# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Image.t' use warnings; use strict; use Test::More tests => 29; ######################### BEGIN { use_ok('Barcode::ZBar') } Barcode::ZBar::set_verbosity(16); ######################### my $image = Barcode::ZBar::Image->new(); isa_ok($image, 'Barcode::ZBar::Image', 'image'); ######################### my $scanner = Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner->new(); isa_ok($scanner, 'Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner', 'image scanner'); ######################### can_ok($image, qw(convert convert_resize get_format get_size get_data set_format set_size set_data)); ######################### can_ok($scanner, qw(set_config parse_config enable_cache scan_image)); ######################### $image->set_format('422P'); my $fmt = $image->get_format(); is($fmt, '422P', 'string format accessors'); ######################### ok($fmt == 0x50323234, 'numeric format accessors'); ######################### $image->set_size(114, 80); is_deeply([$image->get_size()], [114, 80], 'size accessors'); ######################### $image->set_crop(20, 20, 74, 40); is_deeply([$image->get_crop()], [20, 20, 74, 40], 'crop accessors'); ######################### $image->set_crop(-57, -40, 228, 160); is_deeply([$image->get_crop()], [0, 0, 114, 80], 'crop clipping'); ######################### $image->set_crop(10, 10, 94, 60); is_deeply([$image->get_crop()], [10, 10, 94, 60], 'crop accessors'); ######################### $image->set_size(114, 80); is_deeply([$image->get_crop()], [0, 0, 114, 80], 'crop reset'); ######################### # FIXME avoid skipping these (eg embed image vs ImageMagick) SKIP: { eval { require Image::Magick }; skip "Image::Magick not installed", 16 if $@; my $im = Image::Magick->new(); my $err = $im->Read('t/barcode.png'); die($err) if($err); $image->set_size($im->Get(qw(columns rows))); { my $data = $im->ImageToBlob( magick => 'YUV', 'sampling-factor' => '4:2:2', interlace => 'Plane'); $image->set_data($data); } $image = $image->convert('Y800'); isa_ok($image, 'Barcode::ZBar::Image', 'image'); ######################### is($image->get_format(), 'Y800', 'converted image format'); ######################### is_deeply([$image->get_size()], [114, 80], 'converted image size'); ######################### is($scanner->scan_image($image), 1, 'scan result'); ######################### my @symbols = $image->get_symbols(); is(scalar(@symbols), 1, 'result size'); ######################### my $sym = $symbols[0]; isa_ok($sym, 'Barcode::ZBar::Symbol', 'symbol'); ######################### can_ok($sym, qw(get_type get_configs get_modifiers get_data get_quality get_count get_loc get_orientation)); ######################### is($sym->get_type(), Barcode::ZBar::Symbol::EAN13, 'result type'); ######################### is_deeply([$sym->get_configs()], [Barcode::ZBar::Config::ENABLE, Barcode::ZBar::Config::EMIT_CHECK], 'result configs'); ######################### is_deeply([$sym->get_modifiers()], [], 'result modifiers'); ######################### is($sym->get_data(), '9876543210128', 'result data'); ######################### ok($sym->get_quality() > 0, 'quality'); ######################### my @loc = $sym->get_loc(); ok(scalar(@loc) >= 4, 'location size'); ######################### my $failure = undef; foreach my $pt (@loc) { if(ref($pt) ne 'ARRAY') { $failure = ("location entry is wrong type:" . " expecting ARRAY ref, got " . ref($pt)); last; } if(scalar(@{$pt}) != 2) { $failure = ("location coordinate has too many entries:" . " expecting 2, got " . scalar(@{$pt})); last; } } ok(!defined($failure), 'location structure') or diag($failure); ######################### is($sym->get_orientation(), Barcode::ZBar::Orient::UP, 'orientation'); ######################### my @comps = $sym->get_components(); is(scalar(@comps), 0, 'components size'); ######################### } $scanner->recycle_image($image); my @symbols = $image->get_symbols(); is(scalar(@symbols), 0, 'recycled result size'); ######################### # FIXME more image tests