![backend](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/workflows/backend/badge.svg) ![frontend](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/workflows/frontend/badge.svg) [![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/tiny-repos/ttyd.svg)](https://repology.org/project/ttyd/versions) # ttyd - Share your terminal over the web ttyd is a simple command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web. ![screenshot](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/raw/main/screenshot.gif) # Features - Built on top of [Libwebsockets](https://libwebsockets.org) with [libuv](https://libuv.org) for speed - Fully-featured terminal based on [Xterm.js](https://xtermjs.org) with [CJK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJK_characters) and IME support - Graphical [ZMODEM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZMODEM) integration with [lrzsz](https://ohse.de/uwe/software/lrzsz.html) support - SSL support based on [OpenSSL](https://www.openssl.org) - Run any custom command with options - Basic authentication support and many other custom options - Cross platform: macOS, Linux, FreeBSD/OpenBSD, [OpenWrt](https://openwrt.org), Windows > ❤ Special thanks to [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=ttyd) for sponsoring the opensource license to this project. # Installation ## Install on macOS Install with [homebrew](http://brew.sh): ```bash brew install ttyd ``` ## Install on Linux - Binary version (recommended): download from the [releases](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/releases) page. - Build from source (debian/ubuntu): ```bash sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git libjson-c-dev libwebsockets-dev git clone https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd.git cd ttyd && mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make && sudo make install ``` You may also need to compile/install [libwebsockets](https://libwebsockets.org) from source if the `libwebsockets-dev` package is outdated. - Install on Gentoo: clone the [repo](https://bitbucket.org/mgpagano/ttyd/src/master) and follow the directions [here](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Custom_repository#Creating_a_local_repository). ## Install on Windows [Compile on Windows](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/wiki/Compile-on-Windows). ## Install on OpenWrt ```bash opkg install ttyd ``` # Usage ## Command-line Options ``` ttyd is a tool for sharing terminal over the web USAGE: ttyd [options] [] VERSION: 1.7.1 OPTIONS: -p, --port Port to listen (default: 7681, use `0` for random port) -i, --interface Network interface to bind (eg: eth0), or UNIX domain socket path (eg: /var/run/ttyd.sock) -c, --credential Credential for Basic Authentication (format: username:password) -u, --uid User id to run with -g, --gid Group id to run with -s, --signal Signal to send to the command when exit it (default: 1, SIGHUP) -a, --url-arg Allow client to send command line arguments in URL (eg: http://localhost:7681?arg=foo&arg=bar) -R, --readonly Do not allow clients to write to the TTY -t, --client-option Send option to client (format: key=value), repeat to add more options -T, --terminal-type Terminal type to report, default: xterm-256color -O, --check-origin Do not allow websocket connection from different origin -m, --max-clients Maximum clients to support (default: 0, no limit) -o, --once Accept only one client and exit on disconnection -B, --browser Open terminal with the default system browser -I, --index Custom index.html path -b, --base-path Expected base path for requests coming from a reverse proxy (eg: /mounted/here, max length: 128) -P, --ping-interval Websocket ping interval(sec) (default: 300) -6, --ipv6 Enable IPv6 support -S, --ssl Enable SSL -C, --ssl-cert SSL certificate file path -K, --ssl-key SSL key file path -A, --ssl-ca SSL CA file path for client certificate verification -d, --debug Set log level (default: 7) -v, --version Print the version and exit -h, --help Print this text and exit Visit https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd to get more information and report bugs. ``` Read the example usage on the [wiki](https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/wiki/Example-Usage). ## Browser Support Modern browsers, See [Browser Support](https://github.com/xtermjs/xterm.js#browser-support). ## Alternatives * [Wetty](https://github.com/krishnasrinivas/wetty): [Node](https://nodejs.org) based web terminal (SSH/login) * [GoTTY](https://github.com/yudai/gotty): [Go](https://golang.org) based web terminal