//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright 2008-2010 (c) Jeff Brown <spadix@users.sourceforge.net> // // This file is part of the ZBar Bar Code Reader. // // The ZBar Bar Code Reader is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // The ZBar Bar Code Reader is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License // along with the ZBar Bar Code Reader; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // http://sourceforge.net/projects/zbar //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include "ppport.h" #include <zbar.h> typedef zbar_symbol_t *Barcode__ZBar__Symbol; typedef zbar_image_t *Barcode__ZBar__Image; typedef zbar_processor_t *Barcode__ZBar__Processor; typedef zbar_video_t *Barcode__ZBar__Video; typedef zbar_window_t *Barcode__ZBar__Window; typedef zbar_image_scanner_t *Barcode__ZBar__ImageScanner; typedef zbar_decoder_t *Barcode__ZBar__Decoder; typedef zbar_scanner_t *Barcode__ZBar__Scanner; typedef void *Barcode__ZBar__Error; typedef unsigned long fourcc_t; typedef int timeout_t; typedef int config_error; typedef struct handler_wrapper_s { SV *instance; SV *handler; SV *closure; } handler_wrapper_t; static AV *LOOKUP_zbar_color_t = NULL; static AV *LOOKUP_zbar_symbol_type_t = NULL; static AV *LOOKUP_zbar_error_t = NULL; static AV *LOOKUP_zbar_config_t = NULL; static AV *LOOKUP_zbar_modifier_t = NULL; static AV *LOOKUP_zbar_orientation_t = NULL; #define CONSTANT(typ, prefix, sym, name) \ do { \ SV *c = newSViv(ZBAR_ ## prefix ## sym); \ sv_setpv(c, name); \ SvIOK_on(c); \ newCONSTSUB(stash, #sym, c); \ av_store(LOOKUP_zbar_ ## typ ## _t, \ ZBAR_ ## prefix ## sym, \ SvREFCNT_inc(c)); \ } while(0) #define LOOKUP_ENUM(typ, val) \ lookup_enum(LOOKUP_zbar_ ## typ ## _t, val) static inline SV *lookup_enum (AV *lookup, int val) { SV **tmp = av_fetch(lookup, val, 0); return((tmp) ? *tmp : sv_newmortal()); } static inline void check_error (int rc, void *obj) { if(rc < 0) { sv_setref_pv(get_sv("@", TRUE), "Barcode::ZBar::Error", obj); croak(NULL); } } #define PUSH_SYMS(x) \ do { \ const zbar_symbol_t *sym = (const zbar_symbol_t*)(x); \ for(; sym; sym = zbar_symbol_next(sym)) { \ zbar_symbol_t *s = (zbar_symbol_t*)sym; \ zbar_symbol_ref(s, 1); \ XPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(sv_newmortal(), "Barcode::ZBar::Symbol", \ (void*)sym)); \ } \ } while(0); #define PUSH_ENUM_MASK(typ, TYP, val) \ do { \ unsigned mask = (val); \ int i; \ for(i = 0; i < ZBAR_ ## TYP ## _NUM; i++, mask >>= 1) \ if(mask & 1) \ XPUSHs(LOOKUP_ENUM(typ, i)); \ } while(0); static void image_cleanup_handler (zbar_image_t *image) { SV *data = zbar_image_get_userdata(image); if(!data) /* FIXME this is internal error */ return; /* release reference to cleanup data */ SvREFCNT_dec(data); } static inline int set_handler (handler_wrapper_t **wrapp, SV *instance, SV *handler, SV *closure) { handler_wrapper_t *wrap = *wrapp; if(!handler || !SvOK(handler)) { if(wrap) { if(wrap->instance) SvREFCNT_dec(wrap->instance); if(wrap->handler) SvREFCNT_dec(wrap->handler); if(wrap->closure) SvREFCNT_dec(wrap->closure); wrap->instance = wrap->handler = wrap->closure = NULL; } return(0); } if(!wrap) { Newxz(wrap, 1, handler_wrapper_t); wrap->instance = newSVsv(instance); wrap->closure = newSV(0); *wrapp = wrap; } if(wrap->handler) SvSetSV(wrap->handler, handler); else wrap->handler = newSVsv(handler); if(!closure || !SvOK(closure)) SvSetSV(wrap->closure, &PL_sv_undef); else SvSetSV(wrap->closure, closure); return(1); } static inline void activate_handler (handler_wrapper_t *wrap, SV *param) { dSP; if(!wrap) /* FIXME this is internal error */ return; ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); EXTEND(SP, 3); PUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(wrap->instance)); if(param) PUSHs(param); PUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(wrap->closure)); PUTBACK; call_sv(wrap->handler, G_DISCARD); FREETMPS; LEAVE; } static void processor_handler (zbar_image_t *image, const void *userdata) { SV *img; zbar_image_ref(image, 1); img = sv_setref_pv(newSV(0), "Barcode::ZBar::Image", image); activate_handler((void*)userdata, img); SvREFCNT_dec(img); } static void decoder_handler (zbar_decoder_t *decoder) { activate_handler(zbar_decoder_get_userdata(decoder), NULL); } MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar PREFIX = zbar_ PROTOTYPES: ENABLE BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv("Barcode::ZBar", TRUE); LOOKUP_zbar_color_t = newAV(); CONSTANT(color, , SPACE, "SPACE"); CONSTANT(color, , BAR, "BAR"); } SV * zbar_version() PREINIT: unsigned major; unsigned minor; CODE: zbar_version(&major, &minor, NULL); RETVAL = newSVpvf("%u.%u", major, minor); OUTPUT: RETVAL void zbar_increase_verbosity() void zbar_set_verbosity(verbosity) int verbosity SV * parse_config(config_string) const char * config_string PREINIT: zbar_symbol_type_t sym; zbar_config_t cfg; int val; PPCODE: if(zbar_parse_config(config_string, &sym, &cfg, &val)) croak("invalid configuration setting: %s", config_string); EXTEND(SP, 3); PUSHs(LOOKUP_ENUM(symbol_type, sym)); PUSHs(LOOKUP_ENUM(config, cfg)); mPUSHi(val); MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Error PREFIX = zbar_ BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv("Barcode::ZBar::Error", TRUE); LOOKUP_zbar_error_t = newAV(); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, NOMEM, "out of memory"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, INTERNAL, "internal library error"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, UNSUPPORTED, "unsupported request"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, INVALID, "invalid request"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, SYSTEM, "system error"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, LOCKING, "locking error"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, BUSY, "all resources busy"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, XDISPLAY, "X11 display error"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, XPROTO, "X11 protocol error"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, CLOSED, "output window is closed"); CONSTANT(error, ERR_, WINAPI, "windows system error"); } zbar_error_t get_error_code(err) Barcode::ZBar::Error err CODE: RETVAL = _zbar_get_error_code(err); OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * error_string(err) Barcode::ZBar::Error err CODE: RETVAL = _zbar_error_string(err, 1); OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Config PREFIX = zbar_config_ BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv("Barcode::ZBar::Config", TRUE); LOOKUP_zbar_config_t = newAV(); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, ENABLE, "enable"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, ADD_CHECK, "add-check"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, EMIT_CHECK, "emit-check"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, ASCII, "ascii"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, MIN_LEN, "min-length"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, MAX_LEN, "max-length"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, UNCERTAINTY, "uncertainty"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, POSITION, "position"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, X_DENSITY, "x-density"); CONSTANT(config, CFG_, Y_DENSITY, "y-density"); } MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Modifier PREFIX = zbar_mod_ BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv("Barcode::ZBar::Modifier", TRUE); LOOKUP_zbar_modifier_t = newAV(); CONSTANT(modifier, MOD_, GS1, "GS1"); CONSTANT(modifier, MOD_, AIM, "AIM"); } MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Orient PREFIX = zbar_orientation_ BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv("Barcode::ZBar::Orient", TRUE); LOOKUP_zbar_orientation_t = newAV(); CONSTANT(orientation, ORIENT_, UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN"); CONSTANT(orientation, ORIENT_, UP, "UP"); CONSTANT(orientation, ORIENT_, RIGHT, "RIGHT"); CONSTANT(orientation, ORIENT_, DOWN, "DOWN"); CONSTANT(orientation, ORIENT_, LEFT, "LEFT"); } MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Symbol PREFIX = zbar_symbol_ BOOT: { HV *stash = gv_stashpv("Barcode::ZBar::Symbol", TRUE); LOOKUP_zbar_symbol_type_t = newAV(); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , NONE, "None"); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , PARTIAL, "Partial"); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , EAN8, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_EAN8)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , UPCE, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_UPCE)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , ISBN10, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_ISBN10)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , UPCA, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_UPCA)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , EAN13, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_EAN13)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , ISBN13, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_ISBN13)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , DATABAR, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_DATABAR)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , DATABAR_EXP, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_DATABAR_EXP)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , I25, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_I25)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , CODABAR, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_CODABAR)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , CODE39, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_CODE39)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , PDF417, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_PDF417)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , QRCODE, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_QRCODE)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , CODE93, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_CODE93)); CONSTANT(symbol_type, , CODE128, zbar_get_symbol_name(ZBAR_CODE128)); } void DESTROY(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol CODE: zbar_symbol_ref(symbol, -1); zbar_symbol_type_t zbar_symbol_get_type(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol SV * zbar_symbol_get_configs(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol PPCODE: PUSH_ENUM_MASK(config, CFG, zbar_symbol_get_configs(symbol)); SV * zbar_symbol_get_modifiers(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol PPCODE: PUSH_ENUM_MASK(modifier, MOD, zbar_symbol_get_modifiers(symbol)); SV * zbar_symbol_get_data(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvn(zbar_symbol_get_data(symbol), zbar_symbol_get_data_length(symbol)); OUTPUT: RETVAL int zbar_symbol_get_count(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol int zbar_symbol_get_quality(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol SV * zbar_symbol_get_loc(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol PREINIT: unsigned i, size; PPCODE: size = zbar_symbol_get_loc_size(symbol); EXTEND(SP, size); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { AV *pt = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV()); PUSHs(newRV((SV*)pt)); av_push(pt, newSVuv(zbar_symbol_get_loc_x(symbol, i))); av_push(pt, newSVuv(zbar_symbol_get_loc_y(symbol, i))); } zbar_orientation_t zbar_symbol_get_orientation(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol SV * get_components(symbol) Barcode::ZBar::Symbol symbol PPCODE: PUSH_SYMS(zbar_symbol_first_component(symbol)); MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Image PREFIX = zbar_image_ Barcode::ZBar::Image new(package) char * package CODE: RETVAL = zbar_image_create(); OUTPUT: RETVAL void DESTROY(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image CODE: zbar_image_destroy(image); Barcode::ZBar::Image zbar_image_convert(image, format) Barcode::ZBar::Image image fourcc_t format Barcode::ZBar::Image zbar_image_convert_resize(image, format, width, height) Barcode::ZBar::Image image fourcc_t format unsigned width unsigned height fourcc_t zbar_image_get_format(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image unsigned zbar_image_get_sequence(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image void get_size(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image PPCODE: EXTEND(SP, 2); mPUSHu(zbar_image_get_width(image)); mPUSHu(zbar_image_get_height(image)); void get_crop(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image PREINIT: unsigned x, y, w, h; PPCODE: zbar_image_get_crop(image, &x, &y, &w, &h); EXTEND(SP, 4); mPUSHu(x); mPUSHu(y); mPUSHu(w); mPUSHu(h); SV * zbar_image_get_data(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvn(zbar_image_get_data(image), zbar_image_get_data_length(image)); OUTPUT: RETVAL SV * get_symbols(image) Barcode::ZBar::Image image PPCODE: PUSH_SYMS(zbar_image_first_symbol(image)); void zbar_image_set_format(image, format) Barcode::ZBar::Image image fourcc_t format void zbar_image_set_sequence(image, seq_num) Barcode::ZBar::Image image unsigned seq_num void zbar_image_set_size(image, width, height) Barcode::ZBar::Image image int width + if(width < 0) width = 0; int height + if(height < 0) height = 0; void zbar_image_set_crop(image, x, y, width, height) Barcode::ZBar::Image image int x + if(x < 0) { width += x; x = 0; } int y + if(y < 0) { height += y; y = 0; } int width int height void zbar_image_set_data(image, data) Barcode::ZBar::Image image SV * data PREINIT: SV *old; CODE: if(!data || !SvOK(data)) { zbar_image_set_data(image, NULL, 0, NULL); zbar_image_set_userdata(image, NULL); } else if(SvPOK(data)) { /* FIXME is this copy of data or new ref to same data? * not sure this is correct: * need to retain a reference to image data, * but do not really want to copy it...maybe an RV? */ SV *copy = newSVsv(data); STRLEN len; void *raw = SvPV(copy, len); zbar_image_set_data(image, raw, len, image_cleanup_handler); zbar_image_set_userdata(image, copy); } else croak("image data must be binary string"); MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Processor PREFIX = zbar_processor_ Barcode::ZBar::Processor new(package, threaded=0) char * package bool threaded CODE: RETVAL = zbar_processor_create(threaded); OUTPUT: RETVAL void DESTROY(processor) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor CODE: zbar_processor_destroy(processor); void zbar_processor_init(processor, video_device="", enable_display=1) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor const char * video_device bool enable_display CODE: check_error(zbar_processor_init(processor, video_device, enable_display), processor); void zbar_processor_request_size(processor, width, height) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor unsigned width unsigned height CODE: check_error(zbar_processor_request_size(processor, width, height), processor); void zbar_processor_force_format(processor, input_format=0, output_format=0) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor fourcc_t input_format fourcc_t output_format CODE: check_error(zbar_processor_force_format(processor, input_format, output_format), processor); void zbar_processor_set_config(processor, symbology, config, value=1) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor zbar_symbol_type_t symbology zbar_config_t config int value config_error zbar_processor_parse_config(processor, config_string) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor const char *config_string bool zbar_processor_is_visible(processor) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor CODE: check_error((RETVAL = zbar_processor_is_visible(processor)), processor); OUTPUT: RETVAL void zbar_processor_set_visible(processor, visible=1) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor bool visible CODE: check_error(zbar_processor_set_visible(processor, visible), processor); void zbar_processor_set_active(processor, active=1) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor bool active CODE: check_error(zbar_processor_set_active(processor, active), processor); SV * get_results(processor) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor PREINIT: const zbar_symbol_set_t *syms; PPCODE: syms = zbar_processor_get_results(processor); PUSH_SYMS(zbar_symbol_set_first_symbol(syms)); zbar_symbol_set_ref(syms, -1); int zbar_processor_user_wait(processor, timeout=-1) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor timeout_t timeout CODE: check_error((RETVAL = zbar_processor_user_wait(processor, timeout)), processor); OUTPUT: RETVAL int process_one(processor, timeout=-1) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor timeout_t timeout CODE: check_error((RETVAL = zbar_process_one(processor, timeout)), processor); OUTPUT: RETVAL int process_image(processor, image) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor Barcode::ZBar::Image image CODE: check_error((RETVAL = zbar_process_image(processor, image)), processor); OUTPUT: RETVAL void zbar_processor_set_data_handler(processor, handler = 0, closure = 0) Barcode::ZBar::Processor processor SV * handler SV * closure PREINIT: handler_wrapper_t *wrap; zbar_image_data_handler_t *callback = NULL; CODE: wrap = zbar_processor_get_userdata(processor); if(set_handler(&wrap, ST(0), handler, closure)) callback = processor_handler; zbar_processor_set_data_handler(processor, callback, wrap); MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner PREFIX = zbar_image_scanner_ Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner new(package) char * package CODE: RETVAL = zbar_image_scanner_create(); OUTPUT: RETVAL void DESTROY(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner CODE: zbar_image_scanner_destroy(scanner); void zbar_image_scanner_set_config(scanner, symbology, config, value=1) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner zbar_symbol_type_t symbology zbar_config_t config int value config_error zbar_image_scanner_parse_config(scanner, config_string) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner const char *config_string void zbar_image_scanner_enable_cache(scanner, enable) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner int enable void zbar_image_scanner_recycle_image(scanner, image) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner Barcode::ZBar::Image image SV * get_results(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner PREINIT: const zbar_symbol_set_t *syms; PPCODE: syms = zbar_image_scanner_get_results(scanner); PUSH_SYMS(zbar_symbol_set_first_symbol(syms)); int scan_image(scanner, image) Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner scanner Barcode::ZBar::Image image CODE: RETVAL = zbar_scan_image(scanner, image); OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Decoder PREFIX = zbar_decoder_ Barcode::ZBar::Decoder new(package) char * package CODE: RETVAL = zbar_decoder_create(); OUTPUT: RETVAL void DESTROY(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder CODE: /* FIXME cleanup handler wrapper */ zbar_decoder_destroy(decoder); void zbar_decoder_set_config(decoder, symbology, config, value=1) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder zbar_symbol_type_t symbology zbar_config_t config int value config_error zbar_decoder_parse_config(decoder, config_string) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder const char *config_string void zbar_decoder_reset(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder void zbar_decoder_new_scan(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder zbar_symbol_type_t decode_width(decoder, width) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder unsigned width CODE: RETVAL = zbar_decode_width(decoder, width); OUTPUT: RETVAL zbar_color_t zbar_decoder_get_color(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder SV * zbar_decoder_get_data(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvn(zbar_decoder_get_data(decoder), zbar_decoder_get_data_length(decoder)); OUTPUT: RETVAL zbar_symbol_type_t zbar_decoder_get_type(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder SV * zbar_decoder_get_configs(decoder, symbology) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder zbar_symbol_type_t symbology PPCODE: if(symbology == ZBAR_NONE) symbology = zbar_decoder_get_type(decoder); PUSH_ENUM_MASK(config, CFG, zbar_decoder_get_configs(decoder, symbology)); SV * zbar_decoder_get_modifiers(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder PPCODE: PUSH_ENUM_MASK(modifier, MOD, zbar_decoder_get_modifiers(decoder)); int zbar_decoder_get_direction(decoder) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder void zbar_decoder_set_handler(decoder, handler = 0, closure = 0) Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder SV * handler SV * closure PREINIT: handler_wrapper_t *wrap; CODE: wrap = zbar_decoder_get_userdata(decoder); zbar_decoder_set_handler(decoder, NULL); if(set_handler(&wrap, ST(0), handler, closure)) { zbar_decoder_set_userdata(decoder, wrap); zbar_decoder_set_handler(decoder, decoder_handler); } MODULE = Barcode::ZBar PACKAGE = Barcode::ZBar::Scanner PREFIX = zbar_scanner_ Barcode::ZBar::Scanner new(package, decoder = 0) char * package Barcode::ZBar::Decoder decoder CODE: RETVAL = zbar_scanner_create(decoder); OUTPUT: RETVAL void DESTROY(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::Scanner scanner CODE: zbar_scanner_destroy(scanner); zbar_symbol_type_t zbar_scanner_reset(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::Scanner scanner zbar_symbol_type_t zbar_scanner_new_scan(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::Scanner scanner zbar_color_t zbar_scanner_get_color(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::Scanner scanner unsigned zbar_scanner_get_width(scanner) Barcode::ZBar::Scanner scanner zbar_symbol_type_t scan_y(scanner, y) Barcode::ZBar::Scanner scanner int y CODE: RETVAL = zbar_scan_y(scanner, y); OUTPUT: RETVAL