path: root/test/integration/targets/yum/tasks/yum.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/targets/yum/tasks/yum.yml')
1 files changed, 873 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/yum/tasks/yum.yml b/test/integration/targets/yum/tasks/yum.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ed00af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/yum/tasks/yum.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+# Setup by setup_rpm_repo
+- set_fact:
+ package1: dinginessentail
+ package2: dinginessentail-olive
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=removed
+ register: yum_result
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }}
+ ignore_errors: True
+ register: rpm_result
+- name: verify uninstallation of {{ package1 }}
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "rpm_result is failed"
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }} again in check mode
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=removed
+ check_mode: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify no change on re-uninstall in check mode
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }} again
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=removed
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify no change on re-uninstall
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} in check mode
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=present
+ check_mode: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation of {{ package1 }} in check mode
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation of {{ package1 }}
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }}
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again in check mode
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=present
+ check_mode: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify no change on second install in check mode
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify no change on second install
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again with empty string enablerepo
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=present enablerepo=""
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify no change on third install with empty string enablerepo
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+# This test case is unfortunately distro specific because we have to specify
+# repo names which are not the same across Fedora/RHEL/CentOS for base/updates
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again with missing repo enablerepo
+ yum:
+ name: '{{ package1 }}'
+ state: present
+ enablerepo: '{{ repos + ["thisrepodoesnotexist"] }}'
+ disablerepo: "*"
+ register: yum_result
+ when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
+- name: verify no change on fourth install with missing repo enablerepo (yum)
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is not changed"
+ when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
+# This test case is unfortunately distro specific because we have to specify
+# repo names which are not the same across Fedora/RHEL/CentOS for base/updates
+- name: install repos again with disable all and enable select repo(s)
+ yum:
+ name: '{{ package1 }}'
+ state: present
+ enablerepo: '{{ repos }}'
+ disablerepo: "*"
+ register: yum_result
+ when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
+- name: verify no change on fourth install with missing repo enablerepo (yum)
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is not changed"
+ when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again with only missing repo enablerepo
+ yum:
+ name: '{{ package1 }}'
+ state: present
+ enablerepo: "thisrepodoesnotexist"
+ ignore_errors: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify no change on fifth install with only missing repo enablerepo (yum)
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is not success"
+ when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'
+- name: verify no change on fifth install with only missing repo enablerepo (dnf)
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf'
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again with state latest in check mode
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest
+ check_mode: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify install {{ package1 }} again with state latest in check mode
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} again with state latest idempotence
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify install {{ package1 }} again with state latest idempotence
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=removed
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify uninstall {{ package1 }}
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is successful"
+- name: copy yum.conf file in case it is missing
+ copy:
+ src: yum.conf
+ dest: /etc/yum.conf
+ force: False
+ register: yum_conf_copy
+- block:
+ - name: install {{ package1 }} with state latest in check mode with config file param
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest conf_file=/etc/yum.conf
+ check_mode: true
+ register: yum_result
+ - name: verify install {{ package1 }} with state latest in check mode with config file param
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+ always:
+ - name: remove tmp yum.conf file if we created it
+ file:
+ path: /etc/yum.conf
+ state: absent
+ when: yum_conf_copy is changed
+- name: install {{ package1 }} with state latest in check mode
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest
+ check_mode: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify install {{ package1 }} with state latest in check mode
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} with state latest
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify install {{ package1 }} with state latest
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} with state latest idempotence
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify install {{ package1 }} with state latest idempotence
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} with state latest idempotence with config file param
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=latest
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify install {{ package1 }} with state latest idempotence with config file param
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+# Multiple packages
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }},{{ package2 }} state=removed
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }}
+ ignore_errors: True
+ register: rpm_package1_result
+- name: check {{ package2 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package2 }}
+ ignore_errors: True
+ register: rpm_package2_result
+- name: verify packages installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "rpm_package1_result is failed"
+ - "rpm_package2_result is failed"
+- name: install {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }} as comma separated
+ yum: name={{ package1 }},{{ package2 }} state=present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify packages installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }}
+- name: check {{ package2 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package2 }}
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }},{{ package2 }} state=removed
+ register: yum_result
+- name: install {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }} as list
+ yum:
+ name:
+ - '{{ package1 }}'
+ - '{{ package2 }}'
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify packages installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }}
+- name: check {{ package2 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package2 }}
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }},{{ package2 }} state=removed
+ register: yum_result
+- name: install {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }} as comma separated with spaces
+ yum:
+ name: "{{ package1 }}, {{ package2 }}"
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify packages installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }}
+- name: check {{ package2 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package2 }}
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }} and {{ package2 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }},{{ package2 }} state=removed
+- name: install non-existent rpm
+ yum:
+ name: does-not-exist
+ register: non_existent_rpm
+ ignore_errors: True
+- name: check non-existent rpm install failed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - non_existent_rpm is failed
+# Install in installroot='/'
+- name: install {{ package1 }}
+ yum: name={{ package1 }} state=present installroot='/'
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation of {{ package1 }}
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: check {{ package1 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package1 }} --root=/
+- name: uninstall {{ package1 }}
+ yum:
+ name: '{{ package1 }}'
+ installroot: '/'
+ state: removed
+ register: yum_result
+# Seems like some yum versions won't download a package from local file repository, continue to use sos for this test.
+- name: Test download_only
+ yum:
+ name: sos
+ state: latest
+ download_only: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify download of sos (part 1 -- yum "install" succeeded)
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: uninstall sos (noop)
+ yum:
+ name: sos
+ state: removed
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify download of sos (part 2 -- nothing removed during uninstall)
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: uninstall sos for downloadonly/downloaddir test
+ yum:
+ name: sos
+ state: absent
+- name: Test download_only/download_dir
+ yum:
+ name: sos
+ state: latest
+ download_only: true
+ download_dir: "/var/tmp/packages"
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify yum output
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- command: "ls /var/tmp/packages"
+ register: ls_out
+- name: Verify specified download_dir was used
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'sos' in ls_out.stdout"
+- name: install group
+ yum:
+ name: "@Custom Group"
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation of the group
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: install the group again
+ yum:
+ name: "@Custom Group"
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify nothing changed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: install the group again but also with a package that is not yet installed
+ yum:
+ name:
+ - "@Custom Group"
+ - '{{ package2 }}'
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify {{ package3 }} is installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: try to install the group again, with --check to check 'changed'
+ yum:
+ name: "@Custom Group"
+ state: present
+ check_mode: yes
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify nothing changed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: try to install non existing group
+ yum:
+ name: "@non-existing-group"
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+ ignore_errors: True
+- name: verify installation of the non existing group failed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is failed"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+ - "yum_result is failed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: try to install non existing file
+ yum:
+ name: /tmp/non-existing-1.0.0.fc26.noarch.rpm
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: verify installation failed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is failed"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+- name: try to install from non existing url
+ yum:
+ name:
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: verify installation failed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is failed"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+- name: use latest to install httpd
+ yum:
+ name: httpd
+ state: latest
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify httpd was installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+- name: uninstall httpd
+ yum:
+ name: httpd
+ state: removed
+- name: update httpd only if it exists
+ yum:
+ name: httpd
+ state: latest
+ update_only: yes
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify httpd not installed
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+ - "'Packages providing httpd not installed due to update_only specified' in yum_result.results"
+- name: try to install uncompatible arch rpm on non-ppc64le, should fail
+ yum:
+ name:
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+ ignore_errors: True
+ when:
+ - ansible_architecture not in ['ppc64le']
+- name: verify that yum failed on non-ppc64le
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+ - "yum_result is failed"
+ when:
+ - ansible_architecture not in ['ppc64le']
+- name: try to install uncompatible arch rpm on ppc64le, should fail
+ yum:
+ name:
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+ ignore_errors: True
+ when:
+ - ansible_architecture in ['ppc64le']
+- name: verify that yum failed on ppc64le
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+ - "yum_result is failed"
+ when:
+ - ansible_architecture in ['ppc64le']
+# setup for testing installing an RPM from url
+- set_fact:
+ pkg_name: fpaste
+- name: cleanup
+ yum:
+ name: "{{ pkg_name }}"
+ state: absent
+- set_fact:
+ pkg_url:
+ when: ansible_python.version.major == 2
+- set_fact:
+ pkg_url:
+ when: ansible_python.version.major == 3
+# setup end
+- name: download an rpm
+ get_url:
+ url: "{{ pkg_url }}"
+ dest: "/tmp/{{ pkg_name }}.rpm"
+- name: install the downloaded rpm
+ yum:
+ name: "/tmp/{{ pkg_name }}.rpm"
+ state: present
+ disable_gpg_check: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+ - "yum_result is not failed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: install the downloaded rpm again
+ yum:
+ name: "/tmp/{{ pkg_name }}.rpm"
+ state: present
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "not yum_result is changed"
+ - "yum_result is not failed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: clean up
+ yum:
+ name: "{{ pkg_name }}"
+ state: absent
+- name: install from url
+ yum:
+ name: "{{ pkg_url }}"
+ state: present
+ disable_gpg_check: true
+ register: yum_result
+- name: verify installation
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_result is success"
+ - "yum_result is changed"
+ - "yum_result is not failed"
+- name: verify yum module outputs
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in yum_result"
+ - "'msg' in yum_result"
+ - "'results' in yum_result"
+- name: Create a temp RPM file which does not contain nevra information
+ file:
+ name: "/tmp/non_existent_pkg.rpm"
+ state: touch
+- name: Try installing RPM file which does not contain nevra information
+ yum:
+ name: "/tmp/non_existent_pkg.rpm"
+ state: present
+ register: no_nevra_info_result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: Verify RPM failed to install
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'changed' in no_nevra_info_result"
+ - "'msg' in no_nevra_info_result"
+- name: Delete a temp RPM file
+ file:
+ name: "/tmp/non_existent_pkg.rpm"
+ state: absent
+- name: get yum version
+ yum:
+ list: yum
+ register: yum_version
+- name: set yum_version of installed version
+ set_fact:
+ yum_version: "{%- if item.yumstate == 'installed' -%}{{ item.version }}{%- else -%}{{ yum_version }}{%- endif -%}"
+ with_items: "{{ yum_version.results }}"
+- name: Ensure double uninstall of wildcard globs works
+ block:
+ - name: "Install lohit-*-fonts"
+ yum:
+ name: "lohit-*-fonts"
+ state: present
+ - name: "Remove lohit-*-fonts (1st time)"
+ yum:
+ name: "lohit-*-fonts"
+ state: absent
+ register: remove_lohit_fonts_1
+ - name: "Verify lohit-*-fonts (1st time)"
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "remove_lohit_fonts_1 is changed"
+ - "'msg' in remove_lohit_fonts_1"
+ - "'results' in remove_lohit_fonts_1"
+ - name: "Remove lohit-*-fonts (2nd time)"
+ yum:
+ name: "lohit-*-fonts"
+ state: absent
+ register: remove_lohit_fonts_2
+ - name: "Verify lohit-*-fonts (2nd time)"
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "remove_lohit_fonts_2 is not changed"
+ - "'msg' in remove_lohit_fonts_2"
+ - "'results' in remove_lohit_fonts_2"
+ - "'lohit-*-fonts is not installed' in remove_lohit_fonts_2['results']"
+- block:
+ - name: uninstall {{ package2 }}
+ yum: name={{ package2 }} state=removed
+ - name: check {{ package2 }} with rpm
+ shell: rpm -q {{ package2 }}
+ ignore_errors: True
+ register: rpm_package2_result
+ - name: verify {{ package2 }} is uninstalled
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "rpm_package2_result is failed"
+ - name: exclude {{ package2 }} (yum backend)
+ lineinfile:
+ dest: /etc/yum.conf
+ regexp: (^exclude=)(.)*
+ line: "exclude={{ package2 }}*"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'
+ - name: exclude {{ package2 }} (dnf backend)
+ lineinfile:
+ dest: /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
+ regexp: (^excludepkgs=)(.)*
+ line: "excludepkgs={{ package2 }}*"
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf'
+ # begin test case where disable_excludes is supported
+ - name: Try install {{ package2 }} without disable_excludes
+ yum: name={{ package2 }} state=latest
+ register: yum_package2_result
+ ignore_errors: True
+ - name: verify {{ package2 }} did not install because it is in exclude list
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_package2_result is failed"
+ - name: install {{ package2 }} with disable_excludes
+ yum: name={{ package2 }} state=latest disable_excludes=all
+ register: yum_package2_result_using_excludes
+ - name: verify {{ package2 }} did install using disable_excludes=all
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "yum_package2_result_using_excludes is success"
+ - "yum_package2_result_using_excludes is changed"
+ - "yum_package2_result_using_excludes is not failed"
+ - name: remove exclude {{ package2 }} (cleanup yum.conf)
+ lineinfile:
+ dest: /etc/yum.conf
+ regexp: (^exclude={{ package2 }}*)
+ line: "exclude="
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'
+ - name: remove exclude {{ package2 }} (cleanup dnf.conf)
+ lineinfile:
+ dest: /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
+ regexp: (^excludepkgs={{ package2 }}*)
+ line: "excludepkgs="
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf'
+ # Fedora < 26 has a bug in dnf where package excludes in dnf.conf aren't
+ # actually honored and those releases are EOL'd so we have no expectation they
+ # will ever be fixed
+ when: not ((ansible_distribution == "Fedora") and (ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 26))
+- name: Check that packages with Provides are handled correctly in state=absent
+ block:
+ - name: Install test packages
+ yum:
+ name:
+ -
+ -
+ disable_gpg_check: true
+ register: install
+ - name: Remove toaster
+ yum:
+ name: toaster
+ state: absent
+ register: remove
+ - name: rpm -qa
+ command: rpm -qa
+ register: rpmqa
+ - assert:
+ that:
+ - install is successful
+ - install is changed
+ - remove is successful
+ - remove is changed
+ - "'toaster-' not in rpmqa.stdout"
+ - "'test-package-that-provides-toaster' in rpmqa.stdout"