#!/bin/bash unset ERR DIR="@abs_top_srcdir@" ZBARIMG="@abs_top_builddir@/zbarimg/zbarimg --nodbus" test() { if [ "$2" != "" ]; then i="$DIR/examples/$2" j="$1 $2" else i="$DIR/examples/$1" j="$1" fi; if [ "$2" != "" ]; then CMD="$ZBARIMG $1" else CMD="$ZBARIMG" fi CK=`$CMD "$i" 2>/dev/null|sha1sum|cut -d" " -f1` ORG=`grep "zbarimg $j" "$DIR/examples/sha1sum"|cut -d " " -f1` if [ "$CK" != "$ORG" ]; then echo "FAILED: $i ($CK instead of $ORG)" echo -e "\tcmd: $CMD '$i'" echo -en "\tresults: " $CMD "$i" 2>/dev/null ERR=1 fi } if [ "@ENABLE_CODE128@" == "1" ]; then test code-128.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_CODE93@" == "1" ]; then test code-93.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_CODE39@" == "1" ]; then test code-39.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_CODABAR@" == "1" ]; then test codabar.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_DATABAR@" == "1" ]; then test databar.png test databar-exp.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_EAN@" == "1" ]; then test -Sean2.enable ean-2.png test -Sean5.enable ean-5.png test ean-8.png test ean-13.png test -Sisbn10.enable ean-13.png test -Sisbn13.enable ean-13.png test -Supca.enable code-upc-a.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_I25@" == "1" ]; then test i2-5.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_QRCODE@" == "1" ]; then test qr-code.png test -Stest-inverted qr-code-inverted.png test '--raw --oneshot -Sbinary' qr-code-binary.png fi if [ "@ENABLE_SQCODE@" == "1" ]; then test sqcode1-generated.png test sqcode1-scanned.png fi # The pdf417 code is incomplete: it doesn't output any results # #if [ "@ENABLE_PDF417@" == "1" ]; then # test code-pdf417.png #fi if [ "$ERR" == "" ]; then echo "zbarimg PASSED." else exit 1 fi