path: root/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage')
12 files changed, 4169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Abstract.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Abstract.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d522789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Abstract.php
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+abstract class Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract implements Countable, ArrayAccess, SeekableIterator
+ /**
+ * class capabilities with default values
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $_has = array('uniqueid' => true,
+ 'delete' => false,
+ 'create' => false,
+ 'top' => false,
+ 'fetchPart' => true,
+ 'flags' => false);
+ /**
+ * current iteration position
+ * @var int
+ */
+ protected $_iterationPos = 0;
+ /**
+ * maximum iteration position (= message count)
+ * @var null|int
+ */
+ protected $_iterationMax = null;
+ /**
+ * used message class, change it in an extened class to extend the returned message class
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_messageClass = 'Zend_Mail_Message';
+ /**
+ * Getter for has-properties. The standard has properties
+ * are: hasFolder, hasUniqueid, hasDelete, hasCreate, hasTop
+ *
+ * The valid values for the has-properties are:
+ * - true if a feature is supported
+ * - false if a feature is not supported
+ * - null is it's not yet known or it can't be know if a feature is supported
+ *
+ * @param string $var property name
+ * @return bool supported or not
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __get($var)
+ {
+ if (strpos($var, 'has') === 0) {
+ $var = strtolower(substr($var, 3));
+ return isset($this->_has[$var]) ? $this->_has[$var] : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception($var . ' not found');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a full list of features supported by the specific mail lib and the server
+ *
+ * @return array list of features as array(featurename => true|false[|null])
+ */
+ public function getCapabilities()
+ {
+ return $this->_has;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Count messages messages in current box/folder
+ *
+ * @return int number of messages
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ abstract public function countMessages();
+ /**
+ * Get a list of messages with number and size
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return int|array size of given message of list with all messages as array(num => size)
+ */
+ abstract public function getSize($id = 0);
+ /**
+ * Get a message with headers and body
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message
+ */
+ abstract public function getMessage($id);
+ /**
+ * Get raw header of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage header
+ * @param int $topLines include this many lines with header (after an empty line)
+ * @return string raw header
+ */
+ abstract public function getRawHeader($id, $part = null, $topLines = 0);
+ /**
+ * Get raw content of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage content
+ * @return string raw content
+ */
+ abstract public function getRawContent($id, $part = null);
+ /**
+ * Create instance with parameters
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ abstract public function __construct($params);
+ /**
+ * Destructor calls close() and therefore closes the resource.
+ */
+ public function __destruct()
+ {
+ $this->close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close resource for mail lib. If you need to control, when the resource
+ * is closed. Otherwise the destructor would call this.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ abstract public function close();
+ /**
+ * Keep the resource alive.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ abstract public function noop();
+ /**
+ * delete a message from current box/folder
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ abstract public function removeMessage($id);
+ /**
+ * get unique id for one or all messages
+ *
+ * if storage does not support unique ids it's the same as the message number
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id message number
+ * @return array|string message number for given message or all messages as array
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ abstract public function getUniqueId($id = null);
+ /**
+ * get a message number from a unique id
+ *
+ * I.e. if you have a webmailer that supports deleting messages you should use unique ids
+ * as parameter and use this method to translate it to message number right before calling removeMessage()
+ *
+ * @param string $id unique id
+ * @return int message number
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ abstract public function getNumberByUniqueId($id);
+ // interface implementations follows
+ /**
+ * Countable::count()
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function count()
+ {
+ return $this->countMessages();
+ }
+ /**
+ * ArrayAccess::offsetExists()
+ *
+ * @param int $id
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function offsetExists($id)
+ {
+ try {
+ if ($this->getMessage($id)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } catch(Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception $e) {}
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * ArrayAccess::offsetGet()
+ *
+ * @param int $id
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message message object
+ */
+ public function offsetGet($id)
+ {
+ return $this->getMessage($id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ArrayAccess::offsetSet()
+ *
+ * @param id $id
+ * @param mixed $value
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function offsetSet($id, $value)
+ {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot write mail messages via array access');
+ }
+ /**
+ * ArrayAccess::offsetUnset()
+ *
+ * @param int $id
+ * @return boolean success
+ */
+ public function offsetUnset($id)
+ {
+ return $this->removeMessage($id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterator::rewind()
+ *
+ * Rewind always gets the new count from the storage. Thus if you use
+ * the interfaces and your scripts take long you should use reset()
+ * from time to time.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function rewind()
+ {
+ $this->_iterationMax = $this->countMessages();
+ $this->_iterationPos = 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterator::current()
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message current message
+ */
+ public function current()
+ {
+ return $this->getMessage($this->_iterationPos);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterator::key()
+ *
+ * @return int id of current position
+ */
+ public function key()
+ {
+ return $this->_iterationPos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterator::next()
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function next()
+ {
+ ++$this->_iterationPos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterator::valid()
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function valid()
+ {
+ if ($this->_iterationMax === null) {
+ $this->_iterationMax = $this->countMessages();
+ }
+ return $this->_iterationPos && $this->_iterationPos <= $this->_iterationMax;
+ }
+ /**
+ * SeekableIterator::seek()
+ *
+ * @param int $pos
+ * @return void
+ * @throws OutOfBoundsException
+ */
+ public function seek($pos)
+ {
+ if ($this->_iterationMax === null) {
+ $this->_iterationMax = $this->countMessages();
+ }
+ if ($pos > $this->_iterationMax) {
+ throw new OutOfBoundsException('this position does not exist');
+ }
+ $this->_iterationPos = $pos;
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Exception.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Exception.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9c9021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Exception.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Exception
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception extends Zend_Mail_Exception
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19d0269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder implements RecursiveIterator
+ /**
+ * subfolders of folder array(localName => Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder folder)
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $_folders;
+ /**
+ * local name (name of folder in parent folder)
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_localName;
+ /**
+ * global name (absolute name of folder)
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_globalName;
+ /**
+ * folder is selectable if folder is able to hold messages, else it's just a parent folder
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ protected $_selectable = true;
+ /**
+ * create a new mail folder instance
+ *
+ * @param string $localName name of folder in current subdirectory
+ * @param string $globalName absolute name of folder
+ * @param bool $selectable if true folder holds messages, if false it's just a parent for subfolders
+ * @param array $folders init with given instances of Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder as subfolders
+ */
+ public function __construct($localName, $globalName = '', $selectable = true, array $folders = array())
+ {
+ $this->_localName = $localName;
+ $this->_globalName = $globalName ? $globalName : $localName;
+ $this->_selectable = $selectable;
+ $this->_folders = $folders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements RecursiveIterator::hasChildren()
+ *
+ * @return bool current element has children
+ */
+ public function hasChildren()
+ {
+ $current = $this->current();
+ return $current && $current instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder && !$current->isLeaf();
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements RecursiveIterator::getChildren()
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder same as self::current()
+ */
+ public function getChildren()
+ {
+ return $this->current();
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements Iterator::valid()
+ *
+ * @return bool check if there's a current element
+ */
+ public function valid()
+ {
+ return key($this->_folders) !== null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements Iterator::next()
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function next()
+ {
+ next($this->_folders);
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements Iterator::key()
+ *
+ * @return string key/local name of current element
+ */
+ public function key()
+ {
+ return key($this->_folders);
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements Iterator::current()
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder current folder
+ */
+ public function current()
+ {
+ return current($this->_folders);
+ }
+ /**
+ * implements Iterator::rewind()
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function rewind()
+ {
+ reset($this->_folders);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get subfolder named $name
+ *
+ * @param string $name wanted subfolder
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder folder named $folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __get($name)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->_folders[$name])) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("no subfolder named $name");
+ }
+ return $this->_folders[$name];
+ }
+ /**
+ * add or replace subfolder named $name
+ *
+ * @param string $name local name of subfolder
+ * @param Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder instance for new subfolder
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function __set($name, Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder)
+ {
+ $this->_folders[$name] = $folder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * remove subfolder named $name
+ *
+ * @param string $name local name of subfolder
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function __unset($name)
+ {
+ unset($this->_folders[$name]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * magic method for easy output of global name
+ *
+ * @return string global name of folder
+ */
+ public function __toString()
+ {
+ return (string)$this->getGlobalName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * get local name
+ *
+ * @return string local name
+ */
+ public function getLocalName()
+ {
+ return $this->_localName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get global name
+ *
+ * @return string global name
+ */
+ public function getGlobalName()
+ {
+ return $this->_globalName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * is this folder selectable?
+ *
+ * @return bool selectable
+ */
+ public function isSelectable()
+ {
+ return $this->_selectable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if folder has no subfolder
+ *
+ * @return bool true if no subfolders
+ */
+ public function isLeaf()
+ {
+ return empty($this->_folders);
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Interface.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Interface.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc09205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Interface.php
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+interface Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface
+ /**
+ * get root folder or given folder
+ *
+ * @param string $rootFolder get folder structure for given folder, else root
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder root or wanted folder
+ */
+ public function getFolders($rootFolder = null);
+ /**
+ * select given folder
+ *
+ * folder must be selectable!
+ *
+ * @param Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder|string $globalName global name of folder or instance for subfolder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function selectFolder($globalName);
+ /**
+ * get Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance for current folder
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance of current folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getCurrentFolder();
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Maildir.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Maildir.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c9838e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Maildir.php
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir implements Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface
+ /**
+ * Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder root folder for folder structure
+ * @var Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder
+ */
+ protected $_rootFolder;
+ /**
+ * rootdir of folder structure
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_rootdir;
+ /**
+ * name of current folder
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_currentFolder;
+ /**
+ * delim char for subfolders
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_delim;
+ /**
+ * Create instance with parameters
+ * Supported parameters are:
+ * - dirname rootdir of maildir structure
+ * - delim delim char for folder structur, default is '.'
+ * - folder intial selected folder, default is 'INBOX'
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ if (!isset($params->dirname) || !is_dir($params->dirname)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('no valid dirname given in params');
+ }
+ $this->_rootdir = rtrim($params->dirname, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ $this->_delim = isset($params->delim) ? $params->delim : '.';
+ $this->_buildFolderTree();
+ $this->selectFolder(!empty($params->folder) ? $params->folder : 'INBOX');
+ $this->_has['top'] = true;
+ $this->_has['flags'] = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * find all subfolders and mbox files for folder structure
+ *
+ * Result is save in Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instances with the root in $this->_rootFolder.
+ * $parentFolder and $parentGlobalName are only used internally for recursion.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _buildFolderTree()
+ {
+ $this->_rootFolder = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder('/', '/', false);
+ $this->_rootFolder->INBOX = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder('INBOX', 'INBOX', true);
+ $dh = @opendir($this->_rootdir);
+ if (!$dh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("can't read folders in maildir");
+ }
+ $dirs = array();
+ while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ // maildir++ defines folders must start with .
+ if ($entry[0] != '.' || $entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->_isMaildir($this->_rootdir . $entry)) {
+ $dirs[] = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ sort($dirs);
+ $stack = array(null);
+ $folderStack = array(null);
+ $parentFolder = $this->_rootFolder;
+ $parent = '.';
+ foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
+ do {
+ if (strpos($dir, $parent) === 0) {
+ $local = substr($dir, strlen($parent));
+ if (strpos($local, $this->_delim) !== false) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('error while reading maildir');
+ }
+ array_push($stack, $parent);
+ $parent = $dir . $this->_delim;
+ $folder = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder($local, substr($dir, 1), true);
+ $parentFolder->$local = $folder;
+ array_push($folderStack, $parentFolder);
+ $parentFolder = $folder;
+ break;
+ } else if ($stack) {
+ $parent = array_pop($stack);
+ $parentFolder = array_pop($folderStack);
+ }
+ } while ($stack);
+ if (!$stack) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('error while reading maildir');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get root folder or given folder
+ *
+ * @param string $rootFolder get folder structure for given folder, else root
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder root or wanted folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getFolders($rootFolder = null)
+ {
+ if (!$rootFolder || $rootFolder == 'INBOX') {
+ return $this->_rootFolder;
+ }
+ // rootdir is same as INBOX in maildir
+ if (strpos($rootFolder, 'INBOX' . $this->_delim) === 0) {
+ $rootFolder = substr($rootFolder, 6);
+ }
+ $currentFolder = $this->_rootFolder;
+ $subname = trim($rootFolder, $this->_delim);
+ while ($currentFolder) {
+ @list($entry, $subname) = @explode($this->_delim, $subname, 2);
+ $currentFolder = $currentFolder->$entry;
+ if (!$subname) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($currentFolder->getGlobalName() != rtrim($rootFolder, $this->_delim)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("folder $rootFolder not found");
+ }
+ return $currentFolder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * select given folder
+ *
+ * folder must be selectable!
+ *
+ * @param Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder|string $globalName global name of folder or instance for subfolder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function selectFolder($globalName)
+ {
+ $this->_currentFolder = (string)$globalName;
+ // getting folder from folder tree for validation
+ $folder = $this->getFolders($this->_currentFolder);
+ try {
+ $this->_openMaildir($this->_rootdir . '.' . $folder->getGlobalName());
+ } catch(Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception $e) {
+ // check what went wrong
+ if (!$folder->isSelectable()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("{$this->_currentFolder} is not selectable", 0, $e);
+ }
+ // seems like file has vanished; rebuilding folder tree - but it's still an exception
+ $this->_buildFolderTree($this->_rootdir);
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('seems like the maildir has vanished, I\'ve rebuild the ' .
+ 'folder tree, search for an other folder and try again', 0, $e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance for current folder
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance of current folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getCurrentFolder()
+ {
+ return $this->_currentFolder;
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Mbox.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Mbox.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670a6ff
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+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Folder/Mbox.php
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Mbox extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox implements Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface
+ /**
+ * Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder root folder for folder structure
+ * @var Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder
+ */
+ protected $_rootFolder;
+ /**
+ * rootdir of folder structure
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_rootdir;
+ /**
+ * name of current folder
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_currentFolder;
+ /**
+ * Create instance with parameters
+ *
+ * Disallowed parameters are:
+ * - filename use Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox for a single file
+ * Supported parameters are:
+ * - dirname rootdir of mbox structure
+ * - folder intial selected folder, default is 'INBOX'
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ if (isset($params->filename)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('use Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox for a single file');
+ }
+ if (!isset($params->dirname) || !is_dir($params->dirname)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('no valid dirname given in params');
+ }
+ $this->_rootdir = rtrim($params->dirname, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ $this->_buildFolderTree($this->_rootdir);
+ $this->selectFolder(!empty($params->folder) ? $params->folder : 'INBOX');
+ $this->_has['top'] = true;
+ $this->_has['uniqueid'] = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * find all subfolders and mbox files for folder structure
+ *
+ * Result is save in Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instances with the root in $this->_rootFolder.
+ * $parentFolder and $parentGlobalName are only used internally for recursion.
+ *
+ * @param string $currentDir call with root dir, also used for recursion.
+ * @param Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder|null $parentFolder used for recursion
+ * @param string $parentGlobalName used for rescursion
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _buildFolderTree($currentDir, $parentFolder = null, $parentGlobalName = '')
+ {
+ if (!$parentFolder) {
+ $this->_rootFolder = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder('/', '/', false);
+ $parentFolder = $this->_rootFolder;
+ }
+ $dh = @opendir($currentDir);
+ if (!$dh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("can't read dir $currentDir");
+ }
+ while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ // ignore hidden files for mbox
+ if ($entry[0] == '.') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $absoluteEntry = $currentDir . $entry;
+ $globalName = $parentGlobalName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry;
+ if (is_file($absoluteEntry) && $this->_isMboxFile($absoluteEntry)) {
+ $parentFolder->$entry = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder($entry, $globalName);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!is_dir($absoluteEntry) /* || $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' */) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $folder = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder($entry, $globalName, false);
+ $parentFolder->$entry = $folder;
+ $this->_buildFolderTree($absoluteEntry . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $folder, $globalName);
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get root folder or given folder
+ *
+ * @param string $rootFolder get folder structure for given folder, else root
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder root or wanted folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getFolders($rootFolder = null)
+ {
+ if (!$rootFolder) {
+ return $this->_rootFolder;
+ }
+ $currentFolder = $this->_rootFolder;
+ $subname = trim($rootFolder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+ while ($currentFolder) {
+ @list($entry, $subname) = @explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $subname, 2);
+ $currentFolder = $currentFolder->$entry;
+ if (!$subname) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($currentFolder->getGlobalName() != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($rootFolder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("folder $rootFolder not found");
+ }
+ return $currentFolder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * select given folder
+ *
+ * folder must be selectable!
+ *
+ * @param Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder|string $globalName global name of folder or instance for subfolder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function selectFolder($globalName)
+ {
+ $this->_currentFolder = (string)$globalName;
+ // getting folder from folder tree for validation
+ $folder = $this->getFolders($this->_currentFolder);
+ try {
+ $this->_openMboxFile($this->_rootdir . $folder->getGlobalName());
+ } catch(Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception $e) {
+ // check what went wrong
+ if (!$folder->isSelectable()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("{$this->_currentFolder} is not selectable", 0, $e);
+ }
+ // seems like file has vanished; rebuilding folder tree - but it's still an exception
+ $this->_buildFolderTree($this->_rootdir);
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('seems like the mbox file has vanished, I\'ve rebuild the ' .
+ 'folder tree, search for an other folder and try again', 0, $e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance for current folder
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance of current folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getCurrentFolder()
+ {
+ return $this->_currentFolder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * magic method for serialize()
+ *
+ * with this method you can cache the mbox class
+ *
+ * @return array name of variables
+ */
+ public function __sleep()
+ {
+ return array_merge(parent::__sleep(), array('_currentFolder', '_rootFolder', '_rootdir'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * magic method for unserialize()
+ *
+ * with this method you can cache the mbox class
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function __wakeup()
+ {
+ // if cache is stall selectFolder() rebuilds the tree on error
+ parent::__wakeup();
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2678025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Interface
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Message
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ implements Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface, Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Interface
+ // TODO: with an internal cache we could optimize this class, or create an extra class with
+ // such optimizations. Especially the various fetch calls could be combined to one cache call
+ /**
+ * protocol handler
+ * @var null|Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap
+ */
+ protected $_protocol;
+ /**
+ * name of current folder
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_currentFolder = '';
+ /**
+ * imap flags to constants translation
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $_knownFlags = array('\Passed' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_PASSED,
+ '\Answered' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_ANSWERED,
+ '\Seen' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN,
+ '\Unseen' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_UNSEEN,
+ '\Deleted' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_DELETED,
+ '\Draft' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_DRAFT,
+ '\Flagged' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_FLAGGED);
+ /**
+ * map flags to search criterias
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $_searchFlags = array('\Recent' => 'RECENT',
+ '\Answered' => 'ANSWERED',
+ '\Seen' => 'SEEN',
+ '\Unseen' => 'UNSEEN',
+ '\Deleted' => 'DELETED',
+ '\Draft' => 'DRAFT',
+ '\Flagged' => 'FLAGGED');
+ /**
+ * Count messages all messages in current box
+ *
+ * @return int number of messages
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function countMessages($flags = null)
+ {
+ if (!$this->_currentFolder) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('No selected folder to count');
+ }
+ if ($flags === null) {
+ return count($this->_protocol->search(array('ALL')));
+ }
+ $params = array();
+ foreach ((array)$flags as $flag) {
+ if (isset(self::$_searchFlags[$flag])) {
+ $params[] = self::$_searchFlags[$flag];
+ } else {
+ $params[] = 'KEYWORD';
+ $params[] = $this->_protocol->escapeString($flag);
+ }
+ }
+ return count($this->_protocol->search($params));
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a list of messages with number and size
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return int|array size of given message of list with all messages as array(num => size)
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function getSize($id = 0)
+ {
+ if ($id) {
+ return $this->_protocol->fetch('RFC822.SIZE', $id);
+ }
+ return $this->_protocol->fetch('RFC822.SIZE', 1, INF);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function getMessage($id)
+ {
+ $data = $this->_protocol->fetch(array('FLAGS', 'RFC822.HEADER'), $id);
+ $header = $data['RFC822.HEADER'];
+ $flags = array();
+ foreach ($data['FLAGS'] as $flag) {
+ $flags[] = isset(self::$_knownFlags[$flag]) ? self::$_knownFlags[$flag] : $flag;
+ }
+ return new $this->_messageClass(array('handler' => $this, 'id' => $id, 'headers' => $header, 'flags' => $flags));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw header of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage header
+ * @param int $topLines include this many lines with header (after an empty line)
+ * @param int $topLines include this many lines with header (after an empty line)
+ * @return string raw header
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawHeader($id, $part = null, $topLines = 0)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ // TODO: toplines
+ return $this->_protocol->fetch('RFC822.HEADER', $id);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw content of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage content
+ * @return string raw content
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawContent($id, $part = null)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ return $this->_protocol->fetch('RFC822.TEXT', $id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * create instance with parameters
+ * Supported paramters are
+ * - user username
+ * - host hostname or ip address of IMAP server [optional, default = 'localhost']
+ * - password password for user 'username' [optional, default = '']
+ * - port port for IMAP server [optional, default = 110]
+ * - ssl 'SSL' or 'TLS' for secure sockets
+ * - folder select this folder [optional, default = 'INBOX']
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ $this->_has['flags'] = true;
+ if ($params instanceof Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap) {
+ $this->_protocol = $params;
+ try {
+ $this->selectFolder('INBOX');
+ } catch(Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception $e) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot select INBOX, is this a valid transport?', 0, $e);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isset($params->user)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('need at least user in params');
+ }
+ $host = isset($params->host) ? $params->host : 'localhost';
+ $password = isset($params->password) ? $params->password : '';
+ $port = isset($params->port) ? $params->port : null;
+ $ssl = isset($params->ssl) ? $params->ssl : false;
+ $this->_protocol = new Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap();
+ $this->_protocol->connect($host, $port, $ssl);
+ if (!$this->_protocol->login($params->user, $password)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot login, user or password wrong');
+ }
+ $this->selectFolder(isset($params->folder) ? $params->folder : 'INBOX');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close resource for mail lib. If you need to control, when the resource
+ * is closed. Otherwise the destructor would call this.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function close()
+ {
+ $this->_currentFolder = '';
+ $this->_protocol->logout();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Keep the server busy.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function noop()
+ {
+ if (!$this->_protocol->noop()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('could not do nothing');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a message from server. If you're doing that from a web enviroment
+ * you should be careful and use a uniqueid as parameter if possible to
+ * identify the message.
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeMessage($id)
+ {
+ if (!$this->_protocol->store(array(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_DELETED), $id, null, '+')) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot set deleted flag');
+ }
+ // TODO: expunge here or at close? we can handle an error here better and are more fail safe
+ if (!$this->_protocol->expunge()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('message marked as deleted, but could not expunge');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get unique id for one or all messages
+ *
+ * if storage does not support unique ids it's the same as the message number
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id message number
+ * @return array|string message number for given message or all messages as array
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getUniqueId($id = null)
+ {
+ if ($id) {
+ return $this->_protocol->fetch('UID', $id);
+ }
+ return $this->_protocol->fetch('UID', 1, INF);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a message number from a unique id
+ *
+ * I.e. if you have a webmailer that supports deleting messages you should use unique ids
+ * as parameter and use this method to translate it to message number right before calling removeMessage()
+ *
+ * @param string $id unique id
+ * @return int message number
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getNumberByUniqueId($id)
+ {
+ // TODO: use search to find number directly
+ $ids = $this->getUniqueId();
+ foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
+ if ($v == $id) {
+ return $k;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('unique id not found');
+ }
+ /**
+ * get root folder or given folder
+ *
+ * @param string $rootFolder get folder structure for given folder, else root
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder root or wanted folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function getFolders($rootFolder = null)
+ {
+ $folders = $this->_protocol->listMailbox((string)$rootFolder);
+ if (!$folders) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('folder not found');
+ }
+ ksort($folders, SORT_STRING);
+ $root = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder('/', '/', false);
+ $stack = array(null);
+ $folderStack = array(null);
+ $parentFolder = $root;
+ $parent = '';
+ foreach ($folders as $globalName => $data) {
+ do {
+ if (!$parent || strpos($globalName, $parent) === 0) {
+ $pos = strrpos($globalName, $data['delim']);
+ if ($pos === false) {
+ $localName = $globalName;
+ } else {
+ $localName = substr($globalName, $pos + 1);
+ }
+ $selectable = !$data['flags'] || !in_array('\\Noselect', $data['flags']);
+ array_push($stack, $parent);
+ $parent = $globalName . $data['delim'];
+ $folder = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder($localName, $globalName, $selectable);
+ $parentFolder->$localName = $folder;
+ array_push($folderStack, $parentFolder);
+ $parentFolder = $folder;
+ break;
+ } else if ($stack) {
+ $parent = array_pop($stack);
+ $parentFolder = array_pop($folderStack);
+ }
+ } while ($stack);
+ if (!$stack) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('error while constructing folder tree');
+ }
+ }
+ return $root;
+ }
+ /**
+ * select given folder
+ *
+ * folder must be selectable!
+ *
+ * @param Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder|string $globalName global name of folder or instance for subfolder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function selectFolder($globalName)
+ {
+ $this->_currentFolder = $globalName;
+ if (!$this->_protocol->select($this->_currentFolder)) {
+ $this->_currentFolder = '';
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance for current folder
+ *
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder instance of current folder
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getCurrentFolder()
+ {
+ return $this->_currentFolder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a new folder
+ *
+ * This method also creates parent folders if necessary. Some mail storages may restrict, which folder
+ * may be used as parent or which chars may be used in the folder name
+ *
+ * @param string $name global name of folder, local name if $parentFolder is set
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $parentFolder parent folder for new folder, else root folder is parent
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function createFolder($name, $parentFolder = null)
+ {
+ // TODO: we assume / as the hierarchy delim - need to get that from the folder class!
+ if ($parentFolder instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder) {
+ $folder = $parentFolder->getGlobalName() . '/' . $name;
+ } else if ($parentFolder != null) {
+ $folder = $parentFolder . '/' . $name;
+ } else {
+ $folder = $name;
+ }
+ if (!$this->_protocol->create($folder)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot create folder');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * remove a folder
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $name name or instance of folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeFolder($name)
+ {
+ if ($name instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder) {
+ $name = $name->getGlobalName();
+ }
+ if (!$this->_protocol->delete($name)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot delete folder');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * rename and/or move folder
+ *
+ * The new name has the same restrictions as in createFolder()
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $oldName name or instance of folder
+ * @param string $newName new global name of folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function renameFolder($oldName, $newName)
+ {
+ if ($oldName instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder) {
+ $oldName = $oldName->getGlobalName();
+ }
+ if (!$this->_protocol->rename($oldName, $newName)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot rename folder');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * append a new message to mail storage
+ *
+ * @param string $message message as string or instance of message class
+ * @param null|string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder folder for new message, else current folder is taken
+ * @param null|array $flags set flags for new message, else a default set is used
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ // not yet * @param string|Zend_Mail_Message|Zend_Mime_Message $message message as string or instance of message class
+ public function appendMessage($message, $folder = null, $flags = null)
+ {
+ if ($folder === null) {
+ $folder = $this->_currentFolder;
+ }
+ if ($flags === null) {
+ $flags = array(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN);
+ }
+ // TODO: handle class instances for $message
+ if (!$this->_protocol->append($folder, $message, $flags)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot create message, please check if the folder exists and your flags');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * copy an existing message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function copyMessage($id, $folder)
+ {
+ if (!$this->_protocol->copy($folder, $id)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot copy message, does the folder exist?');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * move an existing message
+ *
+ * NOTE: imap has no native move command, thus it's emulated with copy and delete
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function moveMessage($id, $folder) {
+ $this->copyMessage($id, $folder);
+ $this->removeMessage($id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * set flags for message
+ *
+ * NOTE: this method can't set the recent flag.
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param array $flags new flags for message
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function setFlags($id, $flags)
+ {
+ if (!$this->_protocol->store($flags, $id)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot set flags, have you tried to set the recent flag or special chars?');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Maildir.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Maildir.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c983b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Maildir.php
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Message_File
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ /**
+ * used message class, change it in an extened class to extend the returned message class
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_messageClass = 'Zend_Mail_Message_File';
+ /**
+ * data of found message files in maildir dir
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $_files = array();
+ /**
+ * known flag chars in filenames
+ *
+ * This list has to be in alphabetical order for setFlags()
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $_knownFlags = array('D' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_DRAFT,
+ 'F' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_FLAGGED,
+ 'P' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_PASSED,
+ 'R' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_ANSWERED,
+ 'S' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN,
+ 'T' => Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_DELETED);
+ // TODO: getFlags($id) for fast access if headers are not needed (i.e. just setting flags)?
+ /**
+ * Count messages all messages in current box
+ *
+ * @return int number of messages
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function countMessages($flags = null)
+ {
+ if ($flags === null) {
+ return count($this->_files);
+ }
+ $count = 0;
+ if (!is_array($flags)) {
+ foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
+ if (isset($file['flaglookup'][$flags])) {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ return $count;
+ }
+ $flags = array_flip($flags);
+ foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
+ foreach ($flags as $flag => $v) {
+ if (!isset($file['flaglookup'][$flag])) {
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ return $count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get one or all fields from file structure. Also checks if message is valid
+ *
+ * @param int $id message number
+ * @param string|null $field wanted field
+ * @return string|array wanted field or all fields as array
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _getFileData($id, $field = null)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->_files[$id - 1])) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('id does not exist');
+ }
+ if (!$field) {
+ return $this->_files[$id - 1];
+ }
+ if (!isset($this->_files[$id - 1][$field])) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('field does not exist');
+ }
+ return $this->_files[$id - 1][$field];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a list of messages with number and size
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id number of message or null for all messages
+ * @return int|array size of given message of list with all messages as array(num => size)
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getSize($id = null)
+ {
+ if ($id !== null) {
+ $filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
+ return isset($filedata['size']) ? $filedata['size'] : filesize($filedata['filename']);
+ }
+ $result = array();
+ foreach ($this->_files as $num => $data) {
+ $result[$num + 1] = isset($data['size']) ? $data['size'] : filesize($data['filename']);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message_File
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getMessage($id)
+ {
+ // TODO that's ugly, would be better to let the message class decide
+ if (strtolower($this->_messageClass) == 'zend_mail_message_file' || is_subclass_of($this->_messageClass, 'zend_mail_message_file')) {
+ return new $this->_messageClass(array('file' => $this->_getFileData($id, 'filename'),
+ 'flags' => $this->_getFileData($id, 'flags')));
+ }
+ return new $this->_messageClass(array('handler' => $this, 'id' => $id, 'headers' => $this->getRawHeader($id),
+ 'flags' => $this->_getFileData($id, 'flags')));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw header of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage header
+ * @param int $topLines include this many lines with header (after an empty line)
+ * @return string raw header
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawHeader($id, $part = null, $topLines = 0)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ $fh = fopen($this->_getFileData($id, 'filename'), 'r');
+ $content = '';
+ while (!feof($fh)) {
+ $line = fgets($fh);
+ if (!trim($line)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $content .= $line;
+ }
+ fclose($fh);
+ return $content;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw content of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage content
+ * @return string raw content
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawContent($id, $part = null)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ $fh = fopen($this->_getFileData($id, 'filename'), 'r');
+ while (!feof($fh)) {
+ $line = fgets($fh);
+ if (!trim($line)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $content = stream_get_contents($fh);
+ fclose($fh);
+ return $content;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create instance with parameters
+ * Supported parameters are:
+ * - dirname dirname of mbox file
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ if (!isset($params->dirname) || !is_dir($params->dirname)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('no valid dirname given in params');
+ }
+ if (!$this->_isMaildir($params->dirname)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('invalid maildir given');
+ }
+ $this->_has['top'] = true;
+ $this->_has['flags'] = true;
+ $this->_openMaildir($params->dirname);
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if a given dir is a valid maildir
+ *
+ * @param string $dirname name of dir
+ * @return bool dir is valid maildir
+ */
+ protected function _isMaildir($dirname)
+ {
+ if (file_exists($dirname . '/new') && !is_dir($dirname . '/new')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (file_exists($dirname . '/tmp') && !is_dir($dirname . '/tmp')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return is_dir($dirname . '/cur');
+ }
+ /**
+ * open given dir as current maildir
+ *
+ * @param string $dirname name of maildir
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _openMaildir($dirname)
+ {
+ if ($this->_files) {
+ $this->close();
+ }
+ $dh = @opendir($dirname . '/cur/');
+ if (!$dh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot open maildir');
+ }
+ $this->_getMaildirFiles($dh, $dirname . '/cur/');
+ closedir($dh);
+ $dh = @opendir($dirname . '/new/');
+ if ($dh) {
+ $this->_getMaildirFiles($dh, $dirname . '/new/', array(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_RECENT));
+ closedir($dh);
+ } else if (file_exists($dirname . '/new/')) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot read recent mails in maildir');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * find all files in opened dir handle and add to maildir files
+ *
+ * @param resource $dh dir handle used for search
+ * @param string $dirname dirname of dir in $dh
+ * @param array $default_flags default flags for given dir
+ * @return null
+ */
+ protected function _getMaildirFiles($dh, $dirname, $default_flags = array())
+ {
+ while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if ($entry[0] == '.' || !is_file($dirname . $entry)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ @list($uniq, $info) = explode(':', $entry, 2);
+ @list(,$size) = explode(',', $uniq, 2);
+ if ($size && $size[0] == 'S' && $size[1] == '=') {
+ $size = substr($size, 2);
+ }
+ if (!ctype_digit($size)) {
+ $size = null;
+ }
+ @list($version, $flags) = explode(',', $info, 2);
+ if ($version != 2) {
+ $flags = '';
+ }
+ $named_flags = $default_flags;
+ $length = strlen($flags);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
+ $flag = $flags[$i];
+ $named_flags[$flag] = isset(self::$_knownFlags[$flag]) ? self::$_knownFlags[$flag] : $flag;
+ }
+ $data = array('uniq' => $uniq,
+ 'flags' => $named_flags,
+ 'flaglookup' => array_flip($named_flags),
+ 'filename' => $dirname . $entry);
+ if ($size !== null) {
+ $data['size'] = (int)$size;
+ }
+ $this->_files[] = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close resource for mail lib. If you need to control, when the resource
+ * is closed. Otherwise the destructor would call this.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function close()
+ {
+ $this->_files = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Waste some CPU cycles doing nothing.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function noop()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * stub for not supported message deletion
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeMessage($id)
+ {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('maildir is (currently) read-only');
+ }
+ /**
+ * get unique id for one or all messages
+ *
+ * if storage does not support unique ids it's the same as the message number
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id message number
+ * @return array|string message number for given message or all messages as array
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getUniqueId($id = null)
+ {
+ if ($id) {
+ return $this->_getFileData($id, 'uniq');
+ }
+ $ids = array();
+ foreach ($this->_files as $num => $file) {
+ $ids[$num + 1] = $file['uniq'];
+ }
+ return $ids;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a message number from a unique id
+ *
+ * I.e. if you have a webmailer that supports deleting messages you should use unique ids
+ * as parameter and use this method to translate it to message number right before calling removeMessage()
+ *
+ * @param string $id unique id
+ * @return int message number
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getNumberByUniqueId($id)
+ {
+ foreach ($this->_files as $num => $file) {
+ if ($file['uniq'] == $id) {
+ return $num + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('unique id not found');
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Mbox.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Mbox.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5bffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Mbox.php
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Loader
+ * May be used in constructor, but commented out for now
+ */
+// require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Message_File
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ /**
+ * file handle to mbox file
+ * @var null|resource
+ */
+ protected $_fh;
+ /**
+ * filename of mbox file for __wakeup
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_filename;
+ /**
+ * modification date of mbox file for __wakeup
+ * @var int
+ */
+ protected $_filemtime;
+ /**
+ * start and end position of messages as array('start' => start, 'seperator' => headersep, 'end' => end)
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $_positions;
+ /**
+ * used message class, change it in an extened class to extend the returned message class
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $_messageClass = 'Zend_Mail_Message_File';
+ /**
+ * Count messages all messages in current box
+ *
+ * @return int number of messages
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function countMessages()
+ {
+ return count($this->_positions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a list of messages with number and size
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id number of message or null for all messages
+ * @return int|array size of given message of list with all messages as array(num => size)
+ */
+ public function getSize($id = 0)
+ {
+ if ($id) {
+ $pos = $this->_positions[$id - 1];
+ return $pos['end'] - $pos['start'];
+ }
+ $result = array();
+ foreach ($this->_positions as $num => $pos) {
+ $result[$num + 1] = $pos['end'] - $pos['start'];
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get positions for mail message or throw exeption if id is invalid
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return array positions as in _positions
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _getPos($id)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->_positions[$id - 1])) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('id does not exist');
+ }
+ return $this->_positions[$id - 1];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message_File
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getMessage($id)
+ {
+ // TODO that's ugly, would be better to let the message class decide
+ if (strtolower($this->_messageClass) == 'zend_mail_message_file' || is_subclass_of($this->_messageClass, 'zend_mail_message_file')) {
+ // TODO top/body lines
+ $messagePos = $this->_getPos($id);
+ return new $this->_messageClass(array('file' => $this->_fh, 'startPos' => $messagePos['start'],
+ 'endPos' => $messagePos['end']));
+ }
+ $bodyLines = 0; // TODO: need a way to change that
+ $message = $this->getRawHeader($id);
+ // file pointer is after headers now
+ if ($bodyLines) {
+ $message .= "\n";
+ while ($bodyLines-- && ftell($this->_fh) < $this->_positions[$id - 1]['end']) {
+ $message .= fgets($this->_fh);
+ }
+ }
+ return new $this->_messageClass(array('handler' => $this, 'id' => $id, 'headers' => $message));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw header of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage header
+ * @param int $topLines include this many lines with header (after an empty line)
+ * @return string raw header
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawHeader($id, $part = null, $topLines = 0)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ $messagePos = $this->_getPos($id);
+ // TODO: toplines
+ return stream_get_contents($this->_fh, $messagePos['separator'] - $messagePos['start'], $messagePos['start']);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw content of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage content
+ * @return string raw content
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawContent($id, $part = null)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ $messagePos = $this->_getPos($id);
+ return stream_get_contents($this->_fh, $messagePos['end'] - $messagePos['separator'], $messagePos['separator']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create instance with parameters
+ * Supported parameters are:
+ * - filename filename of mbox file
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ if (!isset($params->filename) /* || Zend_Loader::isReadable($params['filename']) */) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('no valid filename given in params');
+ }
+ $this->_openMboxFile($params->filename);
+ $this->_has['top'] = true;
+ $this->_has['uniqueid'] = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if given file is a mbox file
+ *
+ * if $file is a resource its file pointer is moved after the first line
+ *
+ * @param resource|string $file stream resource of name of file
+ * @param bool $fileIsString file is string or resource
+ * @return bool file is mbox file
+ */
+ protected function _isMboxFile($file, $fileIsString = true)
+ {
+ if ($fileIsString) {
+ $file = @fopen($file, 'r');
+ if (!$file) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fseek($file, 0);
+ }
+ $result = false;
+ $line = fgets($file);
+ if (strpos($line, 'From ') === 0) {
+ $result = true;
+ }
+ if ($fileIsString) {
+ @fclose($file);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * open given file as current mbox file
+ *
+ * @param string $filename filename of mbox file
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _openMboxFile($filename)
+ {
+ if ($this->_fh) {
+ $this->close();
+ }
+ $this->_fh = @fopen($filename, 'r');
+ if (!$this->_fh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot open mbox file');
+ }
+ $this->_filename = $filename;
+ $this->_filemtime = filemtime($this->_filename);
+ if (!$this->_isMboxFile($this->_fh, false)) {
+ @fclose($this->_fh);
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('file is not a valid mbox format');
+ }
+ $messagePos = array('start' => ftell($this->_fh), 'separator' => 0, 'end' => 0);
+ while (($line = fgets($this->_fh)) !== false) {
+ if (strpos($line, 'From ') === 0) {
+ $messagePos['end'] = ftell($this->_fh) - strlen($line) - 2; // + newline
+ if (!$messagePos['separator']) {
+ $messagePos['separator'] = $messagePos['end'];
+ }
+ $this->_positions[] = $messagePos;
+ $messagePos = array('start' => ftell($this->_fh), 'separator' => 0, 'end' => 0);
+ }
+ if (!$messagePos['separator'] && !trim($line)) {
+ $messagePos['separator'] = ftell($this->_fh);
+ }
+ }
+ $messagePos['end'] = ftell($this->_fh);
+ if (!$messagePos['separator']) {
+ $messagePos['separator'] = $messagePos['end'];
+ }
+ $this->_positions[] = $messagePos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close resource for mail lib. If you need to control, when the resource
+ * is closed. Otherwise the destructor would call this.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function close()
+ {
+ @fclose($this->_fh);
+ $this->_positions = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Waste some CPU cycles doing nothing.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function noop()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * stub for not supported message deletion
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeMessage($id)
+ {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('mbox is read-only');
+ }
+ /**
+ * get unique id for one or all messages
+ *
+ * Mbox does not support unique ids (yet) - it's always the same as the message number.
+ * That shouldn't be a problem, because we can't change mbox files. Therefor the message
+ * number is save enough.
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id message number
+ * @return array|string message number for given message or all messages as array
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getUniqueId($id = null)
+ {
+ if ($id) {
+ // check if id exists
+ $this->_getPos($id);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ $range = range(1, $this->countMessages());
+ return array_combine($range, $range);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a message number from a unique id
+ *
+ * I.e. if you have a webmailer that supports deleting messages you should use unique ids
+ * as parameter and use this method to translate it to message number right before calling removeMessage()
+ *
+ * @param string $id unique id
+ * @return int message number
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getNumberByUniqueId($id)
+ {
+ // check if id exists
+ $this->_getPos($id);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * magic method for serialize()
+ *
+ * with this method you can cache the mbox class
+ *
+ * @return array name of variables
+ */
+ public function __sleep()
+ {
+ return array('_filename', '_positions', '_filemtime');
+ }
+ /**
+ * magic method for unserialize()
+ *
+ * with this method you can cache the mbox class
+ * for cache validation the mtime of the mbox file is used
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __wakeup()
+ {
+ if ($this->_filemtime != @filemtime($this->_filename)) {
+ $this->close();
+ $this->_openMboxFile($this->_filename);
+ } else {
+ $this->_fh = @fopen($this->_filename, 'r');
+ if (!$this->_fh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot open mbox file');
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Pop3.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Pop3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da6974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Pop3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Protocol_Pop3
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Message
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3 extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract
+ /**
+ * protocol handler
+ * @var null|Zend_Mail_Protocol_Pop3
+ */
+ protected $_protocol;
+ /**
+ * Count messages all messages in current box
+ *
+ * @return int number of messages
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function countMessages()
+ {
+ $this->_protocol->status($count, $null);
+ return (int)$count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a list of messages with number and size
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return int|array size of given message of list with all messages as array(num => size)
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function getSize($id = 0)
+ {
+ $id = $id ? $id : null;
+ return $this->_protocol->getList($id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return Zend_Mail_Message
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function getMessage($id)
+ {
+ $bodyLines = 0;
+ $message = $this->_protocol->top($id, $bodyLines, true);
+ return new $this->_messageClass(array('handler' => $this, 'id' => $id, 'headers' => $message,
+ 'noToplines' => $bodyLines < 1));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw header of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage header
+ * @param int $topLines include this many lines with header (after an empty line)
+ * @return string raw header
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawHeader($id, $part = null, $topLines = 0)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ return $this->_protocol->top($id, 0, true);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get raw content of message or part
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param null|array|string $part path to part or null for messsage content
+ * @return string raw content
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getRawContent($id, $part = null)
+ {
+ if ($part !== null) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('not implemented');
+ }
+ $content = $this->_protocol->retrieve($id);
+ // TODO: find a way to avoid decoding the headers
+ Zend_Mime_Decode::splitMessage($content, $null, $body);
+ return $body;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create instance with parameters
+ * Supported paramters are
+ * - host hostname or ip address of POP3 server
+ * - user username
+ * - password password for user 'username' [optional, default = '']
+ * - port port for POP3 server [optional, default = 110]
+ * - ssl 'SSL' or 'TLS' for secure sockets
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ $this->_has['fetchPart'] = false;
+ $this->_has['top'] = null;
+ $this->_has['uniqueid'] = null;
+ if ($params instanceof Zend_Mail_Protocol_Pop3) {
+ $this->_protocol = $params;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isset($params->user)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('need at least user in params');
+ }
+ $host = isset($params->host) ? $params->host : 'localhost';
+ $password = isset($params->password) ? $params->password : '';
+ $port = isset($params->port) ? $params->port : null;
+ $ssl = isset($params->ssl) ? $params->ssl : false;
+ $this->_protocol = new Zend_Mail_Protocol_Pop3();
+ $this->_protocol->connect($host, $port, $ssl);
+ $this->_protocol->login($params->user, $password);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close resource for mail lib. If you need to control, when the resource
+ * is closed. Otherwise the destructor would call this.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function close()
+ {
+ $this->_protocol->logout();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Keep the server busy.
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function noop()
+ {
+ return $this->_protocol->noop();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a message from server. If you're doing that from a web enviroment
+ * you should be careful and use a uniqueid as parameter if possible to
+ * identify the message.
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeMessage($id)
+ {
+ $this->_protocol->delete($id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get unique id for one or all messages
+ *
+ * if storage does not support unique ids it's the same as the message number
+ *
+ * @param int|null $id message number
+ * @return array|string message number for given message or all messages as array
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getUniqueId($id = null)
+ {
+ if (!$this->hasUniqueid) {
+ if ($id) {
+ return $id;
+ }
+ $count = $this->countMessages();
+ if ($count < 1) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $range = range(1, $count);
+ return array_combine($range, $range);
+ }
+ return $this->_protocol->uniqueid($id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * get a message number from a unique id
+ *
+ * I.e. if you have a webmailer that supports deleting messages you should use unique ids
+ * as parameter and use this method to translate it to message number right before calling removeMessage()
+ *
+ * @param string $id unique id
+ * @return int message number
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function getNumberByUniqueId($id)
+ {
+ if (!$this->hasUniqueid) {
+ return $id;
+ }
+ $ids = $this->getUniqueId();
+ foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
+ if ($v == $id) {
+ return $k;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('unique id not found');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Special handling for hasTop and hasUniqueid. The headers of the first message is
+ * retrieved if Top wasn't needed/tried yet.
+ *
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract:__get()
+ * @param string $var
+ * @return string
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __get($var)
+ {
+ $result = parent::__get($var);
+ if ($result !== null) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ if (strtolower($var) == 'hastop') {
+ if ($this->_protocol->hasTop === null) {
+ // need to make a real call, because not all server are honest in their capas
+ try {
+ $this->_protocol->top(1, 0, false);
+ } catch(Zend_Mail_Exception $e) {
+ // ignoring error
+ }
+ }
+ $this->_has['top'] = $this->_protocol->hasTop;
+ return $this->_protocol->hasTop;
+ }
+ if (strtolower($var) == 'hasuniqueid') {
+ $id = null;
+ try {
+ $id = $this->_protocol->uniqueid(1);
+ } catch(Zend_Mail_Exception $e) {
+ // ignoring error
+ }
+ $this->_has['uniqueid'] = $id ? true : false;
+ return $this->_has['uniqueid'];
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Writable/Interface.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Writable/Interface.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aad8e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Writable/Interface.php
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+interface Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Interface
+ /**
+ * create a new folder
+ *
+ * This method also creates parent folders if necessary. Some mail storages may restrict, which folder
+ * may be used as parent or which chars may be used in the folder name
+ *
+ * @param string $name global name of folder, local name if $parentFolder is set
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $parentFolder parent folder for new folder, else root folder is parent
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function createFolder($name, $parentFolder = null);
+ /**
+ * remove a folder
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $name name or instance of folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeFolder($name);
+ /**
+ * rename and/or move folder
+ *
+ * The new name has the same restrictions as in createFolder()
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $oldName name or instance of folder
+ * @param string $newName new global name of folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function renameFolder($oldName, $newName);
+ /**
+ * append a new message to mail storage
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Message|Zend_Mime_Message $message message as string or instance of message class
+ * @param null|string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder folder for new message, else current folder is taken
+ * @param null|array $flags set flags for new message, else a default set is used
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function appendMessage($message, $folder = null, $flags = null);
+ /**
+ * copy an existing message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function copyMessage($id, $folder);
+ /**
+ * move an existing message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function moveMessage($id, $folder);
+ /**
+ * set flags for message
+ *
+ * NOTE: this method can't set the recent flag.
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param array $flags new flags for message
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function setFlags($id, $flags);
diff --git a/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Writable/Maildir.php b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Writable/Maildir.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4f468e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/vendor/Zend/Mail/Storage/Writable/Maildir.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+ * Zend Framework
+ *
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
+ * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
+ * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
+ *
+ * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
+ * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
+ * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir
+ */
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Interface
+ */
+ * @category Zend
+ * @package Zend_Mail
+ * @subpackage Storage
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
+ * @license New BSD License
+ */
+class Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Maildir extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir
+ implements Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Interface
+ // TODO: init maildir (+ constructor option create if not found)
+ /**
+ * use quota and size of quota if given
+ * @var bool|int
+ */
+ protected $_quota;
+ /**
+ * create a new maildir
+ *
+ * If the given dir is already a valid maildir this will not fail.
+ *
+ * @param string $dir directory for the new maildir (may already exist)
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public static function initMaildir($dir)
+ {
+ if (file_exists($dir)) {
+ if (!is_dir($dir)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('maildir must be a directory if already exists');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!mkdir($dir)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ $dir = dirname($dir);
+ if (!file_exists($dir)) {
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("parent $dir not found");
+ } else if (!is_dir($dir)) {
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("parent $dir not a directory");
+ } else {
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot create maildir');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (array('cur', 'tmp', 'new') as $subdir) {
+ if (!@mkdir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir)) {
+ // ignore if dir exists (i.e. was already valid maildir or two processes try to create one)
+ if (!file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('could not create subdir ' . $subdir);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create instance with parameters
+ * Additional parameters are (see parent for more):
+ * - create if true a new maildir is create if none exists
+ *
+ * @param array $params mail reader specific parameters
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function __construct($params) {
+ if (is_array($params)) {
+ $params = (object)$params;
+ }
+ if (!empty($params->create) && isset($params->dirname) && !file_exists($params->dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur')) {
+ self::initMaildir($params->dirname);
+ }
+ parent::__construct($params);
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a new folder
+ *
+ * This method also creates parent folders if necessary. Some mail storages may restrict, which folder
+ * may be used as parent or which chars may be used in the folder name
+ *
+ * @param string $name global name of folder, local name if $parentFolder is set
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $parentFolder parent folder for new folder, else root folder is parent
+ * @return string only used internally (new created maildir)
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function createFolder($name, $parentFolder = null)
+ {
+ if ($parentFolder instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder) {
+ $folder = $parentFolder->getGlobalName() . $this->_delim . $name;
+ } else if ($parentFolder != null) {
+ $folder = rtrim($parentFolder, $this->_delim) . $this->_delim . $name;
+ } else {
+ $folder = $name;
+ }
+ $folder = trim($folder, $this->_delim);
+ // first we check if we try to create a folder that does exist
+ $exists = null;
+ try {
+ $exists = $this->getFolders($folder);
+ } catch (Zend_Mail_Exception $e) {
+ // ok
+ }
+ if ($exists) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('folder already exists');
+ }
+ if (strpos($folder, $this->_delim . $this->_delim) !== false) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('invalid name - folder parts may not be empty');
+ }
+ if (strpos($folder, 'INBOX' . $this->_delim) === 0) {
+ $folder = substr($folder, 6);
+ }
+ $fulldir = $this->_rootdir . '.' . $folder;
+ // check if we got tricked and would create a dir outside of the rootdir or not as direct child
+ if (strpos($folder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false || strpos($folder, '/') !== false
+ || dirname($fulldir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != $this->_rootdir) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('invalid name - no directory seprator allowed in folder name');
+ }
+ // has a parent folder?
+ $parent = null;
+ if (strpos($folder, $this->_delim)) {
+ // let's see if the parent folder exists
+ $parent = substr($folder, 0, strrpos($folder, $this->_delim));
+ try {
+ $this->getFolders($parent);
+ } catch (Zend_Mail_Exception $e) {
+ // does not - create parent folder
+ $this->createFolder($parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@mkdir($fulldir) || !@mkdir($fulldir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur')) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('error while creating new folder, may be created incompletly');
+ }
+ mkdir($fulldir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'new');
+ mkdir($fulldir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp');
+ $localName = $parent ? substr($folder, strlen($parent) + 1) : $folder;
+ $this->getFolders($parent)->$localName = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder($localName, $folder, true);
+ return $fulldir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * remove a folder
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $name name or instance of folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeFolder($name)
+ {
+ // TODO: This could fail in the middle of the task, which is not optimal.
+ // But there is no defined standard way to mark a folder as removed and there is no atomar fs-op
+ // to remove a directory. Also moving the folder to a/the trash folder is not possible, as
+ // all parent folders must be created. What we could do is add a dash to the front of the
+ // directory name and it should be ignored as long as other processes obey the standard.
+ if ($name instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder) {
+ $name = $name->getGlobalName();
+ }
+ $name = trim($name, $this->_delim);
+ if (strpos($name, 'INBOX' . $this->_delim) === 0) {
+ $name = substr($name, 6);
+ }
+ // check if folder exists and has no children
+ if (!$this->getFolders($name)->isLeaf()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('delete children first');
+ }
+ if ($name == 'INBOX' || $name == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || $name == '/') {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('wont delete INBOX');
+ }
+ if ($name == $this->getCurrentFolder()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('wont delete selected folder');
+ }
+ foreach (array('tmp', 'new', 'cur', '.') as $subdir) {
+ $dir = $this->_rootdir . '.' . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir;
+ if (!file_exists($dir)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $dh = opendir($dir);
+ if (!$dh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("error opening $subdir");
+ }
+ while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!unlink($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("error cleaning $subdir");
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ if ($subdir !== '.') {
+ if (!rmdir($dir)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("error removing $subdir");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rmdir($this->_rootdir . '.' . $name)) {
+ // at least we should try to make it a valid maildir again
+ mkdir($this->_rootdir . '.' . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur');
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("error removing maindir");
+ }
+ $parent = strpos($name, $this->_delim) ? substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, $this->_delim)) : null;
+ $localName = $parent ? substr($name, strlen($parent) + 1) : $name;
+ unset($this->getFolders($parent)->$localName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * rename and/or move folder
+ *
+ * The new name has the same restrictions as in createFolder()
+ *
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $oldName name or instance of folder
+ * @param string $newName new global name of folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function renameFolder($oldName, $newName)
+ {
+ // TODO: This is also not atomar and has similar problems as removeFolder()
+ if ($oldName instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder) {
+ $oldName = $oldName->getGlobalName();
+ }
+ $oldName = trim($oldName, $this->_delim);
+ if (strpos($oldName, 'INBOX' . $this->_delim) === 0) {
+ $oldName = substr($oldName, 6);
+ }
+ $newName = trim($newName, $this->_delim);
+ if (strpos($newName, 'INBOX' . $this->_delim) === 0) {
+ $newName = substr($newName, 6);
+ }
+ if (strpos($newName, $oldName . $this->_delim) === 0) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('new folder cannot be a child of old folder');
+ }
+ // check if folder exists and has no children
+ $folder = $this->getFolders($oldName);
+ if ($oldName == 'INBOX' || $oldName == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || $oldName == '/') {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('wont rename INBOX');
+ }
+ if ($oldName == $this->getCurrentFolder()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('wont rename selected folder');
+ }
+ $newdir = $this->createFolder($newName);
+ if (!$folder->isLeaf()) {
+ foreach ($folder as $k => $v) {
+ $this->renameFolder($v->getGlobalName(), $newName . $this->_delim . $k);
+ }
+ }
+ $olddir = $this->_rootdir . '.' . $folder;
+ foreach (array('tmp', 'new', 'cur') as $subdir) {
+ $subdir = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdir;
+ if (!file_exists($olddir . $subdir)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // using copy or moving files would be even better - but also much slower
+ if (!rename($olddir . $subdir, $newdir . $subdir)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('error while moving ' . $subdir);
+ }
+ }
+ // create a dummy if removing fails - otherwise we can't read it next time
+ mkdir($olddir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur');
+ $this->removeFolder($oldName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a uniqueid for maildir filename
+ *
+ * This is nearly the format defined in the maildir standard. The microtime() call should already
+ * create a uniqueid, the pid is for multicore/-cpu machine that manage to call this function at the
+ * exact same time, and uname() gives us the hostname for multiple machines accessing the same storage.
+ *
+ * If someone disables posix we create a random number of the same size, so this method should also
+ * work on Windows - if you manage to get maildir working on Windows.
+ * Microtime could also be disabled, altough I've never seen it.
+ *
+ * @return string new uniqueid
+ */
+ protected function _createUniqueId()
+ {
+ $id = '';
+ $id .= function_exists('microtime') ? microtime(true) : (time() . ' ' . rand(0, 100000));
+ $id .= '.' . (function_exists('posix_getpid') ? posix_getpid() : rand(50, 65535));
+ $id .= '.' . php_uname('n');
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * open a temporary maildir file
+ *
+ * makes sure tmp/ exists and create a file with a unique name
+ * you should close the returned filehandle!
+ *
+ * @param string $folder name of current folder without leading .
+ * @return array array('dirname' => dir of maildir folder, 'uniq' => unique id, 'filename' => name of create file
+ * 'handle' => file opened for writing)
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _createTmpFile($folder = 'INBOX')
+ {
+ if ($folder == 'INBOX') {
+ $tmpdir = $this->_rootdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ } else {
+ $tmpdir = $this->_rootdir . '.' . $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ }
+ if (!file_exists($tmpdir)) {
+ if (!mkdir($tmpdir)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('problems creating tmp dir');
+ }
+ }
+ // we should retry to create a unique id if a file with the same name exists
+ // to avoid a script timeout we only wait 1 second (instead of 2) and stop
+ // after a defined retry count
+ // if you change this variable take into account that it can take up to $max_tries seconds
+ // normally we should have a valid unique name after the first try, we're just following the "standard" here
+ $max_tries = 5;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $max_tries; ++$i) {
+ $uniq = $this->_createUniqueId();
+ if (!file_exists($tmpdir . $uniq)) {
+ // here is the race condition! - as defined in the standard
+ // to avoid having a long time between stat()ing the file and creating it we're opening it here
+ // to mark the filename as taken
+ $fh = fopen($tmpdir . $uniq, 'w');
+ if (!$fh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('could not open temp file');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (!$fh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("tried $max_tries unique ids for a temp file, but all were taken"
+ . ' - giving up');
+ }
+ return array('dirname' => $this->_rootdir . '.' . $folder, 'uniq' => $uniq, 'filename' => $tmpdir . $uniq,
+ 'handle' => $fh);
+ }
+ /**
+ * create an info string for filenames with given flags
+ *
+ * @param array $flags wanted flags, with the reference you'll get the set flags with correct key (= char for flag)
+ * @return string info string for version 2 filenames including the leading colon
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ protected function _getInfoString(&$flags)
+ {
+ // accessing keys is easier, faster and it removes duplicated flags
+ $wanted_flags = array_flip($flags);
+ if (isset($wanted_flags[Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_RECENT])) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('recent flag may not be set');
+ }
+ $info = ':2,';
+ $flags = array();
+ foreach (Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir::$_knownFlags as $char => $flag) {
+ if (!isset($wanted_flags[$flag])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $info .= $char;
+ $flags[$char] = $flag;
+ unset($wanted_flags[$flag]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($wanted_flags)) {
+ $wanted_flags = implode(', ', array_keys($wanted_flags));
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('unknown flag(s): ' . $wanted_flags);
+ }
+ return $info;
+ }
+ /**
+ * append a new message to mail storage
+ *
+ * @param string|stream $message message as string or stream resource
+ * @param null|string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder folder for new message, else current folder is taken
+ * @param null|array $flags set flags for new message, else a default set is used
+ * @param bool $recent handle this mail as if recent flag has been set,
+ * should only be used in delivery
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ // not yet * @param string|Zend_Mail_Message|Zend_Mime_Message $message message as string or instance of message class
+ public function appendMessage($message, $folder = null, $flags = null, $recent = false)
+ {
+ if ($this->_quota && $this->checkQuota()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('storage is over quota!');
+ }
+ if ($folder === null) {
+ $folder = $this->_currentFolder;
+ }
+ if (!($folder instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder)) {
+ $folder = $this->getFolders($folder);
+ }
+ if ($flags === null) {
+ $flags = array(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN);
+ }
+ $info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
+ $temp_file = $this->_createTmpFile($folder->getGlobalName());
+ // TODO: handle class instances for $message
+ if (is_resource($message) && get_resource_type($message) == 'stream') {
+ stream_copy_to_stream($message, $temp_file['handle']);
+ } else {
+ fputs($temp_file['handle'], $message);
+ }
+ fclose($temp_file['handle']);
+ // we're adding the size to the filename for maildir++
+ $size = filesize($temp_file['filename']);
+ if ($size !== false) {
+ $info = ',S=' . $size . $info;
+ }
+ $new_filename = $temp_file['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ $new_filename .= $recent ? 'new' : 'cur';
+ $new_filename .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $temp_file['uniq'] . $info;
+ // we're throwing any exception after removing our temp file and saving it to this variable instead
+ $exception = null;
+ if (!link($temp_file['filename'], $new_filename)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ $exception = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot link message file to final dir');
+ }
+ @unlink($temp_file['filename']);
+ if ($exception) {
+ throw $exception;
+ }
+ $this->_files[] = array('uniq' => $temp_file['uniq'],
+ 'flags' => $flags,
+ 'filename' => $new_filename);
+ if ($this->_quota) {
+ $this->_addQuotaEntry((int)$size, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * copy an existing message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function copyMessage($id, $folder)
+ {
+ if ($this->_quota && $this->checkQuota()) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('storage is over quota!');
+ }
+ if (!($folder instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder)) {
+ $folder = $this->getFolders($folder);
+ }
+ $filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
+ $old_file = $filedata['filename'];
+ $flags = $filedata['flags'];
+ // copied message can't be recent
+ while (($key = array_search(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_RECENT, $flags)) !== false) {
+ unset($flags[$key]);
+ }
+ $info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
+ // we're creating the copy as temp file before moving to cur/
+ $temp_file = $this->_createTmpFile($folder->getGlobalName());
+ // we don't write directly to the file
+ fclose($temp_file['handle']);
+ // we're adding the size to the filename for maildir++
+ $size = filesize($old_file);
+ if ($size !== false) {
+ $info = ',S=' . $size . $info;
+ }
+ $new_file = $temp_file['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $temp_file['uniq'] . $info;
+ // we're throwing any exception after removing our temp file and saving it to this variable instead
+ $exception = null;
+ if (!copy($old_file, $temp_file['filename'])) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ $exception = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot copy message file');
+ } else if (!link($temp_file['filename'], $new_file)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ $exception = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot link message file to final dir');
+ }
+ @unlink($temp_file['filename']);
+ if ($exception) {
+ throw $exception;
+ }
+ if ($folder->getGlobalName() == $this->_currentFolder
+ || ($this->_currentFolder == 'INBOX' && $folder->getGlobalName() == '/')) {
+ $this->_files[] = array('uniq' => $temp_file['uniq'],
+ 'flags' => $flags,
+ 'filename' => $new_file);
+ }
+ if ($this->_quota) {
+ $this->_addQuotaEntry((int)$size, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * move an existing message
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param string|Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder $folder name or instance of targer folder
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function moveMessage($id, $folder) {
+ if (!($folder instanceof Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder)) {
+ $folder = $this->getFolders($folder);
+ }
+ if ($folder->getGlobalName() == $this->_currentFolder
+ || ($this->_currentFolder == 'INBOX' && $folder->getGlobalName() == '/')) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('target is current folder');
+ }
+ $filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
+ $old_file = $filedata['filename'];
+ $flags = $filedata['flags'];
+ // moved message can't be recent
+ while (($key = array_search(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_RECENT, $flags)) !== false) {
+ unset($flags[$key]);
+ }
+ $info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
+ // reserving a new name
+ $temp_file = $this->_createTmpFile($folder->getGlobalName());
+ fclose($temp_file['handle']);
+ // we're adding the size to the filename for maildir++
+ $size = filesize($old_file);
+ if ($size !== false) {
+ $info = ',S=' . $size . $info;
+ }
+ $new_file = $temp_file['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $temp_file['uniq'] . $info;
+ // we're throwing any exception after removing our temp file and saving it to this variable instead
+ $exception = null;
+ if (!rename($old_file, $new_file)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ $exception = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot move message file');
+ }
+ @unlink($temp_file['filename']);
+ if ($exception) {
+ throw $exception;
+ }
+ unset($this->_files[$id - 1]);
+ // remove the gap
+ $this->_files = array_values($this->_files);
+ }
+ /**
+ * set flags for message
+ *
+ * NOTE: this method can't set the recent flag.
+ *
+ * @param int $id number of message
+ * @param array $flags new flags for message
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function setFlags($id, $flags)
+ {
+ $info = $this->_getInfoString($flags);
+ $filedata = $this->_getFileData($id);
+ // NOTE: double dirname to make sure we always move to cur. if recent flag has been set (message is in new) it will be moved to cur.
+ $new_filename = dirname(dirname($filedata['filename'])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "$filedata[uniq]$info";
+ if (!@rename($filedata['filename'], $new_filename)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot rename file');
+ }
+ $filedata['flags'] = $flags;
+ $filedata['filename'] = $new_filename;
+ $this->_files[$id - 1] = $filedata;
+ }
+ /**
+ * stub for not supported message deletion
+ *
+ * @return null
+ * @throws Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ public function removeMessage($id)
+ {
+ $filename = $this->_getFileData($id, 'filename');
+ if ($this->_quota) {
+ $size = filesize($filename);
+ }
+ if (!@unlink($filename)) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot remove message');
+ }
+ unset($this->_files[$id - 1]);
+ // remove the gap
+ $this->_files = array_values($this->_files);
+ if ($this->_quota) {
+ $this->_addQuotaEntry(0 - (int)$size, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * enable/disable quota and set a quota value if wanted or needed
+ *
+ * You can enable/disable quota with true/false. If you don't have
+ * a MDA or want to enforce a quota value you can also set this value
+ * here. Use array('size' => SIZE_QUOTA, 'count' => MAX_MESSAGE) do
+ * define your quota. Order of these fields does matter!
+ *
+ * @param bool|array $value new quota value
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function setQuota($value) {
+ $this->_quota = $value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get currently set quota
+ *
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Maildir::setQuota()
+ *
+ * @return bool|array
+ */
+ public function getQuota($fromStorage = false) {
+ if ($fromStorage) {
+ $fh = @fopen($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize', 'r');
+ if (!$fh) {
+ /**
+ * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception
+ */
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot open maildirsize');
+ }
+ $definition = fgets($fh);
+ fclose($fh);
+ $definition = explode(',', trim($definition));
+ $quota = array();
+ foreach ($definition as $member) {
+ $key = $member[strlen($member) - 1];
+ if ($key == 'S' || $key == 'C') {
+ $key = $key == 'C' ? 'count' : 'size';
+ }
+ $quota[$key] = substr($member, 0, -1);
+ }
+ return $quota;
+ }
+ return $this->_quota;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see "Calculating maildirsize"
+ */
+ protected function _calculateMaildirsize() {
+ $timestamps = array();
+ $messages = 0;
+ $total_size = 0;
+ if (is_array($this->_quota)) {
+ $quota = $this->_quota;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ $quota = $this->getQuota(true);
+ } catch (Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception $e) {
+ throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('no quota definition found', 0, $e);
+ }
+ }
+ $folders = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($this->getFolders(), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
+ foreach ($folders as $folder) {
+ $subdir = $folder->getGlobalName();
+ if ($subdir == 'INBOX') {
+ $subdir = '';
+ } else {
+ $subdir = '.' . $subdir;
+ }
+ if ($subdir == 'Trash') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach (array('cur', 'new') as $subsubdir) {
+ $dirname = $this->_rootdir . $subdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subsubdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // NOTE: we are using mtime instead of "the latest timestamp". The latest would be atime
+ // and as we are accessing the directory it would make the whole calculation useless.
+ $timestamps[$dirname] = filemtime($dirname);
+ $dh = opendir($dirname);
+ // NOTE: Should have been checked in constructor. Not throwing an exception here, quotas will
+ // therefore not be fully enforeced, but next request will fail anyway, if problem persists.
+ if (!$dh) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ while (($entry = readdir()) !== false) {
+ if ($entry[0] == '.' || !is_file($dirname . $entry)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($entry, ',S=')) {
+ strtok($entry, '=');
+ $filesize = strtok(':');
+ if (is_numeric($filesize)) {
+ $total_size += $filesize;
+ ++$messages;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $size = filesize($dirname . $entry);
+ if ($size === false) {
+ // ignore, as we assume file got removed
+ continue;
+ }
+ $total_size += $size;
+ ++$messages;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tmp = $this->_createTmpFile();
+ $fh = $tmp['handle'];
+ $definition = array();
+ foreach ($quota as $type => $value) {
+ if ($type == 'size' || $type == 'count') {
+ $type = $type == 'count' ? 'C' : 'S';
+ }
+ $definition[] = $value . $type;
+ }
+ $definition = implode(',', $definition);
+ fputs($fh, "$definition\n");
+ fputs($fh, "$total_size $messages\n");
+ fclose($fh);
+ rename($tmp['filename'], $this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize');
+ foreach ($timestamps as $dir => $timestamp) {
+ if ($timestamp < filemtime($dir)) {
+ unlink($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return array('size' => $total_size, 'count' => $messages, 'quota' => $quota);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see "Calculating the quota for a Maildir++"
+ */
+ protected function _calculateQuota($forceRecalc = false) {
+ $fh = null;
+ $total_size = 0;
+ $messages = 0;
+ $maildirsize = '';
+ if (!$forceRecalc && file_exists($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize') && filesize($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize') < 5120) {
+ $fh = fopen($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize', 'r');
+ }
+ if ($fh) {
+ $maildirsize = fread($fh, 5120);
+ if (strlen($maildirsize) >= 5120) {
+ fclose($fh);
+ $fh = null;
+ $maildirsize = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$fh) {
+ $result = $this->_calculateMaildirsize();
+ $total_size = $result['size'];
+ $messages = $result['count'];
+ $quota = $result['quota'];
+ } else {
+ $maildirsize = explode("\n", $maildirsize);
+ if (is_array($this->_quota)) {
+ $quota = $this->_quota;
+ } else {
+ $definition = explode(',', $maildirsize[0]);
+ $quota = array();
+ foreach ($definition as $member) {
+ $key = $member[strlen($member) - 1];
+ if ($key == 'S' || $key == 'C') {
+ $key = $key == 'C' ? 'count' : 'size';
+ }
+ $quota[$key] = substr($member, 0, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ unset($maildirsize[0]);
+ foreach ($maildirsize as $line) {
+ list($size, $count) = explode(' ', trim($line));
+ $total_size += $size;
+ $messages += $count;
+ }
+ }
+ $over_quota = false;
+ $over_quota = $over_quota || (isset($quota['size']) && $total_size > $quota['size']);
+ $over_quota = $over_quota || (isset($quota['count']) && $messages > $quota['count']);
+ // NOTE: $maildirsize equals false if it wasn't set (AKA we recalculated) or it's only
+ // one line, because $maildirsize[0] gets unsetted.
+ // Also we're using local time to calculate the 15 minute offset. Touching a file just for known the
+ // local time of the file storage isn't worth the hassle.
+ if ($over_quota && ($maildirsize || filemtime($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize') > time() - 900)) {
+ $result = $this->_calculateMaildirsize();
+ $total_size = $result['size'];
+ $messages = $result['count'];
+ $quota = $result['quota'];
+ $over_quota = false;
+ $over_quota = $over_quota || (isset($quota['size']) && $total_size > $quota['size']);
+ $over_quota = $over_quota || (isset($quota['count']) && $messages > $quota['count']);
+ }
+ if ($fh) {
+ // TODO is there a safe way to keep the handle open for writing?
+ fclose($fh);
+ }
+ return array('size' => $total_size, 'count' => $messages, 'quota' => $quota, 'over_quota' => $over_quota);
+ }
+ protected function _addQuotaEntry($size, $count = 1) {
+ if (!file_exists($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize')) {
+ // TODO: should get file handler from _calculateQuota
+ }
+ $size = (int)$size;
+ $count = (int)$count;
+ file_put_contents($this->_rootdir . 'maildirsize', "$size $count\n", FILE_APPEND);
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if storage is currently over quota
+ *
+ * @param bool $detailedResponse return known data of quota and current size and message count @see _calculateQuota()
+ * @return bool|array over quota state or detailed response
+ */
+ public function checkQuota($detailedResponse = false, $forceRecalc = false) {
+ $result = $this->_calculateQuota($forceRecalc);
+ return $detailedResponse ? $result : $result['over_quota'];
+ }