path: root/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb')
192 files changed, 14203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/CODEOWNERS b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/CODEOWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a8248a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/CODEOWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Repo maintainers, and goverance team (like Anisble's @ansible-commit-external)
+#* @rrey @seuf @gundalow-collections/community-goverance-team
+# or possibly, we may want to define teams at the org level.
+# * @gundalow-collections/grafana-maintainers
+# Example of maintainer of just a single plugin
+#grafana/plugins/modules/ @someone-else
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/settings.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b026fe10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# this is a copy of
+# Work around till is merged
+ # See for all available settings.
+ has_issues: true
+ has_wiki: false
+ has_pages: false
+ default_branch: master
+ allow_squash_merge: true
+ allow_merge_commit: false
+ allow_rebase_merge: true
+# Labels: define labels for Issues and Pull Requests
+ - name: bug
+ color: fbca04
+ description: This issue/PR relates to a bug.
+ - name: feature
+ description: This issue/PR relates to a feature request.
+ color: 006b75
+ - name: migrated_from_ansible_ansible
+ color: 5319e7
+ description: This issue/PR was moved from gh/ansible/ansible
+ - name: devel
+ #
+ # Branch Protection settings. Set to null to disable
+ protection:
+ # Required. Require at least one approving review on a pull request, before merging. Set to null to disable.
+ required_pull_request_reviews:
+ # The number of approvals required. (1-6)
+ required_approving_review_count: 1
+ # Dismiss approved reviews automatically when a new commit is pushed.
+ dismiss_stale_reviews: true
+ # Blocks merge until code owners have reviewed.
+ require_code_owner_reviews: true
+ # Specify which users and teams can dismiss pull request reviews. Pass an empty dismissal_restrictions object to disable. User and team dismissal_restrictions are only available for organization-owned repositories. Omit this parameter for personal repositories.
+ dismissal_restrictions:
+ users: []
+ teams: []
+ # Required. Require status checks to pass before merging. Set to null to disable
+ required_status_checks:
+ # Required. Require branches to be up to date before merging.
+ strict: true
+ # Required. The list of status checks to require in order to merge into this branch
+ contexts: []
+ # Required. Enforce all configured restrictions for administrators. Set to true to enforce required status checks for repository administrators. Set to null to disable.
+ enforce_admins: true
+ # Required. Restrict who can push to this branch. Team and user restrictions are only available for organization-owned repositories. Set to null to disable.
+ restrictions:
+ users: null
+ teams: null
+ - name: master
+ #
+ # Branch Protection settings. Set to null to disable
+ protection:
+ # Required. Require at least one approving review on a pull request, before merging. Set to null to disable.
+ required_pull_request_reviews:
+ # The number of approvals required. (1-6)
+ required_approving_review_count: 1
+ # Dismiss approved reviews automatically when a new commit is pushed.
+ dismiss_stale_reviews: true
+ # Blocks merge until code owners have reviewed.
+ require_code_owner_reviews: true
+ # Specify which users and teams can dismiss pull request reviews. Pass an empty dismissal_restrictions object to disable. User and team dismissal_restrictions are only available for organization-owned repositories. Omit this parameter for personal repositories.
+ dismissal_restrictions:
+ users: []
+ teams: []
+ # Required. Require status checks to pass before merging. Set to null to disable
+ required_status_checks:
+ # Required. Require branches to be up to date before merging.
+ strict: true
+ # Required. The list of status checks to require in order to merge into this branch
+ contexts: []
+ # Required. Enforce all configured restrictions for administrators. Set to true to enforce required status checks for repository administrators. Set to null to disable.
+ enforce_admins: true
+ # Required. Restrict who can push to this branch. Team and user restrictions are only available for organization-owned repositories. Set to null to disable.
+ restrictions:
+ users: null
+ teams: null
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/ansible-test.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/ansible-test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cc49ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/ansible-test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+name: CI
+ pull_request:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 3 * * *"
+ mongodb_version_file: "./tests/integration/targets/setup_mongodb/defaults/main.yml"
+ sanity:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python 3.6
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.6
+ - name: Install ansible-base (devel)
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Run sanity tests
+ run: ansible-test sanity --docker -v --color --python 3.6 --exclude docs/*
+ units:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python 3.6
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.6
+ - name: Install ansible-base (devel)
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Run unit tests
+ run: ansible-test units --docker -v --color --python 3.6 --coverage
+ - name: Generate coverage report.
+ run: ansible-test coverage xml -v --requirements --group-by command --group-by version
+ - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
+ with:
+ fail_ci_if_error: false
+ integration_matrix:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ outputs:
+ matrix: ${{ steps.json-list.outputs.modules-to-test }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Generate module list
+ run: |
+ find tests/integration/targets -type d -maxdepth 1 -not -name 'setup*' | cut -d '/' -f4 | sort | awk NF | jq -sRc 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' > int_test_modules.json
+ - name: Set output variable
+ id: json-list
+ run: |
+ output=$(cat int_test_modules.json)
+ echo "::set-output name=modules-to-test::$output"
+ echo "$output"
+ integration:
+ needs: integration_matrix
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python_version:
+ - "3.6"
+ mongodb_version:
+ - "4.2"
+ - "4.4"
+ mongodb_module: ${{ fromJson(needs.integration_matrix.outputs.matrix) }}
+ docker_image:
+ - ubuntu1804
+ - centos8
+ ansible_version:
+ - stable-2.10
+ - devel
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python_version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python_version }}
+ - name: Install ansible-base (${{ matrix.ansible_version }})
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install${{ matrix.ansible_version }}.tar.gz --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Install community.general
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: ansible-galaxy collection install community.general -p ansible_collections/
+ - name: Install community.crypto
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto -p ansible_collections/
+ - name: Ensure MongoDB version is set to ${{ matrix.mongodb_version }}
+ run: "sed -i 's/^mongodb_version:.*/mongodb_version: \"${{ matrix.mongodb_version }}\"/g' ${{ env.mongodb_version_file }}"
+ - name: Run integration tests on Python ${{ matrix.python_version }} | ${{ matrix.docker_image }} | ${{ matrix.ansible_version }} | ${{ matrix.mongodb_version }}
+ run: ansible-test integration --docker ${{ matrix.docker_image }} -v --color --retry-on-error --python ${{ matrix.python_version }} --continue-on-error --diff --coverage ${{ matrix.mongodb_module }}
+ - name: Upload Coverage data
+ run: tests/
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/documentation.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/documentation.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..634eab20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/documentation.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+name: documentation
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ publish:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python 3.6
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.6
+ - name: Install ansible-base (devel)
+ run: pip install --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Build collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection build .
+ - name: Install collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection install community-mongodb-*.tar.gz
+ - name: Install ansible-doc-extractor
+ run: pip install wheel setuptools ansible-doc-extractor --upgrade
+ - name: Install rstdoc
+ run: pip install -v rstdoc
+ - name: Create docs dir
+ run: mkdir -p docs/{lookup,cache}
+ - name: Create rst files from modules
+ run: ansible-doc-extractor ./docs plugins/modules/mongodb_*.py
+ - name: Create rst files from lookup
+ run: ansible-doc-extractor ./docs/lookup plugins/lookup/mongodb*.py
+ - name: Create rst files from cache
+ run: ansible-doc-extractor ./docs/cache plugins/cache/mongodb*.py
+ - name: Create collection index document
+ run: |
+ echo "# MongoDB Ansible Collection Documentation" > docs/
+ echo "## Modules" >> docs/
+ find plugins/modules -type f -name 'mongodb_*.py' -exec bash -c 'echo "- [$(basename "{}" ".py")]($(basename {} .py).html)"' \; >> docs/
+ echo "## Lookup" >> docs/
+ find plugins/lookup -type f -name 'mongodb*.py' -exec bash -c 'echo "- [$(basename "{}" ".py")](lookup/$(basename {} .py).html)"' \; >> docs/
+ echo "## Cache" >> docs/
+ find plugins/cache -type f -name 'mongodb*.py' -exec bash -c 'echo "- [$(basename "{}" ".py")](cache/$(basename {} .py).html)"' \; >> docs/
+ - name: Create module html documents from rst files
+ run: |
+ find ./docs -type f -name 'mongodb_*.rst' -maxdepth 1 -exec bash -c 'rstdoc {} "docs/$(basename "{}" ".rst").html" rst_html' \;
+ - name: Create lookup html documents from rst files
+ run: |
+ find ./docs/lookup -type f -name 'mongodb*.rst' -maxdepth 1 -exec bash -c 'rstdoc {} "docs/lookup/$(basename "{}" ".rst").html" rst_html' \;
+ - name: Create cache html documents from rst files
+ run: |
+ find ./docs/cache -type f -name 'mongodb*.rst' -maxdepth 1 -exec bash -c 'rstdoc {} "docs/cache/$(basename "{}" ".rst").html" rst_html' \;
+ - name: Remove intermediary rst docs
+ run: find docs/ -name '*.rst' -delete
+ - name: Deploy
+ if: success()
+ uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v1
+ with:
+ target_branch: gh-pages
+ build_dir: ansible_collections/community/mongodb/docs
+ env:
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/mongodb-cache.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/mongodb-cache.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5432260d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/mongodb-cache.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+name: CI
+ pull_request:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 3 * * *"
+ mongodb-cache:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ env:
+ ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN: "community.mongodb.mongodb"
+ ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION: "mongodb://mongoadmin:secret@localhost:27017/cache?authSource=admin"
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python_version:
+ - "3.5"
+ - "3.8"
+ ansible_version:
+ - stable-2.10
+ - devel
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python 3.6
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python_version }}
+ - name: Install ansible-base (${{ matrix.ansible_version }})
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install${{ matrix.ansible_version }}.tar.gz --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Build the collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection build
+ - name: Rename the build artifact
+ run: mv community-mongodb-*.tar.gz community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ - name: Install collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection install community-mongodb-*.tar.gz
+ - name: Create docker volume
+ run: docker volume create mongocache
+ - name: Run the mongodb cache inside a docker container
+ run:
+ docker run -d --name mongocache -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin
+ -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -p 27017:27017
+ -v mongocache:/data/db mongo:latest
+ - name: Install mongodb-org-shell
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: sudo apt-get install mongodb-org-shell
+ #
+ - name: Run ansible without pymongo installed to generate the warning
+ id: no-pymongo
+ run: |
+ output=$(ansible localhost -m setup 2>&1)
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=nopymongo::$output"
+ - name: Test cache handling of missing pymongo
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: "The 'pymongo' python module is required for the mongodb fact cache"
+ actual: ${{ }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install pymongo
+ - name: Run ansible to generate the mongodb cache
+ run: ansible localhost -m setup
+ - name: Query mongo to see what we have in the cache
+ id: mongo1
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.find()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we have something that looks like a cache record
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ansible_processor_count
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo1.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Collection should not have a ttl index
+ id: mongo2
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.getIndexes()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we don't have an index called ttl
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ttl
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo2.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: notContains
+ - name: Test that we have good output from getindexes
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: "_id_"
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo2.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Repeat the action to hit the cache again
+ run: ansible localhost -m setup
+ - name: Query mongo to see what we have in the cach3
+ id: mongo3
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.find()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we have something that looks like a cache record
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ansible_processor_count
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo3.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Collection should not have a ttl index
+ id: mongo4
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.getIndexes()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we don't have an index called ttl
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ttl
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo4.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: notContains
+ - name: Test that we have good output from getindexes
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: "_id_"
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo4.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Run the action again with a modified timeout
+ env:
+ run: ansible localhost -m setup
+ - name: Query mongo to see what we have in the cache
+ id: mongo5
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.find()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we have something that looks like a cache record
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ansible_processor_count
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo5.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Collection should have a ttl index
+ id: mongo6
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.getIndexes()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we do have an index called ttl
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ttl
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo6.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Repeat the action
+ env:
+ run: ansible localhost -m setup
+ - name: Query mongo to see what we have in the cache
+ id: mongo7
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.find()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we have something that looks like a cache record
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ansible_processor_count
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo7.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Collection should have a ttl index
+ id: mongo8
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.getIndexes()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we do have an index called ttl
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ttl
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo8.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Set timeout back to zero
+ env:
+ run: ansible localhost -m setup
+ - name: Query mongo to see what we have in the cache
+ id: mongo9
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.find()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we have something that looks like a cache record
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ansible_processor_count
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo9.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
+ - name: Collection should not have a ttl index
+ id: mongo10
+ run: |
+ output=$(mongo cache --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoadmin -p secret --eval "db.cache.getIndexes()")
+ echo "$output"
+ output="${output//'%'/'%25'}"
+ output="${output//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
+ output="${output//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
+ echo "::set-output name=mongo::$output"
+ - name: Test that we don't have an index called ttl
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: ttl
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo10.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: notContains
+ - name: Test that we have good output from getindexes
+ uses: nick-invision/assert-action@v1
+ with:
+ expected: "_id_"
+ actual: ${{ steps.mongo10.outputs.mongo }}
+ comparison: contains
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/publish_collection.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/publish_collection.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f7a4433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/publish_collection.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+name: Build & Publish Collection
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ build_publish:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python 3.6
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.6
+ - name: Install ansible-base (devel)
+ run: pip install --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Build the collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection build
+ - name: Rename the build artifact
+ run: mv community-mongodb-*.tar.gz community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ - name: Upload community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz as an artifact
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ with:
+ name: community-mongodb-latest
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb/community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ # Moving the tag leaves an orphan artifact. Just changing the artifact doesn't move the tag.
+ - name: Delete latest tag and release
+ uses: dev-drprasad/delete-tag-and-release@v0.1.2
+ with:
+ delete_release: true
+ tag_name: latest
+ env:
+ - name: Upload files to release
+ uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
+ with:
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ file: ansible_collections/community/mongodb/community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ asset_name: community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ body: "Development release"
+ tag: latest
+ overwrite: true
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/test-roles.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/test-roles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e131f49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/test-roles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+name: CI_roles
+ pull_request:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 6 * * *"
+ roles_matrix:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ outputs:
+ matrix: ${{ steps.json-list.outputs.roles-to-test }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Generate module list
+ run: |
+ find roles -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | cut -d '/' -f2 | awk NF | jq -sRc 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' > int_test_roles.json
+ - name: Set output variable
+ id: json-list
+ run: |
+ output=$(cat int_test_roles.json)
+ echo "::set-output name=roles-to-test::$output"
+ echo "$output"
+ roles:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ needs: roles_matrix
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python_version:
+ - "3.6"
+ mongodb_role: ${{ fromJson(needs.roles_matrix.outputs.matrix) }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.test_scenario.python_version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.test_scenario.python_version }}
+ - name: Uninstall existing ansible
+ run: sudo apt remove ansible
+ - name: Ensure wheel is installed
+ run: pip install wheel
+ - name: Install requirements
+ run: |
+ export pyv=$(python -c 'from platform import python_version; print(python_version()[:3])')
+ pip install --requirement requirements-${pyv}.txt
+ - name: Add molecule location to path
+ run: echo "${HOME}/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Build the collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection build
+ - name: Rename the build artifact
+ run: mv community-mongodb-*.tar.gz community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ - name: Install collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection install community-mongodb-*.tar.gz
+ - name: Run molecule test for ${{ matrix.mongodb_role }}
+ run: molecule test
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/${{ matrix.mongodb_role }}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/x509.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/x509.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f7a7ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.github/workflows/x509.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+name: CI
+ pull_request:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 3 * * *"
+ x509_membership_auth:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb/tests/ansible-operator
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ path: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Setup Minikube
+ uses: manusa/actions-setup-minikube@v2.3.0
+ with:
+ minikube version: 'v1.13.1'
+ kubernetes version: 'v1.19.2'
+ github token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ - name: Install cert-manager
+ run: |
+ kubectl apply --validate=false -f
+ - name: Generate certs
+ run: |
+ openssl genrsa -out ca.key 8192
+ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -subj "/CN=mongodb-cluster-ca.local" -days 36500 -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca -out ca.crt
+ - name: Wait for a bit
+ run: sleep 60
+ - name: Register the certs with k8
+ run: |
+ kubectl create secret tls mongodb-cluster-ca-key-pair --key=ca.key --cert=ca.crt
+ kubectl apply -f ca-issuer.yaml
+ - name: make install
+ run: make install
+ - name: Create k8 namesapce
+ run: kubectl create ns ansible-operator-system
+ - name: use minikubes docker
+ run: eval $(minikube docker-env --shell sh)
+ - name: make docker-build
+ run: make docker-build IMG=test-mongodb-operator:latest
+ - name: make deploy
+ run: make deploy IMG=test-mongodb-operator:latest
+ - name: Wait for controller to be ready
+ run: kubectl wait --for=condition=available deployment/ansible-operator-controller-manager -n ansible-operator-system --timeout=60s
+ #- name: Debug step
+ # run: kubectl api-resources | grep mongo -i
+ # - name: Debug step
+ # run: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
+ # - name: Debug step
+ # run: kubectl describe pod -n ansible-operator-system ansible-operator-controller-manager
+ - name: Setup the k8 mongodb env
+ run: |
+ kubectl apply -f config/samples/mongodb_v1alpha1_mongodb.yaml
+ sleep 10
+ kubectl -n ansible-operator-system logs deployment.apps/ansible-operator-controller-manager -c manager
+ - name: Wait for a bit
+ run: sleep 60
+ - name: Install socat
+ run: |
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install socat
+ - name: Forward the local port 27017 to k8
+ run: kubectl port-forward mongodb-sample-0 27017:27017 --address &
+ # - name: Get the pods (Debug)
+ # run: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
+ # - name: List forwards (Debug)
+ # run: kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
+ - name: Copy the certs to the localhost
+ run: |
+ managerpod=$(kubectl get pods -n ansible-operator-system --no-headers | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
+ kubectl cp ansible-operator-system/${managerpod}:/tmp/mongodb-sample.default/ca.crt ca.crt -c manager
+ kubectl cp ansible-operator-system/${managerpod}:/tmp/mongodb-sample.default/tls.key tls.key -c manager
+ - name: Run mongo shell command to test x509 membership connectivity
+ run: |
+ kubectl -n ansible-operator-system exec -ti deployment.apps/ansible-operator-controller-manager -c manager -- \
+ /usr/bin/mongo mongodb://mongodb-sample.default.svc.cluster.local \
+ --tls \
+ --tlsCAFile /tmp/mongodb-sample.default/ca.crt \
+ --tlsCertificateKeyFile /tmp/mongodb-sample.default/tls.key \
+ --authenticationMechanism MONGODB-X509 \
+ --authenticationDatabase '$external' \
+ --eval "db.adminCommand('listDatabases')"
+ - name: Run mongo shell command to test x509 membership connectivity from localhost
+ run: |
+ /usr/bin/mongo mongodb:// \
+ --tls \
+ --tlsCAFile ca.crt \
+ --tlsCertificateKeyFile tls.key \
+ --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames \
+ --authenticationMechanism MONGODB-X509 \
+ --authenticationDatabase '$external' \
+ --eval "db.adminCommand('listDatabases')"
+ # - name: Get the mongodb log
+ # run: kubectl logs mongodb-sample-0
+ - name: Set up Python 3.6
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: "3.6"
+ - name: Install ansible-base devel
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install --disable-pip-version-check
+ - name: Build the collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection build
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Rename the build artifact
+ run: mv community-mongodb-*.tar.gz community-mongodb-latest.tar.gz
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Install collection
+ run: ansible-galaxy collection install community-mongodb-*.tar.gz
+ working-directory: ansible_collections/community/mongodb
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
+ with:
+ timeout_minutes: 3
+ max_attempts: 3
+ command: pip install pymongo
+ # - name: Debug step
+ # run: netstat -tulpen
+ - name: Run mongodb_user module with membership auth
+ run: ansible localhost -m community.mongodb.mongodb_user -a "login_host=localhost login_port=27017 login_database='$external' database='admin' password='secret' ssl=true ssl_ca_certs=ca.crt ssl_certfile=tls.key auth_mechanism=MONGODB-X509 name="test" state=present connection_options='tlsAllowInvalidHostnames=true'"
+ - name: Run mongodb_info module with membership auth
+ run: ansible localhost -m community.mongodb.mongodb_info -a "login_host=localhost login_port=27017 login_database='$external' ssl=true ssl_ca_certs=ca.crt ssl_certfile=tls.key auth_mechanism=MONGODB-X509 connection_options='tlsAllowInvalidHostnames=true'"
+ - name: Run mongodb_parameter module with membership auth
+ run: ansible localhost -m community.mongodb.mongodb_parameter -a "login_host=localhost login_port=27017 login_database='$external' param=syncdelay value=60 param_type=int ssl=true ssl_ca_certs=ca.crt ssl_certfile=tls.key auth_mechanism=MONGODB-X509 connection_options='tlsAllowInvalidHostnames=true'"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.gitignore b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47137b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/CHANGELOG.rst b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/CHANGELOG.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7952c588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Community.Mongodb Release Notes
+.. contents:: Topics
+New Modules
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_shell - Run commands via the MongoDB shell.
+New Modules
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer - Manages the MongoDB Sharded Cluster Balancer.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_index - Creates or drops indexes on MongoDB collections.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_info - Gather information about MongoDB instance.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_maintenance - Enables or disables maintenance mode for a secondary member.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_oplog - Resizes the MongoDB oplog.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_parameter - Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset - Initialises a MongoDB replicaset.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_shard - Add or remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_shutdown - Cleans up all database resources and then terminates the mongod/mongos process.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_status - Validates the status of the cluster.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_stepdown - Step down the MongoDB node from a PRIMARY state.
+- community.mongodb.mongodb_user - Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/COPYING b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f288702d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
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+ "authors": [
+ "Ansible (",
+ "Rhys Campbell (",
+ "Andrew Klychkov (",
+ "Marcos Diez (",
+ "Elliott Foster (",
+ "Loic Blot (",
+ "Matt Martz ("
+ ],
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+ "mongodb",
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+ "nosql"
+ ],
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+ "community.general": ">=1.0.0"
+ },
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+ "homepage": "",
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Mongodb Collection
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+|Github Docs|![documentation](|
+|CI Roles|![CI_roles](|
+|MongoDB Clusters|![CI](|
+|Latest Build|![Build & Publish Collection](|
+This collection called `mongodb` aims at providing all Ansible modules allowing to interact with MongoDB.
+The modules present in Ansible 2.9 are included in this collection and will benefit from the evolutions and quality requirements from this collection.
+As this is an independent collection, it can be released on its own release cadence.
+## Running the integration and unit tests
+* Requirements
+ * [Python 3.5+](
+ * [pip](
+ * [virtualenv]( or [pipenv]( if you prefer.
+ * [git](
+ * [docker](
+* Useful Links
+ * [Pip & Virtual Environments](
+ * [Ansible Integration Tests](
+The ansible-test tool requires a specific directory hierarchy to function correctly so please follow carefully.
+* Create the required directory structure. N-B. The ansible-test tool requires this format.
+mkdir -p git/ansible_collections/community
+cd git/ansible_collections/community
+* Clone the required projects.
+git clone ./mongodb
+git clone ./general
+* Create and activate a virtual environment.
+virtualenv venv
+source venv/bin/activate
+* Change to the project directory.
+cd mongodb
+* Install the devel branch of ansible-base.
+pip install --disable-pip-version-check
+* Run integration tests for the mongodb_shard module.
+ansible-test integration --docker default -v --color --python 3.6 mongodb_shard
+* Run integration tests for the mongodb_status module.
+ansible-test integration --docker default -v --color --python 3.6 mongodb_status
+* Run integration tests for the mongodb_oplog module.
+ansible-test integration --docker ubuntu1804 -v --color --python 3.6 mongodb_oplog
+* Run tests for everything in the collection.
+ansible-test integration --docker default -v --color --python 3.6
+* Run the units tests
+ansible-test units --docker default -v --color --python 3.6
+## GitHub workflow
+* Maintainers would be members of this GitHub Repo
+* Branch protections could be used to enforce 1 (or 2) reviews from relevant maintainers [CODEOWNERS](.github/CODEOWNERS)
+## Contributing
+Any contribution is welcome and we only ask contributors to:
+* Provide *at least* integration tests for any contribution.
+* Create an issue for any significant contribution that would change a large portion of the codebase.
+## License
+GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
+See LICENCING to see the full text.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/.plugin-cache.yaml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/.plugin-cache.yaml
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index 00000000..fba131ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/.plugin-cache.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ become: {}
+ cache:
+ mongodb:
+ description: Use MongoDB for caching
+ name: mongodb
+ version_added: null
+ callback: {}
+ cliconf: {}
+ connection: {}
+ httpapi: {}
+ inventory: {}
+ lookup:
+ mongodb:
+ description: lookup info from MongoDB
+ name: mongodb
+ version_added: '2.3'
+ module:
+ mongodb_balancer:
+ description: Manages the MongoDB Sharded Cluster Balancer.
+ name: mongodb_balancer
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_index:
+ description: Creates or drops indexes on MongoDB collections.
+ name: mongodb_index
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_info:
+ description: Gather information about MongoDB instance.
+ name: mongodb_info
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_maintenance:
+ description: Enables or disables maintenance mode for a secondary member.
+ name: mongodb_maintenance
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_oplog:
+ description: Resizes the MongoDB oplog.
+ name: mongodb_oplog
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_parameter:
+ description: Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server
+ name: mongodb_parameter
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_replicaset:
+ description: Initialises a MongoDB replicaset.
+ name: mongodb_replicaset
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_shard:
+ description: Add or remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster
+ name: mongodb_shard
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_shell:
+ description: Run commands via the MongoDB shell.
+ name: mongodb_shell
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.1.0
+ mongodb_shutdown:
+ description: Cleans up all database resources and then terminates the mongod/mongos
+ process.
+ name: mongodb_shutdown
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_status:
+ description: Validates the status of the cluster.
+ name: mongodb_status
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_stepdown:
+ description: Step down the MongoDB node from a PRIMARY state.
+ name: mongodb_stepdown
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ mongodb_user:
+ description: Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database
+ name: mongodb_user
+ namespace: ''
+ version_added: 1.0.0
+ netconf: {}
+ shell: {}
+ strategy: {}
+ vars: {}
+version: 1.1.0
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/changelog.yaml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/changelog.yaml
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index 00000000..74f91af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/changelog.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ancestor: null
+ 1.0.0:
+ modules:
+ - description: Manages the MongoDB Sharded Cluster Balancer.
+ name: mongodb_balancer
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Creates or drops indexes on MongoDB collections.
+ name: mongodb_index
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Gather information about MongoDB instance.
+ name: mongodb_info
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Enables or disables maintenance mode for a secondary member.
+ name: mongodb_maintenance
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Resizes the MongoDB oplog.
+ name: mongodb_oplog
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server
+ name: mongodb_parameter
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Initialises a MongoDB replicaset.
+ name: mongodb_replicaset
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Add or remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster
+ name: mongodb_shard
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Cleans up all database resources and then terminates the mongod/mongos
+ process.
+ name: mongodb_shutdown
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Validates the status of the cluster.
+ name: mongodb_status
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Step down the MongoDB node from a PRIMARY state.
+ name: mongodb_stepdown
+ namespace: ''
+ - description: Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database
+ name: mongodb_user
+ namespace: ''
+ release_date: '2020-08-06'
+ 1.1.0:
+ modules:
+ - description: Run commands via the MongoDB shell.
+ name: mongodb_shell
+ namespace: ''
+ release_date: '2020-10-24'
+ 1.1.1:
+ bugfixes:
+ - 235 - Fix namespace.
+ release_date: '2020-11-04'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/config.yaml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c87d4a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/changelogs/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+changelog_filename_template: ../CHANGELOG.rst
+changelog_filename_version_depth: 0
+changes_file: changelog.yaml
+changes_format: combined
+ignore_other_fragment_extensions: true
+keep_fragments: false
+mention_ancestor: true
+new_plugins_after_name: removed_features
+notesdir: fragments
+prelude_section_name: release_summary
+prelude_section_title: Release Summary
+- - major_changes
+ - Major Changes
+- - minor_changes
+ - Minor Changes
+- - breaking_changes
+ - Breaking Changes / Porting Guide
+- - deprecated_features
+ - Deprecated Features
+- - removed_features
+ - Removed Features (previously deprecated)
+- - security_fixes
+ - Security Fixes
+- - bugfixes
+ - Bugfixes
+- - known_issues
+ - Known Issues
+title: Community.Mongodb
+trivial_section_name: trivial
+use_fqcn: true
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/meta/runtime.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/meta/runtime.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ee3c9fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/meta/runtime.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+requires_ansible: '>=2.9.10'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/cache/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/cache/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/cache/
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a47bb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/cache/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# (c) 2018, Matt Martz <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+ cache: mongodb
+ name: mongodb
+ author: Matt Martz
+ short_description: Use MongoDB for caching
+ description:
+ - This cache uses per host records saved in MongoDB.
+ requirements:
+ - pymongo>=3
+ options:
+ _uri:
+ description:
+ - MongoDB Connection String URI
+ required: False
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - key: fact_caching_connection
+ section: defaults
+ _prefix:
+ description: User defined prefix to use when creating the DB entries
+ default: ansible_facts
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - key: fact_caching_prefix
+ section: defaults
+ _timeout:
+ default: 86400
+ description: Expiration timeout in seconds for the cache plugin data. Set to 0 to never expire
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - key: fact_caching_timeout
+ section: defaults
+ type: integer
+import datetime
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from ansible import constants as C
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.plugins.cache import BaseCacheModule
+from ansible.utils.display import Display
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+ import pymongo
+except ImportError:
+ raise AnsibleError("The 'pymongo' python module is required for the mongodb fact cache, 'pip install pymongo>=3.0'")
+display = Display()
+class CacheModule(BaseCacheModule):
+ """
+ A caching module backed by mongodb.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ super(CacheModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._connection = self.get_option('_uri')
+ self._timeout = int(self.get_option('_timeout'))
+ self._prefix = self.get_option('_prefix')
+ except KeyError:
+ self._connection = C.CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION
+ self._timeout = int(C.CACHE_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT)
+ self._prefix = C.CACHE_PLUGIN_PREFIX
+ self._cache = {}
+ self._managed_indexes = False
+ def _ttl_index_exists(self, collection):
+ '''
+ Returns true if an index named ttl exists
+ on the given collection.
+ '''
+ exists = False
+ try:
+ indexes = collection.list_indexes()
+ for index in indexes:
+ if index["name"] == "ttl":
+ exists = True
+ break
+ except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as excep:
+ raise AnsibleError('Error checking MongoDB index: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ return exists
+ def _manage_indexes(self, collection):
+ '''
+ This function manages indexes on the mongo collection.
+ We only do this once, at run time based on _managed_indexes,
+ rather than per connection instantiation as that would be overkill
+ '''
+ _timeout = self._timeout
+ if _timeout and _timeout > 0:
+ try:
+ collection.create_index(
+ 'date',
+ name='ttl',
+ expireAfterSeconds=_timeout
+ )
+ except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure:
+ # We make it here when the fact_caching_timeout was set to a different value between runs
+ if self._ttl_index_exists(collection):
+ collection.drop_index('ttl')
+ return self._manage_indexes(collection)
+ else:
+ if self._ttl_index_exists(collection):
+ collection.drop_index('ttl')
+ @contextmanager
+ def _collection(self):
+ '''
+ This is a context manager for opening and closing mongo connections as needed. This exists as to not create a global
+ connection, due to pymongo not being fork safe (
+ '''
+ mongo = pymongo.MongoClient(self._connection)
+ try:
+ db = mongo.get_default_database()
+ except pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError:
+ # We'll fall back to using ``ansible`` as the database if one was not provided
+ # in the MongoDB Connection String URI
+ db = mongo['ansible']
+ # The collection is hard coded as ``cache``, there are no configuration options for this
+ collection = db['cache']
+ if not self._managed_indexes:
+ # Only manage the indexes once per run, not per connection
+ self._manage_indexes(collection)
+ self._managed_indexes = True
+ yield collection
+ mongo.close()
+ def _make_key(self, key):
+ return '%s%s' % (self._prefix, key)
+ def get(self, key):
+ if key not in self._cache:
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ value = collection.find_one({'_id': self._make_key(key)})
+ self._cache[key] = value['data']
+ return self._cache.get(key)
+ def set(self, key, value):
+ self._cache[key] = value
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ collection.update_one(
+ {'_id': self._make_key(key)},
+ {
+ '$set': {
+ '_id': self._make_key(key),
+ 'data': value,
+ 'date': datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ }
+ },
+ upsert=True
+ )
+ def keys(self):
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ return [doc['_id'] for doc in collection.find({}, {'_id': True})]
+ def contains(self, key):
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ return bool(collection.count({'_id': self._make_key(key)}))
+ def delete(self, key):
+ del self._cache[key]
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ collection.delete_one({'_id': self._make_key(key)})
+ def flush(self):
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ collection.delete_many({})
+ def copy(self):
+ with self._collection() as collection:
+ return dict((d['_id'], d['data']) for d in collection.find({}))
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return dict()
+ def __setstate__(self, data):
+ self.__init__()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/doc_fragments/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/doc_fragments/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d6cbdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/doc_fragments/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+class ModuleDocFragment(object):
+ # Standard documentation
+ login_user:
+ description:
+ - The MongoDB user to login with.
+ - Required when I(login_password) is specified.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ login_password:
+ description:
+ - The password used to authenticate with.
+ - Required when I(login_user) is specified.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ login_database:
+ description:
+ - The database where login credentials are stored.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ default: 'admin'
+ login_host:
+ description:
+ - The host running MongoDB instance to login to.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ default: 'localhost'
+ login_port:
+ description:
+ - The MongoDB server port to login to.
+ required: no
+ type: int
+ default: 27017
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/doc_fragments/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/doc_fragments/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5fd59f3
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+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/doc_fragments/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+class ModuleDocFragment(object):
+ # Standard documentation
+ ssl:
+ description:
+ - Whether to use an SSL connection when connecting to the database.
+ required: no
+ type: bool
+ default: no
+ ssl_cert_reqs:
+ description:
+ - Specifies whether a certificate is required from the other side of the connection,
+ and whether it will be validated if provided.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ default: 'CERT_REQUIRED'
+ choices:
+ ssl_ca_certs:
+ description:
+ - The ssl_ca_certs option takes a path to a CA file.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ ssl_crlfile:
+ description:
+ - The ssl_crlfile option takes a path to a CRL file.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ ssl_certfile:
+ description:
+ - Present a client certificate using the ssl_certfile option.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ ssl_keyfile:
+ description:
+ - Private key for the client certificate.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ ssl_pem_passphrase:
+ description:
+ - Passphrase to decrypt encrypted private keys.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ auth_mechanism:
+ description:
+ - Authentication type.
+ required: no
+ type: str
+ choices:
+ - 'SCRAM-SHA-256'
+ - 'SCRAM-SHA-1'
+ - 'MONGODB-X509'
+ - 'GSSAPI'
+ - 'PLAIN'
+ connection_options:
+ description:
+ - Additional connection options.
+ - Supply as a list of dicts or strings containing key value pairs seperated with '='.
+ required: no
+ type: list
+ elements: raw
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/lookup/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/lookup/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/lookup/
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adb4daa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/lookup/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# (c) 2016, Marcos Diez <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+ author: 'Marcos Diez <marcos (at)>'
+ lookup: mongodb
+ name: mongodb
+ version_added: "2.3"
+ short_description: lookup info from MongoDB
+ description:
+ - 'The ``MongoDB`` lookup runs the *find()* command on a given *collection* on a given *MongoDB* server.'
+ - 'The result is a list of jsons, so slightly different from what PyMongo returns. In particular, *timestamps* are converted to epoch integers.'
+ options:
+ connect_string:
+ description:
+ - Can be any valid MongoDB connection string, supporting authentication, replica sets, etc.
+ - "More info at U("
+ default: "mongodb://localhost/"
+ database:
+ description:
+ - Name of the database which the query will be made
+ required: True
+ collection:
+ description:
+ - Name of the collection which the query will be made
+ required: True
+ filter:
+ description:
+ - Criteria of the output
+ type: 'dict'
+ default: '{}'
+ projection:
+ description:
+ - Fields you want returned
+ type: dict
+ default: "{}"
+ skip:
+ description:
+ - How many results should be skipped
+ type: integer
+ limit:
+ description:
+ - How many results should be shown
+ type: integer
+ sort:
+ description:
+ - Sorting rules.
+ - Please use the strings C(ASCENDING) and C(DESCENDING) to set the order.
+ - Check the example for more information.
+ type: list
+ default: "[]"
+ extra_connection_parameters:
+ description:
+ - Extra connection parameters that to be sent to pymongo.MongoClient
+ - Check the example to see how to connect to mongo using an SSL certificate.
+ - "All possible parameters are here: U("
+ type: dict
+ default: "{}"
+ notes:
+ - "Please check for more details."
+ requirements:
+ - pymongo >= 2.4 (python library)
+- hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: false
+ vars:
+ mongodb_parameters:
+ #mandatory parameters
+ database: 'local'
+ collection: "startup_log"
+ #optional
+ connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
+ # connection_string: "mongodb://"
+ # extra_connection_parameters: { "ssl" : True , "ssl_certfile": /etc/self_signed_certificate.pem" }
+ #optional query parameters, we accept any parameter from the normal mongodb query.
+ # filter: { "hostname": "u18" }
+ projection: { "pid": True , "_id" : False , "hostname" : True }
+ skip: 0
+ limit: 1
+ sort: [ [ "startTime" , "ASCENDING" ] , [ "age", "DESCENDING" ] ]
+ tasks:
+ - debug: msg="The PID from MongoDB is {{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters ).pid }}"
+ - debug: msg="The HostName from the MongoDB server is {{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters ).hostname }}"
+ - debug: msg="Mongo DB is stored at {{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters_inline )}}"
+ vars:
+ mongodb_parameters_inline:
+ database: 'local'
+ collection: "startup_log"
+ connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
+ limit: 1
+ projection: { "": True }
+ # lookup syntax, does the same as below
+ - debug: msg="The hostname is {{ item.hostname }} and the pid is {{ }}"
+ loop: "{{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters, wantlist=True) }}"
+ # query syntax, does the same as above
+ - debug: msg="The hostname is {{ item.hostname }} and the pid is {{ }}"
+ loop: "{{ query('mongodb', mongodb_parameters) }}"
+ - name: "Raw output from the mongodb lookup (a json with pid and hostname )"
+ debug: msg="{{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters) }}"
+ - name: "Yet another mongodb query, now with the parameters on the task itself"
+ debug: msg="pid={{}} hostname={{item.hostname}} version={{ item.buildinfo.version }}"
+ with_mongodb:
+ - database: 'local'
+ collection: "startup_log"
+ connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
+ limit: 1
+ projection: { "pid": True , "hostname": True , "buildinfo.version": True }
+ # Please notice this specific query may result more than one result. This is expected
+ - name: "Shows the whole output from mongodb"
+ debug: msg="{{ item }}"
+ with_mongodb:
+ - database: 'local'
+ collection: "startup_log"
+ connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
+RETURN = """
+ _list_of_jsons:
+ description:
+ - a list of JSONs with the results of the MongoDB query.
+ type: list
+import datetime
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, integer_types
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
+ from pymongo import ASCENDING, DESCENDING
+ from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
+ from pymongo import MongoClient
+except ImportError:
+ try: # for older PyMongo 2.2
+ from pymongo import Connection as MongoClient
+ except ImportError:
+ pymongo_found = False
+ else:
+ pymongo_found = True
+ pymongo_found = True
+class LookupModule(LookupBase):
+ def _fix_sort_parameter(self, sort_parameter):
+ if sort_parameter is None:
+ return sort_parameter
+ if not isinstance(sort_parameter, list):
+ raise AnsibleError(u"Error. Sort parameters must be a list, not [ {0} ]".format(sort_parameter))
+ for item in sort_parameter:
+ self._convert_sort_string_to_constant(item)
+ return sort_parameter
+ def _convert_sort_string_to_constant(self, item):
+ original_sort_order = item[1]
+ sort_order = original_sort_order.upper()
+ if sort_order == u"ASCENDING":
+ item[1] = ASCENDING
+ elif sort_order == u"DESCENDING":
+ item[1] = DESCENDING
+ # else the user knows what s/he is doing and we won't predict. PyMongo will return an error if necessary
+ def convert_mongo_result_to_valid_json(self, result):
+ if result is None:
+ return result
+ if isinstance(result, integer_types + (float, bool)):
+ return result
+ if isinstance(result, string_types):
+ return result
+ elif isinstance(result, list):
+ new_list = []
+ for elem in result:
+ new_list.append(self.convert_mongo_result_to_valid_json(elem))
+ return new_list
+ elif isinstance(result, dict):
+ new_dict = {}
+ for key in result.keys():
+ value = result[key] # python2 and 3 compatible....
+ new_dict[key] = self.convert_mongo_result_to_valid_json(value)
+ return new_dict
+ elif isinstance(result, datetime.datetime):
+ # epoch
+ return (result - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)). total_seconds()
+ else:
+ # failsafe
+ return u"{0}".format(result)
+ def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return self._run_helper(terms)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(u"There was an exception on the mongodb_lookup: {0}".format(to_native(e)))
+ raise e
+ def _run_helper(self, terms):
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ raise AnsibleError(u"pymongo is required in the control node (this machine) for mongodb lookup.")
+ ret = []
+ for term in terms:
+ for required_parameter in [u"database", u"collection"]:
+ if required_parameter not in term:
+ raise AnsibleError(u"missing mandatory parameter [{0}]".format(required_parameter))
+ connection_string = term.get(u'connection_string', u"mongodb://localhost")
+ database = term[u"database"]
+ collection = term[u'collection']
+ extra_connection_parameters = term.get(u'extra_connection_parameters', {})
+ if u"extra_connection_parameters" in term:
+ del term[u"extra_connection_parameters"]
+ if u"connection_string" in term:
+ del term[u"connection_string"]
+ del term[u"database"]
+ del term[u"collection"]
+ if u"sort" in term:
+ term[u"sort"] = self._fix_sort_parameter(term[u"sort"])
+ # all other parameters are sent to mongo, so we are future and past proof
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(connection_string, **extra_connection_parameters)
+ results = client[database][collection].find(**term)
+ for result in results:
+ result = self.convert_mongo_result_to_valid_json(result)
+ ret.append(result)
+ except ConnectionFailure as e:
+ raise AnsibleError(u'unable to connect to database: %s' % str(e))
+ return ret
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/module_utils/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/module_utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/module_utils/
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8ba655e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/module_utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import traceback
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+MongoClient = None
+pymongo_found = None
+PyMongoVersion = None
+ConnectionFailure = None
+OperationFailure = None
+ from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
+ from pymongo.errors import OperationFailure
+ from pymongo import version as PyMongoVersion
+ from pymongo import MongoClient
+ pymongo_found = True
+except ImportError:
+ PYMONGO_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
+ pymongo_found = False
+def check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version):
+ """Check the compatibility between the driver and the database.
+ See:
+ Args:
+ module: Ansible module.
+ srv_version (LooseVersion): MongoDB server version.
+ driver_version (LooseVersion): Pymongo version.
+ """
+ msg = 'pymongo driver version and MongoDB version are incompatible: '
+ if srv_version >= LooseVersion('4.2') and driver_version < LooseVersion('3.9'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 3.9+ with MongoDB >= 4.2'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ elif srv_version >= LooseVersion('4.0') and driver_version < LooseVersion('3.7'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 3.7+ with MongoDB >= 4.0'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ elif srv_version >= LooseVersion('3.6') and driver_version < LooseVersion('3.6'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 3.6+ with MongoDB >= 3.6'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ elif srv_version >= LooseVersion('3.4') and driver_version < LooseVersion('3.4'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 3.4+ with MongoDB >= 3.4'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ elif srv_version >= LooseVersion('3.2') and driver_version < LooseVersion('3.2'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 3.2+ with MongoDB >= 3.2'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ elif srv_version >= LooseVersion('3.0') and driver_version <= LooseVersion('2.8'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 2.8+ with MongoDB 3.0'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ elif srv_version >= LooseVersion('2.6') and driver_version <= LooseVersion('2.7'):
+ msg += 'you must use pymongo 2.7+ with MongoDB 2.6'
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+def load_mongocnf():
+ config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+ mongocnf = os.path.expanduser('~/.mongodb.cnf')
+ try:
+ config.readfp(open(mongocnf))
+ except (configparser.NoOptionError, IOError):
+ return False
+ creds = dict(
+ user=config.get('client', 'user'),
+ password=config.get('client', 'pass')
+ )
+ return creds
+def index_exists(client, database, collection, index_name):
+ """
+ Returns true if an index on the collection exists with the given name
+ @client: MongoDB connection.
+ @database: MongoDB Database.
+ @collection: MongoDB collection.
+ @index_name: The index name.
+ """
+ exists = False
+ indexes = client[database][collection].list_indexes()
+ for index in indexes:
+ if index["name"] == index_name:
+ exists = True
+ return exists
+def create_index(client, database, collection, keys, options):
+ """
+ Creates an index on the given collection
+ @client: MongoDB connection.
+ @database: MongoDB Database - str.
+ @collection: MongoDB collection - str.
+ @keys: Specification of index - dict.
+ """
+ client[database][collection].create_index(list(keys.items()),
+ **options)
+def drop_index(client, database, collection, index_name):
+ client[database][collection].drop_index(index_name)
+def member_state(client):
+ """Check if a replicaset exists.
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ Returns:
+ str: member state i.e. PRIMARY, SECONDARY
+ """
+ state = None
+ doc = client['admin'].command('replSetGetStatus')
+ for member in doc["members"]:
+ if "self" in member.keys():
+ state = str(member['stateStr'])
+ return state
+def mongodb_common_argument_spec(ssl_options=True):
+ """
+ Returns a dict containing common options shared across the MongoDB modules.
+ """
+ options = dict(
+ login_user=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ login_password=dict(type='str', required=False, no_log=True),
+ login_database=dict(type='str', required=False, default='admin'),
+ login_host=dict(type='str', required=False, default='localhost'),
+ login_port=dict(type='int', required=False, default=27017),
+ )
+ ssl_options_dict = dict(
+ ssl=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
+ ssl_cert_reqs=dict(type='str',
+ required=False,
+ default='CERT_REQUIRED',
+ choices=['CERT_NONE',
+ ssl_ca_certs=dict(type='str', default=None),
+ ssl_crlfile=dict(type='str', default=None),
+ ssl_certfile=dict(type='str', default=None),
+ ssl_keyfile=dict(type='str', default=None),
+ ssl_pem_passphrase=dict(type='str', default=None, no_log=True),
+ auth_mechanism=dict(type='str',
+ required=False,
+ default=None,
+ choices=['SCRAM-SHA-256',
+ 'SCRAM-SHA-1',
+ 'MONGODB-X509',
+ 'PLAIN']),
+ connection_options=dict(type='list',
+ elements='raw',
+ default=None)
+ )
+ if ssl_options:
+ options.update(ssl_options_dict)
+ return options
+def add_option_if_not_none(param_name, module, connection_params):
+ '''
+ @param_name - The parameter name to check
+ @module - The ansible module object
+ @connection_params - Dict containing the connection params
+ '''
+ if module.params[param_name] is not None:
+ connection_params[param_name] = module.params[param_name]
+ return connection_params
+def ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module):
+ connection_params['ssl'] = True
+ if module.params['ssl_cert_reqs'] is not None:
+ connection_params['ssl_cert_reqs'] = getattr(ssl_lib, module.params['ssl_cert_reqs'])
+ connection_params = add_option_if_not_none('ssl_ca_certs', module, connection_params)
+ connection_params = add_option_if_not_none('ssl_crlfile', module, connection_params)
+ connection_params = add_option_if_not_none('ssl_certfile', module, connection_params)
+ connection_params = add_option_if_not_none('ssl_keyfile', module, connection_params)
+ connection_params = add_option_if_not_none('ssl_pem_passphrase', module, connection_params)
+ if module.params['auth_mechanism'] is not None:
+ connection_params['authMechanism'] = module.params['auth_mechanism']
+ if module.params['connection_options'] is not None:
+ for item in module.params['connection_options']:
+ if isinstance(item, dict):
+ for key, value in item.items():
+ connection_params[key] = value
+ elif isinstance(item, str) and "=" in item:
+ connection_params[item.split('=')[0]] = item.split('=')[1]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid value supplied in connection_options: {0} .".format(str(item)))
+ return connection_params
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
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index 00000000..85c0e70f
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_balancer
+short_description: Manages the MongoDB Sharded Cluster Balancer.
+ - Manages the MongoDB Sharded Cluster Balancer.
+ - Start or stop the balancer.
+ - Adjust the cluster chunksize.
+ - Enable or disable autosplit.
+ - Adds or remove a balancer window.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ autosplit:
+ description:
+ - Disable or enable the autosplit flag in the config.settings collection.
+ required: false
+ type: bool
+ chunksize:
+ description:
+ - Control the size of chunks in the sharded cluster.
+ - Value should be given in MB.
+ required: false
+ type: int
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Manage the Balancer for the Cluster
+ required: false
+ type: str
+ choices:
+ - "started"
+ - "stopped"
+ default: "started"
+ mongos_process:
+ description:
+ - Provide a custom name for the mongos process.
+ - Most users can ignore this setting.
+ required: false
+ type: str
+ default: "mongos"
+ window:
+ description:
+ - Schedule the balancer window.
+ - Provide the following dictionary keys start, stop, state
+ - The state key should be "present" or "absent".
+ - The start and stop keys are ignored when state is "absent".
+ - start and stop should be strings in "HH:MM" format indicating the time bounds of the window.
+ type: raw
+ required: false
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Start the balancer
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer:
+ state: started
+- name: Stop the balancer and disable autosplit
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer:
+ state: stopped
+ autosplit: false
+- name: Enable autosplit
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer:
+ autosplit: true
+- name: Change the default chunksize to 128MB
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer:
+ chunksize: 128
+- name: Add or update a balancing window
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer:
+ window:
+ start: "23:00"
+ stop: "06:00"
+ state: "present"
+- name: Remove a balancing window
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer:
+ window:
+ state: "absent"
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: Whether the balancer state or autosplit changed.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: The previous state of the balancer
+ returned: When balancer state is changed
+ type: str
+ description: The new state of the balancer.
+ returned: When balancer state is changed
+ type: str
+ description: The previous state of autosplit.
+ returned: When autosplit is changed.
+ type: str
+ description: The new state of autosplit.
+ returned: When autosplit is changed.
+ type: str
+ description: The previous value for chunksize.
+ returned: When chunksize is changed.
+ type: int
+ description: The new value for chunksize.
+ returned: When chunksize is changed.
+ type: int
+ description: A short description of what happened.
+ returned: failure
+ type: str
+ description: If something went wrong
+ returned: failed
+ type: bool
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import time
+import traceback
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import (
+ PyMongoVersion,
+ pymongo_found,
+ MongoClient
+has_ordereddict = False
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ has_ordereddict = True
+except ImportError as excep:
+ try:
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+ has_ordereddict = True
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ pass
+def get_balancer_state(client):
+ '''
+ Gets the state of the MongoDB balancer. The config.settings collection does
+ not exist until the balancer has been started for the first time
+ { "_id" : "balancer", "mode" : "full", "stopped" : false }
+ { "_id" : "autosplit", "enabled" : true }
+ '''
+ balancer_state = None
+ result = client["config"].settings.find_one({"_id": "balancer"})
+ if not result:
+ balancer_state = "stopped"
+ else:
+ if result['stopped'] is False:
+ balancer_state = "started"
+ else:
+ balancer_state = "stopped"
+ return balancer_state
+def stop_balancer(client):
+ '''
+ Stops MongoDB balancer
+ '''
+ cmd_doc = OrderedDict([
+ ('balancerStop', 1),
+ ('maxTimeMS', 60000)
+ ])
+ client['admin'].command(cmd_doc)
+ time.sleep(1)
+def start_balancer(client):
+ '''
+ Starts MongoDB balancer
+ '''
+ cmd_doc = OrderedDict([
+ ('balancerStart', 1),
+ ('maxTimeMS', 60000)
+ ])
+ client['admin'].command(cmd_doc)
+ time.sleep(1)
+def enable_autosplit(client):
+ client["config"].settings.update({"_id": "autosplit"},
+ {"$set": {"enabled": True}},
+ upsert=True,
+ w="majority")
+def disable_autosplit(client):
+ client["config"].settings.update({"_id": "autosplit"},
+ {"$set": {"enabled": False}},
+ upsert=True,
+ w="majority")
+def get_autosplit(client):
+ autosplit = False
+ result = client["config"].settings.find_one({"_id": "autosplit"})
+ if result is not None:
+ autosplit = result['enabled']
+ return autosplit
+def get_chunksize(client):
+ '''
+ Default chunksize is 64MB
+ '''
+ chunksize = None
+ result = client["config"].settings.find_one({"_id": "chunksize"})
+ if not result:
+ chunksize = 64
+ else:
+ chunksize = result['value']
+ return chunksize
+def set_chunksize(client, chunksize):
+ client["config"]{"_id": "chunksize",
+ "value": chunksize})
+def set_balancing_window(client, start, stop):
+ s = False
+ result = client["config"].settings.update_one({"_id": "balancer"},
+ {"$set": {
+ "activeWindow": {
+ "start": start,
+ "stop": stop}}},
+ upsert=True)
+ if result.modified_count == 1 or result.upserted_id is not None:
+ s = True
+ return s
+def remove_balancing_window(client):
+ s = False
+ result = client["config"].settings.update_one({"_id": "balancer"},
+ {"$unset": {"activeWindow": True}})
+ if result.modified_count == 1:
+ s = True
+ return s
+def balancing_window(client, start, stop):
+ s = False
+ if start is not None and stop is not None:
+ result = client["config"].settings.find_one({"_id": "balancer",
+ "activeWindow.start": start,
+ "activeWindow.stop": stop})
+ else:
+ result = client["config"].settings.find_one({"_id": "balancer", "activeWindow": {"$exists": True}})
+ if result:
+ s = True
+ return s
+def validate_window(window, module):
+ if window is not None:
+ if 'state' not in window.keys():
+ module.fail_json(msg="Balancing window state must be specified")
+ elif window['state'] not in ['present', 'absent']:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Balancing window state must be present or absent")
+ elif window['state'] == "present" \
+ and ("start" not in window.keys()
+ or "stop" not in window.keys()):
+ module.fail_json(msg="Balancing window start and stop values must be specified")
+ return True
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ autosplit=dict(type='bool', default=None),
+ chunksize=dict(type='int', default=None),
+ mongos_process=dict(type='str', required=False, default="mongos"),
+ state=dict(type='str', default="started", choices=["started", "stopped"]),
+ window=dict(type='raw', default=None)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not has_ordereddict:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Cannot import OrderedDict class. You can probably install with: pip install ordereddict')
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ balancer_state = module.params['state']
+ autosplit = module.params['autosplit']
+ chunksize = module.params['chunksize']
+ mongos_process = module.params['mongos_process']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ window = module.params['window']
+ # Validate window
+ validate_window(window, module)
+ result = dict(
+ changed=False,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ try:
+ try:
+ client['admin'].command('listDatabases', 1.0) # if this throws an error we need to authenticate
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if excep.code == 13:
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='No credentials to authenticate: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unknown error: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ try:
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate with MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ changed = False
+ cluster_balancer_state = None
+ cluster_autosplit = None
+ cluster_chunksize = None
+ old_balancer_state = None
+ new_balancer_state = None
+ old_autosplit = None
+ new_autosplit = None
+ old_chunksize = None
+ new_chunksize = None
+ try:
+ if client["admin"].command("serverStatus")["process"] != mongos_process:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Process running on {0}:{1} is not a {2}".format(login_host, login_port, mongos_process))
+ cluster_balancer_state = get_balancer_state(client)
+ if autosplit is not None:
+ cluster_autosplit = get_autosplit(client)
+ if chunksize is not None:
+ cluster_chunksize = get_chunksize(client)
+ if module.check_mode:
+ if balancer_state != cluster_balancer_state:
+ old_balancer_state = cluster_balancer_state
+ new_balancer_state = balancer_state
+ changed = True
+ if (autosplit is not None
+ and autosplit != cluster_autosplit):
+ old_autosplit = cluster_autosplit
+ new_autosplit = autosplit
+ changed = True
+ if (chunksize is not None
+ and chunksize != cluster_chunksize):
+ old_chunksize = cluster_chunksize
+ new_chunksize = chunksize
+ changed = True
+ if window is not None:
+ if balancing_window(client, window.get('start'), window.get('stop')):
+ if window['state'] == "present":
+ pass
+ else:
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if window['state'] == "present":
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if balancer_state is not None \
+ and balancer_state != cluster_balancer_state:
+ if balancer_state == "started":
+ start_balancer(client)
+ old_balancer_state = cluster_balancer_state
+ new_balancer_state = get_balancer_state(client)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ stop_balancer(client)
+ old_balancer_state = cluster_balancer_state
+ new_balancer_state = get_balancer_state(client)
+ changed = True
+ if autosplit is not None \
+ and autosplit != cluster_autosplit:
+ if autosplit:
+ enable_autosplit(client)
+ old_autosplit = cluster_autosplit
+ new_autosplit = autosplit
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ disable_autosplit(client)
+ old_autosplit = cluster_autosplit
+ new_autosplit = autosplit
+ changed = True
+ if (chunksize is not None
+ and chunksize != cluster_chunksize):
+ set_chunksize(client, chunksize)
+ old_chunksize = cluster_chunksize
+ new_chunksize = chunksize
+ changed = True
+ if window is not None:
+ if balancing_window(client, window.get('start'), window.get('stop')):
+ if window['state'] == "present":
+ pass
+ else:
+ remove_balancing_window(client)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if window['state'] == "present":
+ set_balancing_window(client,
+ window['start'],
+ window['stop'])
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ pass
+ except Exception as excep:
+ result["msg"] = "An error occurred: {0}".format(excep)
+ result['changed'] = changed
+ if old_balancer_state is not None:
+ result['old_balancer_state'] = old_balancer_state
+ result['new_balancer_state'] = new_balancer_state
+ if old_autosplit is not None:
+ result['old_autosplit'] = old_autosplit
+ result['new_autosplit'] = new_autosplit
+ if old_chunksize is not None:
+ result['old_chunksize'] = old_chunksize
+ result['new_chunksize'] = new_chunksize
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2db559c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister) <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_index
+short_description: Creates or drops indexes on MongoDB collections.
+ - Creates or drops indexes on MongoDB collections.
+ - Supports multiple index options, i.e. unique, sparse and partial.
+ - Validates existence of indexes by name only.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ indexes:
+ description:
+ - List of indexes to create or drop
+ type: list
+ elements: raw
+ required: yes
+ replica_set:
+ description:
+ - Replica set to connect to (automatically connects to primary for writes).
+ type: str
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+.
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Create a single index on a collection
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ indexes:
+ - database: mydb
+ collection: test
+ keys:
+ - username: 1
+ last_login: -1
+ options:
+ name: myindex
+ state: present
+- name: Drop an index on a collection
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ indexes:
+ - database: mydb
+ collection: test
+ options:
+ name: myindex
+ state: absent
+- name: Create multiple indexes
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ indexes:
+ - database: mydb
+ collection: test
+ keys:
+ - username: 1
+ last_login: -1
+ options:
+ name: myindex
+ state: present
+ - database: mydb
+ collection: test
+ keys:
+ - email: 1
+ last_login: -1
+ options:
+ name: myindex2
+ state: present
+- name: Add a unique index
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_port: 27017
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: "admin"
+ indexes:
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "rhys"
+ keys:
+ username: 1
+ options:
+ name: myuniqueindex
+ unique: true
+ state: present
+- name: Add a ttl index
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_port: 27017
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: "admin"
+ indexes:
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "rhys"
+ keys:
+ created: 1
+ options:
+ name: myttlindex
+ expireAfterSeconds: 3600
+ state: present
+- name: Add a sparse index
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_port: 27017
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: "admin"
+ indexes:
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "rhys"
+ keys:
+ last_login: -1
+ options:
+ name: mysparseindex
+ sparse: true
+ state: present
+- name: Add a partial index
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_port: 27017
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: "admin"
+ indexes:
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "rhys"
+ keys:
+ last_login: -1
+ options:
+ name: mypartialindex
+ partialFilterExpression:
+ rating:
+ $gt: 5
+ state: present
+- name: Add a index in the background (background option is deprecated from 4.2+)
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_port: 27017
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: "admin"
+ indexes:
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "rhys"
+ options:
+ name: idxbackground
+ keys:
+ username: -1
+ backgroud: true
+ state: present
+- name: Check creating 5 index all with multiple options specified
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_index:
+ login_port: 27017
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: "admin"
+ indexes:
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "indextest"
+ options:
+ name: "idx_unq_username"
+ unique: true
+ keys:
+ username: -1
+ state: present
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "indextest"
+ options:
+ name: "idx_last_login"
+ sparse: true
+ keys:
+ last_login: -1
+ state: present
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "indextest"
+ options:
+ name: "myindex"
+ keys:
+ first_name: 1
+ last_name: -1
+ city: 1
+ state: present
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: partialtest
+ options:
+ name: "idx_partialtest"
+ partialFilterExpression:
+ rating:
+ $gt: 5
+ keys:
+ rating: -1
+ title: 1
+ state: present
+ - database: "test"
+ collection: "wideindex"
+ options:
+ name: "mywideindex"
+ keys:
+ email: -1
+ username: 1
+ first_name: 1
+ last_name: 1
+ dob: -1
+ city: 1
+ last_login: -1
+ review_count: 1
+ rating_count: 1
+ last_post: -1
+ state: present
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: List of indexes created.
+ returned: always
+ type: list
+ sample: ["myindex", "myindex2"]
+ description: List of indexes dropped.
+ returned: always
+ type: list
+ sample: ["myindex", "myindex2"]
+ description: Indicates the module has changed something.
+ returned: When the module has changed something.
+ type: bool
+ description: Indicates the module has failed.
+ returned: When the module has encountered an error.
+ type: bool
+from uuid import UUID
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+from import index_exists, create_index, drop_index
+def validate_module(module):
+ '''
+ Runs validation rules specific the mongodb_index module
+ '''
+ required_index_keys = [
+ "database",
+ "collection",
+ "options",
+ "state",
+ ]
+ indexes = module.params['indexes']
+ if len(indexes) == 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg="One or more indexes must be specified")
+ if not all(isinstance(i, dict) for i in indexes):
+ module.fail_json(msg="Indexes must be supplied as dictionaries")
+ # Ensure keys are present in index spec
+ for k in required_index_keys:
+ for i in indexes:
+ if k not in i.keys():
+ module.fail_json(msg="Missing required index key {0}".format(k))
+ # Check index subkeys look correct
+ for i in indexes:
+ if not isinstance(i["database"], str):
+ module.fail_json(msg="database key should be str")
+ elif not isinstance(i["collection"], str):
+ module.fail_json(msg="collection key should be str")
+ elif i["state"] == "present" and "keys" not in i.keys():
+ module.fail_json(msg="keys must be supplied when state is present")
+ elif i["state"] == "present" and not isinstance(i["keys"], dict):
+ module.fail_json(msg="keys key should be dict")
+ elif not isinstance(i["options"], dict):
+ module.fail_json(msg="options key should be dict")
+ elif "name" not in i["options"]:
+ module.fail_json(msg="The options dict must contain a name field")
+ elif i["state"] not in ["present", "absent"]:
+ module.fail_json(msg="state must be one of present or absent")
+# ================
+# Module execution
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ indexes=dict(type='list', elements='raw', required=True),
+ replica_set=dict(type='str'),
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ validate_module(module)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ indexes = module.params['indexes']
+ replica_set = module.params['replica_set']
+ connection_params = {
+ 'host': login_host,
+ 'port': login_port,
+ }
+ if replica_set:
+ connection_params["replicaset"] = replica_set
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ if login_user:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ # Pre flight checks done
+ indexes_created = []
+ indexes_dropped = []
+ changed = None
+ for i in indexes:
+ try:
+ idx = index_exists(client, i["database"], i["collection"], i["options"]["name"])
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Could not determine index status: {0}".format(str(excep)))
+ if module.check_mode:
+ if idx:
+ if i["state"] == "present":
+ changed = False
+ elif i["state"] == "absent":
+ indexes_dropped.append("{0}.{1}.{2}".format(i["database"],
+ i["collection"],
+ i["options"]["name"]))
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if i["state"] == "present":
+ indexes_created.append("{0}.{1}.{2}".format(i["database"],
+ i["collection"],
+ i["options"]["name"]))
+ changed = True
+ elif i["state"] == "absent":
+ changed = False
+ else:
+ if idx:
+ if i["state"] == "present":
+ changed = False
+ elif i["state"] == "absent":
+ try:
+ drop_index(client, i["database"], i["collection"],
+ i["options"]["name"])
+ indexes_dropped.append("{0}.{1}.{2}".format(i["database"],
+ i["collection"],
+ i["options"]["name"]))
+ changed = True
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Error dropping index: {0}".format(str(excep)))
+ else:
+ if i["state"] == "present":
+ try:
+ create_index(client=client,
+ database=i["database"],
+ collection=i["collection"],
+ keys=i["keys"],
+ options=i["options"])
+ indexes_created.append("{0}.{1}.{2}".format(i["database"],
+ i["collection"],
+ i["options"]["name"]))
+ changed = True
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Error creating index: {0}".format(str(excep)))
+ elif i["state"] == "absent":
+ changed = False
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed,
+ indexes_created=indexes_created,
+ indexes_dropped=indexes_dropped)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19d46f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_info
+short_description: Gather information about MongoDB instance.
+- Gather information about MongoDB instance.
+author: Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ filter:
+ description:
+ - Limit the collected information by comma separated string or YAML list.
+ - Allowable values are C(general), C(databases), C(total_size), C(parameters), C(users), C(roles).
+ - By default, collects all subsets.
+ - You can use '!' before value (for example, C(!users)) to exclude it from the information.
+ - If you pass including and excluding values to the filter, for example, I(filter=!general,users),
+ the excluding values, C(!general) in this case, will be ignored.
+ required: no
+ type: list
+ elements: str
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+.
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Gather all supported information
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_info:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ register: result
+- name: Show gathered info
+ debug:
+ msg: '{{ result }}'
+- name: Gather only information about databases and their total size
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_info:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ filter: databases, total_size
+- name: Gather all information except parameters
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_info:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ filter: '!parameters'
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: General instance information.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: {"allocator": "tcmalloc", "bits": 64, "storageEngines": ["biggie"], "version": "4.2.3", "maxBsonObjectSize": 16777216}
+ description: Database information.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: {"admin": {"empty": false, "sizeOnDisk": 245760}, "config": {"empty": false, "sizeOnDisk": 110592}}
+ description: Total size of all databases in bytes.
+ returned: always
+ type: int
+ sample: 397312
+ description: User information.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: { "db": {"new_user": {"_id": "config.new_user", "mechanisms": ["SCRAM-SHA-1", "SCRAM-SHA-256"], "roles": []}}}
+ description: Role information.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: { "db": {"restore": {"inheritedRoles": [], "isBuiltin": true, "roles": []}}}
+ description: Server parameters information.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: {"maxOplogTruncationPointsAfterStartup": 100, "maxOplogTruncationPointsDuringStartup": 100, "maxSessions": 1000000}
+from uuid import UUID
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+class MongoDbInfo():
+ """Class for gathering MongoDB instance information.
+ Args:
+ module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
+ client (pymongo): pymongo client object to interact with the database.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, module, client):
+ self.module = module
+ self.client = client
+ self.admin_db = self.client.admin
+ = {
+ 'general': {},
+ 'databases': {},
+ 'total_size': {},
+ 'parameters': {},
+ 'users': {},
+ 'roles': {},
+ }
+ def get_info(self, filter_):
+ """Get MongoDB instance information and return it based on filter_.
+ Args:
+ filter_ (list): List of collected subsets (e.g., general, users, etc.),
+ when it is empty, return all available information.
+ """
+ self.__collect()
+ inc_list = []
+ exc_list = []
+ if filter_:
+ partial_info = {}
+ for fi in filter_:
+ if fi.lstrip('!') not in
+ self.module.warn("filter element '%s' is not allowable, ignored" % fi)
+ continue
+ if fi[0] == '!':
+ exc_list.append(fi.lstrip('!'))
+ else:
+ inc_list.append(fi)
+ if inc_list:
+ for i in
+ if i in inc_list:
+ partial_info[i] =[i]
+ else:
+ for i in
+ if i not in exc_list:
+ partial_info[i] =[i]
+ return partial_info
+ else:
+ return
+ def __collect(self):
+ """Collect information."""
+ # Get general info:
+['general'] = self.client.server_info()
+ # Get parameters:
+['parameters'] = self.get_parameters_info()
+ # Gather info about databases and their total size:
+['databases'],['total_size'] = self.get_db_info()
+ for dbname, val in iteritems(['databases']):
+ # Gather info about users for each database:
+ # Gather info about roles for each database:
+ def get_roles_info(self, dbname):
+ """Gather information about roles.
+ Args:
+ dbname (str): Database name to get role info from.
+ Returns a dictionary with role information for the given db.
+ """
+ db = self.client[dbname]
+ result = db.command({'rolesInfo': 1, 'showBuiltinRoles': True})['roles']
+ roles_dict = {}
+ for elem in result:
+ roles_dict[elem['role']] = {}
+ for key, val in iteritems(elem):
+ if key in ['role', 'db']:
+ continue
+ roles_dict[elem['role']][key] = val
+ return {dbname: roles_dict}
+ def get_users_info(self, dbname):
+ """Gather information about users.
+ Args:
+ dbname (str): Database name to get user info from.
+ Returns a dictionary with user information for the given db.
+ """
+ db = self.client[dbname]
+ result = db.command({'usersInfo': 1})['users']
+ users_dict = {}
+ for elem in result:
+ users_dict[elem['user']] = {}
+ for key, val in iteritems(elem):
+ if key in ['user', 'db']:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(val, UUID):
+ val = val.hex
+ users_dict[elem['user']][key] = val
+ return {dbname: users_dict}
+ def get_db_info(self):
+ """Gather information about databases.
+ Returns a dictionary with database information.
+ """
+ result = self.admin_db.command({'listDatabases': 1})
+ total_size = int(result['totalSize'])
+ result = result['databases']
+ db_dict = {}
+ for elem in result:
+ db_dict[elem['name']] = {}
+ for key, val in iteritems(elem):
+ if key == 'name':
+ continue
+ if key == 'sizeOnDisk':
+ val = int(val)
+ db_dict[elem['name']][key] = val
+ return db_dict, total_size
+ def get_parameters_info(self):
+ """Gather parameters information.
+ Returns a dictionary with parameters.
+ """
+ return self.admin_db.command({'getParameter': '*'})
+# ================
+# Module execution
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ filter=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=False)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ filter_ = module.params['filter']
+ if filter_:
+ filter_ = [f.strip() for f in filter_]
+ connection_params = {
+ 'host': login_host,
+ 'port': login_port,
+ }
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ if login_user:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ # Initialize an object and start main work:
+ mongodb = MongoDbInfo(module, client)
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, **mongodb.get_info(filter_))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0706dfd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_maintenance
+short_description: Enables or disables maintenance mode for a secondary member.
+ - Enables or disables maintenance mode for a secondary member.
+ - Wrapper around the replSetMaintenance command.
+ - Performs no actions against a PRIMARY member.
+ - When enabled SECONDARY members will not service reads.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ maintenance:
+ description: Enable or disable maintenance mode.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Enable maintenance mode
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_maintenance:
+ maintenance: true
+- name: Disable maintenance mode
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_maintenance:
+ maintenance: false
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: Whether the member was placed into maintenance mode or not.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: A short description of what happened.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ description: If something went wrong
+ returned: failed
+ type: bool
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ member_state,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+def put_in_maint_mode(client):
+ client['admin'].command('replSetMaintenance', True)
+def remove_maint_mode(client):
+ client['admin'].command('replSetMaintenance', False)
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ maintenance=dict(type='bool', default=False)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ maintenance = module.params['maintenance']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ result = dict(
+ changed=False,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate with MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ try:
+ state = member_state(client)
+ if state == "PRIMARY":
+ result["msg"] = "no action taken as member state was PRIMARY"
+ elif state == "SECONDARY":
+ if maintenance:
+ if module.check_mode:
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "member was placed into maintenance mode"
+ else:
+ put_in_maint_mode(client)
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "member was placed into maintenance mode"
+ else:
+ result["msg"] = "No action taken as maintenance parameter is false and member state is SECONDARY"
+ elif state == "RECOVERING":
+ if maintenance:
+ result["msg"] = "no action taken as member is already in a RECOVERING state"
+ else:
+ if module.check_mode:
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "the member was removed from maintenance mode"
+ else:
+ remove_maint_mode(client)
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "the member was removed from maintenance mode"
+ else:
+ result["msg"] = "no action taken as member state was {0}".format(state)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='module encountered an error: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce8c4477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_oplog
+short_description: Resizes the MongoDB oplog.
+ - Resizes the MongoDB oplog.
+ - This module should only be used with MongoDB 3.6 and above.
+ - Old MongoDB versions should use an alternative method.
+ - Consult U( for further info.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ oplog_size_mb:
+ description:
+ - New size of the oplog in MB.
+ type: int
+ required: true
+ compact:
+ description:
+ - Runs compact against the collection in the local database to reclaim disk space.
+ - Performs no actions against PRIMARY members.
+ - The MongoDB user must have the compact role on the local database for this feature to work.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ ver:
+ description:
+ - Version of MongoDB this module is supported from.
+ - You probably don't want to modifiy this.
+ - Included here for internal testing.
+ type: str
+ default: "3.6"
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Resize oplog to 16 gigabytes, or 16000 megabytes
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_oplog:
+ oplog_size_mb: 16000
+- name: Resize oplog to 8 gigabytes and compact secondaries to reclaim space
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_oplog:
+ oplog_size_mb: 8000
+ compact: true
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: Whether the member oplog was modified.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: Whether the member oplog was compacted.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: A short description of what happened.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ description: If something went wrong
+ returned: failed
+ type: bool
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ member_state,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import (
+ PyMongoVersion,
+ pymongo_found,
+ MongoClient
+has_ordereddict = False
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ has_ordereddict = True
+except ImportError as excep:
+ try:
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+ has_ordereddict = True
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ pass
+def get_olplog_size(client):
+ return int(client["local"].command("collStats", "")["maxSize"]) / 1024 / 1024
+def set_oplog_size(client, oplog_size_mb):
+ cmd_doc = OrderedDict([
+ ('replSetResizeOplog', 1),
+ ('size', oplog_size_mb)
+ ])
+ client["admin"].command(cmd_doc)
+def compact_oplog(client):
+ client["local"].command("compact", "")
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ compact=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ oplog_size_mb=dict(type='int', required=True),
+ ver=dict(type='str', default='3.6')
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not has_ordereddict:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Cannot import OrderedDict class. You can probably install with: pip install ordereddict')
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ oplog_size_mb = float(module.params['oplog_size_mb']) # MongoDB 4.4 inists on a real
+ compact = module.params['compact']
+ ver = module.params['ver']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ result = dict(
+ changed=False,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ if srv_version < LooseVersion(ver):
+ module.fail_json(msg="This module does not support MongoDB {0}".format(srv_version))
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate with MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ try:
+ current_oplog_size = get_olplog_size(client)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get current oplog size: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if oplog_size_mb == current_oplog_size:
+ result["msg"] = "oplog_size_mb is already {0} mb".format(int(oplog_size_mb))
+ result["compacted"] = False
+ else:
+ try:
+ state = member_state(client)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get member state: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if module.check_mode:
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "oplog has been resized from {0} mb to {1} mb".format(int(current_oplog_size),
+ int(oplog_size_mb))
+ if state == "SECONDARY" and compact and current_oplog_size > oplog_size_mb:
+ result["compacted"] = True
+ else:
+ result["compacted"] = False
+ else:
+ try:
+ set_oplog_size(client, oplog_size_mb)
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "oplog has been resized from {0} mb to {1} mb".format(int(current_oplog_size),
+ int(oplog_size_mb))
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to set oplog size: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if state == "SECONDARY" and compact and current_oplog_size > oplog_size_mb:
+ try:
+ compact_oplog(client)
+ result["compacted"] = True
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Error compacting member oplog: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ else:
+ result["compacted"] = False
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..646195bc
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# (c) 2016, Loic Blot <>
+# Sponsored by Infopro Digital.
+# Sponsored by E.T.A.I.
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_parameter
+short_description: Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server
+ - Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server.
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ replica_set:
+ description:
+ - Replica set to connect to (automatically connects to primary for writes).
+ type: str
+ param:
+ description:
+ - MongoDB administrative parameter to modify.
+ type: str
+ required: true
+ value:
+ description:
+ - MongoDB administrative parameter value to set.
+ type: str
+ required: true
+ param_type:
+ description:
+ - Define the type of parameter value.
+ default: str
+ type: str
+ choices: [int, str]
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+.
+ - This can be installed using pip or the OS package manager.
+ - See also U(
+requirements: [ "pymongo" ]
+author: "Loic Blot (@nerzhul)"
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Set MongoDB syncdelay to 60 (this is an int)
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_parameter:
+ param: syncdelay
+ value: 60
+ param_type: int
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: value before modification
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ description: value after modification
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+import os
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import traceback
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import (
+ PyMongoVersion,
+ pymongo_found,
+ MongoClient
+from import ConnectionFailure, OperationFailure
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ replica_set=dict(default=None),
+ param=dict(required=True),
+ value=dict(required=True),
+ param_type=dict(default="str", choices=['str', 'int'])
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=False,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ replica_set = module.params['replica_set']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ param = module.params['param']
+ param_type = module.params['param_type']
+ value = module.params['value']
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ # Verify parameter is coherent with specified type
+ try:
+ if param_type == 'int':
+ value = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ module.fail_json(msg="value '%s' is not %s" % (value, param_type))
+ try:
+ if replica_set:
+ client = MongoClient(replicaset=replica_set, **connection_params)
+ else:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg='when supplying login arguments, both login_user and login_password must be provided')
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except ConnectionFailure as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ db = client.admin
+ try:
+ after_value = db.command("setParameter", **{param: value})
+ except OperationFailure as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg="unable to change parameter: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ if "was" not in after_value:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="Unable to determine old value, assume it changed.")
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=(value != after_value["was"]), before=after_value["was"],
+ after=value)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfb23311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_replicaset
+short_description: Initialises a MongoDB replicaset.
+ - Initialises a MongoDB replicaset in a new deployment.
+ - Validates the replicaset name for existing deployments.
+ - Advanced replicaset member configuration possible (see examples).
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ replica_set:
+ description:
+ - Replicaset name.
+ type: str
+ default: rs0
+ members:
+ description:
+ - Yaml list consisting of the replicaset members.
+ - Csv string will also be accepted i.e. mongodb1:27017,mongodb2:27017,mongodb3:27017.
+ - A dictionary can also be used to specify advanced replicaset member options.
+ - If a port number is not provided then 27017 is assumed.
+ type: list
+ elements: raw
+ validate:
+ description:
+ - Performs some basic validation on the provided replicaset config.
+ type: bool
+ default: yes
+ arbiter_at_index:
+ description:
+ - Identifies the position of the member in the array that is an arbiter.
+ type: int
+ chaining_allowed:
+ description:
+ - When I(settings.chaining_allowed=true), the replicaset allows secondary members to replicate from other
+ secondary members.
+ - When I(settings.chaining_allowed=false), secondaries can replicate only from the primary.
+ type: bool
+ default: yes
+ heartbeat_timeout_secs:
+ description:
+ - Number of seconds that the replicaset members wait for a successful heartbeat from each other.
+ - If a member does not respond in time, other members mark the delinquent member as inaccessible.
+ - The setting only applies when using I(protocol_version=0). When using I(protocol_version=1) the relevant
+ setting is I(settings.election_timeout_millis).
+ type: int
+ default: 10
+ election_timeout_millis:
+ description:
+ - The time limit in milliseconds for detecting when a replicaset's primary is unreachable.
+ type: int
+ default: 10000
+ protocol_version:
+ description: Version of the replicaset election protocol.
+ type: int
+ choices: [ 0, 1 ]
+ default: 1
+- Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+- pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+# Create a replicaset called 'rs0' with the 3 provided members
+- name: Ensure replicaset rs0 exists
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ replica_set: rs0
+ members:
+ - mongodb1:27017
+ - mongodb2:27017
+ - mongodb3:27017
+ when: groups.mongod.index(inventory_hostname) == 0
+# Create two single-node replicasets on the localhost for testing
+- name: Ensure replicaset rs0 exists
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 3001
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: admin
+ replica_set: rs0
+ members: localhost:3001
+ validate: no
+- name: Ensure replicaset rs1 exists
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 3002
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: admin
+ replica_set: rs1
+ members: localhost:3002
+ validate: no
+- name: Create a replicaset and use a custom priority for each member
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ replica_set: rs0
+ members:
+ - host: "localhost:3001"
+ priority: 1
+ - host: "localhost:3002"
+ priority: 0.5
+ - host: "localhost:3003"
+ priority: 0.5
+ when: groups.mongod.index(inventory_hostname) == 0
+- name: Create replicaset rs1 with options and member tags
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 3001
+ login_database: admin
+ replica_set: rs1
+ members:
+ - host: "localhost:3001"
+ priority: 1
+ tags:
+ dc: "east"
+ usage: "production"
+ - host: "localhost:3002"
+ priority: 1
+ tags:
+ dc: "east"
+ usage: "production"
+ - host: "localhost:3003"
+ priority: 0
+ hidden: true
+ slaveDelay: 3600
+ tags:
+ dc: "west"
+ usage: "reporting"
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: The name of the replicaset that has been created.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+def replicaset_find(client):
+ """Check if a replicaset exists.
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ Returns:
+ dict: when user exists, False otherwise.
+ """
+ doc = client['admin'].command('isMaster')
+ if 'setName' in doc.keys():
+ return str(doc['setName'])
+ return False
+def replicaset_add(module, client, replica_set, members, arbiter_at_index, protocol_version,
+ chaining_allowed, heartbeat_timeout_secs, election_timeout_millis):
+ try:
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ try:
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Cannot import OrderedDict class. You can probably install with: pip install ordereddict: %s'
+ % to_native(excep))
+ members_dict_list = []
+ index = 0
+ settings = {
+ "chainingAllowed": bool(chaining_allowed),
+ }
+ if protocol_version == 0:
+ settings['heartbeatTimeoutSecs'] = heartbeat_timeout_secs
+ else:
+ settings['electionTimeoutMillis'] = election_timeout_millis
+ for member in members:
+ if isinstance(member, str):
+ if ':' not in member: # No port supplied. Assume 27017
+ member += ":27017"
+ members_dict_list.append(OrderedDict([("_id", int(index)), ("host", member)]))
+ if index == arbiter_at_index:
+ members_dict_list[index]['arbiterOnly'] = True
+ index += 1
+ elif isinstance(member, dict):
+ hostname = member["host"]
+ if ':' not in hostname:
+ hostname += ":27017"
+ members_dict_list.append(OrderedDict([("_id", int(index)), ("host", hostname)]))
+ for key in list(member.keys()):
+ if key != "host":
+ members_dict_list[index][key] = member[key]
+ if index == arbiter_at_index:
+ members_dict_list[index]['arbiterOnly'] = True
+ index += 1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("member should be a str or dict. Instead found: {0}".format(str(type(members))))
+ conf = OrderedDict([("_id", replica_set),
+ ("protocolVersion", protocol_version),
+ ("members", members_dict_list),
+ ("settings", settings)])
+ try:
+ client["admin"].command('replSetInitiate', conf)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ raise Exception("Some problem {0} | {1}".format(str(excep), str(conf)))
+def replicaset_remove(module, client, replica_set):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exists = replicaset_find(client, replica_set)
+ # if exists:
+ # if module.check_mode:
+ # module.exit_json(changed=True, replica_set=replica_set)
+ # db = client[db_name]
+ # db.remove_user(replica_set)
+ # else:
+ # module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ arbiter_at_index=dict(type='int'),
+ chaining_allowed=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ election_timeout_millis=dict(type='int', default=10000),
+ heartbeat_timeout_secs=dict(type='int', default=10),
+ members=dict(type='list', elements='raw'),
+ protocol_version=dict(type='int', default=1, choices=[0, 1]),
+ replica_set=dict(type='str', default="rs0"),
+ validate=dict(type='bool', default=True)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ replica_set = module.params['replica_set']
+ members = module.params['members']
+ arbiter_at_index = module.params['arbiter_at_index']
+ validate = module.params['validate']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ protocol_version = module.params['protocol_version']
+ chaining_allowed = module.params['chaining_allowed']
+ heartbeat_timeout_secs = module.params['heartbeat_timeout_secs']
+ election_timeout_millis = module.params['election_timeout_millis']
+ if validate:
+ if len(members) <= 2 or len(members) % 2 == 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg="MongoDB Replicaset validation failed. Invalid number of replicaset members.")
+ if arbiter_at_index is not None and len(members) - 1 < arbiter_at_index:
+ module.fail_json(msg="MongoDB Replicaset validation failed. Invalid arbiter index.")
+ result = dict(
+ changed=False,
+ replica_set=replica_set,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e))
+ try:
+ rs = replicaset_find(client)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to query replicaset: %s' % to_native(e))
+ if isinstance(rs, str):
+ if replica_set == rs:
+ result['changed'] = False
+ result['replica_set'] = rs
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg="The replica_set name of {0} does not match the expected: {1}".format(rs, replica_set))
+ else: # replicaset does not exit
+ # Some validation stuff
+ if len(replica_set) == 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Parameter replica_set must not be an empty string")
+ if module.check_mode is False:
+ try:
+ # If we have auth details use then otherwise attempt without
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate with MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ replicaset_add(module, client, replica_set, members,
+ arbiter_at_index, protocol_version,
+ chaining_allowed, heartbeat_timeout_secs,
+ election_timeout_millis)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to create replica_set: %s' % to_native(e))
+ else:
+ result['changed'] = True
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3587135d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# (c) 2018, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_shard
+short_description: Add or remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster
+ - Add or remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ shard:
+ description:
+ - The shard connection string.
+ - Should be supplied in the form <replicaset>/host:port as detailed in U(
+ - For example rs0/
+ required: true
+ type: str
+ sharded_databases:
+ description:
+ - Enable sharding on the listed database.
+ - Can be supplied as a string or a list of strings.
+ - Sharding cannot be disabled on a database.
+ required: false
+ type: raw
+ mongos_process:
+ description:
+ - Provide a custom name for the mongos process you are connecting to.
+ - Most users can ignore this setting.
+ required: false
+ type: str
+ default: "mongos"
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Whether the shard should be present or absent from the Cluster.
+ required: false
+ type: str
+ default: present
+ choices:
+ - "absent"
+ - "present"
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+.
+requirements: [ pymongo ]
+- name: Add a replicaset shard named rs1 with a member running on port 27018 on
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shard:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ shard: "rs1/"
+ state: present
+- name: Add a standalone mongod shard running on port 27018 of
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shard:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ shard: ""
+ state: present
+- name: To remove a shard called 'rs1'
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shard:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ shard: rs1
+ state: absent
+# Single node shard running on localhost
+- name: Ensure shard rs0 exists
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shard:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ shard: "rs0/localhost:3001"
+ state: present
+# Single node shard running on localhost
+- name: Ensure shard rs1 exists
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shard:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ shard: "rs1/localhost:3002"
+ state: present
+# Enable sharding on a few databases when creating the shard
+- name: To remove a shard called 'rs1'
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shard:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ shard: rs1
+ sharded_databases:
+ - db1
+ - db2
+ state: present
+RETURN = '''
+ description: The name of the shard to create.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ description: Databases that have had sharding enabled during module execution.
+ returned: success when sharding is enabled
+ type: list
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import traceback
+import time
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import (
+ PyMongoVersion,
+ pymongo_found,
+ MongoClient
+def shard_find(client, shard):
+ """Check if a shard exists.
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ shard (str): shard to check.
+ Returns:
+ dict: when user exists, False otherwise.
+ """
+ if '/' in shard:
+ s = shard.split('/')[0]
+ else:
+ s = shard
+ for shard in client["config"].shards.find({"_id": s}):
+ return shard
+ return False
+def shard_add(client, shard):
+ try:
+ sh = client["admin"].command('addShard', shard)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ raise excep
+ return sh
+def shard_remove(client, shard):
+ try:
+ sh = client["admin"].command('removeShard', shard)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ raise excep
+ return sh
+def sharded_dbs(client):
+ '''
+ Returns the sharded databases
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ Returns:
+ a list of database names that are sharded
+ '''
+ sharded_databases = []
+ for entry in client["config"].databases.find({"partitioned": True}, {"_id": 1}):
+ sharded_databases.append(entry["_id"])
+ return sharded_databases
+def enable_database_sharding(client, database):
+ '''
+ Enables sharding on a database
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ Returns:
+ true on success, false on failure
+ '''
+ s = False
+ db = client["admin"].command('enableSharding', database)
+ if db:
+ s = True
+ return s
+def any_dbs_to_shard(client, sharded_databases):
+ '''
+ Return a list of databases that need to have sharding enabled
+ sharded_databases - Provided by module
+ cluster_sharded_databases - List of sharded dbs from the mongos
+ '''
+ dbs_to_shard = []
+ cluster_sharded_databases = sharded_dbs(client)
+ for db in sharded_databases:
+ if db not in cluster_sharded_databases:
+ dbs_to_shard.append(db)
+ return dbs_to_shard
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ mongos_process=dict(type='str', required=False, default="mongos"),
+ shard=dict(type='str', required=True),
+ sharded_databases=dict(type="raw", required=False),
+ state=dict(type='str', required=False, default='present', choices=['absent', 'present'])
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ shard = module.params['shard']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ sharded_databases = module.params['sharded_databases']
+ mongos_process = module.params['mongos_process']
+ try:
+ connection_params = {
+ "host": login_host,
+ "port": int(login_port)
+ }
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ try:
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if excep.code == 13:
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ check_compatibility(module, client)
+ else:
+ raise excep
+ else:
+ raise excep
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg='when supplying login arguments, both login_user and login_password must be provided')
+ try:
+ client['admin'].command('listDatabases', 1.0) # if this throws an error we need to authenticate
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if excep.code == 13:
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ else:
+ raise excep
+ else:
+ raise excep
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ try:
+ if client["admin"].command("serverStatus")["process"] != mongos_process:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Process running on {0}:{1} is not a {2}".format(login_host, login_port, mongos_process))
+ shard_created = False
+ dbs_to_shard = []
+ if sharded_databases is not None:
+ if isinstance(sharded_databases, str):
+ sharded_databases = list(sharded_databases)
+ dbs_to_shard = any_dbs_to_shard(client, sharded_databases)
+ if module.check_mode:
+ if state == "present":
+ changed = False
+ if not shard_find(client, shard) or len(dbs_to_shard) > 0:
+ changed = True
+ elif state == "absent":
+ if not shard_find(client, shard):
+ changed = False
+ else:
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if state == "present":
+ if not shard_find(client, shard):
+ shard_add(client, shard)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ changed = False
+ if len(dbs_to_shard) > 0:
+ for db in dbs_to_shard:
+ enable_database_sharding(client, db)
+ changed = True
+ elif state == "absent":
+ if shard_find(client, shard):
+ shard_remove(client, shard)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ changed = False
+ except Exception as e:
+ action = "add"
+ if state == "absent":
+ action = "remove"
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to {0} shard: %s'.format(action) % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ result = {
+ "changed": changed,
+ "shard": shard,
+ }
+ if len(dbs_to_shard) > 0:
+ result['sharded_enabled'] = dbs_to_shard
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59d927ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# 2020 Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+
+# (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+module: mongodb_shell
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+short_description: Run commands via the MongoDB shell.
+ - mongo
+ - Run commands via the MongoDB shell.
+ - Commands provided with the eval parameter or included in a Javascript file.
+ - Attempts to parse returned data into a format that Ansible can use.
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ mongo_cmd:
+ description:
+ - The MongoDB shell command.
+ type: str
+ default: "mongo"
+ db:
+ description:
+ - The database to run commands against
+ type: str
+ required: false
+ default: "test"
+ file:
+ description:
+ - Path to a file containing MongoDB commands.
+ type: str
+ eval:
+ description:
+ - A MongoDB command to run.
+ type: str
+ nodb:
+ description:
+ - Specify a non-default encoding for output.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ norc:
+ description:
+ - Prevents the shell from sourcing and evaluating ~/.mongorc.js on start up.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ quiet:
+ description:
+ - Silences output from the shell during the connection process..
+ type: bool
+ default: true
+ debug:
+ description:
+ - show additional debug info.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ transform:
+ description:
+ - Transform the output returned to the user.
+ - auto - Attempt to automatically decide the best tranformation.
+ - split - Split output on a character.
+ - json - parse as json.
+ - raw - Return the raw output.
+ type: str
+ choices:
+ - "auto"
+ - "split"
+ - "json"
+ - "raw"
+ default: "auto"
+ split_char:
+ description:
+ - Used by the split action in the transform stage.
+ type: str
+ default: " "
+ stringify:
+ description:
+ - Wraps the command in eval in JSON.stringify(<js cmd>).
+ - Useful for escaping documents that are returned in Extended JSON format.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ additional_args:
+ description:
+ - Additional arguments to supply to the mongo command.
+ - Supply as key-value pairs.
+ - If the parameter is a valueless flag supply an empty string as the value.
+ type: raw
+ idempotent:
+ description:
+ - Provides a form of pseudo-idempotency to the module.
+ - We perform a hash calculation on the contents of the eval key or the file name provided in the file key.
+ - When the command is first execute a filed called <hash>.success will be created.
+ - The module will not rerun the command if this file exists and idempotent is set to true.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+- name: Run the listDatabases command
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shell:
+ login_user: user
+ login_password: secret
+ eval: "db.adminCommand('listDatabases')"
+- name: List collections and stringify the output
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shell:
+ login_user: user
+ login_password: secret
+ eval: "db.adminCommand('listCollections')"
+ stringify: yes
+- name: Run the showBuiltinRoles command
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shell:
+ login_user: user
+ login_password: secret
+ eval: "db.getRoles({showBuiltinRoles: true})"
+- name: Run a js file containing MongoDB commands with pseudo-idempotency
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shell:
+ login_user: user
+ login_password: secret
+ file: "/path/to/mongo/file.js"
+ idempotent: yes
+- name: Provide a couple of additional cmd args
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shell:
+ login_user: user
+ login_password: secret
+ eval: "db.adminCommand('listDatabases')"
+ additional_args:
+ verbose: True
+ networkMessageCompressors: "snappy"
+RETURN = '''
+ description: JS file that was executed successfully.
+ returned: When a js file is used.
+ type: str
+ description: A message indicating what has happened.
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ description: Output from the mongo command. We attempt to parse this into a list or json where possible.
+ returned: on success
+ type: list
+ description: Change status.
+ returned: always
+ type: bool
+ description: Something went wrong.
+ returned: on failure
+ type: bool
+ description: Raw stdout from mongo.
+ returned: when debug is set to true
+ type: str
+ description: Raw stderr from mongo.
+ returned: when debug is set to true
+ type: str
+ description: Return code from mongo.
+ returned: when debug is set to true
+ type: int
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, load_platform_subclass
+import socket
+import re
+import time
+import json
+import os
+__metaclass__ = type
+from import (
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec
+def add_arg_to_cmd(cmd_list, param_name, param_value, is_bool=False):
+ """
+ @cmd_list - List of cmd args.
+ @param_name - Param name / flag.
+ @param_value - Value of the parameter
+ @is_bool - Flag is a boolean and has no value.
+ """
+ if is_bool is False and param_value is not None:
+ cmd_list.append(param_name)
+ if param_name == "--eval":
+ cmd_list.append("\"{0}\"".format(param_value))
+ else:
+ cmd_list.append(param_value)
+ elif is_bool is True:
+ cmd_list.append(param_name)
+ return cmd_list
+def transform_output(output, transform_type, split_char):
+ if transform_type == "auto": # determine what transform_type to perform
+ if output.strip().startswith("{") or output.strip().startswith("["):
+ transform_type = "json"
+ elif isinstance(output.strip().split(None), list): # Splits on whitespace
+ transform_type = "split"
+ split_char = None
+ elif isinstance(output.strip().split(","), list):
+ transform_type = "split"
+ split_char = ","
+ elif isinstance(output.strip().split(" "), list):
+ transform_type = "split"
+ split_char = " "
+ elif isinstance(output.strip().split("|"), list):
+ transform_type = "split"
+ split_char = "|"
+ elif isinstance(output.strip().split("\t"), list):
+ transform_type = "split"
+ split_char = "\t"
+ else:
+ tranform_type = "raw"
+ if transform_type == "json":
+ output = json.loads(output)
+ elif transform_type == "split":
+ output = output.strip().split(split_char)
+ elif transform_type == "raw":
+ output = output.strip()
+ return output
+def get_hash_value(module):
+ '''
+ Returns the hash value of either the provided file or eval command
+ '''
+ hash_value = None
+ try:
+ import hashlib
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Unable to import hashlib: {0}".format(excep.message))
+ if module.params['file'] is not None:
+ hash_value = hashlib.md5(module.params['file'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ else:
+ hash_value = hashlib.md5(module.params['eval'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ return hash_value
+def touch(fname, times=None):
+ with open(fname, 'a'):
+ os.utime(fname, times)
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec(ssl_options=False)
+ argument_spec.update(
+ mongo_cmd=dict(type='str', default="mongo"),
+ file=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ eval=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ db=dict(type='str', required=False, default="test"),
+ nodb=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
+ norc=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
+ quiet=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True),
+ debug=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
+ transform=dict(type='str', choices=["auto", "split", "json", "raw"], default="auto"),
+ split_char=dict(type='str', default=" "),
+ stringify=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ additional_args=dict(type='raw'),
+ idempotent=dict(type='bool', default=False)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ mutually_exclusive=[["eval", "file"]]
+ )
+ args = [
+ module.params['mongo_cmd'],
+ module.params['db']
+ ]
+ hash_value = get_hash_value(module)
+ if module.params['idempotent']:
+ if os.path.isfile("{0}.success".format(hash_value)):
+ module.exit_json(changed=False,
+ msg="The file {0}.success was found meaning this "
+ "command has already successfully executed "
+ "on this MongoDB host.".format(hash_value))
+ if not module.params['file']:
+ if module.params['eval'].startswith("show "):
+ msg = "You cannot use any shell helper (e.g. use <dbname>, show dbs, etc.)"\
+ " inside the eval parameter because they are not valid JavaScript."
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ if module.params['stringify']:
+ module.params['eval'] = "JSON.stringify({0})".format(module.params['eval'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--host", module.params['login_host'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--port", module.params['login_port'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--username", module.params['login_user'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--password", module.params['login_password'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--authenticationDatabase", module.params['login_database'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--eval", module.params['eval'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--nodb", None, module.params['nodb'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--norc", None, module.params['norc'])
+ args = add_arg_to_cmd(args, "--quiet", None, module.params['quiet'])
+ additional_args = module.params['additional_args']
+ if additional_args is not None:
+ for key, value in additional_args.items():
+ if isinstance(value, bool):
+ args.append(" --{0}".format(key))
+ elif isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, int):
+ args.append(" --{0} {1}".format(key, value))
+ if module.params['file']:
+ args.pop(1)
+ args.append(module.params['file'])
+ rc = None
+ out = ''
+ err = ''
+ result = {}
+ cmd = " ".join(str(item) for item in args)
+ (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=False)
+ if module.params['debug']:
+ result['out'] = out
+ result['err'] = err
+ result['rc'] = rc
+ result['cmd'] = cmd
+ if rc != 0:
+ if err is None or err == "":
+ err = out
+ module.fail_json(msg=err.strip(), **result)
+ else:
+ result['changed'] = True
+ if module.params['idempotent']:
+ touch("{0}.success".format(hash_value))
+ try:
+ output = transform_output(out,
+ module.params['transform'],
+ module.params['split_char'])
+ result['transformed_output'] = output
+ result['msg'] = "transform type was {0}".format(module.params['transform'])
+ if module.params['file'] is not None:
+ result['file'] = module.params['file']
+ except Exception as excep:
+ result['msg'] = "Error tranforming output: {0}".format(str(excep))
+ result['transformed_output'] = None
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e555fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_shutdown
+short_description: Cleans up all database resources and then terminates the mongod/mongos process.
+ - Cleans up all database resources and then terminates the process.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ force:
+ description:
+ - Specify true to force the mongod to shut down.
+ - Force shutdown interrupts any ongoing operations on the mongod and may result in unexpected behavior.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ timeout:
+ description:
+ - The number of seconds the primary should wait for a secondary to catch up.
+ type: int
+ default: 10
+- Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Attempt to perform a clean shutdown
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_shutdown:
+- name: Force shutdown with a timeout of 60 seconds
+ mongodb_maintenance:
+ force: true
+ timeout: 60
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: Whether the member was shutdown.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: A short description of what happened.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ description: If something went wrong
+ returned: failed
+ type: bool
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ timeout=dict(type='int', default=10)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ try:
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ try:
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Cannot import OrderedDict class. You can probably install with: pip install ordereddict: %s'
+ % to_native(excep))
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ force = module.params['force']
+ timeout = module.params['timeout']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ result = dict(
+ changed=False,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to authenticate with MongoDB: %s' % to_native(excep))
+ try:
+ cmd_doc = OrderedDict([
+ ('shutdown', 1),
+ ('force', force),
+ ('timeout', timeout)
+ ])
+ client['admin'].command(cmd_doc)
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "mongod process was terminated sucessfully"
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if "connection closed" in str(excep):
+ result["changed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "mongod process was terminated sucessfully"
+ else:
+ result["msg"] = "An error occurred: {0}".format(excep)
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..479fc3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_status
+short_description: Validates the status of the cluster.
+ - Validates the status of the cluster.
+ - The module expects all replicaset nodes to be PRIMARY, SECONDARY or ARBITER.
+ - Will wait until a timeout for the replicaset state to converge if required.
+ - Can also be used to lookup the current PRIMARY member (see examples).
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ replica_set:
+ description:
+ - Replicaset name.
+ type: str
+ default: rs0
+ poll:
+ description:
+ - The maximum number of times to query for the replicaset status before the set converges or we fail.
+ type: int
+ default: 1
+ interval:
+ description:
+ - The number of seconds to wait between polling executions.
+ type: int
+ default: 30
+- Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+- pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Check replicaset is healthy, fail if not after first attempt
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_status:
+ replica_set: rs0
+ when: ansible_hostname == "mongodb1"
+- name: Wait for the replicaset rs0 to converge, check 5 times, 10 second interval between checks
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_status:
+ replica_set: rs0
+ poll: 5
+ interval: 10
+ when: ansible_hostname == "mongodb1"
+# Get the replicaset status and then lookup the primary's hostname and save to a variable
+- name: Ensure replicaset is stable before beginning
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_status:
+ login_user: "{{ admin_user }}"
+ login_password: "{{ admin_user_password }}"
+ poll: 3
+ interval: 10
+ register: rs
+- name: Lookup PRIMARY replicaset member
+ set_fact:
+ primary: "{{ item.key.split('.')[0] }}"
+ loop: "{{ lookup('dict', rs.replicaset) }}"
+ when: "'PRIMARY' in item.value"
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: If the mnodule had failed or not.
+ returned: always
+ type: bool
+ description: Number of times the module has queried the replicaset status.
+ returned: always
+ type: int
+ description: Status message.
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ description: The last queried status of all the members of the replicaset if obtainable.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+from copy import deepcopy
+import time
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import traceback
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+def replicaset_status(client, module):
+ """
+ Return the replicaset status document from MongoDB
+ #
+ """
+ rs = client.admin.command('replSetGetStatus')
+ return rs
+def replicaset_members(replicaset_document):
+ """
+ Returns the members section of the MongoDB replicaset document
+ """
+ return replicaset_document["members"]
+def replicaset_friendly_document(members_document):
+ """
+ Returns a version of the members document with
+ only the info this module requires: name & stateStr
+ """
+ friendly_document = {}
+ for member in members_document:
+ friendly_document[member["name"]] = member["stateStr"]
+ return friendly_document
+def replicaset_statuses(members_document, module):
+ """
+ Return a list of the statuses
+ """
+ statuses = []
+ for member in members_document:
+ statuses.append(members_document[member])
+ return statuses
+def replicaset_good(statuses, module):
+ """
+ Returns true if the replicaset is in a "good" condition.
+ Good is defined as an odd number of servers >= 3, with
+ max one primary, and any even amount of
+ secondary and arbiter servers
+ """
+ module.debug(msg=str(statuses))
+ msg = "Unset"
+ status = None
+ valid_statuses = ["PRIMARY", "SECONDARY", "ARBITER"]
+ # Odd number of servers is good
+ if len(statuses) % 2 == 1:
+ if (statuses.count("PRIMARY") == 1
+ and ((statuses.count("SECONDARY")
+ + statuses.count("ARBITER")) % 2 == 0)
+ and len(set(statuses) - set(valid_statuses)) == 0):
+ status = True
+ msg = "replicaset is in a converged state"
+ else:
+ status = False
+ msg = "replicaset is not currently in a converged state"
+ else:
+ msg = "Even number of servers currently in replicaset."
+ status = False
+ return status, msg
+def replicaset_status_poll(client, module):
+ """
+ client - MongoDB Client
+ poll - Number of times to poll
+ interval - interval between polling attempts
+ """
+ iterations = 0 # How many times we have queried the cluster
+ failures = 0 # Number of failures when querying the replicaset
+ poll = module.params['poll']
+ interval = module.params['interval']
+ status = None
+ return_doc = {}
+ while iterations < poll:
+ try:
+ iterations += 1
+ replicaset_document = replicaset_status(client, module)
+ members = replicaset_members(replicaset_document)
+ friendly_document = replicaset_friendly_document(members)
+ statuses = replicaset_statuses(friendly_document, module)
+ status, msg = replicaset_good(statuses, module)
+ if status: # replicaset looks good
+ return_doc = {"failures": failures,
+ "poll": poll,
+ "iterations": iterations,
+ "msg": msg,
+ "replicaset": friendly_document}
+ break
+ else:
+ failures += 1
+ return_doc = {"failures": failures,
+ "poll": poll,
+ "iterations": iterations,
+ "msg": msg,
+ "replicaset": friendly_document,
+ "failed": True}
+ if iterations == poll:
+ break
+ else:
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ except Exception as e:
+ failures += 1
+ return_doc['failed'] = True
+ return_doc['msg'] = str(e)
+ status = False
+ if iterations == poll:
+ break
+ else:
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ return_doc['failures'] = failures
+ return status, return_doc['msg'], return_doc
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ interval=dict(type='int', default=30),
+ poll=dict(type='int', default=1),
+ replica_set=dict(type='str', default="rs0"),
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=False,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ replica_set = module.params['replica_set']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ poll = module.params['poll']
+ interval = module.params['interval']
+ result = dict(
+ failed=False,
+ replica_set=replica_set,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e))
+ try:
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if excep.code != 13:
+ raise excep
+ if login_user is None or login_password is None:
+ raise excep
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ check_compatibility(module, client)
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ try:
+ client['admin'].command('listDatabases', 1.0) # if this throws an error we need to authenticate
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if "not authorized on" in str(excep) or "command listDatabases requires authentication" in str(excep):
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ if len(replica_set) == 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Parameter 'replica_set' must not be an empty string")
+ try:
+ status, msg, return_doc = replicaset_status_poll(client, module) # Sort out the return doc
+ replicaset = return_doc['replicaset']
+ iterations = return_doc['iterations']
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to query replica_set info: %s' % str(e))
+ if status is False:
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg, replicaset=replicaset, iterations=iterations)
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(msg=msg, replicaset=replicaset, iterations=iterations)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48d2b085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2020, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_stepdown
+short_description: Step down the MongoDB node from a PRIMARY state.
+description: >
+ Step down the MongoDB node from the PRIMARY state if it has that status.
+ Returns OK immediately if the member is already in the SECONDARY or ARBITER states.
+ Will wait until a timeout for the member state to reach SECONDARY or PRIMARY,
+ if the member state is currently STARTUP, RECOVERING, STARTUP2 or ROLLBACK,
+ before taking any needed action.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ poll:
+ description:
+ - The maximum number of times query for the member status.
+ type: int
+ default: 1
+ interval:
+ description:
+ - The number of seconds to wait between poll executions.
+ type: int
+ default: 30
+ stepdown_seconds:
+ description:
+ - The number of seconds to step down the primary, during which time the stepdown member is ineligible for becoming primary.
+ type: int
+ default: 60
+ secondary_catch_up:
+ description:
+ - The secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs parameter for the stepDown command.
+ - The number of seconds that mongod will wait for an electable secondary to catch up to the primary.
+ type: int
+ default: 10
+ force:
+ description:
+ - Optional. A boolean that determines whether the primary steps down if no electable and up-to-date secondary exists within the wait period.
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+ - pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Step down the current MongoDB member
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_stepdown:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+- name: Step down the current MongoDB member, poll a maximum of 5 times if member state is recovering
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_stepdown:
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ poll: 5
+ interval: 10
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: If the module had failed or not.
+ returned: always
+ type: bool
+ description: Number of times the module has queried the replicaset status.
+ returned: always
+ type: int
+ description: Status message.
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+from copy import deepcopy
+import time
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import traceback
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+def member_status(client):
+ """
+ Return the member status string
+ #
+ """
+ myStateStr = None
+ rs = client.admin.command('replSetGetStatus')
+ for member in rs["members"]:
+ if "self" in member.keys():
+ myStateStr = member["stateStr"]
+ return myStateStr
+def member_stepdown(client, module):
+ """
+ client - MongoDB Client
+ module - Ansible module object
+ """
+ try:
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ try:
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Cannot import OrderedDict class. You can probably install with: pip install ordereddict: %s'
+ % to_native(excep))
+ iterations = 0 # How many times we have queried the member
+ failures = 0 # Number of failures when querying the replicaset
+ poll = module.params['poll']
+ interval = module.params['interval']
+ stepdown_seconds = module.params['stepdown_seconds']
+ secondary_catch_up = module.params['secondary_catch_up']
+ force = module.params['force']
+ return_doc = {}
+ status = None
+ while iterations < poll:
+ try:
+ iterations += 1
+ return_doc['iterations'] = iterations
+ myStateStr = member_status(client)
+ if myStateStr == "PRIMARY":
+ # Run step down command
+ if module.check_mode:
+ return_doc["msg"] = "member was stepped down"
+ return_doc['changed'] = True
+ status = True
+ break
+ else:
+ cmd_doc = OrderedDict([
+ ('replSetStepDown', stepdown_seconds),
+ ('secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs', secondary_catch_up),
+ ('force', force)
+ ])
+ try:
+ client.admin.command(cmd_doc) # For now we assume the stepDown was successful
+ except Exception as excep:
+ # 4.0 and below close the connection as part of the stepdown.
+ # This code should be removed once we support 4.2+ onwards
+ #
+ if str(excep) == "connection closed":
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise excep
+ return_doc['changed'] = True
+ status = True
+ return_doc["msg"] = "member was stepped down"
+ break
+ elif myStateStr in ["SECONDARY", "ARBITER"]:
+ return_doc["msg"] = "member was already at {0} state".format(myStateStr)
+ return_doc['changed'] = False
+ status = True
+ break
+ elif myStateStr in ["STARTUP", "RECOVERING", "STARTUP2", "ROLLBACK"]:
+ time.sleep(interval) # Wait for interval
+ else:
+ return_doc["msg"] = "Unexpected member state {0}".format(myStateStr)
+ return_doc['changed'] = False
+ status = False
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ failures += 1
+ return_doc['failed'] = True
+ return_doc['changed'] = False
+ return_doc['msg'] = str(e)
+ status = False
+ if iterations == poll:
+ break
+ else:
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ return status, return_doc['msg'], return_doc
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ interval=dict(type='int', default=30),
+ poll=dict(type='int', default=1),
+ secondary_catch_up=dict(type='int', default=10),
+ stepdown_seconds=dict(type='int', default=60)
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ poll = module.params['poll']
+ interval = module.params['interval']
+ stepdown_seconds = module.params['stepdown_seconds']
+ secondary_catch_up = module.params['secondary_catch_up']
+ result = dict(
+ failed=False,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e))
+ try:
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if "not authorized on" not in str(excep) and "there are no users authenticated" not in str(excep):
+ raise excep
+ if login_user is None or login_password is None:
+ raise excep
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ check_compatibility(module, client)
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ try:
+ client['admin'].command('listDatabases', 1.0) # if this throws an error we need to authenticate
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if "not authorized on" in str(excep) or "command listDatabases requires authentication" in str(excep):
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ try:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(excep), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ try:
+ status, msg, return_doc = member_stepdown(client, module)
+ iterations = return_doc['iterations']
+ changed = return_doc['changed']
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to query replica_set info: %s' % str(e))
+ if status is False:
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg, iterations=iterations, changed=changed)
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(msg=msg, iterations=iterations, changed=changed)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..199038d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+# (c) 2012, Elliott Foster <>
+# Sponsored by Four Kitchens
+# (c) 2014, Epic Games, Inc.
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: mongodb_user
+short_description: Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database
+ - Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database.
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - community.mongodb.login_options
+ - community.mongodb.ssl_options
+ replica_set:
+ description:
+ - Replica set to connect to (automatically connects to primary for writes).
+ type: str
+ database:
+ description:
+ - The name of the database to add/remove the user from.
+ required: true
+ type: str
+ aliases: [db]
+ name:
+ description:
+ - The name of the user to add or remove.
+ required: true
+ aliases: [user]
+ type: str
+ password:
+ description:
+ - The password to use for the user.
+ type: str
+ aliases: [pass]
+ roles:
+ type: list
+ elements: raw
+ description:
+ - >
+ The database user roles valid values could either be one or more of the following strings:
+ 'read', 'readWrite', 'dbAdmin', 'userAdmin', 'clusterAdmin', 'readAnyDatabase', 'readWriteAnyDatabase', 'userAdminAnyDatabase',
+ 'dbAdminAnyDatabase'
+ - "Or the following dictionary '{ db: DATABASE_NAME, role: ROLE_NAME }'."
+ - "This param requires pymongo 2.5+. If it is a string, mongodb 2.4+ is also required. If it is a dictionary, mongo 2.6+ is required."
+ state:
+ description:
+ - The database user state.
+ default: present
+ choices: [absent, present]
+ type: str
+ update_password:
+ default: always
+ choices: [always, on_create]
+ description:
+ - C(always) will always update passwords and cause the module to return changed.
+ - C(on_create) will only set the password for newly created users.
+ - This must be C(always) to use the localhost exception when adding the first admin user.
+ type: str
+ create_for_localhost_exception:
+ type: path
+ description:
+ - This is parmeter is only useful for handling special treatment around the localhost exception.
+ - If C(login_user) is defined, then the localhost exception is not active and this parameter has no effect.
+ - If this file is NOT present (and C(login_user) is not defined), then touch this file after successfully adding the user.
+ - If this file is present (and C(login_user) is not defined), then skip this task.
+ - Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. Newer mongo server versions require newer
+ pymongo versions. @see
+ - "pymongo"
+ - "Elliott Foster (@elliotttf)"
+ - "Julien Thebault (@Lujeni)"
+- name: Create 'burgers' database user with name 'bob' and password '12345'.
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: bob
+ password: 12345
+ state: present
+- name: Create a database user via SSL (MongoDB must be compiled with the SSL option and configured properly)
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: bob
+ password: 12345
+ state: present
+ ssl: True
+- name: Delete 'burgers' database user with name 'bob'.
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: bob
+ state: absent
+- name: Define more users with various specific roles (if not defined, no roles is assigned, and the user will be added via pre mongo 2.2 style)
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: ben
+ password: 12345
+ roles: read
+ state: present
+- name: Define roles
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: jim
+ password: 12345
+ roles: readWrite,dbAdmin,userAdmin
+ state: present
+- name: Define roles
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: joe
+ password: 12345
+ roles: readWriteAnyDatabase
+ state: present
+- name: Add a user to database in a replica set, the primary server is automatically discovered and written to
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ database: burgers
+ name: bob
+ replica_set: belcher
+ password: 12345
+ roles: readWriteAnyDatabase
+ state: present
+# add a user 'oplog_reader' with read only access to the 'local' database on the replica_set 'belcher'. This is useful for oplog access (MONGO_OPLOG_URL).
+# please notice the credentials must be added to the 'admin' database because the 'local' database is not synchronized and can't receive user credentials
+# To login with such user, the connection string should be MONGO_OPLOG_URL="mongodb://oplog_reader:oplog_reader_password@server1,server2/local?authSource=admin"
+# This syntax requires mongodb 2.6+ and pymongo 2.5+
+- name: Roles as a dictionary
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ login_user: root
+ login_password: root_password
+ database: admin
+ user: oplog_reader
+ password: oplog_reader_password
+ state: present
+ replica_set: belcher
+ roles:
+ - db: local
+ role: read
+- name: Adding a user with X.509 Member Authentication
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ login_host: "mongodb-host.test"
+ login_port: 27001
+ login_database: "$external"
+ database: "admin"
+ name: "admin"
+ password: "test"
+ roles:
+ - dbAdminAnyDatabase
+ ssl: true
+ ssl_ca_certs: "/tmp/ca.crt"
+ ssl_certfile: "/tmp/tls.key" #cert and key in one file
+ state: present
+ auth_mechanism: "MONGODB-X509"
+ connection_options:
+ - "tlsAllowInvalidHostnames=true"
+RETURN = '''
+ description: The name of the user to add or remove.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import traceback
+from operator import itemgetter
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes
+from import (
+ check_compatibility,
+ missing_required_lib,
+ load_mongocnf,
+ mongodb_common_argument_spec,
+ ssl_connection_options
+from import PyMongoVersion, PYMONGO_IMP_ERR, pymongo_found, MongoClient
+def user_find(client, user, db_name):
+ """Check if the user exists.
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ user (str): User to check.
+ db_name (str): User's database.
+ Returns:
+ dict: when user exists, False otherwise.
+ """
+ for mongo_user in client[db_name].command('usersInfo')['users']:
+ if mongo_user['user'] == user:
+ # NOTE: there is no 'db' field in mongo 2.4.
+ if 'db' not in mongo_user:
+ return mongo_user
+ if mongo_user["db"] in [db_name, "admin"]: # Workaround to make the condition works with AWS DocumentDB, since all users are in the admin database.
+ return mongo_user
+ return False
+def user_add(module, client, db_name, user, password, roles):
+ # pymongo's user_add is a _create_or_update_user so we won't know if it was changed or updated
+ # without reproducing a lot of the logic in of pymongo
+ db = client[db_name]
+ try:
+ exists = user_find(client, user, db_name)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ # We get this exception: "not authorized on admin to execute command"
+ # when auth is enabled on a new instance. The loalhost exception should
+ # allow us to create the first user. If the localhost exception does not apply,
+ # then user creation will also fail with unauthorized. So, ignore Unauthorized here.
+ if hasattr(excep, 'code') and excep.code == 13: # 13=Unauthorized
+ exists = False
+ else:
+ raise
+ if exists:
+ user_add_db_command = 'updateUser'
+ else:
+ user_add_db_command = 'createUser'
+ user_dict = {}
+ if password is not None:
+ user_dict["pwd"] = password
+ if roles is not None:
+ user_dict["roles"] = roles
+ db.command(user_add_db_command, user, **user_dict)
+def user_remove(module, client, db_name, user):
+ exists = user_find(client, user, db_name)
+ if exists:
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, user=user)
+ db = client[db_name]
+ db.command("dropUser", user)
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
+def check_if_roles_changed(uinfo, roles, db_name):
+ # We must be aware of users which can read the oplog on a replicaset
+ # Such users must have access to the local DB, but since this DB does not store users credentials
+ # and is not synchronized among replica sets, the user must be stored on the admin db
+ # Therefore their structure is the following :
+ # {
+ # "_id" : "admin.oplog_reader",
+ # "user" : "oplog_reader",
+ # "db" : "admin", # <-- admin DB
+ # "roles" : [
+ # {
+ # "role" : "read",
+ # "db" : "local" # <-- local DB
+ # }
+ # ]
+ # }
+ def make_sure_roles_are_a_list_of_dict(roles, db_name):
+ output = list()
+ for role in roles:
+ if isinstance(role, (binary_type, text_type)):
+ new_role = {"role": role, "db": db_name}
+ output.append(new_role)
+ else:
+ output.append(role)
+ return output
+ roles_as_list_of_dict = make_sure_roles_are_a_list_of_dict(roles, db_name)
+ uinfo_roles = uinfo.get('roles', [])
+ if sorted(roles_as_list_of_dict, key=itemgetter('db')) == sorted(uinfo_roles, key=itemgetter('db')):
+ return False
+ return True
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = mongodb_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ database=dict(required=True, aliases=['db']),
+ name=dict(required=True, aliases=['user']),
+ password=dict(aliases=['pass'], no_log=True),
+ replica_set=dict(default=None),
+ roles=dict(default=None, type='list', elements='raw'),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
+ update_password=dict(default="always", choices=["always", "on_create"], no_log=False),
+ create_for_localhost_exception=dict(default=None, type='path'),
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ required_together=[['login_user', 'login_password']],
+ )
+ if not pymongo_found:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymongo'),
+ exception=PYMONGO_IMP_ERR)
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ create_for_localhost_exception = module.params['create_for_localhost_exception']
+ b_create_for_localhost_exception = (
+ to_bytes(create_for_localhost_exception, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
+ if create_for_localhost_exception is not None else None
+ )
+ replica_set = module.params['replica_set']
+ db_name = module.params['database']
+ user = module.params['name']
+ password = module.params['password']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ roles = module.params['roles'] or []
+ state = module.params['state']
+ update_password = module.params['update_password']
+ try:
+ connection_params = {
+ "host": login_host,
+ "port": int(login_port),
+ }
+ if replica_set:
+ connection_params["replicaset"] = replica_set
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params = ssl_connection_options(connection_params, module)
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg='when supplying login arguments, both login_user and login_password must be provided')
+ if login_user is not None and login_password is not None:
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ # Get server version:
+ try:
+ srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to get MongoDB server version: %s' % to_native(e))
+ # Get driver version::
+ driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ # Check driver and server version compatibility:
+ check_compatibility(module, srv_version, driver_version)
+ elif LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion) >= LooseVersion('3.0'):
+ if db_name != "admin":
+ module.fail_json(msg='The localhost login exception only allows the first admin account to be created')
+ # else: this has to be the first admin user added
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ if state == 'present':
+ if password is None and update_password == 'always':
+ module.fail_json(msg='password parameter required when adding a user unless update_password is set to on_create')
+ if login_user is None and create_for_localhost_exception is not None:
+ if os.path.exists(b_create_for_localhost_exception):
+ try:
+ client.close()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user, skipped=True, msg="The path in create_for_localhost_exception exists.")
+ try:
+ if update_password != 'always':
+ uinfo = user_find(client, user, db_name)
+ if uinfo:
+ password = None
+ if not check_if_roles_changed(uinfo, roles, db_name):
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, user=user)
+ user_add(module, client, db_name, user, password, roles)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to add or update user: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ finally:
+ try:
+ client.close()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # Here we can check password change if mongo provide a query for that :
+ # newuinfo = user_find(client, user, db_name)
+ # if uinfo['role'] == newuinfo['role'] and CheckPasswordHere:
+ # module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
+ if login_user is None and create_for_localhost_exception is not None:
+ # localhost exception applied.
+ try:
+ # touch the file
+ open(b_create_for_localhost_exception, 'wb').close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(
+ changed=True,
+ msg='Added user but unable to touch create_for_localhost_exception file %s: %s' % (create_for_localhost_exception, to_native(e)),
+ exception=traceback.format_exc()
+ )
+ elif state == 'absent':
+ try:
+ user_remove(module, client, db_name, user)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to remove user: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ finally:
+ try:
+ client.close()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, user=user)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-2.7.txt b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-2.7.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a6e1a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-2.7.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# sh 1.13.1 causes molecule yamllint to fail.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.5.txt b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca86cbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.6.txt b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca86cbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.8.txt b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.8.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca86cbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/requirements-3.8.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fc91610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+This role to enables auth on MongoDB servers, adds the first admin user, and adds a list of other users.
+If your mongo instance requires ssl or an alternative auth_mechanism, please use
+to provide the default auth details for `community.mongodb.mongodb_user` (these defaults are ignored
+when adding the initial admin user with the localhost exception).
+If running this on a MongoDB server that already has an admin user (ie when using this role to audit
+an alternate install method), you must touch `/root/mongodb_admin.success` or you will get an error
+when this role tries to add the admin user again.
+Role Variables
+mongod_host: The domain or ip to use to communicate with mongod. Default localhost.
+mongod_port: The port used by the mongod process. Default 27017.
+mongod_package: The mongod package to install. Default mongodb-org-server.
+authorization: Enable authorization. Default enabled.
+mongodb_admin_db: MongoDB admin database (for adding users). Default admin.
+mongodb_admin_user: MongoDB admin username. Default admin.
+mongodb_admin_pwd: MongoDB admin password. Defaults to value of mongodb_admin_default_pwd.
+mongodb_admin_default_pwd: MongoDB admin password (for parent roles to override without overriding user's password). Default admin.
+mongodb_users: List of additional users to add. Each user dict should include fields: db, user, pwd, roles
+mongodb_force_update_password: Whether or not to force a password update for any users in mongodb_users. Setting this to yes will result in 'changed' on every run, even if the password is the same. Setting this to no only adds a password when creating the user.
+IMPORTANT NOTE: It is expected that mongodb_admin_user & mongodb_admin_pwd values be overridden in your own file protected by Ansible Vault. Any production environments should protect these values. For more information see [Ansible Vault](
+Example Playbook
+Install MongoDB preparing hosts for a Sharded Cluster.
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - { role: mongodb_repository }
+ - { role: mongodb_mongod, mongod_port: 27018, sharding: true }
+ - { role: mongodb_auth, mongod_port: 27018, mongod_host:, mongodb_admin_pwd: f00b@r }
+Author Information
+Jacob Floyd (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/defaults/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2612ee7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_auth
+mongod_port: 27017
+mongod_package: "mongodb-org-server"
+authorization: "enabled"
+# when adding auth, the login credentials to use
+mongodb_admin_user: admin
+# For production use - please change the admin password!
+mongodb_admin_pwd: "{{ mongodb_default_admin_pwd }}"
+# The default is separate so other roles can provide a default without overriding a user provided password.
+mongodb_default_admin_pwd: admin
+# allow for alternate admin roles (eg userAdminAnyDatabase)
+mongodb_admin_roles: "root"
+# Additional users to add.
+mongodb_users: []
+# - db: somedatabase
+# user: someuser
+# pwd: "S0meP@ss"
+# roles: readWrite
+# whether or not to force a password update for any users in mongodb_users
+# Setting this to yes will result in 'changed' on every run, even if the password is the same.
+# See the comment in tasks/main.yml for more details.
+mongodb_force_update_password: no
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2ab9e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ author: Jacob Floyd
+ description: Configure auth on MongoDB servers
+ license: BSD
+ min_ansible_version: 2.9
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..783a1cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca136e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ # for this test, each machine is an isolated mongod instance
+ replicaset: false
+ sharding: false
+ # initially disable authorization on some hosts
+ hosts_with_auth_disabled:
+ - ubuntu_18
+ - debian_buster
+ # add some users for some of the hosts
+ hosts_with_extra_user:
+ - centos_8
+ - ubuntu_16
+ - debian_buster
+ mongodb_users_empty: []
+ mongodb_users_full:
+ - db: somedatabase
+ user: someuser
+ pwd: "S0meP@ss"
+ roles: readWrite
+ - db: somedatabase
+ user: otheruser
+ pwd: "0th3rP@ss"
+ roles: readWrite
+ mongodb_users: "{% if inventory_hostname in hosts_with_extra_user %}{{ mongodb_users_full }}{% else %}{{ mongodb_users_empty }}{% endif %}"
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_mongod
+ authorization: "{% if inventory_hostname in hosts_with_auth_disabled %}disabled{% else %}enabled{% endif %}"
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest # avoids false positive where replacing conf file disables authorization again
+ tasks:
+ - name: Add EPEL repo to CentOS 7 to allow installing pip package
+ become: yes
+ yum:
+ name: "{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm"
+ state: present
+ when: inventory_hostname == 'centos_7'
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name:
+ - "python{% if needs_3 %}3{% endif %}-setuptools"
+ - "python{% if needs_3 %}3{% endif %}-pip"
+ vars:
+ needs_3: "{{ ansible_facts.python.version.major == 3 }}"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ - name: Enable mongo auth
+ include_role:
+ name: mongodb_auth
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..933015a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import os
+import yaml
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ ansible = host.ansible("include_vars",
+ 'file="../../defaults/main.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ f = host.file("/etc/mongod.conf")
+ assert f.exists
+ assert yaml.safe_load(f.content)["security"]["authorization"] == "enabled"
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ mongod_service = include_vars(host)["ansible_facts"].get("mongod_service", "mongod")
+ s = host.service(mongod_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ port = include_vars(host)["ansible_facts"].get("mongod_port", 27017)
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongo_shell_connectivity(host):
+ """
+ Tests that we can connect to mongos via the shell annd run a cmd
+ """
+ facts = include_vars(host)["ansible_facts"]
+ port = facts.get("mongod_port", 27017)
+ user = facts.get("mongod_admin_user", "admin")
+ pwd = facts.get("mongod_default_admin_pwd", "admin")
+ cmd =
+ "mongo admin --username {user} --password {pwd} --port {port} --eval 'db.runCommand({{listDatabases: 1}})'".format(
+ user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port
+ )
+ )
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "admin" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d29680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a0e4614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ # for this test, each machine is an isolated mongod instance
+ replicaset: false
+ sharding: false
+ # initially disable authorization on some hosts
+ hosts_with_auth_disabled:
+ - ubuntu_18
+ - debian_buster
+ # add some users for some of the hosts
+ hosts_with_extra_user:
+ - centos_8
+ - ubuntu_16
+ - debian_buster
+ mongodb_users_empty: []
+ mongodb_users_full:
+ - db: somedatabase
+ user: someuser
+ pwd: "S0meP@ss"
+ roles: readWrite
+ - db: somedatabase
+ user: otheruser
+ pwd: "0th3rP@ss"
+ roles: readWrite
+ mongodb_users: "{% if inventory_hostname in hosts_with_extra_user %}{{ mongodb_users_full }}{% else %}{{ mongodb_users_empty }}{% endif %}"
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_mongod
+ vars:
+ authorization: "{% if inventory_hostname in hosts_with_auth_disabled %}disabled{% else %}enabled{% endif %}"
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest # avoids false positive where replacing conf file disables authorization again
+ tasks:
+ - name: Add EPEL repo to CentOS 7 to allow installing pip package
+ become: yes
+ yum:
+ name: "{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm"
+ state: present
+ when: inventory_hostname == 'centos_7'
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name:
+ - "python{% if needs_3 %}3{% endif %}-setuptools"
+ - "python{% if needs_3 %}3{% endif %}-pip"
+ vars:
+ needs_3: "{{ ansible_facts.python.version.major == 3 }}"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ - name: Enable mongo auth
+ include_role:
+ name: mongodb_auth
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f186973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ avahi_packages_redhat:
+ - "avahi"
+ - "nss-mdns"
+ avahi_packages_debian:
+ - "avahi-daemon"
+ - "avahi-discover"
+ - "libnss-mdns"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure epel is available
+ yum:
+ name: epel-release
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_redhat }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_debian }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
+ # debian-stretch seems to require a reboot for avahi-daemon to run
+ - name: Reboot host
+ reboot:
+ - name: Ensure avahi-daemon is started
+ service:
+ name: avahi-daemon
+ state: started
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..933015a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import os
+import yaml
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ ansible = host.ansible("include_vars",
+ 'file="../../defaults/main.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ f = host.file("/etc/mongod.conf")
+ assert f.exists
+ assert yaml.safe_load(f.content)["security"]["authorization"] == "enabled"
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ mongod_service = include_vars(host)["ansible_facts"].get("mongod_service", "mongod")
+ s = host.service(mongod_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ port = include_vars(host)["ansible_facts"].get("mongod_port", 27017)
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongo_shell_connectivity(host):
+ """
+ Tests that we can connect to mongos via the shell annd run a cmd
+ """
+ facts = include_vars(host)["ansible_facts"]
+ port = facts.get("mongod_port", 27017)
+ user = facts.get("mongod_admin_user", "admin")
+ pwd = facts.get("mongod_default_admin_pwd", "admin")
+ cmd =
+ "mongo admin --username {user} --password {pwd} --port {port} --eval 'db.runCommand({{listDatabases: 1}})'".format(
+ user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port
+ )
+ )
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "admin" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ead377c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_auth
+- name: Include OS-specific vars
+ include_vars:
+ file: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
+ vars:
+ params:
+ paths:
+ - "vars"
+ files:
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
+ - default.yml
+- name: Ensure mongod and pyyaml packages are installed
+ package:
+ name:
+ - "{{ mongod_package }}"
+ # pyyaml is used to validate yaml files on change
+ - "{{ pyyaml_package }}"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Warn about default credentials
+ when: mongodb_admin_pwd == mongodb_default_admin_pwd
+ debug:
+ msg: "[WARNING] Using default admin credentials for mongodb admin account! Please change them!"
+- name: Add mongo admin user with localhost exception
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ state: present
+ # on_create triggers additional queries that are not compatible with localhost exception
+ update_password: always
+ name: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}"
+ password: "{{ mongodb_admin_pwd }}"
+ database: admin
+ roles: "{{ mongodb_admin_roles }}"
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: "{{ mongod_port | string }}" # silence implicit int->str conversion warning
+ create_for_localhost_exception: /root/mongodb_admin.success
+ module_defaults:
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user: {}
+- name: Enable security section in mongod.conf
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/mongod.conf
+ regexp: |-
+ ^[#'"\s]*security['"]?\s*:
+ line: 'security:'
+ validate: |
+ {{ mongodb_python }} -c '
+ import yaml, io
+ if "security" not in yaml.safe_load("%s")):
+ exit(1)
+ '
+- name: Enable authentication in mongod.conf
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/mongod.conf
+ insertafter: '^security:'
+ # two space indentation (the default) assumed
+ line: ' authorization: {{ authorization }}'
+ regexp: |-
+ ^[#'"\s]+authorization['"]?\s*:
+ validate: |
+ {{ mongodb_python }} -c '
+ import yaml, io
+ if yaml.safe_load("%s"))["security"]["authorization"] != "{{ authorization }}":
+ exit(1)
+ '
+ register: _enable_mongo_auth
+# This is a task instead of a handler so we can add users right away
+- name: Restart mongodb to enable auth before adding additional users
+ # This allows us to safely assume auth is already enabled when adding more users
+ when: _enable_mongo_auth is changed
+ service:
+ name: mongod
+ state: restarted
+- name: Add additional mongo users
+ include_tasks: mongodb_auth_user.yml
+ loop: "{{ mongodb_users }}"
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: _mongodb_user
+ # using loop_control: label does not obscure the password in output for verbosity > 1
+ # So, loop over an include where the task name will include the username + db, but the loop var won't print out.
+ no_log: yes
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/tasks/mongodb_auth_user.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/tasks/mongodb_auth_user.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..285a0dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/tasks/mongodb_auth_user.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+- name: "Add mongo auth user - {{ _mongodb_user.user }} on {{ _mongodb_user.db }}"
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ state: present
+ # NOTE: on_create is idempotent, always is not.
+ # With `update_password: on_create`, mongodb_user checks to see if the user
+ # (a) exists on the db, and (b) has the same roles,
+ # and then it only adds the user if it's not there or the roles have changed.
+ # With `update_password: always`, mongodb_user cannot tell if the password
+ # needs to be changed without attempting a login with those credentials.
+ # But mongodb_user does not currently implement such a check.
+ # A comment in mongodb_user points to
+ update_password: "{{ mongodb_force_update_password|ternary('always', 'on_create') }}"
+ name: "{{ _mongodb_user.user }}"
+ password: "{{ _mongodb_user.pwd }}"
+ database: "{{ _mongodb_user.db }}"
+ roles: "{{ _mongodb_user.roles|default('readWrite') }}"
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: "{{ mongod_port | string }}" # silence implicit int->str conversion warning
+ login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}"
+ login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_pwd }}"
+ login_database: admin
+ # to provide additional auth details (eg for ssl* or auth_mechanism, set module_defaults in playbook)
+ # module_defaults:
+ # community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ # auth_mechanism: ...
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/RedHat-7.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/RedHat-7.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..190d2622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/RedHat-7.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pyyaml_package: PyYAML
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/RedHat-8.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/RedHat-8.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba3964da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/RedHat-8.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pyyaml_package: python3-pyyaml
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/default.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af98d755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pyyaml_package: "python{% if ansible_facts.python.version.major == 3 %}3{% endif %}-yaml"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..458cdc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_auth/vars/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+mongodb_python: "{{ ansible_python_interpreter | default( (ansible_python|default({})).get('executable', 'python') ) }}"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c177d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+A simple role to aid in setting up a CSRS Config Server Replicaset for a MongoDB sharded cluster.
+Role Variables
+* `config_port`: The port used by the mongos process. Default 27019.
+* `mongod_service`: The name of the mongod service. Default mongod.
+* `mongodb_user`: The Linux OS user for MongoDB. Default mongod.
+* `mongodb_group`: The Linux OS user group for MongoDB. Default mongod.
+* `pid_file`: The pid file for mongos. Default /run/mongodb/
+* `bind_ip`: The IP address mongos will bind to. Default
+* `config_repl_set_name`: The replicaset name for the config servers. Default cfg.
+* `authorization`: Enable authorization. Default enabled.
+* `openssl_keyfile_content`: The kexfile content that MongoDB uses to authenticate within a replicaset. Generate with cmd: openssl rand -base64 756.
+* `mongod_package`: The name of the mongod installation package. Default mongodb-org-server.
+replicaset: When enabled add a replication section to the configuration. Default true.
+* `mongod_config_template`: If defined allows to override path to mongod config template with custom configuration. Default "mongod.conf.j2"
+* `skip_restart`: If set to `true` will skip restarting mongod service when config file or the keyfile content changes. Default `true`.
+Example Playbook
+Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables
+passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - { role: mongodb_repository }
+ - { role: mongodb_config, config_repl_set_name: "mycustomrs" }
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/defaults/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bf772a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_config
+pid_file: /var/run/mongodb/
+# config_port is in vars to facilitate molecule tests
+config_repl_set_name: cfg
+authorization: enabled
+openssl_keyfile_content: |
+ Z2CeA9BMcoY5AUWoegjv/XWL2MA1SQcL4HvmRjYaTjSp/xosJy+LL2X3OQb1xVWC
+ rO2e6Tu6A3R4muunitI6Vr0IKeU5UbTpR0N4hSU6HDrV9z2PIEWlkQqKh01ZRLEY
+ V3hR73acj0jA8eWIWeiV039d18jvMb8X2h8409lfcD6PPJJGjyaC8S4LY/TrsK2z
+ tx+l/vqOOAMhGB5mEMjx1LXUMsRG9ot6vFu9I5LPd1A4q9xw9jddYK5C6YTLccun
+ ZyCDsv7ImkCprV0+0vhTyxIEnfaNtvOlWypuvmRr/DEyd2NPowd1n6C+rgk8gs1t
+ SGLCZP93gXza0rIoQzHtuf5pOJK9qyKjuNtuuLa/KFsida8a69JXn7fmS0IIja0m
+ Ir0OrQ2Ta3n4VbQwQo97BWODWmkgzz0mUd6VmMps5zLsCW1vVqYFQHuAAbLekW0q
+ 8JRm8OQ6n2hp8j4zYd3/Qw7vqsVj8sHicNB0bCW29b64H4f2J/AcUA/cm0xSUQyb
+ +myeCB4vWvydh5AfFVnw7sXvzU6egaYRomdmrl59QrTDneJu13hwzIchsFparoWJ
+ XjpldopGeDaJLU18ga7MSL02ozB+EoJ14DJxQU7E5MQk7fDMPeitXKZ8ymxb7LeA
+ k0Rtc/JQM8aDLoRklhLZRRARBrv1RLo8DM8CB2q4s+FwVU4QJl7mFyiwk3eTN6sN
+ PTgFRo3/dHsEA2OwGG+hnGFGnoYf2mkECR5jqai83CXgva9v2rPNjDTJYHpmd3I0
+ fNijueXZZdzUA58y8mcoSGVYdRhr0g8jaWQ12PZEgX5Nnlekh5GHG0j8HT4qj/0Y
+ D3xVuE3WvrhldY5EOsaTt2ZXZx5REmJDIW1KcnvQKiVDJ2QzP5xdXYA0hh3TdTVE
+ sb4UreMw/WyBpANiICMlJRBgSd0f0VGMlYzLX2BL14YpNnLhmoQqKzfBN6v2XAEG
+ mJfrCUVuP1nBEklk23lYkNi/ohe+aodNjdN+2DHp42sGZHYP
+mongod_package: "mongodb-org-server"
+replicaset: true
+mongod_config_template: "configsrv.conf.j2"
+skip_restart: true
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/handlers/handlers.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/handlers/handlers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b654cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/handlers/handlers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- name: Restart mongod service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongod_service }}"
+ state: restarted
+- name: Wait for port to become active
+ wait_for:
+ port: "{{ config_port }}"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/handlers/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/handlers/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1a7a569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- name: Restart mongod service
+ import_tasks: handlers.yml
+ when: not skip_restart
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d46e31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: Rhys Campbell
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..528c2be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ hostname: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongo"
+ network_mode: "mymongo"
+ - name: centos_8
+ hostname: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongo"
+ network_mode: "mymongo"
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ hostname: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongo"
+ network_mode: "mymongo"
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ hostname: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongo"
+ network_mode: "mymongo"
+ - name: debian_buster
+ hostname: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongo"
+ network_mode: "mymongo"
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ hostname: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongo"
+ network_mode: "mymongo"
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba4749b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_config
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name: ["python-setuptools", "python-pip"]
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu_16"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu_16"
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
+ - name: Init config server replicaset
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 27019
+ replica_set: cfg
+ validate: no
+ members:
+ - centos_7:27019
+ - centos_8:27019
+ - ubuntu_16:27019
+ - ubuntu_18:27019
+ #- debian_stretch:27019 # need odd number, so drop stretch
+ - debian_buster:27019
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu_16"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abdf26a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create is_docker.txt file
+ file:
+ path: is_docker.txt
+ state: touch
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25db94ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/RedHat.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/Debian.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ mongodb_user = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_user']
+ mongodb_group = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_group']
+ f = host.file('/etc/mongod.conf')
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == mongodb_user
+ assert == mongodb_group
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ mongod_service = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_service']
+ s = host.service(mongod_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['config_port']
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongod_replicaset(host):
+ '''
+ Ensure that the MongoDB config replicaset has been created successfully
+ '''
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['config_port']
+ cmd = "mongo --port {0} --eval 'rs.status()'".format(port)
+ # We only want to run this once
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] == "ubuntu_16":
+ r =
+ assert "cfg" in r.stdout
+ assert "centos_7:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "centos_8:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu_16:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu_18:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "debian_buster:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ # assert "debian_stretch:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d29680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92cefb0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_config
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name: ["python-setuptools", "python-pip"]
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu-16"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu-16"
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
+ - name: Init config server replicaset
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 27019
+ replica_set: cfg
+ members:
+ - ubuntu-16.local:27019
+ - ubuntu-18.local:27019
+ - debian-stretch.local:27019
+ - debian-buster.local:27019
+ - centos-7.local:27019
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu-16"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..acf089f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ avahi_packages_redhat:
+ - "avahi"
+ - "nss-mdns"
+ avahi_packages_debian:
+ - "avahi-daemon"
+ - "avahi-discover"
+ - "libnss-mdns"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure epel is available
+ yum:
+ name: epel-release
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_redhat }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_debian }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
+ - name: Reboot host for avahi-daemon
+ reboot:
+ - name: Ensure avahi-daemon is started
+ service:
+ name: avahi-daemon
+ state: started
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..944004d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/RedHat.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/Debian.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ mongodb_user = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_user']
+ mongodb_group = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_group']
+ f = host.file('/etc/mongod.conf')
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == mongodb_user
+ assert == mongodb_group
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ mongod_service = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_service']
+ s = host.service(mongod_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['config_port']
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongod_cfg_replicaset(host):
+ '''
+ Ensure that the MongoDB config replicaset has been created successfully
+ '''
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['config_port']
+ cmd = "mongo --port {0} --eval 'rs.status()'".format(port)
+ # We only want to run this once
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] == "ubuntu_16":
+ r =
+ assert "cfg" in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu-16.local:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu-18.local:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "debian-buster.local:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "debian-stretch.local:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "centos-7.local:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03d72f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_config
+- name: Include OS-specific vars
+ include_vars:
+ file: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
+ vars:
+ params:
+ paths:
+ - "vars"
+ files:
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
+ - default.yml
+- name: Check if we are in docker
+ stat:
+ path: is_docker.txt
+ register: is_docker
+- name: Ensure mongod package is installed
+ package:
+ name: "{{ mongod_package }}"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Ensure db_path dir exists
+ file:
+ path: "{{ db_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+- name: Copy config file
+ template:
+ src: "{{ mongod_config_template }}"
+ dest: /etc/mongod.conf
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ notify:
+ - Restart mongod service
+- name: Copy keyfile to host
+ copy:
+ content: |
+ {{ openssl_keyfile_content }}
+ dest: /etc/keyfile
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ mode: 0400
+ notify:
+ - Restart mongod service
+- name: Check for github override
+ set_fact:
+ x_github_override: "{{ lookup('env', 'X_GITHUB_OVERRIDE') | default('0', True) }}"
+- name: Start mongod service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongod_service }}"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: not (ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat'
+ and ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int == 8
+ and is_docker.stat.exists)
+- name: Include tasks for RedHat 8 docker issue
+ import_tasks: redhat_docker.yml
+ when:
+ - ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat'
+ - ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int == 8
+ - is_docker.stat.exists
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/tasks/redhat_docker.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/tasks/redhat_docker.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d08c66a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/tasks/redhat_docker.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- name: Comment out PIDFile in systemd file
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/systemd/system/
+ regexp: '^PIDFile.*'
+ state: absent
+ register: systemd
+- name: Reload systemd
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reload: yes
+ when: systemd is changed
+- name: Start mongod service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongod_service }}"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/templates/configsrv.conf.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/templates/configsrv.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b6c7b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/templates/configsrv.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# mongod.conf
+# for documentation of all options, see:
+# where to write logging data.
+ destination: file
+ logAppend: true
+ path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
+# Where and how to store data.
+ dbPath: {{ db_path }}
+ journal:
+ enabled: true
+ engine: "wiredTiger"
+# how the process runs
+{% if ansible_facts.os_family == "RedHat" %} # Breaks Ubuntu / Debian
+ fork: true
+ pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/
+{% endif %}
+ timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
+# network interfaces
+ port: {{ config_port }}
+ bindIp: {{ bind_ip }}
+{% if authorization == "enabled" %}
+ authorization: {{ authorization }}
+ keyFile: /etc/keyfile
+{% endif %}
+{% if replicaset %}
+ replSetName: {{ config_repl_set_name }}
+{% endif %}
+ clusterRole: configsvr
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/Debian.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/Debian.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a71c483b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/Debian.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+config_port: 27019
+mongodb_user: "mongodb"
+mongodb_group: "mongodb"
+mongod_service: "mongod"
+db_path: /var/lib/mongodb
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/RedHat.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/RedHat.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0426a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/RedHat.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+config_port: 27019
+mongodb_user: "mongod"
+mongodb_group: "mongod"
+mongod_service: "mongod"
+db_path: /var/lib/mongo
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/default.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0426a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+config_port: 27019
+mongodb_user: "mongod"
+mongodb_group: "mongod"
+mongod_service: "mongod"
+db_path: /var/lib/mongo
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28ce3d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_config/vars/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+is_redhat_8_in_docker: "{{ ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int == 8 and ansible_facts.virtualization_type == 'docker' }}"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3d149f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Install MongoDB packages on Debian and RedHat based platforms. Installs the mongodb-org meta-package which then installs the following packages: mongodb-org-server, mongodb-org-shell, mongodb-org-mongos, mongodb-org-tools.
+Role Variables
+specific_mongodb_version - Install a specific version of mongodb i.e. 4.4.1. The specified version must be available in the system repositories. By default this variable is undefined.
+Example Playbook
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - mongodb_repository
+ - mongodb_install
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba43fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: your name
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65d86499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ privileged: yes
+ command: "/sbin/init"
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ privileged: yes
+ command: "/sbin/init"
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ privileged: yes
+ command: "/sbin/init"
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ privileged: yes
+ command: "/sbin/init"
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfcf732b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_install
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8a23ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_mongod_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongod --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "db version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongo_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongo --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "MongoDB shell version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongos_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongos --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongos version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongodump_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongodump --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongodump version" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0de39e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fe3b428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3386712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ vars:
+ specific_mongodb_version: "4.2.2"
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ - role: mongodb_install
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b369fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/specific_mongodb_version/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_mongod_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongod --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "db version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongo_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongo --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "MongoDB shell version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongos_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongos --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongos version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongodump_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongodump --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongodump version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_specific_mongodb_version(host):
+ cmd ="mongod --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "4.2.2" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d29680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b64ffc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_install
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98711356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ avahi_packages_redhat:
+ - "avahi"
+ - "nss-mdns"
+ avahi_packages_debian:
+ - "avahi-daemon"
+ - "avahi-discover"
+ - "libnss-mdns"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure epel is available
+ yum:
+ name: epel-release
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_redhat }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_debian }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
+ # debian-stretch seems to require a reboot for avahi-daemon to run
+ - name: Reboot host
+ reboot:
+ - name: Ensure services are started
+ service:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ state: started
+ with_items:
+ #- dbus
+ - avahi-daemon
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8a23ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_mongod_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongod --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "db version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongo_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongo --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "MongoDB shell version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongos_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongos --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongos version" in cmd.stdout
+def test_mongodump_available(host):
+ cmd ="mongodump --version")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongodump version" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59d5cdc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_install/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_install
+- name: Install MongoDB Packages
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org
+ state: present
+ when: specific_mongodb_version is not defined
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Install MongoDB Packages (Specific version)
+ package:
+ name: "mongodb-org-{{ specific_mongodb_version }}"
+ state: present
+ when:
+ - specific_mongodb_version is defined
+ - ansible_facts.os_family == "RedHat"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+# apt silliness:
+# In order to upgrade/downgrade to a specific version of mongodb-org,
+# we must also specifiy version of mongodb-org deps.
+- name: Install MongoDB Packages (Specific version)
+ package:
+ name:
+ - "mongodb-org={{ specific_mongodb_version }}"
+ - "mongodb-org-server={{ specific_mongodb_version }}"
+ - "mongodb-org-shell={{ specific_mongodb_version }}"
+ - "mongodb-org-mongos={{ specific_mongodb_version }}"
+ - "mongodb-org-tools={{ specific_mongodb_version }}"
+ state: present
+ when:
+ - specific_mongodb_version is defined
+ - ansible_facts.os_family == "Debian"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cc37be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+A simple role to configure Linux Operating System settings, for Debian and RedHat systems, as advised in the [MongoDB Production Notes](
+A brief description of what we do in this role:
+* Set swappiness.
+* Ensure NTP (or equivalent) service is installed and running.
+* Ensure GNU C Library is the latest available.
+* Disable NUMA reclaim zone.
+* Add script to disable transparent-huge-pages and setup as a service.
+* Set pam limits.
+* Set various sysctl values.
+Role Variables
+swappiness: OS swappiness value. Default "1".
+ntp_package: Name of ntp package. Default ntp.
+ntp_service: Name of ntp service. Default ntpd.
+* On RedHat 8 and higher systems ntp_package and ntp_service are set to chrony and chronyd respectively.
+Example Playbook
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - mongodb_linux
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/defaults/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b2a0a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_linux
+# swappiness is 0-100; 60 is the default on many distros.
+# 0=disable swapping; 1=swap only to avoid OOM; 60=swap often; 100=swap aggressively
+swappiness: "1"
+nproc_and_nofile_limit: 64000
+# TODO: mongo suggests infinity here
+memlock_limit: 1024
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/files/thp-disable.service b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/files/thp-disable.service
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3602ed7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/files/thp-disable.service
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=Disable Transparent Huge Pages
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/env sh -c "echo 'never' > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled && echo 'never' > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba43fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: your name
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8b69358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongodb_linux"
+ network_mode: "mongodb_linux"
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongodb_linux"
+ network_mode: "mongodb_linux"
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongodb_linux"
+ network_mode: "mongodb_linux"
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongodb_linux"
+ network_mode: "mongodb_linux"
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongodb_linux"
+ network_mode: "mongodb_linux"
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongodb_linux"
+ network_mode: "mongodb_linux"
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89bccd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_linux
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdadcdbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create is_docker.txt file
+ file:
+ path: is_docker.txt
+ state: touch
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b80de32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_ntp_package(host):
+ ntp = host.package("ntp")
+ chrony = host.package("chrony")
+ assert ntp.is_installed or chrony.is_installed
+def test_ntpd_service(host):
+ ntpd = host.service("ntpd")
+ if ntpd.is_running:
+ assert ntpd.is_enabled
+ else:
+ ntp = host.service("ntp")
+ if ntp.is_running:
+ assert ntp.is_enabled
+ else:
+ chronyd = host.service("chronyd")
+ assert chronyd.is_running
+ assert chronyd.is_enabled
+def test_swappiness_value(host):
+ cmd ="cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert cmd.stdout.strip() == "1"
+def test_thp_service_file(host):
+ f = host.file("/etc/systemd/system/disable-transparent-huge-pages.service")
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == "root"
+ assert == "root"
+def test_thp_service(host):
+ '''
+ Validates the service actually works
+ '''
+ switches = ["/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled",
+ "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag"]
+ f = host.file("is_docker.txt")
+ if not f.exists:
+ for d in switches:
+ cmd ="cat {0}".format(d))
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "[never]" in cmd.stdout
+def test_limit_file(host):
+ f = host.file("/etc/security/limits.conf")
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == "root"
+ assert == "root"
+ assert f.contains("mongodb hard nproc 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb hard nofile 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb soft nproc 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb soft nofile 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb hard memlock 1024")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb soft memlock 1024")
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcaaf4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ - name: centos-8
+ box: generic/centos8
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e9d4e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_linux
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58b16460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure epel-release is installed
+ package:
+ name: epel-release
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b16522ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_ntp_package(host):
+ ntp = host.package("ntp")
+ chrony = host.package("chrony")
+ assert ntp.is_installed or chrony.is_installed
+def test_ntpd_service(host):
+ ntpd = host.service("ntpd")
+ if ntpd.is_running:
+ assert ntpd.is_enabled
+ else:
+ ntp = host.service("ntp")
+ if ntp.is_running:
+ assert ntp.is_enabled
+ else:
+ chronyd = host.service("chronyd")
+ assert chronyd.is_running
+ assert chronyd.is_enabled
+def test_swappiness_value(host):
+ cmd ="cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert cmd.stdout.strip() == "1"
+def test_thp_service_file(host):
+ f = host.file("/etc/systemd/system/disable-transparent-huge-pages.service")
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == "root"
+ assert == "root"
+def test_thp_service(host):
+ '''
+ Validates the service actually works
+ '''
+ switches = ["/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled",
+ "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag"]
+ if host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]["ansible_virtualization_type"] not in ['docker', 'container']:
+ for d in switches:
+ cmd ="cat {0}".format(d))
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "[never]" in cmd.stdout
+def test_limit_file(host):
+ f = host.file("/etc/security/limits.conf")
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == "root"
+ assert == "root"
+ assert f.contains("mongodb hard nproc 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb hard nofile 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb soft nproc 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb soft nofile 64000")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb hard memlock 1024")
+ assert f.contains("mongodb soft memlock 1024")
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d5beeb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_linux
+- name: Include OS-specific vars
+ include_vars:
+ file: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
+ vars:
+ params:
+ paths:
+ - "vars"
+ files:
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
+ - default.yml
+- name: Check if we are in docker
+ stat:
+ path: is_docker.txt
+ register: is_docker
+# Tasks based on:
+- name: Set swappiness
+ sysctl:
+ name: vm.swappiness
+ value: "{{ swappiness }}"
+ state: present
+- name: Ensure ntp service is installed
+ package:
+ name: "{{ ntp_package }}"
+ state: present
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Update perms on chrony pid dir on RedHat 8
+ file:
+ path: /run/chrony/
+ owner: root
+ group: root
+ state: directory
+ when:
+ - ansible_facts.os_family == "RedHat"
+ - ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int >= 8
+- name: Ensure ntp service is configured
+ service:
+ name: "{{ ntp_service }}"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+- name: Ensure GNU C Library is the latest
+ package:
+ name: "{{ gnu_c_lib }}"
+ state: latest
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Ensure NUMA zone reclaim is disabled
+ sysctl:
+ name: vm.zone_reclaim_mode
+ value: 0
+ state: present
+ reload: yes
+ when: not is_docker.stat.exists
+- name: Ensure thp-disable service exists
+ copy:
+ src: thp-disable.service
+ dest: /etc/systemd/system/disable-transparent-huge-pages.service
+ owner: root
+ group: root
+ register: thp
+- name: Reload systemd
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reexec: yes
+ when: thp is changed
+- name: Check if disable-transparent-huge-pages service is already run
+ shell: cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled | grep -o "never"
+ register: _huge_page_status
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ changed_when: _huge_page_status.stdout == ""
+- name: Enable disable-transparent-huge-pages service
+ service:
+ name: disable-transparent-huge-pages
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: (not is_docker.stat.exists) and (_huge_page_status.stdout == "")
+# Tasks based on:
+- name: Set pam limits (nproc and nofile)
+ pam_limits:
+ domain: "{{ item[0] }}"
+ limit_type: "{{ item[1] }}"
+ limit_item: "{{ item[2] }}"
+ value: "{{ item[3] }}"
+ with_nested:
+ - ["root", "mongodb"]
+ - ["hard", "soft"]
+ - ["nproc", "nofile"]
+ - ["{{ nproc_and_nofile_limit }}"]
+- name: Set pam limits (memlock)
+ pam_limits:
+ domain: "{{ item[0] }}"
+ limit_type: "{{ item[1] }}"
+ limit_item: "{{ item[2] }}"
+ value: "{{ item[3] }}"
+ with_nested:
+ - ["root", "mongodb"]
+ - ["hard", "soft"]
+ - ["memlock"]
+ - ["{{ memlock_limit }}"]
+# Other tuning settings
+- name: Set sysctl values
+ sysctl:
+ name: "{{ item['name'] }}"
+ value: "{{ item['value'] }}"
+ state: present
+ loop:
+ # TODO: These may need to be configurable for different usage patterns.
+ - { "name": "vm.dirty_ratio", "value": "15" }
+ - { "name": "vm.dirty_background_ratio", "value": "5" }
+ - { "name": "net.core.somaxconn ", "value": "4096" }
+ - { "name": "net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout", "value": "30" }
+ - { "name": "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl", "value": "30" }
+ - { "name": "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time", "value": "120" }
+ - { "name": "net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog ", "value": "4096" }
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/Debian.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/Debian.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..375c7983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/Debian.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Packages for Debian distros
+ntp_package: ntp
+ntp_service: ntp
+gnu_c_lib: libc6
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/RedHat-8.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/RedHat-8.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc70604b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/RedHat-8.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Packages for RedHat-8 distros
+ntp_package: chrony
+ntp_service: chronyd
+gnu_c_lib: glibc
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/RedHat.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/RedHat.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57ebecc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/RedHat.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Packages for RedHat distros
+ntp_package: ntp
+ntp_service: ntpd
+gnu_c_lib: glibc
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/default.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f0db5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_linux/vars/default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Packages (default fallthrough)
+ntp_package: ntp
+ntp_service: ntpd
+gnu_c_lib: libc6
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae8dea5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+A simple role to aid in the setup of a MongoDB replicaset.
+Role Variables
+* `mongod_port`: The port used by the mongod process. Default 27017.
+* `mongod_service`: The name of the mongod service. Default mongod.
+* `mongodb_user`: The Linux OS user for MongoDB. Default mongod.
+* `mongodb_group`: The Linux OS user group for MongoDB. Default mongod.
+* `bind_ip`: The IP address mongos will bind to. Default
+* `repl_set_name`: The name of the replicaset the member will participate in. Default rs0.
+* `authorization`: Enable authorization. Default enabled.
+* `openssl_keyfile_content`: The keyfile content that MongoDB uses to authenticate within a replicaset. Generate with cmd: openssl rand -base64 756.
+* `mongodb_admin_user`: MongoDB admin username. Default admin.
+* `mongodb_admin_pwd`: MongoDB admin password. Default admin.
+* `mongod_package`: The mongod package to install. Default mongodb-org-server.
+* `replicaset`: When enabled add a replication section to the configuration. Default true.
+* `sharding`: If this replicaset member will form part of a sharded cluster. Default false.
+* `mongod_config_template`: If defined allows to override path to mongod config template with custom configuration. Default "mongod.conf.j2"
+* `skip_restart`: If set to `true` will skip restarting mongod service when config file or the keyfile content changes. Default `true`.
+IMPORTANT NOTE: It is expected that `mongodb_admin_user` & `mongodb_admin_pwd` values be overridden in your own file protected by Ansible Vault. These values are primary included here for Molecule/Travis CI integration. Any production environments should protect these values. For more information see [Ansible Vault](
+Example Playbook
+Install MongoDB preparing hosts for a Sharded Cluster.
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - { role: mongodb_repository }
+ - { role: mongodb_mongod, mongod_port: 27018, sharding: true }
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/defaults/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c15d6f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_mongod
+mongod_port: 27017
+repl_set_name: rs0
+authorization: "enabled"
+openssl_keyfile_content: |
+ Z2CeA9BMcoY5AUWoegjv/XWL2MA1SQcL4HvmRjYaTjSp/xosJy+LL2X3OQb1xVWC
+ rO2e6Tu6A3R4muunitI6Vr0IKeU5UbTpR0N4hSU6HDrV9z2PIEWlkQqKh01ZRLEY
+ V3hR73acj0jA8eWIWeiV039d18jvMb8X2h8409lfcD6PPJJGjyaC8S4LY/TrsK2z
+ tx+l/vqOOAMhGB5mEMjx1LXUMsRG9ot6vFu9I5LPd1A4q9xw9jddYK5C6YTLccun
+ ZyCDsv7ImkCprV0+0vhTyxIEnfaNtvOlWypuvmRr/DEyd2NPowd1n6C+rgk8gs1t
+ SGLCZP93gXza0rIoQzHtuf5pOJK9qyKjuNtuuLa/KFsida8a69JXn7fmS0IIja0m
+ Ir0OrQ2Ta3n4VbQwQo97BWODWmkgzz0mUd6VmMps5zLsCW1vVqYFQHuAAbLekW0q
+ 8JRm8OQ6n2hp8j4zYd3/Qw7vqsVj8sHicNB0bCW29b64H4f2J/AcUA/cm0xSUQyb
+ +myeCB4vWvydh5AfFVnw7sXvzU6egaYRomdmrl59QrTDneJu13hwzIchsFparoWJ
+ XjpldopGeDaJLU18ga7MSL02ozB+EoJ14DJxQU7E5MQk7fDMPeitXKZ8ymxb7LeA
+ k0Rtc/JQM8aDLoRklhLZRRARBrv1RLo8DM8CB2q4s+FwVU4QJl7mFyiwk3eTN6sN
+ PTgFRo3/dHsEA2OwGG+hnGFGnoYf2mkECR5jqai83CXgva9v2rPNjDTJYHpmd3I0
+ fNijueXZZdzUA58y8mcoSGVYdRhr0g8jaWQ12PZEgX5Nnlekh5GHG0j8HT4qj/0Y
+ D3xVuE3WvrhldY5EOsaTt2ZXZx5REmJDIW1KcnvQKiVDJ2QzP5xdXYA0hh3TdTVE
+ sb4UreMw/WyBpANiICMlJRBgSd0f0VGMlYzLX2BL14YpNnLhmoQqKzfBN6v2XAEG
+ mJfrCUVuP1nBEklk23lYkNi/ohe+aodNjdN+2DHp42sGZHYP
+mongodb_admin_user: admin
+mongodb_admin_pwd: admin
+mongod_package: "mongodb-org-server"
+replicaset: true
+sharding: false
+mongod_config_template: "mongod.conf.j2"
+skip_restart: true
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/handlers/handlers.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/handlers/handlers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bbd837c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/handlers/handlers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- name: Restart mongod service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongod_service }}"
+ state: restarted
+- name: Wait for port to become active
+ wait_for:
+ port: "{{ mongod_port }}"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/handlers/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/handlers/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1a7a569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- name: Restart mongod service
+ import_tasks: handlers.yml
+ when: not skip_restart
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d46e31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: Rhys Campbell
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f0e4ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongod"
+ network_mode: "mongod"
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongod"
+ network_mode: "mongod"
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongod"
+ network_mode: "mongod"
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongod"
+ network_mode: "mongod"
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongod"
+ network_mode: "mongod"
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mongod"
+ network_mode: "mongod"
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..038632a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_mongod
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name: ["python-setuptools", "python-pip"]
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu_16"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu_16"
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
+ - name: Initialise replicaset
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ replica_set: rs0
+ validate: yes
+ members:
+ - centos_7:27017
+ - centos_8:27017
+ - ubuntu_16:27017
+ - ubuntu_18:27017
+ #- debian_stretch:27017 # need odd number, so drop stretch
+ - debian_buster:27017
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu_16"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abdf26a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create is_docker.txt file
+ file:
+ path: is_docker.txt
+ state: touch
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9eb482bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/RedHat.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/Debian.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ mongodb_user = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_user']
+ mongodb_group = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_group']
+ f = host.file('/etc/mongod.conf')
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == mongodb_user
+ assert == mongodb_group
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ mongod_service = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_service']
+ s = host.service(mongod_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ try:
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_port']
+ except KeyError:
+ port = 27017
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongod_replicaset(host):
+ '''
+ Ensure that the MongoDB replicaset has been created successfully
+ '''
+ try:
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_port']
+ except KeyError:
+ port = 27017
+ cmd = "mongo --port {0} --eval 'rs.status()'".format(port)
+ # We only want to run this once
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] == "ubuntu_16":
+ r =
+ assert "rs0" in r.stdout
+ assert "centos_7:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "centos_8:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu_16:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu_18:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "debian_buster:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ # assert "debian_stretch:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d29680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a31e1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_mongod
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name: ["python-setuptools", "python-pip"]
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu-16"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu-16"
+ - name: Initialise replicaset
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ replica_set: rs0
+ validate: yes
+ members:
+ - ubuntu-16.local:27017
+ - ubuntu-18.local:27017
+ - debian-stretch.local:27017
+ - debian-buster.local:27017
+ - centos-7.local:27017
+ when: ansible_hostname == "ubuntu-16"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f186973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ avahi_packages_redhat:
+ - "avahi"
+ - "nss-mdns"
+ avahi_packages_debian:
+ - "avahi-daemon"
+ - "avahi-discover"
+ - "libnss-mdns"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure epel is available
+ yum:
+ name: epel-release
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_redhat }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_debian }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
+ # debian-stretch seems to require a reboot for avahi-daemon to run
+ - name: Reboot host
+ reboot:
+ - name: Ensure avahi-daemon is started
+ service:
+ name: avahi-daemon
+ state: started
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7e79cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/RedHat.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/Debian.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ mongodb_user = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_user']
+ mongodb_group = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_group']
+ f = host.file('/etc/mongod.conf')
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == mongodb_user
+ assert == mongodb_group
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ mongod_service = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_service']
+ s = host.service(mongod_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ try:
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_port']
+ except KeyError:
+ port = 27017
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongod_replicaset(host):
+ '''
+ Ensure that the MongoDB replicaset has been created successfully
+ '''
+ try:
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongod_port']
+ except KeyError:
+ port = 27017
+ cmd = "mongo --port {0} --eval 'rs.status()'".format(port)
+ # We only want to run this once
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] == "ubuntu_16":
+ r =
+ assert "rs0" in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu-16:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "ubuntu-18:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "debian-stretch:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "debian-buster:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
+ assert "centos-7:{0}".format(port) in r.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..881a1491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_mongod
+- name: Include OS-specific vars
+ include_vars:
+ file: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
+ vars:
+ params:
+ paths:
+ - "vars"
+ files:
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
+ - default.yml
+- name: Check if we are in docker
+ stat:
+ path: is_docker.txt
+ register: is_docker
+- name: Ensure mongod package is installed
+ package:
+ name: "{{ mongod_package }}"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Ensure db_path dir exists
+ file:
+ path: "{{ db_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+- name: Copy config file
+ template:
+ src: "{{ mongod_config_template }}"
+ dest: /etc/mongod.conf
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ notify:
+ - Restart mongod service
+- name: Copy keyfile to host
+ copy:
+ content: |
+ {{ openssl_keyfile_content }}
+ dest: /etc/keyfile
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ mode: 0400
+ when: authorization == "enabled"
+ notify:
+ - Restart mongod service
+- name: Check for github override
+ set_fact:
+ x_github_override: "{{ lookup('env', 'X_GITHUB_OVERRIDE') | default('0', True) }}"
+- name: Start mongod service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongod_service }}"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: not (ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat'
+ and ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int == 8
+ and is_docker.stat.exists)
+- name: Include tasks for RedHat 8 docker issue
+ import_tasks: redhat_docker.yml
+ when:
+ - ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat'
+ - ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int == 8
+ - is_docker.stat.exists
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/tasks/redhat_docker.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/tasks/redhat_docker.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d08c66a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/tasks/redhat_docker.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- name: Comment out PIDFile in systemd file
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/systemd/system/
+ regexp: '^PIDFile.*'
+ state: absent
+ register: systemd
+- name: Reload systemd
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reload: yes
+ when: systemd is changed
+- name: Start mongod service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongod_service }}"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/templates/mongod.conf.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/templates/mongod.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4300e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/templates/mongod.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# mongod.conf
+# for documentation of all options, see:
+# where to write logging data.
+ destination: file
+ logAppend: true
+ path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
+# Where and how to store data.
+ dbPath: {{ db_path }}
+ journal:
+ enabled: true
+ engine: "wiredTiger"
+# how the process runs
+{% if ansible_facts.os_family == "RedHat" %} # Breaks Ubuntu / Debian
+ fork: true
+{% if not is_redhat_8_in_docker %}
+ pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+ timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
+# network interfaces
+ port: {{ mongod_port }}
+ bindIp: {{ bind_ip }}
+{% if authorization == "enabled" %}
+ authorization: {{ authorization }}
+{% if replicaset or sharding %}
+ keyFile: /etc/keyfile
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if replicaset %}
+ replSetName: {{ repl_set_name }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if sharding %}
+ clusterRole: shardsvr
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/Debian.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/Debian.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b8eaa66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/Debian.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mongodb_user: "mongodb"
+mongodb_group: "mongodb"
+mongod_service: "mongod"
+db_path: /var/lib/mongodb
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/RedHat.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/RedHat.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a48bb4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/RedHat.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mongodb_user: "mongod"
+mongodb_group: "mongod"
+mongod_service: "mongod"
+db_path: /var/lib/mongo
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/default.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a48bb4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mongodb_user: "mongod"
+mongodb_group: "mongod"
+mongod_service: "mongod"
+db_path: /var/lib/mongo
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28ce3d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongod/vars/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+is_redhat_8_in_docker: "{{ ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_facts.distribution_major_version|int == 8 and ansible_facts.virtualization_type == 'docker' }}"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2a9aaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+A role to setup a mongos server for a MongoDB sharded cluster.
+Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should
+be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a
+good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
+Role Variables
+* `mongos_port`: The port used by the mongos process. Default 27017.
+* `mongos_service`: The name of the mongos service. Default mongos.
+* `mongodb_user`: The Linux OS user for MongoDB. Default mongod.
+* `mongodb_group`: The Linux OS user group for MongoDB. Default mongod.
+* `pid_file`: The pid file for mongos. Default /run/mongodb/
+* `bind_ip`: The IP address mongos will bind to. Default
+* `mypy`: Python interpretor. Default python
+* `mongos_package`: The name of the mongos installation package. Default mongodb-org-mongos.
+* `config_repl_set_name`: The name of the config server replicaset. Default cfg.
+* `config_servers`: "config1:27019, config2:27019, config3:27019"
+* `openssl_keyfile_content`: The kexfile content that MongoDB uses to authenticate within a replicaset. Generate with cmd: openssl rand -base64 756.
+* `mongos_config_template`: If defined allows to override path to mongod config template with custom configuration. Default "mongos.conf.j2"
+* `skip_restart`: If set to `true` will skip restarting mongos service when config file or the keyfile content changes. Default `true`.
+Example Playbook
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - mongodb_repository
+ - mongodb_mongos
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/defaults/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abed36e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_mongos
+pid_file: /run/mongodb/
+# mongos_port in vars to facilitate molecule tests
+mypy: python
+mongos_package: "mongodb-org-mongos"
+config_repl_set_name: cfg
+config_servers: "config1:27019, config2:27019, config3:27019"
+openssl_keyfile_content: |
+ Z2CeA9BMcoY5AUWoegjv/XWL2MA1SQcL4HvmRjYaTjSp/xosJy+LL2X3OQb1xVWC
+ rO2e6Tu6A3R4muunitI6Vr0IKeU5UbTpR0N4hSU6HDrV9z2PIEWlkQqKh01ZRLEY
+ V3hR73acj0jA8eWIWeiV039d18jvMb8X2h8409lfcD6PPJJGjyaC8S4LY/TrsK2z
+ tx+l/vqOOAMhGB5mEMjx1LXUMsRG9ot6vFu9I5LPd1A4q9xw9jddYK5C6YTLccun
+ ZyCDsv7ImkCprV0+0vhTyxIEnfaNtvOlWypuvmRr/DEyd2NPowd1n6C+rgk8gs1t
+ SGLCZP93gXza0rIoQzHtuf5pOJK9qyKjuNtuuLa/KFsida8a69JXn7fmS0IIja0m
+ Ir0OrQ2Ta3n4VbQwQo97BWODWmkgzz0mUd6VmMps5zLsCW1vVqYFQHuAAbLekW0q
+ 8JRm8OQ6n2hp8j4zYd3/Qw7vqsVj8sHicNB0bCW29b64H4f2J/AcUA/cm0xSUQyb
+ +myeCB4vWvydh5AfFVnw7sXvzU6egaYRomdmrl59QrTDneJu13hwzIchsFparoWJ
+ XjpldopGeDaJLU18ga7MSL02ozB+EoJ14DJxQU7E5MQk7fDMPeitXKZ8ymxb7LeA
+ k0Rtc/JQM8aDLoRklhLZRRARBrv1RLo8DM8CB2q4s+FwVU4QJl7mFyiwk3eTN6sN
+ PTgFRo3/dHsEA2OwGG+hnGFGnoYf2mkECR5jqai83CXgva9v2rPNjDTJYHpmd3I0
+ fNijueXZZdzUA58y8mcoSGVYdRhr0g8jaWQ12PZEgX5Nnlekh5GHG0j8HT4qj/0Y
+ D3xVuE3WvrhldY5EOsaTt2ZXZx5REmJDIW1KcnvQKiVDJ2QzP5xdXYA0hh3TdTVE
+ sb4UreMw/WyBpANiICMlJRBgSd0f0VGMlYzLX2BL14YpNnLhmoQqKzfBN6v2XAEG
+ mJfrCUVuP1nBEklk23lYkNi/ohe+aodNjdN+2DHp42sGZHYP
+mongos_config_template: "mongos.conf.j2"
+skip_restart: true
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/handlers/handlers.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/handlers/handlers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d74ce9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/handlers/handlers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- name: Restart mongos service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongos_service }}"
+ state: restarted
+- name: Wait for port to become active
+ wait_for:
+ port: "{{ mongos_port }}"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/handlers/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/handlers/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00c4f25c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- name: Restart mongos service
+ import_tasks: handlers.yml
+ when: not skip_restart
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba43fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: your name
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f7b7d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ # centos_7 and debian_stretch disabled to reduce test time
+ #- name: centos_7
+ # image: centos:7
+ # command: /sbin/init
+ # privileged: True
+ # volumes:
+ # - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ # networks:
+ # - name: "mymongos"
+ # network_mode: "mymongos"
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ volumes:
+ - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongos"
+ network_mode: "mymongos"
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongos"
+ network_mode: "mymongos"
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongos"
+ network_mode: "mymongos"
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongos"
+ network_mode: "mymongos"
+ #- name: debian_stretch
+ # image: debian:stretch
+ # command: /sbin/init
+ # privileged: True
+ # networks:
+ # - name: "mymongos"
+ # network_mode: "mymongos"
+ - name: config1
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ command: /sbin/init
+ privileged: True
+ networks:
+ - name: "mymongos"
+ network_mode: "mymongos"
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12706d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ admin_user: "admin"
+ admin_user_password: "admin"
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_install
+ when: "'config' in ansible_hostname"
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_config
+ when: "'config' in ansible_hostname"
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_mongos
+ when: "'config' not in ansible_hostname"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name: ["python-setuptools", "python-pip"]
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
+ - name: Init config server replicaset
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: "27019"
+ replica_set: cfg
+ validate: no
+ members:
+ - config1:27019
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
+ - name: Restart the mongos service
+ service:
+ name: mongos
+ state: started
+ when: "'config' not in ansible_hostname"
+ - name: Add MongoDB Admin User using localhost exception on the mongos
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ name: "{{ admin_user }}"
+ password: "{{ admin_user_password }}"
+ login_port: "27019"
+ database: admin
+ roles:
+ - "root"
+ create_for_localhost_exception: /root/mongodb_admin.success
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a421179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/RedHat.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/Debian.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ mongodb_user = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_user']
+ mongodb_group = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_group']
+ f = host.file('/etc/mongos.conf')
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == mongodb_user
+ assert == mongodb_group
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ mongos_service = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongos_service']
+ s = host.service(mongos_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongos_port']
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongos_shell_connectivity(host):
+ '''
+ Tests that we can connect to mongos via the shell annd run a cmd
+ '''
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongos_port']
+ cmd ="mongo admin --username admin --password admin --port {0} --eval 'db.runCommand({{listDatabases: 1}})'".format(port))
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "config" in cmd.stdout
+ assert "admin" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f790062c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: config1
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b097947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ admin_user: "admin"
+ admin_user_password: "admin"
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_install
+ when: "'config' in ansible_hostname"
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_config
+ when: "'config' in ansible_hostname"
+ tags: molecule-idempotence-notest
+ - role: mongodb_mongos
+ when: "'config' not in ansible_hostname"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install python stuff
+ package:
+ name: ["python-setuptools", "python-pip"]
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
+ - name: Install pymongo
+ pip:
+ name: pymongo
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
+ - name: Install MongoDB Shell
+ package:
+ name: mongodb-org-shell
+ - name: Init config server replicaset
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 27019
+ replica_set: cfg
+ validate: no
+ members:
+ - config1.local:27019
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
+ - name: Set add .local prefix to service name
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/mongos.conf
+ regexp: " *configDB: *"
+ line: ' configDB: "cfg/config1.local:27019"'
+ when: "'config' not in ansible_hostname"
+ - name: Restart the mongos service
+ service:
+ name: mongos
+ state: restarted
+ when: "'config' not in ansible_hostname"
+ - name: Add MongoDB Admin User using localhost exception on the mongos
+ community.mongodb.mongodb_user:
+ name: "{{ admin_user }}"
+ password: "{{ admin_user_password }}"
+ login_port: "27019"
+ database: admin
+ roles:
+ - "root"
+ create_for_localhost_exception: /root/mongodb_admin.success
+ when: ansible_hostname == "config1"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d56f58bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/prepare.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+- name: Prepare
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ vars:
+ avahi_packages_redhat:
+ - "avahi"
+ - "nss-mdns"
+ avahi_packages_debian:
+ - "avahi-daemon"
+ - "avahi-discover"
+ - "libnss-mdns"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Run apt update
+ shell: apt update
+ when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
+ - name: Ensure epel is available
+ yum:
+ name: epel-release
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_redhat }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
+ - name: Install avahi packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ avahi_packages_debian }}"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
+ # debian-stretch seems to require a reboot for avahi-daemon to run
+ - name: Reboot host
+ reboot:
+ - name: Ensure services are started
+ service:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ state: started
+ with_items:
+ #- dbus
+ - avahi-daemon
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f50a354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/RedHat.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../vars/Debian.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def test_mongod_cnf_file(host):
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ mongodb_user = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_user']
+ mongodb_group = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_group']
+ f = host.file('/etc/mongos.conf')
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == mongodb_user
+ assert == mongodb_group
+def test_mongod_service(host):
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ mongos_service = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongos_service']
+ s = host.service(mongos_service)
+ assert s.is_running
+ assert s.is_enabled
+def test_mongod_port(host):
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongos_port']
+ s = host.socket("tcp://{0}".format(port))
+ assert s.is_listening
+def test_mongos_shell_connectivity(host):
+ '''
+ Tests that we can connect to mongos via the shell annd run a cmd
+ '''
+ if host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname'] != 'config1':
+ port = include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongos_port']
+ cmd ="mongo admin -username admin --password admin --port {0} --eval 'db.runCommand({{listDatabases: 1}})'".format(port))
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "config" in cmd.stdout
+ assert "admin" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cabc76df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_mongos
+- name: Include OS-specific vars
+ include_vars:
+ file: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
+ vars:
+ params:
+ paths:
+ - "vars"
+ files:
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
+ - default.yml
+- name: Create mongodb_group
+ group:
+ name: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ system: yes
+- name: Create mongodb_user
+ user:
+ name: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ system: yes
+ createhome: no
+- name: Copy keyfile to host
+ copy:
+ content: |
+ {{ openssl_keyfile_content }}
+ dest: /etc/keyfile
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ mode: 0400
+ notify:
+ - Restart mongos service
+- name: Ensure /usr/local/bin/ directory exists
+ file:
+ path: /usr/local/bin/
+ state: directory
+ recurse: yes
+- name: Ensure mongos service pre start script exists
+ template:
+ src:
+ dest: /usr/local/bin/
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ mode: 0755
+- name: Ensure mongos.service file exists
+ template:
+ src: mongos.service.j2
+ dest: /etc/systemd/system/mongos.service
+ owner: root
+ group: root
+ register: sysd
+- name: Run systemctl daemon-reload
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reload: yes
+ when: sysd is changed
+- name: Ensure mongos.conf file exists
+ template:
+ src: "{{ mongos_config_template }}"
+ dest: /etc/mongos.conf
+ owner: "{{ mongodb_user }}"
+ group: "{{ mongodb_group }}"
+ notify:
+ - Restart mongos service
+- name: Ensure mongos package is installed
+ package:
+ name: "{{ mongos_package }}"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Start mongos service
+ service:
+ name: "{{ mongos_service }}"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/mongos.conf.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/mongos.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b1d0112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/mongos.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ destination: file
+ path: /var/log/mongodb/mongos.log
+ logAppend: true
+ logRotate: reopen
+ bindIp: {{ bind_ip }}
+ port: {{ mongos_port }}
+ configDB: "{{ config_repl_set_name }}/{{ config_servers }}"
+ timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
+ keyFile: /etc/keyfile
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/mongos.service.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/mongos.service.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f1a11bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/mongos.service.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+User={{ mongodb_user }}
+Group={{ mongodb_group }}
+PIDFile={{ pid_file }}
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/mongos --quiet \
+ --config /etc/mongos.conf
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea58c81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if [ ! -d /var/log/mongodb ]; then
+ mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb && chown {{ mongodb_user }}:{{ mongodb_group }} /var/log/mongodb
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/Debian.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/Debian.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02e64683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/Debian.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mongodb_user: "mongodb"
+mongodb_group: "mongodb"
+mongos_port: 27017
+mongos_service: "mongos"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/RedHat.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/RedHat.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47197a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/RedHat.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mongodb_user: "mongod"
+mongodb_group: "mongod"
+mongos_port: 27017
+mongos_service: "mongos"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/default.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47197a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_mongos/vars/default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mongodb_user: "mongod"
+mongodb_group: "mongod"
+mongos_port: 27017
+mongos_service: "mongos"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27af13ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Configures a repository for MongoDB on Debian and RedHat based platforms.
+Role Variables
+mongodb_version: Version of MongoDB. Default "4.2".
+debian_packages: Packages needs on Debian systems for this role.
+Example Playbook
+Set mongodb_version to 4.0.
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - { role: mongodb_repository, mongodb_version: "4.0" }
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/defaults/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5534901f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+mongodb_version: "4.2"
+ - apt-transport-https
+ - curl
+ - gnupg
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba43fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: your name
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..403ff875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75a509d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfe613a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../defaults/main.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def get_mongodb_version(host):
+ return include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_version']
+def test_redhat_mongodb_repository_file(host):
+ # with capsys.disabled(): #Disable autocapture of output and send to stdout N.B capsys must be passed into function
+ # print(include_vars(host)['ansible_facts'])
+ mongodb_version = get_mongodb_version(host)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ f = host.file("/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-{0}.repo".format(mongodb_version))
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == 'root'
+ assert == 'root'
+ assert f.mode == 0o644
+ assert f.md5sum == "71c3a725d5aad794793a4b599f7564c0"
+def test_redhat_yum_search(host):
+ mongodb_version = get_mongodb_version(host)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ cmd ="yum search mongodb --disablerepo='*' \
+ --enablerepo='mongodb-{0}'".format(mongodb_version))
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "MongoDB database server" in cmd.stdout
+def test_debian_cassandra_repository_file(host):
+ mongodb_version = get_mongodb_version(host)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ f = host.file("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-{0}.list".format(mongodb_version))
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == 'root'
+ assert == 'root'
+ assert f.mode == 0o644
+ assert "" in f.content_string
+ assert mongodb_version in f.content_string
+def test_debian_apt_search(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ cmd ="apt search mongodb")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongodb-org-server" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d29680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ interfaces:
+ - network_name: private_network
+ type: dhcp
+ auto_config: true
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d49d9e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_repository
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfe613a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def include_vars(host):
+ ansible = host.ansible('include_vars',
+ 'file="../../defaults/main.yml"',
+ False,
+ False)
+ return ansible
+def get_mongodb_version(host):
+ return include_vars(host)['ansible_facts']['mongodb_version']
+def test_redhat_mongodb_repository_file(host):
+ # with capsys.disabled(): #Disable autocapture of output and send to stdout N.B capsys must be passed into function
+ # print(include_vars(host)['ansible_facts'])
+ mongodb_version = get_mongodb_version(host)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ f = host.file("/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-{0}.repo".format(mongodb_version))
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == 'root'
+ assert == 'root'
+ assert f.mode == 0o644
+ assert f.md5sum == "71c3a725d5aad794793a4b599f7564c0"
+def test_redhat_yum_search(host):
+ mongodb_version = get_mongodb_version(host)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "redhat" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "centos":
+ cmd ="yum search mongodb --disablerepo='*' \
+ --enablerepo='mongodb-{0}'".format(mongodb_version))
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "MongoDB database server" in cmd.stdout
+def test_debian_cassandra_repository_file(host):
+ mongodb_version = get_mongodb_version(host)
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ f = host.file("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-{0}.list".format(mongodb_version))
+ assert f.exists
+ assert f.user == 'root'
+ assert == 'root'
+ assert f.mode == 0o644
+ assert "" in f.content_string
+ assert mongodb_version in f.content_string
+def test_debian_apt_search(host):
+ if host.system_info.distribution == "debian" \
+ or host.system_info.distribution == "ubuntu":
+ cmd ="apt search mongodb")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
+ assert "mongodb-org-server" in cmd.stdout
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/Debian.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/Debian.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6b8159d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/Debian.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_repository (Debian os_family)
+- name: Install debian packages
+ apt:
+ name: "{{ debian_packages }}"
+ state: present
+ register: _apt
+ until: _apt is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Add apt key for MongoDB repository
+ apt_key:
+ url: "{{ mongodb_version }}.asc"
+ state: present
+ register: _apt
+ until: _apt is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Ensure MongoDB apt repository exists
+ apt_repository:
+ repo: "deb{{ repo_opts }}{{ ansible_facts.distribution|lower }} {{ ansible_facts.distribution_release }}/mongodb-org/{{ mongodb_version }} {{ component }}"
+ state: present
+ filename: "mongodb-{{ mongodb_version }}"
+ vars:
+ # include initial space in repo_opts
+ repo_opts: "{% if ansible_facts.distribution == 'Ubuntu' %} [ arch=amd64,arm64 ]{% endif %}"
+ component: "{% if ansible_facts.distribution == 'Ubuntu' %}multiverse{% else %}main{% endif %}"
+ register: _apt
+ until: _apt is succeeded
+ retries: 5
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/RedHat.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/RedHat.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a110e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/RedHat.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_repository (RedHat os_family)
+- name: Add gpgkey
+ rpm_key:
+ key:{{ mongodb_version }}.asc
+ state: present
+ register: _yum
+ until: _yum is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Ensure MongoDB yum repository exists
+ yum_repository:
+ name: "mongodb-{{ mongodb_version }}"
+ description: "Official MongoDB {{ mongodb_version }} yum repo"
+ baseurl: "$releasever/mongodb-org/{{ mongodb_version }}/x86_64/"
+ gpgcheck: true
+ gpgkey: "{{ mongodb_version }}.asc"
+ register: _yum
+ until: _yum is succeeded
+ retries: 5
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf77da35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_repository/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_repository
+- name: Include OS-specific tasks
+ include_tasks: "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/.yamllint b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/.yamllint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88276760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/.yamllint
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Based on ansible-lint config
+extends: default
+ braces:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ brackets:
+ max-spaces-inside: 1
+ level: error
+ colons:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ commas:
+ max-spaces-after: -1
+ level: error
+ comments: disable
+ comments-indentation: disable
+ document-start: disable
+ empty-lines:
+ max: 3
+ level: error
+ hyphens:
+ level: error
+ indentation: disable
+ key-duplicates: enable
+ line-length: disable
+ new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
+ new-lines:
+ type: unix
+ trailing-spaces: disable
+ truthy: disable
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f5b9f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Configures SeLinux as per the instructions located at
+Role Variables
+required_packages: Package required for this role. Currently checkpolicy & policycoreutils-python.
+Example Playbook
+ - hosts: servers
+ roles:
+ - "mongodb_selinux"
+Author Information
+Rhys Campbell (
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/files/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/files/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c403b584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e;
+set -u;
+checkmodule -M -m -o /root/mongodb_cgroup_memory.mod /root/mongodb_cgroup_memory.te
+semodule_package -o /root/mongodb_cgroup_memory.pp -m /root/mongodb_cgroup_memory.mod
+semodule -i /root/mongodb_cgroup_memory.pp
+touch /root/mongodb_selinux.success;
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/meta/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba43fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ author: your name
+ description: your description
+ company: your company (optional)
+ # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
+ # next line and provide a value
+ # issue_tracker_url:
+ # Some suggested licenses:
+ # - BSD (default)
+ # - MIT
+ # - GPLv2
+ # - GPLv3
+ # - Apache
+ # - CC-BY
+ license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+ min_ansible_version: 1.2
+ # If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
+ # min_ansible_container_version:
+ # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
+ # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
+ # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
+ # this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
+ # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
+ # (usually master) will be used.
+ # github_branch:
+ #
+ # platforms is a list of platforms, and each platform has a name and a list of versions.
+ #
+ # platforms:
+ # - name: Fedora
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 25
+ # - name: SomePlatform
+ # versions:
+ # - all
+ # - 1.0
+ # - 7
+ # - 99.99
+ galaxy_tags: []
+ # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
+ # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
+ # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
+ #
+ # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
+ # Maximum 20 tags per role.
+dependencies: []
+# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
+# if you add dependencies to this list.
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2 b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935dd3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Molecule managed
+{% if item.registry is defined %}
+FROM {{ item.registry.url }}/{{ item.image }}
+{% else %}
+FROM {{ item.image }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if item.env is defined %}
+{% for var, value in item.env.items() %}
+{% if value %}
+ENV {{ var }} {{ value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+# Add systemd-sysv package for Debian to get systemd working (and procps for sysctl) and netbase for firewalld
+RUN if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 systemd-sysv procps netbase && apt-get clean; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ] && grep -q 'platform:el8' /etc/os-release ; then dnf makecache && dnf update -y && dnf --assumeyes install python3 sudo python3-devel bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && rm -Rf /usr/share/doc && rm -Rf /usr/share/man && dnf clean all && cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty; \
+ elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python*-dnf bash iproute && dnf clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash iproute && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
+ elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml iproute2 && zypper clean -a; \
+ elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
+ elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates iproute2 && xbps-remove -O; fi
+{% if item.image == 'centos:8' %}
+# Stuff for systemd
+RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
+ systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*udev*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*initctl*; \
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;\
+ rm -f /lib/systemd/system/*;
+VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
+CMD ["/sbin/init"]
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..403ff875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: docker
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos_7
+ image: centos:7
+ - name: centos_8
+ image: centos:8
+ - name: ubuntu_16
+ image: ubuntu:16.04
+ - name: ubuntu_18
+ image: ubuntu:18.04
+ - name: debian_buster
+ image: debian:buster
+ - name: debian_stretch
+ image: debian:stretch
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94943c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_selinux
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70c02eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/default/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_mongodb_cgroup_module_installed(host):
+ cmd ="semodule --list-modules | grep mongodb_cgroup_memory")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcaaf4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/molecule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ name: galaxy
+ name: vagrant
+ provider:
+ name: virtualbox
+ name: yamllint
+ options:
+ config-data:
+ line-length: disable
+ - name: centos-7
+ box: centos/7
+ - name: centos-8
+ box: generic/centos8
+ - name: ubuntu-16
+ box: ubuntu/xenial64
+ - name: ubuntu-18
+ box: ubuntu/bionic64
+ - name: debian-buster
+ box: debian/buster64
+ - name: debian-stretch
+ box: debian/contrib-stretch64 # Standard debian/stretch64 had issues: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.0-9-amd64
+ name: ansible
+ lint:
+ name: ansible-lint
+ enabled: false
+ name: testinfra
+ lint:
+ name: flake8
+ options:
+ ignore: 'E501'
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..929837d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- name: Converge
+ hosts: all
+ become: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: mongodb_selinux
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/tests/ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cee4af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/molecule/virtualbox/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import os
+import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
+testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
+def test_mongodb_cgroup_module_installed(host):
+ with host.sudo():
+ cmd ="semodule --list-modules | grep mongodb_cgroup_memory")
+ assert cmd.rc == 0
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/tasks/main.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..981e8ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# tasks file for mongodb_selinux
+- name: Include OS-specific vars
+ include_vars:
+ file: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
+ vars:
+ params:
+ paths:
+ - "vars"
+ files:
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}-{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.distribution }}.yml"
+ - "{{ ansible_facts.os_family }}.yml"
+ - default.yml
+- name: Install required packages
+ package:
+ name: "{{ required_packages }}"
+ register: _pkg
+ until: _pkg is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+- name: Copy custom MongoDB SeLinux Policy to Host
+ copy:
+ content: |
+ module mongodb_cgroup_memory 1.0;
+ require {
+ type cgroup_t;
+ type mongod_t;
+ class dir search;
+ class file { getattr open read };
+ }
+ #============= mongod_t ==============
+ allow mongod_t cgroup_t:dir search;
+ allow mongod_t cgroup_t:file { getattr open read };
+ dest: /root/mongodb_cgroup_memory.te
+- name: Compile & Install MongoDB Policy
+ script: files/
+ args:
+ creates: /root/mongodb_selinux.success
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/Debian.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/Debian.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..838b5143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/Debian.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_selinux
+ - "checkpolicy"
+ - "policycoreutils-python-utils"
+ - "selinux-policy-mls"
+ - "selinux-policy-default"
+ - "selinux-policy-src"
+ - "selinux-policy-doc"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/RedHat-7.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/RedHat-7.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b36fa9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/RedHat-7.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_selinux
+ - "checkpolicy"
+ - "policycoreutils-python"
+ - "selinux-policy-mls"
+ - "selinux-policy"
+ - "selinux-policy-doc"
+ - "selinux-policy-targeted"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/RedHat-8.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/RedHat-8.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71aaccb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/RedHat-8.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_selinux
+ - "checkpolicy"
+ - "policycoreutils-python-utils"
+ - "selinux-policy-mls"
+ - "selinux-policy"
+ - "selinux-policy-doc"
+ - "selinux-policy-targeted"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/Ubuntu-16.04.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/Ubuntu-16.04.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..281472a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/Ubuntu-16.04.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_selinux
+ - "checkpolicy"
+ - "policycoreutils"
+ - "selinux-policy-mls"
+ - "selinux-policy-default"
+ - "selinux-policy-src"
+ - "selinux-policy-doc"
diff --git a/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/default.yml b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb5fce4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections-debian-merged/ansible_collections/community/mongodb/roles/mongodb_selinux/vars/default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# defaults file for mongodb_selinux
+ - "checkpolicy"
+ - "policycoreutils-python"