path: root/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/hashi_vault/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/hashi_vault/plugins')
1 files changed, 876 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/hashi_vault/plugins/lookup/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/hashi_vault/plugins/lookup/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a00e29ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/hashi_vault/plugins/lookup/
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+# (c) 2020, Brian Scholer (@briantist)
+# (c) 2015, Jonathan Davila <jonathan(at)>
+# (c) 2017 Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+ lookup: hashi_vault
+ author:
+ - Jonathan Davila (!UNKNOWN) <jdavila(at)>
+ - Brian Scholer (@briantist)
+ short_description: Retrieve secrets from HashiCorp's Vault
+ requirements:
+ - hvac (python library)
+ - hvac 0.7.0+ (for namespace support)
+ - hvac 0.9.6+ (to avoid most deprecation warnings)
+ - hvac 0.10.5+ (for JWT auth)
+ - hvac 0.10.6+ (to avoid deprecation warning for AppRole)
+ - botocore (only if inferring aws params from boto)
+ - boto3 (only if using a boto profile)
+ description:
+ - Retrieve secrets from HashiCorp's Vault.
+ notes:
+ - Due to a current limitation in the HVAC library there won't necessarily be an error if a bad endpoint is specified.
+ - As of community.hashi_vault 0.1.0, only the latest version of a secret is returned when specifying a KV v2 path.
+ - As of community.hashi_vault 0.1.0, all options can be supplied via term string (space delimited key=value pairs) or by parameters (see examples).
+ - As of community.hashi_vault 0.1.0, when I(secret) is the first option in the term string, C(secret=) is not required (see examples).
+ options:
+ secret:
+ description: Vault path to the secret being requested in the format C(path[:field]).
+ required: True
+ token:
+ description:
+ - Vault token. Token may be specified explicitly, through the listed env var, and also through the C(VAULT_TOKEN) env var.
+ - If no token is supplied, explicitly or through env, then the plugin will check for a token file, as determined by I(token_path) and I(token_file).
+ - The order of token loading (first found wins) is C(token param -> ANSIBLE_HASHI_VAULT_TOKEN -> VAULT_TOKEN -> token file).
+ env:
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ token_path:
+ description: If no token is specified, will try to read the I(token_file) from this path.
+ env:
+ deprecated:
+ why: standardizing environment variables
+ version: 2.0.0
+ collection_name: community.hashi_vault
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: token_path
+ token_file:
+ description: If no token is specified, will try to read the token from this file in I(token_path).
+ env:
+ deprecated:
+ why: standardizing environment variables
+ version: 2.0.0
+ collection_name: community.hashi_vault
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: token_file
+ default: '.vault-token'
+ token_validate:
+ description:
+ - For token auth, will perform a C(lookup-self) operation to determine the token's validity before using it.
+ - Disable if your token doesn't have the C(lookup-self) capability.
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: token_validate
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ version_added: 0.2.0
+ url:
+ description:
+ - URL to the Vault service.
+ - If not specified by any other means, the value of the C(VAULT_ADDR) environment variable will be used.
+ env:
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: url
+ default: ''
+ username:
+ description: Authentication user name.
+ password:
+ description: Authentication password.
+ proxies:
+ description:
+ - URL(s) to the proxies used to access the Vault service.
+ - It can be a string or a dict.
+ - If it's a dict, provide the scheme (eg. C(http) or C(https)) as the key, and the URL as the value.
+ - If it's a string, provide a single URL that will be used as the proxy for both C(http) and C(https) schemes.
+ - A string that can be interpreted as a dictionary will be converted to one (see examples).
+ - You can specify a different proxy for HTTP and HTTPS resources.
+ - If not specified, L(environment variables from the Requests library, are used.
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: proxies
+ type: raw
+ version_added: '1.1.0'
+ role_id:
+ description: Vault Role ID. Used in approle and aws_iam_login auth methods.
+ env:
+ - name: VAULT_ROLE_ID
+ deprecated:
+ why: standardizing environment variables
+ version: 2.0.0
+ collection_name: community.hashi_vault
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: role_id
+ secret_id:
+ description: Secret ID to be used for Vault AppRole authentication.
+ env:
+ deprecated:
+ why: standardizing environment variables
+ version: 2.0.0
+ collection_name: community.hashi_vault
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ auth_method:
+ description:
+ - Authentication method to be used.
+ env:
+ deprecated:
+ why: standardizing environment variables
+ version: 2.0.0
+ collection_name: community.hashi_vault
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: auth_method
+ choices:
+ - token
+ - userpass
+ - ldap
+ - approle
+ - aws_iam_login
+ - jwt
+ default: token
+ return_format:
+ description:
+ - Controls how multiple key/value pairs in a path are treated on return.
+ - C(dict) returns a single dict containing the key/value pairs.
+ - C(values) returns a list of all the values only. Use when you don't care about the keys.
+ - C(raw) returns the actual API result (deserialized), which includes metadata and may have the data nested in other keys.
+ choices:
+ - dict
+ - values
+ - raw
+ default: dict
+ aliases: [ as ]
+ mount_point:
+ description:
+ - Vault mount point.
+ - If not specified, the default mount point for a given auth method is used.
+ - Does not apply to token authentication.
+ jwt:
+ description: The JSON Web Token (JWT) to use for JWT authentication to Vault.
+ env:
+ ca_cert:
+ description: Path to certificate to use for authentication.
+ aliases: [ cacert ]
+ validate_certs:
+ description:
+ - Controls verification and validation of SSL certificates, mostly you only want to turn off with self signed ones.
+ - Will be populated with the inverse of C(VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY) if that is set and I(validate_certs) is not explicitly provided.
+ - Will default to C(true) if neither I(validate_certs) or C(VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY) are set.
+ type: boolean
+ namespace:
+ description:
+ - Vault namespace where secrets reside. This option requires HVAC 0.7.0+ and Vault 0.11+.
+ - Optionally, this may be achieved by prefixing the authentication mount point and/or secret path with the namespace
+ (e.g C(mynamespace/secret/mysecret)).
+ - If environment variable C(VAULT_NAMESPACE) is set, its value will be used last among all ways to specify I(namespace).
+ env:
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: namespace
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+ aws_profile:
+ description: The AWS profile
+ type: str
+ aliases: [ boto_profile ]
+ env:
+ - name: AWS_PROFILE
+ aws_access_key:
+ description: The AWS access key to use.
+ type: str
+ aliases: [ aws_access_key_id ]
+ env:
+ - name: EC2_ACCESS_KEY
+ - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
+ aws_secret_key:
+ description: The AWS secret key that corresponds to the access key.
+ type: str
+ aliases: [ aws_secret_access_key ]
+ env:
+ - name: EC2_SECRET_KEY
+ - name: AWS_SECRET_KEY
+ aws_security_token:
+ description: The AWS security token if using temporary access and secret keys.
+ type: str
+ env:
+ region:
+ description: The AWS region for which to create the connection.
+ type: str
+ env:
+ - name: EC2_REGION
+ - name: AWS_REGION
+ aws_iam_server_id:
+ description: If specified, sets the value to use for the C(X-Vault-AWS-IAM-Server-ID) header as part of C(GetCallerIdentity) request.
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - section: lookup_hashi_vault
+ key: aws_iam_server_id
+ required: False
+ version_added: '0.2.0'
+- ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/hello:value token=c975b780-d1be-8016-866b-01d0f9b688a5 url=http://myvault:8200') }}"
+- name: Return all secrets from a path
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/hello token=c975b780-d1be-8016-866b-01d0f9b688a5 url=http://myvault:8200') }}"
+- name: Vault that requires authentication via LDAP
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/hello:value auth_method=ldap mount_point=ldap username=myuser password=mypas') }}"
+- name: Vault that requires authentication via username and password
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/hola:val auth_method=userpass username=myuser password=psw url=http://vault:8200') }}"
+- name: Connect to Vault using TLS
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/hola:value token=c975b780-d1be-8016-866b-01d0f9b688a5 validate_certs=False') }}"
+- name: using certificate auth
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/hi:val token=xxxx url=https://vault:8200 validate_certs=True cacert=/cacert/path/ca.pem') }}"
+- name: Authenticate with a Vault app role
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/hello:value auth_method=approle role_id=myroleid secret_id=mysecretid') }}"
+- name: Return all secrets from a path in a namespace
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/hello token=c975b780-d1be-8016-866b-01d0f9b688a5 namespace=teama/admins') }}"
+# When using KV v2 the PATH should include "data" between the secret engine mount and path (e.g. "secret/data/:path")
+# see:
+- name: Return latest KV v2 secret from path
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/data/hello token=my_vault_token url=http://myvault_url:8200') }}"
+# The following examples show more modern syntax, with parameters specified separately from the term string.
+- name: secret= is not required if secret is first
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/data/hello token=<token> url=http://myvault_url:8200') }}"
+- name: options can be specified as parameters rather than put in term string
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/data/hello', token=my_token_var, url='http://myvault_url:8200') }}"
+# return_format (or its alias 'as') can control how secrets are returned to you
+- name: return secrets as a dict (default)
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ my_secrets: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/data/manysecrets', token=my_token_var, url='http://myvault_url:8200') }}"
+- ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ my_secrets['secret_key'] }}"
+- ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Secret '{{ item.key }}' has value '{{ item.value }}'"
+ loop: "{{ my_secrets | dict2items }}"
+- name: return secrets as values only
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "A secret value: {{ item }}"
+ loop: "{{ query('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/data/manysecrets', token=my_token_var, url='http://vault_url:8200', return_format='values') }}"
+- name: return raw secret from API, including metadata
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ my_secret: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/data/hello:value', token=my_token_var, url='http://myvault_url:8200', as='raw') }}"
+- ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "This is version {{ my_secret['metadata']['version'] }} of hello:value. The secret data is {{ my_secret['data']['data']['value'] }}"
+# AWS IAM authentication method
+# uses Ansible standard AWS options
+- name: authenticate with aws_iam_login
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/hello:value', auth_method='aws_iam_login', role_id='myroleid', profile=my_boto_profile) }}"
+# JWT auth
+- name: Authenticate with a JWT
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/hola:val', auth_method='jwt', role_id='myroleid', jwt='myjwt', url='https://vault:8200') }}"
+# Disabling Token Validation
+# Use this when your token does not have the lookup-self capability. Usually this is applied to all tokens via the default policy.
+# However you can choose to create tokens without applying the default policy, or you can modify your default policy not to include it.
+# When disabled, your invalid or expired token will be indistinguishable from insufficent permissions.
+- name: authenticate without token validation
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret/hello:value', token=my_token, token_validate=False) }}"
+# Use a proxy
+- name: use a proxy with login/password
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=... token=... url=https://... proxies=https://user:pass@myproxy:8080') }}"
+- name: 'use a socks proxy (need some additional dependencies, see: )'
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'secret=... token=... url=https://... proxies=socks5://myproxy:1080') }}"
+- name: use proxies with a dict (as param)
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', '...', proxies={'http': 'http://myproxy1', 'https': 'http://myproxy2'}) }}"
+- name: use proxies with a dict (as param, pre-defined var)
+ vars:
+ prox:
+ http: http://myproxy1
+ https: https://myproxy2
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', '...', proxies=prox }}"
+- name: use proxies with a dict (in the term string, Ansible key=value syntax)
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', '... proxies=http=http://myproxy1,https=http://myproxy2') }}"
+- name: use proxies with a dict (in the term string, JSON syntax)
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', '... proxies={\\"http\\":\\"http://myproxy1\\",\\"https\\":\\"http://myproxy2\\"}') }}"
+RETURN = """
+ description:
+ - secrets(s) requested
+ type: list
+ elements: dict
+import os
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
+from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean
+from ansible import constants as C
+from ansible.utils.display import Display
+from ansible.module_utils.common.validation import check_type_dict, check_type_str
+display = Display()
+HAS_HVAC = False
+ import hvac
+ HAS_HVAC = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_HVAC = False
+ # import boto3
+ import botocore
+except ImportError:
+HAS_BOTO3 = False
+ import boto3
+ # import botocore
+ HAS_BOTO3 = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_BOTO3 = False
+# see
+# Options which seek to use environment vars that are not Ansible-specific
+# should load those as values of last resort, so that INI values can override them.
+# For default processing, list such options and vars here.
+# Alternatively, process them in another appropriate place like an auth method's
+# validate_ method.
+# key = option_name
+# value = list of env vars (in order of those checked first; process stops when value is found)
+ 'token_path': ['HOME'],
+ 'namespace': ['VAULT_NAMESPACE'],
+ 'token': ['VAULT_TOKEN'],
+ 'url': ['VAULT_ADDR'],
+# TODO: this is a workaround for deprecations not being shown in lookups
+# See:
+# Fix:
+# If #73058 or another fix is backported, this should be removed.
+def deprecate(collection_name='community.hashi_vault'):
+ # nicked from cli/
+ # with slight customizations to help filter out relevant messages
+ # (relying on the collection name since it's a valid attrib and we only have 1 plugin at this time)
+ # warn about deprecated config options
+ for deprecated in list(C.config.DEPRECATED):
+ name = deprecated[0]
+ why = deprecated[1]['why']
+ if deprecated[1].get('collection_name') != collection_name:
+ continue
+ if 'alternatives' in deprecated[1]:
+ alt = ', use %s instead' % deprecated[1]['alternatives']
+ else:
+ alt = ''
+ ver = deprecated[1].get('version')
+ date = deprecated[1].get('date')
+ collection_name = deprecated[1].get('collection_name')
+ display.deprecated("%s option, %s%s" % (name, why, alt), version=ver, date=date, collection_name=collection_name)
+ # remove this item from the list so it won't get processed again by something else
+ C.config.DEPRECATED.remove(deprecated)
+class HashiVault:
+ def get_options(self, *option_names, **kwargs):
+ ret = {}
+ include_falsey = kwargs.get('include_falsey', False)
+ for option in option_names:
+ val = self.options.get(option)
+ if val or include_falsey:
+ ret[option] = val
+ return ret
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.options = kwargs
+ # check early that auth method is actually available
+ self.auth_function = 'auth_' + self.options['auth_method']
+ if not (hasattr(self, self.auth_function) and callable(getattr(self, self.auth_function))):
+ raise AnsibleError(
+ "Authentication method '%s' is not implemented. ('%s' member function not found)" % (self.options['auth_method'], self.auth_function)
+ )
+ client_args = {
+ 'url': self.options['url'],
+ 'verify': self.options['ca_cert']
+ }
+ if self.options.get('namespace'):
+ client_args['namespace'] = self.options['namespace']
+ # this is the only auth_method-specific thing here, because if we're using a token, we need it now
+ if self.options['auth_method'] == 'token':
+ client_args['token'] = self.options.get('token')
+ if self.options.get('proxies') is not None:
+ client_args['proxies'] = self.options.get('proxies')
+ self.client = hvac.Client(**client_args)
+ # logout to prevent accidental use of inferred tokens
+ #
+ if 'token' not in client_args:
+ self.client.logout()
+ # Check for old version, before auth_methods class (added in 0.7.0):
+ #
+ #
+ # hvac is moving auth methods into the auth_methods class
+ # which lives in the client.auth member.
+ #
+ # Attempting to find which backends were moved into the class when (this is primarily for warnings):
+ # 0.7.0 -- github, ldap, mfa, azure?, gcp
+ # 0.7.1 -- okta
+ # 0.8.0 -- kubernetes
+ # 0.9.0 -- azure?, radius
+ # 0.9.3 -- aws
+ # 0.9.6 -- userpass
+ # 0.10.5 -- jwt (new)
+ self.hvac_has_auth_methods = hasattr(self.client, 'auth')
+ # We've already checked to ensure a method exists for a particular auth_method, of the form:
+ #
+ # auth_<method_name>
+ #
+ def authenticate(self):
+ getattr(self, self.auth_function)()
+ def get(self):
+ '''gets a secret. should always return a list'''
+ secret = self.options['secret']
+ field = self.options['secret_field']
+ return_as = self.options['return_format']
+ try:
+ data =
+ except hvac.exceptions.Forbidden:
+ raise AnsibleError("Forbidden: Permission Denied to secret '%s'." % secret)
+ if data is None:
+ raise AnsibleError("The secret '%s' doesn't seem to exist." % secret)
+ if return_as == 'raw':
+ return [data]
+ # Check response for KV v2 fields and flatten nested secret data.
+ #
+ try:
+ # sentinel field checks
+ check_dd = data['data']['data']
+ check_md = data['data']['metadata']
+ # unwrap nested data
+ data = data['data']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if return_as == 'values':
+ return list(data['data'].values())
+ # everything after here implements return_as == 'dict'
+ if not field:
+ return [data['data']]
+ if field not in data['data']:
+ raise AnsibleError("The secret %s does not contain the field '%s'. for hashi_vault lookup" % (secret, field))
+ return [data['data'][field]]
+ # begin auth implementation methods
+ #
+ # To add new backends, 3 things should be added:
+ #
+ # 1. Add a new validate_auth_<method_name> method to the LookupModule, which is responsible for validating
+ # that it has the necessary options and whatever else it needs.
+ #
+ # 2. Add a new auth_<method_name> method to this class. These implementations are faily minimal as they should
+ # already have everything they need. This is also the place to check for deprecated auth methods as hvac
+ # continues to move backends into the auth_methods class.
+ #
+ # 3. Update the avail_auth_methods list in the LookupModule's auth_methods() method (for now this is static).
+ #
+ def auth_token(self):
+ if self.options.get('token_validate') and not self.client.is_authenticated():
+ raise AnsibleError("Invalid Hashicorp Vault Token Specified for hashi_vault lookup.")
+ def auth_userpass(self):
+ params = self.get_options('username', 'password', 'mount_point')
+ try:
+ self.client.auth.userpass.login(**params)
+ except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ display.warning("HVAC should be updated to version 0.9.6 or higher. Deprecated method 'auth_userpass' will be used.")
+ self.client.auth_userpass(**params)
+ def auth_ldap(self):
+ params = self.get_options('username', 'password', 'mount_point')
+ try:
+ self.client.auth.ldap.login(**params)
+ except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ display.warning("HVAC should be updated to version 0.7.0 or higher. Deprecated method 'auth_ldap' will be used.")
+ self.client.auth_ldap(**params)
+ def auth_approle(self):
+ params = self.get_options('role_id', 'secret_id', 'mount_point')
+ try:
+ self.client.auth.approle.login(**params)
+ except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ display.warning("HVAC should be updated to version 0.10.6 or higher. Deprecated method 'auth_approle' will be used.")
+ self.client.auth_approle(**params)
+ def auth_aws_iam_login(self):
+ params = self.options['_auth_aws_iam_login_params']
+ try:
+ except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ display.warning("HVAC should be updated to version 0.9.3 or higher. Deprecated method 'auth_aws_iam' will be used.")
+ self.client.auth_aws_iam(**params)
+ def auth_jwt(self):
+ params = self.get_options('role_id', 'jwt', 'mount_point')
+ params['role'] = params.pop('role_id')
+ if 'mount_point' in params:
+ params['path'] = params.pop('mount_point')
+ try:
+ response = self.client.auth.jwt.jwt_login(**params)
+ # must manually set the client token with JWT login
+ # see
+ self.client.token = response['auth']['client_token']
+ except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ raise AnsibleError("JWT authentication requires HVAC version 0.10.5 or higher.")
+ # end auth implementation methods
+class LookupModule(LookupBase):
+ def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs):
+ if not HAS_HVAC:
+ raise AnsibleError("Please pip install hvac to use the hashi_vault lookup module.")
+ ret = []
+ for term in terms:
+ opts = kwargs.copy()
+ opts.update(self.parse_term(term))
+ self.set_options(direct=opts)
+ # TODO: remove deprecate() if backported fix is available (see method definition)
+ deprecate()
+ self.process_options()
+ # FUTURE: Create one object, authenticate once, and re-use it,
+ # for gets, for better use during with_ loops.
+ client = HashiVault(**self._options)
+ client.authenticate()
+ ret.extend(client.get())
+ return ret
+ def parse_term(self, term):
+ '''parses a term string into options'''
+ param_dict = {}
+ for i, param in enumerate(term.split()):
+ try:
+ key, value = param.split('=', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ if (i == 0):
+ # allow secret to be specified as value only if it's first
+ key = 'secret'
+ value = param
+ else:
+ raise AnsibleError("hashi_vault lookup plugin needs key=value pairs, but received %s" % term)
+ param_dict[key] = value
+ return param_dict
+ def process_options(self):
+ '''performs deep validation and value loading for options'''
+ # low preference env vars
+ self.low_preference_env_vars()
+ # ca_cert to verify
+ self.boolean_or_cacert()
+ # auth methods
+ self.auth_methods()
+ # secret field splitter
+ self.field_ops()
+ # proxies (dict or str)
+ self.process_option_proxies()
+ # begin options processing methods
+ def set_default_option_env(self, option, var):
+ '''sets an option to the value of an env var if None'''
+ if self.get_option(option) is None:
+ self.set_option(option, os.environ.get(var))
+ def low_preference_env_vars(self):
+ '''sets all options that have a low preference env var'''
+ # see definition of LOW_PRECEDENCE_ENV_VAR_OPTIONS near the top of the file
+ for opt, envs in LOW_PRECEDENCE_ENV_VAR_OPTIONS.items():
+ for env in envs:
+ self.set_default_option_env(opt, env)
+ def boolean_or_cacert(self):
+ # This is needed because of this (
+ #
+ # # verify (Union[bool,str]) - Either a boolean to indicate whether TLS verification should
+ # # be performed when sending requests to Vault, or a string pointing at the CA bundle to use for verification.
+ #
+ '''return a bool or cacert'''
+ ca_cert = self.get_option('ca_cert')
+ validate_certs = self.get_option('validate_certs')
+ if validate_certs is None:
+ # Validate certs option was not explicitly set
+ # Check if VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY is set
+ vault_skip_verify = os.environ.get('VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY')
+ if vault_skip_verify is not None:
+ try:
+ # Check that we have a boolean value
+ vault_skip_verify = boolean(vault_skip_verify)
+ # Use the inverse of VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY
+ validate_certs = not vault_skip_verify
+ except TypeError:
+ # Not a boolean value fallback to default value (True)
+ validate_certs = True
+ else:
+ validate_certs = True
+ if not (validate_certs and ca_cert):
+ self.set_option('ca_cert', validate_certs)
+ def field_ops(self):
+ # split secret and field
+ secret = self.get_option('secret')
+ s_f = secret.rsplit(':', 1)
+ self.set_option('secret', s_f[0])
+ if len(s_f) >= 2:
+ field = s_f[1]
+ else:
+ field = None
+ self.set_option('secret_field', field)
+ def auth_methods(self):
+ # enforce and set the list of available auth methods
+ # TODO: can this be read from the choices: field in documentation?
+ avail_auth_methods = ['token', 'approle', 'userpass', 'ldap', 'aws_iam_login', 'jwt']
+ self.set_option('avail_auth_methods', avail_auth_methods)
+ auth_method = self.get_option('auth_method')
+ if auth_method not in avail_auth_methods:
+ raise AnsibleError(
+ "Authentication method '%s' not supported. Available options are %r" % (auth_method, avail_auth_methods)
+ )
+ # run validator if available
+ auth_validator = 'validate_auth_' + auth_method
+ if hasattr(self, auth_validator) and callable(getattr(self, auth_validator)):
+ getattr(self, auth_validator)(auth_method)
+ def process_option_proxies(self):
+ # check if 'proxies' option is dict or str
+ proxies_opt = self.get_option('proxies')
+ if proxies_opt is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ # if it can be interpreted as dict
+ # do it
+ proxies = check_type_dict(proxies_opt)
+ except TypeError:
+ # if it can't be interpreted as dict
+ proxy = check_type_str(proxies_opt)
+ # but can be interpreted as str
+ # use this str as http and https proxy
+ proxies = {
+ 'http': proxy,
+ 'https': proxy
+ }
+ # record the new/interpreted value for 'proxies' option
+ self.set_option('proxies', proxies)
+ # end options processing methods
+ # begin auth method validators
+ def validate_by_required_fields(self, auth_method, *field_names):
+ missing = [field for field in field_names if not self.get_option(field)]
+ if missing:
+ raise AnsibleError("Authentication method %s requires options %r to be set, but these are missing: %r" % (auth_method, field_names, missing))
+ def validate_auth_userpass(self, auth_method):
+ self.validate_by_required_fields(auth_method, 'username', 'password')
+ def validate_auth_ldap(self, auth_method):
+ self.validate_by_required_fields(auth_method, 'username', 'password')
+ def validate_auth_approle(self, auth_method):
+ self.validate_by_required_fields(auth_method, 'role_id')
+ # This lone superfluous get_option() is intentional, see:
+ #
+ self.get_option('secret_id')
+ def validate_auth_token(self, auth_method):
+ if auth_method == 'token':
+ if not self.get_option('token') and self.get_option('token_path'):
+ token_filename = os.path.join(
+ self.get_option('token_path'),
+ self.get_option('token_file')
+ )
+ if os.path.exists(token_filename):
+ with open(token_filename) as token_file:
+ self.set_option('token',
+ if not self.get_option('token'):
+ raise AnsibleError("No Vault Token specified or discovered.")
+ def validate_auth_aws_iam_login(self, auth_method):
+ params = {
+ 'access_key': self.get_option('aws_access_key'),
+ 'secret_key': self.get_option('aws_secret_key'),
+ }
+ if self.get_option('mount_point'):
+ params['mount_point'] = self.get_option('mount_point')
+ if self.get_option('role_id'):
+ params['role'] = self.get_option('role_id')
+ if self.get_option('region'):
+ params['region'] = self.get_option('region')
+ if self.get_option('aws_iam_server_id'):
+ params['header_value'] = self.get_option('aws_iam_server_id')
+ if not (params['access_key'] and params['secret_key']):
+ profile = self.get_option('aws_profile')
+ if profile:
+ # try to load boto profile
+ if not HAS_BOTO3:
+ raise AnsibleError("boto3 is required for loading a boto profile.")
+ session_credentials = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=profile).get_credentials()
+ else:
+ # try to load from IAM credentials
+ if not HAS_BOTOCORE:
+ raise AnsibleError("botocore is required for loading IAM role credentials.")
+ session_credentials = botocore.session.get_session().get_credentials()
+ if not session_credentials:
+ raise AnsibleError("No AWS credentials supplied or available.")
+ params['access_key'] = session_credentials.access_key
+ params['secret_key'] = session_credentials.secret_key
+ if session_credentials.token:
+ params['session_token'] = session_credentials.token
+ self.set_option('_auth_aws_iam_login_params', params)
+ def validate_auth_jwt(self, auth_method):
+ self.validate_by_required_fields(auth_method, 'role_id', 'jwt')
+ # end auth method validators