path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/walk.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/walk.go')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/walk.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/walk.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78cc2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/walk.go
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package walk
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/base"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ir"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ssagen"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/typecheck"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/types"
+ "cmd/internal/src"
+// The constant is known to runtime.
+const tmpstringbufsize = 32
+const zeroValSize = 1024 // must match value of runtime/map.go:maxZero
+func Walk(fn *ir.Func) {
+ ir.CurFunc = fn
+ errorsBefore := base.Errors()
+ order(fn)
+ if base.Errors() > errorsBefore {
+ return
+ }
+ if base.Flag.W != 0 {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("\nbefore walk %v", ir.CurFunc.Sym())
+ ir.DumpList(s, ir.CurFunc.Body)
+ }
+ lno := base.Pos
+ base.Pos = lno
+ if base.Errors() > errorsBefore {
+ return
+ }
+ walkStmtList(ir.CurFunc.Body)
+ if base.Flag.W != 0 {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("after walk %v", ir.CurFunc.Sym())
+ ir.DumpList(s, ir.CurFunc.Body)
+ }
+ if base.Flag.Cfg.Instrumenting {
+ instrument(fn)
+ }
+ // Eagerly compute sizes of all variables for SSA.
+ for _, n := range fn.Dcl {
+ types.CalcSize(n.Type())
+ }
+// walkRecv walks an ORECV node.
+func walkRecv(n *ir.UnaryExpr) ir.Node {
+ if n.Typecheck() == 0 {
+ base.Fatalf("missing typecheck: %+v", n)
+ }
+ init := ir.TakeInit(n)
+ n.X = walkExpr(n.X, &init)
+ call := walkExpr(mkcall1(chanfn("chanrecv1", 2, n.X.Type()), nil, &init, n.X, typecheck.NodNil()), &init)
+ return ir.InitExpr(init, call)
+func convas(n *ir.AssignStmt, init *ir.Nodes) *ir.AssignStmt {
+ if n.Op() != ir.OAS {
+ base.Fatalf("convas: not OAS %v", n.Op())
+ }
+ n.SetTypecheck(1)
+ if n.X == nil || n.Y == nil {
+ return n
+ }
+ lt := n.X.Type()
+ rt := n.Y.Type()
+ if lt == nil || rt == nil {
+ return n
+ }
+ if ir.IsBlank(n.X) {
+ n.Y = typecheck.DefaultLit(n.Y, nil)
+ return n
+ }
+ if !types.Identical(lt, rt) {
+ n.Y = typecheck.AssignConv(n.Y, lt, "assignment")
+ n.Y = walkExpr(n.Y, init)
+ }
+ types.CalcSize(n.Y.Type())
+ return n
+var stop = errors.New("stop")
+func vmkcall(fn ir.Node, t *types.Type, init *ir.Nodes, va []ir.Node) *ir.CallExpr {
+ if init == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("mkcall with nil init: %v", fn)
+ }
+ if fn.Type() == nil || fn.Type().Kind() != types.TFUNC {
+ base.Fatalf("mkcall %v %v", fn, fn.Type())
+ }
+ n := fn.Type().NumParams()
+ if n != len(va) {
+ base.Fatalf("vmkcall %v needs %v args got %v", fn, n, len(va))
+ }
+ call := typecheck.Call(base.Pos, fn, va, false).(*ir.CallExpr)
+ call.SetType(t)
+ return walkExpr(call, init).(*ir.CallExpr)
+func mkcall(name string, t *types.Type, init *ir.Nodes, args *ir.CallExpr {
+ return vmkcall(typecheck.LookupRuntime(name), t, init, args)
+func mkcallstmt(name string, args ir.Node {
+ return mkcallstmt1(typecheck.LookupRuntime(name), args...)
+func mkcall1(fn ir.Node, t *types.Type, init *ir.Nodes, args *ir.CallExpr {
+ return vmkcall(fn, t, init, args)
+func mkcallstmt1(fn ir.Node, args ir.Node {
+ var init ir.Nodes
+ n := vmkcall(fn, nil, &init, args)
+ if len(init) == 0 {
+ return n
+ }
+ init.Append(n)
+ return ir.NewBlockStmt(n.Pos(), init)
+func chanfn(name string, n int, t *types.Type) ir.Node {
+ if !t.IsChan() {
+ base.Fatalf("chanfn %v", t)
+ }
+ fn := typecheck.LookupRuntime(name)
+ switch n {
+ default:
+ base.Fatalf("chanfn %d", n)
+ case 1:
+ fn = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(fn, t.Elem())
+ case 2:
+ fn = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(fn, t.Elem(), t.Elem())
+ }
+ return fn
+func mapfn(name string, t *types.Type, isfat bool) ir.Node {
+ if !t.IsMap() {
+ base.Fatalf("mapfn %v", t)
+ }
+ fn := typecheck.LookupRuntime(name)
+ if mapfast(t) == mapslow || isfat {
+ fn = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(fn, t.Key(), t.Elem(), t.Key(), t.Elem())
+ } else {
+ fn = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(fn, t.Key(), t.Elem(), t.Elem())
+ }
+ return fn
+func mapfndel(name string, t *types.Type) ir.Node {
+ if !t.IsMap() {
+ base.Fatalf("mapfn %v", t)
+ }
+ fn := typecheck.LookupRuntime(name)
+ if mapfast(t) == mapslow {
+ fn = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(fn, t.Key(), t.Elem(), t.Key())
+ } else {
+ fn = typecheck.SubstArgTypes(fn, t.Key(), t.Elem())
+ }
+ return fn
+const (
+ mapslow = iota
+ mapfast32
+ mapfast32ptr
+ mapfast64
+ mapfast64ptr
+ mapfaststr
+ nmapfast
+type mapnames [nmapfast]string
+func mkmapnames(base string, ptr string) mapnames {
+ return mapnames{base, base + "_fast32", base + "_fast32" + ptr, base + "_fast64", base + "_fast64" + ptr, base + "_faststr"}
+var mapaccess1 = mkmapnames("mapaccess1", "")
+var mapaccess2 = mkmapnames("mapaccess2", "")
+var mapassign = mkmapnames("mapassign", "ptr")
+var mapdelete = mkmapnames("mapdelete", "")
+func mapfast(t *types.Type) int {
+ // Check runtime/map.go:maxElemSize before changing.
+ if t.Elem().Size() > 128 {
+ return mapslow
+ }
+ switch reflectdata.AlgType(t.Key()) {
+ case types.AMEM32:
+ if !t.Key().HasPointers() {
+ return mapfast32
+ }
+ if types.PtrSize == 4 {
+ return mapfast32ptr
+ }
+ base.Fatalf("small pointer %v", t.Key())
+ case types.AMEM64:
+ if !t.Key().HasPointers() {
+ return mapfast64
+ }
+ if types.PtrSize == 8 {
+ return mapfast64ptr
+ }
+ // Two-word object, at least one of which is a pointer.
+ // Use the slow path.
+ case types.ASTRING:
+ return mapfaststr
+ }
+ return mapslow
+func walkAppendArgs(n *ir.CallExpr, init *ir.Nodes) {
+ walkExprListSafe(n.Args, init)
+ // walkExprListSafe will leave OINDEX (s[n]) alone if both s
+ // and n are name or literal, but those may index the slice we're
+ // modifying here. Fix explicitly.
+ ls := n.Args
+ for i1, n1 := range ls {
+ ls[i1] = cheapExpr(n1, init)
+ }
+// appendWalkStmt typechecks and walks stmt and then appends it to init.
+func appendWalkStmt(init *ir.Nodes, stmt ir.Node) {
+ op := stmt.Op()
+ n := typecheck.Stmt(stmt)
+ if op == ir.OAS || op == ir.OAS2 {
+ // If the assignment has side effects, walkExpr will append them
+ // directly to init for us, while walkStmt will wrap it in an OBLOCK.
+ // We need to append them directly.
+ // TODO(rsc): Clean this up.
+ n = walkExpr(n, init)
+ } else {
+ n = walkStmt(n)
+ }
+ init.Append(n)
+// The max number of defers in a function using open-coded defers. We enforce this
+// limit because the deferBits bitmask is currently a single byte (to minimize code size)
+const maxOpenDefers = 8
+// backingArrayPtrLen extracts the pointer and length from a slice or string.
+// This constructs two nodes referring to n, so n must be a cheapExpr.
+func backingArrayPtrLen(n ir.Node) (ptr, length ir.Node) {
+ var init ir.Nodes
+ c := cheapExpr(n, &init)
+ if c != n || len(init) != 0 {
+ base.Fatalf("backingArrayPtrLen not cheap: %v", n)
+ }
+ ptr = ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OSPTR, n)
+ if n.Type().IsString() {
+ ptr.SetType(types.Types[types.TUINT8].PtrTo())
+ } else {
+ ptr.SetType(n.Type().Elem().PtrTo())
+ }
+ length = ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.OLEN, n)
+ length.SetType(types.Types[types.TINT])
+ return ptr, length
+// mayCall reports whether evaluating expression n may require
+// function calls, which could clobber function call arguments/results
+// currently on the stack.
+func mayCall(n ir.Node) bool {
+ // When instrumenting, any expression might require function calls.
+ if base.Flag.Cfg.Instrumenting {
+ return true
+ }
+ isSoftFloat := func(typ *types.Type) bool {
+ return types.IsFloat[typ.Kind()] || types.IsComplex[typ.Kind()]
+ }
+ return ir.Any(n, func(n ir.Node) bool {
+ // walk should have already moved any Init blocks off of
+ // expressions.
+ if len(n.Init()) != 0 {
+ base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "mayCall %+v", n)
+ }
+ switch n.Op() {
+ default:
+ base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "mayCall %+v", n)
+ return true
+ // These ops might panic, make sure they are done
+ // before we start marshaling args for a call. See issue 16760.
+ return true
+ case ir.OANDAND, ir.OOROR:
+ n := n.(*ir.LogicalExpr)
+ // The RHS expression may have init statements that
+ // should only execute conditionally, and so cannot be
+ // pulled out to the top-level init list. We could try
+ // to be more precise here.
+ return len(n.Y.Init()) != 0
+ // When using soft-float, these ops might be rewritten to function calls
+ // so we ensure they are evaluated first.
+ case ir.OADD, ir.OSUB, ir.OMUL, ir.ONEG:
+ return ssagen.Arch.SoftFloat && isSoftFloat(n.Type())
+ case ir.OLT, ir.OEQ, ir.ONE, ir.OLE, ir.OGE, ir.OGT:
+ n := n.(*ir.BinaryExpr)
+ return ssagen.Arch.SoftFloat && isSoftFloat(n.X.Type())
+ case ir.OCONV:
+ n := n.(*ir.ConvExpr)
+ return ssagen.Arch.SoftFloat && (isSoftFloat(n.Type()) || isSoftFloat(n.X.Type()))
+ ir.OAND, ir.OANDNOT, ir.OLSH, ir.OOR, ir.ORSH, ir.OXOR, ir.OCOMPLEX, ir.OEFACE,
+ ir.OADDR, ir.OBITNOT, ir.ONOT, ir.OPLUS,
+ ir.OCAP, ir.OIMAG, ir.OLEN, ir.OREAL,
+ // ok: operations that don't require function calls.
+ // Expand as needed.
+ }
+ return false
+ })
+// itabType loads the _type field from a runtime.itab struct.
+func itabType(itab ir.Node) ir.Node {
+ if itabTypeField == nil {
+ // runtime.itab's _type field
+ itabTypeField = runtimeField("_type", int64(types.PtrSize), types.NewPtr(types.Types[types.TUINT8]))
+ }
+ return boundedDotPtr(base.Pos, itab, itabTypeField)
+var itabTypeField *types.Field
+// boundedDotPtr returns a selector expression representing ptr.field
+// and omits nil-pointer checks for ptr.
+func boundedDotPtr(pos src.XPos, ptr ir.Node, field *types.Field) *ir.SelectorExpr {
+ sel := ir.NewSelectorExpr(pos, ir.ODOTPTR, ptr, field.Sym)
+ sel.Selection = field
+ sel.SetType(field.Type)
+ sel.SetTypecheck(1)
+ sel.SetBounded(true) // guaranteed not to fault
+ return sel
+func runtimeField(name string, offset int64, typ *types.Type) *types.Field {
+ f := types.NewField(src.NoXPos, ir.Pkgs.Runtime.Lookup(name), typ)
+ f.Offset = offset
+ return f
+// ifaceData loads the data field from an interface.
+// The concrete type must be known to have type t.
+// It follows the pointer if !IsDirectIface(t).
+func ifaceData(pos src.XPos, n ir.Node, t *types.Type) ir.Node {
+ if t.IsInterface() {
+ base.Fatalf("ifaceData interface: %v", t)
+ }
+ ptr := ir.NewUnaryExpr(pos, ir.OIDATA, n)
+ if types.IsDirectIface(t) {
+ ptr.SetType(t)
+ ptr.SetTypecheck(1)
+ return ptr
+ }
+ ptr.SetType(types.NewPtr(t))
+ ptr.SetTypecheck(1)
+ ind := ir.NewStarExpr(pos, ptr)
+ ind.SetType(t)
+ ind.SetTypecheck(1)
+ ind.SetBounded(true)
+ return ind