path: root/bin/dig/dig.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/dig/dig.c')
1 files changed, 2293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/dig/dig.c b/bin/dig/dig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39f74be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dig/dig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2293 @@
+ * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
+ * information regarding copyright ownership.
+ */
+/*! \file */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <isc/app.h>
+#include <isc/netaddr.h>
+#include <isc/parseint.h>
+#include <isc/platform.h>
+#include <isc/print.h>
+#include <isc/string.h>
+#include <isc/task.h>
+#include <isc/util.h>
+#include <pk11/site.h>
+#include <dns/byaddr.h>
+#include <dns/fixedname.h>
+#include <dns/masterdump.h>
+#include <dns/message.h>
+#include <dns/name.h>
+#include <dns/rcode.h>
+#include <dns/rdata.h>
+#include <dns/rdataset.h>
+#include <dns/rdatatype.h>
+#include <dns/rdataclass.h>
+#include <dns/result.h>
+#include <dns/tsig.h>
+#include <dig/dig.h>
+#define ADD_STRING(b, s) { \
+ if (strlen(s) >= isc_buffer_availablelength(b)) \
+ return (ISC_R_NOSPACE); \
+ else \
+ isc_buffer_putstr(b, s); \
+dig_lookup_t *default_lookup = NULL;
+static char *batchname = NULL;
+static FILE *batchfp = NULL;
+static char *argv0;
+static int addresscount = 0;
+static char domainopt[DNS_NAME_MAXTEXT];
+static char hexcookie[81];
+static bool short_form = false, printcmd = true,
+ ip6_int = false, plusquest = false, pluscomm = false,
+ multiline = false, nottl = false, noclass = false,
+ onesoa = false, use_usec = false,
+ nocrypto = false, ttlunits = false,
+ ipv4only = false, ipv6only = false;
+static uint32_t splitwidth = 0xffffffff;
+/*% rrcomments are neither explicitly enabled nor disabled by default */
+static int rrcomments = 0;
+/*% opcode text */
+static const char * const opcodetext[] = {
+ "QUERY",
+static const char *
+rcode_totext(dns_rcode_t rcode) {
+ static char buf[64];
+ isc_buffer_t b;
+ isc_result_t result;
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ isc_buffer_init(&b, buf + 1, sizeof(buf) - 2);
+ result = dns_rcode_totext(rcode, &b);
+ if (strspn(buf + 1, "0123456789") == strlen(buf + 1)) {
+ buf[0] = '?';
+ return(buf);
+ }
+ return (buf + 1);
+/*% print usage */
+static void
+print_usage(FILE *fp) {
+ fputs(
+"Usage: dig [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] [q-class] {q-opt}\n"
+" {global-d-opt} host [@local-server] {local-d-opt}\n"
+" [ host [@local-server] {local-d-opt} [...]]\n", fp);
+static void
+usage(void) {
+ print_usage(stderr);
+ fputs("\nUse \"dig -h\" (or \"dig -h | more\") "
+ "for complete list of options\n", stderr);
+ exit(1);
+/*% version */
+static void
+version(void) {
+ fputs("DiG " VERSION "\n", stderr);
+/*% help */
+static void
+help(void) {
+ print_usage(stdout);
+ fputs(
+"Where: domain is in the Domain Name System\n"
+" q-class is one of (in,hs,ch,...) [default: in]\n"
+" q-type is one of (a,any,mx,ns,soa,hinfo,axfr,txt,...) [default:a]\n"
+" (Use ixfr=version for type ixfr)\n"
+" q-opt is one of:\n"
+" -4 (use IPv4 query transport only)\n"
+" -6 (use IPv6 query transport only)\n"
+" -b address[#port] (bind to source address/port)\n"
+" -c class (specify query class)\n"
+" -f filename (batch mode)\n"
+" -i (use IP6.INT for IPv6 reverse lookups)\n"
+" -k keyfile (specify tsig key file)\n"
+" -m (enable memory usage debugging)\n"
+" -p port (specify port number)\n"
+" -q name (specify query name)\n"
+" -t type (specify query type)\n"
+" -u (display times in usec instead of msec)\n"
+" -x dot-notation (shortcut for reverse lookups)\n"
+" -y [hmac:]name:key (specify named base64 tsig key)\n"
+" d-opt is of the form +keyword[=value], where keyword is:\n"
+" +[no]aaflag (Set AA flag in query (+[no]aaflag))\n"
+" +[no]aaonly (Set AA flag in query (+[no]aaflag))\n"
+" +[no]additional (Control display of additional section)\n"
+" +[no]adflag (Set AD flag in query (default on))\n"
+" +[no]all (Set or clear all display flags)\n"
+" +[no]answer (Control display of answer section)\n"
+" +[no]authority (Control display of authority section)\n"
+" +[no]badcookie (Retry BADCOOKIE responses)\n"
+" +[no]besteffort (Try to parse even illegal messages)\n"
+" +bufsize=### (Set EDNS0 Max UDP packet size)\n"
+" +[no]cdflag (Set checking disabled flag in query)\n"
+" +[no]class (Control display of class in records)\n"
+" +[no]cmd (Control display of command line)\n"
+" +[no]comments (Control display of comment lines)\n"
+" +[no]cookie (Add a COOKIE option to the request)\n"
+" +[no]crypto (Control display of cryptographic "
+ "fields in records)\n"
+" +[no]defname (Use search list (+[no]search))\n"
+" +[no]dnssec (Request DNSSEC records)\n"
+" +domain=### (Set default domainname)\n"
+" +[no]dscp[=###] (Set the DSCP value to ### [0..63])\n"
+" +[no]edns[=###] (Set EDNS version) [0]\n"
+" +ednsflags=### (Set EDNS flag bits)\n"
+" +[no]ednsnegotiation (Set EDNS version negotiation)\n"
+" +ednsopt=###[:value] (Send specified EDNS option)\n"
+" +noednsopt (Clear list of +ednsopt options)\n"
+" +[no]expire (Request time to expire)\n"
+" +[no]fail (Don't try next server on SERVFAIL)\n"
+" +[no]header-only (Send query without a question section)\n"
+" +[no]identify (ID responders in short answers)\n"
+" +[no]idnin (Parse IDN names)\n"
+" +[no]idnout (Convert IDN response)\n"
+" +[no]ignore (Don't revert to TCP for TC responses.)\n"
+" +[no]keepopen (Keep the TCP socket open between queries)\n"
+" +[no]mapped (Allow mapped IPv4 over IPv6)\n"
+" +[no]multiline (Print records in an expanded format)\n"
+" +ndots=### (Set search NDOTS value)\n"
+" +[no]nsid (Request Name Server ID)\n"
+" +[no]nssearch (Search all authoritative nameservers)\n"
+" +[no]onesoa (AXFR prints only one soa record)\n"
+" +[no]opcode=### (Set the opcode of the request)\n"
+" +[no]qr (Print question before sending)\n"
+" +[no]question (Control display of question section)\n"
+" +[no]rdflag (Recursive mode (+[no]recurse))\n"
+" +[no]recurse (Recursive mode (+[no]rdflag))\n"
+" +retry=### (Set number of UDP retries) [2]\n"
+" +[no]rrcomments (Control display of per-record "
+ "comments)\n"
+" +[no]search (Set whether to use searchlist)\n"
+" +[no]short (Display nothing except short\n"
+" form of answer)\n"
+" +[no]showsearch (Search with intermediate results)\n"
+" +[no]sigchase (Chase DNSSEC signatures)\n"
+" +[no]split=## (Split hex/base64 fields into chunks)\n"
+" +[no]stats (Control display of statistics)\n"
+" +subnet=addr (Set edns-client-subnet option)\n"
+" +[no]tcp (TCP mode (+[no]vc))\n"
+" +timeout=### (Set query timeout) [5]\n"
+" +[no]topdown (Do +sigchase in top-down mode)\n"
+" +[no]trace (Trace delegation down from root [+dnssec])\n"
+" +trusted-key=#### (Trusted Key to use with +sigchase)\n"
+" +tries=### (Set number of UDP attempts) [3]\n"
+" +[no]ttlid (Control display of ttls in records)\n"
+" +[no]ttlunits (Display TTLs in human-readable units)\n"
+" +[no]unknownformat (Print RDATA in RFC 3597 \"unknown\" format)\n"
+" +[no]vc (TCP mode (+[no]tcp))\n"
+" +[no]zflag (Set Z flag in query)\n"
+" global d-opts and servers (before host name) affect all queries.\n"
+" local d-opts and servers (after host name) affect only that lookup.\n"
+" -h (print help and exit)\n"
+" -v (print version and exit)\n",
+ stdout);
+ * Callback from dighost.c to print the received message.
+ */
+static void
+received(unsigned int bytes, isc_sockaddr_t *from, dig_query_t *query) {
+ uint64_t diff;
+ time_t tnow;
+ struct tm tmnow;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ wchar_t time_str[100];
+ char time_str[100];
+ isc_sockaddr_format(from, fromtext, sizeof(fromtext));
+ if (query->lookup->stats && !short_form) {
+ diff = isc_time_microdiff(&query->time_recv, &query->time_sent);
+ if (use_usec)
+ printf(";; Query time: %ld usec\n", (long) diff);
+ else
+ printf(";; Query time: %ld msec\n", (long) diff / 1000);
+ printf(";; SERVER: %s(%s)\n", fromtext, query->servname);
+ time(&tnow);
+#if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS) && !defined(WIN32)
+ (void)localtime_r(&tnow, &tmnow);
+ tmnow = *localtime(&tnow);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ /*
+ * On Windows, time zone name ("%Z") may be a localized
+ * wide-character string, which strftime() handles incorrectly.
+ */
+ if (wcsftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str)/sizeof(time_str[0]),
+ L"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", &tmnow) > 0U)
+ printf(";; WHEN: %ls\n", time_str);
+ if (strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str),
+ "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", &tmnow) > 0U)
+ printf(";; WHEN: %s\n", time_str);
+ if (query->lookup->doing_xfr) {
+ printf(";; XFR size: %u records (messages %u, "
+ "bytes %" PRIu64 ")\n",
+ query->rr_count, query->msg_count,
+ query->byte_count);
+ } else {
+ printf(";; MSG SIZE rcvd: %u\n", bytes);
+ }
+ if (tsigkey != NULL) {
+ if (!validated)
+ puts(";; WARNING -- Some TSIG could not "
+ "be validated");
+ }
+ if ((tsigkey == NULL) && (keysecret[0] != 0)) {
+ puts(";; WARNING -- TSIG key was not used.");
+ }
+ puts("");
+ } else if (query->lookup->identify && !short_form) {
+ diff = isc_time_microdiff(&query->time_recv, &query->time_sent);
+ if (use_usec)
+ printf(";; Received %" PRIu64 " bytes "
+ "from %s(%s) in %ld us\n\n",
+ query->lookup->doing_xfr
+ ? query->byte_count
+ : (uint64_t)bytes,
+ fromtext, query->userarg, (long) diff);
+ else
+ printf(";; Received %" PRIu64 " bytes "
+ "from %s(%s) in %ld ms\n\n",
+ query->lookup->doing_xfr
+ ? query->byte_count
+ : (uint64_t)bytes,
+ fromtext, query->userarg, (long) diff / 1000);
+ }
+ * Callback from dighost.c to print that it is trying a server.
+ * Not used in dig.
+ * XXX print_trying
+ */
+static void
+trying(char *frm, dig_lookup_t *lookup) {
+ UNUSED(frm);
+ UNUSED(lookup);
+ * Internal print routine used to print short form replies.
+ */
+static isc_result_t
+say_message(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dig_query_t *query, isc_buffer_t *buf) {
+ isc_result_t result;
+ uint64_t diff;
+ char store[sizeof(" in 18446744073709551616 us.")];
+ unsigned int styleflags = 0;
+ if (query->lookup->trace || query->lookup->ns_search_only) {
+ result = dns_rdatatype_totext(rdata->type, buf);
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
+ ADD_STRING(buf, " ");
+ }
+ /* Turn on rrcomments if explicitly enabled */
+ if (rrcomments > 0)
+ if (nocrypto)
+ if (query->lookup->print_unknown_format)
+ result = dns_rdata_tofmttext(rdata, NULL, styleflags, 0,
+ splitwidth, " ", buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ return (result);
+ check_result(result, "dns_rdata_totext");
+ if (query->lookup->identify) {
+ diff = isc_time_microdiff(&query->time_recv, &query->time_sent);
+ ADD_STRING(buf, " from server ");
+ ADD_STRING(buf, query->servname);
+ if (use_usec)
+ snprintf(store, sizeof(store), " in %" PRIu64 " us.", diff);
+ else
+ snprintf(store, sizeof(store), " in %" PRIu64 " ms.", diff / 1000);
+ ADD_STRING(buf, store);
+ }
+ ADD_STRING(buf, "\n");
+ return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ * short_form message print handler. Calls above say_message()
+ */
+static isc_result_t
+short_answer(dns_message_t *msg, dns_messagetextflag_t flags,
+ isc_buffer_t *buf, dig_query_t *query)
+ dns_name_t *name;
+ dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
+ isc_result_t result, loopresult;
+ dns_name_t empty_name;
+ dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
+ UNUSED(flags);
+ dns_name_init(&empty_name, NULL);
+ result = dns_message_firstname(msg, DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOMORE)
+ return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
+ for (;;) {
+ name = NULL;
+ dns_message_currentname(msg, DNS_SECTION_ANSWER, &name);
+ for (rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(name->list);
+ rdataset != NULL;
+ rdataset = ISC_LIST_NEXT(rdataset, link)) {
+ loopresult = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
+ while (loopresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
+ result = say_message(&rdata, query,
+ buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ return (result);
+ check_result(result, "say_message");
+ loopresult = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset);
+ dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
+ }
+ }
+ result = dns_message_nextname(msg, DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOMORE)
+ break;
+ else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
+ }
+ return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+static isc_result_t
+printrdataset(dns_name_t *owner_name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
+ isc_buffer_t *target)
+ isc_result_t result;
+ dns_master_style_t *style = NULL;
+ unsigned int styleflags = 0;
+ if (rdataset == NULL || owner_name == NULL || target == NULL)
+ return(false);
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_OWNER;
+ if (ttlunits)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL_UNITS;
+ if (nottl)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_NO_TTL;
+ if (noclass)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_NO_CLASS;
+ if (nocrypto)
+ /* Turn on rrcomments if explicitly enabled */
+ if (rrcomments > 0)
+ if (multiline) {
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_DATA;
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_OMIT_TTL;
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL;
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENT;
+ /* Turn on rrcomments if not explicitly disabled */
+ if (rrcomments >= 0)
+ }
+ if (multiline || (nottl && noclass))
+ result = dns_master_stylecreate2(&style, styleflags,
+ 24, 24, 24, 32, 80, 8,
+ splitwidth, mctx);
+ else if (nottl || noclass)
+ result = dns_master_stylecreate2(&style, styleflags,
+ 24, 24, 32, 40, 80, 8,
+ splitwidth, mctx);
+ else
+ result = dns_master_stylecreate2(&style, styleflags,
+ 24, 32, 40, 48, 80, 8,
+ splitwidth, mctx);
+ check_result(result, "dns_master_stylecreate");
+ result = dns_master_rdatasettotext(owner_name, rdataset, style, target);
+ if (style != NULL)
+ dns_master_styledestroy(&style, mctx);
+ return(result);
+static bool
+isdotlocal(dns_message_t *msg) {
+ isc_result_t result;
+ static unsigned char local_ndata[] = { "\005local\0" };
+ static unsigned char local_offsets[] = { 0, 6 };
+ static dns_name_t local =
+ DNS_NAME_INITABSOLUTE(local_ndata, local_offsets);
+ for (result = dns_message_firstname(msg, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION);
+ result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
+ result = dns_message_nextname(msg, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION))
+ {
+ dns_name_t *name = NULL;
+ dns_message_currentname(msg, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION, &name);
+ if (dns_name_issubdomain(name, &local))
+ return (true);
+ }
+ return (false);
+ * Callback from dighost.c to print the reply from a server
+ */
+static isc_result_t
+printmessage(dig_query_t *query, dns_message_t *msg, bool headers) {
+ isc_result_t result;
+ dns_messagetextflag_t flags;
+ isc_buffer_t *buf = NULL;
+ unsigned int len = OUTPUTBUF;
+ dns_master_style_t *style = NULL;
+ unsigned int styleflags = 0;
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_OWNER;
+ if (query->lookup->comments)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENT;
+ if (query->lookup->print_unknown_format)
+ /* Turn on rrcomments if explicitly enabled */
+ if (rrcomments > 0)
+ if (ttlunits)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL_UNITS;
+ if (nottl)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_NO_TTL;
+ if (noclass)
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_NO_CLASS;
+ if (nocrypto)
+ if (multiline) {
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_DATA;
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_OMIT_TTL;
+ styleflags |= DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL;
+ /* Turn on rrcomments unless explicitly disabled */
+ if (rrcomments >= 0)
+ }
+ if (multiline || (nottl && noclass))
+ result = dns_master_stylecreate2(&style, styleflags,
+ 24, 24, 24, 32, 80, 8,
+ splitwidth, mctx);
+ else if (nottl || noclass)
+ result = dns_master_stylecreate2(&style, styleflags,
+ 24, 24, 32, 40, 80, 8,
+ splitwidth, mctx);
+ else
+ result = dns_master_stylecreate2(&style, styleflags,
+ 24, 32, 40, 48, 80, 8,
+ splitwidth, mctx);
+ check_result(result, "dns_master_stylecreate");
+ if (query->lookup->cmdline[0] != 0) {
+ if (!short_form)
+ fputs(query->lookup->cmdline, stdout);
+ query->lookup->cmdline[0]=0;
+ }
+ debug("printmessage(%s %s %s)", headers ? "headers" : "noheaders",
+ query->lookup->comments ? "comments" : "nocomments",
+ short_form ? "short_form" : "long_form");
+ flags = 0;
+ if (!headers) {
+ }
+ if (onesoa && query->lookup->rdtype == dns_rdatatype_axfr)
+ flags |= (query->msg_count == 0) ? DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_ONESOA :
+ if (!query->lookup->comments)
+ result = isc_buffer_allocate(mctx, &buf, len);
+ check_result(result, "isc_buffer_allocate");
+ if (query->lookup->comments && !short_form) {
+ if (query->lookup->cmdline[0] != 0)
+ printf("; %s\n", query->lookup->cmdline);
+ if (msg == query->lookup->sendmsg)
+ printf(";; Sending:\n");
+ else
+ printf(";; Got answer:\n");
+ if (headers) {
+ if (isdotlocal(msg)) {
+ printf(";; WARNING: .local is reserved for "
+ "Multicast DNS\n;; You are currently "
+ "testing what happens when an mDNS "
+ "query is leaked to DNS\n");
+ }
+ printf(";; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, "
+ "id: %u\n",
+ opcodetext[msg->opcode],
+ rcode_totext(msg->rcode),
+ msg->id);
+ printf(";; flags:");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_QR) != 0)
+ printf(" qr");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AA) != 0)
+ printf(" aa");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_TC) != 0)
+ printf(" tc");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RD) != 0)
+ printf(" rd");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RA) != 0)
+ printf(" ra");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AD) != 0)
+ printf(" ad");
+ if ((msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD) != 0)
+ printf(" cd");
+ if ((msg->flags & 0x0040U) != 0)
+ printf("; MBZ: 0x4");
+ printf("; QUERY: %u, ANSWER: %u, "
+ msg->counts[DNS_SECTION_QUESTION],
+ msg->counts[DNS_SECTION_ANSWER],
+ if (msg != query->lookup->sendmsg &&
+ (msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RD) != 0 &&
+ (msg->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RA) == 0)
+ printf(";; WARNING: recursion requested "
+ "but not available\n");
+ }
+ if (msg != query->lookup->sendmsg &&
+ query->lookup->edns != -1 && msg->opt == NULL &&
+ (msg->rcode == dns_rcode_formerr ||
+ msg->rcode == dns_rcode_notimp))
+ printf("\n;; WARNING: EDNS query returned status "
+ "%s - retry with '%s+noedns'\n",
+ rcode_totext(msg->rcode),
+ query->lookup->dnssec ? "+nodnssec ": "");
+ if (msg != query->lookup->sendmsg && extrabytes != 0U)
+ printf(";; WARNING: Message has %u extra byte%s at "
+ "end\n", extrabytes, extrabytes != 0 ? "s" : "");
+ }
+ if (query->lookup->comments && headers && !short_form) {
+ result = dns_message_pseudosectiontotext(msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE) {
+ len += OUTPUTBUF;
+ isc_buffer_free(&buf);
+ result = isc_buffer_allocate(mctx, &buf, len);
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ goto repopulate_buffer;
+ else
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ check_result(result,
+ "dns_message_pseudosectiontotext");
+ }
+ if (query->lookup->section_question && headers) {
+ if (!short_form) {
+ result = dns_message_sectiontotext(msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result, "dns_message_sectiontotext");
+ }
+ }
+ if (query->lookup->section_answer) {
+ if (!short_form) {
+ result = dns_message_sectiontotext(msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result, "dns_message_sectiontotext");
+ } else {
+ result = short_answer(msg, flags, buf, query);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result, "short_answer");
+ }
+ }
+ if (query->lookup->section_authority) {
+ if (!short_form) {
+ result = dns_message_sectiontotext(msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result, "dns_message_sectiontotext");
+ }
+ }
+ if (query->lookup->section_additional) {
+ if (!short_form) {
+ result = dns_message_sectiontotext(msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result, "dns_message_sectiontotext");
+ /*
+ * Only print the signature on the first record.
+ */
+ if (headers) {
+ result = dns_message_pseudosectiontotext(
+ msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result,
+ "dns_message_pseudosectiontotext");
+ result = dns_message_pseudosectiontotext(
+ msg,
+ style, flags, buf);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)
+ goto buftoosmall;
+ check_result(result,
+ "dns_message_pseudosectiontotext");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (headers && query->lookup->comments && !short_form)
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%.*s", (int)isc_buffer_usedlength(buf),
+ (char *)isc_buffer_base(buf));
+ isc_buffer_free(&buf);
+ if (style != NULL)
+ dns_master_styledestroy(&style, mctx);
+ return (result);
+ * print the greeting message when the program first starts up.
+ */
+static void
+printgreeting(int argc, char **argv, dig_lookup_t *lookup) {
+ int i;
+ static bool first = true;
+ char append[MXNAME];
+ if (printcmd) {
+ snprintf(lookup->cmdline, sizeof(lookup->cmdline),
+ "%s; <<>> DiG " VERSION " <<>>",
+ first?"\n":"");
+ i = 1;
+ while (i < argc) {
+ snprintf(append, sizeof(append), " %s", argv[i++]);
+ strlcat(lookup->cmdline, append,
+ sizeof(lookup->cmdline));
+ }
+ strlcat(lookup->cmdline, "\n", sizeof(lookup->cmdline));
+ if (first && addresscount != 0) {
+ snprintf(append, sizeof(append),
+ "; (%d server%s found)\n",
+ addresscount,
+ addresscount > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ strlcat(lookup->cmdline, append,
+ sizeof(lookup->cmdline));
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ snprintf(append, sizeof(append),
+ ";; global options:%s%s\n",
+ short_form ? " +short" : "",
+ printcmd ? " +cmd" : "");
+ first = false;
+ strlcat(lookup->cmdline, append,
+ sizeof(lookup->cmdline));
+ }
+ }
+ * We're not using isc_commandline_parse() here since the command line
+ * syntax of dig is quite a bit different from that which can be described
+ * by that routine.
+ * XXX doc options
+ */
+static void
+plus_option(const char *option, bool is_batchfile,
+ dig_lookup_t *lookup)
+ isc_result_t result;
+ char option_store[256];
+ char *cmd, *value, *ptr, *code;
+ uint32_t num;
+ bool state = true;
+ size_t n;
+ strlcpy(option_store, option, sizeof(option_store));
+ ptr = option_store;
+ cmd = next_token(&ptr, "=");
+ if (cmd == NULL) {
+ printf(";; Invalid option %s\n", option_store);
+ return;
+ }
+ value = ptr;
+ if (strncasecmp(cmd, "no", 2)==0) {
+ cmd += 2;
+ state = false;
+ }
+#define FULLCHECK(A) \
+ do { \
+ size_t _l = strlen(cmd); \
+ if (_l >= sizeof(A) || strncasecmp(cmd, A, _l) != 0) \
+ goto invalid_option; \
+ } while (0)
+#define FULLCHECK2(A, B) \
+ do { \
+ size_t _l = strlen(cmd); \
+ if ((_l >= sizeof(A) || strncasecmp(cmd, A, _l) != 0) && \
+ (_l >= sizeof(B) || strncasecmp(cmd, B, _l) != 0)) \
+ goto invalid_option; \
+ } while (0)
+ switch (cmd[0]) {
+ case 'a':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'a': /* aaonly / aaflag */
+ FULLCHECK2("aaonly", "aaflag");
+ lookup->aaonly = state;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'd': /* additional */
+ FULLCHECK("additional");
+ lookup->section_additional = state;
+ break;
+ case 'f': /* adflag */
+ case '\0': /* +ad is a synonym for +adflag */
+ FULLCHECK("adflag");
+ lookup->adflag = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* all */
+ FULLCHECK("all");
+ lookup->section_question = state;
+ lookup->section_authority = state;
+ lookup->section_answer = state;
+ lookup->section_additional = state;
+ lookup->comments = state;
+ lookup->stats = state;
+ printcmd = state;
+ break;
+ case 'n': /* answer */
+ FULLCHECK("answer");
+ lookup->section_answer = state;
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* authority */
+ FULLCHECK("authority");
+ lookup->section_authority = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'a':/* badcookie */
+ FULLCHECK("badcookie");
+ lookup->badcookie = state;
+ break;
+ case 'e':/* besteffort */
+ FULLCHECK("besteffort");
+ lookup->besteffort = state;
+ break;
+ case 'u':/* bufsize */
+ FULLCHECK("bufsize");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ result = parse_uint(&num, value, COMMSIZE,
+ "buffer size");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse buffer size");
+ lookup->udpsize = num;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'd':/* cdflag */
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'f': /* cdflag */
+ case '\0': /* +cd is a synonym for +cdflag */
+ FULLCHECK("cdflag");
+ lookup->cdflag = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* class */
+ /* keep +cl for backwards compatibility */
+ FULLCHECK2("cl", "class");
+ noclass = !state;
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* cmd */
+ FULLCHECK("cmd");
+ printcmd = state;
+ break;
+ case 'o': /* comments */
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'm':
+ FULLCHECK("comments");
+ lookup->comments = state;
+ if (lookup == default_lookup)
+ pluscomm = state;
+ break;
+ case 'o': /* cookie */
+ FULLCHECK("cookie");
+ if (state && lookup->edns == -1)
+ lookup->edns = 0;
+ lookup->sendcookie = state;
+ if (value != NULL) {
+ n = strlcpy(hexcookie, value,
+ sizeof(hexcookie));
+ if (n >= sizeof(hexcookie))
+ fatal("COOKIE data too large");
+ lookup->cookie = hexcookie;
+ } else
+ lookup->cookie = NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ FULLCHECK("crypto");
+ nocrypto = !state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'e': /* defname */
+ FULLCHECK("defname");
+ if (!lookup->trace) {
+ usesearch = state;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n': /* dnssec */
+ FULLCHECK("dnssec");
+ if (state && lookup->edns == -1)
+ lookup->edns = 0;
+ lookup->dnssec = state;
+ break;
+ case 'o': /* domain */
+ FULLCHECK("domain");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ strlcpy(domainopt, value, sizeof(domainopt));
+ break;
+ case 's': /* dscp */
+ FULLCHECK("dscp");
+ if (!state) {
+ lookup->dscp = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ result = parse_uint(&num, value, 0x3f, "DSCP");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse DSCP value");
+ lookup->dscp = num;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'd':
+ switch(cmd[2]) {
+ case 'n':
+ switch (cmd[3]) {
+ case 's':
+ switch (cmd[4]) {
+ case 0:
+ FULLCHECK("edns");
+ if (!state) {
+ lookup->edns = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ lookup->edns = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ result = parse_uint(&num,
+ value,
+ 255,
+ "edns");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse "
+ "edns");
+ lookup->edns = num;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ FULLCHECK("ednsflags");
+ if (!state) {
+ lookup->ednsflags = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ lookup->ednsflags = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ result = parse_xint(&num,
+ value,
+ 0xffff,
+ "ednsflags");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse "
+ "ednsflags");
+ lookup->ednsflags = num;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ FULLCHECK("ednsnegotiation");
+ lookup->ednsneg = state;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ FULLCHECK("ednsopt");
+ if (!state) {
+ lookup->ednsoptscnt = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ code = NULL;
+ if (value != NULL) {
+ code = strtok(value,
+ ":");
+ }
+ if (code == NULL) {
+ fatal("ednsopt no "
+ "code point "
+ "specified");
+ }
+ value = strtok(NULL, "\0");
+ save_opt(lookup, code, value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ FULLCHECK("expire");
+ lookup->expire = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f': /* fail */
+ FULLCHECK("fail");
+ lookup->servfail_stops = state;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ FULLCHECK("header-only");
+ lookup->header_only = state;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'd': /* identify */
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'e':
+ FULLCHECK("identify");
+ lookup->identify = state;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ switch (cmd[3]) {
+ case 'i':
+ FULLCHECK("idnin");
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; IDN input support"
+ " not enabled\n");
+ lookup->idnin = state;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ FULLCHECK("idnout");
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; IDN output support"
+ " not enabled\n");
+ lookup->idnout = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'g': /* ignore */
+ default: /*
+ * Inherits default for compatibility (+[no]i*).
+ */
+ FULLCHECK("ignore");
+ lookup->ignore = state;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ FULLCHECK("keepopen");
+ keep_open = state;
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* multiline */
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'a':
+ FULLCHECK("mapped");
+ lookup->mapped = state;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ FULLCHECK("multiline");
+ multiline = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'd': /* ndots */
+ FULLCHECK("ndots");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ result = parse_uint(&num, value, MAXNDOTS, "ndots");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse ndots");
+ ndots = num;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'i': /* nsid */
+ FULLCHECK("nsid");
+ if (state && lookup->edns == -1)
+ lookup->edns = 0;
+ lookup->nsid = state;
+ break;
+ case 's': /* nssearch */
+ FULLCHECK("nssearch");
+ lookup->ns_search_only = state;
+ if (state) {
+ lookup->trace_root = true;
+ lookup->recurse = true;
+ lookup->identify = true;
+ lookup->stats = false;
+ lookup->comments = false;
+ lookup->section_additional = false;
+ lookup->section_authority = false;
+ lookup->section_question = false;
+ lookup->rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ns;
+ lookup->rdtypeset = true;
+ short_form = true;
+ rrcomments = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'n':
+ FULLCHECK("onesoa");
+ onesoa = state;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ FULLCHECK("opcode");
+ if (!state) {
+ lookup->opcode = 0; /* default - query */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ for (num = 0;
+ num < sizeof(opcodetext)/sizeof(opcodetext[0]);
+ num++) {
+ if (strcasecmp(opcodetext[num], value) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (num < 16) {
+ lookup->opcode = (dns_opcode_t)num;
+ break;
+ }
+ result = parse_uint(&num, value, 15, "opcode");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse opcode");
+ lookup->opcode = (dns_opcode_t)num;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'r': /* qr */
+ FULLCHECK("qr");
+ qr = state;
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* question */
+ FULLCHECK("question");
+ lookup->section_question = state;
+ if (lookup == default_lookup)
+ plusquest = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'd': /* rdflag */
+ FULLCHECK("rdflag");
+ lookup->recurse = state;
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'c': /* recurse */
+ FULLCHECK("recurse");
+ lookup->recurse = state;
+ break;
+ case 't': /* retry / retries */
+ FULLCHECK2("retry", "retries");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ result = parse_uint(&lookup->retries, value,
+ MAXTRIES - 1, "retries");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse retries");
+ lookup->retries++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* rrcomments */
+ FULLCHECK("rrcomments");
+ rrcomments = state ? 1 : -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'e': /* search */
+ FULLCHECK("search");
+ if (!lookup->trace) {
+ usesearch = state;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ if (cmd[2] != 'o')
+ goto invalid_option;
+ switch (cmd[3]) {
+ case 'r': /* short */
+ FULLCHECK("short");
+ short_form = state;
+ if (state) {
+ printcmd = false;
+ lookup->section_additional = false;
+ lookup->section_answer = true;
+ lookup->section_authority = false;
+ lookup->section_question = false;
+ lookup->comments = false;
+ lookup->stats = false;
+ rrcomments = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'w': /* showsearch */
+ FULLCHECK("showsearch");
+ if (!lookup->trace) {
+ showsearch = state;
+ usesearch = state;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i': /* sigchase */
+ FULLCHECK("sigchase");
+ lookup->sigchase = state;
+ if (lookup->sigchase)
+ lookup->dnssec = true;
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* split */
+ FULLCHECK("split");
+ if (value != NULL && !state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ if (!state) {
+ splitwidth = 0;
+ break;
+ } else if (value == NULL)
+ break;
+ result = parse_uint(&splitwidth, value,
+ 1023, "split");
+ if ((splitwidth % 4) != 0U) {
+ splitwidth = ((splitwidth + 3) / 4) * 4;
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, split must be "
+ "a multiple of 4; adjusting "
+ "to %u\n", splitwidth);
+ }
+ /*
+ * There is an adjustment done in the
+ * totext_<rrtype>() functions which causes
+ * splitwidth to shrink. This is okay when we're
+ * using the default width but incorrect in this
+ * case, so we correct for it
+ */
+ if (splitwidth)
+ splitwidth += 3;
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse split");
+ break;
+ case 't': /* stats */
+ FULLCHECK("stats");
+ lookup->stats = state;
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* subnet */
+ FULLCHECK("subnet");
+ if (state && value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state) {
+ if (lookup->ecs_addr != NULL) {
+ isc_mem_free(mctx, lookup->ecs_addr);
+ lookup->ecs_addr = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lookup->edns == -1)
+ lookup->edns = 0;
+ if (lookup->ecs_addr != NULL) {
+ isc_mem_free(mctx, lookup->ecs_addr);
+ lookup->ecs_addr = NULL;
+ }
+ result = parse_netprefix(&lookup->ecs_addr, value);
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse client");
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ switch (cmd[1]) {
+ case 'c': /* tcp */
+ FULLCHECK("tcp");
+ if (!is_batchfile) {
+ lookup->tcp_mode = state;
+ lookup->tcp_mode_set = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i': /* timeout */
+ FULLCHECK("timeout");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ result = parse_uint(&timeout, value, MAXTIMEOUT,
+ "timeout");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse timeout");
+ if (timeout == 0)
+ timeout = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'o': /* topdown */
+ FULLCHECK("topdown");
+ lookup->do_topdown = state;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'a': /* trace */
+ FULLCHECK("trace");
+ lookup->trace = state;
+ lookup->trace_root = state;
+ if (state) {
+ lookup->recurse = false;
+ lookup->identify = true;
+ lookup->comments = false;
+ rrcomments = 0;
+ lookup->stats = false;
+ lookup->section_additional = false;
+ lookup->section_authority = true;
+ lookup->section_question = false;
+ lookup->dnssec = true;
+ lookup->sendcookie = true;
+ usesearch = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i': /* tries */
+ FULLCHECK("tries");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ result = parse_uint(&lookup->retries, value,
+ MAXTRIES, "tries");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse tries");
+ if (lookup->retries == 0)
+ lookup->retries = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* trusted-key */
+ FULLCHECK("trusted-key");
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto need_value;
+ if (!state)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ n = strlcpy(trustedkey, ptr,
+ sizeof(trustedkey));
+ if (n >= sizeof(trustedkey))
+ fatal("trusted key too large");
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ switch (cmd[2]) {
+ case 'l':
+ switch (cmd[3]) {
+ case 0:
+ case 'i': /* ttlid */
+ FULLCHECK2("ttl", "ttlid");
+ nottl = !state;
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* ttlunits */
+ FULLCHECK("ttlunits");
+ nottl = false;
+ ttlunits = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid_option;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ FULLCHECK("unknownformat");
+ lookup->print_unknown_format = state;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ FULLCHECK("vc");
+ if (!is_batchfile) {
+ lookup->tcp_mode = state;
+ lookup->tcp_mode_set = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'z': /* zflag */
+ FULLCHECK("zflag");
+ lookup->zflag = state;
+ break;
+ default:
+ invalid_option:
+ need_value:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option: +%s\n",
+ option);
+ usage();
+ }
+ return;
+ * #true returned if value was used
+ */
+static const char *single_dash_opts = "46dhimnuv";
+static const char *dash_opts = "46bcdfhikmnptvyx";
+static bool
+dash_option(char *option, char *next, dig_lookup_t **lookup,
+ bool *open_type_class, bool *need_clone,
+ bool config_only, int argc, char **argv,
+ bool *firstarg)
+ char opt, *value, *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3;
+ isc_result_t result;
+ bool value_from_next;
+ isc_textregion_t tr;
+ dns_rdatatype_t rdtype;
+ dns_rdataclass_t rdclass;
+ char textname[MXNAME];
+ struct in_addr in4;
+ struct in6_addr in6;
+ in_port_t srcport;
+ char *hash, *cmd;
+ uint32_t num;
+ while (strpbrk(option, single_dash_opts) == &option[0]) {
+ /*
+ * Since the -[46dhimnuv] options do not take an argument,
+ * account for them (in any number and/or combination)
+ * if they appear as the first character(s) of a q-opt.
+ */
+ opt = option[0];
+ switch (opt) {
+ case '4':
+ if (have_ipv4) {
+ isc_net_disableipv6();
+ have_ipv6 = false;
+ } else {
+ fatal("can't find IPv4 networking");
+ return (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ if (have_ipv6) {
+ isc_net_disableipv4();
+ have_ipv4 = false;
+ } else {
+ fatal("can't find IPv6 networking");
+ return (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ ptr = strpbrk(&option[1], dash_opts);
+ if (ptr != &option[1]) {
+ cmd = option;
+ FULLCHECK("debug");
+ debugging = true;
+ return (false);
+ } else
+ debugging = true;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ help();
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ ip6_int = true;
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* memdebug */
+ /* memdebug is handled in preparse_args() */
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ /* deprecated */
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ use_usec = true;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ version();
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (strlen(option) > 1U)
+ option = &option[1];
+ else
+ return (false);
+ }
+ opt = option[0];
+ if (strlen(option) > 1U) {
+ value_from_next = false;
+ value = &option[1];
+ } else {
+ value_from_next = true;
+ value = next;
+ }
+ if (value == NULL)
+ goto invalid_option;
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'b':
+ hash = strchr(value, '#');
+ if (hash != NULL) {
+ result = parse_uint(&num, hash + 1, MAXPORT,
+ "port number");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse port number");
+ srcport = num;
+ *hash = '\0';
+ } else
+ srcport = 0;
+ if (have_ipv6 && inet_pton(AF_INET6, value, &in6) == 1) {
+ isc_sockaddr_fromin6(&bind_address, &in6, srcport);
+ isc_net_disableipv4();
+ } else if (have_ipv4 && inet_pton(AF_INET, value, &in4) == 1) {
+ isc_sockaddr_fromin(&bind_address, &in4, srcport);
+ isc_net_disableipv6();
+ } else {
+ if (hash != NULL)
+ *hash = '#';
+ fatal("invalid address %s", value);
+ }
+ if (hash != NULL)
+ *hash = '#';
+ specified_source = true;
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'c':
+ if ((*lookup)->rdclassset) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, extra class option\n");
+ }
+ *open_type_class = false;
+ tr.base = value;
+ tr.length = (unsigned int) strlen(value);
+ result = dns_rdataclass_fromtext(&rdclass,
+ (isc_textregion_t *)&tr);
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ (*lookup)->rdclass = rdclass;
+ (*lookup)->rdclassset = true;
+ } else
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, ignoring "
+ "invalid class %s\n",
+ value);
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'f':
+ batchname = value;
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'k':
+ strlcpy(keyfile, value, sizeof(keyfile));
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'p':
+ result = parse_uint(&num, value, MAXPORT, "port number");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse port number");
+ port = num;
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'q':
+ if (!config_only) {
+ if (*need_clone)
+ (*lookup) = clone_lookup(default_lookup,
+ true);
+ *need_clone = true;
+ strlcpy((*lookup)->textname, value,
+ sizeof((*lookup)->textname));
+ (*lookup)->trace_root = ((*lookup)->trace ||
+ (*lookup)->ns_search_only);
+ (*lookup)->new_search = true;
+ if (*firstarg) {
+ printgreeting(argc, argv, *lookup);
+ *firstarg = false;
+ }
+ ISC_LIST_APPEND(lookup_list, (*lookup), link);
+ debug("looking up %s", (*lookup)->textname);
+ }
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 't':
+ *open_type_class = false;
+ if (strncasecmp(value, "ixfr=", 5) == 0) {
+ rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ixfr;
+ result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ tr.base = value;
+ tr.length = (unsigned int) strlen(value);
+ result = dns_rdatatype_fromtext(&rdtype,
+ (isc_textregion_t *)&tr);
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
+ rdtype == dns_rdatatype_ixfr) {
+ result = DNS_R_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ if ((*lookup)->rdtypeset) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, "
+ "extra type option\n");
+ }
+ if (rdtype == dns_rdatatype_ixfr) {
+ uint32_t serial;
+ (*lookup)->rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ixfr;
+ (*lookup)->rdtypeset = true;
+ result = parse_uint(&serial, &value[5],
+ MAXSERIAL, "serial number");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse serial number");
+ (*lookup)->ixfr_serial = serial;
+ (*lookup)->section_question = plusquest;
+ (*lookup)->comments = pluscomm;
+ if (!(*lookup)->tcp_mode_set)
+ (*lookup)->tcp_mode = true;
+ } else {
+ (*lookup)->rdtype = rdtype;
+ if (!config_only)
+ (*lookup)->rdtypeset = true;
+ if (rdtype == dns_rdatatype_axfr) {
+ (*lookup)->section_question = plusquest;
+ (*lookup)->comments = pluscomm;
+ } else if (rdtype == dns_rdatatype_any) {
+ if (!(*lookup)->tcp_mode_set)
+ (*lookup)->tcp_mode = true;
+ }
+ (*lookup)->ixfr_serial = false;
+ }
+ } else
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, ignoring "
+ "invalid type %s\n",
+ value);
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'y':
+ ptr = next_token(&value, ":"); /* hmac type or name */
+ if (ptr == NULL) {
+ usage();
+ }
+ ptr2 = next_token(&value, ":"); /* name or secret */
+ if (ptr2 == NULL)
+ usage();
+ ptr3 = next_token(&value, ":"); /* secret or NULL */
+ if (ptr3 != NULL) {
+ parse_hmac(ptr);
+ ptr = ptr2;
+ ptr2 = ptr3;
+ } else {
+#ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE
+ hmacname = DNS_TSIG_HMACMD5_NAME;
+ hmacname = DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA256_NAME;
+ digestbits = 0;
+ }
+ strlcpy(keynametext, ptr, sizeof(keynametext));
+ strlcpy(keysecret, ptr2, sizeof(keysecret));
+ return (value_from_next);
+ case 'x':
+ if (*need_clone)
+ *lookup = clone_lookup(default_lookup, true);
+ *need_clone = true;
+ if (get_reverse(textname, sizeof(textname), value,
+ ip6_int, false) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ strlcpy((*lookup)->textname, textname,
+ sizeof((*lookup)->textname));
+ debug("looking up %s", (*lookup)->textname);
+ (*lookup)->trace_root = ((*lookup)->trace ||
+ (*lookup)->ns_search_only);
+ (*lookup)->ip6_int = ip6_int;
+ if (!(*lookup)->rdtypeset)
+ (*lookup)->rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ptr;
+ if (!(*lookup)->rdclassset)
+ (*lookup)->rdclass = dns_rdataclass_in;
+ (*lookup)->new_search = true;
+ if (*firstarg) {
+ printgreeting(argc, argv, *lookup);
+ *firstarg = false;
+ }
+ ISC_LIST_APPEND(lookup_list, *lookup, link);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid IP address %s\n", value);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return (value_from_next);
+ invalid_option:
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option: -%s\n", option);
+ usage();
+ }
+ return (false);
+ * Because we may be trying to do memory allocation recording, we're going
+ * to need to parse the arguments for the -m *before* we start the main
+ * argument parsing routine.
+ *
+ * I'd prefer not to have to do this, but I am not quite sure how else to
+ * fix the problem. Argument parsing in dig involves memory allocation
+ * by its nature, so it can't be done in the main argument parser.
+ */
+static void
+preparse_args(int argc, char **argv) {
+ int rc;
+ char **rv;
+ char *option;
+ rc = argc;
+ rv = argv;
+ for (rc--, rv++; rc > 0; rc--, rv++) {
+ if (rv[0][0] != '-')
+ continue;
+ option = &rv[0][1];
+ while (strpbrk(option, single_dash_opts) == &option[0]) {
+ switch (option[0]) {
+ case 'm':
+ memdebugging = true;
+ isc_mem_debugging = ISC_MEM_DEBUGTRACE |
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ if (ipv6only)
+ fatal("only one of -4 and -6 allowed");
+ ipv4only = true;
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ if (ipv4only)
+ fatal("only one of -4 and -6 allowed");
+ ipv6only = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ option = &option[1];
+ }
+ }
+static void
+parse_args(bool is_batchfile, bool config_only,
+ int argc, char **argv)
+ isc_result_t result;
+ isc_textregion_t tr;
+ bool firstarg = true;
+ dig_lookup_t *lookup = NULL;
+ dns_rdatatype_t rdtype;
+ dns_rdataclass_t rdclass;
+ bool open_type_class = true;
+ char batchline[MXNAME];
+ int bargc;
+ char *bargv[64];
+ int rc;
+ char **rv;
+#ifndef NOPOSIX
+ char *homedir;
+ char rcfile[256];
+ char *input;
+ int i;
+ bool need_clone = true;
+ /*
+ * The semantics for parsing the args is a bit complex; if
+ * we don't have a host yet, make the arg apply globally,
+ * otherwise make it apply to the latest host. This is
+ * a bit different than the previous versions, but should
+ * form a consistent user interface.
+ *
+ * First, create a "default lookup" which won't actually be used
+ * anywhere, except for cloning into new lookups
+ */
+ debug("parse_args()");
+ if (!is_batchfile) {
+ debug("making new lookup");
+ default_lookup = make_empty_lookup();
+ default_lookup->adflag = true;
+ default_lookup->edns = 0;
+ default_lookup->sendcookie = true;
+#ifndef NOPOSIX
+ /*
+ * Treat ${HOME}/.digrc as a special batchfile
+ */
+ INSIST(batchfp == NULL);
+ homedir = getenv("HOME");
+ if (homedir != NULL) {
+ unsigned int n;
+ n = snprintf(rcfile, sizeof(rcfile), "%s/.digrc",
+ homedir);
+ if (n < sizeof(rcfile))
+ batchfp = fopen(rcfile, "r");
+ }
+ if (batchfp != NULL) {
+ while (fgets(batchline, sizeof(batchline),
+ batchfp) != 0) {
+ debug("config line %s", batchline);
+ bargc = 1;
+ input = batchline;
+ bargv[bargc] = next_token(&input, " \t\r\n");
+ while ((bargc < 62) && (bargv[bargc] != NULL)) {
+ bargc++;
+ bargv[bargc] =
+ next_token(&input, " \t\r\n");
+ }
+ bargv[0] = argv[0];
+ argv0 = argv[0];
+ for(i = 0; i < bargc; i++)
+ debug(".digrc argv %d: %s",
+ i, bargv[i]);
+ parse_args(true, true, bargc,
+ (char **)bargv);
+ }
+ fclose(batchfp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_batchfile && !config_only) {
+ /* Processing '-f batchfile'. */
+ lookup = clone_lookup(default_lookup, true);
+ need_clone = false;
+ } else
+ lookup = default_lookup;
+ rc = argc;
+ rv = argv;
+ for (rc--, rv++; rc > 0; rc--, rv++) {
+ debug("main parsing %s", rv[0]);
+ if (strncmp(rv[0], "%", 1) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (rv[0][0] == '@') {
+ if (is_batchfile && !config_only) {
+ addresscount = getaddresses(lookup, &rv[0][1],
+ &result);
+ if (addresscount == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get address "
+ "for '%s': %s: skipping "
+ "lookup\n", &rv[0][1],
+ isc_result_totext(result));
+ if (ISC_LINK_LINKED(lookup, link))
+ ISC_LIST_DEQUEUE(lookup_list,
+ lookup, link);
+ destroy_lookup(lookup);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ addresscount = getaddresses(lookup, &rv[0][1],
+ NULL);
+ if (addresscount == 0)
+ fatal("no valid addresses for '%s'\n",
+ &rv[0][1]);
+ }
+ } else if (rv[0][0] == '+') {
+ plus_option(&rv[0][1], is_batchfile,
+ lookup);
+ } else if (rv[0][0] == '-') {
+ if (rc <= 1) {
+ if (dash_option(&rv[0][1], NULL,
+ &lookup, &open_type_class,
+ &need_clone, config_only,
+ argc, argv, &firstarg)) {
+ rc--;
+ rv++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dash_option(&rv[0][1], rv[1],
+ &lookup, &open_type_class,
+ &need_clone, config_only,
+ argc, argv, &firstarg)) {
+ rc--;
+ rv++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Anything which isn't an option
+ */
+ if (open_type_class) {
+ if (strncasecmp(rv[0], "ixfr=", 5) == 0) {
+ rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ixfr;
+ result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ tr.base = rv[0];
+ tr.length =
+ (unsigned int) strlen(rv[0]);
+ result = dns_rdatatype_fromtext(&rdtype,
+ (isc_textregion_t *)&tr);
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
+ rdtype == dns_rdatatype_ixfr) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, "
+ "ixfr requires a "
+ "serial number\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ if (lookup->rdtypeset) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, "
+ "extra type option\n");
+ }
+ if (rdtype == dns_rdatatype_ixfr) {
+ uint32_t serial;
+ lookup->rdtype =
+ dns_rdatatype_ixfr;
+ lookup->rdtypeset = true;
+ result = parse_uint(&serial,
+ &rv[0][5],
+ "serial number");
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ fatal("Couldn't parse "
+ "serial number");
+ lookup->ixfr_serial = serial;
+ lookup->section_question =
+ plusquest;
+ lookup->comments = pluscomm;
+ if (!lookup->tcp_mode_set)
+ lookup->tcp_mode = true;
+ } else {
+ lookup->rdtype = rdtype;
+ lookup->rdtypeset = true;
+ if (rdtype ==
+ dns_rdatatype_axfr) {
+ lookup->section_question =
+ plusquest;
+ lookup->comments = pluscomm;
+ }
+ if (rdtype ==
+ dns_rdatatype_any &&
+ !lookup->tcp_mode_set)
+ lookup->tcp_mode = true;
+ lookup->ixfr_serial = false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ result = dns_rdataclass_fromtext(&rdclass,
+ (isc_textregion_t *)&tr);
+ if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ if (lookup->rdclassset) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ";; Warning, "
+ "extra class option\n");
+ }
+ lookup->rdclass = rdclass;
+ lookup->rdclassset = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!config_only) {
+ if (need_clone)
+ lookup = clone_lookup(default_lookup,
+ true);
+ need_clone = true;
+ strlcpy(lookup->textname, rv[0],
+ sizeof(lookup->textname));
+ lookup->trace_root = (lookup->trace ||
+ lookup->ns_search_only);
+ lookup->new_search = true;
+ if (firstarg) {
+ printgreeting(argc, argv, lookup);
+ firstarg = false;
+ }
+ ISC_LIST_APPEND(lookup_list, lookup, link);
+ debug("looking up %s", lookup->textname);
+ }
+ /* XXX Error message */
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we have a batchfile, seed the lookup list with the
+ * first entry, then trust the callback in dighost_shutdown
+ * to get the rest
+ */
+ if ((batchname != NULL) && !(is_batchfile)) {
+ if (strcmp(batchname, "-") == 0)
+ batchfp = stdin;
+ else
+ batchfp = fopen(batchname, "r");
+ if (batchfp == NULL) {
+ perror(batchname);
+ if (exitcode < 8)
+ exitcode = 8;
+ fatal("couldn't open specified batch file");
+ }
+ /* XXX Remove code dup from shutdown code */
+ next_line:
+ if (fgets(batchline, sizeof(batchline), batchfp) != 0) {
+ bargc = 1;
+ debug("batch line %s", batchline);
+ if (batchline[0] == '\r' || batchline[0] == '\n'
+ || batchline[0] == '#' || batchline[0] == ';')
+ goto next_line;
+ input = batchline;
+ bargv[bargc] = next_token(&input, " \t\r\n");
+ while ((bargc < 14) && (bargv[bargc] != NULL)) {
+ bargc++;
+ bargv[bargc] = next_token(&input, " \t\r\n");
+ }
+ bargv[0] = argv[0];
+ argv0 = argv[0];
+ for(i = 0; i < bargc; i++)
+ debug("batch argv %d: %s", i, bargv[i]);
+ parse_args(true, false, bargc, (char **)bargv);
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If no lookup specified, search for root
+ */
+ if ((lookup_list.head == NULL) && !config_only) {
+ if (need_clone)
+ lookup = clone_lookup(default_lookup, true);
+ need_clone = true;
+ lookup->trace_root = (lookup->trace ||
+ lookup->ns_search_only);
+ lookup->new_search = true;
+ strlcpy(lookup->textname, ".", sizeof(lookup->textname));
+ lookup->rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ns;
+ lookup->rdtypeset = true;
+ if (firstarg) {
+ printgreeting(argc, argv, lookup);
+ firstarg = false;
+ }
+ ISC_LIST_APPEND(lookup_list, lookup, link);
+ }
+ if (!need_clone)
+ destroy_lookup(lookup);
+ * Callback from dighost.c to allow program-specific shutdown code.
+ * Here, we're possibly reading from a batch file, then shutting down
+ * for real if there's nothing in the batch file to read.
+ */
+static void
+query_finished(void) {
+ char batchline[MXNAME];
+ int bargc;
+ char *bargv[16];
+ char *input;
+ int i;
+ if (batchname == NULL) {
+ isc_app_shutdown();
+ return;
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if (feof(batchfp)) {
+ batchname = NULL;
+ isc_app_shutdown();
+ if (batchfp != stdin)
+ fclose(batchfp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (fgets(batchline, sizeof(batchline), batchfp) != 0) {
+ debug("batch line %s", batchline);
+ bargc = 1;
+ input = batchline;
+ bargv[bargc] = next_token(&input, " \t\r\n");
+ while ((bargc < 14) && (bargv[bargc] != NULL)) {
+ bargc++;
+ bargv[bargc] = next_token(&input, " \t\r\n");
+ }
+ bargv[0] = argv0;
+ for(i = 0; i < bargc; i++)
+ debug("batch argv %d: %s", i, bargv[i]);
+ parse_args(true, false, bargc, (char **)bargv);
+ start_lookup();
+ } else {
+ batchname = NULL;
+ if (batchfp != stdin)
+ fclose(batchfp);
+ isc_app_shutdown();
+ return;
+ }
+void dig_setup(int argc, char **argv)
+ isc_result_t result;
+ ISC_LIST_INIT(lookup_list);
+ ISC_LIST_INIT(server_list);
+ ISC_LIST_INIT(search_list);
+ debug("dig_setup()");
+ /* setup dighost callbacks */
+ dighost_printrdataset = printrdataset;
+ dighost_printmessage = printmessage;
+ dighost_received = received;
+ dighost_trying = trying;
+ dighost_shutdown = query_finished;
+ progname = argv[0];
+ preparse_args(argc, argv);
+ result = isc_app_start();
+ check_result(result, "isc_app_start");
+ setup_libs();
+ setup_system(ipv4only, ipv6only);
+void dig_query_setup(bool is_batchfile, bool config_only,
+ int argc, char **argv)
+ debug("dig_query_setup");
+ parse_args(is_batchfile, config_only, argc, argv);
+ if (keyfile[0] != 0)
+ setup_file_key();
+ else if (keysecret[0] != 0)
+ setup_text_key();
+ if (domainopt[0] != '\0') {
+ set_search_domain(domainopt);
+ usesearch = true;
+ }
+void dig_startup() {
+ isc_result_t result;
+ debug("dig_startup()");
+ result = isc_app_onrun(mctx, global_task, onrun_callback, NULL);
+ check_result(result, "isc_app_onrun");
+ isc_app_run();
+void dig_query_start()
+ start_lookup();
+dig_shutdown() {
+ destroy_lookup(default_lookup);
+ if (batchname != NULL) {
+ if (batchfp != stdin)
+ fclose(batchfp);
+ batchname = NULL;
+ }
+ clean_trustedkey();
+ cancel_all();
+ destroy_libs();
+ isc_app_finish();
+/*% Main processing routine for dig */
+main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ dig_setup(argc, argv);
+ dig_query_setup(false, false, argc, argv);
+ dig_startup();
+ dig_shutdown();
+ return (exitcode);