Print a short help message describing command line options to standard output and exit Print program version information to standard output and exit Increase debug output level. Multiple options create more spew. Alternatively specify n to set the debug level directly Set decoder configuration option config for symbology to value. value defaults to 1 if omitted. symbology is one of , , , , , , , , , , , or the special value . If symbology is omitted or , the config will be set for all applicable symbologies. These are the currently recognized configs. Prefix a config with "no-" to negate it. Not all configs are appropriate for every symbology. Control decoding/reporting of a symbology. For symbologies which are just subsets of (, , , ), this config controls whether the subsets are detected and reported as such. These special cases are disabled by default, all other symbologies default to enabled Antonym for Control whether check digits are included in the decoded output. Enabled by default. This config does not apply for , which never returns the check digit. It also not apply for cases where the check digit is disabled (see ). Check digits are currently not implemented for or Enable decode and verification of a check digit for symbologies where it is optional: this will include and , neither of which implements the check digit yet Enable escape sequences that encode the full ASCII character set. This would apply to , except that it's not implemented either... Enable collection of symbol position information. Enabled by default. Currently, the position information is unusable, so you can save a few cycles by disabling this. Specially for QR code images, sometimes the image is inverted, e. g. lines are written in white instead of black. This option makes ZBar to invert the image and parse again, in case it fails using the normal order. Enabling it affects all decoders. Bound the number of decoded characters in a valid symbol. If a decode result is outside the configured min/max range (inclusive), it will not be reported. Set to 0 to disable the corresponding check. This setting applies to variable-length symbologies: , , , and . defaults to 6 for and 1 for (per Code 39 autodiscrimination recommendation); all others default to 0 Adjust the density of the scanner passes. Lower values scan more of the image at the cost of decreased performance. Setting to 0 disables scanning along that axis. Defaults are both 1.