path: root/dh
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Diffstat (limited to 'dh')
1 files changed, 743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dh b/dh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5dcaa3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh - debhelper command sequencer
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use constant {
+ 'UNSKIPPABLE_CLI_OPTIONS_BUILD_SYSTEM' => q(-S|--buildsystem|-D|--sourcedir(?:ectory)?|-B|--builddir(?:ectory)?),
+ 'BUILD_STAMP_FILE' => 'debian/debhelper-build-stamp',
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Sequence;
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+use Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState ();
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s
+correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>,
+B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>,
+B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>.
+A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run
+at any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also
+possible to inject a command before or after any step without affecting
+the step itself.
+=head2 Injecting commands before or after a step
+I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must
+use compatibility mode 10 or later.
+To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named
+B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you
+want to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target
+B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same
+I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in
+L</Overriding a command> below).
+When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively
+before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target).
+=head2 Overriding a command
+To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to
+the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will
+instead call that target. The override target can then run the command with
+additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See
+examples below.
+=head2 Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets
+The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only
+when building architecture dependent or architecture independent
+packages. Use targets with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch>
+and B<execute_after>I<dh_command>B<-indep>.
+This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets)
+and 12.8 (for hook targets).
+=head2 Completely empty targets
+As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely empty.
+This is mostly useful for override targets, where the command will simply be
+skipped without the overhead of invoking a dummy target.
+Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:
+ # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way
+ # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here
+ override_dh_bar:
+ # Skip dh_foo - the slow way
+ override_dh_foo:
+ # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here
+ # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)
+=head2 Verifying targets are picked up by dh
+If you want to confirm that B<dh> has seen an override or a hook target, you
+can use the following command as an example:
+ $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5
+ dh_installdirs
+ dh_install
+ debian/rules execute_after_dh_install
+ dh_installdocs
+ dh_installchangelogs
+The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals
+that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would
+run it directly after L<dh_install(1)>.
+Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing above.
+This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the omission of
+a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same.
+=head2 Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals
+If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please
+be aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and
+caches the result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be
+invoked again when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume
+the answer did not change.
+The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it
+will build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can
+produce confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is
+part of the conditional.
+Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target
+unconditional and then have the "body" be partially or completely
+conditional. As an example:
+ # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target
+ # is always considered. The "maybe run this" bit is
+ # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is evaluated "twice" where its
+ # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook
+ # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target
+ # is run. If *either* times return false, "maybe run this"
+ # is skipped.
+ override_dh_foo:
+ ifneq (...)
+ maybe run this
+ endif
+ # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always
+ # run and dh_bar is skipped. The "maybe run this" bit is
+ # conditional as one might expect.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in
+ # different process each time). However, only the evaluation
+ # that happens when the hook target is run influences what
+ # happens.
+ override_dh_bar:
+ : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run
+ ifneq (...)
+ maybe run this
+ endif
+ # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.
+ # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.
+ #
+ # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR "maybe run this" is run
+ # instead.
+ #
+ # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to
+ # recurse into debian/rules because you have an "explicit"
+ # standard target (e.g. a "build-arch:" target separate from "%:").
+ ifneq (...)
+ override_dh_baz:
+ maybe run this
+ endif
+These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets,
+which are often seen in a variant of the following example:
+ ifneq (...)
+ COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this
+ endif
+ ...
+ maybe-run-this:
+ ...
+ # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the
+ # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is evaluated "twice" where its
+ # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook
+ # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target
+ # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)
+ # is skipped.
+ override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)
+ # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always
+ # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is
+ # conditional as one might expect.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in
+ # different process each time). However, only the evaluation
+ # that happens when the hook target is run influences what
+ # happens.
+ override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)
+ : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run
+ # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.
+ # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.
+ #
+ ifneq (...)
+ override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)
+ endif
+When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above
+that match your need.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]
+Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate places
+in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated more
+than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas.
+This is used when there is a third-party package that provides
+debhelper commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about
+the sequence addon interface.
+A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon>
+implies a B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit
+B<--with> in F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already
+declared via the build dependencies in F<debian/control>. The
+relation can (since 12.5) be made optional via e.g.
+build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an addon that
+is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate
+Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only
+mode (via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via
+B<Build-Depends-Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular
+sequence (e.g. B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency
+management for cross-builds.
+Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or
+B<Build-Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to
+ensure the result is deterministic even when the addon is
+unavailable (e.g. during clean). This implies that some addons
+are incompatible with these restrictions and can only be used via
+B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). Currently,
+such addons can only add commands to sequences.
+=item B<--without> I<addon>
+The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option
+can be repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be
+listed, separated by commas.
+=item B<--list>, B<-l>
+List all available addons.
+When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any
+directory (i.e. it does not need access to files from a source
+=item B<--no-act>
+Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them.
+Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing.
+With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed.
+Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This
+can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for more
+specialised options.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing
+ dh binary-arch --no-act
+This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences of
+commands work with no additional options.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The
+easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_strip:
+ dh_strip -Xfoo
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar
+Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)>
+can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running
+either and instead run your own commands.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ ./mondoconfig
+ override_dh_auto_build:
+ make universe-explode-in-delight
+Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or
+after a particular debhelper command is run.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ # Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+
+ execute_after_dh_fixperms:
+ chmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo
+If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above
+example would have to be written as.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ # Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.
+ override_dh_fixperms:
+ dh_fixperms
+ chmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo
+Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change
+in that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --with python2
+Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system,
+which can be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package
+uses MakeMaker.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build
+Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find
+the package's source, for a package where the source is located in a
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --sourcedirectory=src
+And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build
+in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --builddirectory=build
+If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or
+pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --parallel
+If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads,
+please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*>
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --no-parallel
+Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't
+want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ # Commands not to run:
+ override_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:
+A long build process for a separate documentation package can
+be separated out using architecture independent overrides.
+These will be skipped when running build-arch and binary-arch sequences.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_auto_build-indep:
+ $(MAKE) -C docs
+ # No tests needed for docs
+ override_dh_auto_test-indep:
+ override_dh_auto_install-indep:
+ $(MAKE) -C docs install
+Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only
+when building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present
+when building only documentation.
+ # Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+
+ execute_after_dh_fixperms-arch:
+ chmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo
+If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the hood.
+In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file
+F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> after the build step(s) are complete
+to avoid re-running them. It is possible to avoid the stamp file by
+passing B<--without=build-stamp> to B<dh>. This makes "no clean"
+builds behave more like what some people expect at the expense of
+possibly running the build and test twice (the second time as root or
+under L<fakeroot(1)>).
+Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file
+F<debian/package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the
+command(s) have been run for. These log files are then removed once
+the override target is complete.
+In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record
+when it's successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which
+B<dh_clean> deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already
+been run, for which packages, and skip running those commands again.
+Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log,
+and finds the last logged command that is in the specified
+sequence. It then continues with the next command in the sequence.
+A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For
+example, the "binary" sequence runs the "install" target.
+B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass information
+through to debhelper commands that are run inside override targets. The
+contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, as the name
+might suggest, is subject to change at any time.
+Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep>
+sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on
+architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>,
+B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a>
+option to ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages.
+# Stash this away before init modifies it.
+my @ARGV_orig=@ARGV;
+my (@addons, @addon_requests);
+# Reset umask to 0022 per #944691
+init(options => {
+ "until=s" => \$dh{UNTIL},
+ "after=s" => \$dh{AFTER},
+ "before=s" => \$dh{BEFORE},
+ "remaining" => \$dh{REMAINING},
+ "with=s" => sub {
+ my ($option, $value) = @_;
+ push(@addon_requests, map { "+${_}" } split(",", $value));
+ },
+ "without=s" => sub {
+ my ($option, $value) = @_;
+ push(@addon_requests, map { "-${_}" } split(",", $value));
+ },
+ "l" => \&list_addons,
+ "list" => \&list_addons,
+ },
+ # Disable complaints about unknown options; they are passed on to
+ # the debhelper commands.
+ ignore_unknown_options => 1,
+ # Bundling does not work well since there are unknown options.
+ bundling => 0,
+ internal_parse_dh_sequence_info => 1,
+ inhibit_log => 1,
+# If make is using a jobserver, but it is not available
+# to this process, clean out MAKEFLAGS. This avoids
+# ugly warnings when calling make.
+if (is_make_jobserver_unavailable()) {
+ clean_jobserver_makeflags();
+# Process the sequence parameter.
+my $sequence;
+if (! compat(7)) {
+ # From v8, the sequence is the very first parameter.
+ $sequence=shift @ARGV_orig;
+ if (defined $sequence && $sequence=~/^-/) {
+ error "Unknown sequence $sequence (options should not come before the sequence)";
+ }
+else {
+ # Before v8, the sequence could be at any position in the parameters,
+ # so was what was left after parsing.
+ $sequence=shift;
+ if (defined $sequence) {
+ @ARGV_orig=grep { $_ ne $sequence } @ARGV_orig;
+ }
+if (! defined $sequence) {
+ error "specify a sequence to run";
+# make -B causes the rules file to be run as a target.
+# Also support completely empty override targets.
+# Note: it's not safe to use rules_explicit_target before this check,
+# since it causes dh to be run.
+if ($sequence eq 'debian/rules' ||
+ $sequence =~ /^override_dh_/ ||
+ $sequence =~ /^execute_(?:after|before)_dh_/ ||
+ $sequence eq DUMMY_TARGET) {
+ exit 0;
+load_sequence_addon('root-sequence', SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH);
+sub list_addons {
+ my %addons;
+ for my $inc (@INC) {
+ require File::Spec;
+ my $path = File::Spec->catdir($inc, "Debian/Debhelper/Sequence");
+ if (-d $path) {
+ for my $module_path (glob "$path/*.pm") {
+ my $name = basename($module_path);
+ $name =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ $name =~ s/_/-/g;
+ next if $name eq 'root-sequence';
+ $addons{$name} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $name (sort keys %addons) {
+ print "$name\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# The list of all packages that can be acted on.
+my @packages=@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}};
+my @arch_packages = getpackages("arch");
+my @indep_packages = getpackages("indep");
+my %sequence2packages = (
+ 'build-arch' => \@arch_packages,
+ 'install-arch' => \@arch_packages,
+ 'binary-arch' => \@arch_packages,
+ 'build-indep' => \@indep_packages,
+ 'install-indep' => \@indep_packages,
+ 'binary-indep' => \@indep_packages,
+ 'clean' => \@packages,
+ 'build' => \@packages,
+ 'install' => \@packages,
+ 'binary' => \@packages,
+my $sequence_unpack_flags = 0;
+if ($sequence eq 'build-arch' ||
+ $sequence eq 'install-arch' ||
+ $sequence eq 'binary-arch') {
+ push(@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options, "-a");
+ # as an optimisation, remove from the list any packages
+ # that are not arch dependent
+ @packages = @{$sequence2packages{$sequence}};
+elsif ($sequence eq 'build-indep' ||
+ $sequence eq 'install-indep' ||
+ $sequence eq 'binary-indep') {
+ push(@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options, "-i");
+ # ditto optimisation for arch indep
+ @packages = @{$sequence2packages{$sequence}};
+if (not @arch_packages) {
+ $sequence_unpack_flags = FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES;
+} elsif (not @indep_packages) {
+ $sequence_unpack_flags = FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES;
+@addons = compute_selected_addons($sequence, @addon_requests);
+# Load addons, which can modify sequences.
+foreach my $addon (@addons) {
+ my $addon_name = $addon->{'name'};
+ my $addon_type = $addon->{'addon-type'};
+ load_sequence_addon($addon_name, $addon_type);
+if (%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_added_by_addon) {
+ while (my ($cmd, $addon) = each(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_added_by_addon)) {
+ my $addon_type = $addon->{'addon-type'};
+ if ($addon_type eq 'indep') {
+ unshift(@{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$cmd}}, '-i');
+ } elsif ($addon_type eq 'arch') {
+ unshift(@{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$cmd}}, '-a');
+ }
+ }
+if (! exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence})) {
+ error("Unknown sequence $sequence (choose from: ".
+ join(" ", sort(keys(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences))).")");
+# Figure out at what point in the sequence to start for each package.
+my (%logged, %startpoint, $completed_sequences);
+$completed_sequences = _check_for_completed_sequences(\%sequence2packages);
+# In compat <= 8, the sequences are always inlined (those versions do not
+# recurse into debian/rules anyway). In compat 9+, we never inline an
+# existing rules target.
+my ($rules_targets, $full_sequence) = unpack_sequence(\%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences,
+ $sequence,
+ (!compat(8) ? 0 : 1),
+ $completed_sequences,
+ $sequence_unpack_flags,
+ );
+%startpoint = compute_starting_point_in_sequences(\@packages, $full_sequence, \%logged);
+for my $rules_command (@{$rules_targets}) {
+ my $rules_target = extract_rules_target_name($rules_command)
+ // error("Internal error: $rules_command was not a rules target!?");
+ # Don't pass DH_ environment variables, since this is
+ # a fresh invocation of debian/rules and any sub-dh commands.
+ run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure("debian/rules", $rules_target);
+ my $override_packages = $sequence2packages{$rules_target} // \@packages;
+ for my $package (@{$override_packages}) {
+ my (undef, $seq) = unpack_sequence(\%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences, $rules_target, 1);
+ COMMAND: for my $c (reverse(@{$seq})) {
+ for my $j (0 .. $#{$full_sequence}) {
+ if ($c eq $full_sequence->[$j]) {
+ # Unfortunately, we do not guarantee any order
+ # between the run targets. Assuming e.g.
+ # "install-arch" and "build" are opaque targets
+ # then we could process "install-arch" first and
+ # then "build". In this case, it is important
+ # that we do not "reset" the starting point for
+ # "arch" packages. Otherwise, we might repeat
+ # part of the "install-arch" sequence when we
+ # should not.
+ $startpoint{$package} = $j + 1 if $j + 1 > $startpoint{$package};
+ last COMMAND;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+run_through_command_sequence($full_sequence, \%startpoint, \%logged,
+ \@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options,
+ \@packages, \@arch_packages, \@indep_packages);
+sub _check_for_completed_sequences {
+ my ($sequence2packages) = @_;
+ my (%completed, %stamp_file_content);
+ if ( -f BUILD_STAMP_FILE and not compat(9)) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', BUILD_STAMP_FILE) or error("open(${\BUILD_STAMP_FILE}, ro) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ $stamp_file_content{$line} = 1;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ my $build_indep_target_done = 1;
+ my $build_arch_target_done = 1;
+ for my $pkg (@{$sequence2packages->{'build-arch'}}) {
+ if (not $stamp_file_content{$pkg}) {
+ $build_arch_target_done = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $pkg (@{$sequence2packages->{'build-indep'}}) {
+ if (not $stamp_file_content{$pkg}) {
+ $build_indep_target_done = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $completed{'build-arch'} = 1 if $build_arch_target_done;
+ $completed{'build-indep'} = 1 if $build_indep_target_done;
+ $completed{'build'} = 1 if $build_indep_target_done and $build_arch_target_done;
+ }
+ return \%completed;
+sub reject_obsolete_params {
+ foreach my $deprecated ('until', 'after', 'before', 'remaining') {
+ if (defined $dh{uc $deprecated}) {
+ error("The --$deprecated option is not supported any longer (#932537). Use override targets instead.");
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>