import { bind } from 'decko'; import { Component, h } from 'preact'; import { ITerminalOptions, Terminal } from 'xterm'; import { FitAddon } from 'xterm-addon-fit'; import { WebglAddon } from 'xterm-addon-webgl'; import { WebLinksAddon } from 'xterm-addon-web-links'; import { OverlayAddon } from './overlay'; import { ZmodemAddon, FlowControl } from '../zmodem'; import 'xterm/css/xterm.css'; interface TtydTerminal extends Terminal { fit(): void; } declare global { interface Window { term: TtydTerminal; } } const enum Command { // server side OUTPUT = '0', SET_WINDOW_TITLE = '1', SET_PREFERENCES = '2', // client side INPUT = '0', RESIZE_TERMINAL = '1', PAUSE = '2', RESUME = '3', } export interface ClientOptions { rendererType: 'dom' | 'canvas' | 'webgl'; disableLeaveAlert: boolean; disableResizeOverlay: boolean; titleFixed: string; } interface Props { id: string; wsUrl: string; tokenUrl: string; clientOptions: ClientOptions; termOptions: ITerminalOptions; } export class Xterm extends Component { private textEncoder: TextEncoder; private textDecoder: TextDecoder; private container: HTMLElement; private terminal: Terminal; private fitAddon: FitAddon; private overlayAddon: OverlayAddon; private zmodemAddon: ZmodemAddon; private webglAddon: WebglAddon; private socket: WebSocket; private token: string; private opened = false; private title: string; private titleFixed: string; private resizeTimeout: number; private resizeOverlay = true; private reconnect = true; private doReconnect = true; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); this.textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); this.fitAddon = new FitAddon(); this.overlayAddon = new OverlayAddon(); } async componentDidMount() { await this.refreshToken(); this.openTerminal(); this.connect(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.onWindowUnload); } componentWillUnmount() { this.socket.close(); this.terminal.dispose(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onWindowUnload); } render({ id }: Props) { const control = { limit: 100000, highWater: 10, lowWater: 4, pause: () => this.pause(), resume: () => this.resume(), } as FlowControl; return (
(this.container = c)}> (this.zmodemAddon = c)} sender={this.sendData} control={control} />
); } @bind private pause() { const { textEncoder, socket } = this; socket.send(textEncoder.encode(Command.PAUSE)); } @bind private resume() { const { textEncoder, socket } = this; socket.send(textEncoder.encode(Command.RESUME)); } @bind private sendData(data: ArrayLike) { const { socket } = this; const payload = new Uint8Array(data.length + 1); payload[0] = Command.INPUT.charCodeAt(0); payload.set(data, 1); socket.send(payload); } @bind private async refreshToken() { try { const resp = await fetch(this.props.tokenUrl); if (resp.ok) { const json = await resp.json(); this.token = json.token; } } catch (e) { console.error(`[ttyd] fetch ${this.props.tokenUrl}: `, e); } } @bind private onWindowResize() { const { fitAddon } = this; clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout); this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() =>, 250) as any; } @bind private onWindowUnload(event: BeforeUnloadEvent): any { const { socket } = this; if (socket && socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { const message = 'Close terminal? this will also terminate the command.'; event.returnValue = message; return message; } event.preventDefault(); } @bind private openTerminal() { this.terminal = new Terminal(this.props.termOptions); const { terminal, container, fitAddon, overlayAddon } = this; window.term = terminal as TtydTerminal; = () => {; }; terminal.loadAddon(fitAddon); terminal.loadAddon(overlayAddon); terminal.loadAddon(new WebLinksAddon()); terminal.loadAddon(this.zmodemAddon); terminal.onTitleChange(data => { if (data && data !== '' && !this.titleFixed) { document.title = data + ' | ' + this.title; } }); terminal.onData(this.onTerminalData); terminal.onResize(this.onTerminalResize); if (document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported('copy')) { terminal.onSelectionChange(() => { if (terminal.getSelection() === '') return; overlayAddon.showOverlay('\u2702', 200); document.execCommand('copy'); }); }; } @bind private connect() { this.socket = new WebSocket(this.props.wsUrl, ['tty']); const { socket } = this; socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; socket.onopen = this.onSocketOpen; socket.onmessage = this.onSocketData; socket.onclose = this.onSocketClose; socket.onerror = this.onSocketError; } @bind private setRendererType(value: string) { const isWebGL2Available = () => { try { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); return !!(window.WebGL2RenderingContext && canvas.getContext('webgl2')); } catch (e) { return false; } }; const { terminal } = this; switch (value) { case 'webgl': if (this.webglAddon) return; if (isWebGL2Available()) { this.webglAddon = new WebglAddon(); terminal.loadAddon(this.webglAddon); console.log(`[ttyd] WebGL renderer enabled`); } break; default: try { this.webglAddon?.dispose(); } catch { // ignore } this.webglAddon = undefined; console.log(`[ttyd] option: rendererType=${value}`); terminal.setOption('rendererType', value); break; } } @bind private applyOptions(options: any) { const { terminal, fitAddon } = this; Object.keys(options).forEach(key => { const value = options[key]; switch (key) { case 'rendererType': this.setRendererType(value); break; case 'disableLeaveAlert': if (value) { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onWindowUnload); console.log('[ttyd] Leave site alert disabled'); } break; case 'disableResizeOverlay': if (value) { console.log(`[ttyd] Resize overlay disabled`); this.resizeOverlay = false; } break; case 'disableReconnect': if (value) { console.log(`[ttyd] Reconnect disabled`); this.reconnect = false; } break; case 'titleFixed': if (!value || value === '') return; console.log(`[ttyd] setting fixed title: ${value}`); this.titleFixed = value; document.title = value; break; default: console.log(`[ttyd] option: ${key}=${value}`); terminal.setOption(key, value); if (key.indexOf('font') === 0); break; } }); } @bind private onSocketOpen() { console.log('[ttyd] websocket connection opened'); const { socket, textEncoder, terminal, fitAddon, overlayAddon } = this; const dims = fitAddon.proposeDimensions(); socket.send( textEncoder.encode( JSON.stringify({ AuthToken: this.token, columns: dims.cols, rows: dims.rows, }) ) ); if (this.opened) { terminal.reset(); terminal.resize(dims.cols, dims.rows); overlayAddon.showOverlay('Reconnected', 300); } else { this.opened = true;; } this.doReconnect = this.reconnect; terminal.focus(); } @bind private onSocketClose(event: CloseEvent) { console.log(`[ttyd] websocket connection closed with code: ${event.code}`); const { refreshToken, connect, doReconnect, overlayAddon } = this; overlayAddon.showOverlay('Connection Closed', null); // 1000: CLOSE_NORMAL if (event.code !== 1000 && doReconnect) { overlayAddon.showOverlay('Reconnecting...', null); refreshToken().then(connect); } else { const { terminal } = this; const keyDispose = terminal.onKey(e => { const event = e.domEvent; if (event.key === 'Enter') { keyDispose.dispose(); overlayAddon.showOverlay('Reconnecting...', null); refreshToken().then(connect); } }); overlayAddon.showOverlay('Press ⏎ to Reconnect', null); } } @bind private onSocketError(event: Event) { console.error('[ttyd] websocket connection error: ', event); this.doReconnect = false; } @bind private onSocketData(event: MessageEvent) { const { textDecoder, zmodemAddon } = this; const rawData = as ArrayBuffer; const cmd = String.fromCharCode(new Uint8Array(rawData)[0]); const data = rawData.slice(1); switch (cmd) { case Command.OUTPUT: zmodemAddon.consume(data); break; case Command.SET_WINDOW_TITLE: this.title = textDecoder.decode(data); document.title = this.title; break; case Command.SET_PREFERENCES: const prefs = JSON.parse(textDecoder.decode(data)); this.applyOptions(Object.assign({}, this.props.clientOptions, prefs)); break; default: console.warn(`[ttyd] unknown command: ${cmd}`); break; } } @bind private onTerminalResize(size: { cols: number; rows: number }) { const { overlayAddon, socket, textEncoder, resizeOverlay } = this; if (socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { const msg = JSON.stringify({ columns: size.cols, rows: size.rows }); socket.send(textEncoder.encode(Command.RESIZE_TERMINAL + msg)); } if (resizeOverlay) { setTimeout(() => { overlayAddon.showOverlay(`${size.cols}x${size.rows}`); }, 500); } } @bind private onTerminalData(data: string) { const { socket, textEncoder } = this; if (socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { socket.send(textEncoder.encode(Command.INPUT + data)); } } }