path: root/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_texture.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_texture.h')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_texture.h b/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_texture.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..707db996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_texture.h
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
+ */
+#include "cr_hash.h"
+#include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
+#include "state/cr_limits.h"
+#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Tells state tracker to rely on diff_api to store/load texture images
+ * and avoid host memory allocation.
+ */
+#if defined(CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object) && !defined(CR_STATE_NO_TEXTURE_IMAGE_STORE)
+#error CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object not supported without CR_STATE_NO_TEXTURE_IMAGE_STORE
+typedef struct {
+ GLubyte redbits;
+ GLubyte greenbits;
+ GLubyte bluebits;
+ GLubyte alphabits;
+ GLubyte luminancebits;
+ GLubyte intensitybits;
+ GLubyte indexbits;
+} CRTextureFormat;
+typedef struct {
+ GLubyte *img;
+ int bytes;
+ GLint width; /* width, height, depth includes the border */
+ GLint height;
+ GLint depth;
+ GLint internalFormat;
+ GLint border;
+ GLenum format;
+ GLenum type;
+ int bytesPerPixel;
+#if CR_ARB_texture_compression
+ GLboolean compressed;
+ GLboolean generateMipmap;
+ const CRTextureFormat *texFormat;
+ CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
+} CRTextureLevel;
+typedef struct {
+ GLenum target;
+ GLuint id;
+ GLuint hwid;
+ /* The mipmap levels */
+ CRTextureLevel *level[6]; /* 6 cube faces */
+ GLcolorf borderColor;
+ GLenum minFilter, magFilter;
+ GLenum wrapS, wrapT;
+ GLenum wrapR;
+ GLfloat priority;
+ GLfloat minLod;
+ GLfloat maxLod;
+ GLint baseLevel;
+ GLint maxLevel;
+#ifdef CR_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
+ GLfloat maxAnisotropy;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_depth_texture
+ GLenum depthMode;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_shadow
+ GLenum compareMode;
+ GLenum compareFunc;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_shadow_ambient
+ GLfloat compareFailValue;
+#ifdef CR_SGIS_generate_mipmap
+ GLboolean generateMipmap;
+ GLboolean pinned; /* <- keep the texture alive if its ctxUsage reaches zero */
+ CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
+ CRbitvalue imageBit[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
+ /* bitfield representing the object usage. 1 means the object is used by the context with the given bitid */
+ CRbitvalue ctxUsage[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
+} CRTextureObj;
+typedef struct {
+ CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
+ /* XXX someday create more bits for texture env state */
+} CRTextureBits;
+typedef struct {
+ /* Current texture objects (in terms of glBindTexture and glActiveTexture) */
+ CRTextureObj *currentTexture1D;
+ CRTextureObj *currentTexture2D;
+ CRTextureObj *currentTexture3D;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ CRTextureObj *currentTextureCubeMap;
+#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
+ CRTextureObj *currentTextureRect;
+ GLboolean enabled1D;
+ GLboolean enabled2D;
+ GLboolean enabled3D;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ GLboolean enabledCubeMap;
+#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
+ GLboolean enabledRect;
+#ifdef CR_EXT_texture_lod_bias
+ GLfloat lodBias;
+ GLenum envMode;
+ GLcolorf envColor;
+ /* GL_ARB_texture_env_combine */
+ GLenum combineModeRGB; /* GL_REPLACE, GL_DECAL, GL_ADD, etc. */
+ GLenum combineModeA; /* GL_REPLACE, GL_DECAL, GL_ADD, etc. */
+ GLenum combineSourceRGB[3]; /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR, GL_TEXTURE, etc. */
+ GLenum combineSourceA[3]; /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR, GL_TEXTURE, etc. */
+ GLenum combineOperandRGB[3]; /* SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, etc */
+ GLenum combineOperandA[3]; /* SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, etc */
+ GLfloat combineScaleRGB; /* 1 or 2 or 4 */
+ GLfloat combineScaleA; /* 1 or 2 or 4 */
+ GLtexcoordb textureGen;
+ GLvectorf objSCoeff;
+ GLvectorf objTCoeff;
+ GLvectorf objRCoeff;
+ GLvectorf objQCoeff;
+ GLvectorf eyeSCoeff;
+ GLvectorf eyeTCoeff;
+ GLvectorf eyeRCoeff;
+ GLvectorf eyeQCoeff;
+ GLtexcoorde gen;
+ /* These are only used for glPush/PopAttrib */
+ CRTextureObj Saved1D;
+ CRTextureObj Saved2D;
+ CRTextureObj Saved3D;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ CRTextureObj SavedCubeMap;
+#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
+ CRTextureObj SavedRect;
+} CRTextureUnit;
+typedef struct {
+ /* Default texture objects (name = 0) */
+ CRTextureObj base1D;
+ CRTextureObj base2D;
+ CRTextureObj base3D;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ CRTextureObj baseCubeMap;
+#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
+ CRTextureObj baseRect;
+ /* Proxy texture objects */
+ CRTextureObj proxy1D;
+ CRTextureObj proxy2D;
+ CRTextureObj proxy3D;
+#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
+ CRTextureObj proxyCubeMap;
+#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
+ CRTextureObj proxyRect;
+ GLuint curTextureUnit; /* GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE */
+ GLint maxLevel; /* number of mipmap levels possible: [0..max] */
+ GLint max3DLevel;
+ GLint maxCubeMapLevel;
+ GLint maxRectLevel;
+ GLboolean broadcastTextures; /*@todo what is it for?*/
+ /* Per-texture unit state: */
+ CRTextureUnit unit[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+} CRTextureState;
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureInit(CRContext *ctx);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureDestroy(CRContext *ctx);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureFree(CRContext *ctx);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureInitTexture(GLuint name);
+DECLEXPORT(CRTextureObj *) crStateTextureAllocate(GLuint name);
+ /*void crStateTextureDelete(GLuint name);*/
+DECLEXPORT(CRTextureObj *) crStateTextureGet(GLenum target, GLuint textureid);
+DECLEXPORT(int) crStateTextureGetSize(GLenum target, GLenum level);
+DECLEXPORT(const GLvoid *) crStateTextureGetData(GLenum target, GLenum level);
+DECLEXPORT(int) crStateTextureCheckDirtyImages(CRContext *from, CRContext *to, GLenum target, int textureUnit);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureDiff(CRTextureBits *t, CRbitvalue *bitID,
+ CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureSwitch(CRTextureBits *t, CRbitvalue *bitID,
+ CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureObjectDiff(CRContext *fromCtx,
+ const CRbitvalue *bitID,
+ const CRbitvalue *nbitID,
+ CRTextureObj *tobj, GLboolean alwaysDirty);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDiffAllTextureObjects( CRContext *g, CRbitvalue *bitID, GLboolean bForceUpdate );
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDeleteTextureObjectData(CRTextureObj *tobj);
+DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDeleteTextureObject(CRTextureObj *tobj);
+DECLEXPORT(GLuint) STATE_APIENTRY crStateTextureHWIDtoID(GLuint hwid);
+DECLEXPORT(GLuint) STATE_APIENTRY crStateGetTextureHWID(GLuint id);
+DECLEXPORT(GLuint) STATE_APIENTRY crStateGetTextureObjHWID(CRTextureObj *tobj);
+void crStateRegTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint *names);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* CR_STATE_TEXTURE_H */