path: root/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/packer/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/packer/')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/packer/ b/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/packer/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5abb6e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/packer/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
+# This script generates the packer_bbox.c file from gl_header.parsed
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import string
+import apiutil
+/* These functions pack glVertex functions and also update the bounding box
+ * if the cr_packer_globals.updateBBOX variable is non-zero.
+ */
+#include "packer.h"
+#include "cr_opcodes.h"
+#include "pack_bbox.h"
+#include <float.h>
+ * Reset packer bounding box to empty state.
+ */
+void crPackResetBoundingBox(CRPackContext *pc)
+ pc->bounds_min.x = FLT_MAX;
+ pc->bounds_min.y = FLT_MAX;
+ pc->bounds_min.z = FLT_MAX;
+ pc->bounds_max.x = -FLT_MAX;
+ pc->bounds_max.y = -FLT_MAX;
+ pc->bounds_max.z = -FLT_MAX;
+ pc->updateBBOX = 1;
+ * Query current bounding box.
+ * \return GL_TRUE if non-empty box, GL_FALSE if empty box.
+ */
+GLboolean crPackGetBoundingBox(CRPackContext *pc,
+ GLfloat *xmin, GLfloat *ymin, GLfloat *zmin,
+ GLfloat *xmax, GLfloat *ymax, GLfloat *zmax)
+ if (pc->bounds_min.x != FLT_MAX) {
+ *xmin = pc->bounds_min.x;
+ *ymin = pc->bounds_min.y;
+ *zmin = pc->bounds_min.z;
+ *xmax = pc->bounds_max.x;
+ *ymax = pc->bounds_max.y;
+ *zmax = pc->bounds_max.z;
+ return GL_TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return GL_FALSE;
+ }
+def WriteData( offset, arg_type, arg_name, is_swapped ):
+ if arg_type.find('*') != -1:
+ retval = "\tWRITE_NETWORK_POINTER(%d, (void *) %s);" % (offset, arg_name )
+ else:
+ if is_swapped:
+ if arg_type == "GLfloat" or arg_type == "GLclampf":
+ retval = "\tWRITE_DATA(%d, GLuint, SWAPFLOAT(%s));" % (offset, arg_name)
+ elif arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd":
+ retval = "\tWRITE_SWAPPED_DOUBLE(%d, %s);" % (offset, arg_name)
+ elif apiutil.sizeof(arg_type) == 1:
+ retval = "\tWRITE_DATA(%d, %s, %s);" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
+ elif apiutil.sizeof(arg_type) == 2:
+ retval = "\tWRITE_DATA(%d, %s, SWAP16(%s));" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
+ elif apiutil.sizeof(arg_type) == 4:
+ retval = "\tWRITE_DATA(%d, %s, SWAP32(%s));" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
+ else:
+ if arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd":
+ retval = "\tWRITE_DOUBLE(%d, %s);" % (offset, arg_name)
+ else:
+ retval = "\tWRITE_DATA(%d, %s, %s);" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
+ return retval
+def PrintFunction( func_name, extSuffix, num_coords, argtype,
+ do_swapped, do_count, do_vector ):
+ """
+ Generate all the functions named crPackVertex[234][dfis][v]BBOX() and
+ crPackVertex[234][dfis][v]BBOX_COUNT().
+ We also handle glVertexAttrib*ARB.
+ Note: func_name should not have an ARB suffix.
+ """
+ if do_count:
+ countSuffix = "_COUNT"
+ else:
+ countSuffix = ""
+ if do_swapped:
+ swapSuffix = "SWAP"
+ else:
+ swapSuffix = ""
+ if func_name[0:12] == "VertexAttrib":
+ isVertexAttrib = 1
+ else:
+ isVertexAttrib = 0
+ if argtype[0] == "N":
+ normalized = 1
+ else:
+ normalized = 0;
+ if argtype == "b" or argtype == "Nb":
+ vector_type = "GLbyte"
+ elif argtype == "ub" or argtype == "Nub":
+ vector_type = "GLubyte"
+ elif argtype == "s" or argtype == "Ns":
+ vector_type = "GLshort"
+ elif argtype == "us" or argtype == "Nus":
+ vector_type = "GLushort"
+ elif argtype == "i" or argtype == "Ni":
+ vector_type = "GLint"
+ elif argtype == "ui" or argtype == "Nui":
+ vector_type = "GLuint"
+ elif argtype == "f":
+ vector_type = "GLfloat"
+ elif argtype == "d":
+ vector_type = "GLdouble"
+ else:
+ print("type is %s" % argtype)
+ abort()
+ if do_vector:
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ func_name = 'VertexAttrib%d%sv' % (num_coords, argtype)
+ else:
+ func_name = 'Vertex%d%sv' % (num_coords,argtype)
+ params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name + extSuffix)
+ print('void PACK_APIENTRY crPack%sBBOX%s%s(%s)' % (func_name + extSuffix, countSuffix,
+ swapSuffix, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params)))
+ print('{')
+ if do_vector:
+ # vector version
+ packet_length = num_coords * apiutil.sizeof(vector_type)
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ packet_length += 4 # for index
+ if packet_length % 4 != 0:
+ packet_length += 2
+ else:
+ # non-vector
+ packet_length = apiutil.PacketLength( params )
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ packet_length += 0 # for index
+ if packet_length % 4 != 0:
+ packet_length += 2
+ print("\tCR_GET_PACKER_CONTEXT(pc);")
+ print("\tunsigned char *data_ptr = NULL;")
+ if normalized:
+ if argtype == "Nb":
+ t = "B"
+ elif argtype == "Ni":
+ t = "I"
+ elif argtype == "Nui":
+ t = "UI"
+ elif argtype == "Nub":
+ t = "UB"
+ elif argtype == "Ns":
+ t = "S"
+ elif argtype == "Nus":
+ t = "US"
+ else:
+ abort()
+ if do_vector:
+ print("\tCREATE_%dD_VFLOATS_%s_NORMALIZED();" % (num_coords, t))
+ else:
+ print("\tCREATE_%dD_FLOATS_%s_NORMALIZED();" % (num_coords, t))
+ else:
+ if do_vector:
+ print("\tCREATE_%dD_VFLOATS();" % num_coords)
+ else:
+ print("\tCREATE_%dD_FLOATS();" % num_coords)
+ print("\tCR_GET_BUFFERED%s_POINTER(pc, %d);" % (countSuffix, packet_length))
+ # Bounding box code
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ print("\tif (pc->updateBBOX && index == 0)")
+ else:
+ print("\tif (pc->updateBBOX)")
+ print("\t{")
+ if num_coords < 4:
+ print("\t\tUPDATE_%dD_BBOX();" % num_coords)
+ else:
+ print("\t\tUPDATE_3D_BBOX();")
+ print("\t}")
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ print("\tif (index > 0) {")
+ t = argtype
+ print("\t\tpc->current.c.vertexAttrib.%s%d[index] = data_ptr + 4;" % (t, num_coords))
+ print("\t\tpc->current.attribsUsedMask |= (1 << index);")
+ if do_count:
+ print("\t\tpc->current.vtx_count--;")
+ print("\t}")
+ fname = func_name + extSuffix
+ if do_vector:
+ # use non-vector opcode
+ opcode = apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name[:-1] + extSuffix )
+ else:
+ opcode = apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name + extSuffix )
+ counter = 0
+ if do_vector:
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ if do_swapped:
+ print("\tWRITE_DATA(0, GLuint, SWAP32(index));")
+ else:
+ print("\tWRITE_DATA(0, GLuint, index);")
+ counter += 4
+ argname = params[1][0] # skip 'index' parameter
+ else:
+ argname = params[0][0]
+ for index in range(num_coords):
+ print(WriteData( counter, vector_type, "%s[%d]" % (argname, index), do_swapped ))
+ counter += apiutil.sizeof(vector_type)
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ if do_vector == 2:
+ # this is a bit of a hack
+ print("\tWRITE_OPCODE(pc, %s);" % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name + "ARB" ))
+ else:
+ print("\tWRITE_OPCODE(pc, %s);" % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name[:-1] + "ARB" ))
+ else:
+ print("\tWRITE_OPCODE(pc, %s);" % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name[:-1] ))
+ else:
+ for index in range(0,len(params)):
+ (name, type, vecSize) = params[index]
+ print(WriteData( counter, type, name, do_swapped ))
+ counter += apiutil.sizeof(type)
+ if isVertexAttrib:
+ print("\tWRITE_OPCODE(pc, %s);" % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name + "ARB" ))
+ else:
+ print("\tWRITE_OPCODE(pc, %s);" % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name ))
+ print("\tCR_UNLOCK_PACKER_CONTEXT(pc);")
+ print('}\n')
+#end PrintFunction()
+for num_coords in [2,3,4]:
+ for argtype in ['d', 'f', 'i', 's']:
+ func_name = 'Vertex%d%s' % (num_coords, argtype)
+ for swap in range(0, 2):
+ for count in range(0, 2):
+ for vec in range(0, 2):
+ PrintFunction( func_name, "", num_coords, argtype, swap,
+ count, vec )
+for num_coords in [1,2,3,4]:
+ for argtype in ['d', 'f', 's']:
+ func_name = 'VertexAttrib%d%s' % (num_coords, argtype)
+ for swap in range(0, 2):
+ for count in range(0, 2):
+ for vec in range(0, 2):
+ PrintFunction( func_name, "ARB", num_coords, argtype, swap,
+ count, vec )
+# Special vector functions
+moreFuncs = [ [ "VertexAttrib4ubv", "ub" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4usv", "us" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4uiv", "ui" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4bv", "b" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4iv", "i" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4Nbv", "Nb" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4Nsv", "Ns" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4Niv", "Ni" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4Nubv", "Nub" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4Nusv", "Nus" ],
+ [ "VertexAttrib4Nuiv", "Nui" ]
+ ]
+for (func_name, argtype) in moreFuncs:
+ vec = 2 # special, hacked value
+ num_coords = 4
+ for swap in range(0, 2):
+ for count in range(0, 2):
+ PrintFunction( func_name, "ARB", num_coords, argtype, swap, count, vec )
+# Special non-vector functions
+moreFuncs = [ [ "VertexAttrib4Nub", "Nub" ] ]
+for (func_name, argtype) in moreFuncs:
+ vec = 0
+ num_coords = 4
+ for swap in range(0, 2):
+ for count in range(0, 2):
+ PrintFunction( func_name, "ARB", num_coords, argtype, swap, count, vec )