path: root/debian/perl-framework/t/modules/http2.t
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-07 02:04:07 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-07 02:04:07 +0000
commit1221c736f9a90756d47ea6d28320b6b83602dd2a (patch)
treeb453ba7b1393205258c9b098a773b4330984672f /debian/perl-framework/t/modules/http2.t
parentAdding upstream version 2.4.38. (diff)
Adding debian version 2.4.38-3+deb10u8.debian/2.4.38-3+deb10u8debian
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/perl-framework/t/modules/http2.t')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/perl-framework/t/modules/http2.t b/debian/perl-framework/t/modules/http2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d58f52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/perl-framework/t/modules/http2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use Net::SSLeay;
+use Apache::Test;
+use Apache::TestRequest;
+use Apache::TestUtil;
+use Apache::TestConfig ();
+my $tls_version_suite = 4;
+my $num_suite = 24;
+my $vhost_suite = 4;
+my $total_tests = 2 * $num_suite + $vhost_suite + $tls_version_suite;
+my $sni_available = Net::SSLeay::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER() >= 0x01000000;
+my $alpn_available = $sni_available && exists &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_alpn_protos;
+plan tests => $total_tests, need 'Protocol::HTTP2::Client',
+ need_module 'http2', need_min_apache_version('2.4.17');
+# Check support for TLSv1_2 and later
+my $tls_modern = 1;
+my $sock = Apache::TestRequest::vhost_socket('h2');
+ok ($sock && $sock->connected);
+my $req = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n".
+ "Host: " . Apache::TestRequest::hostport() . "\r\n".
+ "\r\n";
+ok $sock->print($req);
+my $line = Apache::TestRequest::getline($sock) || '';
+ok t_cmp($line, qr{^HTTP/1\.. 200}, "read first response-line");
+my $tls_version = $sock->get_sslversion();
+ok t_cmp($tls_version, qr{^(SSL|TLSv\d(_\d)?$)}, "TLS version in use");
+if ($tls_version =~ /^(SSL|TLSv1(|_0|_1)$)/) {
+ print STDOUT "Disabling TLS tests due to TLS version $tls_version\n";
+ $tls_modern = 0;
+my $config = Apache::Test::config();
+my $host = $config->{vhosts}->{h2c}->{servername};
+my $port = $config->{vhosts}->{h2c}->{port};
+my $shost = $config->{vhosts}->{h2}->{servername};
+my $sport = $config->{vhosts}->{h2}->{port};
+my $serverdir = $config->{vars}->{t_dir};
+my $htdocs = $serverdir . "/htdocs";
+require Protocol::HTTP2::Client;
+use AnyEvent;
+use AnyEvent::Socket;
+use AnyEvent::Handle;
+use Net::SSLeay;
+use AnyEvent::TLS;
+use Carp qw( croak );
+no warnings 'redefine';
+no strict 'refs';
+ my $old_ref = \&{ 'AnyEvent::TLS::new' };
+ *{ 'AnyEvent::TLS::new' } = sub {
+ my ( $class, %param ) = @_;
+ my $self = $old_ref->( $class, %param );
+ $self->{host_name} = $param{host_name}
+ if exists $param{host_name};
+ $self;
+ };
+ my $old_ref = \&{ 'AnyEvent::TLS::_get_session' };
+ *{ 'AnyEvent::TLS::_get_session' } = sub($$;$$) {
+ my ($self, $mode, $ref, $cn) = @_;
+ my $session = $old_ref->( @_ );
+ if ( $mode eq 'connect' ) {
+ if ( $self->{host_name} ) {
+ print 'setting host_name to ' . $self->{host_name};
+ Net::SSLeay::set_tlsext_host_name( $session, $self->{host_name} );
+ }
+ }
+ $session;
+ };
+sub connect_and_do {
+ my %args = (
+ @_
+ );
+ my $scheme = $args{ctx}->{scheme};
+ my $host = $args{ctx}->{host};
+ my $port = $args{ctx}->{port};
+ my $client = $args{ctx}->{client};
+ my $host_name = $args{ctx}->{host_name};
+ my $w = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ tcp_connect $host, $port, sub {
+ my ($fh) = @_ or do {
+ print "connection failed: $!\n";
+ $w->send;
+ return;
+ };
+ my $tls;
+ my $tls_ctx;
+ if ($scheme eq 'https') {
+ $tls = "connect";
+ eval {
+ # ALPN (Net-SSLeay > 1.55, openssl >= 1.0.1)
+ if ( $alpn_available ) {
+ $tls_ctx = AnyEvent::TLS->new( method => "TLSv1_2",
+ host_name => $host_name );
+ Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_alpn_protos( $tls_ctx->ctx, ['h2'] );
+ }
+ else {
+ $tls_ctx = AnyEvent::TLS->new( host_name => $host_name );
+ }
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "Some problem with SSL CTX: $@\n";
+ $w->send;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my $handle;
+ $handle = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+ fh => $fh,
+ tls => $tls,
+ tls_ctx => $tls_ctx,
+ autocork => 1,
+ on_error => sub {
+ $_[0]->destroy;
+ print "connection error\n";
+ $w->send;
+ },
+ on_eof => sub {
+ $handle->destroy;
+ $w->send;
+ }
+ );
+ # First write preface to peer
+ while ( my $frame = $client->next_frame ) {
+ $handle->push_write($frame);
+ }
+ $handle->on_read(sub {
+ my $handle = shift;
+ $client->feed( $handle->{rbuf} );
+ $handle->{rbuf} = undef;
+ while ( my $frame = $client->next_frame ) {
+ $handle->push_write($frame);
+ }
+ # Terminate connection if all done
+ $handle->push_shutdown if $client->shutdown;
+ });
+ };
+ $w->recv;
+# Add a request to the client, will be started whenever a STREAM to
+# the server is available.
+sub add_request {
+ my ($scheme, $client, $host, $port);
+ my %args = (
+ method => 'GET',
+ headers => [],
+ rc => 200,
+ on_done => sub {
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ my $resp = $args{response};
+ my $hr = $resp->{headers};
+ my %headers = @$hr;
+ ok t_cmp($headers{':status'}, $req->{rc},
+ "$req->{method} $ctx->{scheme}://$ctx->{host}:$ctx->{port}$req->{path}");
+ },
+ @_
+ );
+ $client = $args{ctx}->{client};
+ $scheme = $args{ctx}->{scheme};
+ $host = $args{ctx}->{host};
+ $port = $args{ctx}->{port};
+ $client->request(
+ ':scheme' => $scheme,
+ ':authority' => $args{authority} || $host . ':' . $port,
+ ':path' => $args{path},
+ ':method' => $args{method},
+ headers => $args{headers},
+ on_done => sub {
+ my ($headers, $data) = @_;
+ $args{on_done}(
+ ctx => $args{ctx},
+ request => \%args,
+ response => { headers => \@$headers, data => $data }
+ );
+ }
+ );
+# Add a list of request that will be processed in order. Only when the previous
+# request is done, will a new one be started.
+sub add_sequential {
+ my ($scheme, $client, $host, $port);
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $requests = $args{requests};
+ $client = $args{ctx}->{client};
+ $scheme = $args{ctx}->{scheme};
+ $host = $args{ctx}->{host};
+ $port = $args{ctx}->{port};
+ my $request = shift @$requests;
+ if ($request) {
+ my %r = (
+ method => 'GET',
+ headers => [],
+ rc => 200,
+ on_done => sub {
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ my $resp = $args{response};
+ my $hr = $resp->{headers};
+ my %headers = @$hr;
+ ok t_cmp($headers{':status'}, $req->{rc},
+ "$req->{method} $ctx->{scheme}://$ctx->{host}:$ctx->{port}$req->{path}");
+ },
+ %$request
+ );
+ print "test case: $r{descr}: $r{method} $ctx->{scheme}://$ctx->{host}:$ctx->{port}$r{path}\n";
+ $client->request(
+ ':scheme' => $scheme,
+ ':authority' => $r{authority} || $host . ':' . $port,
+ ':path' => $r{path},
+ ':method' => $r{method},
+ headers => $r{headers},
+ on_done => sub {
+ my ($headers, $data) = @_;
+ $r{on_done}(
+ ctx => ${ctx},
+ request => \%r,
+ response => { headers => \@$headers, data => $data }
+ );
+ add_sequential(
+ ctx => $ctx,
+ requests => $requests
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ }
+sub cmp_content_length {
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ my $resp = $args{response};
+ my $hr = $resp->{headers};
+ my %headers = @$hr;
+ ok t_cmp($headers{':status'}, $req->{rc}, "response status");
+ ok t_cmp(length $resp->{data}, $req->{content_length}, "content-length");
+sub cmp_content {
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ my $resp = $args{response};
+ my $hr = $resp->{headers};
+ my %headers = @$hr;
+ ok t_cmp($headers{':status'}, $req->{rc}, "response status");
+ ok t_cmp($resp->{data}, $req->{content}, "content comparision");
+sub cmp_file_response {
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ my $resp = $args{response};
+ my $hr = $resp->{headers};
+ my %headers = @$hr;
+ ok t_cmp($headers{':status'}, $req->{rc}, "response status");
+ open(FILE, "<$htdocs$req->{path}") or die "cannot open $req->{path}";
+ undef $/;
+ my $content = <FILE>;
+ close(FILE);
+ ok t_is_equal($resp->{data}, $content);
+sub check_redir {
+ my %args = ( @_ );
+ my $ctx = $args{ctx};
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ my $resp = $args{response};
+ my $hr = $resp->{headers};
+ my %headers = @$hr;
+ ok t_cmp($headers{':status'}, 302, "response status");
+ ok t_cmp(
+ $headers{location},
+ "$ctx->{scheme}://$ctx->{host}:$ctx->{port}$req->{redir_path}",
+ "location header"
+ );
+# Perform common tests to h2c + h2 hosts
+sub do_common {
+ my %args = (
+ scheme => 'http',
+ host => 'localhost',
+ port => 80,
+ @_
+ );
+ my $true_tls = ($args{scheme} eq 'https' and $sni_available);
+ $args{client} = Protocol::HTTP2::Client->new( upgrade => 0 );
+ my $r = [
+ {
+ descr => 'TC0001, expecting 200',
+ path => '/'
+ },
+ {
+ descr => 'TC0002, expecting 404',
+ rc => 404,
+ path => '/not_here'
+ },
+ {
+ descr => 'TC0005, cmp index.html file',
+ path => '/modules/h2/index.html',
+ on_done => \&cmp_file_response
+ },
+ {
+ descr => 'TC0006, cmp image file',
+ path => '/modules/h2/003/003_img.jpg',
+ on_done => \&cmp_file_response
+ },
+ ];
+ if (have_module 'mod_rewrite') {
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0007, rewrite handling',
+ path => '/modules/h2/latest.tar.gz',
+ redir_path => "/modules/h2/xxx-1.0.2a.tar.gz",
+ on_done => \&check_redir
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ skip "skipping test as mod_rewrite not available" foreach(1..2);
+ }
+ if (have_cgi) {
+ # my $sni_host = $true_tls? 'localhost' : '';
+ my $content = <<EOF;
+<h2>Hello World!</h2>
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0008, with ssl vars',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content => $content,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content,
+ };
+ $content = <<EOF;
+<p>No query was specified.</p>
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0009, without arguments',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content => $content,
+ rc => 400,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content,
+ };
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0010, 2x10',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content => "01234567890123456789",
+ on_done => \&cmp_content,
+ };
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0011, 10x10',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content_length => 100,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content_length,
+ };
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0012, 100x10',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content_length => 1000,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content_length,
+ };
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0013, 1000x10',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content_length => 10000,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content_length,
+ };
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0014, 10000x10',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content_length => 100000,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content_length,
+ };
+ push @$r, {
+ descr => 'TC0015, 100000x10',
+ path => '/modules/h2/',
+ content_length => 1000000,
+ on_done => \&cmp_content_length,
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ skip "skipping test as mod_cgi not available" foreach(1..1);
+ }
+ add_sequential(
+ ctx => \%args,
+ requests => $r
+ );
+ connect_and_do( ctx => \%args );
+# Perform tests for virtual host setups, requires a client with SNI+ALPN
+sub do_vhosts {
+ my %args = (
+ scheme => 'http',
+ host => 'localhost',
+ port => 80,
+ @_
+ );
+ $args{client} = Protocol::HTTP2::Client->new( upgrade => 0 );
+ my $r = [
+ {
+ descr => 'VHOST000, expecting 200',
+ path => '/'
+ },
+ {
+ descr => 'VHOST001, expect 404 or 421 (using Host:)',
+ rc => 404,
+ path => '/misdirected',
+ header => [ 'host' => '' . $args{port} ]
+ },
+ {
+ descr => 'VHOST002, expect 421 (using :authority)',
+ rc => 421,
+ path => '/misdirected',
+ authority => '' . $args{port}
+ },
+ {
+ descr => 'VHOST003, expect 421 ',
+ rc => (have_min_apache_version('2.4.18')? 404 : 421),
+ path => '/misdirected',
+ authority => '' . $args{port}
+ },
+ ];
+ add_sequential(
+ ctx => \%args,
+ requests => $r
+ );
+ connect_and_do( ctx => \%args );
+# Bring it on
+do_common( 'scheme' => 'http', 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port );
+if ($tls_modern) {
+ do_common( 'scheme' => 'https', 'host' => $shost, 'port' => $sport );
+} else {
+ skip "skipping test as TLS version '$tls_version' is not supported" foreach(1..$num_suite);
+if ($sni_available) {
+ if ($tls_modern) {
+ do_vhosts( 'scheme' => 'https', 'host' => $shost, 'port' => $sport, host_name => "$shost:${sport}" );
+ } else {
+ skip "skipping test as TLS version '$tls_version' is not supported" foreach(1..$vhost_suite);
+ }
+} else {
+ skip "skipping test as SNI not available" foreach(1..$vhost_suite);