diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 09:14:42 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 09:14:42 +0000
commit0bc58b66a4850cdb8458a86c3d9a2fc81de82aa3 (patch)
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:2.11.upstream/1%2.11upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/7z/a.7zbin0 -> 109 bytes
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/_filedir/a b/i0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/_known_hosts_real/spaced conf8
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/_known_hosts_real/spaced known_hosts4
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/java/bashcomp.jarbin0 -> 788 bytes
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/ri/BashCompletion/cdesc-BashCompletion.ribin0 -> 197 bytes
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/ri/cache.ribin0 -> 136 bytes
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/scp/spaced conf6
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/sftp/spaced conf6
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/shared/default/bar bar.d/foo0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/ssh/spaced conf6
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/tar/archive.tar.xzbin0 -> 10240 bytes
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/tar/escape.tarbin0 -> 10240 bytes
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/xz/bashcomp.tar.xzbin0 -> 196 bytes
1483 files changed, 50639 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56279de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;;; Directory Local Variables
+;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
+ (eval add-hook 'before-save-hook 'blacken-buffer nil t))
+ (sh-mode
+ (mode . shfmt-on-save)
+ (shfmt-arguments "-s")
+ (flycheck-sh-bash-args "-O" "extglob")
+ (sh-indent-comment . t)))
diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f2dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dockerignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85032d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
+tab_width = 8
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+max_line_length = 79
+# for shfmt
+function_next_line = true
+switch_case_indent = true
+indent_style = tab
+indent_size = 2
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae29894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/.markdownlint.yaml b/.markdownlint.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0204e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.markdownlint.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ false # for lists in FAQ/A
+ allowed_elements: [kbd]
diff --git a/.perltidyrc b/.perltidyrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f681d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.perltidyrc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57d1264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ - repo: local
+ hooks:
+ - id: shfmt
+ name: shfmt
+ language: golang
+ additional_dependencies: []
+ entry: shfmt
+ args: [-w, -s]
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(bash_completion|completions/.+|test/(config/bashrc|update-test-cmd-list)|.+\.sh(\.in)?)$
+ exclude: ^completions/(\.gitignore|Makefile.*)$
+ - repo:
+ rev: v0.7.1.1
+ hooks:
+ - id: shellcheck
+ args: [-f, gcc]
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(bash_completion|completions/.+|test/(config/bashrc|update-test-cmd-list)|.+\.sh(\.in)?)$
+ exclude: ^completions/(\.gitignore|Makefile.*)$
+ require_serial: false # We disable SC1090 anyway, so parallel is ok
+ - repo: local
+ hooks:
+ - id: update-test-cmd-list
+ name: update-test-cmd-list
+ language: script
+ entry: test/update-test-cmd-list
+ files: ^test/t/.+\.py$
+ pass_filenames: false
+ - repo:
+ rev: 19.10b0
+ hooks:
+ - id: black
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(helpers/python|.+\.py)$
+ exclude: ^completions/
+ - repo:
+ rev: 3.8.3
+ hooks:
+ - id: flake8
+ args: [--config=test/setup.cfg]
+ additional_dependencies: [flake8-bugbear==20.1.4]
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(helpers/python|.+\.py)$
+ exclude: ^completions/
+ - repo:
+ rev: 5.1.4
+ hooks:
+ - id: isort
+ args: [--settings-path=test/setup.cfg]
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(helpers/python|.+\.py)$
+ exclude: ^completions/
+ - repo:
+ rev: v0.782
+ hooks:
+ - id: mypy
+ args: [--config-file=test/setup.cfg]
+ # Intentionally not run on helpers/python (support very old versions)
+ exclude: ^completions/|^test/fixtures/pytest/
+ - repo:
+ rev: v2.7.2
+ hooks:
+ - id: pyupgrade
+ args: [--py3-plus, --keep-percent-format]
+ exclude: ^completions/
+ - repo:
+ rev: "20200619"
+ hooks:
+ - id: perltidy
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(helpers/perl|.+\.p[ml])$
+ - repo: local
+ hooks:
+ - id: perlcritic
+ name: perlcritic
+ language: perl
+ additional_dependencies: [PETDANCE/Perl-Critic-1.138.tar.gz]
+ entry: perlcritic
+ args: [--quiet, --verbose, "5"]
+ types: [text]
+ files: ^(helpers/perl|.+\.p[ml])$
+ - repo:
+ rev: v0.23.2
+ hooks:
+ - id: markdownlint
diff --git a/.shellcheckrc b/.shellcheckrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5ed4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.shellcheckrc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+disable=SC1090 # not really fixable usually (ever?)
+disable=SC2034 # for localizing variables set in called functions
+disable=SC2128 # intentional style choice
+disable=SC2206 # suggested alternatives fail in posix mode or use temp files
+disable=SC2207 # suggested alternatives fail in posix mode or use temp files
+# These disables are to be investigated and decided
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab73f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+language: generic
+dist: bionic
+ - docker
+ include:
+ - stage: lint
+ language: go
+ go: "1.14"
+ services: []
+ cache:
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.cache/pip
+ - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit
+ before_install: []
+ script:
+ - pyenv shell 3.8
+ - pip3 install "$(grep ^pre-commit test/requirements-dev.txt)"
+ - pre-commit run --all-files --color=always
+ - stage: test
+ env: DIST=alpine
+ - env: DIST=centos7
+ - env: DIST=debian10
+ - env: DIST=fedoradev
+ - env: DIST=ubuntu14
+ - env: DIST=ubuntu14 BSD=true NETWORK=none
+ - docker build
+ --build-arg DIST=$DIST -t bash-completion:$DIST -f test/docker/Dockerfile .
+ - docker run --name bash-completion
+ ${NETWORK:+--network $NETWORK}
+ -t bash-completion:$DIST
+ - docker start bash-completion
+ - docker exec bash-completion
+ sh -c "tar c bash-completion-$TRAVIS_TAG.tar.*" | tar xv
+ - docker kill bash-completion
+ provider: releases
+ api_key:
+ secure: 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
+ file: bash-completion-$TRAVIS_TAG.tar.xz
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ on:
+ repo: scop/bash-completion
+ condition: $DIST = alpine
+ tags: true
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2daef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+David Paleino (Debian) <>
+Freddy Vulto <>
+Guillame Rousse (Mandriva) <>
+Igor Murzov <>
+Mike Kelly (Exherbo) <>
+Santiago M. Mola (Exherbo) <>
+Ville Skyttä <>
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a26a1b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3141 @@
+bash-completion (2.11)
+ [ Alexander Meshcheryakov ]
+ * _known_hosts_real: check that ruptime is present before calling
+ (#390)
+ [ Andrew Gaul ]
+ * totem: reuse kaffeine completions (#372)
+ [ Damien Nadé ]
+ * __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref: avoid triggering nounset on
+ indirect references
+ [ Felix Lechner ]
+ * lintian: complete paths for Ubuntu's .ddeb and Debian's buildinfo
+ files (#397)
+ [ Felix Yan ]
+ * ip: complete route add table arg
+ * ip: style fixes similar to ip-netns
+ * ip: add more completions for ip-rule
+ * ip: add support for netns (#391)
+ * ip: improve completion of route subcommands (#326)
+ [ Hans-Christoph Steiner ]
+ * unzip, zipinfo: complete *.aar (#428)
+ [ Jakub Jelen ]
+ * ssh: add new -Q completions in OpenSSH 8.2p1 (#400)
+ [ Kevin Locke ]
+ * python: support executables with minor version (#389)
+ [ Michal Suchánek ]
+ * insmod, modinfo, modprobe: support xz compressed modules (#401)
+ [ Phan Duc Nhat Minh ]
+ * tshark: complete -r arg with all filenames (#422)
+ [ Sebastian Jakubiak ]
+ * openssl: update -starttls completions (#403)
+ * _filedir*: update link to bug-bash discussion on -X (#404)
+ * test/python: add testcase for submodule completion
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Release 2.11
+ * extra/make-changelog: check and output usage message
+ * pre-commit: anchor exclude patterns
+ * pytest: rewrite in bash, support toplevel funcs, avoid nondef ones
+ and classes
+ * test/xfreerdp: skip --help failure cases
+ * test/tshark: fix multiple -O completion with no http2 support
+ * test/ant: avoid interference with ANT_ARGS
+ * _xinetd_services: avoid nounset error on bash 4.2
+ * pre-commit: upgrade isort to 5.1.4
+ * pre-commit: upgrade pyupgrade to 2.7.2
+ * pre-commit: add pyupgrade, run it
+ * test/ant: gitignore all target cache files
+ * _known_hosts_real: exclude Host negations
+ * pre-commit: upgrade isort to 5.0.7
+ * pre-commit: update shellcheck-py URL
+ * test/inputrc: do not set print-completions-horizontally
+ * test/inputrc: comment typo fix
+ * pytest: complete async test class methods
+ * __get_cword_at_cursor_by_ref: fix regression on bash 4.2
+ * test: upgrade markdownlint-cli to 0.23.2
+ * _known_hosts_real: avoid errors in nounset mode on Ubuntu 14 and
+ 16
+ * _longopt: exclude too many dashes, allow underscores, require ends
+ with alnum
+ * _included_ssh_config_files: support globs
+ * _known_hosts_real: prevent unwanted pathname expansion on host
+ entries
+ * test/shfmt: upgrade to 3.1.2, reformat with it
+ * test/_known_hosts_real: add explicit no globbing test case
+ * test: upgrade mypy to 0.782
+ * add posix and nounset mode item
+ * test: upgrade mypy to 0.781
+ * test: upgrade perltidy to 20200619
+ * _known_hosts_real: fix completion of Host entries after a wildcard
+ etc
+ * _known_hosts_real: fix # handling in ssh configs
+ * test: upgrade flake8 to 3.8.3
+ * test/xhost: multiple expected result handling fixes
+ * test/slapt-src: single expected result handling fixes
+ * test: partial hostname completion fixes
+ * test: simplify completion parsing
+ * test/dpkg-query: mark as xfail on non-Debian based systems
+ * .gitignore: clean up some no longer needed ignores
+ * test/lspci: skip -A arg test if lspci fails -A help, e.g. busybox
+ lspci
+ * test: regex escape our magic mark for completeness
+ * test: upgrade mypy to 0.780
+ * test/_known_hosts_real: don't modify class scoped base expected
+ list
+ * test/_known_hosts_real: reset COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE
+ between tests
+ * test/_known_hosts_real: tolerate duplicates
+ * bash_completion: trivial cleanups
+ * gcc: avoid errors in nounset mode
+ * pytest: fix test class method completion with BSD awk
+ * man, mutt: avoid errors in nounset mode on Ubuntu 14 and 16
+ * java, make: avoid errors in nounset mode on Ubuntu 14 and 16
+ * README: document GNU make build requirement
+ * pytest: add test class method completion
+ * _known_hosts: avoid errors in nounset mode and no arguments
+ * bash_completion: fix array set checks with empty elements in them
+ * *: avoid more errors in nounset mode
+ * cfrun: fix $hostfile leak
+ * _command_offset, route: cleanups
+ * *: avoid more errors in nounset mode
+ * qemu: add -machine arg completion
+ * qemu, sbopkg: avoid unintentional globbing on option arg
+ completions
+ * test: enable shellcheck SC2035
+ * *: drop support for bash 4.1
+ * _init_completion: fix unassigned redirect completion in nounset
+ mode
+ * ip: route shfmt, arithmetic evaluation
+ * _filedir: avoid unbound variable error on Ubuntu 14 and 16
+ * _pids, _pgids, _pnames: improve shfmt formatting
+ * scp, sftp, ssh: fix completion on options bundled with -4/-6
+ * modprobe, tshark, _included_ssh_config_files: use [[ ]] instead of
+ [ ]
+ * test/runLint: warn about [ ] instead of [[ ]] use
+ * test: skip various tests if we don't get a useful usage message
+ * *: mark nounset mode as supported, issues with it are bugs now
+ * *: avoid more errors in nounset mode
+ * *: avoid more errors in nounset mode
+ * *: avoid more errors in nounset mode
+ * test/inputrc: comment and whitespace tweaks
+ * *: avoid more errors in nounset mode
+ * test/unit: sort files included in dist
+ * test/unit: include in dist
+ * bash_completion: line wrapping tweaks, NFC
+ * 7z: fix -o/-w attached arg completion
+ * postfix: try to arrange a fake tty so we can tickle the usage
+ message out
+ * _bashcomp_try_faketty: new function to try running command with a
+ fake tty
+ * mr: avoid herestrings, simplify command parsing
+ * test/mr: handle missing "clean" with skipif
+ * test: mark known non-ASCII issues with test suite as xfail
+ * dpkg-deb: add --raw-extract and -X arg completions
+ * test: add some dpkg-query test cases
+ * dpkg-deb: fix --show/-W completion
+ * test: upgrade markdownlint-cli to 0.23.1
+ * *: use more arithmetic evaluation
+ * test: try harder to restore environment and cwd on failures
+ * *: use $ifs for storing/restoring $IFS
+ * test/irb: xfail options test if --help is not available
+ * test: upgrade flake8 to 3.8.1
+ * test: pre-commit config cleanups, ordering
+ * test: upgrade pre-commit to 2.4.0+, drop shfmt kludge
+ * test: sync shfmt and shellcheck configs
+ * test: shfmt bashrc
+ * test: remove unused run-shellcheck, shellcheck is in pre-commit
+ now
+ * test: remove old test suite code no longer used \o/
+ * test/_known_hosts_real: port remaining test cases to
+ pytest+pexpect
+ * test: remove more no longer needed old test suite code
+ * test/_known_hosts_real: port more test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * test/_get_cword: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: replace some echos with printfs
+ * test/_filedir: fix shutil.rmtree on Python < 3.6
+ * test/_expand: port remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: drop some no longer needed old test suite code
+ * test/_filedir: port remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: run all Travis jobs on dist: bionic
+ * test: drop not needed sudo on Travis
+ * test/_filedir: port more test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * test/__expand_tilde_by_ref: port remaining test cases to
+ pytest+pexpect
+ * test/_get_comp_words_by_ref: convert remaining test cases to
+ pytest+pexpect
+ * test: run pytest --verbose in docker
+ * lftp: use "bookmark list" command to list bookmarks
+ * test: drop some no longer needed old test suite code
+ * test/slapt-src: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * _xfunc: simplify
+ * apt-cache: avoid nonzero exit code from _apt_cache_packages
+ * test/slapt-get: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * test/secret-tool: add to test command list
+ * test/scp: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * test/umount: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * secret-tool: new completion
+ * apt-get: complete build-dep with dirs
+ * travis: use golang 1.14 for shfmt
+ * *: run all shell code through shfmt -s
+ * pre-commit etc: add shfmt
+ * test: fix incorrect fixtures/shared/default xfails/expectations
+ * test: upgrade markdownlint to 0.23.0
+ * nmap: simplify help scraping a bit, don't try to emit unnecessary
+ newlines
+ * test: prefix fake test commands with underscore
+ * test: port most umount test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: add note about unescaped assert_complete single return
+ values
+ * editorconfig: apply yaml settings to .yaml too
+ * pre-commit: use local perlcritic hook
+ * *: doc and comment link updates
+ * pre-commit, *.md: add markdownlint, address findings
+ * README: clarify loading automatically on demand
+ * ssh-keygen: -O arg updates and improvements
+ * ssh-keygen: add -b arg completions according to specified -t
+ * ssh-keygen: option and arg completion updates for new versions
+ * _command: improve commentary
+ * reportbug, scp, sftp, svn: use compgen -c instead of _command
+ * find: fix -exec etc argument and its completion
+ * extra: trigger docker builds only on test-cmd-list.txt changes
+ * test: add script to maintain list of executables for full test
+ coverage
+ * test: run lint tests on Travis in a quickish separate first stage
+ * test/make: mark more cases as requiring command
+ * make: add bmake alias
+ * test: run pre-commit on host instead of docker
+ * test: add perlcritic to pre-commit, run on all perl
+ * *: remove some unused variables, thanks to shellcheck SC2034
+ * *: various loop iteration improvements
+ * crontab: fix loop over already given args
+ * apt-cache: fix command mode handling
+ * doc: add loop variable naming guideline
+ * test: make at-point completion tests easier
+ * ssh, xsltproc: address shellcheck SC2006
+ * scp: work around shellcheck SC1003
+ * mutt: address shellchec SC2236
+ * wget: address shellcheck SC2116
+ * pytest: address shellcheck SC2002
+ * bash_completion, java, tipc: for loop whitespace consistency
+ tweaks
+ * *: more arithmetic evaluation cleanups, thanks to shellcheck
+ SC2004
+ * __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref, java: address and work around
+ shellcheck SC2102
+ * test: enable parallel pre-commit shellcheck
+ * test: remove shellcheck severity filter, add explicit disables
+ instead
+ * doc: recommend arithmetic evaluation
+ * *: array subscript cleanups
+ * ssh-keygen: -s and -n completion improvements
+ * *: enable and address shellcheck SC2053
+ * bash_completion, invoke-rc.d, svcadm: trivial cleanups
+ * *: replace various conditional expressions with arithmetic
+ evaluation
+ * carton: fix command parsing with BSD sed
+ * nmap: fix option parsing with BSD sed
+ * test/alias: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: generalize complete at point test
+ * test/cd: fix test_dir_at_point for setups that repeat "trailer"
+ * pytest: add some option arg (non-)completions
+ * pytest: complete test classes
+ * pgrep, pkill: add --ns and --nslist arg completions
+ * test: run skipif and xfail commands without caring if they output
+ or not
+ * test: make it possible to not care whether command did output or
+ not
+ * test/xfreerdp: skip xfreerdp kbd test if kbd-list returns empty
+ * test: tolerate duplicates from compgen actions
+ * test: bump shellcheck severity to warning + some disables
+ * *: address shellcheck SC2046
+ * test/lib/ address shellcheck SC2125
+ * java, pkgadd, sysbench: address shellchec SC2124
+ * scp: address shellcheck SC2089 and SC2090
+ * _filedir_xspec: address shellcheck SC2140
+ * rpm, ssh, umount.linux: address shellcheck SC2120
+ * cvs, modprobe, sh: address shellcheck SC2209
+ * mutt: address shellcheck SC2088
+ * _upvar, _upvars, _variables, rpm: address shellcheck SC1083
+ * test/run: address shellcheck SC2164
+ * renice: address shellcheck SC2254
+ * tipc: comment grammar and spelling fixes
+ * man, perl, route, tipc: address shellcheck SC2053
+ * info, java: address shellcheck SC2153
+ * quote_readline: fix $ret leak
+ * test: upgrade shellcheck to 0.7.1
+ * test/printenv: xfail if --help doesn't contain options (e.g.
+ busybox)
+ * test/aptitude: require command where necessary
+ * _known_hosts_real, op: address shellcheck SC2184
+ * test: don't run shellcheck on completions/.gitignore
+ * protoc: complete all --*_out without more specific handling with
+ dirs
+ * sysbench: add --test= deprecation TODO
+ * pkgadd: indentation fix
+ * chronyc, wvdial: address shellcheck SC2178
+ * java, pkgadd, sysbench: address shellcheck SC2124
+ * mplayer: address shellcheck SC1078 false positive
+ * smartctl: hush shellcheck SC2054 false positives
+ * *: address shellcheck SC2221 and SC2222
+ * bash_completion: address shellcheck SC2220
+ * crontab, wodim: silence shellcheck SC2191 and SC2192
+ * aptitude: add some option arg (non)completions
+ * aptitude: parse options list from --help, hardcode less
+ * test/aptitude: add some test cases
+ * *: argument interation improvements
+ * *: whitespace tweaks
+ * apt-get etc: use _apt_cache_packages from apt-cache
+ * pre-commit: run most python checks on helpers/python too
+ * test/ldd: xfail if --help is not implemented
+ * test/printenv: require command for arg completion test
+ * printenv: indentation fixes
+ * test: upgrade mypy to 0.770
+ * test: split dependencies requiring Python 3.6.1+ to requirements-
+ dev.txt
+ * git: trigger docker rebuild on pre-commit config change
+ * test: require openssl command for option argument tests
+ * test: move perltidy to pre-commit, run with --converge
+ * test: move shellcheck to pre-commit
+ * test: ignore flake8 messages that are in black's domain
+ * _xinetd_services: look up from $BASHCOMP_XINETDDIR, add some unit
+ tests
+ * printenv: new completion
+ * copyright: add 2020
+ * test: fix CompletionResult.__eq__ UnboundLocalError
+ * test: run pre-commit in tools container
+ * test: shellcheck tweaks
+ * test: add isort to pre-commit, run it
+ * test: add flake8-bugbear
+ * test: install black for Python 3.6 too
+ * pre-commit: add config with black, flake8, and mypy
+ * test: drop redundant black args from docker runs
+ * *: python type hint fixes and improvements
+ * extra/make-changelog: run through black
+ * test/totem: add basic test case
+ * test/cd: remove unused import
+ * openssl: complete -writerand with filenames
+ * openssl: parse available options from $command -help
+ * openssl: support getting digest list from more recent openssl
+ versions
+ * nmap: handle options split on equals sign
+ * nmap: parse options from -h output
+ * test/cd: make dir_at_point produce better debuggable failures
+ * test/cd: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: remove some no longer needed old test suite code
+ * test/chown,sudo: parametrize special case test, improve xfail
+ targeting
+ * test/tsig-keygen: require command for test_options
+ * test/upgradepkg: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * tsig-keygen: new completion
+ * test: host helper lint and usage fixes
+ * test: port some _known_hosts_real unit tests to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: remove some no longer needed tcl/expect code
+ * test: fix spurious hosts fixture failure without avahi-browse
+ installed
+ * test: port some scp test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: port remaining finger, sftp, ssh, and xhost cases to
+ pytest+pexpect
+ * lilo: work around shellcheck false positive
+ * test/ipcalc: fix tests with busybox ipcalc
+ * chromium-browser, firefox: complete on *.txt (#379)
+ * add introduction
+ * ipcalc: new completion
+ * *: complete commands when prefixed with a backslash
+ * test/wol: don't fail MAC test if test system has /etc/ethers
+ entries
+ * test/dnssec-keygen: allow more alternatives in algorithm
+ completion
+ * lilo: don't complete on commented out labels
+ * lilo: honor -C when completing labels
+ * lilo: add -B and -E completions
+ [ beantaxi ]
+ * Source user completion only if it's a file (#409)
+ [ hugoziviani ]
+ * jarsigner: complete on *.apk too (#386)
+ * cryptsetup: add luksChangeKey arg completion (#380)
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Sat, 25 Jul 2020 11:25:09 +0300
+bash-completion (2.10)
+ [ Felix Lechner ]
+ * perltidy: associate *.t (#338)
+ [ Gabriel F. T. Gomes ]
+ * perl: fix completion with space between option and argument
+ [ Grisha Levit ]
+ * _variables: add TERM and LC_* completion (#353)
+ [ Iñigo Martínez ]
+ * autotools: Replace pkgdatadir with datadir
+ * pkg-config: Relative paths
+ * pkg-config: generate Name from autotools PACKAGE
+ [ Jakub Jelen ]
+ * ssh: option and argument completion updates (#332)
+ [ Michał Górny ]
+ * test_arp: Skip if ARP tables are empty
+ * test_chromium_browser: Skip test_2 if 'chromium-browser --help'
+ fails
+ * test_rpm2tgz: Fix expected output
+ [ Sebastian ]
+ * cppcheck: Add new standards to --std option. (#356)
+ [ Tomasz N ]
+ * apt-get: fix pkg version completion if it contains a colon (#351)
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * test: bump black to >=19.10b0
+ * ssh, scp, sftp, ssh-copy-id, curl: improve identity file
+ completion
+ * update-rc.d: indentation fix
+ * update-rc.d: remove dead code
+ * screen: add serial device basic arg (non)completion
+ * screen: add //telnet completion
+ * test: add some trivial perl -E/-e cases
+ * perl: indentation fixes
+ * curl: make @filename completion do the right thing with dirs
+ * _filedir: avoid duplicate dirs internally, and a compgen -d call
+ for files
+ * _filedir: remove unused $x
+ * shellcheck SC2086 fixes
+ * test: shellcheck config cleanups
+ * shellcheck: add some option arg (non)completions
+ * test: fix cpio users test in presence of usernames with whitespace
+ * test: python typing fixes
+ * test: add minimal mypy config
+ * .gitignore: mypy cache
+ * makepkg: fix option completion
+ * test: mark dcop and mr testcases requiring the cmd as such
+ * CONTRIBUTING: disable e-mail bug gateway due to spam
+ * carton: new completion
+ * op: direct command parsing stderr to /dev/null
+ * test: adjust java expectations based on whether jars can be listed
+ * valgrind: look tool names from lib/*-linux-gnu dirs too
+ * test: xfail locale-gen option completion if --help is not
+ available
+ * _sysvdirs: always return 0
+ * java: don't assume jar is installed
+ * travis: test with Debian 10
+ * wine: install for wine-development and wine-stable too
+ * travis: generate dist tarball on alpine
+ * dmypy: new completion
+ * test: add require_longopt xfail helper, use it
+ * test: mark more tests that parse command output as requiring
+ command
+ * sysctl: invoke completed sysctl instead of one from path to get
+ variables
+ * screen, smartctl, update-alternatives: _parse_help, drop hardcoded
+ option list
+ * lintian-info: _parse_help, add more option arg (non)completions
+ * gprof: _parse_usage, drop hardcoded option list
+ * test: fix retrieving command to test from request
+ * travis: pass NETWORK as env var, so we can actually use it
+ * test: xfail MAC address completion without networking
+ * test: ignore _makepkg_bootstrap in makepkg test env
+ * test: hush flake8-bugbear B010
+ * test: don't sort expected completion lists under the hood
+ * test: add bunch of basic option parsing test cases
+ * test: always run tests which don't require tested command
+ * test: explodepkg and upgradepkg test fixes
+ * test: mark sbcl-mt xfail due to whitespace split issues
+ * _terms: search directly from various terminfo dirs
+ * _terms: combine and simplify somewhat
+ * pkg-get: fix $i leak
+ * pkgutil: fix $i leak
+ * test: portinstall/upgrade test case and setup fixes
+ * lvm pv*, vg*: parse help instead of hardcoding option list
+ * ipv6calc: parse help instead of hardcoding option list
+ * test: avoid some sed -r/-E runLint false positives
+ * test: use sh +* as ccache command test case
+ * java: make jar/zip listing work with unzip
+ * test: installpkg test fixes
+ * test: fix acroread fixture dir
+ * test: remove unnecessary returns after pytest.skip
+ * test: avoid gnome-mplayer core dump on Ubuntu 14
+ * xvfb-run: new completion
+ * test: skip gssdp-discover --message-type when option not available
+ * test: expect failures for bc without --help useful with _longopt
+ * test: don't expect a .tox dir in fixture
+ * test: drop sourcing our no longer existing profile.d script
+ * tox: include -- in option completions
+ * tox: complete defaults after a --
+ * gssdp-discover: new completion
+ * test: register our pytest markers to hush warnings from 4.5+
+ * test: fix required pytest version
+ * ip: invoke the tool as $1
+ * README: drop distro badges, link to Repology instead
+ * chromium-browser: add --proxy-server arg completion
+ * test: source our profile.d test env script in docker
+ * influx: new completion
+ * README: badge title tweaks
+ * tox: do simple parse on tox.ini if --listenvs* yields nothing
+ * test: add basic tox fixture
+ * man: fall back to _parse_usage for _parse_help
+ * test_wsimport: xfail options test on unparseable -help
+ * test: don't try to install black on Python < 3.6
+ * pgrep: fix fallback to _parse_usage
+ * test: xfail unparseable mock and munin-node-configure --help cases
+ * test_pwdx: xfail more unparseable help cases
+ * build: make pytest executable configurable, look for pytest-3 too
+ * test: enforce minimum pytest version
+ * test: zopflipng flake8 fix
+ * test: xfail getent and pwdx option completions with unparseable
+ --help
+ * test: add more basic _parse_help use test cases
+ * test: add bunch of basic _parse_help use test cases
+ * .gitignore: add configure.lineno
+ * badblocks: fix $i leak
+ * postfix: option completion is expected to fail at the moment
+ * cal: try _parse_help before _parse_usage
+ * test: add bunch of basic _parse_usage use test cases
+ * chsh, pwck: try _parse_help before _parse_usage
+ * test: add basic autossh test
+ * test: convert more _filedir unit tests to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: flake8 fix
+ * test: convert bunch of _filedir unit tests to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: convert finger partial test case to pytest+pexpect
+ * README: add some badges, tweak existing
+ * test: port _variables unit tests to pytest+pexpect
+ * test: port compgen and quote tests to pytest+pexpect
+ * iconv, lz4, tipc, xsltproc: replace some seds with compgen -X
+ * test: disallow Alpine failure on Travis
+ * _pnames: adapt for busybox ps, rewrite in pure bash
+ * test: run our docker script in test containers by default
+ * test: use one Dockerfile for all dists
+ * test_ifup: accept short option completions too
+ * timeout: fallback to _parse_usage from _parse_help
+ * test_wget: test --s instead of --h
+ * test_lsusb: xfail with unparseable --help
+ * test: expect failures for various completions without useful
+ --help
+ * test: support xfail in our markers like skipif, use it a lot
+ * test: add Alpine Linux container, allow failures for now
+ * iconv: weed out ... from encoding completions
+ * test_iconv: add basic file completion test
+ * test_iconv: skip option completion if --help fails
+ * test_getconf: skip if -a doesn't output any POSIX_V*
+ * test_feh, test_makepkg: invoke grep as "command grep"
+ * test: generalize check whether we're being run in a container
+ * tar: simplify locating tarball from command line
+ * pkg_delete: don't limit to FreeBSD
+ * test: reformat source
+ * test: set up BASH_COMPLETION_COMPAT_DIR in bashrc (only)
+ * test: more thorough system location interference avoidance
+ * test: bashrc comment and whitespace tweaks
+ * build: makefile whitespace tweaks
+ * build: really reset return value before completions check
+ * build: simplify symlink setup
+ * tar: add missing bsdtar, gtar, and star symlinks
+ * README: use light gray badges for unknown versions
+ * README: link to cygwin package
+ [ Wolf ]
+ * ri: hush some warnings
+ [ andreabravetti ]
+ * unrar: complete on *.exe (#337)
+ [ ezr ]
+ * chromium-browser: Add support for .mhtml files
+ [ jerkey ]
+ * screen: complete first arg with serial devices
+ [ marxin ]
+ * gcc: support new --completion option (#222)
+ [ pcc ]
+ * unzip, zipinfo: complete *.aab (#340)
+ [ versat ]
+ * cppcheck: Remove deprecated option 'posix' for '--std='
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:04:26 +0200
+bash-completion (2.9)
+ [ Antonio Terceiro ]
+ * dpkg-source: Add --before-build --after-build --commit, and
+ --print-format
+ [ Gabriel F. T. Gomes ]
+ * xm: Deprecate completion for obsolete command (#284)
+ * _filedir_xspec: Fallback to suggesting all files if requested
+ (#260)
+ * tar: Support completions for zstd compression extensions (#255)
+ * dpkg: List held packages (#250)
+ * cvs: Add completion for the log command
+ [ Guillaume Mella ]
+ * unzip, zipinfo: Associate with *.xar (eXist-db application
+ package) (#257)
+ [ Igor Susman ]
+ * mplayer: Associate with *.w64
+ [ Jaak Ristioja ]
+ * okular: Added support for xz-compressed files.
+ [ John Swinbank ]
+ * _xspecs: Declare as global on bash >= 4.2
+ [ Kevin Locke ]
+ * test: Increase expect pty to 160 columns
+ * test: avoid interrupting magic mark output
+ [ Per Lundberg ]
+ * 7z: add .msi support
+ [ Peter Wu ]
+ * tshark: speed up tshark -O completion
+ * tshark: fix completion of -Xlua_script option
+ * tshark: Support preferences (-o) completion with memoization
+ * test: fix misinterpretation of completion output in tests
+ * test: fix flake8 complaints about unused imports
+ * conftest: fix RemovedInPytest4Warning due to use of
+ node.get_marker
+ * chromium-browser: consider chrome and chromium as aliases
+ * tshark: support .gz and .cap files for -r expansion
+ * tshark: prevent a single-character file from breaking -G
+ completion
+ * tshark: update -T and -t completions
+ [ Russell Davis ]
+ * man: Fix completion when failglob option is enabled (#225)
+ [ Timo Taipalus ]
+ * mplayer: Add common supported module music formats
+ [ Tomasz N ]
+ * _longopt: pick first long option on a line, not last
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * *: avoid shellcheck SC1007 and SC1010
+ * 7z: add some TODO notes on parsing "i" output for extensions
+ * ssh: make -o protocol completion less hardcoded
+ * ssh: make option completion case insensitive
+ * ssh: fix suboption completion with combined -*o
+ * xvnc4viewer: code cleanups
+ * doc/testing: remove lots of legacy info, add some new
+ * CONTRIBUTING: add upstream vs bash-completion considerations
+ * CONTRIBUTING: note runLint and run-shellcheck
+ * __parse_options, 7z: avoid herestrings
+ * arp, ccze, ifstat, inotifywait, makepkg: invoke sed with "command"
+ * shellcheck: disable bunch of warnings when in "-S warning" mode
+ * test: move default shell option from run-shellcheck to
+ .shellcheckrc
+ * test: make runLint search for herestrings
+ * tar, valgrind: avoid some herestrings
+ * travis: run shellcheck on too
+ * travis: fail on shellcheck errors
+ * make: quote eval array definitions to work around shellcheck
+ SC1036 bug
+ * test: add make -C test case
+ * *: shellcheck error fixes
+ * _included_ssh_config_files: store found included files in an array
+ * _included_ssh_config_files: doc grammar fixes
+ * test: add invoke-rc.d test case for not repeating already given
+ options
+ * ebtables: improve existing table arg parsing
+ * test: add script to run shellcheck, run it in Travis, allowing
+ failure for now
+ * iptables: improve existing table arg parsing
+ * test: shorten long gdb test core file name so tar doesn't croak on
+ it
+ * AUTHORS: remove unrelated project association from my entry
+ * apt-get: protect source against regex specials
+ * mypy, mysql, xmms: don't complete unknown split long option args
+ * synclient: remove unused local variable "split"
+ * test: adjust _get_comp_words_by_ref test to changed error output
+ * apt-cache: protect showsrc against regex specials
+ * test: improve tshark -O arg completion test
+ * tshark: ignore stderr when parsing -G, -L, and -h output
+ * *: error output consistency, use bash_completion prefix
+ * _upvar: deprecate in favor of _upvars
+ * *: add missing "ex: filetype=sh"
+ * phing: fix getting just a tab for options on CentOS 6
+ * phing: don't complete -l with files
+ * various: apply file vs dir special cases also when invoked with
+ full path
+ * *: whitespace tweaks
+ * ssh: don't offer protocol v1 specific options if it's not
+ supported
+ * test: add some gdb non-core files
+ * _parse_help: look for long options somewhat more eagerly
+ * gdb: relax core filename pattern
+ * test/tools: fix exit status incrementation
+ * *: arithmetic expression related cleanups
+ * test/tools: run all tools, don't stop at first failure
+ * test: check for perltidy errors and warnings
+ * *: format Perl code with perltidy
+ * *: format Python code with black
+ * .dir-locals.el: use flycheck-sh-bash-args
+ * valgrind: look up tools from libexec dirs too
+ * *: make _parse_usage fallbacks more concise
+ * svn, svk, wget: use _iconv_charsets
+ * *: spelling fixes
+ * msynctool: code cleanups
+ * *: remove whitespace after redirections
+ * *: remove spaces immediately within $()
+ * bzip2: recognize *.tbz2 as bzipped
+ * modprobe: module parameter boolean values
+ * ping, tracepath: parse options primarily with _parse_help
+ * ulimit: new completion
+ * shellcheck: new completion
+ * dnssec-keygen: new completion
+ * modprobe: append = to module parameter completions
+ * test: include in dist
+ * test: add some _longopt unit tests
+ * _longopt: simplify regex, use printf instead of echo, drop
+ unnecessary sort
+ * nsupdate: new completion
+ * _longopt: don't complete --no-* with file/dirname arg
+ * copyright: add 2019
+ * pytest: complete --pythonwarnings/-W arg
+ * python: make warning action list reusable
+ * test: use pytest-xdist
+ * extra: add git pre-push hook for triggering Docker Hub builds
+ * post-commit: trigger on test/requirements.txt too
+ * pytest: complete pytest-xdist --dist, --numprocesses, and
+ --rsyncdir
+ * test: remove no longer needed completion/*.exp
+ * xfreerdp: reinstate support for old versions with dash option
+ syntax
+ * test: rewrite "generate" in Python, fix trailing backslash in
+ * test: sort t/ EXTRA_DIST in C locale
+ * ssh: support RemoteCommand and SyslogFacility options
+ * test: Expect failure for chown all users test as non-root
+ * test: Fix declare test case with bash 5.0
+ * adb: Deprecate in favor of one shipped with the Android SDK
+ * xfreerdp: Update for more modern xfreerdp
+ * jsonschema: New completion
+ * test: Remove unnecessary ri xfail
+ * test: Clean up man tmp dir
+ * .gitignore: Add .python-version (for pyenv)
+ * test: Remove unnecessary autouse=True from fixtures
+ * ifstat: Make work with iproute2 version
+ * iperf, iperf3: Add some option arg (non-)completions
+ * test: Fix test generation wrt results checking improvements
+ * ifstat: New completion
+ * __parse_options: Avoid non-zero exit status
+ * test: Refactor/improve completion results checking
+ * test: Match Python's default locale unaware sort in bash setup
+ * test: Rename completion.line to .output
+ * test: Add man failglob test case
+ * test: Add pre_cmds support for completion fixture
+ * inotifywatch: New completion, common with inotifywait
+ * inotifywait: Fix -e completion with BSD sed
+ * inotifywait: Avoid some false positive event names
+ * test: extend _ip_addresses unit tests some
+ * _ip_addresses: Avoid completing ipv4 ones with -6
+ * inotifywait: New completion
+ * test: Mark some xfails based on if in docker instead of in CI
+ * test: Skip ifup options test if it doesn't grok --help, not in CI
+ * test: Clean up and docker-ignore __pycache__ dirs
+ * build: Include test/t in dist tarball
+ * test/t: Avoid trailing backslash in's to appease
+ automake
+ * test: Remove some no longer used old test suite code
+ * _xspecs: Simplify bash version check
+ * chmod: Fix "-" completion
+ * sysctl: Treat -f as alias for -p/--load
+ * .gitignore: Add pytestdebug.log
+ * chmod: Fix file completion after modes starting with a dash
+ * _count_args: Add 3rd arg for treating option-like things as args
+ * test: Fix _count_args test_7 to test intended case
+ * pydocstyle: New completion
+ * Travis: Remove unused PYTEST env var
+ * doc: Note email issues gateway
+ * tcpdump: Various option and their arg completion updates
+ * test: Fix arp CI (non)expectations, remove redundant test case
+ * test: Be more consistent with "CI" env var examination and xfails
+ * arp: New completion, somewhat incomplete
+ * test: Expect failure in gkrellm if there's no X display
+ * doc: Update docs on generating simple tests
+ * doc: Some test dependency doc updates
+ * test: Add requirements.txt for installing dependencies
+ * grpck: Parse options with _parse_help, falling back to
+ _parse_usage
+ * grpck: Add --root/-R arg completion
+ * test suite: Ignore _scp_path_esc in env for ssh-copy-id
+ * ssh-copy-id: Add -i and -o arg (non-)completions
+ * tar: Clean up some redundant code
+ * cancel: Split long line
+ * cancel: Add some option arg (non-)completions
+ * locale-gen: New completion
+ * makepkg: Don't apply to other than Slackware makepkg
+ * test: Allow unknowns options in makepkg option completion
+ * makepkg: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding option list
+ * mypy: New completion
+ * op: New completion
+ * hunspell: New completion
+ * xmllint: Improve --encode, --pretty, and --xpath arg
+ (non-)completions
+ * test: Remove leftover completion/ls.exp
+ * gcc: Add g++, gcc, gccgo, and gfortran *-[568] aliases
+ * perlcritic: New completion
+ * gnome-screenshot: New completion
+ * isort: New completion
+ * freeciv: Option and arg completion updates
+ * freeciv-gtk2: Install for freeciv and freeciv-gtk3, rename to
+ freeciv
+ * mplayer etc: Complete on *.crdownload partial downloads in
+ addition to *.part
+ * chromium-browser, google-chrome*: New non-xspec completion
+ * firefox etc: New non-xspec completion
+ * Merge branch 'master' into wip-pexpect
+ * nc: Add some more option (non-)completions
+ * test: Mark MANPATH without leading/trailing colons test an xfail
+ on CI CentOS 6
+ * test: Remove kill, killall remnants
+ * test: Make case specific env entries shell code, not escaped
+ * Merge branch 'master' into wip-pexpect
+ * unzip, zipinfo: Associate with *.whl
+ * __load_completion: Avoid unnecessary lookups from nonexistent dirs
+ * Merge branch 'master' into wip-pexpect
+ * gcc: Add g++, gcc, gccgo, and gfortran *-7 aliases
+ * test: Use test_unit_* prefix for unit tests, to avoid name clashes
+ * test: Support setting cmd=None to require no command, for unit
+ tests
+ * test: Misc test suite fixes
+ * test: Fix jq and scrub skipif commands
+ * test: Don't require complete marker on test methods
+ * test: Add support for per-test env modifications
+ * test: Use more conventional Python file names for tests
+ * test: Sort completion results in Python for ease of use in Python
+ tests
+ * test: Allow __load_completion to fail
+ * test: chdir to fixtures dir in Python as well
+ * test: Mark xfreerdp as expected failure for now
+ * test: Replace + with Plus in test class names
+ * test: Implement load_completion_for using assert_bash_exec
+ * test: Add ability to selectively ignore diffs in environment
+ * test: Fixture reorganization
+ * test: Pass through $HOME and $DISPLAY to test bash
+ * test: Log pexpect interaction to $BASHCOMP_TEST_LOGFILE if set
+ * test: Rename BASHCOMP_* test env variables to BASHCOMP_TEST_*
+ * test: Add python3 test case
+ * test: Add class level skipif based on bash exec result
+ * test: Include command name in test class name, use numbered test
+ method names
+ * test: Fix some regressions introduced in recent test conversions
+ * test: Add support for running test case in a specified dir
+ * test: Add support for skipping individual tests based on shell
+ command status
+ * test: Make test base work with Python 3.3+
+ * test: Add some iperf, iperf3 and xmodmap test cases
+ * xmodmap: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * iperf: Improve client/server specific option parsing
+ * iperf: Install for iperf3 too
+ * iperf: Add g/G to --format completions
+ * xmodmap: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * iperf: Improve client/server specific option parsing
+ * iperf: Install for iperf3 too
+ * iperf: Add g/G to --format completions
+ * test: Use /root/.local/bin/pytest on ubuntu14 by default
+ * test: Add generated test files to t/ automatically
+ * test: Add new test files to EXTRA_DIST
+ * test: Use /root/.local/bin/pytest on centos6 by default
+ * test: Use make pytest docker executable env-configurable, default
+ pytest-3
+ * test: Update generate for pytest+pexpect
+ * test: Convert majority of test cases to pytest+pexpect
+ * tox: Fall back to --listenvs for env list if --listenvs-all fails
+ * git-post-commit: Avoid some error trash when HEAD is not a
+ symbolic ref
+ * test: Add pylint-3 test case
+ * test: Limit number of pylint option completions
+ * pydoc, pylint: Determine python2/3 based on command basename only
+ * pylint: Bring -f/--format arg completion up to date with pylint
+ 1.9.2
+ * pylint: Implement comma separated --confidence arg completion
+ * test: Fix buffer size option listing in run --help
+ * test: Bump expect's match_max to 20000 by default
+ * test: Run docker tests with --verbose
+ * _services: Try systemctl list-unit-files if systemctl list-units
+ fails
+ * extra/ Add git post-commit Docker Hub trigger
+ hook
+ * gpgv: New completion
+ * pydoc, pylint: Skip module completion if current looks like a path
+ * travis: Run ubuntu14/bsd with no network
+ * travis: Split long lines in script
+ * test: Limit number of wget option completions to avoid unresolved
+ result
+ * test: Mark flake8 untested if it seems broken
+ * pylint: Option arg completion improvements
+ * tshark: Get available interfaces from -D output
+ * ngrep: Add "any" to -d arg completions
+ * fio: New completion
+ * test: Fix iwspy test case
+ * uscan: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * urlsnarf: Add -p arg completion
+ * tracepath: Add -m and -p arg non-completions
+ * tracepath: Actually use our separate completion instead of
+ _known_hosts
+ * test: Skip jq option completion test if its --help doesn't list
+ them
+ * xdg-settings: Make help parsing work on BSD
+ * test: Support running with local BSD binaries, do it w/ ubuntu14
+ in CI
+ * jq, sqlite3: Protect against negative array subscripts
+ * sudo: Improve long option arg handling
+ * sysctl: Recognize --pattern/-r and --load options
+ * test: Add sysctl option parsing test case
+ * sudo: Parse options from help/usage output, add some long option
+ support
+ * strace: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * sshow: Add -p arg completion
+ * sqlite3: Add some option arg (non-)completions
+ * tune2fs: Update -o/-O argument lists
+ * jq: New completion
+ * reportbug: Run _parse_help and apt-cache more selectively
+ * querybts: Use _parse_help, not hardcoded option list, misc
+ improvements
+ * pyvenv: Support versioned 3.6-3.8 executables
+ * passwd: Try _parse_help before _parse_usage to parse options
+ * profile.d: Avoid tested variable values being confused as [ ]
+ operators
+ * cryptsetup: Add some option arg (non-)completions
+ * cryptsetup, nc, sh: Skip option args when counting arguments
+ * modinfo: Fall back to _parse_usage if _parse_help yields no
+ results
+ * mysql, mysqladmin: Complete --ssl-{ca,cert,key} option arg
+ * mysqladmin: Reuse --default-character-set completion from mysql
+ * modinfo: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * minicom: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * mplayer: Associate with *.S[3T]M, *.med, *.MED
+ * completions/ Use install-data-hook, not install-data-
+ local
+ * ifup etc: Add option and option argument completion
+ * _count_args: Add support for not counting specified option args
+ * ifquery: New ifup alias completion
+ * ngrep, tshark: Complete on *.pcapng too
+ * rpm: Complete --licensefiles with -q
+ * pytest: Rename from py.test to follow upstream recommended name
+ * README: Add instructions for overriding completions system wide
+ * test: Mark psql etc test cases untested if --help doesn't work
+ * aclocal, automake: Support versioned 1.16 executables
+ * __load_completion: Avoid bad array subscript on "commands" ending
+ with slash
+ * lzma: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list
+ * test: Run perlcritic and flake8 on perl and python helpers in
+ Travis
+ * build: Improve cleanup of test/log and test/tmp dirs
+ * pkg-config: Complete on *.pc files
+ * build: Use AC_PROG_SED to locate sed
+ * build: Do cmake, pc, and profile variable replacements in Makefile
+ * README: Add Q/A on overriding a completion, modernize local
+ install answer
+ * json_xs: New completion
+ * chmod: New completion
+ * iperf, nc: Include IPv6 addresses in bind address completions
+ * links: Major rework, parse options from --help, add option arg
+ completion
+ * _ip_addresses: Add option to complete all/v4/v6 addresses, add
+ unit test
+ * wget: Remove nonexistent arg to _ip_addresses
+ * _filedir: Drop unnecessary evals
+ * iconv: Split charset completion to _iconv_charsets, add test case
+ * links: Install completion for links2 too
+ * xgamma: Comment spelling fix
+ * lftp: handle -s
+ * test: Skip scrub -p test when its --help doesn't list available
+ patterns
+ * ecryptfs-migrate-home: New completion
+ * scrub: New completion
+ * ether-wake: Install for etherwake as well
+ * *: Support completing arg of last bundled short option
+ * dselect: Parse options with _parse_help
+ * dhclient: Add some option arg (non-)completions
+ * dhclient: Parse options with _parse_usage
+ * chage, chpasswd: Add -R/--root arg completion
+ * reportbug: Add bunch of option arg (non-)completions
+ * .dir-locals.el: Set -O extglob for flycheck bash checks
+ * mount, umount: Deprecate on Linux in favor of util-linux >= 2.28
+ ones
+ * _known_hosts_real: Reimplement known hosts file parsing in pure
+ bash
+ * test: Add comment line to fixtures/_known_hosts_real/known_hosts
+ * ssh: Complete all *File option args with _filedir
+ * README: Point Debian and openSUSE badges towards unstable and
+ Tumbleweed
+ * README: Link to various distro packages
+ * apt-get: Add -h/-v/-o non-completions
+ * apt-get: Sync option list with apt 1.5.1
+ * apt-get: Simplify -t and friends completion, support Ubuntu
+ * apt-get: Add indextargets to list of suggested commands
+ * apt-get: Complete install package=versions
+ * ssh: Sync config option lists with OpenSSH 7.5p1, add some value
+ completions
+ * ssh: Sync query type list with OpenSSH 7.5p1
+ * ssh: Order various switch cases closer to alphabetical
+ * completions/Makefile: Fix check-local in VPATH builds
+ [ dmerge ]
+ * _filedir: Refactor to remove heredoc-dependent loop
+ [ marxin ]
+ * gccgo: Add as a GCC completion target (#227)
+ [ ovf ]
+ * xrandr: match the output name exactly for --mode
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Sat, 27 Apr 2019 11:50:12 +0300
+bash-completion (2.8)
+ [ Andrea Dari ]
+ * dpkg: Add -V/--verify arg completion
+ [ Ben Wiederhake ]
+ * Add support for .lz4 extension to file-roller (#158)
+ [ Eric A. Zarko ]
+ * unzip, zipinfo: Associate *.gar (#165)
+ [ Gabriel F. T. Gomes ]
+ * openssl: Add completion for the genpkey, pkey, pkeyparam, and
+ pkeyutl commands
+ [ Gonzalo Tornaría ]
+ * test: run bash with --norc to avoid system bashrc
+ [ Gábor Bernát ]
+ * tox: New completion (#163)
+ [ Halt ]
+ * mplayer: Disable user config when parsing options
+ [ Henry-Joseph Audéoud ]
+ * ebtables: new completion (#150)
+ [ Jakub Jelen ]
+ * ssh,ssh-add,ssh-keygen: Complete pkcs11 options with *.so
+ [ Kevin Pulo ]
+ * mkdir: Complete on files in addition to dirs
+ [ Luca Capello ]
+ * dpkg-query: Fix -W/--show completion
+ [ Mark Friedenbach ]
+ * Add support for .lzo extension (--lzop) to tar (#155)
+ [ Martin d'Anjou ]
+ * java: Complete *.war
+ [ Mateusz Piotrowski ]
+ * kldunload: Increase robustness of compgen filters (#185)
+ * kldunload: Show modules with digits
+ [ Michał Górny ]
+ * lftp: Support ~/.local/... bookmark location (#144)
+ * test suite: Support overriding default match buffer size (#141)
+ [ Pawel ]
+ * man: Don't use $MANPATH directly (#161)
+ [ Uwe Storbeck ]
+ * dpkg: Complete --vextract on deb files
+ * dpkg: Fix man page section in comment
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Use python3
+ * test: Fix getting username in non-login shells
+ * test/unit: Whitespace tweaks
+ * info, man, rsync: Defer _expand invocation
+ * _expand: Reuse __expand_tilde_by_ref and _tilde logic, clean up
+ * test: Add some _expand unit tests
+ * bzip2, gzip, and other compressors: Use _tilde instead of _expand
+ * test: Add assert_complete_homedir, use in dpkg and ls
+ * dd, find, gcc: Remove unnecessary tilde expansion
+ * dd: Omit space only when offering one completion ending with =
+ * __expand_tilde_by_ref: Eval tilde expansion only, simplify
+ * Bump copyright years to -2018
+ * mkdir: Complete files without appending space
+ * __load_completion: Load "xspec" completions dynamically too
+ * __load_completion: Code cleanup
+ * _available_interfaces: Get rid of eval
+ * make: Pass script to sed as parameter instead of using process
+ substitution
+ * ccze: New completion
+ * *: Comma separated opt arg completion improvements
+ * test suite: Some more mplayer and mencoder coverage
+ * tox: Complete comma separated -e arguments
+ * xdg-mime,xdg-settings: Fix inclusion in tarball
+ * geoiplookup: New completion
+ * ping*,ssh,scp,sftp,tracepath6: Filter IPv4/IPv6 literal addresses
+ * _known_hosts_real: Add option to filter IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
+ * radvdump: New completion
+ * lsscsi: New completion
+ * python: Support completing dotted module hierarchies
+ * test/docker: Tweak work dir, add bash as default cmd
+ * test: Try to skip postconf variable test on broken postfix configs
+ altogether
+ * Revert "travis: Don't build local docker images, use vskytta/bash-
+ completion ones"
+ * test: Add "postconf -" test case
+ * test: Work around broken centos/fedora postfix config in non-IPv6
+ setup
+ * travis: Don't build local docker images, use vskytta/bash-
+ completion ones
+ * pycodestyle: New completion
+ * flake8: Various option arg completion improvements
+ * perltidy: New completion
+ * lowriter,localc etc: Use corresponding oo* completions
+ * cryptsetup: Update option lists
+ * pv: New completion
+ * getconf: New completion
+ * nproc: New completion
+ * _known_hosts_real: Document -a better
+ * ssh: Add -J/ProxyJump completion
+ * ssh: Declare $prefix closer to use
+ * test: Ignore duplicates in find_unique_completion_pair list
+ * test: dpkg,ls,_tilde: Skip gracefully if no uniq user for
+ completion is found
+ * xdg-mime: New completion
+ * ssh-keygen: Add -E arg completion
+ * reportbug: Don't hardcode option lists, split option args at =
+ * reportbug: Add -A/--attach arg completion
+ * apt-get: Complete *.deb on install if argument contains a slash
+ * ri: Fix integrated ri 1.8 class completion
+ * test: Add files to test older ri with
+ * Whitespace
+ * test: Remove things moved to library.exp from bashrc
+ * test: Add some comments regarding bash init in library.exp
+ * xdg-settings: New completion
+ * tox: Remove spurious executable bits
+ * tox: Include ALL in -e completions
+ * tox: Avoid stderr spewage when -e invoked without tox.ini
+ * pylint: Invoke python3 to search for modules if command contains 3
+ * pylint: Install for pylint-2 and pylint-3 too
+ * test suite: Add bunch of man and MANPATH test cases
+ * test suite: Make man test subject names less generic
+ * test suite: man cleanup
+ * rfkill: Rename to _rfkill to avoid conflict with util-linux >=
+ 2.31
+ * test: Use prebuilt docker hub bash-completion images
+ * Whitespace cleanup
+ * iptables: Use invoked command instead of hardcoded "iptables"
+ * iptables: Avoid stderr trashing when invoked as non-root
+ * iptables: Parse options from --help output
+ * vpnc: Add some option argument (non)completions
+ * vpnc: Improve config completions
+ * test suite: Drop no longer needed fedoradev /usr/bin/which
+ workaround
+ * test suite: Skip fedoradev GPG checks at least for now
+ * lspci: New completion
+ * lsusb: New completion
+ * oggdec: New completion
+ * alias: Fix completion followed by = (#146)
+ * *: Protect shopt reset from non-default $IFS
+ * test suite: Limit amount of info and pinfo test output
+ * test suite: Add info and pinfo option test cases
+ * test suite: Add basic hid2hci and munin-node-configure test cases
+ * aptitude: Add keep to commands list (Debian: #867587)
+ * *: Protect _known_hosts_real from user input treated as options
+ * curl: Fix -x etc option argument hostname completion
+ * groupdel: Parse and handle long options
+ * aptitude-curses: Use aptitude completion
+ * test suite: Install aptitude in ubuntu14 container
+ * test suite: Enable wine in ubuntu14
+ * xm: Don't leak args and commands environment variables
+ * uscan: Don't leak cword and words environment variables
+ * test suite: Add bunch of missing basic test cases
+ * ktutil: Don't leak i and command environment variables
+ * test suite: Limit amount of output from process name completion
+ * test suite: Limit number of screen -T completion matches
+ [ j^ ]
+ * xine etc, ogg123, mplayer -audiofile: Associate with *.oga
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Sat, 17 Mar 2018 10:30:07 +0200
+bash-completion (2.7)
+ [ Eli Young ]
+ * Makefile: update default compatdir (#132)
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Make user completion file configurable, disable in tests
+ * test suite: Generalize xspec completion install check
+ * pyflakes: Remove redundant xspec completion
+ * test suite: Fix __expand_tilde_by_ref test expectation output
+ * pdfunite: New *.pdf completion
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Sat, 01 Jul 2017 14:08:43 +0300
+bash-completion (2.6)
+ [ Björn Kautler ]
+ * Add missing sidedoor to .gitignore (#114)
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * test suite: Mark expected centos6 CI _filedir failures as such
+ * Expose version in BASH_COMPLETION_VERSINFO, use it in profile.d
+ script
+ * test suite: Skip an expected make test case failure in centos6 CI
+ * test suite: Fix ifdown and ifup CI test skipping
+ * test suite: Ignore env var pulled in by use of scp in tests
+ * test suite: If colon trim doesn't do anything, trim as usual
+ * tar: Comment spelling fixes
+ * test suite: Mark dpkg -L test case untested if no packages
+ installed
+ * test suite: Cosmetic tweaks
+ * dpkg: Fix dpkg -i home dir completion
+ * test suite: Improve ls home dir test descriptions
+ * python: Split module completion to separate helper
+ * micropython: New completion, aliased from python
+ * test suite: Add Python module completion test case
+ * python: Fix traceback avoidance on module completion error
+ * openssl: Parse available digests from dgst -h
+ * openssl: Add sha2 commands
+ * gm: New completion, commands only for now
+ * (test suite): Test screen -T completions
+ * (test suite): Set TERM to dumb, not dummy
+ * Revert "(test suite): Fix alias and cd cursor position tests"
+ * mplayer: Remove duplicate *.m4a and *.m4v associations
+ * mplayer, xine, etc: Associate *.mp4a and *.mp4v
+ * xine etc: Fix *.m4a association
+ * bind: Add option and argument (non-)completions
+ * _user_at_host: Set nospace only when completing username part
+ * _user_at_host: Append @ suffix to username part completions
+ * man: Don't check OSTYPE or GNU userland, just enable on all
+ systems
+ * (test suite): Set dcop result to untested if dcop server is not
+ running
+ * (test suite): Don't insist on loading all completions dynamically
+ * _configured_interfaces: Parse from /etc/network/interfaces.d/* on
+ Debian
+ * py.test: New completion
+ * oowriter: Associate with *.pdf
+ * ri: Add option and arg completions
+ * (test suite): Add our own dummy ri test fixture
+ * (test suite): Info test needs docs, don't exclude from CentOS
+ * (test suite): Fix CentOS 6 tcllib setup
+ * (test suite): Simplify renice test, fix with only one completion
+ * (test suite): Don't assume configured interfaces in CI setups
+ * Don't offer * as configured interface when there are none
+ * (test suite): Add basic CentOS 6 container for bash 4.1 coverage
+ * (test suite): Ignore runtime loaded env function changes
+ * (test suite): Add mailman bin dir to PATH for arch test
+ * arch: Parse options from --help
+ * (test suite): Load tested completions dynamically
+ * (test suite): Accept non-whitespace single word in
+ assert_complete_any
+ * (test suite): Avoid interference from user and system dirs (#87)
+ * (test suite): Install some things N/A in ubuntu14 to fedoradev
+ * (test suite): Add unrar to ubuntu14 container
+ * (test suite): Fix alias and cd cursor position tests
+ * (test suite): Add basic alpine test case
+ * alpine: Parse opts from -h output, add some opt arg completions
+ * (test suite): Install jshint globally in ubuntu14
+ * (test suite): Add mailman bin dir to PATH for some mailman tools
+ * (test suite): Install jshint to ubuntu14 container with npm
+ * unshunt: Parse options from --help
+ * (test suite): Test lsof on ubuntu14
+ * (test suite): Add basic hping3 test case
+ * (test suite): Add our ./configure to PATH to test it, test opts
+ * (test suite): Add bunch of packages to ubuntu14 container
+ * (test suite): Ensure /usr/(local/)games is in $PATH
+ * (test suite): Fix perl -d* test cases with no Devel::* installed
+ * (test suite): curl has lots of options, add more test prefix
+ * (test suite): Fix tar test case for ones having --owner-map
+ * (test suite): Unsupport various kill, renice cases if ps is N/A
+ * (test suite): Make chkconfig test behave better in container
+ * (test suite): Don't assume mounted filesystems in quota* tests
+ * newlist: Parse options from --help, add some arg non-completions
+ * (test suite): Delete trailing whitespace
+ * (test suite): Don't assume lists set up in newlist test cases
+ * (docker): Pull in missing fedoradev xvfb-run which dependency
+ * mr: Avoid stderr trash and test suite failure if man is N/A
+ * (test suite): Fix mmsitepass completion test
+ * tshark -G: Avoid stderr noise when running as superuser
+ * (docker): Run completion tests with xvfb-run, e.g. for gkrellm
+ * ssh-keygen: Make option parsing work with OpenSSH < 7
+ * synclient, udevadm: Avoid use of posix char classes for awk
+ * test suite: Add WIP Fedora dev config
+ * Travis: Switch tests to docker, update to Ubuntu 14
+ * xv: Associate with *.j2c, *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpf, and *.jpg2 (Debian:
+ #859774)
+ * eog: Associate with *.j2c and *.jpg2
+ * Bump copyright years
+ * xine etc: Associate uppercase *.WM[AV]
+ * mplayer: Associate *.weba (#112)
+ * xine etc: Associate *.webm and *.weba (#112)
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Tue, 27 Jun 2017 12:29:33 +0300
+bash-completion (2.5)
+ [ BartDeWaal ]
+ * Support for python gui source files (#91)
+ [ Ben Webber ]
+ * mr: New completion
+ [ Christian Kujau ]
+ * ssh-keygen: support ed25519 keys (#79)
+ [ Dara Adib ]
+ * Add sidedoor to _ssh() completion (#106)
+ [ George Kola ]
+ * .ipa is just a zip file and we should let unzip handle it (#71)
+ [ Miroslav Å ustek ]
+ * ant: parse targets in imported buildfiles (#84)
+ [ Reuben Thomas ]
+ * Add more tests for ccache
+ * ccache: fix completing compiler's flags
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * test suite: Add java/javac non-completion fixture
+ * javac: Complete -cp like -classpath
+ * travis: Skip bluez and nis for now due to post-install script
+ issues
+ * test/config/*: Delete trailing whitespace
+ * (test suite): Avoid loading user's ~/.bash_completion, fixes #87
+ * ip: Recognize a as alias for address and l for link
+ * ip: Recognize address in addition to addr
+ * mr: Disable "clean" test case, command N/A before mr 1.20141023
+ * ssh-keygen: Parse switches with _parse_usage, not _parse_help
+ * mplayer: Associate with *.mjpg, *.mjpeg (Debian: #837779)
+ * dd: Sync completions with coreutils 8.24
+ * travis: Add mr
+ * perl: Remove full path to cat in PERLDOC_PAGER call
+ * deja-dup: New completion
+ * CONTRIBUTING: Reorder sections
+ * *: Move indentation settings to .editorconfig
+ * make: Declare _make_target_extract_script like other functions
+ * Travis: zopfli is AWOL?
+ * *: Whitespace fixes
+ [ Zearin ]
+ * Minor edits to (mostly formatting) (#110)
+ [ l3nticular ]
+ * Fix bug in 'make' completion when using BSD sed (#108)
+ [ osu ]
+ * Add support for Include in ssh config (#70) (#80)
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:07:27 +0200
+bash-completion (2.4)
+ [ Arash Esbati ]
+ * xetex, xelatex, luatex, lualatex: Associate with tex files
+ [ Gene Pavlovsky ]
+ * Use shell globbing instead of ls to source files in compat dir
+ [ Grisha Levit ]
+ * Support completing array variables and expansions
+ * Add tests for declare/typeset
+ * Better handling of typeset/declare
+ [ Kylie McClain ]
+ * tar: silence --version's stderr output
+ [ Paul M. Lambert ]
+ * Support pod document files for perldoc (#39)
+ [ Richard Alpe ]
+ * tipc: fix missing last char in link name completion
+ * tipc: handle complete words without trailing space
+ * tipc: suppress tipc error messages
+ * tipc: use double brackets in if conditions
+ * tipc: make loop variables local
+ * tipc: remove unnecessary return values
+ * tipc: readd call to complete command
+ * tipc: use cur variable for flag completion
+ * tipc: add command prefix to link sed
+ * tipc: remove unnecessary function _tipc_get_val()
+ * tipc: use bash here string instead of echo
+ * tipc: merge functions into main
+ * tipc: add test framework
+ * tipc: add tipc completions
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Release 2.4
+ * rpm: Offer --filetriggers with -q
+ * javadoc: Add bunch of option arg (non)completions
+ * lrzip: Add -m arg noncompletion
+ * pkg-get: Don't use hyphens in function names
+ * jarsigner: Add some option arg (non)completions
+ * pkg-get,pkgrm: Drop unnecessary _have calls
+ * *: Trivial cleanups
+ * *: Remove redundant return 0's
+ * pypy*: Add basic --jit arg completion
+ * pypy3: Alias to python
+ * hcitool,svcadm,tar: Spelling fixes
+ * Travis: Install more packages for more test coverage
+ * (test suite): Pass assert_complete_any for exact/only given arg
+ completed
+ * tipc: Invoke ls with "command"
+ * tipc: Indentation fix
+ * (test suite): Fix fallout from
+ fec077d555f112b9f455c45860f90a3b47392fcf
+ * (test suite): Remove Bash::Completion.3pm.gz from git, create on
+ the fly
+ * (test suite): Remove test/fixtures/_filedir/a"b from git, create
+ on the fly
+ * CONTRIBUTING: Note patch preferences if not using GitHub pull
+ requests
+ * python: Support -Q and -W arg completion without space
+ * apache2ctl, aspell, make: Don't hardcode completion generator
+ command
+ * mysql: Avoid --default-character-set error with failglob, fixes
+ #46
+ * test suite: Add perldoc module+pod completion test case
+ * perl: Remove some duplicated code
+ * pushd: Use _cd completion for CDPATH support, closes #38
+ * test suite: Add basic pushd test case
+ * abook: Parse long options from command including full path
+ * pyvenv: New completion
+ * chroot: New (generic long options) completion, see #38
+ * Travis: First steps toward testing with OS X
+ * test suite: Add bashcomp_bash env var for better control on tested
+ bash
+ * aptitude: List packages using _apt_cache_packages, fixes #33
+ * vncviewer: Cleanup shopt use, drop an eval
+ * make: Avoid a grep
+ * rpm: Fix --whatenhances arg completion
+ * aspell, minicom, mysql: Replace use of ls with printf
+ * cppcheck: Complete filenames too for --platform
+ * man: Prioritize MANPATH, simplify, add fallback e.g. for busybox,
+ fixes #28
+ * aclocal: Install completion for 1.14 and 1.15, fixes #25
+ * mpv: Don't install symlink for it, fixes #24
+ * test suite: Add function and declare test cases
+ * CONTRIBUTING: Highlight request for test cases
+ [ Wayne Scott ]
+ * The BitKeeper completion used the wrong set of commands
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Fri, 12 Aug 2016 22:43:27 +0300
+bash-completion (2.3)
+ [ Daniel Milde ]
+ * Completion for python zip archives
+ [ Liuhua Wang ]
+ * lvm: pvcreate should be able to use all block devcices
+ * lvm: fix all commands that should get all PVs
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Release 2.3
+ * make-changelog: Don't output "Merge pull request" entries
+ * make: Use <<< instead of printf + pipe
+ * gnokii: Use <<< instead of echo + pipe
+ * *: Use [:blank:] instead of $'\t ' tricks where appropriate, fixes
+ #19
+ * test suite: Fix abook test case
+ * test suite: Don't insist on property completions if synclient -l
+ fails
+ * test suite: Tolerate "See 'man feh'" feh --help output
+ * test suite: Fix tar failure caused by previous tar change
+ * tar: Detect GNU/other from --version only once per session
+ * tar: Remove unused variable
+ * tar: Fix GNU tar help output parsing regex, fixes #15
+ * test suite: Add tar xvf filename test case
+ * tar: Don't write to /tmp/jetel
+ * python: Simplify code
+ * python: Complete all files also after -m
+ * python: Don't offer options after -c
+ * python: Complete all files only if -c is before current word
+ * test suite: Add some python test cases
+ * unzip, zipinfo: Complete on *.pyz
+ * travis: configure and run completions syntax check
+ * make check: Test syntax of all completion files
+ * Ask for test cases
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Mon, 28 Mar 2016 18:32:47 +0300
+bash-completion (2.2)
+ [ Barry Warsaw ]
+ * _init_completion: Handle cword < 0 (LP: #1289597)
+ [ Damien Nadé ]
+ * (testsuite) Use 'set' command posix behaviour when saving env
+ (Alioth: #314720)
+ * Added test/site.{bak,exp} to .gitignore
+ * _parse_help: Fix failglob failures (Alioth: #314707)
+ * _lvm: using a single-pattern case and invoking function according
+ to words[1]
+ * lvm: _lvm_count_args parameter must be quoted in order to failglob
+ not to complain
+ * gendiff: Quoting suffix pattern to avoid triggering failglob
+ [ Dams Nadé ]
+ * ssh-add, ssh-keygen: -? needs to be quoted under failglob (Alioth:
+ #314709)
+ * Quote unset array element to avoid globbing interference (Alioth:
+ #314708)
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Refactor bts and uscan, since they use common functions
+ * uscan: New completion, thanks to Federico Ceratto
+ * bts: New completion, thanks to Federico Ceratto.
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * complete on freerdp-specific known hosts list
+ * nmcli completion was integrated upstream
+ [ Igor Murzov ]
+ * isql: Fix failglob failure
+ * ssh-add, ssh-keygen: -? needs to be quoted under failglob (take 2)
+ (Alioth: #314709)
+ * (testsuite): move testing of _linux_fstab() to umount.exp
+ * umount: Fix mount points escaping/unescaping with Bash-4.3
+ * slapt-src: Handle --config=FILE option properly
+ * sbopkg, slapt-{get,src}: expand tilde in config file name
+ * slapt-{get,src}: Fix issue with sed not being able to handle some
+ characters
+ * slapt-src: split options from their arguments
+ * Quote _filedir arguments when appropriate to prevent failglob
+ failures
+ * psql: Tell psql to not load .psqlrc as it may change output format
+ (Alioth: #314636)
+ * testsuite: Add basic tests for portsnap and freebsd-update
+ * mplayer: -dvd-devices takes dvd devices, dirs and .iso files as
+ argument
+ * 7z: Improve completion
+ * f77, f95: Use the same completion as for g77, g95 if they are
+ links to gfortran
+ * aptitude: safe-upgrade accepts package name as parameters (Alioth:
+ #313638, Debian: 673235)
+ * _longopt: Run commands in C locale.
+ * make: Use only posix basic regexps with sed (Alioth: #314345)
+ * cppcheck: Add new --enable option argument and --library argument
+ completion
+ * dpkg: Suppress unwanted error messages (Debian: #706502)
+ * perl: -d/-dt option argument is optional (Alioth: #314242)
+ * Add config for cmake to bash-completion.
+ * kcov: Add new sort types, complete --replace-src-path arguments
+ * feh: Add new sort type
+ [ Mathieu Parent ]
+ * Puppet: describe: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help
+ describe'
+ * Puppet: cert: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help cert'
+ * Puppet: apply: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help
+ apply'
+ * Puppet: agent: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help
+ agent'
+ * Puppet: puppet parser support
+ * Puppet: puppet -* doesn't imply 'puppet apply'
+ * Puppet: use puppet terminology
+ [ Matthew Gamble ]
+ * Modify all usages of 'sed' to be run with command bash builtin
+ * Use command built-in to run sed to avoid any custom aliases
+ [ Matthieu Crapet ]
+ * man: Use -w instead of --path
+ [ Michael Gold ]
+ * profile.d: Avoid some warnings from shells in "nounset" mode
+ (Debian: #776160)
+ [ Miroslav Lichvar ]
+ * chronyc: Update help text parsing
+ * chronyc: Add missing subcommands
+ * chronyc: Add -6 option
+ [ Nevo Hed ]
+ * minicom: Recognize user ~/.minirc.* as config files
+ [ Ondrej Oprala ]
+ * __get_cword: avoid $index < 0 (Alioth: #315107)
+ [ Patrick Monnerat ]
+ * rpmbuild: Complete *.spec on --clean (RedHat: #1132959)
+ [ Pavel Raiskup ]
+ * tar: rework the completion completely
+ [ Peter Cordes ]
+ * upstart support for service completion
+ [ Peter Dave Hello ]
+ * freebsd-update: New completion.
+ * portsnap: New completion.
+ [ Peter Wu ]
+ * modprobe: fix params with multi-line descriptions
+ * gdb: support --args style completion (Alioth: #314664)
+ [ Rainer Müller ]
+ * make: Fix basic regex for portability (Alioth: #314345)
+ [ Raphaël Droz ]
+ * gnokii: New completion
+ [ Rune Schjellerup Philosof (Olberd) ]
+ * dpkg: Add support in dpkg completion for .ddeb (LP: #568404)
+ [ Shaun McCance ]
+ * xmllint, xmlwf, xsltproc: Complete on Mallard *.page files
+ [ Stefano Rivera ]
+ * pypy: New completion identical to python (Alioth: #314501)
+ [ Thilo Six ]
+ * Use more straightforward way to check bash version
+ * _mac_addresses: Use explicit C locale for ifconfig (Debian:
+ #704832).
+ [ Tristan Wibberley ]
+ * make: Don't pick up variables when makefile is reloaded
+ * make: Offer hidden targets when it is clear that the user is
+ trying to complete one of them
+ * make: Fix detection of intermediate targets where make has changed
+ its database whitespace
+ * make: Add __BASH_MAKE_COMPLETION__ variable
+ * make: completion shouldn't be confused by the output of $(info
+ confuse: make)
+ [ Uwe Kleine-König ]
+ * Don't complete hostnames found after Hostname in ~/.ssh/config
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Release 2.2
+ * Note autoreconf need only in unprepared tarball
+ * Set myself in footer
+ * Fix footer line output
+ * flake8 fixes
+ * Make work with Python 3
+ * More markdown tweaks
+ * Markdown tweaks
+ * zopflipng: New completion
+ * Not need for autoreconf, fixes #11
+ * README: Expand troubleshooting section somewhat
+ * Merge pull request #9 from shaunix/master
+ * ssh: Extract duplicate code to _ssh_configfile
+ * Remove various comments related to bash versions we don't support
+ * travis: Install more packages for [xyz]* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for [stuvw]* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for [qr]* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for [op]* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for m* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for [jkl]* test coverage
+ * Merge pull request #7 from ukleinek/master
+ * indent: Remove generic long option completion
+ * Update copyright year
+ * travis: Install more packages for [hi]* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for [fg]* test coverage
+ * mysql: Fix --default-character-set completion with mariadb
+ * mysql, puppet: sed portability fixes
+ * gnokii, minicom: Use grep through "command"
+ * lint: Check for sed without "command"
+ * Merge pull request #2 from djmattyg007/avoid_sed_alias
+ * travis: Install more packages for [de]* test coverage
+ * travis: Install more packages for c* test coverage
+ * travis: Add note about (currently) N/A packages
+ * test suite: Mark unsupported look test case as such, not
+ unresolved
+ * test suite: Use unsupported instead of xfail for modinfo/modprobe
+ cases
+ * travis: Install more packages for [0-9][ab]* test coverage
+ * travis: Run tests with --all to get some more useful output
+ * test suite: Fix ssh partial hostname completion test
+ * README: Split contributing to separate CONTRIBUTING doc
+ * README: Convert to markdown
+ * Drop references to
+ * build system: Switch to xz compressed tarball
+ * aclocal, automake: Install for versioned 1.14 and 1.15 executables
+ * Update URLs and various instructions to GitHub
+ * README: Update POSIX spec link
+ * travis: Avoid Travis default ri, use distro one instead
+ * test suite: Make apt-get test less sensitive to available commands
+ * test suite: Output tool log on failure in CI
+ * Set up Travis
+ * test suite: Expect failure in modinfo/modprobe if there are no
+ modules
+ * test suite: Fix ssh-copy-id test on old setups with no identities
+ * cppcheck: Add native to --platform completions
+ * ssh: Avoid completing commands before hostname
+ * chronyc: Parse command args from help output
+ * chronyc: Wrap long lines
+ * Load completions also from $XDG_DATA_DIRS (RedHat: #1264094)
+ * (testsuite) Ignore files generated by
+ * scp, sftp: Complete -S on commands
+ * scp, sftp: Fix querying ssh options
+ * sftp: Add -l arg non-completion
+ * ssh-copy-id: Offer only *.pub to -i
+ * mpv: Remove mplayer-aliased completion
+ * __load_completion: New function, use in _completion_loader and
+ _xfunc
+ * modplug*: Associate *.oct and *.okt
+ * rpm: Add --whatenhances/recommends/suggests/supplements and
+ --recommends/supplements completions
+ * pgrep, pidof, pkill, pwdx, vmstat: Add support for procps-ng
+ * pdftotext: New completion
+ * checksec: New completion
+ * ssh: Complete HostbasedKeyTypes,HostKeyAlgorithms,KexAlgorithms
+ values
+ * ssh: Query ciphers and macs from ssh before hardcoded fallback
+ * ssh: Add -Q argument completion
+ * sysctl: Return early on --help, --version
+ * sysctl: Try parsing options from help before usage
+ * Document how to avoid command_not_found_handler interference
+ * eog: Complete on *.ppm (RedHat: #1090481)
+ * tar: Plug $line var leak
+ * tar: Style tweaks
+ * (testsuite) Add required "empty" dir for tar
+ * bsdtar, tar: Remove symlinks from git, have make create them
+ * jshint: New completion
+ * gnokii: Include and install it
+ * gnokii: Fix completions of options that are prefixes for others
+ * gnokii: Drop dead code
+ * (testsuite): Add basic gnokii test case
+ * gnokii: Various minor and cosmetic fixes
+ * _filedir: Avoid some unnecessary work with -d
+ * _filedir: Remove unused variable
+ * _filedir: Fix overquoted argument to compgen -d (RedHat: #1171396)
+ * 2015
+ * Load user completions from $BASH_COMPLETION_USER_DIR/completions
+ * Revert "README: Don't hardcode /etc in cmake fallback dir"
+ * README: Don't hardcode /etc in cmake fallback dir
+ * README: Add cmake usage example
+ * README: Add autotools and cmake tips
+ * Drop reference to no longer used sysconf_DATA
+ * synclient: New completion
+ * tune2fs: Add missing return in -M arg completion
+ * reptyr: Rename file to _reptyr to avoid conflict with upstreamed
+ completion
+ * cppcheck: Option argument (non-)completion update
+ * dropuser: New completion
+ * createuser: New completion
+ * createdb, dropdb: Drop -o default, it does not appear to do
+ anything good here
+ * tshark: Simplify cut usage
+ * mcrypt: Simplify -m arg completion
+ * (testsuite): Add mcrypt -a and -m argument completion tests
+ * strings: Fix -T/--target arg completion with non-English locale
+ * chrome, firefox etc: Complete on *.pdf
+ * ccache: Add -o/--set-config arg name completion
+ * gphoto2: Replace tail with awk
+ * *: Invoke command to be completed, not its basename
+ * gphoto2: Fix split argument handing, and colon treatment in --port
+ args
+ * _completion_loader: Protect compgen from -* leakage (Debian:
+ #769399)
+ * Actually install the lz4 completion
+ * _pnames: Add -s for producing (possibly) truncated names (RedHat:
+ #744406)
+ * (testsuite) Add cd in dir without subdirs or CDPATH test case
+ * Protect various compgen invocations from -* leakage (Debian:
+ #766163)
+ * pigz, unpigz: Handle *.zz
+ * _completion_loader: Set empty command to _EmptycmD_ for cross
+ version compat
+ * Comment update
+ * rpmbuild: Complete *.spec on --nobuild
+ * mplayer, *xine: Complete on *.mts (Debian: #759219)
+ * ant: Support buildfile set in $ANT_ARGS (Alioth: #314735)
+ * (testsuite) Add ant -f <buildfile> test case
+ * ant: Don't offer more completions after options that exit
+ * 7z, adb: Trivial cleanups
+ * python(3): Add -X argument non-completion
+ * xsltproc. TODO fix for previous commit
+ * xmllint, xmlwf, xsltproc: Complete on *.dbk and *.docbook (Alioth:
+ #314770)
+ * xz: Complete -T/--threads argument
+ * (testsuite) Save shell variables when saving env (Alioth: #314720)
+ * adb: New completion
+ * modprobe: Try parsing help before using hardcoding option list
+ * (testsuite) Add vgcreate test case for _lvm_count_args with
+ failglob on
+ * _filedir_xspec: Fix with failglob on
+ * Various mostly array element unsetting fixes under failglob
+ * __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref: Make work with failglob on
+ (Alioth: #312741)
+ * _services: README in sysv init dir is not a service
+ * mpv: New completion alias + adjustments for mplayer (Debian:
+ #749115)
+ * (testsuite) Add puppet subcommand option test case
+ * puppet: Recognize some short options
+ * puppet: Parse most subcommand options from "help subcommand"
+ output
+ * puppet: Exit early on -h|-V|--version in addition to --help
+ * hostname: New completion
+ * nslookup: complete on hosts (Alioth: #314673)
+ * eog: Complete on *.pgm (RedHat: #1090481)
+ * pngfix: New completion
+ * qemu: Fix -balloon arg completion
+ * qemu: Apply completion to qemu-kvm/-system-i386/-system-x86_64 too
+ * xrandr: Use the invoked command internally, not hardcoded "xrandr"
+ * xrandr: Add (some) --setprovider* arg completion support
+ * profile.d: Don't return from a sourced script (Debian: #741657)
+ * FAQ: Clarify that we mean the bash man page for M-/
+ * (testsuite) Avoid errors with our build.xml
+ * ri: Fix class completion with ri >= 3.
+ * ri: Fix colon handling in class completion.
+ * flake8: New completion
+ * pyflakes: New completion
+ * cal,chfn,chsh,dmesg,eject,hexdump,look,newgrp,renice,runuser,su,wr
+ ite: Deprecate on Linux in favor of util-linux ones (Debian:
+ #737672)
+ * testsuite: Add basic newgrp test case
+ * testsuite: Add basic test cases for deprecated completions
+ * _*: Install our deprecated completions too, try loading them
+ secondarily
+ * hwclock,ionice,rtcwake: Deprecate in favor of util-linux ones
+ (Debian: #737672)
+ * ssh-keygen: New completion
+ * Bump copyright years to 2014.
+ * jpegoptim: New completion
+ * ip: Add some addr, addrlabel, and route arg completions
+ * aptitude, dpkg: Replace some grep+cuts with awk
+ * gcc, lintian, make, pkgadd, slackpkg: grep -> "command grep"
+ (Debian: #734095)
+ * lintian: Replace some grep+cuts with awk
+ * (testsuite) Check for grep and ls invoked without "command", see
+ * lz4: New completion.
+ * optipng: New completion.
+ * cppcheck: Include - in --file-list completions.
+ * (testsuite): Limit wtf completions to A* to keep expect happier.
+ * wtf: Look for acronym db from /usr/share/games/bsdgames/acronyms
+ too.
+ * wtf: Don't offer -f if it was already specified.
+ * wtf: Hush stderr when db file doesn't exist.
+ * appdata-validate: New completion.
+ * timeout: New completion.
+ * _known_hosts_real: Exclude %h HostName entries (RedHat: #1015935).
+ * cc, c++: Check path to binary when finding out if it's gcc
+ (Alioth: #314417).
+ * cc, c++: Install minimal completion for non-gcc ones (Alioth:
+ #314417).
+ * abook, kldunload: Pre-expand \t instead of relying on sed
+ supporting it.
+ * dict: Trivial regex cleanup.
+ * _known_hosts_real: Pre-expand \t instead of relying on sed
+ supporting it (Alioth: #314393).
+ * zopfli: New completion.
+ * bzip2, gzip, lzma: Cleanups.
+ * Cosmetics.
+ * export, _variables: Do TZ= completion (Redhat: #994646).
+ * 2to3: New completion.
+ * file-roller: Reuse unzip's xspec.
+ * 7z: New completion.
+ * hcitool, rfcomm, ciptool, hciconfig: Don't leak $args.
+ * perl: Fix -dt: completion.
+ * perl*: Fix handling of relative paths in @INC.
+ * wget: Add --accept-regex/--reject-regex/--regex-type arg
+ (non)completions.
+ * wget: Drop incorrect -nv arg completion.
+ * wget: Stop completing after --help/--version.
+ * Clean up/compact various globs.
+ * cvs: Fix checkout -j non-completion.
+ * sh: Complete script arguments with all filenames (Alioth:
+ #314226).
+ * nmcli: Deprecate our completion, upstream has one in
+ * Revert "nmcli completion was integrated upstream"
+ * Use == instead of =.
+ * cvs rm: Don't filter existing files with -f (RedHat: #949479).
+ * aclocal, automake: Install for *-1.10, *-1.12, and *-1.13 too.
+ -- Ville Skyttä <> Thu, 03 Mar 2016 17:22:50 +0200
+bash-completion (2.1)
+ [ AllKind ]
+ * Fix __ltrim_colon_completions() fail on parameter (\$1) containing
+ a glob.
+ [ Andreas Müller ]
+ * completions/ symlinks depends on $(DATA) to avoid race
+ conditions
+ [ Christian von Roques ]
+ * Fix __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref for $COMP_CWORD == ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Fix helper script to create changelogs
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * New completions: nmcli, gphoto2
+ * Improved completions:
+ - dsniff: add -p option completion
+ - dsniff: fix interface completion
+ [ Igor Murzov ]
+ * _command_offset: Restore compopts properly (Alioth: #313890)
+ * _parse_help, _parse_usage: Run commands in C locale.
+ * New completions: wget, zathura
+ * Improved completions:
+ - cppcheck: Add new standards to --std option.
+ - evince: Evince supports opening .pdf.xz files (Alioth: #313739).
+ - feh: Add new options introduced in feh-2.7.
+ - feh: Fix list of background styles.
+ - fusermount: Complete curlftpfs-mounts for "fusermount -u" (Debian:
+ #685377)
+ - kcov: Add new sort types (introduced in kcov-9).
+ - kcov: Complete arguments of --limits option.
+ - lvm: Fix typo in option name: s/continguous/contiguous/.
+ - make: Do not append space if target is a filepath.
+ - mount: Fix parsing /etc/fstab on *BSD.
+ - mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.5 and 3.7
+ - mount.linux: Add options completion for nfs and davfs.
+ - mount.linux: Clean up mount options, remove duplicates.
+ - mplayer: Add opus to the list of supported formats.
+ - mplayer: Add -subcp argument completion.
+ - opera: Handle options.
+ - slackpkg, slapt-get: Update the list of package sets.
+ - tar: Fix detection if the $prev is a tar file.
+ - valgrind: Add --soname-synonyms option arguments completion.
+ * Testsuite:
+ - _filedir: Remove the cruft from the a\$b->h unit test (Alioth: #313480)
+ [ Jeroen Hoek ]
+ * Improved completions:
+ - unzip: Add support for OpenDocument formats.
+ [ Ken Sharp ]
+ * Improved completions:
+ - wine: add .msi completion
+ [ Martin Ueding ]
+ * Stylistic cleanup
+ [ Tristan Wibberley ]
+ * Improved completions:
+ - make: incremental completion for make with compact display
+ - make: convert make completion to use smarter parser
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Avoid sourcing dirs in completion loader to avoid fd leaks (RedHat: #903540)
+ * Ignore colormake symlink.
+ * Line continuation, whitespace, and compgen -W ... -- "$cur"
+ quoting cleanups.
+ * _available_interfaces: Try with "ip link" if ifconfig is not available.
+ * _ip_addresses: Try with "ip addr" if ifconfig is not available.
+ * _known_hosts_real: Filter ruptime stdout error spewage (Alioth: #313893).
+ * _mac_addresses: Try local interfaces with "ip link" if ifconfig not
+ available.
+ * _mac_addresses: Try ARP cache with "ip neigh" if arp is not available.
+ * _mac_addresses: Fix with net-tools' ifconfig that outputs ether, not HWaddr.
+ * New completions: chronyc, eject, eog, file-roller, hexdump, interdiff, lua,
+ luac, luseradd, luserdel, lusermod, mussh, nc, ngrep, patch, pydoc,
+ pyflakes, pylint, ss, strings, tshark, wsimport, xxd
+ * Improved completions:
+ - acpi, chpasswd, dmesg, gkrellm, groupmems, hwclock, lastlog, pwd, vipw:
+ Complete options even without "-" given.
+ - arpspoof, dsniff, ether-wake, nmap: Offer active interfaces only.
+ - clzip, pdlzip, plzip: New lzip alias completions.
+ - colormake: New make alias completion (LP: #743208, Debian: #682557)
+ - cpio: Recognize pass thru when -p is bundled w/other options
+ (RedHat: #912113).
+ - cppcheck: Add --language/-x argument completion.
+ - cppcheck: Complete --include= with filenames.
+ - dnsspoof, filesnarf, macof, sshow, tcpkill, tcpnice, urlsnarf: Fix -i
+ completion.
+ - genisoimage: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding options, add basic test
+ case.
+ - groupmems: Add -R/--root arg completion.
+ - hexdump: Actually install for hd as well.
+ - host: Complete with known hosts.
+ - ip: Improve addr show and link show completions.
+ - ip: Remove some stale TODOs.
+ - jar: Reuse unzip's xspec (RedHat: #928253).
+ - koji: Complete on build targets when --target is given to wait-repo.
+ - lv{create,resize,extend}, vg{create,reduce,extend,split}: Fix variable
+ leaks.
+ - lvm: Add _lvm prefix to helper functions.
+ - lvm: Take option args into account when counting args (RedHat: #860510).
+ - lvm volumes: Complete on /dev/mapper/* (RedHat: #851787).
+ - lzip: Do not append space after equal sign in long options.
+ - make: Convert internal variable names to lowercase, indentation fix.
+ - make: Don't leak $mode.
+ - make: Make work in POSIX mode.
+ - man: Add support for .lz man pages (RedHat: #839310).
+ - man: Don't expand man page extensions too early.
+ - man: Fix -P/--pager full path arg completion.
+ - modinfo: Use ,, for lowercasing instead of tr in a subshell.
+ - modprobe: Don't suggest installing already installed modules.
+ - ncftp: Add option completion.
+ - pkg-config: Try to complete --variable= if package name is already given.
+ - pydoc: Complete on keywords and topics.
+ - python, pydoc: Add module completion.
+ - scp: Treat strings with slash before colon or starting with [.~] as local.
+ - ssh: Add some -o and related arg completions.
+ - ssh: Add -O argument completion (Debian: #680652).
+ - tar: Don't take -I to mean bzip2.
+ - tar: Fix completing files inside *.tlz when J is explicitly given.
+ - tar: Simplify bzip patterns.
+ - tar: Support *.tar.lz (Debian: #703599).
+ - tar: Recognize taz and tb2 as compressed tarballs.
+ - tcpdump: Fix -z full path arg completion.
+ - unzip/zipinfo: Associate with more StarOffice extensions.
+ - useradd, userdel, usermod: Add -R/--root arg completion.
+ - useradd, usermod: Support comma separated -G/--groups arg completion.
+ - useradd: Fix -k, -K, and --home-dir argument completions.
+ - userdel: Add -h/--help non-completion.
+ - valgrind: Fix full path <command> arg completion.
+ - vgcreate: Add missing symlink.
+ - vipw: Add -R/--root arg completion.
+ - vpnc: Add bunch of option arg (non)completions.
+ - vpnc: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding options, add basic test case.
+ - wget: Use == instead of =.
+ - wine: Fix extension glob to work on its own.
+ - wol: Try "ip addr" before ifconfig for finding out broadcast addresses.
+ - xrandr: Add bunch of option arg non-completions.
+ - xrandr: Use _parse_help.
+ - xrandr --mode: Clean up one awk call.
+ - xrandr: Avoid --mode completion error when --output is not given.
+ - xrandr: Don't leak $i when completing --mode.
+ * Deprecated completions:
+ - udevadm: one is shipped in systemd >= 196 (RedHat: #919246).
+ * Testsuite:
+ - Make pydoc test more likely to work with our limited expect buffer size.
+ - Fix pwd unit test
+ [ Yann Rouillard ]
+ * New completions: pkgutil, pkgrm, pkgadd, pkg-get, svcadm.
+ [ wonder.mice ]
+ * Fixed tilde expanding in _filedir_xspec
+ -- David Paleino <> Fri, 05 Apr 2013 12:05:15 +0200
+bash-completion (2.0)
+ [ Anthony Ramine ]
+ * Properly declare 'symlinks' dependencies
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * apt-get: add 'changelog' to completed commands
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * Add xz compression extension for kernel modules
+ [ Igor Murzov ]
+ * sudo: Handle options (Alioth: #311414).
+ * sudoedit: New completion.
+ * _command_offset: Properly quote arguments of eval (Alioth:
+ #313499).
+ * mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.0-3.2
+ * _modules: Ignore error messages.
+ * modprobe, modinfo, insmod: Move modprobe and modinfo completions
+ to their own files.
+ * sbopkg: Use _parse_help.
+ * sbopkg, slackpkg, slapt-{get,src}: Use shorter form of the check
+ if file exists.
+ * _filedir: Properly quote paths to avoid unexpected expansion.
+ * su: Add linux-specific completion
+ * insmod, modprobe: Don't hardcode path to modinfo (Alioth: #313569)
+ * man: --path option is supported on Darwin (Alioth: #313584)
+ * man: Move variable declaration to the right place.
+ * feh: Update option argument completions.
+ * fbi, feh: Complete more supported file formats.
+ * fbgs: Add new options introduced in fbida-2.09.
+ * cppcheck: Complete new --relative-paths option arguments
+ * _expand: Suppress unwanted bash error messages (Alioth: #313497)
+ [ Itaï BEN YAACOV ]
+ * scp: Recognise symlinks to directories as directories (Debian:
+ #666055).
+ [ Jonathan Nieder ]
+ * ri: Rename ri_get_methods helper to add leading underscore
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * rmmod: Add option completions.
+ * testsuite/generate: Generate less linefeeds.
+ * insmod: Install for insmod.static too.
+ * mplayer: Add -monitoraspect arg completion.
+ * mplayer: Add generic handling of options that take arguments.
+ * testsuite: Fix spurious modinfo and modprobe test failures on
+ systems that have /lib and /lib64 dirs.
+ * pigz: Add -p/--processes arg completion.
+ * testsuite: Add basic su test case.
+ * su: Fix long option handling.
+ * su: Add --session-command arg completion.
+ * su: Complete -s/--shell with shells instead of all files.
+ * lyx: Remove simple completion, upstream has more complete one
+ (Debian: #662203)
+ * testsuite/generate: Tweak linefeeds.
+ * make: Add generic variable completion.
+ * man: Recognize 3gl as man page filename extension -- at least Mesa
+ uses it.
+ * _realcommand: Try greadlink before readlink (Alioth: #313659).
+ * Comment spelling fix.
+ * qiv: Add *.svg.
+ * xmllint: Add *.svgz.
+ * autotools: Use MKDIR_P instead of mkdir_p (Alioth: #313671).
+ * lbzip2: Add -n argument completion.
+ * *_tilde*: Escape tilde in [[ $1 == \~* ]] tests (RedHat: #817902).
+ * New completions:
+ - acpi, hwclock, pwd, ssh-add, vmstat
+ [ Sung Pae ]
+ * Workaround bash bug that fails to complete <, >
+ -- David Paleino <> Sun, 17 Jun 2012 20:01:36 +0200
+bash-completion (1.99)
+ * Hopefully the last 2.0 preview.
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Correctly list purgeable packages for dpkg --listfiles and dpkg
+ --purge (Debian: #647684)
+ * Fix bash_completion paths in README (Debian: #647941)
+ [ Florian Hubold ]
+ * xv: Add *.eps and *.ps to filename completions (Alioth: #313477)
+ [ Igor Murzov ]
+ * Add and use _sysvdirs() function that sets correct SysV init
+ directory.
+ * cppcheck: Add new options introduced in cppcheck-1.52.
+ * cppcheck: Several ids separated by commas can be given for
+ --enable=.
+ * _known_hosts_real: Add some quotes (Alioth #313158)
+ * Merge completions/service into the bash_completion script.
+ * _modules: Follow symlinks in /lib/modules/$(uname -r) (Alioth:
+ #313461)
+ * mount, umount: Add linux-specific completions.
+ * mount: Don't suggest short options.
+ * pidof: Don't check OS type (Alioth #311403)
+ * removepkg: Make it possible to complete filenames.
+ * umount: Fix for completion of relative paths.
+ * upgradepkg: Support oldpackage%newpackage notation.
+ * wine: Complete all files after an .exe (Alioth #313131)
+ * New completions:
+ - htop, nethogs.
+ [ Jan Kratochvil ]
+ * rpm: Treat -r as --root (RedHat: #759224).
+ [ Raphaël Droz ]
+ * Added a word about compopt -o nospace in styleguide.txt.
+ * _ip_addresses: Make it locale agnostic.
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * cc, c++: Install gcc completion if compiler looks like GCC
+ (Alioth: #311408).
+ * cppcheck: Offer header filename completions too.
+ * curl: Add bunch of new option argument completions.
+ * dequote: Use printf instead of echo (Alioth: #312163).
+ * dict: Speed up word completion with common use cases and large
+ word lists.
+ * dmesg: Adapt to versions returning long options.
+ * Document $split && return.
+ * _filedir, _tilde: Ignore compopt stderr for direct invocations in
+ unit tests.
+ * Include doc/ in dist tarball.
+ * _known_hosts_real: Handle more than two hostnames per known hosts
+ line (Debian: #647352).
+ * _known_hosts_real: Include hosts reported by ruptime (Alioth:
+ #313308).
+ * _known_hosts_real: Support > 1 files per *KnownHostsFile line
+ (Debian: #650514).
+ * lintian: Use <<< instead of echo and a pipe (Alioth: #312163).
+ * lrzip: -T no longer takes an argument since version 0.570.
+ * _mac_addresses: Grab addresses from FreeBSD's ifconfig -a output
+ too.
+ * make: Add -j/--jobs completion, complete up to number of CPUs * 2.
+ * _muttconffiles: Use printf instead of echo (Alioth: #312163).
+ * _parse_help, _parse_usage: If first arg is "-", read from stdin.
+ * rpm: Add --delsign completion, don't suggest --resign (identical
+ to --addsign).
+ * _variables: New function split from _init_completion.
+ * vi and friends: Fix /etc/* completion (Alioth:
+ #312409).
+ * New completions:
+ - plague-client, desktop-file-validate, valgrind, ccache, iperf,
+ koji, lzip, udevadm.
+ -- David Paleino <> Sat, 07 Jan 2012 23:52:36 +0100
+bash-completion (1.90)
+ * bash-completion 2 preview: dynamic loading of completions.
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * If _filedir 'ext' returns nothing, just fallback to generic file
+ completion. It is optional, and off by default. Patch by Clint Byrum
+ (Debian: #619014, LP: #533985)
+ * Fix __get_cword_at_cursor_by_ref: check for $index when completing with a
+ cword+1 argument already present (Debian: #622383)
+ * Layout change: everything is now in /usr/share/bash-completion/, rather
+ than in /etc/.
+ * Fix autotools to use pkgdatadir instead of redefining datadir, get rid of
+ helpersdir.
+ * Implemented a blacklist for unwanted third-parties completions
+ * New completions:
+ - epdfview, lpr and lpq (Raphaël Droz), mysql (Raphaël Droz)
+ * Improved completions:
+ - ant: handle "extension-point" the same as "target" tag (Petr Kozelka,
+ Alioth: #313105)
+ - apt: add 'download' to subcommands (Debian: #625234, Ubuntu: #720541)
+ - aptitude: add 'versions' command (Debian: #604393)
+ - dpkg-query: use the 'dpkg' completion (Debian: #642526)
+ - lintian: remove --unpack-level (Debian: #623680)
+ - {shadow,coreutils}: fix broken _allowed_groups usage
+ - rrdtool: complete filenames after commands (Debian: #577933)
+ - sitecopy: fixed a bug with grep and brackets: use sitecopy -v to fetch
+ sites (Raphaël Droz).
+ [ Freddy Vulto ]
+ * Improve __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref() (Alioth #313057)
+ * Testsuite:
+ - add -unsorted option to _get_hosts()
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * Use $() for subshell, instead of backquotes
+ * Use simple quotes for constant strings
+ * Drop -o filenames, as suggested by Ville
+ * New completions: puppet
+ [ Igor Murzov ]
+ * Abort completion file loading earlier if required commands are not
+ available.
+ * docs: Improve tester's manual
+ * Make completions that use _command also work with file names
+ * _command_offset: Restore compopts used by called command.
+ * New completions:
+ - pkgtool, makepkg, rmp2tgz, slapt-get, slapt-src, slackpkg, kcov, feh,
+ xgamma, fbi, fbgs
+ * Improved completions:
+ - file: ddd few missing --exclude arguments completions
+ - host, nslookup: Remove completions for bind utils from bash_completion.
+ - {install,upgrade,explode}pkg: use -o plusdirs instead of -o dirnames
+ - makepkg: should complete filenames
+ - removepkg, upgradepkg, installpkg: add option completion
+ - xrandr: Add more option completions.
+ - overall clean up of different slackware-specific completions
+ * Testsuite:
+ - add basic tests for pkgtools, rpm2tgz, slapt, sbopkg, slackpkg
+ - fix broken tests for finger and xhost
+ - remove unused -expect-cmd-full option from assert_complete*
+ [ Sergey V ]
+ * New completions: sbopkg
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Load completions in separate files dynamically, get rid of have()
+ * Drop unnecessary $USERLAND checks
+ * Try /usr/sbin before /sbin in have()
+ * Try both full path and basename completions for sudo etc (Alioth: #313065)
+ * Add _init_completion() for common completion initialization and generic
+ redirection handling
+ * Replace actual sysconfdir in bash_completion on install (Alioth: #313081)
+ * Drop support for bash < 4.1
+ * Drop no longer needed _compopt_o_filenames()
+ * Drop no longer needed "type compopt" checks
+ * docs: Update "simply sourcing" instructions to match new layout, check
+ $PS1.
+ * Get rid of bash_completion self-parsing from _filedir_xspec
+ (RedHat: #479936).
+ * Provide profile.d hook for per user disabling of bash_completion
+ (Debian: #593835)
+ * New completions:
+ - a2x, arping, asciidoc, base64, cal, chrpath, cppcheck, curl, dmesg,
+ dot, file, gnome-mplayer, gprof, hddtemp, host, htpasswd, idn, ionice,
+ jps, lbunzip2, lbzip2, lbzcat, prelink, protoc, pwdx, pwgen, reptyr,
+ sum (RedHat: #717341), watch
+ - phing: reuse ant completion (Elan Ruusamäe, Alioth: #312910)
+ - pinfo: reuse info completion
+ * Improved completions:
+ - bluez, e2fsprogs, grpck, java (Mattias Ulbrich), passwd, pwck, route,
+ rsync, smartctl
+ - ant: improve -lib, -find/-s, and -D argument completions; rewrite build
+ target parsing in plain bash, add build file test case
+ - aspell: add --add-filter|--rem-filter completions; get --mode completions
+ from 'aspell modes' output
+ - bzip2, gzip, python, sysbench: quote command argument to _parse_help()
+ - chsh: use _allowed_users instead of plain compgen -u
+ - cksfv: add -g argument completion
+ - cpan2dist: don't hang if no package list files exist
+ - crontab: use /sys/fs/selinux and /selinux instead of /etc/selinux to
+ find out if SELinux is around
+ - cvs: (diff) parse options from cvs diff instead of plain diff; drop -o
+ default to fix CVS root completions; (commit) complete on entries
+ instead of default if COMP_CVS_REMOTE is not set; improve CVS
+ controlled file completions; add CVS controlled file completions for
+ admin and update; list "primary" command names first in mode switch;
+ recognize some additional commands and synonyms; add editors/watchers
+ completion; sort mode completions alphabetically
+ - freeciv: complete freeciv-* in addition to civclient/civserver
+ - gdb: improve filename completion
+ - gendiff: do file completion after output redirection
+ - getent: add gshadow to known databases; allow multiple completions from
+ same db, add option completion
+ - info: add option completion support
+ - ipsec (Tobias Brunner): drop uname check, add strongSwan specific
+ completion with fallback, complete connection names for 'up', 'down' and
+ other commands
+ - jar: complete on *.sar (JBoss service archive)
+ - java, javac: add -X* completions
+ - javadoc: implement -linkoffline two argument completion
+ - killall: activate completion on Darwin (Alioth: #312350)
+ - (la)tex (Ted Pavlic): add *.dbj to filename completions (RedHat: #678122)
+ - man: add option parsing and completion
+ - modplug*: add more extensions for files supported by libmodplug
+ - mutt: support tildes when recursively sourcing muttrc files
+ (Debian: #615134); expand tilde in mutt query command (Alioth: #312759)
+ - ntpdate: add some option argument (non)completions
+ - oo{writer,impress,calc,draw} (Matej Cepl): complete on LibreOffice
+ FlatXML extensions (RedHat: #692548)
+ - perldoc (Scott Bronson): override MANPAGER when generating perldoc
+ completions (RedHat: #689180); don't parse man page when we know it'll
+ produce no completions; use perldoc itself instead of man
+ - pgrep: add option and option argument completions
+ - rpm: make rpm --queryformat use more consistent; drop rpm query support
+ for rpm < 4.1
+ - rpmbuild: add --buildpolicy completion
+ - rpmcheck: drop reference to undefined $files variable (Alioth: #313270)
+ - screen: add _terms() and -T completion; add commands completion
+ (Alioth: #312164, RedHat: #547852)
+ - _services: avoid bogus completions when init or xinetd dirs exist but are
+ empty; include systemd services
+ - smartctl: fix short alternative for --tolerance
+ - ssh, scp, sftp, ssh-copy-id: add some option argument (non)completions
+ - strace: don't append space for -e *= completions; don't try to extract
+ syscall names if they're not going to be used; rewrite arch specific
+ syscall extraction in plain bash
+ - svn*: don't suggest short options
+ - tar: fix completion of files inside *.tar.bz2 archives when [Ijy] is not
+ given; added option completions; improve tar *[cr]*f completions
+ (Debian: #618734)
+ - unzip: complete on *.sar (JBoss service archive)
+ - xmllint, xmlwf: complete on *.tld (tag library descriptor)
+ - xmlwf: add -v non-completion
+ - xmms: add some option argument completions
+ - xz: apply xz completion to pxz too; non-complete
+ --memlimit{,-compress,-decompress}
+ * Testsuite:
+ - add basic tests for gendiff, mdadm, puppet, xzdec, mii-diag, mii-tool,
+ grpck, passwd, pwck, samba, rdesktop, fusermount, tcpdump, l2ping,
+ ssh-copy-id, postfix, qemu, ldap*, medusa, mdtool, monodevelop,
+ msynctool, cfagent, lpr, lpq, mysql, nslookup, compare, conjure,
+ import, stream
+ - fix tests for ri
+ - fix get_hosts option docs.
+ - add test case for Debian: #622383.
+ - add chown foo: and :foo test cases, should complete files
+ (RedHat: #710714)
+ -- David Paleino <> Thu, 03 Nov 2011 09:53:55 +0000
+bash-completion (1.3)
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * added pure-perl perldoc completion helper, using work from Aristotle
+ Pagaltzis (
+ * added completions for xfreerdp and iscsiadm
+ * updated xm subcommands list
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Fixed "service" completion, thanks to John Hedges (Debian: #586210)
+ * Complete on all files for mplayer's -dvd-device
+ * Fixed typo in openssl completion (Debian: #609552)
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Activate hping2 completion also for hping and hping3.
+ * Add badblocks, compgen, crontab, dumpe2fs, e2freefrag, e2label, ether-wake,
+ filefrag, gendiff, growisofs, iftop, ip (Debian: #600617), javaws, kid3,
+ lrzip, lsof, mktemp, portecle, POSIX sh, sha{,224,256,384,512}sum,
+ sysbench, tune2fs, xmodmap, and xrdb completions.
+ * Add *.gif (Alioth: #312512), *.m2t (Alioth: #312770), *.3gpp, *.3gpp2,
+ *.awb, and *.iso (Alioth: #311420) to mplayer filename completions.
+ * Add "short" tarball extensions to unxz, unlzma etc completions.
+ * Improve /etc/init.d/*, ipmitool, jar, java, javadoc, man, mencoder, mkdir,
+ mplayer, pack200, povray, python, rpmbuild, sqlite3, tar, wodim, and
+ general help parsing completions.
+ * Fix p4 and povray completions (Alioth: #312625).
+ * Add *.xsd, *.xsl, *.rng, *.wsdl, and *.jnlp to xmllint and xmlwf filename
+ completions, and *.gz versions of all of the supported ones for xmllint.
+ * Recognize rpm query mode based on the --file, --group, --package, and
+ --all long options (RedHat: #630328).
+ * Improve rpm query option completions.
+ * Drop bad kompare filename completion (Alioth: #312708).
+ * Make _filedir and _filedir_xspec complete uppercase versions of their
+ filename extension arguments in addition to exact case matches.
+ * IPv6 known hosts completion fixes (Alioth: #312695, RedHat: #630658).
+ * Fixes to completions for filenames containing tabs (RedHat: #629518).
+ * Add *.iso (Alioth: #311420), *.m2t and *.m2ts (Alioth: #312770) to
+ xine-based player filename completions.
+ * Add /etc/ethers to MAC address completion sources.
+ * Add *.gem and *.spkg to tar filename completions.
+ * Complete known hosts from avahi-browse only if $COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_AVAHI
+ is non-empty (Alioth: #312691, RedHat: #630326).
+ * Improve relevance of many user/group completions, depending on context.
+ * Remove most "-o filenames" options to "complete", turn "-o filenames" on
+ dynamically when needed instead.
+ * Add/improve various autotools completions.
+ * Add *.apk to unzip and jar filename completions.
+ * Do not load bash_completion in profile.d script if progcomp is not enabled.
+ * Ignore muttrc source entries that are not files (Alioth: #312881).
+ * Re-enable postgresql database and user completion (Alioth: #312914,
+ Ubuntu: #164772).
+ * Add *.fdf to various PDF viewer completions.
+ [ Freddy Vulto ]
+ * Added _tilde(), fix ~username completion (Alioth: #312613, Debian: #587095)
+ * Speed up `compopt' availability detection
+ * Fix _filedir `-o filenames' detection on bash-3 (Alioth: #312646)
+ * Fix __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref (Alioth #312740)
+ [ Anton Khirnov ]
+ * Improve mplayer and mencoder completions.
+ [ Paul Walmsley ]
+ * Add *.webm to mplayer file completions (Debian: #588079).
+ [ Miklos Vajna ]
+ * Add *.amr to mplayer file completions (Alioth: #312634).
+ [ Andrej Gelenberg ]
+ * Add *.part (partially downloaded) to mplayer and xine-based player
+ completions (Alioth: #312657).
+ [ Stephen Gildea ]
+ * Fix false posives for non-option words in _parse_help (Alioth: #312750).
+ [ Andrey G. Grozin ]
+ * Add *.fb2 to okular filename completions.
+ -- David Paleino <> Sun, 06 Feb 2011 19:03:46 +0100
+bash-completion (1.2)
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Don't use pidof in _known_hosts_real() to detect whether Avahi is
+ available, since it's not available on MacOS X. Thanks to Rainer
+ Müller <> (bash-completion MacPorts maintainer)
+ * Fixed "freq" and "rate" completion for iwconfig
+ * contrib/munin-node fixed (Debian: #550943)
+ * contrib/dpkg fixed -W and --show completing on .?(u)deb's (Debian: #552109)
+ * contrib/aptitude: add @(add|remove)-user-tag
+ * Added munindoc completion to contrib/munin-node, thanks to Tom
+ Feiner (Debian: #553371)
+ * Added colordiff completion, same as diff
+ * contrib/cpio: added missing completions for -?, --help, --license, --usage,
+ --version and (-p) --to-stdout (Debian: #557436)
+ * Style policy: don't use fancy globbing in case labels
+ * Added .fdf completion to okular and evince
+ * Added .okular completion to okular (Debian: #545530)
+ * Added lintian completion
+ * Refreshed reportbug completion, added --from-buildd (Debian: #579471)
+ * Special-case "apt-get source" (Debian: #572000)
+ * Added lintian completion (Debian: #547361)
+ * contrib/dpkg: update completion to current API
+ * Styleguide: establish line wrapping and $() instead of ``
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Create bz2 dist tarball too.
+ * Include CHANGES in dist tarball.
+ * Include profile snippet in tarball, install it.
+ * Rename contrib/bluez-utils to contrib/bluez to follow bluez 4.x naming.
+ * Apply cardctl completion to pccardctl too.
+ * Apply pine completion to alpine too.
+ * Remove many unnecessary short option completions where long ones exist.
+ * Improve chsh, chgrp, chown, configure, curl, cvs, find, gkrellm, gzip,
+ iconv, lftp, look, lzma, make, man, mdadm, modprobe, mount, mplayer,
+ mysqladmin, perldoc, rsync, screen, service, scp, ssh, sshfs, unzip,
+ update-alternatives, vncviewer, wget, yp-tools, xine based players' and
+ general hostname completions.
+ * Add abook and wtf completion, based on work by Raphaël Droz.
+ * Add cvsps, dragon, fusermount, jarsigner, k3b, lftpget, modplug123,
+ pm-utils, rtcwake, pack200, unpack200, pbzip2, pbunzip2, pbzcat, pigz,
+ unpigz, and wol completions.
+ * Don't overwrite other host completions when completing from multiple
+ SSH known hosts files.
+ * Speed up installed rpm package completion on SUSE, based on work by
+ Marco Poletti (Alioth: #312021).
+ * Improve sourcing snippets from completion dirs.
+ * Drop support for bash < 3. The compatibility global variables $bashN,
+ $default, $dirnames, $filenames, $compopt, $nospace, $bashdefault, and
+ $plusdirs have been dropped too. 3rd party completions should switch
+ to using the complete/compgen features directly, and BASH_VERSINFO
+ for bash version checks.
+ * Protect various completions from unusual user input by not embedding the
+ input in external command arguments (Debian: #552631).
+ * Add /sbin to $PATH when invoking ifconfig and iwconfig.
+ * Combine dcop and qdbus completions into the latter.
+ * awk and sed usage portability fixes (Alioth: #311393, Debian: #501479).
+ * Fix leaking local variables from various completions.
+ * Turn on -o filenames in _filedir on bash >= 4.
+ * Deprecate modules completion, upstream modules >= 3.2.7 ships one.
+ * Protect grep invocations from user aliases (Alioth: #312143).
+ * Split sshfs completion from contrib/ssh into contrib/sshfs.
+ * Split mount and umount completion into contrib/mount.
+ * Split service completion into contrib/service.
+ * Split chown, chgrp, and id completions into contrib/coreutils.
+ * Split kill, look, and renice completions into contrib/util-linux.
+ * Split killall, pkill, pgrep and related completions into contrib/procps.
+ * Split ipsec completion into contrib/ipsec.
+ * Split ifup and ifdown completions into contrib/ifupdown.
+ * Do basic HTML file completion with Firefox and Chrome and friends,
+ and Epiphany.
+ * Do basic diff/patch completion with cdiff and kompare.
+ * Don't install mock completion by default, it's in upstream mock > 1.1.0.
+ * Do basic text editor completion with xemacs, sxemacs, kate, and kwrite.
+ * Do meta-command completion for aoss and padsp.
+ [ Freddy Vulto ]
+ * Prevent root PATH expansion prolifering in _root_command (bash >= 4.1.4)
+ * Only complete xhost if (_)xhost is available.
+ * Added _get_comp_words_by_ref to replace both _get_cword & _get_pword.
+ Also additional variables `words' and `cword' can be returned.
+ * Added _upvar & _upvars helper functions to aid in passing variables
+ by reference.
+ * Make _filedir emulate `-o filenames'
+ * Fixed completion perl modules containing colons.
+ * Merged __get_cword3 & __get_cword4 to _get_cword.
+ * Added __expand_tilde_by_ref helper function.
+ * Added __ltrim_colon_completions to fix completions containing colons
+ * Improved mutt completion
+ * Added _get_pword helper function, thanks to Sung Pae (Alioth: #312030)
+ [ Ted Stern ]
+ * Fix modules completion for "(default)" entries.
+ [ Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle ]
+ * Fix rsync remote path completion (Alioth: #312173, Gentoo: #297818).
+ [ Leonard Crestez ]
+ * Improve ssh -o suboption completion (Alioth: #312122).
+ * Fix NFS mounts completion (Alioth: #312285).
+ * Fix completion of usernames (Alioth: #311396, Debian: #511788).
+ * Fix chown test crashing on systems with no root group (Alioth: #312306).
+ * Fixed tests when BASH_COMPLETION or TESTDIR contain spaces.
+ * Fix mount handling of escapes (Alioth: #311410, Launchpad: #219971,
+ Debian: #511149).
+ * Cleanup scripts to run tests. Make runUnit and runCompletion use test/run.
+ Make it possible to run tests from any directory.
+ * Add a --debug-xtrace option to test/run using BASH_XTRACEFD from bash-4.1.
+ * Add a --timeout option to test/run to override the default expect timeout.
+ [ Raphaël Droz ]
+ * Add xsltproc completion (Alioth: #311843).
+ [ Adrian Friedli ]
+ * Add ipv6calc completion.
+ [ Ildar Mulyukov ]
+ * Add showmount completion (Alioth: #312285).
+ [ Neville Gao ]
+ * Fix mount completion error "bash: [: too many arguments" (Alioth #312381).
+ [ Austin English ]
+ * Make lookup of wine file completions case insensitive.
+ [ Igor Murzov ]
+ * Improve xz completion (Alioth: #312466).
+ [ Mario Schwalbe ]
+ * Update find completion (Alioth: #312491, Launchpad: #570113).
+ [ Mark van Rossum ]
+ * Add basic lyx completion.
+ -- David Paleino <> Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:44:59 +0200
+bash-completion (1.1)
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Permit .gz files concatenation (Debian: #514377)
+ * Fix svk completion using $filenames instead of $default (Debian: #524961)
+ * Really add build-dep to aptitude's completion (Debian: #495883)
+ * Fix checks for GNUish userland, thanks to Robert Millan (Debian: #529510)
+ * Fix typo in .ass subtitles completion for mplayer (Debian: #531337)
+ * Fix regression on man(1) completion: also complete on local .3pm files
+ (Debian: #531343)
+ * Split mutt completion to contrib/mutt
+ * Split iconv completion to contrib/iconv
+ * Split dict completion to contrib/dict
+ * Split {update,invoke}-rc.d completions to contrib/sysv-rc
+ * Don't install _subversion anymore, upstream completion is better than
+ ours. Added to EXTRA_DIST in
+ * Split autorpm completion to contrib/autorpm
+ * Split jar completion to contrib/jar
+ * Split chkconfig completion to contrib/chkconfig
+ * Split chsh completion to contrib/chsh
+ * Split apt_build completion to contrib/apt-build
+ * Split aptitude-related completions to contrib/aptitude
+ * Split apt-cache and apt-get completions to contrib/apt
+ * Split rpm-related completions to contrib/rpm
+ * Split cvs-related completions to contrib/cvs
+ * Split man completion to contrib/man
+ * Split bash builtins completions to contrib/bash-builtins
+ * Split dpkg-related completions to contrib/dpkg (and re-enable usage
+ of grep-status if available)
+ * Split gcc completion to contrib/gcc
+ * Split dselect completion to contrib/dselect
+ * Split cardctl completion to contrib/cardctl
+ * Split pineaddr completion to contrib/pine
+ * Added avahi-discovered hosts to _known_hosts_real() (Debian: #518561)
+ * Added m4v completion to mplayer (Debian: #504213)
+ * Improve qemu completion (Debian: #534901)
+ * Added sshfs completion (shares the same as scp) (Debian: #545978)
+ * Fixed obvious brokenness (typos) in contrib/mdadm
+ * Clean []:port format in known_hosts, thanks to
+ Xuefer (Gentoo: #284563)
+ * Added --no-generate to "apt-cache pkgnames" calls, make it faster
+ on certain configurations (Debian: #547550)
+ * Split okular from evince filename extension completion, needed to add
+ okular-specific completions: xps, epub, odt, fb, mobi, g3 and chm.
+ Also, okular can read any of its formats also in .gz/.bz2 compressed
+ format, so change the regular expression to match this.
+ * Remove --with-suggests and --without-suggests from aptitude completion
+ * Patches from PLD Linux (thanks to Elan Ruusamäe):
+ - avoid sed pipe as ps itself can omit the headers
+ - improve service(8) completion, also look for "msg_usage"
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Split yum completion to contrib/_yum (no longer installed by default, the
+ intent is to move it to yum upstream soon).
+ * Split yum-arch completion into contrib/yum-arch, load completion only if
+ yum-arch is installed.
+ * Update list of yum commands and options.
+ * Add yum repolist, --enable/disablerepo, --disableexcludes, -d, -e, --color,
+ and --enable/disableplugin completions.
+ * Add chkconfig --override and resetpriorities completions.
+ * Split mplayer and friends completions to contrib/mplayer.
+ * Parse top level mplayer and friends option completions from -list-options.
+ * Fix dir-only completion for make to include only dirs, not files.
+ * Remove unused variable RELEASE.
+ * Improve aspell dictionary completion: don't hardcode data-dir, get
+ canonical dicts from "aspell dicts".
+ * Always use /etc/shells for chsh -s completion, don't complete on comment
+ lines in it.
+ * Fix rpm --whatrequires/--whatprovides completions with spaces and other
+ unusual characters, add filename based --whatrequires completions.
+ * Add modplugplay filename completion.
+ * Add more mod-like audio file extensions for xine-based players and timidity.
+ * Complete on plain alternatives like update-alternatives.
+ * Rename installed_alternatives() to _installed_alternatives().
+ * Add /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf to list of default openssl config files,
+ search for default ones only if -config is not given.
+ * Use POSIX compliant arguments to tail in mkisofs completion.
+ * Protect various completions from unusual user input by not embedding the
+ input in external command arguments.
+ * Add _split_longopt() helper for improved handling of long options that
+ take arguments in both "--foo bar" and "--foo=bar" formats.
+ * Use _split_longopt to improve and clean up aspell, bluez-utils, chgrp,
+ chown, chkconfig, cpio, dpkg, heimdal, iptables, mailman, make, mc,
+ mii-diag, mii-tool, mkinitrd, pkg-config, postgresql, quota, reportbug,
+ samba, smartctl, yum, and generic long option completion (Alioth: #311398).
+ * Add chown --from and --reference value completions.
+ * Add chgrp --reference value completion.
+ * Do not assume all --foo= options take filenames in generic long option
+ completion, assume only that --*file*= does, and that --*dir*= takes dirs.
+ * Add make --old/new-file, --assume-old/new, --what-if value completions.
+ * Add smartctl -n/--nocheck completion, add more other value completions.
+ * Fix leaking $prev from cpio, dsniff, freeciv, gkrellm, mkinitrd, service,
+ and tcpdump completions.
+ * Split ant completion to contrib/ant, improve the built in one.
+ * Improve postfix completion.
+ * Improve samba completion.
+ * Split lilo completion to contrib/lilo.
+ * Split reportbug and querybts completions to contrib/reportbug.
+ * Remove debug output noise from quotaon completion.
+ * Split Linux wireless tools completion to contrib/wireless-tools.
+ * Add mock completion.
+ * Split FreeBSD kld(un)load completion to contrib/kldload.
+ * Split FreeBSD pkg_* completion to contrib/pkg_install.
+ * Split FreeBSD portupgrade and friends completion to contrib/portupgrade.
+ * Split Slackware pkgtools completion to contrib/pkgtools.
+ * Improve rpm group completion (displayed completions are still wrong).
+ * Change many completions to load in memory only if the completed commands
+ are available.
+ * Invoke the actual mplayer/mencoder command being completed (with full path)
+ to get various completions instead of simply "mplayer" or "mencoder".
+ * Associate OOXML/MS Office 2007 extensions with OpenOffice applications.
+ * Associate .tsv with oocalc.
+ * Add xmlwf completion.
+ * Associate *.po with poedit, gtranslator, kbabel, and lokalize.
+ * Add xz, xzcat, xzdec, and unxz completion.
+ * Add lzcat, lz*grep, lzless, lzmore, and unlzma completion.
+ * Load "modules" completion if /etc/profile.d/ exists even if
+ the "module" alias has not been defined (yet).
+ * Add *.ogv to xine-based players (Debian: #540033).
+ * Add $compopt (":" i.e. no-op with bash < 4, "compopt" with >= 4).
+ * Complete bzcat and zcat only on compressed files.
+ * Do not require a dot in bzcmp, bzdiff, bz*grep, zcmp, zdiff, z*grep, zless,
+ and zmore filename completions.
+ * Add xz and compress support and more tarball filename extensions to
+ rpmbuild -t*/--tarbuild completion.
+ * Don't hardcode path to lsmod.
+ * Fix sbcl file/dirname completion (Debian: #545743).
+ * Add /sbin to $PATH when invoking lspci and lsusb.
+ * Support .xz suffix in info page completions.
+ * Prevent rpm --define/-D completions from falling through.
+ * Add more common options to rpm option completions.
+ [ Todd Zullinger ]
+ * Make yum complete on filenames after install, deplist, update and upgrade
+ when the following argument contains a slash.
+ [ Mike Kelly ]
+ * Fix _filedir on bash 4.
+ * Add support for xz to tar completion.
+ * Fix _quote_readline on bash 4 (Debian: #544024).
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * Split mkinitrd completion to contrib/mkinitrd, improve it.
+ * Split smartctl completion to contrib/smartctl.
+ * Better ssh and sftp completion
+ * Better xhost completion
+ * Split _known_hosts completion in two parts, to avoid parsing command line
+ twice
+ * Added strace completion
+ * Added xm completion
+ * Added rpcdebug completion
+ * Added msynctool completion
+ * Added openldap completion
+ * Added ldapvi completion
+ * Added heimdal completion
+ * Added vpnc completion
+ * Added rpmcheck completion
+ * Added munin-node completion
+ * Added bluez-utils completion
+ * Added samba completion
+ * Added cfengine completion
+ * Added xmllint completion, contributed by Ville
+ * Added shadow completion, contributed by Ville
+ * Added repomanage completion, contributed by Ville
+ * Splitted and enhanced openssl completion
+ * Added rfkill, mdadm and resolvconf completions
+ [ Raphaël Droz ]
+ * Add mount -L and -U completion.
+ [ Philipp Weis ]
+ * Add .dvi.{gz,bz2} completion for evince/okular (Debian: #522656)
+ [ Freddy Vulto ]
+ * Patched _known_hosts() to support multiple {Global,User}KnownHosts in SSH
+ config files, thanks to Thomas Nilsson (Alioth: #311595) (Debian: #524190)
+ * Fix leaking $i from info, man and python completions.
+ * Added setting COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE. _known_hosts_real() will add
+ hosts from HOSTFILE, unless COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE is set to an
+ empty value (Alioth: #311821)
+ * Quoted $cur to prevent globbing - thanks to Eric Blake (Alioth #311614)
+ * Fix leaking $muttcmd from mutt completion
+ * Fix completing multiple hosts (Debian: #535585)
+ [ Michele Ballabio ]
+ * Add more extensions to pkgtools completion.
+ -- David Paleino <> Sat, 03 Oct 2009 15:41:49 +0200
+bash-completion (1.0)
+ [ Guillaume Rousse ]
+ * Make bibtex complete on .aux files
+ * Add .xvid and .XVID to player completion
+ * Added cowsay/cowthink completion
+ * Added brctl completion
+ * Added cpan2dist completion
+ * Added qemu completion
+ * Added net-tools (mii-tool and mii-diag) completions
+ * Added minicom completion
+ * Added quota-tools completion
+ * Added rdesktop completion
+ * Added tightvncviewer completion
+ * Cleanup screen completion, and make it completes on options
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Added .kar to Timidity completion.
+ * Fix killall completion, remove trailing ":" on certain process
+ names
+ * Fix man -l completing filenames (Debian: #497074)
+ * (Partly) fixed java classes completion (Debian: #496828). Look for
+ FIXME in source.
+ * Dump to /dev/null error message from look(1) with no arguments
+ (Debian: #495142)
+ * Set ssh as default for rsync (was rsh) (Debian: #492328)
+ * Added .oga, .ogv, .ogx to mplayer completion (Debian: #496162)
+ * Added .epub to unzip|zipinfo completion (Debian: #492476)
+ * Added ssh-copy-id completion (Debian: #491856)
+ * Moved ssh completion to separate file (Debian: #360628)
+ * Bogus completion when mounting subdirs fixed (Debian: #322238)
+ * Fix `apt-cache showsrc` completing only on source package names
+ (Debian: #361535)
+ * Fixed bugs with gdb completion:
+ - when an empty directory is in $PATH (thanks to Morita Sho)
+ (Debian: #497597)
+ - when a non-existing directory is in $PATH (Debian: #499780)
+ * Fix missing completion for "-n" and "-e" (we were using echo, now
+ using printf) (thanks to Morita Sho) (Debian: #498105)
+ * Fixed gpg completion:
+ - --@(export|@(?(l|nr|nrl)sign|edit)-key)) (Debian: #500316)
+ - -@(r|-recipient))
+ * Fixed .cb[rz] completion for evince (Debian: #502885)
+ * Added gksudo, gksu, kdesudo completion
+ * Added apache2ctl completion
+ * Added gpg2 completion (Debian: #489927)
+ * Fixed mplayer -skin completion (Debian: #501473)
+ * Fixed errors with POSIX enabled (Debian: #502804)
+ * Fixed dpkg-source wrong exit() with return() (Debian: #)
+ * Added --schedule-only to aptitude's completion (Debian: #502664)
+ * Added build-dep to aptitude's completion (Debian: #495883)
+ * Added support for `-F configfile' to _known_hosts(), ssh, scp and
+ sftp, thanks to Freddy Vulto (Debian: #504141)
+ * Fixed sed quoting bug in _known_hosts(), thanks to Freddy Vulto
+ (Debian: #504650)
+ * Allow `Host(Name)' in ssh config file to be indented
+ * Allow `Host(Name)' in ssh config file to have trailing comment.
+ * Allow for comments in known_hosts files (Debian: #511789)
+ * Fixed perl -I/-x completion, thanks to Freddy Vulto
+ (Debian: #504547)
+ * README updated: explain how to use bash-completion correctly.
+ (Debian: #506560)
+ * TODO updated: the Alioth team is now upstream.
+ * Added qdbus completion, thanks to Terence Simpson (Ubuntu: #257903)
+ * Added monodevelop and mdtool completions.
+ * Split subversion-related completions to contrib/_subversion
+ (prefixed with _ to avoid file conflicts with upstream's one)
+ * Fixed completion of environment variables, thanks to Morita Sho
+ (Debian: #272660)
+ * Fix dpkg completion bug: it listed only non-Essential packages
+ (Debian: #511790)
+ * Fixed _dpkg_source completion (Debian: #503317)
+ * Added _parse_help() to try to parse options listed in $command
+ --help
+ * Fixed gzip completion to use _parse_help(), since the available
+ options vary with distributions
+ * Added to_review/ directory, where completions needing a review would
+ go. After it gets accepted, the completion would go into contrib/.
+ * Remove unused UNAME local variable in _info() (Debian: #501843)
+ * AUTHORS added
+ * Make _alias() use _get_cword
+ * Added .zip to jar completions (Debian: #521041)
+ * Merge from Gentoo:
+ - fix 'find' completion so that it properly completes on -?(i)whilename.
+ Patch by Ciaran McCreesh.
+ - use make -qp to parse the Makefile for us, so we get proper completion
+ on things like pattern rules. Patch by Mike Kelly <>.
+ - complete on gkrellm2 as well. Patch by Aaron Walker.
+ - fix CVS completion
+ * Merge from Ubuntu:
+ - consume error messages in configure completion (Ubuntu: #223882)
+ (Mika Fischer)
+ - quote $xspec in _filedir_xspec in case it is empty, which would
+ cause errors if there was no match under failglob. (Ubuntu: #194419)
+ (Mika Fischer)
+ * debian/links fixed (Debian: #494292)
+ * debian/control:
+ - fixed typo in the long description
+ - added Vcs-* fields
+ * debian/install:
+ - correctly install contrib/* under /etc/bash_completion.d/
+ * debian/copyright updated
+ * extra/dh_bash-completion:
+ - updated to support a list of files in debian/<package>.bash-completion
+ (Debian: #512917)
+ [ Ville Skyttä ]
+ * Added JPEG 2000 files to display completion, thanks to Bastien Nocera
+ (RedHat: #304771)
+ * Improved rpm macro completion.
+ * Added -E to rpm completion.
+ * Improved rpm backup file avoidance.
+ * Improved /var/log/rpmpkgs based rpm installed package completion.
+ * Improved performance of rpm -qa based rpm installed package completion.
+ * Improved features and performance of yum completion.
+ * Added support for p (POSIX) and x ( man sections.
+ * Improved filename based man page completion.
+ * Added minimal sqlite3 completion.
+ * Improved getent completion (Ville Skyttä, Guillaume Rousse).
+ * (Re)fix gzip and bzip2 options completion.
+ * Improved svn filename completion (RedHat: #430059).
+ * Add lzma completion (Per Øyvind Karlsen, Ville Skyttä).
+ * Add .mp2 and .vdr to mplayer completion (RedHat: #444467).
+ * Add .mkv, .mp2 and .vdr to *xine completion (RedHat: #444467).
+ * Added lzop completion.
+ * Fix scp metacharacter escaping.
+ * Remove duplicate cpio completion, thanks to Freddy Vulto (Debian: #512823)
+ * Fix awk error in "modprobe -r /" completion (Debian: #512556).
+ * Expand ~foo to dir name more eagerly to avoid quoting issues.
+ * Fix -sourcepath handling in javadoc packages completion.
+ * Extract process name completion from _killall to _pnames, make it work
+ for others than Linux and FreeBSD.
+ * Fix process name completion with relative paths (RedHat: #484578).
+ * Use improved process name completion in pgrep in addition to killall.
+ * Enable pgrep and pkill completion if the commands are available, not just
+ on Linux and FreeBSD.
+ * Drop hg completion, an improved version is shipped with Mercurial
+ (contrib/bash_completion in the tarball).
+ * Make okular complete on same files as evince, thanks to Mary Ellen Foster
+ (RedHat: #486998).
+ * Apply ps2pdf completion to ps2pdf{12,13,14,wr} too.
+ * Simplify, return earlier in non-applicable environments.
+ * Remove obsolete --buildarch and --buildos rpm(build) completions.
+ * Add rpmbuild --target completion.
+ * Use "-profile help" to get mplayer and friends -profile completions.
+ * Fix local array initialization under bash 3.0, prevents "()" occurring in
+ file and dir name completions.
+ [ Freddy Vulto ]
+ * Restored `_display()' completion for `display' by removing
+ completion-by-extension for `display' (Alioth#311429)
+ * Removed duplicate completion option `-borderwidth' for `display'
+ * Prevent completion dir from being sourced twice if
+ * Make `_mii-tool()' and `_mii-diag()' POSIX-compliant
+ * Fix _isql completion waiting for grep input if $ODBCINI not set; handle
+ whitespace in $ODBCINI.
+ * Split vncviewer completion in _tightvncviewer() and _xvnc4viewer()
+ Added _realcommand() global function.
+ [ Jakob Unterwurzacher ]
+ * ps2pdf can run on .pdf files as well. (Debian: #516614, Ubuntu: #316943)
+ [ Santiago M. Mola ]
+ * Add .ape to mplayer supported extensions (Alioth#311510).
+ -- David Paleino <> Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:18:24 +0100
+bash-completion (20080705) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Added more completions to imagemagick (thanks to Nelson A. de
+ Oliveira) (Debian: #487786)
+ * Added xrandr completion (thanks to Anton Khirnov) (Debian: #487825)
+ * Improving _gdb completion:
+ - $filenames to $default (Debian: #463969)
+ - also show directory names (i.e. compgen -d) in COMPREPLY.
+ - added . to $PATH, to allow debugging "local" executables.
+ - do not complete Bash's builtins (thanks to Morita Sho)
+ [ Luk Claes ]
+ * Remove use of ucf for /etc/bash-completion (Debian: #488171).
+ -- Luk Claes <> Sat, 05 Jul 2008 16:14:15 +0200
+bash-completion (20080617.5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Revert way of setting environment variables (Debian: #487774).
+ * Add equals sign to _get_cword for mutt_aliases (Debian: #482635).
+ * Enhance mlayer completion (Debian: #487826, #487838).
+ -- Luk Claes <> Tue, 24 Jun 2008 19:50:57 +0200
+bash-completion (20080617.4) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Merged Ubuntu changes:
+ - added quote(), quote_readline(), dequote() helper functions.
+ - added _remove_word()
+ - fixed _get_cword()
+ - refactored _filedir using quote_readline()
+ - refactored _filedir_xspec using quote_readline()
+ - fixed COMPREPLY's in _iwconfig
+ - fixed _cvs()
+ - _known_hosts(): use files from UserKnownHostsFile options in
+ addition to standard ones.
+ - fixed _command() to correctly prune the command line
+ - disabled completion of PostgreSQL users and databases (Ubuntu: #164772)
+ - fixed _java_packages()
+ - fixed _muttquery()
+ - added flv/FLV completion to mplayer
+ - added --installed to apt-cache
+ - only complete on filenames for aspell
+ - fixed code for exclusions compspecs
+ - added code to gracefully handle debug options (set +/-v)
+ -- Luk Claes <> Mon, 23 Jun 2008 19:25:25 +0200
+bash-completion (20080617.3) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Fixed IFS for filedir_xspec - Thanks to Stefan Lippers-Hollmann
+ (Debian: #487571)
+ [ Luk Claes ]
+ * Install dh-bash-completion to ease installation of completions.
+ -- Luk Claes <> Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:24:21 +0200
+bash-completion (20080617.2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * New upstream release
+ - provide a manpage for extra/dh_bash-completion
+ - fix semi-serious problem with _filedir() (Debian: #487449)
+ * debian/rules:
+ - added rule to generate dh_bash-completion's manpage
+ * debian/install, debian/dirs:
+ - installing dh_bash-completion into /usr/bin
+ * debian/control:
+ - new package dh-bash-completion
+ [ Luk Claes ]
+ * Comment new package to make sure current fix gets in the archive first.
+ * Add compression completion for vi(m).
+ -- Luk Claes <> Sun, 22 Jun 2008 19:47:23 +0200
+bash-completion (20080617.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * Urgency set to medium because the package is currently unusable.
+ * New upstream sub-release
+ - fixed some typos here and there which prevented bash completions
+ at all (Debian: #487441).
+ - really closing Debian bug #455510.
+ -- Luk Claes <> Sun, 22 Jun 2008 00:22:53 +0200
+bash-completion (20080617) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ David Paleino ]
+ * New upstream release
+ - add more completions to aptitude (Debian: #432289)
+ - fixed UTF-8 problem with _get_cword(), thanks to
+ Andrei Paskevich (Debian: #472132)
+ - fixed autoremove completion, thanks to Flavio Visentin
+ (Debian: #474974)
+ - cmf and CMF added to playmidi completion (Debian: #365658)
+ - added rrdtool completion, thanks to Justin Pryzby (Debian: #428641)
+ - added OpenDocument completion for unzip/zipinfo (.od{f,g,p,s,t})
+ (Debian: #472940)
+ - fixed escaping problems with job control (i.e. disown, jobs, bg,
+ fg): the argument is now surrounded by "" (Debian: #347316)
+ - make mkdir complete also on filenames (Debian: #376433)
+ - {bz,z}{cat,cmp,diff,egrep,fgrep,grep,less,more} now should complete
+ on all filenames, not just compressed archives (just commented out)
+ (Debian: #455510)
+ - fixes Perl completion (Debian: #470742)
+ - fixes get_cword -> _get_cword typo (Debian: #478596)
+ - fixes _get_cword() function to properly handle filenames with
+ whitespaces (Debian: #394636, #468254, #474094)
+ - added .pdf.bz2 completion to evince (Debian: #424736)
+ - added .svg completion to display (Debian: #441017)
+ - added .m2ts completion to mplayer (Debian: #480879)
+ - added extra/dh_bash-completion to ease future rewrite of bc.
+ * debian/copyright - now in a fancier machine-parsable format.
+ * debian/control:
+ - added myself to Uploaders
+ - debhelper Build-Depends updated to >= 6.
+ * debian/watch:
+ - improved current watch line regex
+ - added (commented out) probable future watch line
+ * debian/compat bumped to 6
+ * debian/dirs, debian/install and debian/links added
+ * debian/rules:
+ - refactored to make use of debian/{dirs,install,links}
+ [ Steve Kemp ]
+ * Applied patch to fix completion of umount command.
+ (Debian: #470539)
+ * Fixed the completion of Perl manpages.
+ (Debian: #404976)
+ * Added 'aif' to the filenames offed for completion for mplayer.
+ (Debian: #474517)
+ * Allow tsocks completion.
+ (Debian: #409423)
+ * Update mutt completion to handle local usernames.
+ (Debian: #416655)
+ * Update apt-get completion to include the flag "--no-install-recommends"
+ (Debian: #475242)
+ -- Luk Claes <> Sat, 21 Jun 2008 21:59:43 +0200
+bash-completion (20060301-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add some fixes from Ubuntu:
+ * Fix completion of filenames with spaces (Debian: #468254).
+ * Fix parsing of SSH config files (Debian: #435117).
+ * Change priority to standard (Debian: #471666).
+ * Add some more completions for xine (Debian: #452083, #471249).
+ * Fix completion of gzip (Debian: #351913).
+ * Also use $HOSTFILE in hostname completion (Debian: #400380).
+ -- Luk Claes <> Sat, 22 Mar 2008 23:10:30 +0000
+bash-completion (20060301-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix kpdf completion (Debian: #468163, #413374).
+ * Fix completion of - or -- with _command (Debian: #415276).
+ * Add sux to the complete -u list (Debian: #466089).
+ * Add dvipdfm to the list of dvi programs (Debian: #396644).
+ * Add --purge-unused option completion for aptitude (Debian: #438471).
+ * Add divx extension completion for mplayer (Debian: #444294).
+ * Add pdf.gz completion for evince (Debian: #456887).
+ * Add --remove-all completion for update-alternatives (Debian: #269173).
+ -- Luk Claes <> Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:57:27 +0100
+bash-completion (20060301-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Take over the package.
+ -- Luk Claes <> Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:22:03 +0100
+bash-completion (20060301-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upload to unstable.
+ -- Matthias Klose <> Sat, 09 Feb 2008 23:18:20 +0100
+bash-completion (20060301-0ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low
+ * Replace bash (<< 3.1dfsg-9), handle upgrade in preinst.
+ * Exclude hashed hostnames from ssh host completion results. Debian: #428085.
+ * Fix: ifup/down don't really complete. Debian: #463756.
+ * Allow perl completion to complete filenames, complete -I and -x arguments.
+ Debian: #443394.
+ * Add find -wholename completion. Debian: #431220.
+ * Handle whitespaces in $HOME for _known_hosts() completion. Debian: #414821.
+ * dpkg -L: complete for removed-but-not-purged packages. Debian: #372156.
+ * Complete for apt-get autoremove. Debian: #433542, #443816, #445332.
+ * Update completion for mplayer (mka/flac). Debian: #340452.
+ * Add ping6/fping6 completion. Debian: #413170.
+ * Handle whitespace in paths for mount/umount completion. Debian: #367957.
+ * apt-get: Support --auto-remove. Ubuntu: #60666.
+ -- Matthias Klose <> Sat, 09 Feb 2008 23:11:32 +0100
+bash-completion (20060301-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
+ * Initial release, split out from the bash package.
+ The software currently is unsupported upstream.
+ * Don't try to set a readonly variable. Ubuntu: #149527.
+ * Support purge in apt-get auto completion (Mathias Gug). Ubuntu: #151677.
+ * evince: Autocomplete on cbr/cbz/djvu files. Ubuntu: #156200, #175220.
+ Debian: #400678.
+ * kdvi: complete .*\.dvi\.(gz|bz2). Ubuntu: #128234.
+ * kpdf: Complete postscript files. Ubuntu: #162319.
+ * Make completion working in the middle of a word (Adam Simpkins).
+ Ubuntu: #139666.
+ -- Matthias Klose <> Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:46:34 +0100
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c8292c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Contributing to bash-completion
+Contributions to the bash completion project are more than
+welcome. Fixes, clean-ups and improvements of existing code are much
+appreciated, as are completion functions for new commands.
+However, before submitting a completion to us, first consider submitting it to
+the project that ships the commands your completion is for. Having the
+completion shipped along with the command opens up some liberties we don't have
+if the completion is included with bash-completion. For example, we generally
+do not want to hardcode lists of available command options and their
+completions, because they quite probably vary between versions of the completed
+command, and therefore resort to scraping --help output and the like. While we
+do fairly well there, depending on the command, this can be fragile or
+expensive, or just not possible. If the completion is shipped alongside the
+command, they can be kept in sync and use more hardcoding etc. They are also
+more likely to be maintained and/or watched by people intimately familiar with
+the completed commands. See instructions in how to install completion
+files from other projects so they are automatically enabled and dynamically
+loaded by bash-completion.
+On the other hand, we do have a pretty nice test suite and a bunch of helper
+functions that you may find useful. And a whole slew of completions in one
+package. Our functions can be used from "external" completions as well, just
+make sure you test for their existence and/or fail gracefully if you intend
+your completion to be usable without having bash-completion installed.
+It's nowhere near clear cut always what is the best place for the completion,
+upstream project or us. Even if it would seem to be upstream, not all upstreams
+are interested in shipping completions, or their install systems might not
+easily support installing completion files properly. But give it some thought,
+and ask if unsure.
+If you wish to contribute code to us, volunteering for long term maintainership
+of your code within bash-completion is welcome. When exactly you will be asked
+to do that depends on the case; don't be disappointed if it does or doesn't
+happen instantly.
+Also, please bare the following coding guidelines in mind:
+- Do not use Perl, Ruby, Python etc. to do text processing unless the
+ command for which you are writing the completion code implies the
+ presence of one of those languages.
+ For example, if you were writing completion code for perldoc(1), the
+ use of Perl to achieve your goal would be acceptable. irb(1)
+ completion would similarly make the use of Ruby acceptable.
+ Even so, please consider alternatives to these large and slow to
+ start interpreters. Use lightweight programs such as grep(1), awk(1)
+ and sed(1).
+- Use the full power of bash >= 4.2. We no longer support earlier bash
+ versions, so you may as well use all the features of that version of
+ bash to optimise your code. However, be careful when using features
+ added since bash 4.2, since not everyone will be able to use them.
+ For example, extended globs often enable you to avoid the use of
+ external programs, which are expensive to fork and execute, so do
+ make full use of those:
+ `?(pattern-list)` - match zero or one occurrences of patterns
+ `*(pattern-list)` - match zero or more occurrences of patterns
+ `+(pattern-list)` - match one or more occurrences of patterns
+ `@(pattern-list)` - match exactly one of the given patterns
+ `!(pattern-list)` - match anything except one of the given patterns
+- Following on from the last point, be sparing with the use of
+ external processes whenever you can. Completion functions need to be
+ fast, so sacrificing some code legibility for speed is acceptable.
+ For example, judicious use of sed(1) can save you from having to
+ call grep(1) and pipe the output to cut(1), which saves a fork(2)
+ and exec(3).
+ Sometimes you don't even need sed(1) or other external programs at
+ all, though. Use of constructs such as `${parameter#word}`,
+ `${parameter%word}` and `${parameter/pattern/string}` can provide
+ you a lot of power without having to leave the shell.
+ For example, if `$foo` contains the path to an executable,
+ `${foo##*/}` will give you the basename of the program, without
+ having to call basename(1). Similarly, `${foo%/*}` will give you the
+ dirname, without having to call dirname(1).
+ As another example,
+ ```shell
+ bar=$(echo $foo | command sed -e 's/bar/baz/g')
+ ```
+ can be replaced by:
+ ```shell
+ bar=${foo//bar/baz}
+ ```
+ These forms of parameter substitutions can also be used on arrays,
+ which makes them very powerful (if a little slow).
+- We want our completions to work in `posix` and `nounset` modes.
+ Unfortunately due to a bash < 5.1 bug, toggling POSIX mode interferes
+ with keybindings and should not be done. This rules out use of
+ process substitution which causes syntax errors in POSIX mode.
+ Instead of toggling `nounset` mode, make sure to test whether
+ variables are set (e.g. with `[[ -v varname ]]`) or use default
+ expansion (e.g. `${varname-}`).
+- Prefer `compgen -W '...' -- $cur` over embedding `$cur` in external
+ command arguments (often e.g. sed, grep etc) unless there's a good
+ reason to embed it. Embedding user input in command lines can result
+ in syntax errors and other undesired behavior, or messy quoting
+ requirements when the input contains unusual characters. Good
+ reasons for embedding include functionality (if the thing does not
+ sanely work otherwise) or performance (if it makes a big difference
+ in speed), but all embedding cases should be documented with
+ rationale in comments in the code.
+- When completing available options, offer only the most descriptive
+ ones as completion results if there are multiple options that do the
+ same thing. Usually this means that long options should be preferred
+ over the corresponding short ones. This way the user is more likely
+ to find what she's looking for and there's not too much noise to
+ choose from, and there are less situations where user choice would
+ be needed in the first place. Note that this concerns only display
+ of available completions; argument processing/completion for options
+ that take an argument should be made to work with all known variants
+ for the functionality at hand. For example if `-s`, `-S`, and
+ `--something` do the same thing and require an argument, offer only
+ `--something` as a completion when completing option names starting
+ with a dash, but do implement required argument processing for all
+ `-s`, `-S`, and `--something`. Note that GNU versions of various
+ standard commands tend to have long options while other userland
+ implementations of the same commands may not have them, and it would
+ be good to have the completions work for as many userlands as
+ possible so things aren't always that simple.
+- Do not write to the file-system under any circumstances. This can
+ create race conditions, is inefficient, violates the principle of
+ least surprise and lacks robustness.
+- Use printf(1) instead of echo(1) for portability reasons, and be
+ sure to invoke commands that are often found aliased (such as `ls`
+ or `grep` etc) using the `command` (or `builtin`) command as
+ appropriate.
+- Make small, incremental commits that do one thing. Don't cram
+ unrelated changes into a single commit.
+- If your code was written for a particular platform, try to make it
+ portable to other platforms, so that everyone may enjoy it. If your
+ code works only with the version of a binary on a particular
+ platform, ensure that it will not be loaded on other platforms that
+ have a command with the same name.
+ In particular, do not use GNU extensions to commands like sed and
+ awk if you can write your code another way. If you really, REALLY must
+ use them, do so if there's no other sane way to do what you're doing.
+ The "Shell and Utilities" volume of the POSIX specification is a good
+ starting reference for portable use of various utilities, see
+ <>.
+- Use an editor that supports EditorConfig, see <>,
+ and format source code according to our settings.
+- Read the existing source code for examples of how to solve
+ particular problems. Read the bash man page for details of all the
+ programming tools available to you within the shell.
+- Please test your code thoroughly before sending it to us. We don't
+ have access to all the commands for which we are sent completion
+ functions, so we are unable to test them all personally. If your
+ code is accepted into the distribution, a lot of people will try it
+ out, so try to do a thorough job of eradicating all the bugs before
+ you send it to us. If at all practical, **add test cases** to our
+ test suite (in the test/ dir) that verify that the code does what it
+ is intended to do, fixes issues it intends to fix, etc.
+- In addition to running the test suite, there are a few scripts in the test/
+ dir that catch some common issues, see and use for example runLint.
+- File bugs, enhancement, and pull requests at GitHub,
+ <>.
+ Sending them to the developers might work too, but is really strongly
+ discouraged as bits are more likely to fall through the cracks that
+ way compared to the tracker. Just use GitHub. If that's not an
+ option for some reason and you want to use email to send patches,
+ send them as attachments formatted by `git format-patch` or directly
+ with `git send-email`.
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+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+SUBDIRS = completions doc helpers test
+pkgdata_DATA = bash_completion
+# Empty, but here just to get the compat dir created with install
+compatdir = $(sysconfdir)/bash_completion.d
+compat_DATA =
+profiledir = $(sysconfdir)/profile.d
+profile_DATA =
+pkgconfigdir = $(datadir)/pkgconfig
+pkgconfig_DATA = bash-completion.pc
+cmakeconfigdir = $(datadir)/cmake/$(PACKAGE)/
+cmakeconfig_DATA = bash-completion-config.cmake \
+ bash-completion-config-version.cmake
+%: Makefile
+ $(SED) \
+ -e 's|@prefix[@]|$(prefix)|' \
+ -e 's|@datadir[@]|$(datadir)|' \
+ -e 's|@sysconfdir[@]|$(sysconfdir)|' \
+ -e 's|@PACKAGE[@]|$(PACKAGE)|' \
+ -e 's|@VERSION[@]|$(VERSION)|' \
+ <$(srcdir)/$ >$@
+CLEANFILES = bash-completion.pc \
+ bash-completion-config.cmake bash-completion-config-version.cmake
+EXTRA_DIST = CHANGES $(pkgdata_DATA) .dir-locals.el \
+ .editorconfig pyproject.toml .perltidyrc \
+ .shellcheckrc \
+ tmpfile=`mktemp $${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/bash_completion.XXXXXX` && \
+ $(SED) -e 's|-/etc/bash_completion\.d|-$(compatdir)|' \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(PACKAGE)/bash_completion >$$tmpfile && \
+ cat $$tmpfile >$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(PACKAGE)/bash_completion && \
+ rm $$tmpfile
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11d2940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# bash-completion
+[![Build Status](](
+## Introduction
+bash-completion is a collection of command line command completions for the
+[Bash shell](, collection of helper
+functions to assist in creating new completions, and set of facilities for
+loading completions automatically on demand, as well as installing them.
+## Installation
+The easiest way to install this software is to use a package; refer to
+[Repology]( for a comprehensive
+list of operating system distributions, package names, and available versions.
+Depending on the package, you may still
+need to source it from either `/etc/bashrc` or `~/.bashrc` (or any
+other file sourcing those). You can do this by simply using:
+# Use bash-completion, if available
+[[ $PS1 && -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]] && \
+ . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
+(if you happen to have *only* bash >= 4.2 installed, see further if not)
+If you don't have the package readily available for your distribution, or
+you simply don't want to use one, you can install bash completion using the
+standard commands for GNU autotools packages:
+autoreconf -i # if not installing from prepared release tarball
+make # GNU make required
+make check # optional, requires python3 with pytest >= 3.6, pexpect
+make install # as root
+These commands install the completions and helpers, as well as a
+`profile.d` script that loads `bash_completion` where appropriate.
+If your system does not use the `profile.d` directory (usually below
+`/etc`) mechanism—i.e. does not automatically source shell scripts in
+it—you can source the `$sysconfdir/profile.d/`
+script in `/etc/bashrc` or `~/.bashrc`.
+The `profile.d` script provides a configuration file hook that can be
+used to prevent loading `bash_completion` on per user basis when it's
+installed system wide. To do this:
+1. Turn off programmable completion with `shopt -u progcomp` in
+ `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion` (or `~/.config/bash_completion`
+ if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set)
+2. Turn it back on (for example in `~/.bashrc`) if you want to use
+ programmable completion for other purposes.
+### macOS (OS X)
+If you're using macOS (formerly OS X), `/etc/bashrc` is apparently not sourced at
+all. In that case, you can put the `bash_completion` file in `/sw/etc`
+and add the following code to `~/.bash_profile`:
+if [ -f /sw/etc/bash_completion ]; then
+ . /sw/etc/bash_completion
+## Troubleshooting
+If you find that a given function is producing errors or does not work
+as it should under certain circumstances when you attempt completion,
+try running `set -v` or `set -x` prior to attempting the completion
+again. This will produce useful debugging output that will aid us in
+fixing the problem if you are unable to do so yourself. Turn off the
+trace output by running either `set +v` or `set +x`.
+To debug dynamic loading of a completion, tracing needs to be turned
+on before the debugged completion is attempted the first time. The
+easiest way to do this is to start a new shell session, and to turn
+tracing on in it before doing anything else there.
+## Known problems
+1. There seems to be some issue with using the bash built-in `cd` within
+ Makefiles. When invoked as `/bin/sh` within `Makefile`s, bash seems
+ to have a problem changing directory via the `cd` command. A
+ work-around for this is to define `SHELL=/bin/bash` within your
+ `Makefile`. This is believed to be a bug in bash.
+2. Many of the completion functions assume GNU versions of the various
+ text utilities that they call (e.g. `grep`, `sed`, and `awk`). Your
+ mileage may vary.
+## FAQ
+**Q. The bash completion code inhibits some commands from completing on
+ files with extensions that are legitimate in my environment. Do I
+ have to disable completion for that command in order to complete on
+ the files that I need to?**
+A. No. Use `M-/` to (in the words of the bash man page) attempt file
+ name completion on the text to the left of the cursor. This will
+ circumvent any file type restrictions put in place by the bash
+ completion code.
+**Q. How can I override a completion shipped by bash-completion?**
+A. Install a local completion of your own appropriately for the desired
+ command, and it will take precedence over the one shipped by us. See the
+ next answer for details where to install it, if you are doing it on per
+ user basis. If you want to do it system wide, you can install eagerly
+ loaded files in `compatdir` (see a couple of questions further down for
+ more info) and install a completion for the commands to override our
+ completion for in them.
+ If you want to use bash's default completion instead of one of ours,
+ something like this should work (where `$cmd` is the command to override
+ completion for): `complete -o default -o bashdefault $cmd`
+**Q. Where should I install my own local completions?**
+A. Put them in the `completions` subdir of `$BASH_COMPLETION_USER_DIR`
+ (defaults to `$XDG_DATA_HOME/bash-completion` or
+ `~/.local/share/bash-completion`
+ if `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not set) to have them loaded automatically
+ on demand when the respective command is being completed.
+ See also the next question's answer for considerations for these
+ files' names, they apply here as well. Alternatively, you can write
+ them directly in `~/.bash_completion` which is loaded eagerly by
+ our main script.
+**Q. I author/maintain package X and would like to maintain my own
+ completion code for this package. Where should I put it to be sure
+ that interactive bash shells will find it and source it?**
+A. Install it in one of the directories pointed to by
+ bash-completion's `pkgconfig` file variables. There are two
+ alternatives:
+ - The recommended directory is `completionsdir`, which you can get with
+ `pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion`. From this
+ directory, completions are automatically loaded on demand based on invoked
+ commands' names, so be sure to name your completion file accordingly, and
+ to include (for example) symbolic links in case the file provides
+ completions for more than one command.
+ - The other directory (which only present for backwards compatibility)
+ is `compatdir` (get it with
+ `pkg-config --variable=compatdir bash-completion`) from which files
+ are loaded when `bash_completion` is loaded.
+ For packages using GNU autotools the installation can be handled
+ for example like this in ``:
+ ```m4
+ PKG_CHECK_VAR(bashcompdir, [bash-completion], [completionsdir], ,
+ bashcompdir="${sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d")
+ AC_SUBST(bashcompdir)
+ ```
+ ...accompanied by this in ``:
+ ```makefile
+ bashcompdir = @bashcompdir@
+ dist_bashcomp_DATA = # completion files go here
+ ```
+ For cmake we ship the `bash-completion-config.cmake` and
+ `bash-completion-config-version.cmake` files. Example usage:
+ ```cmake
+ find_package(bash-completion)
+ message(STATUS
+ "Using bash completion dir ${BASH_COMPLETION_COMPLETIONSDIR}")
+ else()
+ set (BASH_COMPLETION_COMPLETIONSDIR "/etc/bash_completion.d")
+ message (STATUS
+ "Using fallback bash completion dir ${BASH_COMPLETION_COMPLETIONSDIR}")
+ endif()
+ install(FILES your-completion-file DESTINATION
+ ```
+**Q. I use CVS in combination with passwordless SSH access to my remote
+ repository. How can I have the `cvs` command complete on remotely
+ checked-out files where relevant?**
+A. Define `$COMP_CVS_REMOTE`. Setting this to anything will result in
+ the behaviour you would like.
+**Q. When I'm running a `./configure` script and completion returns a list
+ of long options to me, some of these take a parameter,
+ e.g. `--this-option=DESCRIPTION`.**
+ **Running `./configure --help` lists these descriptions, but
+ everything after the `=` is stripped when returning completions, so
+ I don't know what kind of data is expected as a given option's
+ parameter.**
+ **Is there a way of getting `./configure` completion to return the
+ entire option string, so that I can see what kind of data is
+ required and then simply delete the descriptive text and add my own
+ data?**
+A. Define `$COMP_CONFIGURE_HINTS`. Setting this to anything will
+ result in the behaviour you would like.
+**Q. When doing tar completion on a file within a tar file like this:**
+ ```shell
+ tar tzvf foo.tar.gz <Tab>
+ ```
+ **the pathnames contained in the tar file are not displayed
+ correctly. The slashes are removed, and everything looks like it's
+ in a single directory. Why is this?**
+A. It's a choice we had to make. bash's programmable completion is
+ limited in how it handles the list of possible completions it
+ returns.
+ Because the paths returned from within the tar file are likely not
+ existing paths on the file system, `-o dirnames` must be passed to
+ the `complete` built-in to make it treat them as such. However,
+ then bash will append a space when completing on directories during
+ pathname completion to the tar files themselves.
+ It's more important to have proper completion of paths to tar files
+ than it is to have completion for their contents, so this sacrifice
+ was made and `-o filenames` is used with complete instead.
+ If you would rather have correct path completion for tar file
+ contents, define `$COMP_TAR_INTERNAL_PATHS` *before* sourcing
+ `bash_completion`.
+**Q. When completing on a symlink to a directory, bash does not append
+ the trailing `/` and I have to hit <kbd>&lt;Tab></kbd> again.
+ I don't like this.**
+A. This has nothing to do with `bash_completion`. It's the default for
+ completing symlinks to directories since bash 2.05a, and was added
+ because sometimes you want to operate on the symlink itself, rather
+ than what it points to.
+ You can get the pre-2.05a behaviour back by putting `set
+ mark-symlinked-directories on` in your `/etc/inputrc` or
+ `~/.inputrc` file.
+**Q. Completion goes awry when I try to complete on something that contains
+ a colon.**
+A. This is actually a 'feature' of bash. bash recognises a colon as
+ starting a new completion token, which is often what you want when
+ completing something like a `PATH` variable:
+ ```shell
+ export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr<Tab>
+ ```
+ Without the special treatment of the colon, the above wouldn't work
+ without programmable completion, so it has long been a feature of
+ the shell.
+ Unfortunately, you don't want the colon to be treated as a special
+ case when doing something like:
+ ```shell
+ man File::B<Tab>
+ ```
+ Here, the colons make bash think that it's completing a new token
+ that begins with 'B'.
+ Unfortunately, there's no way to turn this off. The only thing you
+ can do is escape the colons with a backslash.
+**Q. Why is `rpm` completion so slow with `-q`?**
+A. Probably because the database is being queried every time and this uses a
+ lot of memory.
+ You can make this faster by pregenerating the list of installed
+ packages on the system. Make sure you have a readable file called
+ `/var/log/rpmpkgs`. It's generated by `/etc/cron.daily/rpm` on
+ some Red Hat and Mandrake and derivative Linux systems.
+ If you don't have such a cron job, make one:
+ ```shell
+ #!/bin/sh
+ rpm -qa --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\n' 2>&1 \
+ | sort >/var/log/rpmpkgs
+ ```
+ rpm completion will use this flat text file instead of the RPM database,
+ unless it detects that the database has changed since the file was created,
+ in which case it will still use the database to ensure accuracy.
+**Q. bash-completion interferes with my `command_not_found_handler` function!**
+A. If your `command_not_found_handler` function is not intended to
+ address (possibly missing) commands invoked during bash
+ programmable completion functions, you can account for this
+ by, for example, testing if the `$COMP_`\* variables are set and
+ taking appropriate bypass or other action.
+**Q. Can tab completion be made even easier?**
+A. The `readline(3)` library offers a few settings that can make tab
+ completion easier (or at least different) to use.
+ For example, try putting the following in either `/etc/inputrc` or
+ `~/.inputrc`:
+ ```inputrc
+ set show-all-if-ambiguous on
+ ```
+ This will allow single tab completion as opposed to requiring a
+ double tab. This makes things much more pleasant, in our opinion.
+ ```inputrc
+ set visible-stats on
+ ```
+ This will suffix each returned file completion with a character
+ denoting its type, in a similar way to `ls(1)` with `-F` or `--classify`.
+ ```inputrc
+ set page-completions off
+ ```
+ This turns off the use of the internal pager when returning long
+ completion lists.
+**Q. Is bash the be-all-and-end-all of completion as far as shells go?**
+A. Absolutely not. zsh has an extremely sophisticated completion system
+ that offers many features absent from the bash implementation. Its
+ users often cannot resist pointing this out. More information can
+ be found at <>.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..265e075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ endif ()
+endif ()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b7de6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# config file for bash-completion
+set (BASH_COMPLETION_PREFIX "@prefix@")
+set (BASH_COMPLETION_COMPATDIR "@sysconfdir@/bash_completion.d")
+set (BASH_COMPLETION_COMPLETIONSDIR "@datadir@/@PACKAGE@/completions")
+set (BASH_COMPLETION_HELPERSDIR "@datadir@/@PACKAGE@/helpers")
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a3572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Name: @PACKAGE@
+Description: programmable completion for the bash shell
+Version: @VERSION@
diff --git a/bash_completion b/bash_completion
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a7f563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bash_completion
@@ -0,0 +1,2266 @@
+# -*- shell-script -*-
+# bash_completion - programmable completion functions for bash 4.2+
+# Copyright © 2006-2008, Ian Macdonald <>
+# © 2009-2020, Bash Completion Maintainers
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
+if [[ $- == *v* ]]; then
+if [[ ${BASH_COMPLETION_DEBUG-} ]]; then
+ set -v
+ set +v
+# Blacklisted completions, causing problems with our code.
+# Turn on extended globbing and programmable completion
+shopt -s extglob progcomp
+# A lot of the following one-liners were taken directly from the
+# completion examples provided with the bash 2.04 source distribution
+# start of section containing compspecs that can be handled within bash
+# user commands see only users
+complete -u groups slay w sux
+# bg completes with stopped jobs
+complete -A stopped -P '"%' -S '"' bg
+# other job commands
+complete -j -P '"%' -S '"' fg jobs disown
+# readonly and unset complete with shell variables
+complete -v readonly unset
+# set completes with set options
+complete -A setopt set
+# shopt completes with shopt options
+complete -A shopt shopt
+# helptopics
+complete -A helptopic help
+# unalias completes with aliases
+complete -a unalias
+# type and which complete on commands
+complete -c command type which
+# builtin completes on builtins
+complete -b builtin
+# start of section containing completion functions called by other functions
+# Check if we're running on the given userland
+# @param $1 userland to check for
+ local userland=$(uname -s)
+ [[ $userland == @(Linux|GNU/*) ]] && userland=GNU
+ [[ $userland == "$1" ]]
+# This function sets correct SysV init directories
+ sysvdirs=()
+ [[ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d ]] && sysvdirs+=(/etc/rc.d/init.d)
+ [[ -d /etc/init.d ]] && sysvdirs+=(/etc/init.d)
+ # Slackware uses /etc/rc.d
+ [[ -f /etc/slackware-version ]] && sysvdirs=(/etc/rc.d)
+ return 0
+# This function checks whether we have a given program on the system.
+ # Completions for system administrator commands are installed as well in
+ # case completion is attempted via `sudo command ...'.
+ PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin type $1 &>/dev/null
+# Backwards compatibility for compat completions that use have().
+# @deprecated should no longer be used; generally not needed with dynamically
+# loaded completions, and _have is suitable for runtime use.
+ unset -v have
+ _have $1 && have=yes
+# This function checks whether a given readline variable
+# is `on'.
+ [[ "$(bind -v)" == *$1+([[:space:]])on* ]]
+# This function shell-quotes the argument
+ local quoted=${1//\'/\'\\\'\'}
+ printf "'%s'" "$quoted"
+# @see _quote_readline_by_ref()
+ local ret
+ _quote_readline_by_ref "$1" ret
+ printf %s "$ret"
+} # quote_readline()
+# This function shell-dequotes the argument
+ eval printf %s "$1" 2>/dev/null
+# Assign variable one scope above the caller
+# Usage: local "$1" && _upvar $1 "value(s)"
+# Param: $1 Variable name to assign value to
+# Param: $* Value(s) to assign. If multiple values, an array is
+# assigned, otherwise a single value is assigned.
+# NOTE: For assigning multiple variables, use '_upvars'. Do NOT
+# use multiple '_upvar' calls, since one '_upvar' call might
+# reassign a variable to be used by another '_upvar' call.
+# See:
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: deprecated function," \
+ "use _upvars instead" >&2
+ if unset -v "$1"; then # Unset & validate varname
+ if (($# == 2)); then
+ eval $1=\"\$2\" # Return single value
+ else
+ eval $1=\(\"\$"{@:2}"\"\) # Return array
+ fi
+ fi
+# Assign variables one scope above the caller
+# Usage: local varname [varname ...] &&
+# _upvars [-v varname value] | [-aN varname [value ...]] ...
+# Available OPTIONS:
+# -aN Assign next N values to varname as array
+# -v Assign single value to varname
+# Return: 1 if error occurs
+# See:
+ if ! (($#)); then
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: usage: $FUNCNAME" \
+ "[-v varname value] | [-aN varname [value ...]] ..." >&2
+ return 2
+ fi
+ while (($#)); do
+ case $1 in
+ -a*)
+ # Error checking
+ [[ ${1#-a} ]] || {
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME:" \
+ "\`$1': missing number specifier" >&2
+ return 1
+ }
+ printf %d "${1#-a}" &>/dev/null || {
+ echo bash_completion: \
+ "$FUNCNAME: \`$1': invalid number specifier" >&2
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Assign array of -aN elements
+ [[ "$2" ]] && unset -v "$2" && eval $2=\(\"\$"{@:3:${1#-a}}"\"\) &&
+ shift $((${1#-a} + 2)) || {
+ echo bash_completion: \
+ "$FUNCNAME: \`$1${2+ }$2': missing argument(s)" \
+ >&2
+ return 1
+ }
+ ;;
+ -v)
+ # Assign single value
+ [[ "$2" ]] && unset -v "$2" && eval $2=\"\$3\" &&
+ shift 3 || {
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: $1:" \
+ "missing argument(s)" >&2
+ return 1
+ }
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: $1: invalid option" >&2
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# Reassemble command line words, excluding specified characters from the
+# list of word completion separators (COMP_WORDBREAKS).
+# @param $1 chars Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should
+# NOT be considered word breaks. This is useful for things like scp where
+# we want to return host:path and not only path, so we would pass the
+# colon (:) as $1 here.
+# @param $2 words Name of variable to return words to
+# @param $3 cword Name of variable to return cword to
+ local exclude i j line ref
+ # Exclude word separator characters?
+ if [[ $1 ]]; then
+ # Yes, exclude word separator characters;
+ # Exclude only those characters, which were really included
+ exclude="[${1//[^$COMP_WORDBREAKS]/}]"
+ fi
+ # Default to cword unchanged
+ printf -v "$3" %s "$COMP_CWORD"
+ # Are characters excluded which were former included?
+ if [[ -v exclude ]]; then
+ # Yes, list of word completion separators has shrunk;
+ line=$COMP_LINE
+ # Re-assemble words to complete
+ for ((i = 0, j = 0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++, j++)); do
+ # Is current word not word 0 (the command itself) and is word not
+ # empty and is word made up of just word separator characters to
+ # be excluded and is current word not preceded by whitespace in
+ # original line?
+ while [[ $i -gt 0 && ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == +($exclude) ]]; do
+ # Is word separator not preceded by whitespace in original line
+ # and are we not going to append to word 0 (the command
+ # itself), then append to current word.
+ [[ $line != [[:blank:]]* ]] && ((j >= 2)) && ((j--))
+ # Append word separator to current or new word
+ ref="$2[$j]"
+ printf -v "$ref" %s "${!ref-}${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
+ # Indicate new cword
+ ((i == COMP_CWORD)) && printf -v "$3" %s "$j"
+ # Remove optional whitespace + word separator from line copy
+ line=${line#*"${COMP_WORDS[i]}"}
+ # Start new word if word separator in original line is
+ # followed by whitespace.
+ [[ $line == [[:blank:]]* ]] && ((j++))
+ # Indicate next word if available, else end *both* while and
+ # for loop
+ ((i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} - 1)) && ((i++)) || break 2
+ done
+ # Append word to current word
+ ref="$2[$j]"
+ printf -v "$ref" %s "${!ref-}${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
+ # Remove optional whitespace + word from line copy
+ line=${line#*"${COMP_WORDS[i]}"}
+ # Indicate new cword
+ ((i == COMP_CWORD)) && printf -v "$3" %s "$j"
+ done
+ ((i == COMP_CWORD)) && printf -v "$3" %s "$j"
+ else
+ # No, list of word completions separators hasn't changed;
+ for i in "${!COMP_WORDS[@]}"; do
+ printf -v "$2[i]" %s "${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
+ done
+ fi
+} # __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref()
+# @param $1 exclude Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should NOT be
+# considered word breaks. This is useful for things like scp where
+# we want to return host:path and not only path, so we would pass the
+# colon (:) as $1 in this case.
+# @param $2 words Name of variable to return words to
+# @param $3 cword Name of variable to return cword to
+# @param $4 cur Name of variable to return current word to complete to
+# @see __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref()
+ local cword words=()
+ __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref "$1" words cword
+ local i cur="" index=$COMP_POINT lead=${COMP_LINE:0:COMP_POINT}
+ # Cursor not at position 0 and not leaded by just space(s)?
+ if [[ $index -gt 0 && ($lead && ${lead//[[:space:]]/}) ]]; then
+ cur=$COMP_LINE
+ for ((i = 0; i <= cword; ++i)); do
+ # Current word fits in $cur, and $cur doesn't match cword?
+ while [[ ${#cur} -ge ${#words[i]} && \
+ ${cur:0:${#words[i]}} != "${words[i]-}" ]]; do
+ # Strip first character
+ cur="${cur:1}"
+ # Decrease cursor position, staying >= 0
+ ((index > 0)) && ((index--))
+ done
+ # Does found word match cword?
+ if ((i < cword)); then
+ # No, cword lies further;
+ local old_size=${#cur}
+ cur="${cur#"${words[i]}"}"
+ local new_size=${#cur}
+ ((index -= old_size - new_size))
+ fi
+ done
+ # Clear $cur if just space(s)
+ [[ $cur && ! ${cur//[[:space:]]/} ]] && cur=
+ # Zero $index if negative
+ ((index < 0)) && index=0
+ fi
+ local "$2" "$3" "$4" && _upvars -a${#words[@]} $2 ${words+"${words[@]}"} \
+ -v $3 "$cword" -v $4 "${cur:0:index}"
+# Get the word to complete and optional previous words.
+# This is nicer than ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}, since it handles cases
+# where the user is completing in the middle of a word.
+# (For example, if the line is "ls foobar",
+# and the cursor is here --------> ^
+# Also one is able to cross over possible wordbreak characters.
+# Usage: _get_comp_words_by_ref [OPTIONS] [VARNAMES]
+# Available VARNAMES:
+# cur Return cur via $cur
+# prev Return prev via $prev
+# words Return words via $words
+# cword Return cword via $cword
+# Available OPTIONS:
+# -n EXCLUDE Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should NOT be
+# considered word breaks. This is useful for things like scp
+# where we want to return host:path and not only path, so we
+# would pass the colon (:) as -n option in this case.
+# -c VARNAME Return cur via $VARNAME
+# -p VARNAME Return prev via $VARNAME
+# -w VARNAME Return words via $VARNAME
+# -i VARNAME Return cword via $VARNAME
+# Example usage:
+# $ _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur prev
+ local exclude flag i OPTIND=1
+ local cur cword words=()
+ local upargs=() upvars=() vcur vcword vprev vwords
+ while getopts "c:i:n:p:w:" flag "$@"; do
+ case $flag in
+ c) vcur=$OPTARG ;;
+ i) vcword=$OPTARG ;;
+ n) exclude=$OPTARG ;;
+ p) vprev=$OPTARG ;;
+ w) vwords=$OPTARG ;;
+ *)
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: usage error" >&2
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ while [[ $# -ge $OPTIND ]]; do
+ case ${!OPTIND} in
+ cur) vcur=cur ;;
+ prev) vprev=prev ;;
+ cword) vcword=cword ;;
+ words) vwords=words ;;
+ *)
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: \`${!OPTIND}':" \
+ "unknown argument" >&2
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ((OPTIND += 1))
+ done
+ __get_cword_at_cursor_by_ref "${exclude-}" words cword cur
+ [[ -v vcur ]] && {
+ upvars+=("$vcur")
+ upargs+=(-v $vcur "$cur")
+ }
+ [[ -v vcword ]] && {
+ upvars+=("$vcword")
+ upargs+=(-v $vcword "$cword")
+ }
+ [[ -v vprev && $cword -ge 1 ]] && {
+ upvars+=("$vprev")
+ upargs+=(-v $vprev "${words[cword - 1]}")
+ }
+ [[ -v vwords ]] && {
+ upvars+=("$vwords")
+ upargs+=(-a${#words[@]} $vwords ${words+"${words[@]}"})
+ }
+ ((${#upvars[@]})) && local "${upvars[@]}" && _upvars "${upargs[@]}"
+# Get the word to complete.
+# This is nicer than ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}, since it handles cases
+# where the user is completing in the middle of a word.
+# (For example, if the line is "ls foobar",
+# and the cursor is here --------> ^
+# @param $1 string Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should NOT be
+# considered word breaks. This is useful for things like scp where
+# we want to return host:path and not only path, so we would pass the
+# colon (:) as $1 in this case.
+# @param $2 integer Index number of word to return, negatively offset to the
+# current word (default is 0, previous is 1), respecting the exclusions
+# given at $1. For example, `_get_cword "=:" 1' returns the word left of
+# the current word, respecting the exclusions "=:".
+# @deprecated Use `_get_comp_words_by_ref cur' instead
+# @see _get_comp_words_by_ref()
+ local LC_CTYPE=C
+ local cword words
+ __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref "${1-}" words cword
+ # return previous word offset by $2
+ if [[ ${2-} && ${2//[^0-9]/} ]]; then
+ printf "%s" "${words[cword - $2]}"
+ elif ((${#words[cword]} == 0 && COMP_POINT == ${#COMP_LINE})); then
+ : # nothing
+ else
+ local i
+ local cur="$COMP_LINE"
+ local index="$COMP_POINT"
+ for ((i = 0; i <= cword; ++i)); do
+ # Current word fits in $cur, and $cur doesn't match cword?
+ while [[ ${#cur} -ge ${#words[i]} && \
+ ${cur:0:${#words[i]}} != "${words[i]}" ]]; do
+ # Strip first character
+ cur="${cur:1}"
+ # Decrease cursor position, staying >= 0
+ ((index > 0)) && ((index--))
+ done
+ # Does found word match cword?
+ if ((i < cword)); then
+ # No, cword lies further;
+ local old_size="${#cur}"
+ cur="${cur#${words[i]}}"
+ local new_size="${#cur}"
+ ((index -= old_size - new_size))
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ${words[cword]:0:${#cur}} != "$cur" ]]; then
+ # We messed up! At least return the whole word so things
+ # keep working
+ printf "%s" "${words[cword]}"
+ else
+ printf "%s" "${cur:0:index}"
+ fi
+ fi
+} # _get_cword()
+# Get word previous to the current word.
+# This is a good alternative to `prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}' because bash4
+# will properly return the previous word with respect to any given exclusions to
+# @deprecated Use `_get_comp_words_by_ref cur prev' instead
+# @see _get_comp_words_by_ref()
+ if ((COMP_CWORD >= 1)); then
+ _get_cword "${@:-}" 1
+ fi
+# If the word-to-complete contains a colon (:), left-trim COMPREPLY items with
+# word-to-complete.
+# With a colon in COMP_WORDBREAKS, words containing
+# colons are always completed as entire words if the word to complete contains
+# a colon. This function fixes this, by removing the colon-containing-prefix
+# from COMPREPLY items.
+# The preferred solution is to remove the colon (:) from COMP_WORDBREAKS in
+# your .bashrc:
+# # Remove colon (:) from list of word completion separators
+# See also: Bash FAQ - E13) Why does filename completion misbehave if a colon
+# appears in the filename? -
+# @param $1 current word to complete (cur)
+# @modifies global array $COMPREPLY
+ if [[ $1 == *:* && $COMP_WORDBREAKS == *:* ]]; then
+ # Remove colon-word prefix from COMPREPLY items
+ local colon_word=${1%"${1##*:}"}
+ local i=${#COMPREPLY[*]}
+ while ((i-- > 0)); do
+ COMPREPLY[i]=${COMPREPLY[i]#"$colon_word"}
+ done
+ fi
+} # __ltrim_colon_completions()
+# This function quotes the argument in a way so that readline dequoting
+# results in the original argument. This is necessary for at least
+# `compgen' which requires its arguments quoted/escaped:
+# $ ls "a'b/"
+# c
+# $ compgen -f "a'b/" # Wrong, doesn't return output
+# $ compgen -f "a\'b/" # Good
+# a\'b/c
+# See also:
+# -
+# -
+# @param $1 Argument to quote
+# @param $2 Name of variable to return result to
+ if [[ $1 == \'* ]]; then
+ # Leave out first character
+ printf -v $2 %s "${1:1}"
+ else
+ printf -v $2 %q "$1"
+ fi
+ # If result becomes quoted like this: $'string', re-evaluate in order to
+ # drop the additional quoting. See also:
+ #
+ [[ ${!2} == \$* ]] && eval $2=${!2}
+} # _quote_readline_by_ref()
+# This function performs file and directory completion. It's better than
+# simply using 'compgen -f', because it honours spaces in filenames.
+# @param $1 If `-d', complete only on directories. Otherwise filter/pick only
+# completions with `.$1' and the uppercase version of it as file
+# extension.
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ _tilde "${cur-}" || return
+ local -a toks
+ local reset arg=${1-}
+ if [[ $arg == -d ]]; then
+ reset=$(shopt -po noglob)
+ set -o noglob
+ toks=($(compgen -d -- "${cur-}"))
+ IFS=' '
+ $reset
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ else
+ local quoted
+ _quote_readline_by_ref "${cur-}" quoted
+ # Munge xspec to contain uppercase version too
+ #
+ # news://
+ local xspec=${arg:+"!*.@($arg|${arg^^})"} plusdirs=()
+ # Use plusdirs to get dir completions if we have a xspec; if we don't,
+ # there's no need, dirs come along with other completions. Don't use
+ # plusdirs quite yet if fallback is in use though, in order to not ruin
+ # the fallback condition with the "plus" dirs.
+ local opts=(-f -X "$xspec")
+ [[ $xspec ]] && plusdirs=(-o plusdirs)
+ [[ ${COMP_FILEDIR_FALLBACK-} || -z ${plusdirs-} ]] ||
+ opts+=("${plusdirs[@]}")
+ reset=$(shopt -po noglob)
+ set -o noglob
+ toks+=($(compgen "${opts[@]}" -- $quoted))
+ IFS=' '
+ $reset
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ # Try without filter if it failed to produce anything and configured to
+ [[ -n ${COMP_FILEDIR_FALLBACK-} && -n $arg && ${#toks[@]} -lt 1 ]] && {
+ reset=$(shopt -po noglob)
+ set -o noglob
+ toks+=($(compgen -f ${plusdirs+"${plusdirs[@]}"} -- $quoted))
+ IFS=' '
+ $reset
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ }
+ fi
+ if ((${#toks[@]} != 0)); then
+ # 2>/dev/null for direct invocation, e.g. in the _filedir unit test
+ compopt -o filenames 2>/dev/null
+ COMPREPLY+=("${toks[@]}")
+ fi
+} # _filedir()
+# This function splits $cur=--foo=bar into $prev=--foo, $cur=bar, making it
+# easier to support both "--foo bar" and "--foo=bar" style completions.
+# `=' should have been removed from COMP_WORDBREAKS when setting $cur for
+# this to be useful.
+# Returns 0 if current option was split, 1 otherwise.
+ if [[ $cur == --?*=* ]]; then
+ # Cut also backslash before '=' in case it ended up there
+ # for some reason.
+ prev="${cur%%?(\\)=*}"
+ cur="${cur#*=}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+# Complete variables.
+# @return True (0) if variables were completed,
+# False (> 0) if not.
+ if [[ $cur =~ ^(\$(\{[!#]?)?)([A-Za-z0-9_]*)$ ]]; then
+ # Completing $var / ${var / ${!var / ${#var
+ if [[ $cur == '${'* ]]; then
+ local arrs vars
+ vars=($(compgen -A variable -P ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -S '}' -- ${BASH_REMATCH[3]}))
+ arrs=($(compgen -A arrayvar -P ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -S '[' -- ${BASH_REMATCH[3]}))
+ if ((${#vars[@]} == 1 && ${#arrs[@]} != 0)); then
+ # Complete ${arr with ${array[ if there is only one match, and that match is an array variable
+ compopt -o nospace
+ COMPREPLY+=(${arrs[*]})
+ else
+ # Complete ${var with ${variable}
+ COMPREPLY+=(${vars[*]})
+ fi
+ else
+ # Complete $var with $variable
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -A variable -P '$' -- "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"))
+ fi
+ return 0
+ elif [[ $cur =~ ^(\$\{[#!]?)([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\[([^]]*)$ ]]; then
+ # Complete ${array[i with ${array[idx]}
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W '$(printf %s\\n "${!'${BASH_REMATCH[2]}'[@]}")' \
+ -P "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}[" -S ']}' -- "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"))
+ # Complete ${arr[@ and ${arr[*
+ if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[3]} == [@*] ]]; then
+ fi
+ __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" # array indexes may have colons
+ return 0
+ elif [[ $cur =~ ^\$\{[#!]?[A-Za-z0-9_]*\[.*\]$ ]]; then
+ # Complete ${array[idx] with ${array[idx]}
+ COMPREPLY+=("$cur}")
+ __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"
+ return 0
+ else
+ case ${prev-} in
+ TZ)
+ cur=/usr/share/zoneinfo/$cur
+ _filedir
+ for i in "${!COMPREPLY[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ${COMPREPLY[i]} == *.tab ]]; then
+ unset 'COMPREPLY[i]'
+ continue
+ elif [[ -d ${COMPREPLY[i]} ]]; then
+ compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY[i]=${COMPREPLY[i]#/usr/share/zoneinfo/}
+ done
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ _terms
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ LANG | LC_*)
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(locale -a 2>/dev/null)' \
+ -- "$cur"))
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ return 1
+# Initialize completion and deal with various general things: do file
+# and variable completion where appropriate, and adjust prev, words,
+# and cword as if no redirections exist so that completions do not
+# need to deal with them. Before calling this function, make sure
+# cur, prev, words, and cword are local, ditto split if you use -s.
+# Options:
+# -n EXCLUDE Passed to _get_comp_words_by_ref -n with redirection chars
+# -e XSPEC Passed to _filedir as first arg for stderr redirections
+# -o XSPEC Passed to _filedir as first arg for other output redirections
+# -i XSPEC Passed to _filedir as first arg for stdin redirections
+# -s Split long options with _split_longopt, implies -n =
+# @return True (0) if completion needs further processing,
+# False (> 0) no further processing is necessary.
+ local exclude="" flag outx errx inx OPTIND=1
+ while getopts "n:e:o:i:s" flag "$@"; do
+ case $flag in
+ n) exclude+=$OPTARG ;;
+ e) errx=$OPTARG ;;
+ o) outx=$OPTARG ;;
+ i) inx=$OPTARG ;;
+ s)
+ split=false
+ exclude+==
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: usage error" >&2
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ local redir="@(?([0-9])<|?([0-9&])>?(>)|>&)"
+ _get_comp_words_by_ref -n "$exclude<>&" cur prev words cword
+ # Complete variable names.
+ _variables && return 1
+ # Complete on files if current is a redirect possibly followed by a
+ # filename, e.g. ">foo", or previous is a "bare" redirect, e.g. ">".
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2053
+ if [[ $cur == $redir* || ${prev-} == $redir ]]; then
+ local xspec
+ case $cur in
+ 2'>'*) xspec=${errx-} ;;
+ *'>'*) xspec=${outx-} ;;
+ *'<'*) xspec=${inx-} ;;
+ *)
+ case $prev in
+ 2'>'*) xspec=${errx-} ;;
+ *'>'*) xspec=${outx-} ;;
+ *'<'*) xspec=${inx-} ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cur="${cur##$redir}"
+ _filedir $xspec
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Remove all redirections so completions don't have to deal with them.
+ local i skip
+ for ((i = 1; i < ${#words[@]}; )); do
+ if [[ ${words[i]} == $redir* ]]; then
+ # If "bare" redirect, remove also the next word (skip=2).
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2053
+ [[ ${words[i]} == $redir ]] && skip=2 || skip=1
+ words=("${words[@]:0:i}" "${words[@]:i+skip}")
+ ((i <= cword)) && ((cword -= skip))
+ else
+ ((i++))
+ fi
+ done
+ ((cword <= 0)) && return 1
+ prev=${words[cword - 1]}
+ [[ ${split-} ]] && _split_longopt && split=true
+ return 0
+# Helper function for _parse_help and _parse_usage.
+ local option option2 i IFS=$' \t\n,/|'
+ # Take first found long option, or first one (short) if not found.
+ option=
+ local -a array=($1)
+ for i in "${array[@]}"; do
+ case "$i" in
+ ---*) break ;;
+ --?*)
+ option=$i
+ break
+ ;;
+ -?*) [[ $option ]] || option=$i ;;
+ *) break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [[ $option ]] || return 0
+ IFS=$' \t\n' # affects parsing of the regexps below...
+ # Expand --[no]foo to --foo and --nofoo etc
+ if [[ $option =~ (\[((no|dont)-?)\]). ]]; then
+ option2=${option/"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"/}
+ option2=${option2%%[<{().[]*}
+ printf '%s\n' "${option2/=*/=}"
+ option=${option/"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"/"${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"}
+ fi
+ option=${option%%[<{().[]*}
+ printf '%s\n' "${option/=*/=}"
+# Parse GNU style help output of the given command.
+# @param $1 command; if "-", read from stdin and ignore rest of args
+# @param $2 command options (default: --help)
+ eval local cmd="$(quote "$1")"
+ local line
+ {
+ case $cmd in
+ -) cat ;;
+ *) LC_ALL=C "$(dequote "$cmd")" ${2:---help} 2>&1 ;;
+ esac
+ } |
+ while read -r line; do
+ [[ $line == *([[:blank:]])-* ]] || continue
+ # transform "-f FOO, --foo=FOO" to "-f , --foo=FOO" etc
+ while [[ $line =~ \
+ ((^|[^-])-[A-Za-z0-9?][[:space:]]+)\[?[A-Z0-9]+([,_-]+[A-Z0-9]+)?(\.\.+)?\]? ]]; do
+ line=${line/"${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"/"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"}
+ done
+ __parse_options "${line// or /, }"
+ done
+# Parse BSD style usage output (options in brackets) of the given command.
+# @param $1 command; if "-", read from stdin and ignore rest of args
+# @param $2 command options (default: --usage)
+ eval local cmd="$(quote "$1")"
+ local line match option i char
+ {
+ case $cmd in
+ -) cat ;;
+ *) LC_ALL=C "$(dequote "$cmd")" ${2:---usage} 2>&1 ;;
+ esac
+ } |
+ while read -r line; do
+ while [[ $line =~ \[[[:space:]]*(-[^]]+)[[:space:]]*\] ]]; do
+ match=${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
+ option=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ case $option in
+ -?(\[)+([a-zA-Z0-9?]))
+ # Treat as bundled short options
+ for ((i = 1; i < ${#option}; i++)); do
+ char=${option:i:1}
+ [[ $char != '[' ]] && printf '%s\n' -$char
+ done
+ ;;
+ *)
+ __parse_options "$option"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ line=${line#*"$match"}
+ done
+ done
+# This function completes on signal names (minus the SIG prefix)
+# @param $1 prefix
+ local -a sigs=($(compgen -P "${1-}" -A signal "SIG${cur#${1-}}"))
+ COMPREPLY+=("${sigs[@]/#${1-}SIG/${1-}}")
+# This function completes on known mac addresses
+ local re='\([A-Fa-f0-9]\{2\}:\)\{5\}[A-Fa-f0-9]\{2\}'
+ local PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin"
+ # Local interfaces
+ # - ifconfig on Linux: HWaddr or ether
+ # - ifconfig on FreeBSD: ether
+ # - ip link: link/ether
+ {
+ LC_ALL=C ifconfig -a || ip link show
+ } 2>/dev/null | command sed -ne \
+ "s/.*[[:space:]]HWaddr[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]].*/\1/p" -ne \
+ "s/.*[[:space:]]HWaddr[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]]*$/\1/p" -ne \
+ "s|.*[[:space:]]\(link/\)\{0,1\}ether[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]].*|\2|p" -ne \
+ "s|.*[[:space:]]\(link/\)\{0,1\}ether[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]]*$|\2|p"
+ ))
+ # ARP cache
+ arp -an || ip neigh show
+ } 2>/dev/null | command sed -ne \
+ "s/.*[[:space:]]\($re\)[[:space:]].*/\1/p" -ne \
+ "s/.*[[:space:]]\($re\)[[:space:]]*$/\1/p"))
+ # /etc/ethers
+ COMPREPLY+=($(command sed -ne \
+ "s/^[[:space:]]*\($re\)[[:space:]].*/\1/p" /etc/ethers 2>/dev/null))
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${COMPREPLY[@]}' -- "$cur"))
+ __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"
+# This function completes on configured network interfaces
+ if [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then
+ # Debian system
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(command sed -ne 's|^iface \([^ ]\{1,\}\).*$|\1|p' \
+ /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.d/* 2>/dev/null)" \
+ -- "$cur"))
+ elif [[ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]]; then
+ # SuSE system
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(printf '%s\n' \
+ /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-* |
+ command sed -ne 's|.*ifcfg-\([^*].*\)$|\1|p')" -- "$cur"))
+ elif [[ -f /etc/pld-release ]]; then
+ # PLD Linux
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(command ls -B \
+ /etc/sysconfig/interfaces |
+ command sed -ne 's|.*ifcfg-\([^*].*\)$|\1|p')" -- "$cur"))
+ else
+ # Assume Red Hat
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(printf '%s\n' \
+ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* |
+ command sed -ne 's|.*ifcfg-\([^*].*\)$|\1|p')" -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+# Local IP addresses.
+# -4: IPv4 addresses only (default)
+# -6: IPv6 addresses only
+# -a: All addresses
+ local n
+ case ${1-} in
+ -a) n='6\?' ;;
+ -6) n='6' ;;
+ *) n= ;;
+ esac
+ local PATH=$PATH:/sbin
+ local addrs=$({
+ LC_ALL=C ifconfig -a || ip addr show
+ } 2>/dev/null |
+ command sed -e 's/[[:space:]]addr:/ /' -ne \
+ "s|.*inet${n}[[:space:]]\{1,\}\([^[:space:]/]*\).*|\1|p")
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "$addrs" -- "${cur-}"))
+# This function completes on available kernels
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(command ls /lib/modules)' -- "$cur"))
+# This function completes on all available network interfaces
+# -a: restrict to active interfaces only
+# -w: restrict to wireless interfaces only
+ local PATH=$PATH:/sbin
+ if [[ ${1:-} == -w ]]; then
+ iwconfig
+ elif [[ ${1:-} == -a ]]; then
+ ifconfig || ip link show up
+ else
+ ifconfig -a || ip link show
+ fi
+ } 2>/dev/null | awk \
+ '/^[^ \t]/ { if ($1 ~ /^[0-9]+:/) { print $2 } else { print $1 } }'))
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${COMPREPLY[@]/%[[:punct:]]/}' -- "$cur"))
+# Echo number of CPUs, falling back to 1 on failure.
+ [[ $OSTYPE == *linux* ]] && var=_$var
+ local n=$(getconf $var 2>/dev/null)
+ printf %s ${n:-1}
+# Perform tilde (~) completion
+# @return True (0) if completion needs further processing,
+# False (> 0) if tilde is followed by a valid username, completions
+# are put in COMPREPLY and no further processing is necessary.
+ local result=0
+ if [[ ${1-} == \~* && $1 != */* ]]; then
+ # Try generate ~username completions
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -P '~' -u -- "${1#\~}"))
+ result=${#COMPREPLY[@]}
+ # 2>/dev/null for direct invocation, e.g. in the _tilde unit test
+ ((result > 0)) && compopt -o filenames 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ return $result
+# Expand variable starting with tilde (~)
+# We want to expand ~foo/... to /home/foo/... to avoid problems when
+# word-to-complete starting with a tilde is fed to commands and ending up
+# quoted instead of expanded.
+# Only the first portion of the variable from the tilde up to the first slash
+# (~../) is expanded. The remainder of the variable, containing for example
+# a dollar sign variable ($) or asterisk (*) is not expanded.
+# Example usage:
+# $ v="~"; __expand_tilde_by_ref v; echo "$v"
+# Example output:
+# v output
+# -------- ----------------
+# ~ /home/user
+# ~foo/bar /home/foo/bar
+# ~foo/$HOME /home/foo/$HOME
+# ~foo/a b /home/foo/a b
+# ~foo/* /home/foo/*
+# @param $1 Name of variable (not the value of the variable) to expand
+ if [[ ${!1-} == \~* ]]; then
+ eval $1="$(printf ~%q "${!1#\~}")"
+ fi
+} # __expand_tilde_by_ref()
+# This function expands tildes in pathnames
+ # Expand ~username type directory specifications. We want to expand
+ # ~foo/... to /home/foo/... to avoid problems when $cur starting with
+ # a tilde is fed to commands and ending up quoted instead of expanded.
+ case ${cur-} in
+ ~*/*)
+ __expand_tilde_by_ref cur
+ ;;
+ ~*)
+ _tilde "$cur" ||
+ eval COMPREPLY[0]="$(printf ~%q "${COMPREPLY[0]#\~}")"
+ return ${#COMPREPLY[@]}
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Process ID related functions.
+# for AIX and Solaris we use X/Open syntax, BSD for others.
+if [[ $OSTYPE == *@(solaris|aix)* ]]; then
+ # This function completes on process IDs.
+ _pids()
+ {
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(command ps -efo pid | command sed 1d)' -- "$cur"))
+ }
+ _pgids()
+ {
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(command ps -efo pgid | command sed 1d)' -- "$cur"))
+ }
+ _pnames()
+ {
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -X '<defunct>' -W '$(command ps -efo comm | \
+ command sed -e 1d -e "s:.*/::" -e "s/^-//" | sort -u)' -- "$cur"))
+ }
+ _pids()
+ {
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(command ps axo pid=)' -- "$cur"))
+ }
+ _pgids()
+ {
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(command ps axo pgid=)' -- "$cur"))
+ }
+ # @param $1 if -s, don't try to avoid truncated command names
+ _pnames()
+ {
+ local -a procs
+ if [[ ${1-} == -s ]]; then
+ procs=($(command ps axo comm | command sed -e 1d))
+ else
+ local line i=-1 ifs=$IFS
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ local -a psout=($(command ps axo command=))
+ IFS=$ifs
+ for line in "${psout[@]}"; do
+ if ((i == -1)); then
+ # First line, see if it has COMMAND column header. For example
+ # the busybox ps does that, i.e. doesn't respect axo command=
+ if [[ $line =~ ^(.*[[:space:]])COMMAND([[:space:]]|$) ]]; then
+ # It does; store its index.
+ i=${#BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ else
+ # Nope, fall through to "regular axo command=" parsing.
+ break
+ fi
+ else
+ #
+ line=${line:i} # take command starting from found index
+ line=${line%% *} # trim arguments
+ procs+=($line)
+ fi
+ done
+ if ((i == -1)); then
+ # Regular axo command= parsing
+ for line in "${psout[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $line =~ ^[[(](.+)[])]$ ]]; then
+ procs+=(${BASH_REMATCH[1]})
+ else
+ line=${line%% *} # trim arguments
+ line=${line##@(*/|-)} # trim leading path and -
+ procs+=($line)
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -X "<defunct>" -W '${procs[@]}' -- "$cur"))
+ }
+# This function completes on user IDs
+ if type getent &>/dev/null; then
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(getent passwd | cut -d: -f3)' -- "$cur"))
+ elif type perl &>/dev/null; then
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(perl -e '"'"'while (($uid) = (getpwent)[2]) { print $uid . "\n" }'"'"')' -- "$cur"))
+ else
+ # make do with /etc/passwd
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd)' -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+# This function completes on group IDs
+ if type getent &>/dev/null; then
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(getent group | cut -d: -f3)' -- "$cur"))
+ elif type perl &>/dev/null; then
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(perl -e '"'"'while (($gid) = (getgrent)[2]) { print $gid . "\n" }'"'"')' -- "$cur"))
+ else
+ # make do with /etc/group
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(cut -d: -f3 /etc/group)' -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+# Glob for matching various backup files.
+# Complete on xinetd services
+ local xinetddir=${BASHCOMP_XINETDDIR:-/etc/xinetd.d}
+ if [[ -d $xinetddir ]]; then
+ local IFS=$' \t\n' reset=$(shopt -p nullglob)
+ shopt -s nullglob
+ local -a svcs=($(printf '%s\n' $xinetddir/!($_backup_glob)))
+ $reset
+ ((!${#svcs[@]})) ||
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W '${svcs[@]#$xinetddir/}' -- "${cur-}"))
+ fi
+# This function completes on services
+ local sysvdirs
+ _sysvdirs
+ local IFS=$' \t\n' reset=$(shopt -p nullglob)
+ shopt -s nullglob
+ $(printf '%s\n' ${sysvdirs[0]}/!($_backup_glob|functions|README)))
+ $reset
+ systemctl list-units --full --all ||
+ systemctl list-unit-files
+ } 2>/dev/null |
+ awk '$1 ~ /\.service$/ { sub("\\.service$", "", $1); print $1 }'))
+ if [[ -x /sbin/upstart-udev-bridge ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY+=($(initctl list 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1))
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${COMPREPLY[@]#${sysvdirs[0]}/}' -- "$cur"))
+# This completes on a list of all available service scripts for the
+# 'service' command and/or the SysV init.d directory, followed by
+# that script's available commands
+ local cur prev words cword
+ _init_completion || return
+ # don't complete past 2nd token
+ ((cword > 2)) && return
+ if [[ $cword -eq 1 && $prev == ?(*/)service ]]; then
+ _services
+ [[ -e /etc/mandrake-release ]] && _xinetd_services
+ else
+ local sysvdirs
+ _sysvdirs
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '`command sed -e "y/|/ /" \
+ -ne "s/^.*\(U\|msg_u\)sage.*{\(.*\)}.*$/\2/p" \
+ ${sysvdirs[0]}/${prev##*/} 2>/dev/null` start stop' -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+} &&
+ complete -F _service service
+for svcdir in "${sysvdirs[@]}"; do
+ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob); do
+ [[ -x $svc ]] && complete -F _service $svc
+ done
+unset svc svcdir sysvdirs
+# This function completes on modules
+ local modpath
+ modpath=/lib/modules/$1
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(command ls -RL $modpath 2>/dev/null |
+ command sed -ne 's/^\(.*\)\.k\{0,1\}o\(\.[gx]z\)\{0,1\}$/\1/p')" -- "$cur"))
+# This function completes on installed modules
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(PATH="$PATH:/sbin" lsmod |
+ awk '{if (NR != 1) print $1}')" -- "$1"))
+# This function completes on user or user:group format; as for chown and cpio.
+# The : must be added manually; it will only complete usernames initially.
+# The legacy format is not supported.
+# @param $1 If -u, only return users/groups the user has access to in
+# context of current completion.
+ if [[ $cur == *\\\\* || $cur == *:*:* ]]; then
+ # Give up early on if something seems horribly wrong.
+ return
+ elif [[ $cur == *\\:* ]]; then
+ # Completing group after 'user\:gr<TAB>'.
+ # Reply with a list of groups prefixed with 'user:', readline will
+ # escape to the colon.
+ local prefix
+ prefix=${cur%%*([^:])}
+ prefix=${prefix//\\/}
+ local mycur="${cur#*[:]}"
+ if [[ ${1-} == -u ]]; then
+ _allowed_groups "$mycur"
+ else
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -g -- "$mycur"))
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -P "$prefix" -W "${COMPREPLY[@]}"))
+ elif [[ $cur == *:* ]]; then
+ # Completing group after 'user:gr<TAB>'.
+ # Reply with a list of unprefixed groups since readline with split on :
+ # and only replace the 'gr' part
+ local mycur="${cur#*:}"
+ if [[ ${1-} == -u ]]; then
+ _allowed_groups "$mycur"
+ else
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -g -- "$mycur"))
+ fi
+ else
+ # Completing a partial 'usernam<TAB>'.
+ #
+ # Don't suffix with a : because readline will escape it and add a
+ # slash. It's better to complete into 'chown username ' than 'chown
+ # username\:'.
+ if [[ ${1-} == -u ]]; then
+ _allowed_users "$cur"
+ else
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -u -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+ fi
+ if _complete_as_root; then
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -u -- "${1:-$cur}"))
+ else
+ local IFS=$'\n '
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W \
+ "$(id -un 2>/dev/null || whoami 2>/dev/null)" -- "${1:-$cur}"))
+ fi
+ if _complete_as_root; then
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -g -- "$1"))
+ else
+ local IFS=$'\n '
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W \
+ "$(id -Gn 2>/dev/null || groups 2>/dev/null)" -- "$1"))
+ fi
+# This function completes on valid shells
+ local shell rest
+ while read -r shell rest; do
+ [[ $shell == /* && $shell == "$cur"* ]] && COMPREPLY+=($shell)
+ done 2>/dev/null </etc/shells
+# This function completes on valid filesystem types
+ local fss
+ if [[ -e /proc/filesystems ]]; then
+ # Linux
+ fss="$(cut -d$'\t' -f2 /proc/filesystems)
+ $(awk '! /\*/ { print $NF }' /etc/filesystems 2>/dev/null)"
+ else
+ # Generic
+ fss="$(awk '/^[ \t]*[^#]/ { print $3 }' /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null)
+ $(awk '/^[ \t]*[^#]/ { print $3 }' /etc/mnttab 2>/dev/null)
+ $(awk '/^[ \t]*[^#]/ { print $4 }' /etc/vfstab 2>/dev/null)
+ $(awk '{ print $1 }' /etc/dfs/fstypes 2>/dev/null)
+ $([[ -d /etc/fs ]] && command ls /etc/fs)"
+ fi
+ [[ -n $fss ]] && COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "$fss" -- "$cur"))
+# Get real command.
+# - arg: $1 Command
+# - stdout: Filename of command in PATH with possible symbolic links resolved.
+# Empty string if command not found.
+# - return: True (0) if command found, False (> 0) if not.
+ type -P "$1" >/dev/null && {
+ if type -p realpath >/dev/null; then
+ realpath "$(type -P "$1")"
+ elif type -p greadlink >/dev/null; then
+ greadlink -f "$(type -P "$1")"
+ elif type -p readlink >/dev/null; then
+ readlink -f "$(type -P "$1")"
+ else
+ type -P "$1"
+ fi
+ }
+# This function returns the first argument, excluding options
+# @param $1 chars Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should
+# NOT be considered word breaks. See __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref.
+ local i
+ arg=
+ for ((i = 1; i < COMP_CWORD; i++)); do
+ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} != -* ]]; then
+ arg=${COMP_WORDS[i]}
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# This function counts the number of args, excluding options
+# @param $1 chars Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should
+# NOT be considered word breaks. See __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref.
+# @param $2 glob Options whose following argument should not be counted
+# @param $3 glob Options that should be counted as args
+ local i cword words
+ __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref "${1-}" words cword
+ args=1
+ for ((i = 1; i < cword; i++)); do
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2053
+ if [[ ${words[i]} != -* && ${words[i - 1]} != ${2-} || \
+ ${words[i]} == ${3-} ]]; then
+ ((args++))
+ fi
+ done
+# This function completes on PCI IDs
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W \
+ "$(PATH="$PATH:/sbin" lspci -n | awk '{print $3}')" -- "$cur"))
+# This function completes on USB IDs
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W \
+ "$(PATH="$PATH:/sbin" lsusb | awk '{print $6}')" -- "$cur"))
+# CD device names
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -f -d -X "!*/?([amrs])cd*" -- "${cur:-/dev/}"))
+# DVD device names
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -f -d -X "!*/?(r)dvd*" -- "${cur:-/dev/}"))
+# TERM environment variable values
+ COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "$({
+ command sed -ne 's/^\([^[:space:]#|]\{2,\}\)|.*/\1/p' /etc/termcap
+ {
+ toe -a || toe
+ } | awk '{ print $1 }'
+ find /{etc,lib,usr/lib,usr/share}/terminfo/? -type f -maxdepth 1 |
+ awk -F/ '{ print $NF }'
+ } 2>/dev/null)" -- "$cur"))
+ if type unbuffer &>/dev/null; then
+ unbuffer -p "$@"
+ elif script --version 2>&1 | command grep -qF util-linux; then
+ # BSD and Solaris "script" do not seem to have required features
+ script -qaefc "$*" /dev/null
+ else
+ "$@" # no can do, fallback
+ fi
+# a little help for FreeBSD ports users
+[[ $OSTYPE == *freebsd* ]] && complete -W 'index search fetch fetch-list
+ extract patch configure build install reinstall deinstall clean
+ clean-depends kernel buildworld' make
+# This function provides simple user@host completion
+ local cur prev words cword
+ _init_completion -n : || return
+ if [[ $cur == *@* ]]; then
+ _known_hosts_real "$cur"
+ else
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -u -S @ -- "$cur"))
+ compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+shopt -u hostcomplete && complete -F _user_at_host talk ytalk finger
+# NOTE: Using this function as a helper function is deprecated. Use
+# `_known_hosts_real' instead.
+ local cur prev words cword
+ _init_completion -n : || return
+ # NOTE: Using `_known_hosts' as a helper function and passing options
+ # to `_known_hosts' is deprecated: Use `_known_hosts_real' instead.
+ local options
+ [[ ${1-} == -a || ${2-} == -a ]] && options=-a
+ [[ ${1-} == -c || ${2-} == -c ]] && options+=" -c"
+ _known_hosts_real ${options-} -- "$cur"
+} # _known_hosts()
+# Helper function to locate ssh included files in configs
+# This function looks for the "Include" keyword in ssh config files and
+# includes them recursively, adding each result to the config variable.
+ (($# < 1)) &&
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: missing mandatory argument CONFIG" >&2
+ local configfile i f
+ configfile=$1
+ local reset=$(shopt -po noglob)
+ set -o noglob
+ local included=($(command sed -ne 's/^[[:blank:]]*[Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu][Dd][Ee][[:blank:]]\(.*\)$/\1/p' "${configfile}"))
+ $reset
+ [[ ${included-} ]] || return
+ for i in "${included[@]}"; do
+ # Check the origin of $configfile to complete relative included paths on included
+ # files according to ssh_config(5):
+ # "[...] Files without absolute paths are assumed to be in ~/.ssh if included in a user
+ # configuration file or /etc/ssh if included from the system configuration file.[...]"
+ if ! [[ $i =~ ^\~.*|^\/.* ]]; then
+ if [[ $configfile =~ ^\/etc\/ssh.* ]]; then
+ i="/etc/ssh/$i"
+ else
+ i="$HOME/.ssh/$i"
+ fi
+ fi
+ __expand_tilde_by_ref i
+ # In case the expanded variable contains multiple paths
+ set +o noglob
+ for f in $i; do
+ if [[ -r $f ]]; then
+ config+=("$f")
+ # The Included file is processed to look for Included files in itself
+ _included_ssh_config_files $f
+ fi
+ done
+ $reset
+ done
+} # _included_ssh_config_files()
+# Helper function for completing _known_hosts.
+# This function performs host completion based on ssh's config and known_hosts
+# files, as well as hostnames reported by avahi-browse if
+# COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_AVAHI is set to a non-empty value. Also hosts from
+# HOSTFILE (compgen -A hostname) are added, unless
+# COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE is set to an empty value.
+# Usage: _known_hosts_real [OPTIONS] CWORD
+# Options: -a Use aliases from ssh config files
+# -c Use `:' suffix
+# -F configfile Use `configfile' for configuration settings
+# -4 Filter IPv6 addresses from results
+# -6 Filter IPv4 addresses from results
+# Return: Completions, starting with CWORD, are added to COMPREPLY[]
+ local configfile flag prefix="" ifs=$IFS
+ local cur suffix="" aliases i host ipv4 ipv6
+ local -a kh tmpkh=() khd=() config=()
+ # TODO remove trailing %foo from entries
+ local OPTIND=1
+ while getopts "ac46F:p:" flag "$@"; do
+ case $flag in
+ a) aliases='yes' ;;
+ c) suffix=':' ;;
+ F) configfile=$OPTARG ;;
+ p) prefix=$OPTARG ;;
+ 4) ipv4=1 ;;
+ 6) ipv6=1 ;;
+ *)
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: usage error" >&2
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if (($# < OPTIND)); then
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME: missing mandatory argument CWORD" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ cur=${!OPTIND}
+ ((OPTIND += 1))
+ if (($# >= OPTIND)); then
+ echo "bash_completion: $FUNCNAME($*): unprocessed arguments:" \
+ "$(while (($# >= OPTIND)); do
+ printf '%s ' ${!OPTIND}
+ shift
+ done)" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ [[ $cur == *@* ]] && prefix=$prefix${cur%@*}@ && cur=${cur#*@}
+ kh=()
+ # ssh config files
+ if [[ -v configfile ]]; then
+ [[ -r $configfile ]] && config+=("$configfile")
+ else
+ for i in /etc/ssh/ssh_config ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh2/config; do
+ [[ -r $i ]] && config+=("$i")
+ done
+ fi
+ local reset=$(shopt -po noglob)
+ set -o noglob
+ # "Include" keyword in ssh config files
+ if ((${#config[@]} > 0)); then
+ for i in "${config[@]}"; do
+ _included_ssh_config_files "$i"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Known hosts files from configs
+ if ((${#config[@]} > 0)); then
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ # expand paths (if present) to global and user known hosts files
+ # TODO(?): try to make known hosts files with more than one consecutive
+ # spaces in their name work (watch out for ~ expansion
+ # breakage! Alioth#311595)
+ tmpkh=($(awk 'sub("^[ \t]*([Gg][Ll][Oo][Bb][Aa][Ll]|[Uu][Ss][Ee][Rr])[Kk][Nn][Oo][Ww][Nn][Hh][Oo][Ss][Tt][Ss][Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee][ \t]+", "") { print $0 }' "${config[@]}" | sort -u))
+ IFS=$ifs
+ fi
+ if ((${#tmpkh[@]} != 0)); then
+ local j
+ for i in "${tmpkh[@]}"; do
+ # First deal with quoted entries...
+ while [[ $i =~ ^([^\"]*)\"([^\"]*)\"(.*)$ ]]; do
+ j=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
+ __expand_tilde_by_ref j # Eval/expand possible `~' or `~user'
+ [[ -r $j ]] && kh+=("$j")
+ done
+ # ...and then the rest.
+ for j in $i; do
+ __expand_tilde_by_ref j # Eval/expand possible `~' or `~user'
+ [[ -r $j ]] && kh+=("$j")
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -v configfile ]]; then
+ # Global and user known_hosts files
+ for i in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2 \
+ /etc/known_hosts /etc/known_hosts2 ~/.ssh/known_hosts \
+ ~/.ssh/known_hosts2; do
+ [[ -r $i ]] && kh+=("$i")
+ done
+ for i in /etc/ssh2/knownhosts ~/.ssh2/hostkeys; do
+ [[ -d $i ]] && khd+=("$i"/*pub)
+ done
+ fi
+ # If we have known_hosts files to use
+ if ((${#kh[@]} + ${#khd[@]} > 0)); then
+ if ((${#kh[@]} > 0)); then
+ #
+ for i in "${kh[@]}"; do
+ while read -ra tmpkh; do
+ ((${#tmpkh[@]} == 0)) && continue
+ set -- "${tmpkh[@]}"
+ # Skip entries starting with | (hashed) and # (comment)
+ [[ $1 == [\|\#]* ]] && continue
+ # Ignore leading @foo (markers)
+ [[ $1 == @* ]] && shift
+ # Split entry on commas
+ local IFS=,
+ for host in $1; do
+ # Skip hosts containing wildcards
+ [[ $host == *[*?]* ]] && continue
+ # Remove leading [
+ host="${host#[}"
+ # Remove trailing ] + optional :port
+ host="${host%]?(:+([0-9]))}"
+ # Add host to candidates
+ COMPREPLY+=($host)
+ done
+ IFS=$ifs
+ done <"$i"
+ done
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${COMPREPLY[@]}' -- "$cur"))
+ fi
+ if ((${#khd[@]} > 0)); then
+ # Needs to look for files called
+ # .../.ssh2/key_22_<hostname>.pub
+ # dont fork any processes, because in a cluster environment,
+ # there can be hundreds of hostkeys
+ for i in "${khd[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $i == *key_22_$cur*.pub && -r $i ]]; then