas>=1.2.0
+ Panel = None
+ Rolling, Expanding = None, None
+ try: # pandas>=1.0.0
+ from pandas.core.window.rolling import _Rolling_and_Expanding
+ except ImportError:
+ try: # pandas>=0.18.0
+ from pandas.core.window import _Rolling_and_Expanding
+ except ImportError: # pandas>=1.2.0
+ try: # pandas>=1.2.0
+ from pandas.core.window.expanding import Expanding
+ from pandas.core.window.rolling import Rolling
+ _Rolling_and_Expanding = Rolling, Expanding
+ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
+ _Rolling_and_Expanding = None
+ try: # pandas>=0.25.0
+ from pandas.core.groupby.generic import SeriesGroupBy # , NDFrameGroupBy
+ from pandas.core.groupby.generic import DataFrameGroupBy
+ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
+ try: # pandas>=0.23.0
+ from pandas.core.groupby.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy
+ except ImportError:
+ from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy
+ try: # pandas>=0.23.0
+ from pandas.core.groupby.groupby import GroupBy
+ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
+ from pandas.core.groupby import GroupBy
+ try: # pandas>=0.23.0
+ from pandas.core.groupby.groupby import PanelGroupBy
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ from pandas.core.groupby import PanelGroupBy
+ except ImportError: # pandas>=0.25.0
+ PanelGroupBy = None
+ tqdm_kwargs = tqdm_kwargs.copy()
+ deprecated_t = [tqdm_kwargs.pop('deprecated_t', None)]
+ def inner_generator(df_function='apply'):
+ def inner(df, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ df : (DataFrame|Series)[GroupBy]
+ Data (may be grouped).
+ func : function
+ To be applied on the (grouped) data.
+ **kwargs : optional
+ Transmitted to `df.apply()`.
+ """
+ # Precompute total iterations
+ total = tqdm_kwargs.pop("total", getattr(df, 'ngroups', None))
+ if total is None: # not grouped
+ if df_function == 'applymap':
+ total = df.size
+ elif isinstance(df, Series):
+ total = len(df)
+ elif (_Rolling_and_Expanding is None or
+ not isinstance(df, _Rolling_and_Expanding)):
+ # DataFrame or Panel
+ axis = kwargs.get('axis', 0)
+ if axis == 'index':
+ axis = 0
+ elif axis == 'columns':
+ axis = 1
+ # when axis=0, total is shape[axis1]
+ total = df.size // df.shape[axis]
+ # Init bar
+ if deprecated_t[0] is not None:
+ t = deprecated_t[0]
+ deprecated_t[0] = None
+ else:
+ t = cls(total=total, **tqdm_kwargs)
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ # *args intentionally not supported (see #244, #299)
+ TqdmDeprecationWarning(
+ "Except func, normal arguments are intentionally" +
+ " not supported by" +
+ " `(DataFrame|Series|GroupBy).progress_apply`." +
+ " Use keyword arguments instead.",
+ fp_write=getattr(t.fp, 'write', sys.stderr.write))
+ try: # pandas>=1.3.0
+ from pandas.core.common import is_builtin_func
+ except ImportError:
+ is_builtin_func = df._is_builtin_func
+ try:
+ func = is_builtin_func(func)
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ # Define bar updating wrapper
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ # update tbar correctly
+ # it seems `pandas apply` calls `func` twice
+ # on the first column/row to decide whether it can
+ # take a fast or slow code path; so stop when
+ t.update(n=1 if not or t.n < else 0)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Apply the provided function (in **kwargs)
+ # on the df using our wrapper (which provides bar updating)
+ try:
+ return getattr(df, df_function)(wrapper, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ t.close()
+ return inner
+ # Monkeypatch pandas to provide easy methods
+ # Enable custom tqdm progress in pandas!
+ Series.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ SeriesGroupBy.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ Series.progress_map = inner_generator('map')
+ SeriesGroupBy.progress_map = inner_generator('map')
+ DataFrame.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ DataFrameGroupBy.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ DataFrame.progress_applymap = inner_generator('applymap')
+ if Panel is not None:
+ Panel.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ if PanelGroupBy is not None:
+ PanelGroupBy.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ GroupBy.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ GroupBy.progress_aggregate = inner_generator('aggregate')
+ GroupBy.progress_transform = inner_generator('transform')
+ if Rolling is not None and Expanding is not None:
+ Rolling.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ Expanding.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ elif _Rolling_and_Expanding is not None:
+ _Rolling_and_Expanding.progress_apply = inner_generator()
+ def __init__(self, iterable=None, desc=None, total=None, leave=True, file=None,
+ ncols=None, mininterval=0.1, maxinterval=10.0, miniters=None,
+ ascii=None, disable=False, unit='it', unit_scale=False,
+ dynamic_ncols=False, smoothing=0.3, bar_format=None, initial=0,
+ position=None, postfix=None, unit_divisor=1000, write_bytes=None,
+ lock_args=None, nrows=None, colour=None, delay=0, gui=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ iterable : iterable, optional
+ Iterable to decorate with a progressbar.
+ Leave blank to manually manage the updates.
+ desc : str, optional
+ Prefix for the progressbar.
+ total : int or float, optional
+ The number of expected iterations. If unspecified,
+ len(iterable) is used if possible. If float("inf") or as a last
+ resort, only basic progress statistics are displayed
+ (no ETA, no progressbar).
+ If `gui` is True and this parameter needs subsequent updating,
+ specify an initial arbitrary large positive number,
+ e.g. 9e9.
+ leave : bool, optional
+ If [default: True], keeps all traces of the progressbar
+ upon termination of iteration.
+ If `None`, will leave only if `position` is `0`.
+ file : `io.TextIOWrapper` or `io.StringIO`, optional
+ Specifies where to output the progress messages
+ (default: sys.stderr). Uses `file.write(str)` and `file.flush()`
+ methods. For encoding, see `write_bytes`.
+ ncols : int, optional
+ The width of the entire output message. If specified,
+ dynamically resizes the progressbar to stay within this bound.
+ If unspecified, attempts to use environment width. The
+ fallback is a meter width of 10 and no limit for the counter and
+ statistics. If 0, will not print any meter (only stats).
+ mininterval : float, optional
+ Minimum progress display update interval [default: 0.1] seconds.
+ maxinterval : float, optional
+ Maximum progress display update interval [default: 10] seconds.
+ Automatically adjusts `miniters` to correspond to `mininterval`
+ after long display update lag. Only works if `dynamic_miniters`
+ or monitor thread is enabled.
+ miniters : int or float, optional
+ Minimum progress display update interval, in iterations.
+ If 0 and `dynamic_miniters`, will automatically adjust to equal
+ `mininterval` (more CPU efficient, good for tight loops).
+ If > 0, will skip display of specified number of iterations.
+ Tweak this and `mininterval` to get very efficient loops.
+ If your progress is erratic with both fast and slow iterations
+ (network, skipping items, etc) you should set miniters=1.
+ ascii : bool or str, optional
+ If unspecified or False, use unicode (smooth blocks) to fill
+ the meter. The fallback is to use ASCII characters " 123456789#".
+ disable : bool, optional
+ Whether to disable the entire progressbar wrapper
+ [default: False]. If set to None, disable on non-TTY.
+ unit : str, optional
+ String that will be used to define the unit of each iteration
+ [default: it].
+ unit_scale : bool or int or float, optional
+ If 1 or True, the number of iterations will be reduced/scaled
+ automatically and a metric prefix following the
+ International System of Units standard will be added
+ (kilo, mega, etc.) [default: False]. If any other non-zero
+ number, will scale `total` and `n`.
+ dynamic_ncols : bool, optional
+ If set, constantly alters `ncols` and `nrows` to the
+ environment (allowing for window resizes) [default: False].
+ smoothing : float, optional
+ Exponential moving average smoothing factor for speed estimates
+ (ignored in GUI mode). Ranges from 0 (average speed) to 1
+ (current/instantaneous speed) [default: 0.3].
+ bar_format : str, optional
+ Specify a custom bar string formatting. May impact performance.
+ [default: '{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}'], where
+ l_bar='{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|' and
+ r_bar='| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, '
+ '{rate_fmt}{postfix}]'
+ Possible vars: l_bar, bar, r_bar, n, n_fmt, total, total_fmt,
+ percentage, elapsed, elapsed_s, ncols, nrows, desc, unit,
+ rate, rate_fmt, rate_noinv, rate_noinv_fmt,
+ rate_inv, rate_inv_fmt, postfix, unit_divisor,
+ remaining, remaining_s, eta.
+ Note that a trailing ": " is automatically removed after {desc}
+ if the latter is empty.
+ initial : int or float, optional
+ The initial counter value. Useful when restarting a progress
+ bar [default: 0]. If using float, consider specifying `{n:.3f}`
+ or similar in `bar_format`, or specifying `unit_scale`.
+ position : int, optional
+ Specify the line offset to print this bar (starting from 0)
+ Automatic if unspecified.
+ Useful to manage multiple bars at once (eg, from threads).
+ postfix : dict or *, optional
+ Specify additional stats to display at the end of the bar.
+ Calls `set_postfix(**postfix)` if possible (dict).
+ unit_divisor : float, optional
+ [default: 1000], ignored unless `unit_scale` is True.
+ write_bytes : bool, optional
+ If (default: None) and `file` is unspecified,
+ bytes will be written in Python 2. If `True` will also write
+ bytes. In all other cases will default to unicode.
+ lock_args : tuple, optional
+ Passed to `refresh` for intermediate output
+ (initialisation, iterating, and updating).
+ nrows : int, optional
+ The screen height. If specified, hides nested bars outside this
+ bound. If unspecified, attempts to use environment height.
+ The fallback is 20.
+ colour : str, optional
+ Bar colour (e.g. 'green', '#00ff00').
+ delay : float, optional
+ Don't display until [default: 0] seconds have elapsed.
+ gui : bool, optional
+ WARNING: internal parameter - do not use.
+ Use tqdm.gui.tqdm(...) instead. If set, will attempt to use
+ matplotlib animations for a graphical output [default: False].
+ Returns
+ -------
+ out : decorated iterator.
+ """
+ if write_bytes is None:
+ write_bytes = file is None and sys.version_info < (3,)
+ if file is None:
+ file = sys.stderr
+ if write_bytes:
+ # Despite coercing unicode into bytes, py2 sys.std* streams
+ # should have bytes written to them.
+ file = SimpleTextIOWrapper(
+ file, encoding=getattr(file, 'encoding', None) or 'utf-8')
+ file = DisableOnWriteError(file, tqdm_instance=self)
+ if disable is None and hasattr(file, "isatty") and not file.isatty():
+ disable = True
+ if total is None and iterable is not None:
+ try:
+ total = len(iterable)
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ total = None
+ if total == float("inf"):
+ # Infinite iterations, behave same as unknown
+ total = None
+ if disable:
+ self.iterable = iterable
+ self.disable = disable
+ with self._lock:
+ self.pos = self._get_free_pos(self)
+ self._instances.remove(self)
+ self.n = initial
+ = total
+ self.leave = leave
+ return
+ if kwargs:
+ self.disable = True
+ with self._lock:
+ self.pos = self._get_free_pos(self)
+ self._instances.remove(self)
+ raise (
+ TqdmDeprecationWarning(
+ "`nested` is deprecated and automated.\n"
+ "Use `position` instead for manual control.\n",
+ fp_write=getattr(file, 'write', sys.stderr.write))
+ if "nested" in kwargs else
+ TqdmKeyError("Unknown argument(s): " + str(kwargs)))
+ # Preprocess the arguments
+ if (
+ (ncols is None or nrows is None) and (file in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout))
+ ) or dynamic_ncols: # pragma: no cover
+ if dynamic_ncols:
+ dynamic_ncols = _screen_shape_wrapper()
+ if dynamic_ncols:
+ ncols, nrows = dynamic_ncols(file)
+ else:
+ _dynamic_ncols = _screen_shape_wrapper()
+ if _dynamic_ncols:
+ _ncols, _nrows = _dynamic_ncols(file)
+ if ncols is None:
+ ncols = _ncols
+ if nrows is None:
+ nrows = _nrows
+ if miniters is None:
+ miniters = 0
+ dynamic_miniters = True
+ else:
+ dynamic_miniters = False
+ if mininterval is None:
+ mininterval = 0
+ if maxinterval is None:
+ maxinterval = 0
+ if ascii is None:
+ ascii = not _supports_unicode(file)
+ if bar_format and ascii is not True and not _is_ascii(ascii):
+ # Convert bar format into unicode since terminal uses unicode
+ bar_format = _unicode(bar_format)
+ if smoothing is None:
+ smoothing = 0
+ # Store the arguments
+ self.iterable = iterable
+ self.desc = desc or ''
+ = total
+ self.leave = leave
+ self.fp = file
+ self.ncols = ncols
+ self.nrows = nrows
+ self.mininterval = mininterval
+ self.maxinterval = maxinterval
+ self.miniters = miniters
+ self.dynamic_miniters = dynamic_miniters
+ self.ascii = ascii
+ self.disable = disable
+ self.unit = unit
+ self.unit_scale = unit_scale
+ self.unit_divisor = unit_divisor
+ self.initial = initial
+ self.lock_args = lock_args
+ self.delay = delay
+ self.gui = gui
+ self.dynamic_ncols = dynamic_ncols
+ self.smoothing = smoothing
+ self._ema_dn = EMA(smoothing)
+ self._ema_dt = EMA(smoothing)
+ self._ema_miniters = EMA(smoothing)
+ self.bar_format = bar_format
+ self.postfix = None
+ self.colour = colour
+ self._time = time
+ if postfix:
+ try:
+ self.set_postfix(refresh=False, **postfix)
+ except TypeError:
+ self.postfix = postfix
+ # Init the iterations counters
+ self.last_print_n = initial
+ self.n = initial
+ # if nested, at initial sp() call we replace '\r' by '\n' to
+ # not overwrite the outer progress bar
+ with self._lock:
+ # mark fixed positions as negative
+ self.pos = self._get_free_pos(self) if position is None else -position
+ if not gui:
+ # Initialize the screen printer
+ self.sp = self.status_printer(self.fp)
+ if delay <= 0:
+ self.refresh(lock_args=self.lock_args)
+ # Init the time counter
+ self.last_print_t = self._time()
+ # NB: Avoid race conditions by setting start_t at the very end of init
+ self.start_t = self.last_print_t
+ def __bool__(self):
+ if is not None:
+ return > 0
+ if self.iterable is None:
+ raise TypeError('bool() undefined when iterable == total == None')
+ return bool(self.iterable)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return self.__bool__()
+ def __len__(self):
+ return (
+ if self.iterable is None
+ else self.iterable.shape[0] if hasattr(self.iterable, "shape")
+ else len(self.iterable) if hasattr(self.iterable, "__len__")
+ else self.iterable.__length_hint__() if hasattr(self.iterable, "__length_hint__")
+ else getattr(self, "total", None))
+ def __reversed__(self):
+ try:
+ orig = self.iterable
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise TypeError("'tqdm' object is not reversible")
+ else:
+ self.iterable = reversed(self.iterable)
+ return self.__iter__()
+ finally:
+ self.iterable = orig
+ def __contains__(self, item):
+ contains = getattr(self.iterable, '__contains__', None)
+ return contains(item) if contains is not None else item in self.__iter__()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ try:
+ self.close()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # maybe eager thread cleanup upon external error
+ if (exc_type, exc_value, traceback) == (None, None, None):
+ raise
+ warn("AttributeError ignored", TqdmWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.format_meter(**self.format_dict)
+ @property
+ def _comparable(self):
+ return abs(getattr(self, "pos", 1 << 31))
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return id(self)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Backward-compatibility to use: for x in tqdm(iterable)"""
+ # Inlining instance variables as locals (speed optimisation)
+ iterable = self.iterable
+ # If the bar is disabled, then just walk the iterable
+ # (note: keep this check outside the loop for performance)
+ if self.disable:
+ for obj in iterable:
+ yield obj
+ return
+ mininterval = self.mininterval
+ last_print_t = self.last_print_t
+ last_print_n = self.last_print_n
+ min_start_t = self.start_t + self.delay
+ n = self.n
+ time = self._time
+ try:
+ for obj in iterable:
+ yield obj
+ # Update and possibly print the progressbar.
+ # Note: does not call self.update(1) for speed optimisation.
+ n += 1
+ if n - last_print_n >= self.miniters:
+ cur_t = time()
+ dt = cur_t - last_print_t
+ if dt >= mininterval and cur_t >= min_start_t:
+ self.update(n - last_print_n)
+ last_print_n = self.last_print_n
+ last_print_t = self.last_print_t
+ finally:
+ self.n = n
+ self.close()
+ def update(self, n=1):
+ """
+ Manually update the progress bar, useful for streams
+ such as reading files.
+ E.g.:
+ >>> t = tqdm(total=filesize) # Initialise
+ >>> for current_buffer in stream:
+ ... ...
+ ... t.update(len(current_buffer))
+ >>> t.close()
+ The last line is highly recommended, but possibly not necessary if
+ `t.update()` will be called in such a way that `filesize` will be
+ exactly reached and printed.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ n : int or float, optional
+ Increment to add to the internal counter of iterations
+ [default: 1]. If using float, consider specifying `{n:.3f}`
+ or similar in `bar_format`, or specifying `unit_scale`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ out : bool or None
+ True if a `display()` was triggered.
+ """
+ if self.disable:
+ return
+ if n < 0:
+ self.last_print_n += n # for auto-refresh logic to work
+ self.n += n
+ # check counter first to reduce calls to time()
+ if self.n - self.last_print_n >= self.miniters:
+ cur_t = self._time()
+ dt = cur_t - self.last_print_t
+ if dt >= self.mininterval and cur_t >= self.start_t + self.delay:
+ cur_t = self._time()
+ dn = self.n - self.last_print_n # >= n
+ if self.smoothing and dt and dn:
+ # EMA (not just overall average)
+ self._ema_dn(dn)
+ self._ema_dt(dt)
+ self.refresh(lock_args=self.lock_args)
+ if self.dynamic_miniters:
+ # If no `miniters` was specified, adjust automatically to the
+ # maximum iteration rate seen so far between two prints.
+ # e.g.: After running `tqdm.update(5)`, subsequent
+ # calls to `tqdm.update()` will only cause an update after
+ # at least 5 more iterations.
+ if self.maxinterval and dt >= self.maxinterval:
+ self.miniters = dn * (self.mininterval or self.maxinterval) / dt
+ elif self.smoothing:
+ # EMA miniters update
+ self.miniters = self._ema_miniters(
+ dn * (self.mininterval / dt if self.mininterval and dt
+ else 1))
+ else:
+ # max iters between two prints
+ self.miniters = max(self.miniters, dn)
+ # Store old values for next call
+ self.last_print_n = self.n
+ self.last_print_t = cur_t
+ return True
+ def close(self):
+ """Cleanup and (if leave=False) close the progressbar."""
+ if self.disable:
+ return
+ # Prevent multiple closures
+ self.disable = True
+ # decrement instance pos and remove from internal set
+ pos = abs(self.pos)
+ self._decr_instances(self)
+ if self.last_print_t < self.start_t + self.delay:
+ # haven't ever displayed; nothing to clear
+ return
+ # GUI mode
+ if getattr(self, 'sp', None) is None:
+ return
+ # annoyingly, _supports_unicode isn't good enough
+ def fp_write(s):
+ self.fp.write(_unicode(s))
+ try:
+ fp_write('')
+ except ValueError as e:
+ if 'closed' in str(e):
+ return
+ raise # pragma: no cover
+ leave = pos == 0 if self.leave is None else self.leave
+ with self._lock:
+ if leave:
+ # stats for overall rate (no weighted average)
+ self._ema_dt = lambda: None
+ self.display(pos=0)
+ fp_write('\n')
+ else:
+ # clear previous display
+ if self.display(msg='', pos=pos) and not pos:
+ fp_write('\r')
+ def clear(self, nolock=False):
+ """Clear current bar display."""
+ if self.disable:
+ return
+ if not nolock:
+ self._lock.acquire()
+ pos = abs(self.pos)
+ if pos < (self.nrows or 20):
+ self.moveto(pos)
+ self.sp('')
+ self.fp.write('\r') # place cursor back at the beginning of line
+ self.moveto(-pos)
+ if not nolock:
+ self._lock.release()
+ def refresh(self, nolock=False, lock_args=None):
+ """
+ Force refresh the display of this bar.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nolock : bool, optional
+ If `True`, does not lock.
+ If [default: `False`]: calls `acquire()` on internal lock.
+ lock_args : tuple, optional
+ Passed to internal lock's `acquire()`.
+ If specified, will only `display()` if `acquire()` returns `True`.
+ """
+ if self.disable:
+ return
+ if not nolock:
+ if lock_args:
+ if not self._lock.acquire(*lock_args):
+ return False
+ else:
+ self._lock.acquire()
+ self.display()
+ if not nolock:
+ self._lock.release()
+ return True
+ def unpause(self):
+ """Restart tqdm timer from last print time."""
+ if self.disable:
+ return
+ cur_t = self._time()
+ self.start_t += cur_t - self.last_print_t
+ self.last_print_t = cur_t
+ def reset(self, total=None):
+ """
+ Resets to 0 iterations for repeated use.
+ Consider combining with `leave=True`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ total : int or float, optional. Total to use for the new bar.
+ """
+ self.n = 0
+ if total is not None:
+ = total
+ if self.disable:
+ return
+ self.last_print_n = 0
+ self.last_print_t = self.start_t = self._time()
+ self._ema_dn = EMA(self.smoothing)
+ self._ema_dt = EMA(self.smoothing)
+ self._ema_miniters = EMA(self.smoothing)
+ self.refresh()
+ def set_description(self, desc=None, refresh=True):
+ """
+ Set/modify description of the progress bar.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ desc : str, optional
+ refresh : bool, optional
+ Forces refresh [default: True].
+ """
+ self.desc = desc + ': ' if desc else ''
+ if refresh:
+ self.refresh()
+ def set_description_str(self, desc=None, refresh=True):
+ """Set/modify description without ': ' appended."""
+ self.desc = desc or ''
+ if refresh:
+ self.refresh()
+ def set_postfix(self, ordered_dict=None, refresh=True, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set/modify postfix (additional stats)
+ with automatic formatting based on datatype.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ordered_dict : dict or OrderedDict, optional
+ refresh : bool, optional
+ Forces refresh [default: True].
+ kwargs : dict, optional
+ """
+ # Sort in alphabetical order to be more deterministic
+ postfix = OrderedDict([] if ordered_dict is None else ordered_dict)
+ for key in sorted(kwargs.keys()):
+ postfix[key] = kwargs[key]
+ # Preprocess stats according to datatype
+ for key in postfix.keys():
+ # Number: limit the length of the string
+ if isinstance(postfix[key], Number):
+ postfix[key] = self.format_num(postfix[key])
+ # Else for any other type, try to get the string conversion
+ elif not isinstance(postfix[key], _basestring):
+ postfix[key] = str(postfix[key])
+ # Else if it's a string, don't need to preprocess anything
+ # Stitch together to get the final postfix
+ self.postfix = ', '.join(key + '=' + postfix[key].strip()
+ for key in postfix.keys())
+ if refresh:
+ self.refresh()
+ def set_postfix_str(self, s='', refresh=True):
+ """
+ Postfix without dictionary expansion, similar to prefix handling.
+ """
+ self.postfix = str(s)
+ if refresh:
+ self.refresh()
+ def moveto(self, n):
+ # TODO: private method
+ self.fp.write(_unicode('\n' * n + _term_move_up() * -n))
+ getattr(self.fp, 'flush', lambda: None)()
+ @property
+ def format_dict(self):
+ """Public API for read-only member access."""
+ if self.disable and not hasattr(self, 'unit'):
+ return defaultdict(lambda: None, {
+ 'n': self.n, 'total':, 'elapsed': 0, 'unit': 'it'})
+ if self.dynamic_ncols:
+ self.ncols, self.nrows = self.dynamic_ncols(self.fp)
+ return {
+ 'n': self.n, 'total':,
+ 'elapsed': self._time() - self.start_t if hasattr(self, 'start_t') else 0,
+ 'ncols': self.ncols, 'nrows': self.nrows, 'prefix': self.desc,
+ 'ascii': self.ascii, 'unit': self.unit, 'unit_scale': self.unit_scale,
+ 'rate': self._ema_dn() / self._ema_dt() if self._ema_dt() else None,
+ 'bar_format': self.bar_format, 'postfix': self.postfix,
+ 'unit_divisor': self.unit_divisor, 'initial': self.initial,
+ 'colour': self.colour}
+ def display(self, msg=None, pos=None):
+ """
+ Use `self.sp` to display `msg` in the specified `pos`.
+ Consider overloading this function when inheriting to use e.g.:
+ `self.some_frontend(**self.format_dict)` instead of `self.sp`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ msg : str, optional. What to display (default: `repr(self)`).
+ pos : int, optional. Position to `moveto`
+ (default: `abs(self.pos)`).
+ """
+ if pos is None:
+ pos = abs(self.pos)
+ nrows = self.nrows or 20
+ if pos >= nrows - 1:
+ if pos >= nrows:
+ return False
+ if msg or msg is None: # override at `nrows - 1`
+ msg = " ... (more hidden) ..."
+ if not hasattr(self, "sp"):
+ raise TqdmDeprecationWarning(
+ "Please use `tqdm.gui.tqdm(...)`"
+ " instead of `tqdm(..., gui=True)`\n",
+ fp_write=getattr(self.fp, 'write', sys.stderr.write))
+ if pos:
+ self.moveto(pos)
+ self.sp(self.__str__() if msg is None else msg)
+ if pos:
+ self.moveto(-pos)
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ @contextmanager
+ def wrapattr(cls, stream, method, total=None, bytes=True, **tqdm_kwargs):
+ """
+ stream : file-like object.
+ method : str, "read" or "write". The result of `read()` and
+ the first argument of `write()` should have a `len()`.
+ >>> with tqdm.wrapattr(file_obj, "read", total=file_obj.size) as fobj:
+ ... while True:
+ ... chunk =
+ ... if not chunk:
+ ... break
+ """
+ with cls(total=total, **tqdm_kwargs) as t:
+ if bytes:
+ t.unit = "B"
+ t.unit_scale = True
+ t.unit_divisor = 1024
+ yield CallbackIOWrapper(t.update, stream, method)
+def trange(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ A shortcut for tqdm(xrange(*args), **kwargs).
+ On Python3+ range is used instead of xrange.
+ """
+ return tqdm(_range(*args), **kwargs)