path: root/public/js
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 12:46:47 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 12:46:47 +0000
commit4ada86876033fa171e2896d7e3d3c5645d8062db (patch)
treef0d1fee61877df200ccfb1c0af58a39cd551fb46 /public/js
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 0.10.0.upstream/0.10.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'public/js')
3 files changed, 2657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/js/module.js b/public/js/module.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f65a2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/module.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Icinga Reporting | (c) 2018 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2
+;(function (Icinga) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var Reporting = function(module) {
+ this.module = module;
+ this.initialize();
+ };
+ Reporting.prototype.initialize = function () {
+ if (typeof $().flatpickr === 'function') {
+ this.module.on('rendered', function (event) {
+ var $container = $('<div>');
+'beforeend', $container[0]);
+ $('[data-use-flatpickr-fallback]').each(function() {
+ var options = {
+ appendTo: $container[0],
+ dateFormat: 'Y-m-d H:i:S',
+ enableTime: true,
+ enableSeconds: true
+ };
+ for (name in this.dataset) {
+ if (name.length > 9 && name.substr(0, 9) === 'flatpickr') {
+ var value = this.dataset[name];
+ if (value === '') {
+ value = true;
+ }
+ options[name.charAt(9).toLowerCase() + name.substr(10)] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ var element = this;
+ if (!! options.wrap) {
+ element = this.parentNode;
+ }
+ $(element).flatpickr(options);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ Icinga.availableModules.reporting = Reporting;
diff --git a/public/js/vendor/flatpickr.js b/public/js/vendor/flatpickr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d7397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/vendor/flatpickr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2605 @@
+/* flatpickr v4.6.3, @license MIT */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ (global = global || self, global.flatpickr = factory());
+}(this, function () { 'use strict';
+ /*! *****************************************************************************
+ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ License at
+ See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
+ and limitations under the License.
+ ***************************************************************************** */
+ var __assign = function() {
+ __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
+ for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
+ s = arguments[i];
+ for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
+ }
+ return t;
+ };
+ return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ var HOOKS = [
+ "onChange",
+ "onClose",
+ "onDayCreate",
+ "onDestroy",
+ "onKeyDown",
+ "onMonthChange",
+ "onOpen",
+ "onParseConfig",
+ "onReady",
+ "onValueUpdate",
+ "onYearChange",
+ "onPreCalendarPosition",
+ ];
+ var defaults = {
+ _disable: [],
+ _enable: [],
+ allowInput: false,
+ altFormat: "F j, Y",
+ altInput: false,
+ altInputClass: "form-control input",
+ animate: typeof window === "object" &&
+ window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") === -1,
+ ariaDateFormat: "F j, Y",
+ clickOpens: true,
+ closeOnSelect: true,
+ conjunction: ", ",
+ dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
+ defaultHour: 12,
+ defaultMinute: 0,
+ defaultSeconds: 0,
+ disable: [],
+ disableMobile: false,
+ enable: [],
+ enableSeconds: false,
+ enableTime: false,
+ errorHandler: function (err) {
+ return typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn(err);
+ },
+ getWeek: function (givenDate) {
+ var date = new Date(givenDate.getTime());
+ date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ // Thursday in current week decides the year.
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 3 - ((date.getDay() + 6) % 7));
+ // January 4 is always in week 1.
+ var week1 = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 4);
+ // Adjust to Thursday in week 1 and count number of weeks from date to week1.
+ return (1 +
+ Math.round(((date.getTime() - week1.getTime()) / 86400000 -
+ 3 +
+ ((week1.getDay() + 6) % 7)) /
+ 7));
+ },
+ hourIncrement: 1,
+ ignoredFocusElements: [],
+ inline: false,
+ locale: "default",
+ minuteIncrement: 5,
+ mode: "single",
+ monthSelectorType: "dropdown",
+ nextArrow: "<svg version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 17 17'><g></g><path d='M13.207 8.472l-7.854 7.854-0.707-0.707 7.146-7.146-7.146-7.148 0.707-0.707 7.854 7.854z' /></svg>",
+ noCalendar: false,
+ now: new Date(),
+ onChange: [],
+ onClose: [],
+ onDayCreate: [],
+ onDestroy: [],
+ onKeyDown: [],
+ onMonthChange: [],
+ onOpen: [],
+ onParseConfig: [],
+ onReady: [],
+ onValueUpdate: [],
+ onYearChange: [],
+ onPreCalendarPosition: [],
+ plugins: [],
+ position: "auto",
+ positionElement: undefined,
+ prevArrow: "<svg version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 17 17'><g></g><path d='M5.207 8.471l7.146 7.147-0.707 0.707-7.853-7.854 7.854-7.853 0.707 0.707-7.147 7.146z' /></svg>",
+ shorthandCurrentMonth: false,
+ showMonths: 1,
+ static: false,
+ time_24hr: false,
+ weekNumbers: false,
+ wrap: false
+ };
+ var english = {
+ weekdays: {
+ shorthand: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
+ longhand: [
+ "Sunday",
+ "Monday",
+ "Tuesday",
+ "Wednesday",
+ "Thursday",
+ "Friday",
+ "Saturday",
+ ]
+ },
+ months: {
+ shorthand: [
+ "Jan",
+ "Feb",
+ "Mar",
+ "Apr",
+ "May",
+ "Jun",
+ "Jul",
+ "Aug",
+ "Sep",
+ "Oct",
+ "Nov",
+ "Dec",
+ ],
+ longhand: [
+ "January",
+ "February",
+ "March",
+ "April",
+ "May",
+ "June",
+ "July",
+ "August",
+ "September",
+ "October",
+ "November",
+ "December",
+ ]
+ },
+ daysInMonth: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
+ firstDayOfWeek: 0,
+ ordinal: function (nth) {
+ var s = nth % 100;
+ if (s > 3 && s < 21)
+ return "th";
+ switch (s % 10) {
+ case 1:
+ return "st";
+ case 2:
+ return "nd";
+ case 3:
+ return "rd";
+ default:
+ return "th";
+ }
+ },
+ rangeSeparator: " to ",
+ weekAbbreviation: "Wk",
+ scrollTitle: "Scroll to increment",
+ toggleTitle: "Click to toggle",
+ amPM: ["AM", "PM"],
+ yearAriaLabel: "Year",
+ hourAriaLabel: "Hour",
+ minuteAriaLabel: "Minute",
+ time_24hr: false
+ };
+ var pad = function (number) { return ("0" + number).slice(-2); };
+ var int = function (bool) { return (bool === true ? 1 : 0); };
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
+ if (immediate === void 0) { immediate = false; }
+ var timeout;
+ return function () {
+ var context = this, args = arguments;
+ timeout !== null && clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
+ timeout = null;
+ if (!immediate)
+ func.apply(context, args);
+ }, wait);
+ if (immediate && !timeout)
+ func.apply(context, args);
+ };
+ }
+ var arrayify = function (obj) {
+ return obj instanceof Array ? obj : [obj];
+ };
+ function toggleClass(elem, className, bool) {
+ if (bool === true)
+ return elem.classList.add(className);
+ elem.classList.remove(className);
+ }
+ function createElement(tag, className, content) {
+ var e = window.document.createElement(tag);
+ className = className || "";
+ content = content || "";
+ e.className = className;
+ if (content !== undefined)
+ e.textContent = content;
+ return e;
+ }
+ function clearNode(node) {
+ while (node.firstChild)
+ node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
+ }
+ function findParent(node, condition) {
+ if (condition(node))
+ return node;
+ else if (node.parentNode)
+ return findParent(node.parentNode, condition);
+ return undefined; // nothing found
+ }
+ function createNumberInput(inputClassName, opts) {
+ var wrapper = createElement("div", "numInputWrapper"), numInput = createElement("input", "numInput " + inputClassName), arrowUp = createElement("span", "arrowUp"), arrowDown = createElement("span", "arrowDown");
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9.0") === -1) {
+ numInput.type = "number";
+ }
+ else {
+ numInput.type = "text";
+ numInput.pattern = "\\d*";
+ }
+ if (opts !== undefined)
+ for (var key in opts)
+ numInput.setAttribute(key, opts[key]);
+ wrapper.appendChild(numInput);
+ wrapper.appendChild(arrowUp);
+ wrapper.appendChild(arrowDown);
+ return wrapper;
+ }
+ function getEventTarget(event) {
+ if (typeof event.composedPath === "function") {
+ var path = event.composedPath();
+ return path[0];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var doNothing = function () { return undefined; };
+ var monthToStr = function (monthNumber, shorthand, locale) { return locale.months[shorthand ? "shorthand" : "longhand"][monthNumber]; };
+ var revFormat = {
+ D: doNothing,
+ F: function (dateObj, monthName, locale) {
+ dateObj.setMonth(locale.months.longhand.indexOf(monthName));
+ },
+ G: function (dateObj, hour) {
+ dateObj.setHours(parseFloat(hour));
+ },
+ H: function (dateObj, hour) {
+ dateObj.setHours(parseFloat(hour));
+ },
+ J: function (dateObj, day) {
+ dateObj.setDate(parseFloat(day));
+ },
+ K: function (dateObj, amPM, locale) {
+ dateObj.setHours((dateObj.getHours() % 12) +
+ 12 * int(new RegExp(locale.amPM[1], "i").test(amPM)));
+ },
+ M: function (dateObj, shortMonth, locale) {
+ dateObj.setMonth(locale.months.shorthand.indexOf(shortMonth));
+ },
+ S: function (dateObj, seconds) {
+ dateObj.setSeconds(parseFloat(seconds));
+ },
+ U: function (_, unixSeconds) { return new Date(parseFloat(unixSeconds) * 1000); },
+ W: function (dateObj, weekNum, locale) {
+ var weekNumber = parseInt(weekNum);
+ var date = new Date(dateObj.getFullYear(), 0, 2 + (weekNumber - 1) * 7, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - date.getDay() + locale.firstDayOfWeek);
+ return date;
+ },
+ Y: function (dateObj, year) {
+ dateObj.setFullYear(parseFloat(year));
+ },
+ Z: function (_, ISODate) { return new Date(ISODate); },
+ d: function (dateObj, day) {
+ dateObj.setDate(parseFloat(day));
+ },
+ h: function (dateObj, hour) {
+ dateObj.setHours(parseFloat(hour));
+ },
+ i: function (dateObj, minutes) {
+ dateObj.setMinutes(parseFloat(minutes));
+ },
+ j: function (dateObj, day) {
+ dateObj.setDate(parseFloat(day));
+ },
+ l: doNothing,
+ m: function (dateObj, month) {
+ dateObj.setMonth(parseFloat(month) - 1);
+ },
+ n: function (dateObj, month) {
+ dateObj.setMonth(parseFloat(month) - 1);
+ },
+ s: function (dateObj, seconds) {
+ dateObj.setSeconds(parseFloat(seconds));
+ },
+ u: function (_, unixMillSeconds) {
+ return new Date(parseFloat(unixMillSeconds));
+ },
+ w: doNothing,
+ y: function (dateObj, year) {
+ dateObj.setFullYear(2000 + parseFloat(year));
+ }
+ };
+ var tokenRegex = {
+ D: "(\\w+)",
+ F: "(\\w+)",
+ G: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ H: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ J: "(\\d\\d|\\d)\\w+",
+ K: "",
+ M: "(\\w+)",
+ S: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ U: "(.+)",
+ W: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ Y: "(\\d{4})",
+ Z: "(.+)",
+ d: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ h: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ i: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ j: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ l: "(\\w+)",
+ m: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ n: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ s: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ u: "(.+)",
+ w: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
+ y: "(\\d{2})"
+ };
+ var formats = {
+ // get the date in UTC
+ Z: function (date) { return date.toISOString(); },
+ // weekday name, short, e.g. Thu
+ D: function (date, locale, options) {
+ return locale.weekdays.shorthand[formats.w(date, locale, options)];
+ },
+ // full month name e.g. January
+ F: function (date, locale, options) {
+ return monthToStr(formats.n(date, locale, options) - 1, false, locale);
+ },
+ // padded hour 1-12
+ G: function (date, locale, options) {
+ return pad(formats.h(date, locale, options));
+ },
+ // hours with leading zero e.g. 03
+ H: function (date) { return pad(date.getHours()); },
+ // day (1-30) with ordinal suffix e.g. 1st, 2nd
+ J: function (date, locale) {
+ return locale.ordinal !== undefined
+ ? date.getDate() + locale.ordinal(date.getDate())
+ : date.getDate();
+ },
+ // AM/PM
+ K: function (date, locale) { return locale.amPM[int(date.getHours() > 11)]; },
+ // shorthand month e.g. Jan, Sep, Oct, etc
+ M: function (date, locale) {
+ return monthToStr(date.getMonth(), true, locale);
+ },
+ // seconds 00-59
+ S: function (date) { return pad(date.getSeconds()); },
+ // unix timestamp
+ U: function (date) { return date.getTime() / 1000; },
+ W: function (date, _, options) {
+ return options.getWeek(date);
+ },
+ // full year e.g. 2016
+ Y: function (date) { return date.getFullYear(); },
+ // day in month, padded (01-30)
+ d: function (date) { return pad(date.getDate()); },
+ // hour from 1-12 (am/pm)
+ h: function (date) { return (date.getHours() % 12 ? date.getHours() % 12 : 12); },
+ // minutes, padded with leading zero e.g. 09
+ i: function (date) { return pad(date.getMinutes()); },
+ // day in month (1-30)
+ j: function (date) { return date.getDate(); },
+ // weekday name, full, e.g. Thursday
+ l: function (date, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdays.longhand[date.getDay()];
+ },
+ // padded month number (01-12)
+ m: function (date) { return pad(date.getMonth() + 1); },
+ // the month number (1-12)
+ n: function (date) { return date.getMonth() + 1; },
+ // seconds 0-59
+ s: function (date) { return date.getSeconds(); },
+ // Unix Milliseconds
+ u: function (date) { return date.getTime(); },
+ // number of the day of the week
+ w: function (date) { return date.getDay(); },
+ // last two digits of year e.g. 16 for 2016
+ y: function (date) { return String(date.getFullYear()).substring(2); }
+ };
+ var createDateFormatter = function (_a) {
+ var _b = _a.config, config = _b === void 0 ? defaults : _b, _c = _a.l10n, l10n = _c === void 0 ? english : _c;
+ return function (dateObj, frmt, overrideLocale) {
+ var locale = overrideLocale || l10n;
+ if (config.formatDate !== undefined) {
+ return config.formatDate(dateObj, frmt, locale);
+ }
+ return frmt
+ .split("")
+ .map(function (c, i, arr) {
+ return formats[c] && arr[i - 1] !== "\\"
+ ? formats[c](dateObj, locale, config)
+ : c !== "\\"
+ ? c
+ : "";
+ })
+ .join("");
+ };
+ };
+ var createDateParser = function (_a) {
+ var _b = _a.config, config = _b === void 0 ? defaults : _b, _c = _a.l10n, l10n = _c === void 0 ? english : _c;
+ return function (date, givenFormat, timeless, customLocale) {
+ if (date !== 0 && !date)
+ return undefined;
+ var locale = customLocale || l10n;
+ var parsedDate;
+ var dateOrig = date;
+ if (date instanceof Date)
+ parsedDate = new Date(date.getTime());
+ else if (typeof date !== "string" &&
+ date.toFixed !== undefined // timestamp
+ )
+ // create a copy
+ parsedDate = new Date(date);
+ else if (typeof date === "string") {
+ // date string
+ var format = givenFormat || (config || defaults).dateFormat;
+ var datestr = String(date).trim();
+ if (datestr === "today") {
+ parsedDate = new Date();
+ timeless = true;
+ }
+ else if (/Z$/.test(datestr) ||
+ /GMT$/.test(datestr) // datestrings w/ timezone
+ )
+ parsedDate = new Date(date);
+ else if (config && config.parseDate)
+ parsedDate = config.parseDate(date, format);
+ else {
+ parsedDate =
+ !config || !config.noCalendar
+ ? new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ : new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ var matched = void 0, ops = [];
+ for (var i = 0, matchIndex = 0, regexStr = ""; i < format.length; i++) {
+ var token_1 = format[i];
+ var isBackSlash = token_1 === "\\";
+ var escaped = format[i - 1] === "\\" || isBackSlash;
+ if (tokenRegex[token_1] && !escaped) {
+ regexStr += tokenRegex[token_1];
+ var match = new RegExp(regexStr).exec(date);
+ if (match && (matched = true)) {
+ ops[token_1 !== "Y" ? "push" : "unshift"]({
+ fn: revFormat[token_1],
+ val: match[++matchIndex]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!isBackSlash)
+ regexStr += "."; // don't really care
+ ops.forEach(function (_a) {
+ var fn = _a.fn, val = _a.val;
+ return (parsedDate = fn(parsedDate, val, locale) || parsedDate);
+ });
+ }
+ parsedDate = matched ? parsedDate : undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (!(parsedDate instanceof Date && !isNaN(parsedDate.getTime()))) {
+ config.errorHandler(new Error("Invalid date provided: " + dateOrig));
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if (timeless === true)
+ parsedDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return parsedDate;
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Compute the difference in dates, measured in ms
+ */
+ function compareDates(date1, date2, timeless) {
+ if (timeless === void 0) { timeless = true; }
+ if (timeless !== false) {
+ return (new Date(date1.getTime()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) -
+ new Date(date2.getTime()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ return date1.getTime() - date2.getTime();
+ }
+ var isBetween = function (ts, ts1, ts2) {
+ return ts > Math.min(ts1, ts2) && ts < Math.max(ts1, ts2);
+ };
+ var duration = {
+ DAY: 86400000
+ };
+ if (typeof Object.assign !== "function") {
+ Object.assign = function (target) {
+ var args = [];
+ for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
+ args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
+ }
+ if (!target) {
+ throw TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
+ }
+ var _loop_1 = function (source) {
+ if (source) {
+ Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) { return (target[key] = source[key]); });
+ }
+ };
+ for (var _a = 0, args_1 = args; _a < args_1.length; _a++) {
+ var source = args_1[_a];
+ _loop_1(source);
+ }
+ return target;
+ };
+ }
+ function FlatpickrInstance(element, instanceConfig) {
+ var self = {
+ config: __assign({}, defaults, flatpickr.defaultConfig),
+ l10n: english
+ };
+ self.parseDate = createDateParser({ config: self.config, l10n: self.l10n });
+ self._handlers = [];
+ self.pluginElements = [];
+ self.loadedPlugins = [];
+ self._bind = bind;
+ self._setHoursFromDate = setHoursFromDate;
+ self._positionCalendar = positionCalendar;
+ self.changeMonth = changeMonth;
+ self.changeYear = changeYear;
+ self.clear = clear;
+ self.close = close;
+ self._createElement = createElement;
+ self.destroy = destroy;
+ self.isEnabled = isEnabled;
+ self.jumpToDate = jumpToDate;
+ = open;
+ self.redraw = redraw;
+ self.set = set;
+ self.setDate = setDate;
+ self.toggle = toggle;
+ function setupHelperFunctions() {
+ self.utils = {
+ getDaysInMonth: function (month, yr) {
+ if (month === void 0) { month = self.currentMonth; }
+ if (yr === void 0) { yr = self.currentYear; }
+ if (month === 1 && ((yr % 4 === 0 && yr % 100 !== 0) || yr % 400 === 0))
+ return 29;
+ return self.l10n.daysInMonth[month];
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function init() {
+ self.element = self.input = element;
+ self.isOpen = false;
+ parseConfig();
+ setupLocale();
+ setupInputs();
+ setupDates();
+ setupHelperFunctions();
+ if (!self.isMobile)
+ build();
+ bindEvents();
+ if (self.selectedDates.length || self.config.noCalendar) {
+ if (self.config.enableTime) {
+ setHoursFromDate(self.config.noCalendar
+ ? self.latestSelectedDateObj || self.config.minDate
+ : undefined);
+ }
+ updateValue(false);
+ }
+ setCalendarWidth();
+ self.showTimeInput =
+ self.selectedDates.length > 0 || self.config.noCalendar;
+ var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
+ /* TODO: investigate this further
+ Currently, there is weird positioning behavior in safari causing pages
+ to scroll up.
+ However, most browsers are not Safari and positioning is expensive when used
+ in scale.
+ */
+ if (!self.isMobile && isSafari) {
+ positionCalendar();
+ }
+ triggerEvent("onReady");
+ }
+ function bindToInstance(fn) {
+ return fn.bind(self);
+ }
+ function setCalendarWidth() {
+ var config = self.config;
+ if (config.weekNumbers === false && config.showMonths === 1)
+ return;
+ else if (config.noCalendar !== true) {
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
+ if (self.calendarContainer !== undefined) {
+ = "hidden";
+ = "block";
+ }
+ if (self.daysContainer !== undefined) {
+ var daysWidth = (self.days.offsetWidth + 1) * config.showMonths;
+ = daysWidth + "px";
+ =
+ daysWidth +
+ (self.weekWrapper !== undefined
+ ? self.weekWrapper.offsetWidth
+ : 0) +
+ "px";
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The handler for all events targeting the time inputs
+ */
+ function updateTime(e) {
+ if (self.selectedDates.length === 0) {
+ setDefaultTime();
+ }
+ if (e !== undefined && e.type !== "blur") {
+ timeWrapper(e);
+ }
+ var prevValue = self._input.value;
+ setHoursFromInputs();
+ updateValue();
+ if (self._input.value !== prevValue) {
+ self._debouncedChange();
+ }
+ }
+ function ampm2military(hour, amPM) {
+ return (hour % 12) + 12 * int(amPM === self.l10n.amPM[1]);
+ }
+ function military2ampm(hour) {
+ switch (hour % 24) {
+ case 0:
+ case 12:
+ return 12;
+ default:
+ return hour % 12;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Syncs the selected date object time with user's time input
+ */
+ function setHoursFromInputs() {
+ if (self.hourElement === undefined || self.minuteElement === undefined)
+ return;
+ var hours = (parseInt(self.hourElement.value.slice(-2), 10) || 0) % 24, minutes = (parseInt(self.minuteElement.value, 10) || 0) % 60, seconds = self.secondElement !== undefined
+ ? (parseInt(self.secondElement.value, 10) || 0) % 60
+ : 0;
+ if (self.amPM !== undefined) {
+ hours = ampm2military(hours, self.amPM.textContent);
+ }
+ var limitMinHours = self.config.minTime !== undefined ||
+ (self.config.minDate &&
+ self.minDateHasTime &&
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj &&
+ compareDates(self.latestSelectedDateObj, self.config.minDate, true) ===
+ 0);
+ var limitMaxHours = self.config.maxTime !== undefined ||
+ (self.config.maxDate &&
+ self.maxDateHasTime &&
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj &&
+ compareDates(self.latestSelectedDateObj, self.config.maxDate, true) ===
+ 0);
+ if (limitMaxHours) {
+ var maxTime = self.config.maxTime !== undefined
+ ? self.config.maxTime
+ : self.config.maxDate;
+ hours = Math.min(hours, maxTime.getHours());
+ if (hours === maxTime.getHours())
+ minutes = Math.min(minutes, maxTime.getMinutes());
+ if (minutes === maxTime.getMinutes())
+ seconds = Math.min(seconds, maxTime.getSeconds());
+ }
+ if (limitMinHours) {
+ var minTime = self.config.minTime !== undefined
+ ? self.config.minTime
+ : self.config.minDate;
+ hours = Math.max(hours, minTime.getHours());
+ if (hours === minTime.getHours())
+ minutes = Math.max(minutes, minTime.getMinutes());
+ if (minutes === minTime.getMinutes())
+ seconds = Math.max(seconds, minTime.getSeconds());
+ }
+ setHours(hours, minutes, seconds);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Syncs time input values with a date
+ */
+ function setHoursFromDate(dateObj) {
+ var date = dateObj || self.latestSelectedDateObj;
+ if (date)
+ setHours(date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds());
+ }
+ function setDefaultHours() {
+ var hours = self.config.defaultHour;
+ var minutes = self.config.defaultMinute;
+ var seconds = self.config.defaultSeconds;
+ if (self.config.minDate !== undefined) {
+ var minHr = self.config.minDate.getHours();
+ var minMinutes = self.config.minDate.getMinutes();
+ hours = Math.max(hours, minHr);
+ if (hours === minHr)
+ minutes = Math.max(minMinutes, minutes);
+ if (hours === minHr && minutes === minMinutes)
+ seconds = self.config.minDate.getSeconds();
+ }
+ if (self.config.maxDate !== undefined) {
+ var maxHr = self.config.maxDate.getHours();
+ var maxMinutes = self.config.maxDate.getMinutes();
+ hours = Math.min(hours, maxHr);
+ if (hours === maxHr)
+ minutes = Math.min(maxMinutes, minutes);
+ if (hours === maxHr && minutes === maxMinutes)
+ seconds = self.config.maxDate.getSeconds();
+ }
+ setHours(hours, minutes, seconds);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the hours, minutes, and optionally seconds
+ * of the latest selected date object and the
+ * corresponding time inputs
+ * @param {Number} hours the hour. whether its military
+ * or am-pm gets inferred from config
+ * @param {Number} minutes the minutes
+ * @param {Number} seconds the seconds (optional)
+ */
+ function setHours(hours, minutes, seconds) {
+ if (self.latestSelectedDateObj !== undefined) {
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj.setHours(hours % 24, minutes, seconds || 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (!self.hourElement || !self.minuteElement || self.isMobile)
+ return;
+ self.hourElement.value = pad(!self.config.time_24hr
+ ? ((12 + hours) % 12) + 12 * int(hours % 12 === 0)
+ : hours);
+ self.minuteElement.value = pad(minutes);
+ if (self.amPM !== undefined)
+ self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[int(hours >= 12)];
+ if (self.secondElement !== undefined)
+ self.secondElement.value = pad(seconds);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles the year input and incrementing events
+ * @param {Event} event the keyup or increment event
+ */
+ function onYearInput(event) {
+ var year = parseInt( + ( || 0);
+ if (year / 1000 > 1 ||
+ (event.key === "Enter" && !/[^\d]/.test(year.toString()))) {
+ changeYear(year);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Essentially addEventListener + tracking
+ * @param {Element} element the element to addEventListener to
+ * @param {String} event the event name
+ * @param {Function} handler the event handler
+ */
+ function bind(element, event, handler, options) {
+ if (event instanceof Array)
+ return event.forEach(function (ev) { return bind(element, ev, handler, options); });
+ if (element instanceof Array)
+ return element.forEach(function (el) { return bind(el, event, handler, options); });
+ element.addEventListener(event, handler, options);
+ self._handlers.push({
+ element: element,
+ event: event,
+ handler: handler,
+ options: options
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * A mousedown handler which mimics click.
+ * Minimizes latency, since we don't need to wait for mouseup in most cases.
+ * Also, avoids handling right clicks.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} handler the event handler
+ */
+ function onClick(handler) {
+ return function (evt) {
+ evt.which === 1 && handler(evt);
+ };
+ }
+ function triggerChange() {
+ triggerEvent("onChange");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds all the necessary event listeners
+ */
+ function bindEvents() {
+ if (self.config.wrap) {
+ ["open", "close", "toggle", "clear"].forEach(function (evt) {
+"[data-" + evt + "]"), function (el) {
+ return bind(el, "click", self[evt]);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (self.isMobile) {
+ setupMobile();
+ return;
+ }
+ var debouncedResize = debounce(onResize, 50);
+ self._debouncedChange = debounce(triggerChange, DEBOUNCED_CHANGE_MS);
+ if (self.daysContainer && !/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
+ bind(self.daysContainer, "mouseover", function (e) {
+ if (self.config.mode === "range")
+ onMouseOver(;
+ });
+ bind(window.document.body, "keydown", onKeyDown);
+ if (!self.config.inline && !self.config.static)
+ bind(window, "resize", debouncedResize);
+ if (window.ontouchstart !== undefined)
+ bind(window.document, "touchstart", documentClick);
+ else
+ bind(window.document, "mousedown", onClick(documentClick));
+ bind(window.document, "focus", documentClick, { capture: true });
+ if (self.config.clickOpens === true) {
+ bind(self._input, "focus",;
+ bind(self._input, "mousedown", onClick(;
+ }
+ if (self.daysContainer !== undefined) {
+ bind(self.monthNav, "mousedown", onClick(onMonthNavClick));
+ bind(self.monthNav, ["keyup", "increment"], onYearInput);
+ bind(self.daysContainer, "mousedown", onClick(selectDate));
+ }
+ if (self.timeContainer !== undefined &&
+ self.minuteElement !== undefined &&
+ self.hourElement !== undefined) {
+ var selText = function (e) {
+ return;
+ };
+ bind(self.timeContainer, ["increment"], updateTime);
+ bind(self.timeContainer, "blur", updateTime, { capture: true });
+ bind(self.timeContainer, "mousedown", onClick(timeIncrement));
+ bind([self.hourElement, self.minuteElement], ["focus", "click"], selText);
+ if (self.secondElement !== undefined)
+ bind(self.secondElement, "focus", function () { return self.secondElement &&; });
+ if (self.amPM !== undefined) {
+ bind(self.amPM, "mousedown", onClick(function (e) {
+ updateTime(e);
+ triggerChange();
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the calendar view to a particular date.
+ * @param {Date} jumpDate the date to set the view to
+ * @param {boolean} triggerChange if change events should be triggered
+ */
+ function jumpToDate(jumpDate, triggerChange) {
+ var jumpTo = jumpDate !== undefined
+ ? self.parseDate(jumpDate)
+ : self.latestSelectedDateObj ||
+ (self.config.minDate && self.config.minDate >
+ ? self.config.minDate
+ : self.config.maxDate && self.config.maxDate <
+ ? self.config.maxDate
+ :;
+ var oldYear = self.currentYear;
+ var oldMonth = self.currentMonth;
+ try {
+ if (jumpTo !== undefined) {
+ self.currentYear = jumpTo.getFullYear();
+ self.currentMonth = jumpTo.getMonth();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ e.message = "Invalid date supplied: " + jumpTo;
+ self.config.errorHandler(e);
+ }
+ if (triggerChange && self.currentYear !== oldYear) {
+ triggerEvent("onYearChange");
+ buildMonthSwitch();
+ }
+ if (triggerChange &&
+ (self.currentYear !== oldYear || self.currentMonth !== oldMonth)) {
+ triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
+ }
+ self.redraw();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The up/down arrow handler for time inputs
+ * @param {Event} e the click event
+ */
+ function timeIncrement(e) {
+ if ("arrow"))
+ incrementNumInput(e,"arrowUp") ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Increments/decrements the value of input associ-
+ * ated with the up/down arrow by dispatching an
+ * "increment" event on the input.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e the click event
+ * @param {Number} delta the diff (usually 1 or -1)
+ * @param {Element} inputElem the input element
+ */
+ function incrementNumInput(e, delta, inputElem) {
+ var target = e &&;
+ var input = inputElem ||
+ (target && target.parentNode && target.parentNode.firstChild);
+ var event = createEvent("increment");
+ = delta;
+ input && input.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ function build() {
+ var fragment = window.document.createDocumentFragment();
+ self.calendarContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-calendar");
+ self.calendarContainer.tabIndex = -1;
+ if (!self.config.noCalendar) {
+ fragment.appendChild(buildMonthNav());
+ self.innerContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-innerContainer");
+ if (self.config.weekNumbers) {
+ var _a = buildWeeks(), weekWrapper = _a.weekWrapper, weekNumbers = _a.weekNumbers;
+ self.innerContainer.appendChild(weekWrapper);
+ self.weekNumbers = weekNumbers;
+ self.weekWrapper = weekWrapper;
+ }
+ self.rContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-rContainer");
+ self.rContainer.appendChild(buildWeekdays());
+ if (!self.daysContainer) {
+ self.daysContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-days");
+ self.daysContainer.tabIndex = -1;
+ }
+ buildDays();
+ self.rContainer.appendChild(self.daysContainer);
+ self.innerContainer.appendChild(self.rContainer);
+ fragment.appendChild(self.innerContainer);
+ }
+ if (self.config.enableTime) {
+ fragment.appendChild(buildTime());
+ }
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "rangeMode", self.config.mode === "range");
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "animate", self.config.animate === true);
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "multiMonth", self.config.showMonths > 1);
+ self.calendarContainer.appendChild(fragment);
+ var customAppend = self.config.appendTo !== undefined &&
+ self.config.appendTo.nodeType !== undefined;
+ if (self.config.inline || self.config.static) {
+ self.calendarContainer.classList.add(self.config.inline ? "inline" : "static");
+ if (self.config.inline) {
+ if (!customAppend && self.element.parentNode)
+ self.element.parentNode.insertBefore(self.calendarContainer, self._input.nextSibling);
+ else if (self.config.appendTo !== undefined)
+ self.config.appendTo.appendChild(self.calendarContainer);
+ }
+ if (self.config.static) {
+ var wrapper = createElement("div", "flatpickr-wrapper");
+ if (self.element.parentNode)
+ self.element.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, self.element);
+ wrapper.appendChild(self.element);
+ if (self.altInput)
+ wrapper.appendChild(self.altInput);
+ wrapper.appendChild(self.calendarContainer);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!self.config.static && !self.config.inline)
+ (self.config.appendTo !== undefined
+ ? self.config.appendTo
+ : window.document.body).appendChild(self.calendarContainer);
+ }
+ function createDay(className, date, dayNumber, i) {
+ var dateIsEnabled = isEnabled(date, true), dayElement = createElement("span", "flatpickr-day " + className, date.getDate().toString());
+ dayElement.dateObj = date;
+ dayElement.$i = i;
+ dayElement.setAttribute("aria-label", self.formatDate(date, self.config.ariaDateFormat));
+ if (className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 &&
+ compareDates(date, === 0) {
+ self.todayDateElem = dayElement;
+ dayElement.classList.add("today");
+ dayElement.setAttribute("aria-current", "date");
+ }
+ if (dateIsEnabled) {
+ dayElement.tabIndex = -1;
+ if (isDateSelected(date)) {
+ dayElement.classList.add("selected");
+ self.selectedDateElem = dayElement;
+ if (self.config.mode === "range") {
+ toggleClass(dayElement, "startRange", self.selectedDates[0] &&
+ compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[0], true) === 0);
+ toggleClass(dayElement, "endRange", self.selectedDates[1] &&
+ compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[1], true) === 0);
+ if (className === "nextMonthDay")
+ dayElement.classList.add("inRange");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ dayElement.classList.add("flatpickr-disabled");
+ }
+ if (self.config.mode === "range") {
+ if (isDateInRange(date) && !isDateSelected(date))
+ dayElement.classList.add("inRange");
+ }
+ if (self.weekNumbers &&
+ self.config.showMonths === 1 &&
+ className !== "prevMonthDay" &&
+ dayNumber % 7 === 1) {
+ self.weekNumbers.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<span class='flatpickr-day'>" + self.config.getWeek(date) + "</span>");
+ }
+ triggerEvent("onDayCreate", dayElement);
+ return dayElement;
+ }
+ function focusOnDayElem(targetNode) {
+ targetNode.focus();
+ if (self.config.mode === "range")
+ onMouseOver(targetNode);
+ }
+ function getFirstAvailableDay(delta) {
+ var startMonth = delta > 0 ? 0 : self.config.showMonths - 1;
+ var endMonth = delta > 0 ? self.config.showMonths : -1;
+ for (var m = startMonth; m != endMonth; m += delta) {
+ var month = self.daysContainer.children[m];
+ var startIndex = delta > 0 ? 0 : month.children.length - 1;
+ var endIndex = delta > 0 ? month.children.length : -1;
+ for (var i = startIndex; i != endIndex; i += delta) {
+ var c = month.children[i];
+ if (c.className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 && isEnabled(c.dateObj))
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ function getNextAvailableDay(current, delta) {
+ var givenMonth = current.className.indexOf("Month") === -1
+ ? current.dateObj.getMonth()
+ : self.currentMonth;
+ var endMonth = delta > 0 ? self.config.showMonths : -1;
+ var loopDelta = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ for (var m = givenMonth - self.currentMonth; m != endMonth; m += loopDelta) {
+ var month = self.daysContainer.children[m];
+ var startIndex = givenMonth - self.currentMonth === m
+ ? current.$i + delta
+ : delta < 0
+ ? month.children.length - 1
+ : 0;
+ var numMonthDays = month.children.length;
+ for (var i = startIndex; i >= 0 && i < numMonthDays && i != (delta > 0 ? numMonthDays : -1); i += loopDelta) {
+ var c = month.children[i];
+ if (c.className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 &&
+ isEnabled(c.dateObj) &&
+ Math.abs(current.$i - i) >= Math.abs(delta))
+ return focusOnDayElem(c);
+ }
+ }
+ self.changeMonth(loopDelta);
+ focusOnDay(getFirstAvailableDay(loopDelta), 0);
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ function focusOnDay(current, offset) {
+ var dayFocused = isInView(document.activeElement || document.body);
+ var startElem = current !== undefined
+ ? current
+ : dayFocused
+ ? document.activeElement
+ : self.selectedDateElem !== undefined && isInView(self.selectedDateElem)
+ ? self.selectedDateElem
+ : self.todayDateElem !== undefined && isInView(self.todayDateElem)
+ ? self.todayDateElem
+ : getFirstAvailableDay(offset > 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ if (startElem === undefined)
+ return self._input.focus();
+ if (!dayFocused)
+ return focusOnDayElem(startElem);
+ getNextAvailableDay(startElem, offset);
+ }
+ function buildMonthDays(year, month) {
+ var firstOfMonth = (new Date(year, month, 1).getDay() - self.l10n.firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
+ var prevMonthDays = self.utils.getDaysInMonth((month - 1 + 12) % 12);
+ var daysInMonth = self.utils.getDaysInMonth(month), days = window.document.createDocumentFragment(), isMultiMonth = self.config.showMonths > 1, prevMonthDayClass = isMultiMonth ? "prevMonthDay hidden" : "prevMonthDay", nextMonthDayClass = isMultiMonth ? "nextMonthDay hidden" : "nextMonthDay";
+ var dayNumber = prevMonthDays + 1 - firstOfMonth, dayIndex = 0;
+ // prepend days from the ending of previous month
+ for (; dayNumber <= prevMonthDays; dayNumber++, dayIndex++) {
+ days.appendChild(createDay(prevMonthDayClass, new Date(year, month - 1, dayNumber), dayNumber, dayIndex));
+ }
+ // Start at 1 since there is no 0th day
+ for (dayNumber = 1; dayNumber <= daysInMonth; dayNumber++, dayIndex++) {
+ days.appendChild(createDay("", new Date(year, month, dayNumber), dayNumber, dayIndex));
+ }
+ // append days from the next month
+ for (var dayNum = daysInMonth + 1; dayNum <= 42 - firstOfMonth &&
+ (self.config.showMonths === 1 || dayIndex % 7 !== 0); dayNum++, dayIndex++) {
+ days.appendChild(createDay(nextMonthDayClass, new Date(year, month + 1, dayNum % daysInMonth), dayNum, dayIndex));
+ }
+ //updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
+ var dayContainer = createElement("div", "dayContainer");
+ dayContainer.appendChild(days);
+ return dayContainer;
+ }
+ function buildDays() {
+ if (self.daysContainer === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ clearNode(self.daysContainer);
+ // TODO: week numbers for each month
+ if (self.weekNumbers)
+ clearNode(self.weekNumbers);
+ var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ for (var i = 0; i < self.config.showMonths; i++) {
+ var d = new Date(self.currentYear, self.currentMonth, 1);
+ d.setMonth(self.currentMonth + i);
+ frag.appendChild(buildMonthDays(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()));
+ }
+ self.daysContainer.appendChild(frag);
+ self.days = self.daysContainer.firstChild;
+ if (self.config.mode === "range" && self.selectedDates.length === 1) {
+ onMouseOver();
+ }
+ }
+ function buildMonthSwitch() {
+ if (self.config.showMonths > 1 ||
+ self.config.monthSelectorType !== "dropdown")
+ return;
+ var shouldBuildMonth = function (month) {
+ if (self.config.minDate !== undefined &&
+ self.currentYear === self.config.minDate.getFullYear() &&
+ month < self.config.minDate.getMonth()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !(self.config.maxDate !== undefined &&
+ self.currentYear === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear() &&
+ month > self.config.maxDate.getMonth());
+ };
+ self.monthsDropdownContainer.tabIndex = -1;
+ self.monthsDropdownContainer.innerHTML = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ if (!shouldBuildMonth(i))
+ continue;
+ var month = createElement("option", "flatpickr-monthDropdown-month");
+ month.value = new Date(self.currentYear, i).getMonth().toString();
+ month.textContent = monthToStr(i, self.config.shorthandCurrentMonth, self.l10n);
+ month.tabIndex = -1;
+ if (self.currentMonth === i) {
+ month.selected = true;
+ }
+ self.monthsDropdownContainer.appendChild(month);
+ }
+ }
+ function buildMonth() {
+ var container = createElement("div", "flatpickr-month");
+ var monthNavFragment = window.document.createDocumentFragment();
+ var monthElement;
+ if (self.config.showMonths > 1 ||
+ self.config.monthSelectorType === "static") {
+ monthElement = createElement("span", "cur-month");
+ }
+ else {
+ self.monthsDropdownContainer = createElement("select", "flatpickr-monthDropdown-months");
+ bind(self.monthsDropdownContainer, "change", function (e) {
+ var target =;
+ var selectedMonth = parseInt(target.value, 10);
+ self.changeMonth(selectedMonth - self.currentMonth);
+ triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
+ });
+ buildMonthSwitch();
+ monthElement = self.monthsDropdownContainer;
+ }
+ var yearInput = createNumberInput("cur-year", { tabindex: "-1" });
+ var yearElement = yearInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
+ yearElement.setAttribute("aria-label", self.l10n.yearAriaLabel);
+ if (self.config.minDate) {
+ yearElement.setAttribute("min", self.config.minDate.getFullYear().toString());
+ }
+ if (self.config.maxDate) {
+ yearElement.setAttribute("max", self.config.maxDate.getFullYear().toString());
+ yearElement.disabled =
+ !!self.config.minDate &&
+ self.config.minDate.getFullYear() === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear();
+ }
+ var currentMonth = createElement("div", "flatpickr-current-month");
+ currentMonth.appendChild(monthElement);
+ currentMonth.appendChild(yearInput);
+ monthNavFragment.appendChild(currentMonth);
+ container.appendChild(monthNavFragment);
+ return {
+ container: container,
+ yearElement: yearElement,
+ monthElement: monthElement
+ };
+ }
+ function buildMonths() {
+ clearNode(self.monthNav);
+ self.monthNav.appendChild(self.prevMonthNav);
+ if (self.config.showMonths) {
+ self.yearElements = [];
+ self.monthElements = [];
+ }
+ for (var m = self.config.showMonths; m--;) {
+ var month = buildMonth();
+ self.yearElements.push(month.yearElement);
+ self.monthElements.push(month.monthElement);
+ self.monthNav.appendChild(month.container);
+ }
+ self.monthNav.appendChild(self.nextMonthNav);
+ }
+ function buildMonthNav() {
+ self.monthNav = createElement("div", "flatpickr-months");
+ self.yearElements = [];
+ self.monthElements = [];
+ self.prevMonthNav = createElement("span", "flatpickr-prev-month");
+ self.prevMonthNav.innerHTML = self.config.prevArrow;
+ self.nextMonthNav = createElement("span", "flatpickr-next-month");
+ self.nextMonthNav.innerHTML = self.config.nextArrow;
+ buildMonths();
+ Object.defineProperty(self, "_hidePrevMonthArrow", {
+ get: function () { return self.__hidePrevMonthArrow; },
+ set: function (bool) {
+ if (self.__hidePrevMonthArrow !== bool) {
+ toggleClass(self.prevMonthNav, "flatpickr-disabled", bool);
+ self.__hidePrevMonthArrow = bool;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(self, "_hideNextMonthArrow", {
+ get: function () { return self.__hideNextMonthArrow; },
+ set: function (bool) {
+ if (self.__hideNextMonthArrow !== bool) {
+ toggleClass(self.nextMonthNav, "flatpickr-disabled", bool);
+ self.__hideNextMonthArrow = bool;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ self.currentYearElement = self.yearElements[0];
+ updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
+ return self.monthNav;
+ }
+ function buildTime() {
+ self.calendarContainer.classList.add("hasTime");
+ if (self.config.noCalendar)
+ self.calendarContainer.classList.add("noCalendar");
+ self.timeContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-time");
+ self.timeContainer.tabIndex = -1;
+ var separator = createElement("span", "flatpickr-time-separator", ":");
+ var hourInput = createNumberInput("flatpickr-hour", {
+ "aria-label": self.l10n.hourAriaLabel
+ });
+ self.hourElement = hourInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
+ var minuteInput = createNumberInput("flatpickr-minute", {
+ "aria-label": self.l10n.minuteAriaLabel
+ });
+ self.minuteElement = minuteInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
+ self.hourElement.tabIndex = self.minuteElement.tabIndex = -1;
+ self.hourElement.value = pad(self.latestSelectedDateObj
+ ? self.latestSelectedDateObj.getHours()
+ : self.config.time_24hr
+ ? self.config.defaultHour
+ : military2ampm(self.config.defaultHour));
+ self.minuteElement.value = pad(self.latestSelectedDateObj
+ ? self.latestSelectedDateObj.getMinutes()
+ : self.config.defaultMinute);
+ self.hourElement.setAttribute("step", self.config.hourIncrement.toString());
+ self.minuteElement.setAttribute("step", self.config.minuteIncrement.toString());
+ self.hourElement.setAttribute("min", self.config.time_24hr ? "0" : "1");
+ self.hourElement.setAttribute("max", self.config.time_24hr ? "23" : "12");
+ self.minuteElement.setAttribute("min", "0");
+ self.minuteElement.setAttribute("max", "59");
+ self.timeContainer.appendChild(hourInput);
+ self.timeContainer.appendChild(separator);
+ self.timeContainer.appendChild(minuteInput);
+ if (self.config.time_24hr)
+ self.timeContainer.classList.add("time24hr");
+ if (self.config.enableSeconds) {
+ self.timeContainer.classList.add("hasSeconds");
+ var secondInput = createNumberInput("flatpickr-second");
+ self.secondElement = secondInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
+ self.secondElement.value = pad(self.latestSelectedDateObj
+ ? self.latestSelectedDateObj.getSeconds()
+ : self.config.defaultSeconds);
+ self.secondElement.setAttribute("step", self.minuteElement.getAttribute("step"));
+ self.secondElement.setAttribute("min", "0");
+ self.secondElement.setAttribute("max", "59");
+ self.timeContainer.appendChild(createElement("span", "flatpickr-time-separator", ":"));
+ self.timeContainer.appendChild(secondInput);
+ }
+ if (!self.config.time_24hr) {
+ // add self.amPM if appropriate
+ self.amPM = createElement("span", "flatpickr-am-pm", self.l10n.amPM[int((self.latestSelectedDateObj
+ ? self.hourElement.value
+ : self.config.defaultHour) > 11)]);
+ self.amPM.title = self.l10n.toggleTitle;
+ self.amPM.tabIndex = -1;
+ self.timeContainer.appendChild(self.amPM);
+ }
+ return self.timeContainer;
+ }
+ function buildWeekdays() {
+ if (!self.weekdayContainer)
+ self.weekdayContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weekdays");
+ else
+ clearNode(self.weekdayContainer);
+ for (var i = self.config.showMonths; i--;) {
+ var container = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weekdaycontainer");
+ self.weekdayContainer.appendChild(container);
+ }
+ updateWeekdays();
+ return self.weekdayContainer;
+ }
+ function updateWeekdays() {
+ if (!self.weekdayContainer) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var firstDayOfWeek = self.l10n.firstDayOfWeek;
+ var weekdays = self.l10n.weekdays.shorthand.slice();
+ if (firstDayOfWeek > 0 && firstDayOfWeek < weekdays.length) {
+ weekdays = weekdays.splice(firstDayOfWeek, weekdays.length).concat(weekdays.splice(0, firstDayOfWeek));
+ }
+ for (var i = self.config.showMonths; i--;) {
+ self.weekdayContainer.children[i].innerHTML = "\n <span class='flatpickr-weekday'>\n " + weekdays.join("</span><span class='flatpickr-weekday'>") + "\n </span>\n ";
+ }
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function buildWeeks() {
+ self.calendarContainer.classList.add("hasWeeks");
+ var weekWrapper = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weekwrapper");
+ weekWrapper.appendChild(createElement("span", "flatpickr-weekday", self.l10n.weekAbbreviation));
+ var weekNumbers = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weeks");
+ weekWrapper.appendChild(weekNumbers);
+ return {
+ weekWrapper: weekWrapper,
+ weekNumbers: weekNumbers
+ };
+ }
+ function changeMonth(value, isOffset) {
+ if (isOffset === void 0) { isOffset = true; }
+ var delta = isOffset ? value : value - self.currentMonth;
+ if ((delta < 0 && self._hidePrevMonthArrow === true) ||
+ (delta > 0 && self._hideNextMonthArrow === true))
+ return;
+ self.currentMonth += delta;
+ if (self.currentMonth < 0 || self.currentMonth > 11) {
+ self.currentYear += self.currentMonth > 11 ? 1 : -1;
+ self.currentMonth = (self.currentMonth + 12) % 12;
+ triggerEvent("onYearChange");
+ buildMonthSwitch();
+ }
+ buildDays();
+ triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
+ updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
+ }
+ function clear(triggerChangeEvent, toInitial) {
+ if (triggerChangeEvent === void 0) { triggerChangeEvent = true; }
+ if (toInitial === void 0) { toInitial = true; }
+ self.input.value = "";
+ if (self.altInput !== undefined)
+ self.altInput.value = "";
+ if (self.mobileInput !== undefined)
+ self.mobileInput.value = "";
+ self.selectedDates = [];
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj = undefined;
+ if (toInitial === true) {
+ self.currentYear = self._initialDate.getFullYear();
+ self.currentMonth = self._initialDate.getMonth();
+ }
+ self.showTimeInput = false;
+ if (self.config.enableTime === true) {
+ setDefaultHours();
+ }
+ self.redraw();
+ if (triggerChangeEvent)
+ // triggerChangeEvent is true (default) or an Event
+ triggerEvent("onChange");
+ }
+ function close() {
+ self.isOpen = false;
+ if (!self.isMobile) {
+ if (self.calendarContainer !== undefined) {
+ self.calendarContainer.classList.remove("open");
+ }
+ if (self._input !== undefined) {
+ self._input.classList.remove("active");
+ }
+ }
+ triggerEvent("onClose");
+ }
+ function destroy() {
+ if (self.config !== undefined)
+ triggerEvent("onDestroy");
+ for (var i = self._handlers.length; i--;) {
+ var h = self._handlers[i];
+ h.element.removeEventListener(h.event, h.handler, h.options);
+ }
+ self._handlers = [];
+ if (self.mobileInput) {
+ if (self.mobileInput.parentNode)
+ self.mobileInput.parentNode.removeChild(self.mobileInput);
+ self.mobileInput = undefined;
+ }
+ else if (self.calendarContainer && self.calendarContainer.parentNode) {
+ if (self.config.static && self.calendarContainer.parentNode) {
+ var wrapper = self.calendarContainer.parentNode;
+ wrapper.lastChild && wrapper.removeChild(wrapper.lastChild);
+ if (wrapper.parentNode) {
+ while (wrapper.firstChild)
+ wrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper.firstChild, wrapper);
+ wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(wrapper);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ self.calendarContainer.parentNode.removeChild(self.calendarContainer);
+ }
+ if (self.altInput) {
+ self.input.type = "text";
+ if (self.altInput.parentNode)
+ self.altInput.parentNode.removeChild(self.altInput);
+ delete self.altInput;
+ }
+ if (self.input) {
+ self.input.type = self.input._type;
+ self.input.classList.remove("flatpickr-input");
+ self.input.removeAttribute("readonly");
+ self.input.value = "";
+ }
+ [
+ "_showTimeInput",
+ "latestSelectedDateObj",
+ "_hideNextMonthArrow",
+ "_hidePrevMonthArrow",
+ "__hideNextMonthArrow",
+ "__hidePrevMonthArrow",
+ "isMobile",
+ "isOpen",
+ "selectedDateElem",
+ "minDateHasTime",
+ "maxDateHasTime",
+ "days",
+ "daysContainer",
+ "_input",
+ "_positionElement",
+ "innerContainer",
+ "rContainer",
+ "monthNav",
+ "todayDateElem",
+ "calendarContainer",
+ "weekdayContainer",
+ "prevMonthNav",
+ "nextMonthNav",
+ "monthsDropdownContainer",
+ "currentMonthElement",
+ "currentYearElement",
+ "navigationCurrentMonth",
+ "selectedDateElem",
+ "config",
+ ].forEach(function (k) {
+ try {
+ delete self[k];
+ }
+ catch (_) { }
+ });
+ }
+ function isCalendarElem(elem) {
+ if (self.config.appendTo && self.config.appendTo.contains(elem))
+ return true;
+ return self.calendarContainer.contains(elem);
+ }
+ function documentClick(e) {
+ if (self.isOpen && !self.config.inline) {
+ var eventTarget_1 = getEventTarget(e);
+ var isCalendarElement = isCalendarElem(eventTarget_1);
+ var isInput = eventTarget_1 === self.input ||
+ eventTarget_1 === self.altInput ||
+ self.element.contains(eventTarget_1) ||
+ // web components
+ // e.path is not present in all browsers. circumventing typechecks
+ (e.path &&
+ e.path.indexOf &&
+ (~e.path.indexOf(self.input) ||
+ ~e.path.indexOf(self.altInput)));
+ var lostFocus = e.type === "blur"
+ ? isInput &&
+ e.relatedTarget &&
+ !isCalendarElem(e.relatedTarget)
+ : !isInput &&
+ !isCalendarElement &&
+ !isCalendarElem(e.relatedTarget);
+ var isIgnored = !self.config.ignoredFocusElements.some(function (elem) {
+ return elem.contains(eventTarget_1);
+ });
+ if (lostFocus && isIgnored) {
+ if (self.timeContainer !== undefined &&
+ self.minuteElement !== undefined &&
+ self.hourElement !== undefined) {
+ updateTime();
+ }
+ self.close();
+ if (self.config.mode === "range" && self.selectedDates.length === 1) {
+ self.clear(false);
+ self.redraw();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function changeYear(newYear) {
+ if (!newYear ||
+ (self.config.minDate && newYear < self.config.minDate.getFullYear()) ||
+ (self.config.maxDate && newYear > self.config.maxDate.getFullYear()))
+ return;
+ var newYearNum = newYear, isNewYear = self.currentYear !== newYearNum;
+ self.currentYear = newYearNum || self.currentYear;
+ if (self.config.maxDate &&
+ self.currentYear === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear()) {
+ self.currentMonth = Math.min(self.config.maxDate.getMonth(), self.currentMonth);
+ }
+ else if (self.config.minDate &&
+ self.currentYear === self.config.minDate.getFullYear()) {
+ self.currentMonth = Math.max(self.config.minDate.getMonth(), self.currentMonth);
+ }
+ if (isNewYear) {
+ self.redraw();
+ triggerEvent("onYearChange");
+ buildMonthSwitch();
+ }
+ }
+ function isEnabled(date, timeless) {
+ if (timeless === void 0) { timeless = true; }
+ var dateToCheck = self.parseDate(date, undefined, timeless); // timeless
+ if ((self.config.minDate &&
+ dateToCheck &&
+ compareDates(dateToCheck, self.config.minDate, timeless !== undefined ? timeless : !self.minDateHasTime) < 0) ||
+ (self.config.maxDate &&
+ dateToCheck &&
+ compareDates(dateToCheck, self.config.maxDate, timeless !== undefined ? timeless : !self.maxDateHasTime) > 0))
+ return false;
+ if (self.config.enable.length === 0 && self.config.disable.length === 0)
+ return true;
+ if (dateToCheck === undefined)
+ return false;
+ var bool = self.config.enable.length > 0, array = bool ? self.config.enable : self.config.disable;
+ for (var i = 0, d = void 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ d = array[i];
+ if (typeof d === "function" &&
+ d(dateToCheck) // disabled by function
+ )
+ return bool;
+ else if (d instanceof Date &&
+ dateToCheck !== undefined &&
+ d.getTime() === dateToCheck.getTime())
+ // disabled by date
+ return bool;
+ else if (typeof d === "string" && dateToCheck !== undefined) {
+ // disabled by date string
+ var parsed = self.parseDate(d, undefined, true);
+ return parsed && parsed.getTime() === dateToCheck.getTime()
+ ? bool
+ : !bool;
+ }
+ else if (
+ // disabled by range
+ typeof d === "object" &&
+ dateToCheck !== undefined &&
+ d.from &&
+ &&
+ dateToCheck.getTime() >= d.from.getTime() &&
+ dateToCheck.getTime() <=
+ return bool;
+ }
+ return !bool;
+ }
+ function isInView(elem) {
+ if (self.daysContainer !== undefined)
+ return (elem.className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 &&
+ self.daysContainer.contains(elem));
+ return false;
+ }
+ function onKeyDown(e) {
+ // e.key e.keyCode
+ // "Backspace" 8
+ // "Tab" 9
+ // "Enter" 13
+ // "Escape" (IE "Esc") 27
+ // "ArrowLeft" (IE "Left") 37
+ // "ArrowUp" (IE "Up") 38
+ // "ArrowRight" (IE "Right") 39
+ // "ArrowDown" (IE "Down") 40
+ // "Delete" (IE "Del") 46
+ var isInput = === self._input;
+ var allowInput = self.config.allowInput;
+ var allowKeydown = self.isOpen && (!allowInput || !isInput);
+ var allowInlineKeydown = self.config.inline && isInput && !allowInput;
+ if (e.keyCode === 13 && isInput) {
+ if (allowInput) {
+ self.setDate(self._input.value, true, === self.altInput
+ ? self.config.altFormat
+ : self.config.dateFormat);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isCalendarElem( ||
+ allowKeydown ||
+ allowInlineKeydown) {
+ var isTimeObj = !!self.timeContainer &&
+ self.timeContainer.contains(;
+ switch (e.keyCode) {
+ case 13:
+ if (isTimeObj) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ updateTime();
+ focusAndClose();
+ }
+ else
+ selectDate(e);
+ break;
+ case 27: // escape
+ e.preventDefault();
+ focusAndClose();
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ case 46:
+ if (isInput && !self.config.allowInput) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ self.clear();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ case 39:
+ if (!isTimeObj && !isInput) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (self.daysContainer !== undefined &&
+ (allowInput === false ||
+ (document.activeElement && isInView(document.activeElement)))) {
+ var delta_1 = e.keyCode === 39 ? 1 : -1;
+ if (!e.ctrlKey)
+ focusOnDay(undefined, delta_1);
+ else {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ changeMonth(delta_1);
+ focusOnDay(getFirstAvailableDay(1), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (self.hourElement)
+ self.hourElement.focus();
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ case 40:
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var delta = e.keyCode === 40 ? 1 : -1;
+ if ((self.daysContainer &&$i !== undefined) ||
+ === self.input ||
+ === self.altInput) {
+ if (e.ctrlKey) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ changeYear(self.currentYear - delta);
+ focusOnDay(getFirstAvailableDay(1), 0);
+ }
+ else if (!isTimeObj)
+ focusOnDay(undefined, delta * 7);
+ }
+ else if ( === self.currentYearElement) {
+ changeYear(self.currentYear - delta);
+ }
+ else if (self.config.enableTime) {
+ if (!isTimeObj && self.hourElement)
+ self.hourElement.focus();
+ updateTime(e);
+ self._debouncedChange();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ if (isTimeObj) {
+ var elems = [
+ self.hourElement,
+ self.minuteElement,
+ self.secondElement,
+ self.amPM,
+ ]
+ .concat(self.pluginElements)
+ .filter(function (x) { return x; });
+ var i = elems.indexOf(;
+ if (i !== -1) {
+ var target = elems[i + (e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1)];
+ e.preventDefault();
+ (target || self._input).focus();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!self.config.noCalendar &&
+ self.daysContainer &&
+ self.daysContainer.contains( &&
+ e.shiftKey) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ self._input.focus();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (self.amPM !== undefined && === self.amPM) {
+ switch (e.key) {
+ case self.l10n.amPM[0].charAt(0):
+ case self.l10n.amPM[0].charAt(0).toLowerCase():
+ self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[0];
+ setHoursFromInputs();
+ updateValue();
+ break;
+ case self.l10n.amPM[1].charAt(0):
+ case self.l10n.amPM[1].charAt(0).toLowerCase():
+ self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[1];
+ setHoursFromInputs();
+ updateValue();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isInput || isCalendarElem( {
+ triggerEvent("onKeyDown", e);
+ }
+ }
+ function onMouseOver(elem) {
+ if (self.selectedDates.length !== 1 ||
+ (elem &&
+ (!elem.classList.contains("flatpickr-day") ||
+ elem.classList.contains("flatpickr-disabled"))))
+ return;
+ var hoverDate = elem
+ ? elem.dateObj.getTime()
+ : self.days.firstElementChild.dateObj.getTime(), initialDate = self.parseDate(self.selectedDates[0], undefined, true).getTime(), rangeStartDate = Math.min(hoverDate, self.selectedDates[0].getTime()), rangeEndDate = Math.max(hoverDate, self.selectedDates[0].getTime());
+ var containsDisabled = false;
+ var minRange = 0, maxRange = 0;
+ for (var t = rangeStartDate; t < rangeEndDate; t += duration.DAY) {
+ if (!isEnabled(new Date(t), true)) {
+ containsDisabled =
+ containsDisabled || (t > rangeStartDate && t < rangeEndDate);
+ if (t < initialDate && (!minRange || t > minRange))
+ minRange = t;
+ else if (t > initialDate && (!maxRange || t < maxRange))
+ maxRange = t;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var m = 0; m < self.config.showMonths; m++) {
+ var month = self.daysContainer.children[m];
+ var _loop_1 = function (i, l) {
+ var dayElem = month.children[i], date = dayElem.dateObj;
+ var timestamp = date.getTime();
+ var outOfRange = (minRange > 0 && timestamp < minRange) ||
+ (maxRange > 0 && timestamp > maxRange);
+ if (outOfRange) {
+ dayElem.classList.add("notAllowed");
+ ["inRange", "startRange", "endRange"].forEach(function (c) {
+ dayElem.classList.remove(c);
+ });
+ return "continue";
+ }
+ else if (containsDisabled && !outOfRange)
+ return "continue";
+ ["startRange", "inRange", "endRange", "notAllowed"].forEach(function (c) {
+ dayElem.classList.remove(c);
+ });
+ if (elem !== undefined) {
+ elem.classList.add(hoverDate <= self.selectedDates[0].getTime()
+ ? "startRange"
+ : "endRange");
+ if (initialDate < hoverDate && timestamp === initialDate)
+ dayElem.classList.add("startRange");
+ else if (initialDate > hoverDate && timestamp === initialDate)
+ dayElem.classList.add("endRange");
+ if (timestamp >= minRange &&
+ (maxRange === 0 || timestamp <= maxRange) &&
+ isBetween(timestamp, initialDate, hoverDate))
+ dayElem.classList.add("inRange");
+ }
+ };
+ for (var i = 0, l = month.children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ _loop_1(i, l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function onResize() {
+ if (self.isOpen && !self.config.static && !self.config.inline)
+ positionCalendar();
+ }
+ function setDefaultTime() {
+ self.setDate(self.config.minDate !== undefined
+ ? new Date(self.config.minDate.getTime())
+ : new Date(), true);
+ setDefaultHours();
+ updateValue();
+ }
+ function open(e, positionElement) {
+ if (positionElement === void 0) { positionElement = self._positionElement; }
+ if (self.isMobile === true) {
+ if (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ &&;
+ }
+ if (self.mobileInput !== undefined) {
+ self.mobileInput.focus();
+ }
+ triggerEvent("onOpen");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self._input.disabled || self.config.inline)
+ return;
+ var wasOpen = self.isOpen;
+ self.isOpen = true;
+ if (!wasOpen) {
+ self.calendarContainer.classList.add("open");
+ self._input.classList.add("active");
+ triggerEvent("onOpen");
+ positionCalendar(positionElement);
+ }
+ if (self.config.enableTime === true && self.config.noCalendar === true) {
+ if (self.selectedDates.length === 0) {
+ setDefaultTime();
+ }
+ if (self.config.allowInput === false &&
+ (e === undefined ||
+ !self.timeContainer.contains(e.relatedTarget))) {
+ setTimeout(function () { return; }, 50);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function minMaxDateSetter(type) {
+ return function (date) {
+ var dateObj = (self.config["_" + type + "Date"] = self.parseDate(date, self.config.dateFormat));
+ var inverseDateObj = self.config["_" + (type === "min" ? "max" : "min") + "Date"];
+ if (dateObj !== undefined) {
+ self[type === "min" ? "minDateHasTime" : "maxDateHasTime"] =
+ dateObj.getHours() > 0 ||
+ dateObj.getMinutes() > 0 ||
+ dateObj.getSeconds() > 0;
+ }
+ if (self.selectedDates) {
+ self.selectedDates = self.selectedDates.filter(function (d) { return isEnabled(d); });
+ if (!self.selectedDates.length && type === "min")
+ setHoursFromDate(dateObj);
+ updateValue();
+ }
+ if (self.daysContainer) {
+ redraw();
+ if (dateObj !== undefined)
+ self.currentYearElement[type] = dateObj.getFullYear().toString();
+ else
+ self.currentYearElement.removeAttribute(type);
+ self.currentYearElement.disabled =
+ !!inverseDateObj &&
+ dateObj !== undefined &&
+ inverseDateObj.getFullYear() === dateObj.getFullYear();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function parseConfig() {
+ var boolOpts = [
+ "wrap",
+ "weekNumbers",
+ "allowInput",
+ "clickOpens",
+ "time_24hr",
+ "enableTime",
+ "noCalendar",
+ "altInput",
+ "shorthandCurrentMonth",
+ "inline",
+ "static",
+ "enableSeconds",
+ "disableMobile",
+ ];
+ var userConfig = __assign({}, instanceConfig, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element.dataset || {})));
+ var formats = {};
+ self.config.parseDate = userConfig.parseDate;
+ self.config.formatDate = userConfig.formatDate;
+ Object.defineProperty(self.config, "enable", {
+ get: function () { return self.config._enable; },
+ set: function (dates) {
+ self.config._enable = parseDateRules(dates);
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(self.config, "disable", {
+ get: function () { return self.config._disable; },
+ set: function (dates) {
+ self.config._disable = parseDateRules(dates);
+ }
+ });
+ var timeMode = userConfig.mode === "time";
+ if (!userConfig.dateFormat && (userConfig.enableTime || timeMode)) {
+ var defaultDateFormat = flatpickr.defaultConfig.dateFormat || defaults.dateFormat;
+ formats.dateFormat =
+ userConfig.noCalendar || timeMode
+ ? "H:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S" : "")
+ : defaultDateFormat + " H:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S" : "");
+ }
+ if (userConfig.altInput &&
+ (userConfig.enableTime || timeMode) &&
+ !userConfig.altFormat) {
+ var defaultAltFormat = flatpickr.defaultConfig.altFormat || defaults.altFormat;
+ formats.altFormat =
+ userConfig.noCalendar || timeMode
+ ? "h:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S K" : " K")
+ : defaultAltFormat + (" h:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S" : "") + " K");
+ }
+ if (!userConfig.altInputClass) {
+ self.config.altInputClass =
+ self.input.className + " " + self.config.altInputClass;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(self.config, "minDate", {
+ get: function () { return self.config._minDate; },
+ set: minMaxDateSetter("min")
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(self.config, "maxDate", {
+ get: function () { return self.config._maxDate; },
+ set: minMaxDateSetter("max")
+ });
+ var minMaxTimeSetter = function (type) { return function (val) {
+ self.config[type === "min" ? "_minTime" : "_maxTime"] = self.parseDate(val, "H:i:S");
+ }; };
+ Object.defineProperty(self.config, "minTime", {
+ get: function () { return self.config._minTime; },
+ set: minMaxTimeSetter("min")
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(self.config, "maxTime", {
+ get: function () { return self.config._maxTime; },
+ set: minMaxTimeSetter("max")
+ });
+ if (userConfig.mode === "time") {
+ self.config.noCalendar = true;
+ self.config.enableTime = true;
+ }
+ Object.assign(self.config, formats, userConfig);
+ for (var i = 0; i < boolOpts.length; i++)
+ self.config[boolOpts[i]] =
+ self.config[boolOpts[i]] === true ||
+ self.config[boolOpts[i]] === "true";
+ HOOKS.filter(function (hook) { return self.config[hook] !== undefined; }).forEach(function (hook) {
+ self.config[hook] = arrayify(self.config[hook] || []).map(bindToInstance);
+ });
+ self.isMobile =
+ !self.config.disableMobile &&
+ !self.config.inline &&
+ self.config.mode === "single" &&
+ !self.config.disable.length &&
+ !self.config.enable.length &&
+ !self.config.weekNumbers &&
+ /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
+ for (var i = 0; i < self.config.plugins.length; i++) {
+ var pluginConf = self.config.plugins[i](self) || {};
+ for (var key in pluginConf) {
+ if (HOOKS.indexOf(key) > -1) {
+ self.config[key] = arrayify(pluginConf[key])
+ .map(bindToInstance)
+ .concat(self.config[key]);
+ }
+ else if (typeof userConfig[key] === "undefined")
+ self.config[key] = pluginConf[key];
+ }
+ }
+ triggerEvent("onParseConfig");
+ }
+ function setupLocale() {
+ if (typeof self.config.locale !== "object" &&
+ typeof flatpickr.l10ns[self.config.locale] === "undefined")
+ self.config.errorHandler(new Error("flatpickr: invalid locale " + self.config.locale));
+ self.l10n = __assign({}, flatpickr.l10ns["default"], (typeof self.config.locale === "object"
+ ? self.config.locale
+ : self.config.locale !== "default"
+ ? flatpickr.l10ns[self.config.locale]
+ : undefined));
+ tokenRegex.K = "(" + self.l10n.amPM[0] + "|" + self.l10n.amPM[1] + "|" + self.l10n.amPM[0].toLowerCase() + "|" + self.l10n.amPM[1].toLowerCase() + ")";
+ var userConfig = __assign({}, instanceConfig, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element.dataset || {})));
+ if (userConfig.time_24hr === undefined &&
+ flatpickr.defaultConfig.time_24hr === undefined) {
+ self.config.time_24hr = self.l10n.time_24hr;
+ }
+ self.formatDate = createDateFormatter(self);
+ self.parseDate = createDateParser({ config: self.config, l10n: self.l10n });
+ }
+ function positionCalendar(customPositionElement) {
+ if (self.calendarContainer === undefined)
+ return;
+ triggerEvent("onPreCalendarPosition");
+ var positionElement = customPositionElement || self._positionElement;
+ var calendarHeight =, (function (acc, child) { return acc + child.offsetHeight; }), 0), calendarWidth = self.calendarContainer.offsetWidth, configPos = self.config.position.split(" "), configPosVertical = configPos[0], configPosHorizontal = configPos.length > 1 ? configPos[1] : null, inputBounds = positionElement.getBoundingClientRect(), distanceFromBottom = window.innerHeight - inputBounds.bottom, showOnTop = configPosVertical === "above" ||
+ (configPosVertical !== "below" &&
+ distanceFromBottom < calendarHeight &&
+ > calendarHeight);
+ var top = window.pageYOffset +
+ +
+ (!showOnTop ? positionElement.offsetHeight + 2 : -calendarHeight - 2);
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "arrowTop", !showOnTop);
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "arrowBottom", showOnTop);
+ if (self.config.inline)
+ return;
+ var left = window.pageXOffset +
+ inputBounds.left -
+ (configPosHorizontal != null && configPosHorizontal === "center"
+ ? (calendarWidth - inputBounds.width) / 2
+ : 0);
+ var right = window.document.body.offsetWidth - (window.pageXOffset + inputBounds.right);
+ var rightMost = left + calendarWidth > window.document.body.offsetWidth;
+ var centerMost = right + calendarWidth > window.document.body.offsetWidth;
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "rightMost", rightMost);
+ if (self.config.static)
+ return;
+ = top + "px";
+ if (!rightMost) {
+ = left + "px";
+ = "auto";
+ }
+ else if (!centerMost) {
+ = "auto";
+ = right + "px";
+ }
+ else {
+ var doc = document.styleSheets[0];
+ // some testing environments don't have css support
+ if (doc === undefined)
+ return;
+ var bodyWidth = window.document.body.offsetWidth;
+ var centerLeft = Math.max(0, bodyWidth / 2 - calendarWidth / 2);
+ var centerBefore = ".flatpickr-calendar.centerMost:before";
+ var centerAfter = ".flatpickr-calendar.centerMost:after";
+ var centerIndex = doc.cssRules.length;
+ var centerStyle = "{left:" + inputBounds.left + "px;right:auto;}";
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "rightMost", false);
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "centerMost", true);
+ doc.insertRule(centerBefore + "," + centerAfter + centerStyle, centerIndex);
+ = centerLeft + "px";
+ = "auto";
+ }
+ }
+ function redraw() {
+ if (self.config.noCalendar || self.isMobile)
+ return;
+ updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
+ buildDays();
+ }
+ function focusAndClose() {
+ self._input.focus();
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1 ||
+ navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== undefined) {
+ // hack - bugs in the way IE handles focus keeps the calendar open
+ setTimeout(self.close, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ self.close();
+ }
+ }
+ function selectDate(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var isSelectable = function (day) {
+ return day.classList &&
+ day.classList.contains("flatpickr-day") &&
+ !day.classList.contains("flatpickr-disabled") &&
+ !day.classList.contains("notAllowed");
+ };
+ var t = findParent(, isSelectable);
+ if (t === undefined)
+ return;
+ var target = t;
+ var selectedDate = (self.latestSelectedDateObj = new Date(target.dateObj.getTime()));
+ var shouldChangeMonth = (selectedDate.getMonth() < self.currentMonth ||
+ selectedDate.getMonth() >
+ self.currentMonth + self.config.showMonths - 1) &&
+ self.config.mode !== "range";
+ self.selectedDateElem = target;
+ if (self.config.mode === "single")
+ self.selectedDates = [selectedDate];
+ else if (self.config.mode === "multiple") {
+ var selectedIndex = isDateSelected(selectedDate);
+ if (selectedIndex)
+ self.selectedDates.splice(parseInt(selectedIndex), 1);
+ else
+ self.selectedDates.push(selectedDate);
+ }
+ else if (self.config.mode === "range") {
+ if (self.selectedDates.length === 2) {
+ self.clear(false, false);
+ }
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj = selectedDate;
+ self.selectedDates.push(selectedDate);
+ // unless selecting same date twice, sort ascendingly
+ if (compareDates(selectedDate, self.selectedDates[0], true) !== 0)
+ self.selectedDates.sort(function (a, b) { return a.getTime() - b.getTime(); });
+ }
+ setHoursFromInputs();
+ if (shouldChangeMonth) {
+ var isNewYear = self.currentYear !== selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ self.currentYear = selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ self.currentMonth = selectedDate.getMonth();
+ if (isNewYear) {
+ triggerEvent("onYearChange");
+ buildMonthSwitch();
+ }
+ triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
+ }
+ updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
+ buildDays();
+ updateValue();
+ if (self.config.enableTime)
+ setTimeout(function () { return (self.showTimeInput = true); }, 50);
+ // maintain focus
+ if (!shouldChangeMonth &&
+ self.config.mode !== "range" &&
+ self.config.showMonths === 1)
+ focusOnDayElem(target);
+ else if (self.selectedDateElem !== undefined &&
+ self.hourElement === undefined) {
+ self.selectedDateElem && self.selectedDateElem.focus();
+ }
+ if (self.hourElement !== undefined)
+ self.hourElement !== undefined && self.hourElement.focus();
+ if (self.config.closeOnSelect) {
+ var single = self.config.mode === "single" && !self.config.enableTime;
+ var range = self.config.mode === "range" &&
+ self.selectedDates.length === 2 &&
+ !self.config.enableTime;
+ if (single || range) {
+ focusAndClose();
+ }
+ }
+ triggerChange();
+ }
+ var CALLBACKS = {
+ locale: [setupLocale, updateWeekdays],
+ showMonths: [buildMonths, setCalendarWidth, buildWeekdays],
+ minDate: [jumpToDate],
+ maxDate: [jumpToDate]
+ };
+ function set(option, value) {
+ if (option !== null && typeof option === "object") {
+ Object.assign(self.config, option);
+ for (var key in option) {
+ if (CALLBACKS[key] !== undefined)
+ CALLBACKS[key].forEach(function (x) { return x(); });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ self.config[option] = value;
+ if (CALLBACKS[option] !== undefined)
+ CALLBACKS[option].forEach(function (x) { return x(); });
+ else if (HOOKS.indexOf(option) > -1)
+ self.config[option] = arrayify(value);
+ }
+ self.redraw();
+ updateValue(false);
+ }
+ function setSelectedDate(inputDate, format) {
+ var dates = [];
+ if (inputDate instanceof Array)
+ dates = (d) { return self.parseDate(d, format); });
+ else if (inputDate instanceof Date || typeof inputDate === "number")
+ dates = [self.parseDate(inputDate, format)];
+ else if (typeof inputDate === "string") {
+ switch (self.config.mode) {
+ case "single":
+ case "time":
+ dates = [self.parseDate(inputDate, format)];
+ break;
+ case "multiple":
+ dates = inputDate
+ .split(self.config.conjunction)
+ .map(function (date) { return self.parseDate(date, format); });
+ break;
+ case "range":
+ dates = inputDate
+ .split(self.l10n.rangeSeparator)
+ .map(function (date) { return self.parseDate(date, format); });
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ self.config.errorHandler(new Error("Invalid date supplied: " + JSON.stringify(inputDate)));
+ self.selectedDates = dates.filter(function (d) { return d instanceof Date && isEnabled(d, false); });
+ if (self.config.mode === "range")
+ self.selectedDates.sort(function (a, b) { return a.getTime() - b.getTime(); });
+ }
+ function setDate(date, triggerChange, format) {
+ if (triggerChange === void 0) { triggerChange = false; }
+ if (format === void 0) { format = self.config.dateFormat; }
+ if ((date !== 0 && !date) || (date instanceof Array && date.length === 0))
+ return self.clear(triggerChange);
+ setSelectedDate(date, format);
+ self.showTimeInput = self.selectedDates.length > 0;
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj =
+ self.selectedDates[self.selectedDates.length - 1];
+ self.redraw();
+ jumpToDate();
+ setHoursFromDate();
+ if (self.selectedDates.length === 0) {
+ self.clear(false);
+ }
+ updateValue(triggerChange);
+ if (triggerChange)
+ triggerEvent("onChange");
+ }
+ function parseDateRules(arr) {
+ return arr
+ .slice()
+ .map(function (rule) {
+ if (typeof rule === "string" ||
+ typeof rule === "number" ||
+ rule instanceof Date) {
+ return self.parseDate(rule, undefined, true);
+ }
+ else if (rule &&
+ typeof rule === "object" &&
+ rule.from &&
+ return {
+ from: self.parseDate(rule.from, undefined),
+ to: self.parseDate(, undefined)
+ };
+ return rule;
+ })
+ .filter(function (x) { return x; }); // remove falsy values
+ }
+ function setupDates() {
+ self.selectedDates = [];
+ = self.parseDate( || new Date();
+ // Workaround IE11 setting placeholder as the input's value
+ var preloadedDate = self.config.defaultDate ||
+ ((self.input.nodeName === "INPUT" ||
+ self.input.nodeName === "TEXTAREA") &&
+ self.input.placeholder &&
+ self.input.value === self.input.placeholder
+ ? null
+ : self.input.value);
+ if (preloadedDate)
+ setSelectedDate(preloadedDate, self.config.dateFormat);
+ self._initialDate =
+ self.selectedDates.length > 0
+ ? self.selectedDates[0]
+ : self.config.minDate &&
+ self.config.minDate.getTime() >
+ ? self.config.minDate
+ : self.config.maxDate &&
+ self.config.maxDate.getTime() <
+ ? self.config.maxDate
+ :;
+ self.currentYear = self._initialDate.getFullYear();
+ self.currentMonth = self._initialDate.getMonth();
+ if (self.selectedDates.length > 0)
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj = self.selectedDates[0];
+ if (self.config.minTime !== undefined)
+ self.config.minTime = self.parseDate(self.config.minTime, "H:i");
+ if (self.config.maxTime !== undefined)
+ self.config.maxTime = self.parseDate(self.config.maxTime, "H:i");
+ self.minDateHasTime =
+ !!self.config.minDate &&
+ (self.config.minDate.getHours() > 0 ||
+ self.config.minDate.getMinutes() > 0 ||
+ self.config.minDate.getSeconds() > 0);
+ self.maxDateHasTime =
+ !!self.config.maxDate &&
+ (self.config.maxDate.getHours() > 0 ||
+ self.config.maxDate.getMinutes() > 0 ||
+ self.config.maxDate.getSeconds() > 0);
+ Object.defineProperty(self, "showTimeInput", {
+ get: function () { return self._showTimeInput; },
+ set: function (bool) {
+ self._showTimeInput = bool;
+ if (self.calendarContainer)
+ toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "showTimeInput", bool);
+ self.isOpen && positionCalendar();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function setupInputs() {
+ self.input = self.config.wrap
+ ? element.querySelector("[data-input]")
+ : element;
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (!self.input) {
+ self.config.errorHandler(new Error("Invalid input element specified"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // hack: store previous type to restore it after destroy()
+ self.input._type = self.input.type;
+ self.input.type = "text";
+ self.input.classList.add("flatpickr-input");
+ self._input = self.input;
+ if (self.config.altInput) {
+ // replicate self.element
+ self.altInput = createElement(self.input.nodeName, self.config.altInputClass);
+ self._input = self.altInput;
+ self.altInput.placeholder = self.input.placeholder;
+ self.altInput.disabled = self.input.disabled;
+ self.altInput.required = self.input.required;
+ self.altInput.tabIndex = self.input.tabIndex;
+ self.altInput.type = "text";
+ self.input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
+ if (!self.config.static && self.input.parentNode)
+ self.input.parentNode.insertBefore(self.altInput, self.input.nextSibling);
+ }
+ if (!self.config.allowInput)
+ self._input.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
+ self._positionElement = self.config.positionElement || self._input;
+ }
+ function setupMobile() {
+ var inputType = self.config.enableTime
+ ? self.config.noCalendar
+ ? "time"
+ : "datetime-local"
+ : "date";
+ self.mobileInput = createElement("input", self.input.className + " flatpickr-mobile");
+ self.mobileInput.step = self.input.getAttribute("step") || "any";
+ self.mobileInput.tabIndex = 1;
+ self.mobileInput.type = inputType;
+ self.mobileInput.disabled = self.input.disabled;
+ self.mobileInput.required = self.input.required;
+ self.mobileInput.placeholder = self.input.placeholder;
+ self.mobileFormatStr =
+ inputType === "datetime-local"
+ ? "Y-m-d\\TH:i:S"
+ : inputType === "date"
+ ? "Y-m-d"
+ : "H:i:S";
+ if (self.selectedDates.length > 0) {
+ self.mobileInput.defaultValue = self.mobileInput.value = self.formatDate(self.selectedDates[0], self.mobileFormatStr);
+ }
+ if (self.config.minDate)
+ self.mobileInput.min = self.formatDate(self.config.minDate, "Y-m-d");
+ if (self.config.maxDate)
+ self.mobileInput.max = self.formatDate(self.config.maxDate, "Y-m-d");
+ self.input.type = "hidden";
+ if (self.altInput !== undefined)
+ self.altInput.type = "hidden";
+ try {
+ if (self.input.parentNode)
+ self.input.parentNode.insertBefore(self.mobileInput, self.input.nextSibling);
+ }
+ catch (_a) { }
+ bind(self.mobileInput, "change", function (e) {
+ self.setDate(, false, self.mobileFormatStr);
+ triggerEvent("onChange");
+ triggerEvent("onClose");
+ });
+ }
+ function toggle(e) {
+ if (self.isOpen === true)
+ return self.close();
+ }
+ function triggerEvent(event, data) {
+ // If the instance has been destroyed already, all hooks have been removed
+ if (self.config === undefined)
+ return;
+ var hooks = self.config[event];
+ if (hooks !== undefined && hooks.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; hooks[i] && i < hooks.length; i++)
+ hooks[i](self.selectedDates, self.input.value, self, data);
+ }
+ if (event === "onChange") {
+ self.input.dispatchEvent(createEvent("change"));
+ // many front-end frameworks bind to the input event
+ self.input.dispatchEvent(createEvent("input"));
+ }
+ }
+ function createEvent(name) {
+ var e = document.createEvent("Event");
+ e.initEvent(name, true, true);
+ return e;
+ }
+ function isDateSelected(date) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < self.selectedDates.length; i++) {
+ if (compareDates(self.selectedDates[i], date) === 0)
+ return "" + i;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function isDateInRange(date) {
+ if (self.config.mode !== "range" || self.selectedDates.length < 2)
+ return false;
+ return (compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[0]) >= 0 &&
+ compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[1]) <= 0);
+ }
+ function updateNavigationCurrentMonth() {
+ if (self.config.noCalendar || self.isMobile || !self.monthNav)
+ return;
+ self.yearElements.forEach(function (yearElement, i) {
+ var d = new Date(self.currentYear, self.currentMonth, 1);
+ d.setMonth(self.currentMonth + i);
+ if (self.config.showMonths > 1 ||
+ self.config.monthSelectorType === "static") {
+ self.monthElements[i].textContent =
+ monthToStr(d.getMonth(), self.config.shorthandCurrentMonth, self.l10n) + " ";
+ }
+ else {
+ self.monthsDropdownContainer.value = d.getMonth().toString();
+ }
+ yearElement.value = d.getFullYear().toString();
+ });
+ self._hidePrevMonthArrow =
+ self.config.minDate !== undefined &&
+ (self.currentYear === self.config.minDate.getFullYear()
+ ? self.currentMonth <= self.config.minDate.getMonth()
+ : self.currentYear < self.config.minDate.getFullYear());
+ self._hideNextMonthArrow =
+ self.config.maxDate !== undefined &&
+ (self.currentYear === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear()
+ ? self.currentMonth + 1 > self.config.maxDate.getMonth()
+ : self.currentYear > self.config.maxDate.getFullYear());
+ }
+ function getDateStr(format) {
+ return self.selectedDates
+ .map(function (dObj) { return self.formatDate(dObj, format); })
+ .filter(function (d, i, arr) {
+ return self.config.mode !== "range" ||
+ self.config.enableTime ||
+ arr.indexOf(d) === i;
+ })
+ .join(self.config.mode !== "range"
+ ? self.config.conjunction
+ : self.l10n.rangeSeparator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the values of inputs associated with the calendar
+ */
+ function updateValue(triggerChange) {
+ if (triggerChange === void 0) { triggerChange = true; }
+ if (self.mobileInput !== undefined && self.mobileFormatStr) {
+ self.mobileInput.value =
+ self.latestSelectedDateObj !== undefined
+ ? self.formatDate(self.latestSelectedDateObj, self.mobileFormatStr)
+ : "";
+ }
+ self.input.value = getDateStr(self.config.dateFormat);
+ if (self.altInput !== undefined) {
+ self.altInput.value = getDateStr(self.config.altFormat);
+ }
+ if (triggerChange !== false)
+ triggerEvent("onValueUpdate");
+ }
+ function onMonthNavClick(e) {
+ var isPrevMonth = self.prevMonthNav.contains(;
+ var isNextMonth = self.nextMonthNav.contains(;
+ if (isPrevMonth || isNextMonth) {
+ changeMonth(isPrevMonth ? -1 : 1);
+ }
+ else if (self.yearElements.indexOf( >= 0) {
+ }
+ else if ("arrowUp")) {
+ self.changeYear(self.currentYear + 1);
+ }
+ else if ("arrowDown")) {
+ self.changeYear(self.currentYear - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function timeWrapper(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var isKeyDown = e.type === "keydown", input =;
+ if (self.amPM !== undefined && === self.amPM) {
+ self.amPM.textContent =
+ self.l10n.amPM[int(self.amPM.textContent === self.l10n.amPM[0])];
+ }
+ var min = parseFloat(input.getAttribute("min")), max = parseFloat(input.getAttribute("max")), step = parseFloat(input.getAttribute("step")), curValue = parseInt(input.value, 10), delta = ||
+ (isKeyDown ? (e.which === 38 ? 1 : -1) : 0);
+ var newValue = curValue + step * delta;
+ if (typeof input.value !== "undefined" && input.value.length === 2) {
+ var isHourElem = input === self.hourElement, isMinuteElem = input === self.minuteElement;
+ if (newValue < min) {
+ newValue =
+ max +
+ newValue +
+ int(!isHourElem) +
+ (int(isHourElem) && int(!self.amPM));
+ if (isMinuteElem)
+ incrementNumInput(undefined, -1, self.hourElement);
+ }
+ else if (newValue > max) {
+ newValue =
+ input === self.hourElement ? newValue - max - int(!self.amPM) : min;
+ if (isMinuteElem)
+ incrementNumInput(undefined, 1, self.hourElement);
+ }
+ if (self.amPM &&
+ isHourElem &&
+ (step === 1
+ ? newValue + curValue === 23
+ : Math.abs(newValue - curValue) > step)) {
+ self.amPM.textContent =
+ self.l10n.amPM[int(self.amPM.textContent === self.l10n.amPM[0])];
+ }
+ input.value = pad(newValue);
+ }
+ }
+ init();
+ return self;
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function _flatpickr(nodeList, config) {
+ // static list
+ var nodes = Array.prototype.slice
+ .call(nodeList)
+ .filter(function (x) { return x instanceof HTMLElement; });
+ var instances = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ var node = nodes[i];
+ try {
+ if (node.getAttribute("data-fp-omit") !== null)
+ continue;
+ if (node._flatpickr !== undefined) {
+ node._flatpickr.destroy();
+ node._flatpickr = undefined;
+ }
+ node._flatpickr = FlatpickrInstance(node, config || {});
+ instances.push(node._flatpickr);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return instances.length === 1 ? instances[0] : instances;
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" &&
+ typeof HTMLCollection !== "undefined" &&
+ typeof NodeList !== "undefined") {
+ // browser env
+ HTMLCollection.prototype.flatpickr = NodeList.prototype.flatpickr = function (config) {
+ return _flatpickr(this, config);
+ };
+ HTMLElement.prototype.flatpickr = function (config) {
+ return _flatpickr([this], config);
+ };
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ var flatpickr = function (selector, config) {
+ if (typeof selector === "string") {
+ return _flatpickr(window.document.querySelectorAll(selector), config);
+ }
+ else if (selector instanceof Node) {
+ return _flatpickr([selector], config);
+ }
+ else {
+ return _flatpickr(selector, config);
+ }
+ };
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ flatpickr.defaultConfig = {};
+ flatpickr.l10ns = {
+ en: __assign({}, english),
+ "default": __assign({}, english)
+ };
+ flatpickr.localize = function (l10n) {
+ flatpickr.l10ns["default"] = __assign({}, flatpickr.l10ns["default"], l10n);
+ };
+ flatpickr.setDefaults = function (config) {
+ flatpickr.defaultConfig = __assign({}, flatpickr.defaultConfig, config);
+ };
+ flatpickr.parseDate = createDateParser({});
+ flatpickr.formatDate = createDateFormatter({});
+ flatpickr.compareDates = compareDates;
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && typeof jQuery.fn !== "undefined") {
+ jQuery.fn.flatpickr = function (config) {
+ return _flatpickr(this, config);
+ };
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
+ Date.prototype.fp_incr = function (days) {
+ return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate() + (typeof days === "string" ? parseInt(days, 10) : days));
+ };
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
+ window.flatpickr = flatpickr;
+ }
+ return flatpickr;
diff --git a/public/js/vendor/flatpickr.min.js b/public/js/vendor/flatpickr.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c850b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/vendor/flatpickr.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* flatpickr v4.6.3,, @license MIT */
+!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(e=e||self).flatpickr=t()}(this,function(){"use strict";var e=function(){return(e=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t,n=1,a=arguments.length;n<a;n++)for(var i in t=arguments[n]),i)&&(e[i]=t[i]);return e}).apply(this,arguments)},t=["onChange","onClose","onDayCreate","onDestroy","onKeyDown","onMonthChange","onOpen","onParseConfig","onReady","onValueUpdate","onYearChange","onPreCalendarPosition"],n={_disable:[],_enable:[],allowInput:!1,altFormat:"F j, Y",altInput:!1,altInputClass:"form-control input",animate:"object"==typeof window&&-1===window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE"),ariaDateFormat:"F j, Y",clickOpens:!0,closeOnSelect:!0,conjunction:", ",dateFormat:"Y-m-d",defaultHour:12,defaultMinute:0,defaultSeconds:0,disable:[],disableMobile:!1,enable:[],enableSeconds:!1,enableTime:!1,errorHandler:function(e){return"undefined"!=typeof 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s=r.children[d];if(-1===s.className.indexOf("hidden")&&X(s.dateObj)&&Math.abs(e.$i-d)>=Math.abs(t))return L(s)}h.changeMonth(i),R(W(i),0)}(a,t):L(a)}function B(e,t){for(var n=(new Date(e,t,1).getDay()-h.l10n.firstDayOfWeek+7)%7,a=h.utils.getDaysInMonth((t-1+12)%12),i=h.utils.getDaysInMonth(t),o=window.document.createDocumentFragment(),r=h.config.showMonths>1,l=r?"prevMonthDay hidden":"prevMonthDay",c=r?"nextMonthDay hidden":"nextMonthDay",s=a+1-n,u=0;s<=a;s++,u++)o.appendChild(H(l,new Date(e,t-1,s),s,u));for(s=1;s<=i;s++,u++)o.appendChild(H("",new Date(e,t,s),s,u));for(var f=i+1;f<=42-n&&(1===h.config.showMonths||u%7!=0);f++,u++)o.appendChild(H(c,new Date(e,t+1,f%i),f,u));var m=d("div","dayContainer");return m.appendChild(o),m}function J(){if(void 0!==h.daysContainer){s(h.daysContainer),h.weekNumbers&&s(h.weekNumbers);for(var e=document.createDocumentFragment(),t=0;t<h.config.showMonths;t++){var n=new 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0!==n&&a.getFullYear()===n.getFullYear())}}function re(){"object"!=typeof h.config.locale&&void 0===E.l10ns[h.config.locale]&&h.config.errorHandler(new Error("flatpickr: invalid locale "+h.config.locale)),h.l10n=e({},E.l10ns.default,"object"==typeof h.config.locale?h.config.locale:"default"!==h.config.locale?E.l10ns[h.config.locale]:void 0),p.K="("+h.l10n.amPM[0]+"|"+h.l10n.amPM[1]+"|"+h.l10n.amPM[0].toLowerCase()+"|"+h.l10n.amPM[1].toLowerCase()+")",void 0===e({},g,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(f.dataset||{}))).time_24hr&&void 0===E.defaultConfig.time_24hr&&(h.config.time_24hr=h.l10n.time_24hr),h.formatDate=v(h),h.parseDate=D({config:h.config,l10n:h.l10n})}function le(e){if(void 0!==h.calendarContainer){ge("onPreCalendarPosition");var t=e||h._positionElement,,function(e,t){return e+t.offsetHeight},0),a=h.calendarContainer.offsetWidth,i=h.config.position.split(" 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e.getTime()-t.getTime()}));if(k(),i){var r=h.currentYear!==a.getFullYear();h.currentYear=a.getFullYear(),h.currentMonth=a.getMonth(),r&&(ge("onYearChange"),K()),ge("onMonthChange")}if(ve(),J(),we(),h.config.enableTime&&setTimeout(function(){return h.showTimeInput=!0},50),i||"range"===h.config.mode||1!==h.config.showMonths?void 0!==h.selectedDateElem&&void 0===h.hourElement&&h.selectedDateElem&&h.selectedDateElem.focus():L(n),void 0!==h.hourElement&&void 0!==h.hourElement&&h.hourElement.focus(),h.config.closeOnSelect){var l="single"===h.config.mode&&!h.config.enableTime,c="range"===h.config.mode&&2===h.selectedDates.length&&!h.config.enableTime;(l||c)&&de()}Y()}}h.parseDate=D({config:h.config,l10n:h.l10n}),h._handlers=[],h.pluginElements=[],h.loadedPlugins=[],h._bind=F,h._setHoursFromDate=I,h._positionCalendar=le,h.changeMonth=G,h.changeYear=Q,h.clear=function(e,t){void 0===e&&(e=!0);void 0===t&&(t=!0);h.input.value="",void 0!==h.altInput&&(h.altInput.value="");void 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e.getTime()-t.getTime()})}function me(e){return e.slice().map(function(e){return"string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e||e instanceof Date?h.parseDate(e,void 0,!0):e&&"object"==typeof e&&e.from&&{from:h.parseDate(e.from,void 0),to:h.parseDate(,void 0)}:e}).filter(function(e){return e})}function ge(e,t){if(void 0!==h.config){var n=h.config[e];if(void 0!==n&&n.length>0)for(var a=0;n[a]&&a<n.length;a++)n[a](h.selectedDates,h.input.value,h,t);"onChange"===e&&(h.input.dispatchEvent(pe("change")),h.input.dispatchEvent(pe("input")))}}function pe(e){var t=document.createEvent("Event");return t.initEvent(e,!0,!0),t}function he(e){for(var t=0;t<h.selectedDates.length;t++)if(0===w(h.selectedDates[t],e))return""+t;return!1}function ve(){h.config.noCalendar||h.isMobile||!h.monthNav||(h.yearElements.forEach(function(e,t){var n=new 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