path: root/modules/http/http.lua
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-06 00:55:53 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-06 00:55:53 +0000
commit3d0386f27ca66379acf50199e1d1298386eeeeb8 (patch)
treef87bd4a126b3a843858eb447e8fd5893c3ee3882 /modules/http/http.lua
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 3.2.1.upstream/3.2.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/http/http.lua')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/http/http.lua b/modules/http/http.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61102a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/http/http.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+-- Load dependent modules
+if not stats then modules.load('stats') end
+if not bogus_log then modules.load('bogus_log') end
+-- This is a module that does the heavy lifting to provide an HTTP/2 enabled
+-- server that supports TLS by default and provides endpoint for other modules
+-- in order to enable them to export restful APIs and websocket streams.
+-- One example is statistics module that can stream live metrics on the website,
+-- or publish metrics on request for Prometheus scraper.
+local http_server = require('http.server')
+local http_headers = require('http.headers')
+local http_websocket = require('http.websocket')
+local http_util = require "http.util"
+local x509, pkey = require('openssl.x509'), require('openssl.pkey')
+local has_mmdb, mmdb = pcall(require, 'mmdb')
+-- Module declaration
+local M = {
+ servers = {},
+-- Map extensions to MIME type
+local mime_types = {
+ js = 'application/javascript',
+ css = 'text/css',
+ tpl = 'text/html',
+ ico = 'image/x-icon'
+-- Preload static contents, nothing on runtime will touch the disk
+local function pgload(relpath, modname)
+ if not modname then modname = 'http' end
+ local mdir = moduledir()
+ local fp, err ='%s/%s/%s', mdir, modname, relpath), 'r')
+ if not fp then
+ fp, err ='%s/%s/static/%s', mdir, modname, relpath), 'r')
+ end
+ if not fp then error(err) end
+ local data = fp:read('*all')
+ fp:close()
+ -- Guess content type
+ local ext = relpath:match('[^\\.]+$')
+ return {mime_types[ext] or 'text', data, nil, 86400}
+end = pgload
+-- Preloaded static assets
+local pages = {
+ 'favicon.ico',
+ 'kresd.js',
+ 'kresd.css',
+ 'jquery.js',
+ 'd3.js',
+ 'topojson.js',
+ '',
+ 'dygraph-combined.js',
+ 'selectize.min.js',
+ 'selectize.min.css',
+ 'selectize.bootstrap3.min.css',
+ 'bootstrap.min.js',
+ 'bootstrap.min.css',
+ 'bootstrap-theme.min.css',
+ 'glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2',
+-- Serve preloaded root page
+local function serve_root()
+ local data = pgload('main.tpl')[2]
+ data = data
+ :gsub('{{ title }}', M.title or ('kresd @ ' .. hostname()))
+ :gsub('{{ host }}', hostname())
+ return function (_, stream)
+ -- Render snippets
+ local rsnippets = {}
+ for _,v in pairs(M.snippets) do
+ local sid = string.lower(string.gsub(v[1], ' ', '-'))
+ table.insert(rsnippets, string.format('<section id="%s"><h2>%s</h2>\n%s</section>', sid, v[1], v[2]))
+ end
+ -- Return index page
+ return data
+ :gsub('{{ secure }}', stream:checktls() and 'true' or 'false')
+ :gsub('{{ snippets }}', table.concat(rsnippets, '\n'))
+ end
+-- Export HTTP service endpoints
+M.endpoints = {
+ ['/'] = {'text/html', serve_root()},
+-- Export static pages
+for _, pg in ipairs(pages) do
+ M.endpoints['/'] = pgload(pg)
+-- Export built-in prometheus interface
+local prometheus = require('prometheus')
+for k, v in pairs(prometheus.endpoints) do
+ M.endpoints[k] = v
+M.prometheus = prometheus
+-- Export built-in trace interface
+local http_trace = require('http_trace')
+for k, v in pairs(http_trace.endpoints) do
+ M.endpoints[k] = v
+M.trace = http_trace
+-- Export HTTP service page snippets
+M.snippets = {}
+-- Serve known requests, for methods other than GET
+-- the endpoint must be a closure and not a preloaded string
+local function serve(endpoints, h, stream)
+ local hsend =
+ local path = h:get(':path')
+ local entry = endpoints[path]
+ if not entry then -- Accept top-level path match
+ entry = endpoints[path:match '^/[^/?]*']
+ end
+ -- Unpack MIME and data
+ local data, mime, ttl, err
+ if entry then
+ mime = entry[1]
+ data = entry[2]
+ ttl = entry[4]
+ end
+ -- Get string data out of service endpoint
+ if type(data) == 'function' then
+ local set_mime, set_ttl
+ data, err, set_mime, set_ttl = data(h, stream)
+ -- Override default endpoint mime/TTL
+ if set_mime then mime = set_mime end
+ if set_ttl then ttl = set_ttl end
+ -- Handler doesn't provide any data
+ if data == false then return end
+ if type(data) == 'number' then return tostring(data), err end
+ -- Methods other than GET require handler to be closure
+ elseif h:get(':method') ~= 'GET' then
+ return '501', ''
+ end
+ if type(data) == 'table' then data = tojson(data) end
+ if not mime or type(data) ~= 'string' then
+ return '404', ''
+ else
+ -- Serve content type appropriately
+ hsend:append(':status', '200')
+ hsend:append('content-type', mime)
+ hsend:append('content-length', tostring(#data))
+ if ttl then
+ hsend:append('cache-control', string.format('max-age=%d', ttl))
+ end
+ assert(stream:write_headers(hsend, false))
+ assert(stream:write_chunk(data, true))
+ end
+-- Web server service closure
+local function route(endpoints)
+ return function (_, stream)
+ -- HTTP/2: We're only permitted to send in open/half-closed (remote)
+ local connection = stream.connection
+ if connection.version >= 2 then
+ if stream.state ~= 'open' and stream.state ~= 'half closed (remote)' then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ -- Start reading headers
+ local h = assert(stream:get_headers())
+ local m = h:get(':method')
+ local path = h:get(':path')
+ -- Upgrade connection to WebSocket
+ local ws = http_websocket.new_from_stream(stream, h)
+ if ws then
+ assert(ws:accept { protocols = {'json'} })
+ -- Continue streaming results to client
+ local ep = endpoints[path]
+ local cb = ep[3]
+ if cb then
+ cb(h, ws)
+ end
+ ws:close()
+ return
+ else
+ local ok, err, reason = http_util.yieldable_pcall(serve, endpoints, h, stream)
+ if not ok or err then
+ if err ~= '404' and verbose() then
+ log('[http] %s %s: %s (%s)', m, path, err or '500', reason)
+ end
+ -- Method is not supported
+ local hsend =
+ hsend:append(':status', err or '500')
+ if reason then
+ assert(stream:write_headers(hsend, false))
+ assert(stream:write_chunk(reason, true))
+ else
+ assert(stream:write_headers(hsend, true))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- @function Create self-signed certificate
+local function ephemeralcert(host)
+ -- Import luaossl directly
+ local name = require('')
+ local altname = require('openssl.x509.altname')
+ local openssl_bignum = require('openssl.bignum')
+ local openssl_rand = require('openssl.rand')
+ -- Create self-signed certificate
+ host = host or hostname()
+ local crt =
+ local now = os.time()
+ crt:setVersion(3)
+ -- serial needs to be unique or browsers will show uninformative error messages
+ crt:setSerial(openssl_bignum.fromBinary(openssl_rand.bytes(16)))
+ -- use the host we're listening on as canonical name
+ local dn =
+ dn:add("CN", host)
+ crt:setSubject(dn)
+ crt:setIssuer(dn) -- should match subject for a self-signed
+ local alt =
+ alt:add("DNS", host)
+ crt:setSubjectAlt(alt)
+ -- Valid for 90 days
+ crt:setLifetime(now, now + 90*60*60*24)
+ -- Can't be used as a CA
+ crt:setBasicConstraints{CA=false}
+ crt:setBasicConstraintsCritical(true)
+ -- Create and set key (default: EC/P-256 as a most "interoperable")
+ local key = {type = 'EC', curve = 'prime256v1'}
+ crt:setPublicKey(key)
+ crt:sign(key)
+ return crt, key
+-- @function Prefer HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1
+local function alpnselect(_, protos)
+ for _, proto in ipairs(protos) do
+ if proto == 'h2' or proto == 'http/1.1' then
+ return proto
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+-- @function Create TLS context
+local function tlscontext(crt, key)
+ local http_tls = require('http.tls')
+ local ctx = http_tls.new_server_context()
+ if ctx.setAlpnSelect then
+ ctx:setAlpnSelect(alpnselect)
+ end
+ assert(ctx:setPrivateKey(key))
+ assert(ctx:setCertificate(crt))
+ return ctx
+-- @function Refresh self-signed certificates
+local function updatecert(crtfile, keyfile)
+ local f = assert(, 'w'), string.format('cannot open "%s" for writing', crtfile))
+ local crt, key = ephemeralcert()
+ -- Write back to file
+ f:write(tostring(crt))
+ f:close()
+ f = assert(, 'w'), string.format('cannot open "%s" for writing', keyfile))
+ local pub, priv = key:toPEM('public', 'private')
+ assert(f:write(pub..priv))
+ f:close()
+ return crt, key
+-- @function Listen on given HTTP(s) host
+function M.add_interface(conf)
+ local crt, key, ephemeral
+ if conf.tls ~= false then
+ -- Check if a cert file was specified
+ if not conf.cert then
+ conf.cert = 'self.crt'
+ conf.key = 'self.key'
+ ephemeral = true
+ elseif not conf.key then
+ error('certificate provided, but missing key')
+ end
+ -- Read or create self-signed x509 certificate
+ local f =, 'r')
+ if f then
+ crt = assert('*all')))
+ f:close()
+ -- Continue reading key file
+ if crt then
+ f =, 'r')
+ key = assert('*all')))
+ f:close()
+ end
+ elseif ephemeral then
+ crt, key = updatecert(conf.cert, conf.key)
+ end
+ -- Check loaded certificate
+ if not crt or not key then
+ panic('failed to load certificate "%s"', conf.cert)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Compose server handler
+ local routes = route(conf.endpoints or M.endpoints)
+ -- Enable SO_REUSEPORT by default (unless explicitly turned off)
+ local reuseport = (conf.reuseport ~= nil) and conf.reuseport or true
+ if not reuseport and > 0 then
+ warn('[http] the "reuseport" option is disabled and multiple forks are used, ' ..
+ 'port binding will fail on some instances')
+ end
+ -- Check if UNIX socket path is used
+ local addr_str
+ if not conf.path then
+ = or 'localhost'
+ conf.port = conf.port or 8053
+ addr_str = string.format('%s@%d',, conf.port)
+ else
+ if or conf.port then
+ error('either "path", or "host" and "port" must be provided')
+ end
+ addr_str = conf.path
+ end
+ -- Create TLS context and start listening
+ local s, err = http_server.listen {
+ cq = worker.bg_worker.cq,
+ host =,
+ port = conf.port,
+ path = conf.path,
+ v6only = conf.v6only,
+ unlink = conf.unlink,
+ reuseaddr = conf.reuseaddr,
+ reuseport = reuseport,
+ client_timeout = conf.client_timeout or 5,
+ ctx = crt and tlscontext(crt, key),
+ tls = conf.tls,
+ onstream = routes,
+ -- Log errors, but do not throw
+ onerror = function(myserver, context, op, err, errno) -- luacheck: ignore 212
+ local msg = '[http] ' .. op .. ' on ' .. tostring(context) .. ' failed'
+ if err then
+ msg = msg .. ': ' .. tostring(err)
+ end
+ if verbose() then
+ log(msg)
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+ -- Manually call :listen() so that we are bound before calling :localname()
+ if s then
+ err = select(2, s:listen())
+ end
+ if err then
+ panic('failed to listen on %s: %s', addr_str, err)
+ end
+ table.insert(M.servers, s)
+ -- Create certificate renewal timer if ephemeral
+ if crt and ephemeral then
+ local _, expiry = crt:getLifetime()
+ expiry = math.max(0, expiry - (os.time() - 3 * 24 * 3600))
+ event.after(expiry, function ()
+ log('[http] refreshed ephemeral certificate')
+ crt, key = updatecert(conf.cert, conf.key)
+ s.ctx = tlscontext(crt, key)
+ end)
+ end
+-- @function Listen on given HTTP(s) host (backwards compatible interface)
+function M.interface(host, port, endpoints, crtfile, keyfile)
+ return M.add_interface {
+ host = host,
+ port = port,
+ endpoints = endpoints,
+ cert = crtfile,
+ key = keyfile,
+ }
+-- @function Init module
+function M.init()
+ -- collect and merge metrics only on leader
+ if == 0 then
+ worker.coroutine(prometheus.init)
+ end
+-- @function Cleanup module
+function M.deinit()
+ for i, server in ipairs(M.servers) do
+ server:close()
+ M.servers[i] = nil
+ end
+ prometheus.deinit()
+-- @function Configure module
+function M.config(conf)
+ if conf == true then conf = {} end
+ assert(type(conf) == 'table', 'config { host = "...", port = 443, cert = "...", key = "..." }')
+ -- Configure web interface for resolver
+ if conf.geoip then
+ if has_mmdb then
+ M.geoip =
+ else
+ error('[http] mmdblua library not found, please remove GeoIP configuration')
+ end
+ end
+ M.add_interface(conf)
+return M