package Mac::Finder::AliasRecord; # Generate(/Parse) a Mac "alias record" binary string/file. # # Currently just enough is implemented to satisfy immediate requirements # (ie, write backgroundImageAlias to .DS_Store for DMG) # # based on these documents: # # # # FIXME interface is very poor... use warnings; use strict; use DateTime; use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Mac; use Encode qw(encode); require Exporter; our $VERSION = '0.1'; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); my %FSEncodings = ( MacFS => ['RW', ''], MFS => ['RW', ''], HFS => ['BD', ''], 'HFS+' => ['H+', ''], AudioCD => ['', 'JH'], ISO9660 => ['', 'AG'], FAT => ['', 'IS'], Joliet => ['', 'Jo'], 'ISO9660+Joliet' => ['', 'Jo'], ); my %DiskEncodings = ( HD => 0, FixedHD => 0, Network => 1, NetworkDisk => 1, Floppy => 4, Floppy1440 => 4, Other => 5, OtherDisk => 5, ); my %RecordEncodings = ( parentDir => 0x00, absolutePath => 0x02, unicodeFile => 0x0e, unicodeVolume => 0x0f, volumePath => 0x12, ); sub new { my $class = shift || __PACKAGE__; my $self = { aliasCreator => '', aliasVersion => 2, aliasType => 'file', volume => '', volumeCreated => 0, volumeFS => 'HFS', volumeDisk => undef, volumeAttrs => 0, directoryID => 0, file => '', fileID => 0, fileCreated => 0, fileType => '', fileCreator => '', nlvlFrom => -1, nlvlTo => -1, records => { }, @_ }; if(exists($self->{path})) { my $path = $self->{path}; my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec::Mac->splitpath($path); $vol =~ s/:$//; my @dir = File::Spec::Mac->splitdir($dir); while(@dir && !$dir[0]) { shift(@dir); } while(@dir && !$dir[-1]) { pop(@dir); } $self->{volume} ||= $vol; $self->{records}{unicodeVolume} ||= pack('na*', length($vol), encode('utf-16be', $vol)); $self->{file} ||= $file; $self->{records}{parentDir} ||= $dir[-1] if(@dir); $self->{records}{absolutePath} ||= $path; $self->{records}{volumePath} ||= File::Spec->catfile('', @dir, $file); $self->{records}{unicodeFile} ||= pack('na*', length($file), encode('utf-16be', $file)); } return(bless($self, ref($class) || $class)); } sub toFSTime { my $val = shift; if(ref($val) && $val->isa("DateTime")) { $val = $val->epoch - DateTime->new(year => 1904)->epoch(); } return($val); } sub write { my ($self, $out) = @_; my $aliasType = $self->{aliasType}; $aliasType = (($aliasType =~ /^d(ir(ectory)?)?$/i && 1) || ($aliasType !~ /^f(ile)?$/ && $aliasType) || 0); my $volumeCreated = toFSTime($self->{volumeCreated}); my $volumeFS = $self->{volumeFS}; if(ref($volumeFS) ne 'ARRAY') { $volumeFS = $FSEncodings{$volumeFS} || ['', '']; } my $volumeDisk = $self->{volumeDisk}; if(!defined($volumeDisk)) { if($volumeFS->[0] eq 'H+') { $volumeDisk = 'Floppy'; } elsif($volumeFS->[0]) { $volumeDisk = 'HD'; } else { $volumeDisk = 'Other'; } } $volumeDisk = (exists($DiskEncodings{$volumeDisk}) ? $DiskEncodings{$volumeDisk} : $volumeDisk); my $fileCreated = toFSTime($self->{fileCreated}); my $buf = pack('nn (C/a @28)Na2n N(C/a @64)NNa4a4 n!n!Na2 x10 (n!n/ax!2)*', $self->{aliasVersion}, $aliasType, $self->{volume}, $volumeCreated, $volumeFS->[0], $volumeDisk, $self->{directoryID}, $self->{file}, $self->{fileID}, $fileCreated, $self->{fileType}, $self->{fileCreator}, $self->{nlvlFrom}, $self->{nlvlTo}, $self->{volumeAttrs}, $volumeFS->[1], map(((exists($RecordEncodings{$_}) ? $RecordEncodings{$_} : $_) => $self->{records}{$_}), keys(%{$self->{records}})), (-1, '')); $buf = pack('a4n', $self->{aliasCreator}, length($buf) + 6) . $buf; if(!$out) { return($buf); } elsif(ref($out) eq 'GLOB') { print $out $buf; } else { open(my $outfh, '>', $out) || die; print $outfh $buf; } } 1;