path: root/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_attrib.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_attrib.h')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_attrib.h b/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_attrib.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..579e71dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_attrib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
+ */
+#include "state/cr_limits.h"
+#include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
+#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef struct {
+ CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
+} CRAttribBits;
+typedef struct {
+ GLcolorf accumClearValue;
+} CRAccumBufferStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean blend;
+ GLboolean alphaTest;
+ GLboolean logicOp;
+ GLboolean indexLogicOp;
+ GLboolean dither;
+ GLenum alphaTestFunc;
+ GLfloat alphaTestRef;
+ GLenum blendSrcRGB;
+ GLenum blendDstRGB;
+ GLenum blendSrcA;
+ GLenum blendDstA;
+ GLcolorf blendColor;
+ GLenum blendEquation;
+ GLenum logicOpMode;
+ GLenum drawBuffer;
+ GLint indexWriteMask;
+ GLcolorb colorWriteMask;
+ GLcolorf colorClearValue;
+ GLfloat indexClearValue;
+} CRColorBufferStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean rasterValid;
+ GLfloat attrib[CR_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS][4];
+ GLfloat rasterAttrib[CR_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS][4];
+ GLboolean edgeFlag;
+ GLfloat colorIndex;
+} CRCurrentStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean depthTest;
+ GLboolean depthMask;
+ GLenum depthFunc;
+ GLdefault depthClearValue;
+} CRDepthBufferStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean alphaTest;
+ GLboolean autoNormal;
+ GLboolean blend;
+ GLboolean *clip;
+ GLboolean colorMaterial;
+ GLboolean cullFace;
+ GLboolean depthTest;
+ GLboolean dither;
+ GLboolean fog;
+ GLboolean *light;
+ GLboolean lighting;
+ GLboolean lineSmooth;
+ GLboolean lineStipple;
+ GLboolean logicOp;
+ GLboolean indexLogicOp;
+ GLboolean map1[GLEVAL_TOT];
+ GLboolean map2[GLEVAL_TOT];
+ GLboolean normalize;
+ GLboolean pointSmooth;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_point_sprite
+ GLboolean pointSprite;
+ GLboolean coordReplacement[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean polygonOffsetLine;
+ GLboolean polygonOffsetFill;
+ GLboolean polygonOffsetPoint;
+ GLboolean polygonSmooth;
+ GLboolean polygonStipple;
+ GLboolean rescaleNormals;
+ GLboolean scissorTest;
+ GLboolean stencilTest;
+ GLboolean texture1D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean texture2D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean texture3D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ GLboolean textureCubeMap[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
+ GLboolean textureRect[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean textureGenS[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean textureGenT[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean textureGenR[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean textureGenQ[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+} CREnableStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean enable1D[GLEVAL_TOT];
+ GLboolean enable2D[GLEVAL_TOT];
+ GLboolean autoNormal;
+ CREvaluator1D eval1D[GLEVAL_TOT];
+ CREvaluator2D eval2D[GLEVAL_TOT];
+ GLint un1D;
+ GLfloat u11D, u21D;
+ GLint un2D;
+ GLint vn2D;
+ GLfloat u12D, u22D;
+ GLfloat v12D, v22D;
+} CREvalStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean lighting;
+ GLboolean colorMaterial;
+ GLenum shadeModel;
+ GLenum colorMaterialMode;
+ GLenum colorMaterialFace;
+ GLcolorf ambient[2];
+ GLcolorf diffuse[2];
+ GLcolorf specular[2];
+ GLcolorf emission[2];
+ GLfloat shininess[2];
+ GLint indexes[2][3];
+ GLcolorf lightModelAmbient;
+ GLboolean lightModelLocalViewer;
+ GLboolean lightModelTwoSide;
+#if defined(CR_EXT_separate_specular_color) || defined(CR_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2)
+ GLenum lightModelColorControlEXT;
+ CRLight *light;
+} CRLightingStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLcolorf color;
+ GLint index;
+ GLfloat density;
+ GLfloat start;
+ GLfloat end;
+ GLint mode;
+ GLboolean enable;
+} CRFogStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLenum perspectiveCorrection;
+ GLenum pointSmooth;
+ GLenum lineSmooth;
+ GLenum polygonSmooth;
+ GLenum fog;
+#ifdef CR_EXT_clip_volume_hint
+ GLenum clipVolumeClipping;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_compression
+ GLenum textureCompression;
+#ifdef CR_SGIS_generate_mipmap
+ GLenum generateMipmap;
+} CRHintStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean lineSmooth;
+ GLboolean lineStipple;
+ GLfloat width;
+ GLushort pattern;
+ GLint repeat;
+} CRLineStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLuint base;
+} CRListStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean mapColor;
+ GLboolean mapStencil;
+ GLint indexShift;
+ GLint indexOffset;
+ GLcolorf scale;
+ GLfloat depthScale;
+ GLcolorf bias;
+ GLfloat depthBias;
+ GLfloat xZoom;
+ GLfloat yZoom;
+ GLenum readBuffer;
+} CRPixelModeStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean pointSmooth;
+ GLfloat pointSize;
+#if CR_ARB_point_sprite
+ GLboolean pointSprite;
+ GLboolean coordReplacement[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+} CRPointStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean polygonSmooth;
+ GLboolean polygonOffsetFill;
+ GLboolean polygonOffsetLine;
+ GLboolean polygonOffsetPoint;
+ GLboolean polygonStipple;
+ GLboolean cullFace;
+ GLfloat offsetFactor;
+ GLfloat offsetUnits;
+ GLenum cullFaceMode;
+ GLenum frontFace;
+ GLenum frontMode;
+ GLenum backMode;
+} CRPolygonStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLint pattern[32];
+} CRPolygonStippleStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean scissorTest;
+ GLint scissorX;
+ GLint scissorY;
+ GLsizei scissorW;
+ GLsizei scissorH;
+} CRScissorStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLboolean stencilTest;
+ GLenum func;
+ GLint mask;
+ GLint ref;
+ GLenum fail;
+ GLenum passDepthFail;
+ GLenum passDepthPass;
+ GLint clearValue;
+ GLint writeMask;
+} CRStencilBufferStack_v_33;
+typedef struct {
+ /* true if stencil test is enabled */
+ GLboolean stencilTest;
+ /* true if GL_EXT_stencil_two_side is enabled (glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT)) */
+ GLboolean stencilTwoSideEXT;
+ /* GL_FRONT or GL_BACK */
+ GLenum activeStencilFace;
+ GLint clearValue;
+ GLint writeMask;
+ CRStencilBufferState buffers[CRSTATE_STENCIL_BUFFER_COUNT];
+} CRStencilBufferStack;
+typedef struct {
+#if 111
+ GLuint curTextureUnit;
+ CRTextureUnit unit[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean enabled1D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean enabled2D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLboolean enabled3D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+# ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ GLboolean enabledCubeMap[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+# endif
+ CRTextureObj *current1D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ CRTextureObj *current2D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ CRTextureObj *current3D[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+# ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ CRTextureObj *currentCubeMap[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+# endif
+ GLcolorf borderColor[4]; /* 4 = 1D, 2D, 3D and cube map textures */
+ GLenum minFilter[4];
+ GLenum magFilter[4];
+ GLenum wrapS[4];
+ GLenum wrapT[4];
+# ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2
+ GLenum wrapR[4];
+ GLfloat priority[4];
+ GLfloat minLod[4];
+ GLfloat maxLod[4];
+ GLint baseLevel[4];
+ GLint maxLevel[4];
+# endif
+ GLuint curTextureUnit;
+ GLcolorf envColor[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLtexcoordb textureGen[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf objSCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf objTCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf objRCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf objQCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf eyeSCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf eyeTCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf eyeRCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLvectorf eyeQCoeff[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+ GLtexcoorde gen[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+} CRTextureStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLenum matrixMode;
+ GLvectord *clipPlane;
+ GLboolean *clip;
+ GLboolean normalize;
+ GLboolean rescaleNormals;
+} CRTransformStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLint viewportX;
+ GLint viewportY;
+ GLint viewportW;
+ GLint viewportH;
+ GLclampd nearClip;
+ GLclampd farClip;
+} CRViewportStack;
+typedef struct {
+ GLint attribStackDepth;
+ CRbitvalue pushMaskStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint accumBufferStackDepth;
+ CRAccumBufferStack accumBufferStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint colorBufferStackDepth;
+ CRColorBufferStack colorBufferStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint currentStackDepth;
+ CRCurrentStack currentStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint depthBufferStackDepth;
+ CRDepthBufferStack depthBufferStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint enableStackDepth;
+ CREnableStack enableStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint evalStackDepth;
+ GLint fogStackDepth;
+ GLint hintStackDepth;
+ GLint lightingStackDepth;
+ CRLightingStack lightingStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint lineStackDepth;
+ GLint listStackDepth;
+ GLint pixelModeStackDepth;
+ CRPixelModeStack pixelModeStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint pointStackDepth;
+ CRPointStack pointStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint polygonStackDepth;
+ CRPolygonStack polygonStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint polygonStippleStackDepth;
+ CRPolygonStippleStack polygonStippleStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint scissorStackDepth;
+ CRScissorStack scissorStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint stencilBufferStackDepth;
+ CRStencilBufferStack stencilBufferStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint textureStackDepth;
+ CRTextureStack textureStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint transformStackDepth;
+ CRTransformStack transformStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+ GLint viewportStackDepth;
+ CRViewportStack viewportStack[CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
+} CRAttribState;
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateAttribInit(CRAttribState *a);
+/* No diff! */
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateAttribSwitch(CRAttribBits *bb, CRbitvalue *bitID,
+ CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* CR_STATE_ATTRIB_H */