path: root/modules/README.rst
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+.. _modules-api:
+Modules API reference
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 1
+ :local:
+Supported languages
+Currently modules written in C and LuaJIT are supported.
+There is also a support for writing modules in Go 1.5+ |---| the library has no native Go bindings, library is accessible using CGO_.
+The anatomy of an extension
+A module is a shared object or script defining specific functions, here's an overview.
+*Note* |---| the :ref:`Modules <lib_api_modules>` header documents the module loading and API.
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "C/Go", "Lua", "Params", "Comment"
+ "``X_api()`` [#]_", "", "", "API version"
+ "``X_init()``", "``X.init()``", "``module``", "Constructor"
+ "``X_deinit()``", "``X.deinit()``", "``module, key``", "Destructor"
+ "``X_config()``", "``X.config()``", "``module``", "Configuration"
+ "``X_layer()``", "``X.layer``", "``module``", ":ref:`Module layer <lib-layers>`"
+ "``X_props()``", "", "", "List of properties"
+.. [#] Mandatory symbol.
+The ``X`` corresponds to the module name, if the module name is ``hints``, then the prefix for constructor would be ``hints_init()``.
+This doesn't apply for Go, as it for now always implements `main` and requires capitalized first letter in order to export its symbol.
+.. note::
+ The resolution context :c:type:`struct kr_context` holds loaded modules for current context. A module can be registered with :c:func:`kr_context_register`, which triggers module constructor *immediately* after the load. Module destructor is automatically called when the resolution context closes.
+ If the module exports a layer implementation, it is automatically discovered by :c:func:`kr_resolver` on resolution init and plugged in. The order in which the modules are registered corresponds to the call order of layers.
+Writing a module in Lua
+The probably most convenient way of writing modules is Lua since you can use already installed modules
+from system and have first-class access to the scripting engine. You can also tap to all the events, that
+the C API has access to, but keep in mind that transitioning from the C to Lua function is slower than
+the other way round.
+.. note:: The Lua functions retrieve an additional first parameter compared to the C counterparts - a "state".
+ There is no Lua wrapper for C structures used in the resolution context, until they're implemented
+ you can inspect the structures using the `ffi <>`_ library.
+The modules follow the `Lua way <>`_, where the module interface is returned in a named table.
+.. code-block:: lua
+ --- @module Count incoming queries
+ local counter = {}
+ function counter.init(module)
+ = 0
+ counter.last = 0
+ counter.failed = 0
+ end
+ function counter.deinit(module)
+ print('counted',, 'queries')
+ end
+ -- @function Run the q/s counter with given interval.
+ function counter.config(conf)
+ -- We can use the scripting facilities here
+ if counter.ev then event.cancel(counter.ev)
+ event.recurrent(conf.interval, function ()
+ print( - counter.last, 'q/s')
+ counter.last =
+ end)
+ end
+ return counter
+.. tip:: The API functions may return an integer value just like in other languages, but they may also return a coroutine that will be continued asynchronously. A good use case for this approach is is a deferred initialization, e.g. loading a chunks of data or waiting for I/O.
+.. code-block:: lua
+ function counter.init(module)
+ = 0
+ counter.last = 0
+ counter.failed = 0
+ return coroutine.create(function ()
+ for line in io.lines('/etc/hosts') do
+ load(module, line)
+ coroutine.yield()
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+The created module can be then loaded just like any other module, except it isn't very useful since it
+doesn't provide any layer to capture events. The Lua module can however provide a processing layer, just
+:ref:`like its C counterpart <lib-layers>`.
+.. code-block:: lua
+ -- Notice it isn't a function, but a table of functions
+ counter.layer = {
+ begin = function (state, data)
+ = + 1
+ return state
+ end,
+ finish = function (state, req, answer)
+ if state == kres.FAIL then
+ counter.failed = counter.failed + 1
+ end
+ return state
+ end
+ }
+There is currently an additional "feature" in comparison to C layer functions:
+the ``consume``, ``produce`` and ``checkout`` functions do not get called at all
+if ``state == kres.FAIL``;
+note that ``answer_finalize`` and ``finish`` get called nevertheless.
+Since the modules are like any other Lua modules, you can interact with them through the CLI and and any interface.
+.. tip:: The module can be placed anywhere in the Lua search path, in the working directory or in the MODULESDIR.
+Writing a module in C
+As almost all the functions are optional, the minimal module looks like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+ #include "lib/module.h"
+ /* Convenience macro to declare module API. */
+ KR_MODULE_EXPORT(mymodule)
+Let's define an observer thread for the module as well. It's going to be stub for the sake of brevity,
+but you can for example create a condition, and notify the thread from query processing by declaring
+module layer (see the :ref:`Writing layers <lib-layers>`).
+.. code-block:: c
+ static void* observe(void *arg)
+ {
+ /* ... do some observing ... */
+ }
+ int mymodule_init(struct kr_module *module)
+ {
+ /* Create a thread and start it in the background. */
+ pthread_t thr_id;
+ int ret = pthread_create(&thr_id, NULL, &observe, NULL);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ return kr_error(errno);
+ }
+ /* Keep it in the thread */
+ module->data = thr_id;
+ return kr_ok();
+ }
+ int mymodule_deinit(struct kr_module *module)
+ {
+ /* ... signalize cancellation ... */
+ void *res = NULL;
+ pthread_t thr_id = (pthread_t) module->data;
+ int ret = pthread_join(thr_id, res);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ return kr_error(errno);
+ }
+ return kr_ok();
+ }
+This example shows how a module can run in the background, this enables you to, for example, observe
+and publish data about query resolution.
+Writing a module in Go
+The Go modules use CGO_ to interface C resolver library, there are no native bindings yet. Second issue is that layers are declared as a structure of function pointers, which are `not present in Go`_, the workaround is to declare them in CGO_ header. Each module must be the ``main`` package, here's a minimal example:
+.. code-block:: go
+ package main
+ /*
+ #include "lib/module.h"
+ */
+ import "C"
+ import "unsafe"
+ /* Mandatory functions */
+ //export mymodule_api
+ func mymodule_api() C.uint32_t {
+ return C.KR_MODULE_API
+ }
+ func main() {}
+.. warning:: Do not forget to prefix function declarations with ``//export symbol_name``, as only these will be exported in module.
+In order to integrate with query processing, you have to declare a helper function with function pointers to the
+the layer implementation. Since the code prefacing ``import "C"`` is expanded in headers, you need the `static inline` trick
+to avoid multiple declarations. Here's how the preface looks like:
+.. code-block:: go
+ /*
+ #include "lib/layer.h"
+ #include "lib/module.h"
+ // Need a forward declaration of the function signature
+ int finish(kr_layer_t *);
+ // Workaround for layers composition
+ static inline const kr_layer_api_t *_layer(void)
+ {
+ static const kr_layer_api_t api = {
+ .finish = &finish
+ };
+ return &api;
+ }
+ */
+ import "C"
+ import "unsafe"
+Now we can add the implementations for the ``finish`` layer and finalize the module:
+.. code-block:: go
+ //export finish
+ func finish(ctx *C.kr_layer_t) {
+ // Since the context is unsafe.Pointer, we need to cast it
+ var param *C.struct_kr_request = (*C.struct_kr_request)(
+ // Now we can use the C API as well
+ fmt.Printf("[go] resolved %d queries\n", C.list_size(&param.rplan.resolved))
+ return 0
+ }
+ //export mymodule_layer
+ func mymodule_layer(module *C.struct_kr_module) *C.kr_layer_api_t {
+ // Wrapping the inline trampoline function
+ return C._layer()
+ }
+See the CGO_ for more information about type conversions and interoperability between the C/Go.
+* ``main()`` function is mandatory in each module, otherwise it won't compile.
+* Module layer function implementation must be done in C during ``import "C"``, as Go doesn't support pointers to functions.
+* The library doesn't have a Go-ified bindings yet, so interacting with it requires CGO shims, namely structure traversal and type conversions (strings, numbers).
+* Other modules can be called through C call ``C.kr_module_call(kr_context, module_name, module_propery, input)``
+Configuring modules
+There is a callback ``X_config()`` that you can implement, see hints module.
+.. _mod-properties:
+Exposing C/Go module properties
+A module can offer NULL-terminated list of *properties*, each property is essentially a callable with free-form JSON input/output.
+JSON was chosen as an interchangeable format that doesn't require any schema beforehand, so you can do two things - query the module properties
+from external applications or between modules (i.e. `statistics` module can query `cache` module for memory usage).
+JSON was chosen not because it's the most efficient protocol, but because it's easy to read and write and interface to outside world.
+.. note:: The ``void *env`` is a generic module interface. Since we're implementing daemon modules, the pointer can be cast to ``struct engine*``.
+ This is guaranteed by the implemented API version (see `Writing a module in C`_).
+Here's an example how a module can expose its property:
+.. code-block:: c
+ char* get_size(void *env, struct kr_module *m,
+ const char *args)
+ {
+ /* Get cache from engine. */
+ struct engine *engine = env;
+ struct kr_cache *cache = &engine->resolver.cache;
+ /* Read item count */
+ int count = (cache->api)->count(cache->db);
+ char *result = NULL;
+ asprintf(&result, "{ \"result\": %d }", count);
+ return result;
+ }
+ struct kr_prop *cache_props(void)
+ {
+ static struct kr_prop prop_list[] = {
+ /* Callback, Name, Description */
+ {&get_size, "get_size", "Return number of records."},
+ };
+ return prop_list;
+ }
+Once you load the module, you can call the module property from the interactive console.
+*Note* |---| the JSON output will be transparently converted to Lua tables.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ kresd
+ ...
+ [system] started in interactive mode, type 'help()'
+ > modules.load('cached')
+ > cached.get_size()
+ [size] => 53
+*Note* |---| this relies on function pointers, so the same ``static inline`` trick as for the ``Layer()`` is required for C/Go.
+Special properties
+If the module declares properties ``get`` or ``set``, they can be used in the Lua interpreter as
+regular tables.
+.. _`not present in Go`:
+.. _CGO:
+.. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash