path: root/ansible_collections/cisco/iosxr/plugins/cliconf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible_collections/cisco/iosxr/plugins/cliconf')
2 files changed, 555 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible_collections/cisco/iosxr/plugins/cliconf/
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index 00000000..706bff6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible_collections/cisco/iosxr/plugins/cliconf/
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+# (c) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+author: Ansible Networking Team (@ansible-network)
+name: iosxr
+short_description: Use iosxr cliconf to run command on Cisco IOS XR platform
+- This iosxr plugin provides low level abstraction apis for sending and receiving
+ CLI commands from Cisco IOS XR network devices.
+version_added: 1.0.0
+- IOSXR commit confirmed command varies with IOSXR version releases,
+ commit_comment and commit_label may or may not
+ be valid together as per the device version.
+ commit_confirmed:
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ description:
+ - enable or disable commit confirmed mode
+ env:
+ vars:
+ - name: ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed
+ commit_confirmed_timeout:
+ type: int
+ description:
+ - Commits the configuration on a trial basis for the time specified in seconds or minutes.
+ env:
+ vars:
+ - name: ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed_timeout
+ commit_label:
+ type: str
+ description:
+ - Adds label to commit confirmed.
+ env:
+ vars:
+ - name: ansible_iosxr_commit_label
+ commit_comment:
+ type: str
+ description:
+ - Adds comment to commit confirmed..
+ env:
+ vars:
+ - name: ansible_iosxr_commit_comment
+ config_commands:
+ description:
+ - Specifies a list of commands that can make configuration changes
+ to the target device.
+ - When `ansible_network_single_user_mode` is enabled, if a command sent
+ to the device is present in this list, the existing cache is invalidated.
+ version_added: 2.0.0
+ type: list
+ elements: str
+ default: []
+ vars:
+ - name: ansible_iosxr_config_commands
+ config_mode_exclusive:
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ description:
+ - enable or disable config mode exclusive
+ env:
+ vars:
+ - name: ansible_iosxr_config_mode_exclusive
+# Use commit confirmed within a task with timeout, label and comment
+- name: Commit confirmed with a task
+ vars:
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed: True
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed_timeout: 50
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_label: TestLabel
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_comment: I am a test comment
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_logging_global:
+ state: merged
+ config:
+ buffered:
+ severity: errors #alerts #informational
+ correlator:
+ buffer_size: 2024
+# Commands (cliconf specific)
+# ["commit confirmed 50 label TestLabel comment I am a test comment"]
+# Use commit within a task with label
+- name: Commit label with a task
+ vars:
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_label: lblTest
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_hostname:
+ state: merged
+ config:
+ hostname: R1
+# Commands (cliconf specific)
+# ["commit label lblt1"]
+# Use commit confirm with timeout and confirm the commit
+# NOTE - IOSXR waits for a `commit` when the command
+# executed is `commit confirmed <timeout>` within the timeout
+# period for the config to commit successfully, else a rollback
+# happens.
+- name: Example commit confirmed
+ vars:
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed: True
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed_timeout: 60
+ tasks:
+ - name: "Commit confirmed with timeout"
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_hostname:
+ state: merged
+ config:
+ hostname: R1
+ - name: "Confirm the Commit"
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_command:
+ commands:
+ - commit
+# Commands (cliconf specific)
+# ["commit confirmed 60"]
+# Use exclusive mode with a task
+- name: Configure exclusive mode with a task
+ vars:
+ ansible_iosxr_config_mode_exclusive: True
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_interfaces:
+ state: merged
+ config:
+ - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2
+ description: Configured via Ansible
+ - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3
+ description: Configured via Ansible
+# Commands (cliconf specific)
+# ["configure exclusive"]
+# Use Replace option with commit confirmed
+# NOTE - IOSXR waits for a `commit` when the command
+# executed is `commit replace confirmed <timeout>` within the timeout
+# period for the config to commit successfully, else a rollback
+# happens.
+# This option is supported by only iosxr_config module
+- name: Example replace config with commit confirmed
+ vars:
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed: True
+ ansible_iosxr_commit_confirmed_timeout: 60
+ tasks:
+ - name: "Replace config with Commit confirmed"
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_config:
+ src: 'replace_running_cfg_iosxr.txt'
+ replace: config
+ - name: "Confirm the Commit"
+ cisco.iosxr.iosxr_command:
+ commands:
+ - commit
+import json
+import re
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleConnectionFailure
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
+from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import Mapping
+from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError
+from import (
+ NetworkConfig,
+ dumps,
+from import to_list
+from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.plugin_utils.cliconf_base import CliconfBase
+from import (
+ mask_config_blocks_from_diff,
+ sanitize_config,
+class Cliconf(CliconfBase):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._device_info = {}
+ super(Cliconf, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_command_output(self, command):
+ reply = self.get(command)
+ data = to_text(reply, errors="surrogate_or_strict").strip()
+ return data
+ def get_device_info(self):
+ if not self._device_info:
+ device_info = dict()
+ device_info["network_os"] = "iosxr"
+ data = self.get_command_output("show version | utility head -n 20")
+ match ="Version (\S+)$", data, re.M)
+ if match:
+ device_info["network_os_version"] =
+ else:
+ match ="Version (\S+ \S+)$", data, re.M)
+ if match:
+ device_info["network_os_version"] =
+ match ='image file is "(.+)"', data)
+ if match:
+ device_info["network_os_image"] =
+ model_search_strs = [
+ r"^[Cc]isco (.+) \(\) processor",
+ r"^[Cc]isco ([A-Z0-9\-]+) processor",
+ r"^[Cc]isco (.+) \(revision",
+ r"^[Cc]isco (\S+ \S+).+bytes of .*memory",
+ ]
+ for item in model_search_strs:
+ match =, data, re.M)
+ if match:
+ device_info["network_os_model"] =
+ break
+ hostname = self.get_command_output("show running-config hostname")
+ match ="hostname\s(\S+)$", hostname, re.M)
+ if match:
+ device_info["network_os_hostname"] =
+ self._device_info = device_info
+ return self._device_info
+ def configure(self, admin=False, exclusive=False):
+ prompt = to_text(self._connection.get_prompt(), errors="surrogate_or_strict").strip()
+ if not prompt.endswith(")#"):
+ if admin and "admin-" not in prompt:
+ self.send_command("admin")
+ if exclusive or self.get_option("config_mode_exclusive"):
+ self.send_command("configure exclusive")
+ return
+ self.send_command("configure terminal")
+ def abort(self, admin=False):
+ prompt = to_text(self._connection.get_prompt(), errors="surrogate_or_strict").strip()
+ if prompt.endswith(")#"):
+ self.send_command("abort")
+ if admin and "admin-" in prompt:
+ self.send_command("exit")
+ def get_config(self, source="running", format="text", flags=None):
+ if source not in ["running"]:
+ raise ValueError("fetching configuration from %s is not supported" % source)
+ lookup = {"running": "running-config"}
+ cmd = "show {0} ".format(lookup[source])
+ cmd += " ".join(to_list(flags))
+ cmd = cmd.strip()
+ return self.send_command(cmd)
+ def edit_config(
+ self,
+ candidate=None,
+ commit=True,
+ admin=False,
+ exclusive=False,
+ replace=None,
+ comment=None,
+ label=None,
+ ):
+ operations = self.get_device_operations()
+ self.check_edit_config_capability(operations, candidate, commit, replace, comment)
+ resp = {}
+ results = []
+ requests = []
+ self.configure(admin=admin, exclusive=exclusive)
+ if replace:
+ candidate = "load {0}".format(replace)
+ for line in to_list(candidate):
+ if not isinstance(line, Mapping):
+ line = {"command": line}
+ cmd = line["command"]
+ results.append(self.send_command(**line))
+ requests.append(cmd)
+ # Before any commit happened, we can get a real configuration
+ # diff from the device and make it available by the iosxr_config module.
+ # This information can be useful either in check mode or normal mode.
+ resp["show_commit_config_diff"] = self.get("show commit changes diff")
+ if commit:
+ try:
+ self.commit(comment=comment, label=label, replace=replace)
+ except AnsibleConnectionFailure as exc:
+ error_msg = to_text(exc, errors="surrogate_or_strict").strip()
+ if "Invalid input detected" in error_msg and "comment" in error_msg:
+ msg = (
+ "value of comment option '%s' is ignored as it in not supported by IOSXR"
+ % comment
+ )
+ self._connection.queue_message("warning", msg)
+ comment = None
+ self.commit(comment=comment, label=label, replace=replace)
+ else:
+ raise ConnectionError(error_msg)
+ else:
+ self.discard_changes()
+ if not self.get_option("commit_confirmed"):
+ self.abort(admin=admin)
+ resp["request"] = requests
+ resp["response"] = results
+ return resp
+ def get_diff(
+ self,
+ candidate=None,
+ running=None,
+ diff_match="line",
+ diff_ignore_lines=None,
+ path=None,
+ diff_replace="line",
+ ):
+ diff = {}
+ device_operations = self.get_device_operations()
+ option_values = self.get_option_values()
+ if candidate is None and device_operations["supports_generate_diff"]:
+ raise ValueError("candidate configuration is required to generate diff")
+ if diff_match not in option_values["diff_match"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "'match' value %s in invalid, valid values are %s"
+ % (diff_match, ", ".join(option_values["diff_match"])),
+ )
+ if diff_replace not in option_values["diff_replace"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "'replace' value %s in invalid, valid values are %s"
+ % (diff_replace, ", ".join(option_values["diff_replace"])),
+ )
+ # prepare candidate configuration
+ sanitized_candidate = sanitize_config(candidate)
+ candidate_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=1, comment_tokens=["!"])
+ candidate_obj.load(sanitized_candidate)
+ if running and diff_match != "none":
+ # running configuration
+ running = mask_config_blocks_from_diff(running, candidate, "ansible")
+ running = sanitize_config(running)
+ running_obj = NetworkConfig(
+ indent=1,
+ contents=running,
+ ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines,
+ comment_tokens=["!"],
+ )
+ configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.difference(
+ running_obj,
+ path=path,
+ match=diff_match,
+ replace=diff_replace,
+ )
+ else:
+ configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.items
+ diff["config_diff"] = dumps(configdiffobjs, "commands") if configdiffobjs else ""
+ return diff
+ def get(
+ self,
+ command=None,
+ prompt=None,
+ answer=None,
+ sendonly=False,
+ newline=True,
+ output=None,
+ check_all=False,
+ ):
+ if output:
+ raise ValueError("'output' value %s is not supported for get" % output)
+ return self.send_command(
+ command=command,
+ prompt=prompt,
+ answer=answer,
+ sendonly=sendonly,
+ newline=newline,
+ check_all=check_all,
+ )
+ def commit(self, comment=None, label=None, replace=None):
+ """Implements commit functionality of config module
+ and commit confirmed functionality of cliconf module
+ Args:
+ comment (str, optional): commit comment. Defaults to None.
+ label (str, optional): commit label. Defaults to None.
+ replace (bool, optional): Flag to replace commit. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ cmd_obj = {}
+ if replace:
+ cmd_obj["command"] = "commit replace"
+ if self.get_option("commit_confirmed"):
+ cmd_obj["command"] = "commit replace confirmed"
+ if self.get_option("commit_confirmed_timeout"):
+ cmd_obj["command"] += " {0}".format(self.get_option("commit_confirmed_timeout"))
+ cmd_obj[
+ "prompt"
+ ] = "This commit will replace or remove the entire running configuration"
+ cmd_obj["answer"] = "yes"
+ elif self.get_option("commit_confirmed"):
+ cmd_obj["command"] = "commit confirmed"
+ if self.get_option("commit_confirmed_timeout"):
+ cmd_obj["command"] += " {0}".format(self.get_option("commit_confirmed_timeout"))
+ if self.get_option("commit_label"):
+ cmd_obj["command"] += " label {0}".format(self.get_option("commit_label"))
+ if self.get_option("commit_comment"):
+ cmd_obj["command"] += " comment {0}".format(self.get_option("commit_comment"))
+ else:
+ label = label or self.get_option("commit_label")
+ comment = comment or self.get_option("commit_comment")
+ if comment or label:
+ cmd_obj["command"] = "commit"
+ if label:
+ cmd_obj["command"] += " label {0}".format(label)
+ if comment:
+ cmd_obj["command"] += " comment {0}".format(comment)
+ else:
+ cmd_obj["command"] = "commit show-error"
+ # In some cases even a normal commit, i.e., !replace,
+ # throws a prompt and we need to handle it before
+ # proceeding further
+ cmd_obj["prompt"] = "(C|c)onfirm"
+ cmd_obj["answer"] = "y"
+ self.send_command(**cmd_obj)
+ def run_commands(self, commands=None, check_rc=True):
+ if commands is None:
+ raise ValueError("'commands' value is required")
+ responses = list()
+ for cmd in to_list(commands):
+ if not isinstance(cmd, Mapping):
+ cmd = {"command": cmd}
+ output = cmd.pop("output", None)
+ if output:
+ raise ValueError("'output' value %s is not supported for run_commands" % output)
+ try:
+ out = self.send_command(**cmd)
+ except AnsibleConnectionFailure as e:
+ if check_rc:
+ raise
+ out = getattr(e, "err", e)
+ if out is not None:
+ try:
+ out = to_text(out, errors="surrogate_or_strict").strip()
+ except UnicodeError:
+ raise ConnectionError(
+ message="Failed to decode output from %s: %s" % (cmd, to_text(out)),
+ )
+ try:
+ out = json.loads(out)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ responses.append(out)
+ return responses
+ def discard_changes(self):
+ self.send_command("abort")
+ def get_device_operations(self):
+ return {
+ "supports_diff_replace": True,
+ "supports_commit": True,
+ "supports_rollback": False,
+ "supports_defaults": False,
+ "supports_onbox_diff": False,
+ "supports_commit_comment": True,
+ "supports_multiline_delimiter": False,
+ "supports_diff_match": True,
+ "supports_diff_ignore_lines": True,
+ "supports_generate_diff": True,
+ "supports_replace": True,
+ "supports_admin": True,
+ "supports_commit_label": True,
+ }
+ def get_option_values(self):
+ return {
+ "format": ["text"],
+ "diff_match": ["line", "strict", "exact", "none"],
+ "diff_replace": ["line", "block", "config"],
+ "output": [],
+ }
+ def get_capabilities(self):
+ result = super(Cliconf, self).get_capabilities()
+ result["rpc"] += ["commit", "discard_changes", "get_diff", "configure", "exit"]
+ result["device_operations"] = self.get_device_operations()
+ result.update(self.get_option_values())
+ return json.dumps(result)
+ def set_cli_prompt_context(self):
+ """
+ Make sure we are in the operational cli mode
+ :return: None
+ """
+ if self._connection.connected and not self.get_option("commit_confirmed"):
+ self._update_cli_prompt_context(config_context=")#", exit_command="abort")