path: root/rich/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rich/')
1 files changed, 1821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rich/ b/rich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a59dbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rich/
@@ -0,0 +1,1821 @@
+import inspect
+import os
+import platform
+import shutil
+import sys
+import threading
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from collections import abc
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
+from datetime import datetime
+from functools import wraps
+from getpass import getpass
+from itertools import islice
+from time import monotonic
+from typing import (
+ IO,
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ Iterable,
+ List,
+ NamedTuple,
+ Optional,
+ TextIO,
+ Tuple,
+ Union,
+ cast,
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol, runtime_checkable
+from . import errors, themes
+from ._emoji_replace import _emoji_replace
+from ._log_render import LogRender, FormatTimeCallable
+from .align import Align, AlignMethod
+from .color import ColorSystem
+from .control import Control
+from .highlighter import NullHighlighter, ReprHighlighter
+from .markup import render as render_markup
+from .measure import Measurement, measure_renderables
+from .pager import Pager, SystemPager
+from .pretty import Pretty
+from .scope import render_scope
+from .screen import Screen
+from .segment import Segment
+from .style import Style, StyleType
+from .styled import Styled
+from .terminal_theme import DEFAULT_TERMINAL_THEME, TerminalTheme
+from .text import Text, TextType
+from .theme import Theme, ThemeStack
+ from ._windows import WindowsConsoleFeatures
+ from .live import Live
+ from .status import Status
+WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows"
+HighlighterType = Callable[[Union[str, "Text"]], "Text"]
+JustifyMethod = Literal["default", "left", "center", "right", "full"]
+OverflowMethod = Literal["fold", "crop", "ellipsis", "ignore"]
+class NoChange:
+ pass
+NO_CHANGE = NoChange()
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="UTF-8">
+body {{
+ color: {foreground};
+ background-color: {background};
+ <code>
+ <pre style="font-family:Menlo,'DejaVu Sans Mono',consolas,'Courier New',monospace">{code}</pre>
+ </code>
+_TERM_COLORS = {"256color": ColorSystem.EIGHT_BIT, "16color": ColorSystem.STANDARD}
+class ConsoleDimensions(NamedTuple):
+ """Size of the terminal."""
+ width: int
+ """The width of the console in 'cells'."""
+ height: int
+ """The height of the console in lines."""
+class ConsoleOptions:
+ """Options for __rich_console__ method."""
+ size: ConsoleDimensions
+ """Size of console."""
+ legacy_windows: bool
+ """legacy_windows: flag for legacy windows."""
+ min_width: int
+ """Minimum width of renderable."""
+ max_width: int
+ """Maximum width of renderable."""
+ is_terminal: bool
+ """True if the target is a terminal, otherwise False."""
+ encoding: str
+ """Encoding of terminal."""
+ justify: Optional[JustifyMethod] = None
+ """Justify value override for renderable."""
+ overflow: Optional[OverflowMethod] = None
+ """Overflow value override for renderable."""
+ no_wrap: Optional[bool] = False
+ """Disable wrapping for text."""
+ highlight: Optional[bool] = None
+ """Highlight override for render_str."""
+ height: Optional[int] = None
+ """Height available, or None for no height limit."""
+ @property
+ def ascii_only(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if renderables should use ascii only."""
+ return not self.encoding.startswith("utf")
+ def update(
+ self,
+ width: Union[int, NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ min_width: Union[int, NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ max_width: Union[int, NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ justify: Union[Optional[JustifyMethod], NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ overflow: Union[Optional[OverflowMethod], NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ no_wrap: Union[Optional[bool], NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ highlight: Union[Optional[bool], NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ height: Union[Optional[int], NoChange] = NO_CHANGE,
+ ) -> "ConsoleOptions":
+ """Update values, return a copy."""
+ options = replace(self)
+ if not isinstance(width, NoChange):
+ options.min_width = options.max_width = width
+ if not isinstance(min_width, NoChange):
+ options.min_width = min_width
+ if not isinstance(max_width, NoChange):
+ options.max_width = max_width
+ if not isinstance(justify, NoChange):
+ options.justify = justify
+ if not isinstance(overflow, NoChange):
+ options.overflow = overflow
+ if not isinstance(no_wrap, NoChange):
+ options.no_wrap = no_wrap
+ if not isinstance(highlight, NoChange):
+ options.highlight = highlight
+ if not isinstance(height, NoChange):
+ options.height = height
+ return options
+ def update_width(self, width: int) -> "ConsoleOptions":
+ """Update just the width, return a copy.
+ Args:
+ width (int): New width (sets both min_width and max_width)
+ Returns:
+ ~ConsoleOptions: New console options instance
+ """
+ options = replace(self, min_width=width, max_width=width)
+ return options
+class RichCast(Protocol):
+ """An object that may be 'cast' to a console renderable."""
+ def __rich__(self) -> Union["ConsoleRenderable", str]: # pragma: no cover
+ ...
+class ConsoleRenderable(Protocol):
+ """An object that supports the console protocol."""
+ def __rich_console__(
+ self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions"
+ ) -> "RenderResult": # pragma: no cover
+ ...
+RenderableType = Union[ConsoleRenderable, RichCast, str]
+"""A type that may be rendered by Console."""
+RenderResult = Iterable[Union[RenderableType, Segment]]
+"""The result of calling a __rich_console__ method."""
+_null_highlighter = NullHighlighter()
+class CaptureError(Exception):
+ """An error in the Capture context manager."""
+class Capture:
+ """Context manager to capture the result of printing to the console.
+ See :meth:`~rich.console.Console.capture` for how to use.
+ Args:
+ console (Console): A console instance to capture output.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, console: "Console") -> None:
+ self._console = console
+ self._result: Optional[str] = None
+ def __enter__(self) -> "Capture":
+ self._console.begin_capture()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
+ self._result = self._console.end_capture()
+ def get(self) -> str:
+ """Get the result of the capture."""
+ if self._result is None:
+ raise CaptureError(
+ "Capture result is not available until context manager exits."
+ )
+ return self._result
+class ThemeContext:
+ """A context manager to use a temporary theme. See :meth:`~rich.console.Console.use_theme` for usage."""
+ def __init__(self, console: "Console", theme: Theme, inherit: bool = True) -> None:
+ self.console = console
+ self.theme = theme
+ self.inherit = inherit
+ def __enter__(self) -> "ThemeContext":
+ self.console.push_theme(self.theme)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
+ self.console.pop_theme()
+class PagerContext:
+ """A context manager that 'pages' content. See :meth:`~rich.console.Console.pager` for usage."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ console: "Console",
+ pager: Pager = None,
+ styles: bool = False,
+ links: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._console = console
+ self.pager = SystemPager() if pager is None else pager
+ self.styles = styles
+ self.links = links
+ def __enter__(self) -> "PagerContext":
+ self._console._enter_buffer()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
+ if exc_type is None:
+ with self._console._lock:
+ buffer: List[Segment] = self._console._buffer[:]
+ del self._console._buffer[:]
+ segments: Iterable[Segment] = buffer
+ if not self.styles:
+ segments = Segment.strip_styles(segments)
+ elif not self.links:
+ segments = Segment.strip_links(segments)
+ content = self._console._render_buffer(segments)
+ self._console._exit_buffer()
+class ScreenContext:
+ """A context manager that enables an alternative screen. See :meth:`~rich.console.Console.screen` for usage."""
+ def __init__(
+ self, console: "Console", hide_cursor: bool, style: StyleType = ""
+ ) -> None:
+ self.console = console
+ self.hide_cursor = hide_cursor
+ self.screen = Screen(style=style)
+ self._changed = False
+ def update(
+ self, renderable: RenderableType = None, style: StyleType = None
+ ) -> None:
+ """Update the screen.
+ Args:
+ renderable (RenderableType, optional): Optional renderable to replace current renderable,
+ or None for no change. Defaults to None.
+ style: (Style, optional): Replacement style, or None for no change. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ if renderable is not None:
+ self.screen.renderable = renderable
+ if style is not None:
+ = style
+ self.console.print(self.screen, end="")
+ def __enter__(self) -> "ScreenContext":
+ self._changed = self.console.set_alt_screen(True)
+ if self._changed and self.hide_cursor:
+ self.console.show_cursor(False)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
+ if self._changed:
+ self.console.set_alt_screen(False)
+ if self.hide_cursor:
+ self.console.show_cursor(True)
+class RenderGroup:
+ """Takes a group of renderables and returns a renderable object that renders the group.
+ Args:
+ renderables (Iterable[RenderableType]): An iterable of renderable objects.
+ fit (bool, optional): Fit dimension of group to contents, or fill available space. Defaults to True.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *renderables: "RenderableType", fit: bool = True) -> None:
+ self._renderables = renderables
+ = fit
+ self._render: Optional[List[RenderableType]] = None
+ @property
+ def renderables(self) -> List["RenderableType"]:
+ if self._render is None:
+ self._render = list(self._renderables)
+ return self._render
+ def __rich_measure__(self, console: "Console", max_width: int) -> "Measurement":
+ if
+ return measure_renderables(console, self.renderables, max_width)
+ else:
+ return Measurement(max_width, max_width)
+ def __rich_console__(
+ self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions"
+ ) -> RenderResult:
+ yield from self.renderables
+def render_group(fit: bool = True) -> Callable:
+ """A decorator that turns an iterable of renderables in to a group.
+ Args:
+ fit (bool, optional): Fit dimension of group to contents, or fill available space. Defaults to True.
+ """
+ def decorator(method):
+ """Convert a method that returns an iterable of renderables in to a RenderGroup."""
+ @wraps(method)
+ def _replace(*args, **kwargs):
+ renderables = method(*args, **kwargs)
+ return RenderGroup(*renderables, fit=fit)
+ return _replace
+ return decorator
+def _is_jupyter() -> bool: # pragma: no cover
+ """Check if we're running in a Jupyter notebook."""
+ try:
+ get_ipython # type: ignore
+ except NameError:
+ return False
+ shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ # type: ignore
+ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell":
+ return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
+ elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell":
+ return False # Terminal running IPython
+ else:
+ return False # Other type (?)
+ "standard": ColorSystem.STANDARD,
+ "256": ColorSystem.EIGHT_BIT,
+ "truecolor": ColorSystem.TRUECOLOR,
+ "windows": ColorSystem.WINDOWS,
+_COLOR_SYSTEMS_NAMES = {system: name for name, system in COLOR_SYSTEMS.items()}
+class ConsoleThreadLocals(threading.local):
+ """Thread local values for Console context."""
+ theme_stack: ThemeStack
+ buffer: List[Segment] = field(default_factory=list)
+ buffer_index: int = 0
+class RenderHook(ABC):
+ """Provides hooks in to the render process."""
+ @abstractmethod
+ def process_renderables(
+ self, renderables: List[ConsoleRenderable]
+ ) -> List[ConsoleRenderable]:
+ """Called with a list of objects to render.
+ This method can return a new list of renderables, or modify and return the same list.
+ Args:
+ renderables (List[ConsoleRenderable]): A number of renderable objects.
+ Returns:
+ List[ConsoleRenderable]: A replacement list of renderables.
+ """
+_windows_console_features: Optional["WindowsConsoleFeatures"] = None
+def get_windows_console_features() -> "WindowsConsoleFeatures": # pragma: no cover
+ global _windows_console_features
+ if _windows_console_features is not None:
+ return _windows_console_features
+ from ._windows import get_windows_console_features
+ _windows_console_features = get_windows_console_features()
+ return _windows_console_features
+def detect_legacy_windows() -> bool:
+ """Detect legacy Windows."""
+ return WINDOWS and not get_windows_console_features().vt
+if detect_legacy_windows(): # pragma: no cover
+ from colorama import init
+ init()
+class Console:
+ """A high level console interface.
+ Args:
+ color_system (str, optional): The color system supported by your terminal,
+ either ``"standard"``, ``"256"`` or ``"truecolor"``. Leave as ``"auto"`` to autodetect.
+ force_terminal (Optional[bool], optional): Enable/disable terminal control codes, or None to auto-detect terminal. Defaults to None.
+ force_jupyter (Optional[bool], optional): Enable/disable Jupyter rendering, or None to auto-detect Jupyter. Defaults to None.
+ force_interactive (Optional[bool], optional): Enable/disable interactive mode, or None to auto detect. Defaults to None.
+ soft_wrap (Optional[bool], optional): Set soft wrap default on print method. Defaults to False.
+ theme (Theme, optional): An optional style theme object, or ``None`` for default theme.
+ stderr (bool, optional): Use stderr rather than stdout if ``file`` is not specified. Defaults to False.
+ file (IO, optional): A file object where the console should write to. Defaults to stdout.
+ quiet (bool, Optional): Boolean to suppress all output. Defaults to False.
+ width (int, optional): The width of the terminal. Leave as default to auto-detect width.
+ height (int, optional): The height of the terminal. Leave as default to auto-detect height.
+ style (StyleType, optional): Style to apply to all output, or None for no style. Defaults to None.
+ no_color (Optional[bool], optional): Enabled no color mode, or None to auto detect. Defaults to None.
+ tab_size (int, optional): Number of spaces used to replace a tab character. Defaults to 8.
+ record (bool, optional): Boolean to enable recording of terminal output,
+ required to call :meth:`export_html` and :meth:`export_text`. Defaults to False.
+ markup (bool, optional): Boolean to enable :ref:`console_markup`. Defaults to True.
+ emoji (bool, optional): Enable emoji code. Defaults to True.
+ highlight (bool, optional): Enable automatic highlighting. Defaults to True.
+ log_time (bool, optional): Boolean to enable logging of time by :meth:`log` methods. Defaults to True.
+ log_path (bool, optional): Boolean to enable the logging of the caller by :meth:`log`. Defaults to True.
+ log_time_format (Union[str, TimeFormatterCallable], optional): If ``log_time`` is enabled, either string for strftime or callable that formats the time. Defaults to "[%X] ".
+ highlighter (HighlighterType, optional): Default highlighter.
+ legacy_windows (bool, optional): Enable legacy Windows mode, or ``None`` to auto detect. Defaults to ``None``.
+ safe_box (bool, optional): Restrict box options that don't render on legacy Windows.
+ get_datetime (Callable[[], datetime], optional): Callable that gets the current time as a datetime.datetime object (used by Console.log),
+ or None for
+ get_time (Callable[[], time], optional): Callable that gets the current time in seconds, default uses time.monotonic.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ color_system: Optional[
+ Literal["auto", "standard", "256", "truecolor", "windows"]
+ ] = "auto",
+ force_terminal: bool = None,
+ force_jupyter: bool = None,
+ force_interactive: bool = None,
+ soft_wrap: bool = False,
+ theme: Theme = None,
+ stderr: bool = False,
+ file: IO[str] = None,
+ quiet: bool = False,
+ width: int = None,
+ height: int = None,
+ style: StyleType = None,
+ no_color: bool = None,
+ tab_size: int = 8,
+ record: bool = False,
+ markup: bool = True,
+ emoji: bool = True,
+ highlight: bool = True,
+ log_time: bool = True,
+ log_path: bool = True,
+ log_time_format: Union[str, FormatTimeCallable] = "[%X]",
+ highlighter: Optional["HighlighterType"] = ReprHighlighter(),
+ legacy_windows: bool = None,
+ safe_box: bool = True,
+ get_datetime: Callable[[], datetime] = None,
+ get_time: Callable[[], float] = None,
+ _environ: Dict[str, str] = None,
+ ):
+ # Copy of os.environ allows us to replace it for testing
+ self._environ = os.environ if _environ is None else _environ
+ self.is_jupyter = _is_jupyter() if force_jupyter is None else force_jupyter
+ if self.is_jupyter:
+ width = width or 93
+ height = height or 100
+ self.soft_wrap = soft_wrap
+ self._width = width
+ self._height = height
+ self.tab_size = tab_size
+ self.record = record
+ self._markup = markup
+ self._emoji = emoji
+ self._highlight = highlight
+ self.legacy_windows: bool = (
+ (detect_legacy_windows() and not self.is_jupyter)
+ if legacy_windows is None
+ else legacy_windows
+ )
+ self._color_system: Optional[ColorSystem]
+ self._force_terminal = force_terminal
+ self._file = file
+ self.quiet = quiet
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ if color_system is None:
+ self._color_system = None
+ elif color_system == "auto":
+ self._color_system = self._detect_color_system()
+ else:
+ self._color_system = COLOR_SYSTEMS[color_system]
+ self._lock = threading.RLock()
+ self._log_render = LogRender(
+ show_time=log_time,
+ show_path=log_path,
+ time_format=log_time_format,
+ )
+ self.highlighter: HighlighterType = highlighter or _null_highlighter
+ self.safe_box = safe_box
+ self.get_datetime = get_datetime or
+ self.get_time = get_time or monotonic
+ = style
+ self.no_color = (
+ no_color if no_color is not None else "NO_COLOR" in self._environ
+ )
+ self.is_interactive = (
+ (self.is_terminal and not self.is_dumb_terminal)
+ if force_interactive is None
+ else force_interactive
+ )
+ self._record_buffer_lock = threading.RLock()
+ self._thread_locals = ConsoleThreadLocals(
+ theme_stack=ThemeStack(themes.DEFAULT if theme is None else theme)
+ )
+ self._record_buffer: List[Segment] = []
+ self._render_hooks: List[RenderHook] = []
+ self._live: Optional["Live"] = None
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<console width={self.width} {str(self._color_system)}>"
+ @property
+ def file(self) -> IO[str]:
+ """Get the file object to write to."""
+ file = self._file or (sys.stderr if self.stderr else sys.stdout)
+ file = getattr(file, "rich_proxied_file", file)
+ return file
+ @file.setter
+ def file(self, new_file: IO[str]) -> None:
+ """Set a new file object."""
+ self._file = new_file
+ @property
+ def _buffer(self) -> List[Segment]:
+ """Get a thread local buffer."""
+ return self._thread_locals.buffer
+ @property
+ def _buffer_index(self) -> int:
+ """Get a thread local buffer."""
+ return self._thread_locals.buffer_index
+ @_buffer_index.setter
+ def _buffer_index(self, value: int) -> None:
+ self._thread_locals.buffer_index = value
+ @property
+ def _theme_stack(self) -> ThemeStack:
+ """Get the thread local theme stack."""
+ return self._thread_locals.theme_stack
+ def _detect_color_system(self) -> Optional[ColorSystem]:
+ """Detect color system from env vars."""
+ if self.is_jupyter:
+ return ColorSystem.TRUECOLOR
+ if not self.is_terminal or self.is_dumb_terminal:
+ return None
+ if WINDOWS: # pragma: no cover
+ if self.legacy_windows: # pragma: no cover
+ return ColorSystem.WINDOWS
+ windows_console_features = get_windows_console_features()
+ return (
+ ColorSystem.TRUECOLOR
+ if windows_console_features.truecolor
+ else ColorSystem.EIGHT_BIT
+ )
+ else:
+ color_term = self._environ.get("COLORTERM", "").strip().lower()
+ if color_term in ("truecolor", "24bit"):
+ return ColorSystem.TRUECOLOR
+ term = self._environ.get("TERM", "").strip().lower()
+ _term_name, _hyphen, colors = term.partition("-")
+ color_system = _TERM_COLORS.get(colors, ColorSystem.STANDARD)
+ return color_system
+ def _enter_buffer(self) -> None:
+ """Enter in to a buffer context, and buffer all output."""
+ self._buffer_index += 1
+ def _exit_buffer(self) -> None:
+ """Leave buffer context, and render content if required."""
+ self._buffer_index -= 1
+ self._check_buffer()
+ def set_live(self, live: "Live") -> None:
+ """Set Live instance. Used by Live context manager.
+ Args:
+ live (Live): Live instance using this Console.
+ Raises:
+ errors.LiveError: If this Console has a Live context currently active.
+ """
+ with self._lock:
+ if self._live is not None:
+ raise errors.LiveError("Only one live display may be active at once")
+ self._live = live
+ def clear_live(self) -> None:
+ """Clear the Live instance."""
+ with self._lock:
+ self._live = None
+ def push_render_hook(self, hook: RenderHook) -> None:
+ """Add a new render hook to the stack.
+ Args:
+ hook (RenderHook): Render hook instance.
+ """
+ self._render_hooks.append(hook)
+ def pop_render_hook(self) -> None:
+ """Pop the last renderhook from the stack."""
+ self._render_hooks.pop()
+ def __enter__(self) -> "Console":
+ """Own context manager to enter buffer context."""
+ self._enter_buffer()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None:
+ """Exit buffer context."""
+ self._exit_buffer()
+ def begin_capture(self) -> None:
+ """Begin capturing console output. Call :meth:`end_capture` to exit capture mode and return output."""
+ self._enter_buffer()
+ def end_capture(self) -> str:
+ """End capture mode and return captured string.
+ Returns:
+ str: Console output.
+ """
+ render_result = self._render_buffer(self._buffer)
+ del self._buffer[:]
+ self._exit_buffer()
+ return render_result
+ def push_theme(self, theme: Theme, *, inherit: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Push a new theme on to the top of the stack, replacing the styles from the previous theme.
+ Generally speaking, you should call :meth:`~rich.console.Console.use_theme` to get a context manager, rather
+ than calling this method directly.
+ Args:
+ theme (Theme): A theme instance.
+ inherit (bool, optional): Inherit existing styles. Defaults to True.
+ """
+ self._theme_stack.push_theme(theme, inherit=inherit)
+ def pop_theme(self) -> None:
+ """Remove theme from top of stack, restoring previous theme."""
+ self._theme_stack.pop_theme()
+ def use_theme(self, theme: Theme, *, inherit: bool = True) -> ThemeContext:
+ """Use a different theme for the duration of the context manager.
+ Args:
+ theme (Theme): Theme instance to user.
+ inherit (bool, optional): Inherit existing console styles. Defaults to True.
+ Returns:
+ ThemeContext: [description]
+ """
+ return ThemeContext(self, theme, inherit)
+ @property
+ def color_system(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Get color system string.
+ Returns:
+ Optional[str]: "standard", "256" or "truecolor".
+ """
+ if self._color_system is not None:
+ return _COLOR_SYSTEMS_NAMES[self._color_system]
+ else:
+ return None
+ @property
+ def encoding(self) -> str:
+ """Get the encoding of the console file, e.g. ``"utf-8"``.
+ Returns:
+ str: A standard encoding string.
+ """
+ return (getattr(self.file, "encoding", "utf-8") or "utf-8").lower()
+ @property
+ def is_terminal(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if the console is writing to a terminal.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the console writing to a device capable of
+ understanding terminal codes, otherwise False.
+ """
+ if self._force_terminal is not None:
+ return self._force_terminal
+ isatty = getattr(self.file, "isatty", None)
+ return False if isatty is None else isatty()
+ @property
+ def is_dumb_terminal(self) -> bool:
+ """Detect dumb terminal.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if writing to a dumb terminal, otherwise False.
+ """
+ _term = self._environ.get("TERM", "")
+ is_dumb = _term.lower() in ("dumb", "unknown")
+ return self.is_terminal and is_dumb
+ @property
+ def options(self) -> ConsoleOptions:
+ """Get default console options."""
+ return ConsoleOptions(
+ size=self.size,
+ legacy_windows=self.legacy_windows,
+ min_width=1,
+ max_width=self.width,
+ encoding=self.encoding,
+ is_terminal=self.is_terminal,
+ )
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> ConsoleDimensions:
+ """Get the size of the console.
+ Returns:
+ ConsoleDimensions: A named tuple containing the dimensions.
+ """
+ if self._width is not None and self._height is not None:
+ return ConsoleDimensions(self._width, self._height)
+ if self.is_dumb_terminal:
+ return ConsoleDimensions(80, 25)
+ width: Optional[int] = None
+ height: Optional[int] = None
+ if WINDOWS: # pragma: no cover
+ width, height = shutil.get_terminal_size()
+ else:
+ try:
+ width, height = os.get_terminal_size(sys.stdin.fileno())
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError, OSError):
+ try:
+ width, height = os.get_terminal_size(sys.stdout.fileno())
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError, OSError):
+ pass
+ # get_terminal_size can report 0, 0 if run from pseudo-terminal
+ width = width or 80
+ height = height or 25
+ return ConsoleDimensions(
+ (width - self.legacy_windows) if self._width is None else self._width,
+ height if self._height is None else self._height,
+ )
+ @property
+ def width(self) -> int:
+ """Get the width of the console.
+ Returns:
+ int: The width (in characters) of the console.
+ """
+ width, _ = self.size
+ return width
+ @property
+ def height(self) -> int:
+ """Get the height of the console.
+ Returns:
+ int: The height (in lines) of the console.
+ """
+ _, height = self.size
+ return height
+ def bell(self) -> None:
+ """Play a 'bell' sound (if supported by the terminal)."""
+ self.control("\x07")
+ def capture(self) -> Capture:
+ """A context manager to *capture* the result of print() or log() in a string,
+ rather than writing it to the console.
+ Example:
+ >>> from rich.console import Console
+ >>> console = Console()
+ >>> with console.capture() as capture:
+ ... console.print("[bold magenta]Hello World[/]")
+ >>> print(capture.get())
+ Returns:
+ Capture: Context manager with disables writing to the terminal.
+ """
+ capture = Capture(self)
+ return capture
+ def pager(
+ self, pager: Pager = None, styles: bool = False, links: bool = False
+ ) -> PagerContext:
+ """A context manager to display anything printed within a "pager". The pager application
+ is defined by the system and will typically support at least pressing a key to scroll.
+ Args:
+ pager (Pager, optional): A pager object, or None to use :class:~rich.pager.SystemPager`. Defaults to None.
+ styles (bool, optional): Show styles in pager. Defaults to False.
+ links (bool, optional): Show links in pager. Defaults to False.
+ Example:
+ >>> from rich.console import Console
+ >>> from rich.__main__ import make_test_card
+ >>> console = Console()
+ >>> with console.pager():
+ console.print(make_test_card())
+ Returns:
+ PagerContext: A context manager.
+ """
+ return PagerContext(self, pager=pager, styles=styles, links=links)
+ def line(self, count: int = 1) -> None:
+ """Write new line(s).
+ Args:
+ count (int, optional): Number of new lines. Defaults to 1.
+ """
+ assert count >= 0, "count must be >= 0"
+ if count:
+ self._buffer.append(Segment("\n" * count))
+ self._check_buffer()
+ def clear(self, home: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Clear the screen.
+ Args:
+ home (bool, optional): Also move the cursor to 'home' position. Defaults to True.
+ """
+ self.control("\033[2J\033[H" if home else "\033[2J")
+ def status(
+ self,
+ status: RenderableType,
+ *,
+ spinner: str = "dots",
+ spinner_style: str = "status.spinner",
+ speed: float = 1.0,
+ refresh_per_second: float = 12.5,
+ ) -> "Status":
+ """Display a status and spinner.
+ Args:
+ status (RenderableType): A status renderable (str or Text typically).
+ console (Console, optional): Console instance to use, or None for global console. Defaults to None.
+ spinner (str, optional): Name of spinner animation (see python -m rich.spinner). Defaults to "dots".
+ spinner_style (StyleType, optional): Style of spinner. Defaults to "status.spinner".
+ speed (float, optional): Speed factor for spinner animation. Defaults to 1.0.
+ refresh_per_second (float, optional): Number of refreshes per second. Defaults to 12.5.
+ Returns:
+ Status: A Status object that may be used as a context manager.
+ """
+ from .status import Status
+ status_renderable = Status(
+ status,
+ console=self,
+ spinner=spinner,
+ spinner_style=spinner_style,
+ speed=speed,
+ refresh_per_second=refresh_per_second,
+ )
+ return status_renderable
+ def show_cursor(self, show: bool = True) -> bool:
+ """Show or hide the cursor.
+ Args:
+ show (bool, optional): Set visibility of the cursor.
+ """
+ if self.is_terminal and not self.legacy_windows:
+ self.control("\033[?25h" if show else "\033[?25l")
+ return True
+ return False
+ def set_alt_screen(self, enable: bool = True) -> bool:
+ """Enables alternative screen mode.
+ Note, if you enable this mode, you should ensure that is disabled before
+ the application exits. See :meth:`~rich.Console.screen` for a context manager
+ that handles this for you.
+ Args:
+ enable (bool, optional): Enable (True) or disable (False) alternate screen. Defaults to True.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the control codes were written.
+ """
+ changed = False
+ if self.is_terminal and not self.legacy_windows:
+ self.control("\033[?1049h\033[H" if enable else "\033[?1049l")
+ changed = True
+ return changed
+ def screen(
+ self, hide_cursor: bool = True, style: StyleType = None
+ ) -> "ScreenContext":
+ """Context manager to enable and disable 'alternative screen' mode.
+ Args:
+ hide_cursor (bool, optional): Also hide the cursor. Defaults to False.
+ style (Style, optional): Optional style for screen. Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ ~ScreenContext: Context which enables alternate screen on enter, and disables it on exit.
+ """
+ return ScreenContext(self, hide_cursor=hide_cursor, style=style or "")
+ def render(
+ self, renderable: RenderableType, options: ConsoleOptions = None
+ ) -> Iterable[Segment]:
+ """Render an object in to an iterable of `Segment` instances.
+ This method contains the logic for rendering objects with the console protocol.
+ You are unlikely to need to use it directly, unless you are extending the library.
+ Args:
+ renderable (RenderableType): An object supporting the console protocol, or
+ an object that may be converted to a string.
+ options (ConsoleOptions, optional): An options object, or None to use self.options. Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ Iterable[Segment]: An iterable of segments that may be rendered.
+ """
+ _options = options or self.options
+ if _options.max_width < 1:
+ # No space to render anything. This prevents potential recursion errors.
+ return
+ render_iterable: RenderResult
+ if isinstance(renderable, RichCast):
+ renderable = renderable.__rich__()
+ if isinstance(renderable, ConsoleRenderable):
+ render_iterable = renderable.__rich_console__(self, _options)
+ elif isinstance(renderable, str):
+ yield from self.render(
+ self.render_str(renderable, highlight=_options.highlight), _options
+ )
+ return
+ else:
+ raise errors.NotRenderableError(
+ f"Unable to render {renderable!r}; "
+ "A str, Segment or object with __rich_console__ method is required"
+ )
+ try:
+ iter_render = iter(render_iterable)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise errors.NotRenderableError(
+ f"object {render_iterable!r} is not renderable"
+ )
+ for render_output in iter_render:
+ if isinstance(render_output, Segment):
+ yield render_output
+ else:
+ yield from self.render(render_output, _options)
+ def render_lines(
+ self,
+ renderable: RenderableType,
+ options: Optional[ConsoleOptions] = None,
+ *,
+ style: Optional[Style] = None,
+ pad: bool = True,
+ ) -> List[List[Segment]]:
+ """Render objects in to a list of lines.
+ The output of render_lines is useful when further formatting of rendered console text
+ is required, such as the Panel class which draws a border around any renderable object.
+ Args:
+ renderable (RenderableType): Any object renderable in the console.
+ options (Optional[ConsoleOptions], optional): Console options, or None to use self.options. Default to ``None``.
+ style (Style, optional): Optional style to apply to renderables. Defaults to ``None``.
+ pad (bool, optional): Pad lines shorter than render width. Defaults to ``True``.
+ range (Optional[Tuple[int, int]], optional): Range of lines to render, or ``None`` for all line. Defaults to ``None``
+ Returns:
+ List[List[Segment]]: A list of lines, where a line is a list of Segment objects.
+ """
+ render_options = options or self.options
+ _rendered = self.render(renderable, render_options)
+ if style is not None:
+ _rendered = Segment.apply_style(_rendered, style)
+ lines = list(
+ Segment.split_and_crop_lines(
+ _rendered, render_options.max_width, include_new_lines=False, pad=pad
+ )
+ )
+ if render_options.height is not None:
+ lines = Segment.set_shape(
+ lines, render_options.max_width, render_options.height, style=style
+ )
+ return lines
+ def render_str(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ *,
+ style: Union[str, Style] = "",
+ justify: JustifyMethod = None,
+ overflow: OverflowMethod = None,
+ emoji: bool = None,
+ markup: bool = None,
+ highlight: bool = None,
+ highlighter: HighlighterType = None,
+ ) -> "Text":
+ """Convert a string to a Text instance. This is is called automatically if
+ you print or log a string.
+ Args:
+ text (str): Text to render.
+ style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style to apply to rendered text.
+ justify (str, optional): Justify method: "default", "left", "center", "full", or "right". Defaults to ``None``.
+ overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", or "ellipsis". Defaults to ``None``.
+ emoji (Optional[bool], optional): Enable emoji, or ``None`` to use Console default.
+ markup (Optional[bool], optional): Enable markup, or ``None`` to use Console default.
+ highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Enable highlighting, or ``None`` to use Console default.
+ highlighter (HighlighterType, optional): Optional highlighter to apply.
+ Returns:
+ ConsoleRenderable: Renderable object.
+ """
+ emoji_enabled = emoji or (emoji is None and self._emoji)
+ markup_enabled = markup or (markup is None and self._markup)
+ highlight_enabled = highlight or (highlight is None and self._highlight)
+ if markup_enabled:
+ rich_text = render_markup(text, style=style, emoji=emoji_enabled)
+ rich_text.justify = justify
+ rich_text.overflow = overflow
+ else:
+ rich_text = Text(
+ _emoji_replace(text) if emoji_enabled else text,
+ justify=justify,
+ overflow=overflow,
+ style=style,
+ )
+ _highlighter = (highlighter or self.highlighter) if highlight_enabled else None
+ if _highlighter is not None:
+ highlight_text = _highlighter(str(rich_text))
+ highlight_text.copy_styles(rich_text)
+ return highlight_text
+ return rich_text
+ def get_style(
+ self, name: Union[str, Style], *, default: Union[Style, str] = None
+ ) -> Style:
+ """Get a Style instance by it's theme name or parse a definition.
+ Args:
+ name (str): The name of a style or a style definition.
+ Returns:
+ Style: A Style object.
+ Raises:
+ MissingStyle: If no style could be parsed from name.
+ """
+ if isinstance(name, Style):
+ return name
+ try:
+ style = self._theme_stack.get(name)
+ if style is None:
+ style = Style.parse(name)
+ return style.copy() if else style
+ except errors.StyleSyntaxError as error:
+ if default is not None:
+ return self.get_style(default)
+ raise errors.MissingStyle(
+ f"Failed to get style {name!r}; {error}"
+ ) from None
+ def _collect_renderables(
+ self,
+ objects: Iterable[Any],
+ sep: str,
+ end: str,
+ *,
+ justify: JustifyMethod = None,
+ emoji: bool = None,
+ markup: bool = None,
+ highlight: bool = None,
+ ) -> List[ConsoleRenderable]:
+ """Combine a number of renderables and text into one renderable.
+ Args:
+ objects (Iterable[Any]): Anything that Rich can render.
+ sep (str): String to write between print data.
+ end (str): String to write at end of print data.
+ justify (str, optional): One of "left", "right", "center", or "full". Defaults to ``None``.
+ emoji (Optional[bool], optional): Enable emoji code, or ``None`` to use console default.
+ markup (Optional[bool], optional): Enable markup, or ``None`` to use console default.
+ highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Enable automatic highlighting, or ``None`` to use console default.
+ Returns:
+ List[ConsoleRenderable]: A list of things to render.
+ """
+ renderables: List[ConsoleRenderable] = []
+ _append = renderables.append
+ text: List[Text] = []
+ append_text = text.append
+ append = _append
+ if justify in ("left", "center", "right"):
+ def align_append(renderable: RenderableType) -> None:
+ _append(Align(renderable, cast(AlignMethod, justify)))
+ append = align_append
+ _highlighter: HighlighterType = _null_highlighter
+ if highlight or (highlight is None and self._highlight):
+ _highlighter = self.highlighter
+ def check_text() -> None:
+ if text:
+ sep_text = Text(sep, justify=justify, end=end)
+ append(sep_text.join(text))
+ del text[:]
+ for renderable in objects:
+ # I promise this is sane
+ # This detects an object which claims to have all attributes, such as MagicMock.mock_calls
+ if hasattr(
+ renderable, "jwevpw_eors4dfo6mwo345ermk7kdnfnwerwer"
+ ): # pragma: no cover
+ renderable = repr(renderable)
+ rich_cast = getattr(renderable, "__rich__", None)
+ if rich_cast:
+ renderable = rich_cast()
+ if isinstance(renderable, str):
+ append_text(
+ self.render_str(
+ renderable, emoji=emoji, markup=markup, highlighter=_highlighter
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(renderable, ConsoleRenderable):
+ check_text()
+ append(renderable)
+ elif isinstance(renderable, (abc.Mapping, abc.Sequence, abc.Set)):
+ check_text()
+ append(Pretty(renderable, highlighter=_highlighter))
+ else:
+ append_text(_highlighter(str(renderable)))
+ check_text()
+ if is not None:
+ style = self.get_style(
+ renderables = [Styled(renderable, style) for renderable in renderables]
+ return renderables
+ def rule(
+ self,
+ title: TextType = "",
+ *,
+ characters: str = "─",
+ style: Union[str, Style] = "rule.line",
+ align: AlignMethod = "center",
+ ) -> None:
+ """Draw a line with optional centered title.
+ Args:
+ title (str, optional): Text to render over the rule. Defaults to "".
+ characters (str, optional): Character(s) to form the line. Defaults to "─".
+ style (str, optional): Style of line. Defaults to "rule.line".
+ align (str, optional): How to align the title, one of "left", "center", or "right". Defaults to "center".
+ """
+ from .rule import Rule
+ rule = Rule(title=title, characters=characters, style=style, align=align)
+ self.print(rule)
+ def control(self, control_codes: Union["Control", str]) -> None:
+ """Insert non-printing control codes.
+ Args:
+ control_codes (str): Control codes, such as those that may move the cursor.
+ """
+ if not self.is_dumb_terminal:
+ self._buffer.append(Segment.control(str(control_codes)))
+ self._check_buffer()
+ def out(
+ self,
+ *objects: Any,
+ sep=" ",
+ end="\n",
+ style: Union[str, Style] = None,
+ highlight: bool = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Output to the terminal. This is a low-level way of writing to the terminal which unlike
+ :meth:`~rich.console.Console.print` won't pretty print, wrap text, or apply markup, but will
+ optionally apply highlighting and a basic style.
+ Args:
+ sep (str, optional): String to write between print data. Defaults to " ".
+ end (str, optional): String to write at end of print data. Defaults to "\\\\n".
+ style (Union[str, Style], optional): A style to apply to output. Defaults to None.
+ highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Enable automatic highlighting, or ``None`` to use
+ console default. Defaults to ``None``.
+ """
+ raw_output: str = sep.join(str(_object) for _object in objects)
+ self.print(
+ raw_output,
+ style=style,
+ highlight=highlight,
+ emoji=False,
+ markup=False,
+ no_wrap=True,
+ overflow="ignore",
+ crop=False,
+ end=end,
+ )
+ def print(
+ self,
+ *objects: Any,
+ sep=" ",
+ end="\n",
+ style: Union[str, Style] = None,
+ justify: JustifyMethod = None,
+ overflow: OverflowMethod = None,
+ no_wrap: bool = None,
+ emoji: bool = None,
+ markup: bool = None,
+ highlight: bool = None,
+ width: int = None,
+ height: int = None,
+ crop: bool = True,
+ soft_wrap: bool = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Print to the console.
+ Args:
+ objects (positional args): Objects to log to the terminal.
+ sep (str, optional): String to write between print data. Defaults to " ".
+ end (str, optional): String to write at end of print data. Defaults to "\\\\n".
+ style (Union[str, Style], optional): A style to apply to output. Defaults to None.
+ justify (str, optional): Justify method: "default", "left", "right", "center", or "full". Defaults to ``None``.
+ overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "ignore", "crop", "fold", or "ellipsis". Defaults to None.
+ no_wrap (Optional[bool], optional): Disable word wrapping. Defaults to None.
+ emoji (Optional[bool], optional): Enable emoji code, or ``None`` to use console default. Defaults to ``None``.
+ markup (Optional[bool], optional): Enable markup, or ``None`` to use console default. Defaults to ``None``.
+ highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Enable automatic highlighting, or ``None`` to use console default. Defaults to ``None``.
+ width (Optional[int], optional): Width of output, or ``None`` to auto-detect. Defaults to ``None``.
+ crop (Optional[bool], optional): Crop output to width of terminal. Defaults to True.
+ soft_wrap (bool, optional): Enable soft wrap mode which disables word wrapping and cropping of text or None for
+ Console default. Defaults to ``None``.
+ """
+ if not objects:
+ self.line()
+ return
+ if soft_wrap is None:
+ soft_wrap = self.soft_wrap
+ if soft_wrap:
+ if no_wrap is None:
+ no_wrap = True
+ if overflow is None:
+ overflow = "ignore"
+ crop = False
+ with self:
+ renderables = self._collect_renderables(
+ objects,
+ sep,
+ end,
+ justify=justify,
+ emoji=emoji,
+ markup=markup,
+ highlight=highlight,
+ )
+ for hook in self._render_hooks:
+ renderables = hook.process_renderables(renderables)
+ render_options = self.options.update(
+ justify="default",
+ overflow=overflow,
+ width=min(width, self.width) if width else NO_CHANGE,
+ height=height,
+ no_wrap=no_wrap,
+ )
+ new_segments: List[Segment] = []
+ extend = new_segments.extend
+ render = self.render
+ if style is None:
+ for renderable in renderables:
+ extend(render(renderable, render_options))
+ else:
+ for renderable in renderables:
+ extend(
+ Segment.apply_style(
+ render(renderable, render_options), self.get_style(style)
+ )
+ )
+ if crop:
+ buffer_extend = self._buffer.extend
+ for line in Segment.split_and_crop_lines(
+ new_segments, self.width, pad=False
+ ):
+ buffer_extend(line)
+ else:
+ self._buffer.extend(new_segments)
+ def print_exception(
+ self,
+ *,
+ width: Optional[int] = 100,
+ extra_lines: int = 3,
+ theme: Optional[str] = None,
+ word_wrap: bool = False,
+ show_locals: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Prints a rich render of the last exception and traceback.
+ Args:
+ width (Optional[int], optional): Number of characters used to render code. Defaults to 88.
+ extra_lines (int, optional): Additional lines of code to render. Defaults to 3.
+ theme (str, optional): Override pygments theme used in traceback
+ word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of long lines. Defaults to False.
+ show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False.
+ """
+ from .traceback import Traceback
+ traceback = Traceback(
+ width=width,
+ extra_lines=extra_lines,
+ theme=theme,
+ word_wrap=word_wrap,
+ show_locals=show_locals,
+ )
+ self.print(traceback)
+ def log(
+ self,
+ *objects: Any,
+ sep=" ",
+ end="\n",
+ style: Union[str, Style] = None,
+ justify: JustifyMethod = None,
+ emoji: bool = None,
+ markup: bool = None,
+ highlight: bool = None,
+ log_locals: bool = False,
+ _stack_offset=1,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Log rich content to the terminal.
+ Args:
+ objects (positional args): Objects to log to the terminal.
+ sep (str, optional): String to write between print data. Defaults to " ".
+ end (str, optional): String to write at end of print data. Defaults to "\\\\n".
+ style (Union[str, Style], optional): A style to apply to output. Defaults to None.
+ justify (str, optional): One of "left", "right", "center", or "full". Defaults to ``None``.
+ overflow (str, optional): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", or "ellipsis". Defaults to None.
+ emoji (Optional[bool], optional): Enable emoji code, or ``None`` to use console default. Defaults to None.
+ markup (Optional[bool], optional): Enable markup, or ``None`` to use console default. Defaults to None.
+ highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Enable automatic highlighting, or ``None`` to use console default. Defaults to None.
+ log_locals (bool, optional): Boolean to enable logging of locals where ``log()``
+ was called. Defaults to False.
+ _stack_offset (int, optional): Offset of caller from end of call stack. Defaults to 1.
+ """
+ if not objects:
+ self.line()
+ return
+ with self:
+ renderables = self._collect_renderables(
+ objects,
+ sep,
+ end,
+ justify=justify,
+ emoji=emoji,
+ markup=markup,
+ highlight=highlight,
+ )
+ if style is not None:
+ renderables = [Styled(renderable, style) for renderable in renderables]
+ caller = inspect.stack()[_stack_offset]
+ link_path = (
+ None
+ if caller.filename.startswith("<")
+ else os.path.abspath(caller.filename)
+ )
+ path = caller.filename.rpartition(os.sep)[-1]
+ line_no = caller.lineno
+ if log_locals:
+ locals_map = {
+ key: value
+ for key, value in caller.frame.f_locals.items()
+ if not key.startswith("__")
+ }
+ renderables.append(render_scope(locals_map, title="[i]locals"))
+ renderables = [
+ self._log_render(
+ self,
+ renderables,
+ log_time=self.get_datetime(),
+ path=path,
+ line_no=line_no,
+ link_path=link_path,
+ )
+ ]
+ for hook in self._render_hooks:
+ renderables = hook.process_renderables(renderables)
+ new_segments: List[Segment] = []
+ extend = new_segments.extend
+ render = self.render
+ render_options = self.options
+ for renderable in renderables:
+ extend(render(renderable, render_options))
+ buffer_extend = self._buffer.extend
+ for line in Segment.split_and_crop_lines(
+ new_segments, self.width, pad=False
+ ):
+ buffer_extend(line)
+ def _check_buffer(self) -> None:
+ """Check if the buffer may be rendered."""
+ if self.quiet:
+ del self._buffer[:]
+ return
+ with self._lock:
+ if self._buffer_index == 0:
+ if self.is_jupyter: # pragma: no cover
+ from .jupyter import display
+ display(self._buffer)
+ del self._buffer[:]
+ else:
+ text = self._render_buffer(self._buffer[:])
+ del self._buffer[:]
+ if text:
+ try:
+ if WINDOWS: # pragma: no cover
+ #
+ write = self.file.write
+ for line in text.splitlines(True):
+ write(line)
+ else:
+ self.file.write(text)
+ self.file.flush()
+ except UnicodeEncodeError as error:
+ error.reason = f"{error.reason}\n*** You may need to add PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 to your environment ***"
+ raise
+ def _render_buffer(self, buffer: Iterable[Segment]) -> str:
+ """Render buffered output, and clear buffer."""
+ output: List[str] = []
+ append = output.append
+ color_system = self._color_system
+ legacy_windows = self.legacy_windows
+ if self.record:
+ with self._record_buffer_lock:
+ self._record_buffer.extend(buffer)
+ not_terminal = not self.is_terminal
+ if self.no_color and color_system:
+ buffer = Segment.remove_color(buffer)
+ for text, style, is_control in buffer:
+ if style:
+ append(
+ style.render(
+ text,
+ color_system=color_system,
+ legacy_windows=legacy_windows,
+ )
+ )
+ elif not (not_terminal and is_control):
+ append(text)
+ rendered = "".join(output)
+ return rendered
+ def input(
+ self,
+ prompt: TextType = "",
+ *,
+ markup: bool = True,
+ emoji: bool = True,
+ password: bool = False,
+ stream: TextIO = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Displays a prompt and waits for input from the user. The prompt may contain color / style.
+ Args:
+ prompt (Union[str, Text]): Text to render in the prompt.
+ markup (bool, optional): Enable console markup (requires a str prompt). Defaults to True.
+ emoji (bool, optional): Enable emoji (requires a str prompt). Defaults to True.
+ password: (bool, optional): Hide typed text. Defaults to False.
+ stream: (TextIO, optional): Optional file to read input from (rather than stdin). Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ str: Text read from stdin.
+ """
+ prompt_str = ""
+ if prompt:
+ with self.capture() as capture:
+ self.print(prompt, markup=markup, emoji=emoji, end="")
+ prompt_str = capture.get()
+ if self.legacy_windows:
+ # Legacy windows doesn't like ANSI codes in getpass or input (colorama bug)?
+ self.file.write(prompt_str)
+ prompt_str = ""
+ if password:
+ result = getpass(prompt_str, stream=stream)
+ else:
+ if stream:
+ self.file.write(prompt_str)
+ result = stream.readline()
+ else:
+ result = input(prompt_str)
+ return result
+ def export_text(self, *, clear: bool = True, styles: bool = False) -> str:
+ """Generate text from console contents (requires record=True argument in constructor).
+ Args:
+ clear (bool, optional): Clear record buffer after exporting. Defaults to ``True``.
+ styles (bool, optional): If ``True``, ansi escape codes will be included. ``False`` for plain text.
+ Defaults to ``False``.
+ Returns:
+ str: String containing console contents.
+ """
+ assert (
+ self.record
+ ), "To export console contents set record=True in the constructor or instance"
+ with self._record_buffer_lock:
+ if styles:
+ text = "".join(
+ (style.render(text) if style else text)
+ for text, style, _ in self._record_buffer
+ )
+ else:
+ text = "".join(
+ segment.text
+ for segment in self._record_buffer
+ if not segment.is_control
+ )
+ if clear:
+ del self._record_buffer[:]
+ return text
+ def save_text(self, path: str, *, clear: bool = True, styles: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Generate text from console and save to a given location (requires record=True argument in constructor).
+ Args:
+ path (str): Path to write text files.
+ clear (bool, optional): Clear record buffer after exporting. Defaults to ``True``.
+ styles (bool, optional): If ``True``, ansi style codes will be included. ``False`` for plain text.
+ Defaults to ``False``.
+ """
+ text = self.export_text(clear=clear, styles=styles)
+ with open(path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as write_file:
+ write_file.write(text)
+ def export_html(
+ self,
+ *,
+ theme: TerminalTheme = None,
+ clear: bool = True,
+ code_format: str = None,
+ inline_styles: bool = False,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Generate HTML from console contents (requires record=True argument in constructor).
+ Args:
+ theme (TerminalTheme, optional): TerminalTheme object containing console colors.
+ clear (bool, optional): Clear record buffer after exporting. Defaults to ``True``.
+ code_format (str, optional): Format string to render HTML, should contain {foreground}
+ {background} and {code}.
+ inline_styles (bool, optional): If ``True`` styles will be inlined in to spans, which makes files
+ larger but easier to cut and paste markup. If ``False``, styles will be embedded in a style tag.
+ Defaults to False.
+ Returns:
+ str: String containing console contents as HTML.
+ """
+ assert (
+ self.record
+ ), "To export console contents set record=True in the constructor or instance"
+ fragments: List[str] = []
+ append = fragments.append
+ _theme = theme or DEFAULT_TERMINAL_THEME
+ stylesheet = ""
+ def escape(text: str) -> str:
+ """Escape html."""
+ return text.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+ render_code_format = CONSOLE_HTML_FORMAT if code_format is None else code_format
+ with self._record_buffer_lock:
+ if inline_styles:
+ for text, style, _ in Segment.filter_control(
+ Segment.simplify(self._record_buffer)
+ ):
+ text = escape(text)
+ if style:
+ rule = style.get_html_style(_theme)
+ text = f'<span style="{rule}">{text}</span>' if rule else text
+ if
+ text = f'<a href="{}">{text}</a>'
+ append(text)
+ else:
+ styles: Dict[str, int] = {}
+ for text, style, _ in Segment.filter_control(
+ Segment.simplify(self._record_buffer)
+ ):
+ text = escape(text)
+ if style:
+ rule = style.get_html_style(_theme)
+ if rule:
+ style_number = styles.setdefault(rule, len(styles) + 1)
+ text = f'<span class="r{style_number}">{text}</span>'
+ if
+ text = f'<a href="{}">{text}</a>'
+ append(text)
+ stylesheet_rules: List[str] = []
+ stylesheet_append = stylesheet_rules.append
+ for style_rule, style_number in styles.items():
+ if style_rule:
+ stylesheet_append(f".r{style_number} {{{style_rule}}}")
+ stylesheet = "\n".join(stylesheet_rules)
+ rendered_code = render_code_format.format(
+ code="".join(fragments),
+ stylesheet=stylesheet,
+ foreground=_theme.foreground_color.hex,
+ background=_theme.background_color.hex,
+ )
+ if clear:
+ del self._record_buffer[:]
+ return rendered_code
+ def save_html(
+ self,
+ path: str,
+ *,
+ theme: TerminalTheme = None,
+ clear: bool = True,
+ code_format=CONSOLE_HTML_FORMAT,
+ inline_styles: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Generate HTML from console contents and write to a file (requires record=True argument in constructor).
+ Args:
+ path (str): Path to write html file.
+ theme (TerminalTheme, optional): TerminalTheme object containing console colors.
+ clear (bool, optional): Clear record buffer after exporting. Defaults to ``True``.
+ code_format (str, optional): Format string to render HTML, should contain {foreground}
+ {background} and {code}.
+ inline_styles (bool, optional): If ``True`` styles will be inlined in to spans, which makes files
+ larger but easier to cut and paste markup. If ``False``, styles will be embedded in a style tag.
+ Defaults to False.
+ """
+ html = self.export_html(
+ theme=theme,
+ clear=clear,
+ code_format=code_format,
+ inline_styles=inline_styles,
+ )
+ with open(path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as write_file:
+ write_file.write(html)
+if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
+ console = Console()
+ console.log(
+ "JSONRPC [i]request[/i]",
+ 5,
+ 1.3,
+ True,
+ False,
+ None,
+ {
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "subtract",
+ "params": {"minuend": 42, "subtrahend": 23},
+ "id": 3,
+ },
+ )
+ console.log("Hello, World!", "{'a': 1}", repr(console))
+ console.print(
+ {
+ "name": None,
+ "empty": [],
+ "quiz": {
+ "sport": {
+ "answered": True,
+ "q1": {
+ "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?",
+ "options": [
+ "New York Bulls",
+ "Los Angeles Kings",
+ "Golden State Warriors",
+ "Huston Rocket",
+ ],
+ "answer": "Huston Rocket",
+ },
+ },
+ "maths": {
+ "answered": False,
+ "q1": {
+ "question": "5 + 7 = ?",
+ "options": [10, 11, 12, 13],
+ "answer": 12,
+ },
+ "q2": {
+ "question": "12 - 8 = ?",
+ "options": [1, 2, 3, 4],
+ "answer": 4,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ )
+ console.log("foo")