path: root/python/
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f80766a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# callgraph json to graphviz generator for FRR
+# Copyright (C) 2020 David Lamparter for NetDEF, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; see the file COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import re
+import sys
+import json
+class FunctionNode(object):
+ funcs = {}
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super().__init__()
+ FunctionNode.funcs[name] = self
+ = name
+ self.out = []
+ self.inb = []
+ self.rank = None
+ self.defined = False
+ self.defs = []
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<"%s()" rank=%r>' % (, self.rank)
+ def define(self, attrs):
+ self.defined = True
+ self.defs.append((attrs["filename"], attrs["line"]))
+ return self
+ def add_call(self, called, attrs):
+ return CallEdge(self, called, attrs)
+ def calls(self):
+ for e in self.out:
+ yield e.o
+ def calld(self):
+ for e in self.inb:
+ yield e.i
+ def unlink(self, other):
+ self.out = list([edge for edge in self.out if edge.o != other])
+ other.inb = list([edge for edge in other.inb if edge.i != other])
+ @classmethod
+ def get(cls, name):
+ if name in cls.funcs:
+ return cls.funcs[name]
+ return FunctionNode(name)
+class CallEdge(object):
+ def __init__(self, i, o, attrs):
+ self.i = i
+ self.o = o
+ self.is_external = attrs["is_external"]
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ i.out.append(self)
+ o.inb.append(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<"%s()" -> "%s()">' % (,
+def nameclean(n):
+ if "." in n:
+ return n.split(".", 1)[0]
+ return n
+def calc_rank(queue, direction):
+ nextq = queue
+ if direction == 1:
+ aggr = max
+ elem = lambda x: x.calls()
+ else:
+ aggr = min
+ elem = lambda x: x.calld()
+ currank = direction
+ cont = True
+ while len(nextq) > 0 and cont:
+ queue = nextq
+ nextq = []
+ # sys.stderr.write('rank %d\n' % currank)
+ cont = False
+ for node in queue:
+ if not node.defined:
+ node.rank = 0
+ continue
+ rank = direction
+ for other in elem(node):
+ if other is node:
+ continue
+ if other.rank is None:
+ nextq.append(node)
+ break
+ rank = aggr(rank, other.rank + direction)
+ else:
+ cont = True
+ node.rank = rank
+ currank += direction
+ return nextq
+class Graph(dict):
+ class Subgraph(set):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ class NodeGroup(set):
+ def __init__(self, members):
+ super().__init__(members)
+ class Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, graph, fn):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._fn = fn
+ self._fns = [fn]
+ self._graph = graph
+ self._calls = set()
+ self._calld = set()
+ self._group = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<Graph.Node "%s()"/%d>' % (, len(self._fns))
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(
+ def _finalize(self):
+ for called in self._fn.calls():
+ if ==
+ continue
+ if in self._graph:
+ self._calls.add(self._graph[])
+ self._graph[]._calld.add(self)
+ def unlink(self, other):
+ self._calls.remove(other)
+ other._calld.remove(self)
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return
+ def calls(self):
+ return self._calls
+ def calld(self):
+ return self._calld
+ def group(self, members):
+ assert self in members
+ pregroups = []
+ for g in [m._group for m in members]:
+ if g is None:
+ continue
+ if g in pregroups:
+ continue
+ assert g <= members
+ pregroups.append(g)
+ if len(pregroups) == 0:
+ group = self._graph.NodeGroup(members)
+ self._graph._groups.append(group)
+ elif len(pregroups) == 1:
+ group = pregroups[0]
+ group |= members
+ else:
+ for g in pregroups:
+ self._graph._groups.remove(g)
+ group = self._graph.NodeGroup(members)
+ self._graph._groups.append(group)
+ for m in members:
+ m._group = group
+ return group
+ def merge(self, other):
+ self._fns.extend(other._fns)
+ self._calls = (self._calls | other._calls) - {self, other}
+ self._calld = (self._calld | other._calld) - {self, other}
+ for c in other._calls:
+ if c == self:
+ continue
+ c._calld.remove(other)
+ c._calld.add(self)
+ for c in other._calld:
+ if c == self:
+ continue
+ c._calls.remove(other)
+ c._calls.add(self)
+ del self._graph[]
+ def __init__(self, funcs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._funcs = funcs
+ for fn in funcs:
+ self[] = self.Node(self, fn)
+ for node in self.values():
+ node._finalize()
+ self._groups = []
+ def automerge(self):
+ nodes = list(self.values())
+ while len(nodes):
+ node = nodes.pop(0)
+ candidates = {node}
+ evalset = set(node.calls())
+ prevevalset = None
+ while prevevalset != evalset:
+ prevevalset = evalset
+ evalset = set()
+ for evnode in prevevalset:
+ inbound = set(evnode.calld())
+ if inbound <= candidates:
+ candidates.add(evnode)
+ evalset |= set(evnode.calls()) - candidates
+ else:
+ evalset.add(evnode)
+ # if len(candidates) > 1:
+ # for candidate in candidates:
+ # if candidate != node:
+ # #node.merge(candidate)
+ # if candidate in nodes:
+ # nodes.remove(candidate)
+ for candidate in candidates:
+ if candidate in nodes:
+ nodes.remove(candidate)
+ def calc_subgraphs(self):
+ nodes = list(self.values())
+ self._subgraphs = []
+ up = {}
+ down = {}
+ self._linear_nodes = []
+ while len(nodes):
+ sys.stderr.write("%d\n" % len(nodes))
+ node = nodes.pop(0)
+ down[node] = set()
+ queue = [node]
+ while len(queue):
+ now = queue.pop()
+ down[node].add(now)
+ for calls in now.calls():
+ if calls in down[node]:
+ continue
+ queue.append(calls)
+ up[node] = set()
+ queue = [node]
+ while len(queue):
+ now = queue.pop()
+ up[node].add(now)
+ for calld in now.calld():
+ if calld in up[node]:
+ continue
+ queue.append(calld)
+ common = up[node] & down[node]
+ if len(common) == 1:
+ self._linear_nodes.append(node)
+ else:
+ sg = self.Subgraph()
+ sg |= common
+ self._subgraphs.append(sg)
+ for n in common:
+ if n != node:
+ nodes.remove(n)
+ return self._subgraphs, self._linear_nodes
+with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as fd:
+ data = json.load(fd)
+extra_info = {
+ # zebra - LSP WQ
+ ("lsp_processq_add", "work_queue_add"): [
+ "lsp_process",
+ "lsp_processq_del",
+ "lsp_processq_complete",
+ ],
+ # zebra - main WQ
+ ("mq_add_handler", "work_queue_add"): ["meta_queue_process",],
+ ("meta_queue_process", "work_queue_add"): ["meta_queue_process",],
+ # bgpd - label pool WQ
+ ("bgp_lp_get", "work_queue_add"): ["lp_cbq_docallback",],
+ ("bgp_lp_event_chunk", "work_queue_add"): ["lp_cbq_docallback",],
+ ("bgp_lp_event_zebra_up", "work_queue_add"): ["lp_cbq_docallback",],
+ # bgpd - main WQ
+ ("bgp_process", "work_queue_add"): ["bgp_process_wq", "bgp_processq_del",],
+ ("bgp_add_eoiu_mark", "work_queue_add"): ["bgp_process_wq", "bgp_processq_del",],
+ # clear node WQ
+ ("bgp_clear_route_table", "work_queue_add"): [
+ "bgp_clear_route_node",
+ "bgp_clear_node_queue_del",
+ "bgp_clear_node_complete",
+ ],
+ # rfapi WQs
+ ("rfapi_close", "work_queue_add"): ["rfapi_deferred_close_workfunc",],
+ ("rfapiRibUpdatePendingNode", "work_queue_add"): [
+ "rfapiRibDoQueuedCallback",
+ "rfapiRibQueueItemDelete",
+ ],
+for func, fdata in data["functions"].items():
+ func = nameclean(func)
+ fnode = FunctionNode.get(func).define(fdata)
+ for call in fdata["calls"]:
+ if call.get("type") in [None, "unnamed", "thread_sched"]:
+ if call.get("target") is None:
+ continue
+ tgt = nameclean(call["target"])
+ fnode.add_call(FunctionNode.get(tgt), call)
+ for fptr in call.get("funcptrs", []):
+ fnode.add_call(FunctionNode.get(nameclean(fptr)), call)
+ if tgt == "work_queue_add":
+ if (func, tgt) not in extra_info:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "%s:%d:%s(): work_queue_add() not handled\n"
+ % (call["filename"], call["line"], func)
+ )
+ else:
+ attrs = dict(call)
+ attrs.update({"is_external": False, "type": "workqueue"})
+ for dst in extra_info[func, tgt]:
+ fnode.add_call(FunctionNode.get(dst), call)
+ elif call["type"] == "install_element":
+ vty_node = FunctionNode.get("VTY_NODE_%d" % call["vty_node"])
+ vty_node.add_call(FunctionNode.get(nameclean(call["target"])), call)
+ elif call["type"] == "hook":
+ # TODO: edges for hooks from data['hooks']
+ pass
+n = FunctionNode.funcs
+# fix some very low end functions cycling back very far to the top
+if "peer_free" in n:
+ n["peer_free"].unlink(n["bgp_timer_set"])
+ n["peer_free"].unlink(n["bgp_addpath_set_peer_type"])
+if "bgp_path_info_extra_free" in n:
+ n["bgp_path_info_extra_free"].rank = 0
+if "zlog_ref" in n:
+ n["zlog_ref"].rank = 0
+if "mt_checkalloc" in n:
+ n["mt_checkalloc"].rank = 0
+queue = list(FunctionNode.funcs.values())
+queue = calc_rank(queue, 1)
+queue = calc_rank(queue, -1)
+sys.stderr.write("%d functions in cyclic set\n" % len(queue))
+graph = Graph(queue)
+gv_nodes = []
+gv_edges = []
+sys.stderr.write("%d groups after automerge\n" % len(graph._groups))
+def is_vnc(n):
+ return n.startswith("rfapi") or n.startswith("vnc") or ("_vnc_" in n)
+_vncstyle = ',fillcolor="#ffffcc",style=filled'
+cyclic_set_names = set([ for fn in graph.values()])
+for i, group in enumerate(graph._groups):
+ if len(group) > 1:
+ group.num = i
+ gv_nodes.append("\tsubgraph cluster_%d {" % i)
+ gv_nodes.append("\t\tcolor=blue;")
+ for gn in group:
+ has_cycle_callers = set(gn.calld()) - group
+ has_ext_callers = (
+ set([ for edge in gn._fn.inb]) - cyclic_set_names
+ )
+ style = ""
+ etext = ""
+ if is_vnc(
+ style += _vncstyle
+ if has_cycle_callers:
+ style += ",color=blue,penwidth=3"
+ if has_ext_callers:
+ style += ',fillcolor="#ffeebb",style=filled'
+ etext += '<br/><font point-size="10">(%d other callers)</font>' % (
+ len(has_ext_callers)
+ )
+ gv_nodes.append(
+ '\t\t"%s" [shape=box,label=<%s%s>%s];'
+ % (, "<br/>".join([ for fn in gn._fns]), etext, style)
+ )
+ gv_nodes.append("\t}")
+ else:
+ for gn in group:
+ has_ext_callers = (
+ set([ for edge in gn._fn.inb]) - cyclic_set_names
+ )
+ style = ""
+ etext = ""
+ if is_vnc(
+ style += _vncstyle
+ if has_ext_callers:
+ style += ',fillcolor="#ffeebb",style=filled'
+ etext += '<br/><font point-size="10">(%d other callers)</font>' % (
+ len(has_ext_callers)
+ )
+ gv_nodes.append(
+ '\t"%s" [shape=box,label=<%s%s>%s];'
+ % (, "<br/>".join([ for fn in gn._fns]), etext, style)
+ )
+edges = set()
+for gn in graph.values():
+ for calls in gn.calls():
+ if gn._group == calls._group:
+ gv_edges.append(
+ '\t"%s" -> "%s" [color="#55aa55",style=dashed];' % (,
+ )
+ else:
+ def xname(nn):
+ if len(nn._group) > 1:
+ return "cluster_%d" % nn._group.num
+ else:
+ return
+ tup = xname(gn),
+ if tup[0] != tup[1] and tup not in edges:
+ gv_edges.append('\t"%s" -> "%s" [weight=0.0,w=0.0,color=blue];' % tup)
+ edges.add(tup)
+with open(sys.argv[2], "w") as fd:
+ fd.write(
+ """digraph {
+ node [fontsize=13,fontname="Fira Sans"];
+ % "\n".join(gv_nodes + [""] + gv_edges)
+ )