path: root/src/bin/d2/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/d2/tests/')
1 files changed, 1391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/d2/tests/ b/src/bin/d2/tests/
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index 0000000..8f956e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/d2/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1391 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asiolink/interval_timer.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_service.h>
+#include <cc/command_interpreter.h>
+#include <config/command_mgr.h>
+#include <config/timeouts.h>
+#include <testutils/io_utils.h>
+#include <testutils/unix_control_client.h>
+#include <d2/d2_controller.h>
+#include <d2/d2_process.h>
+#include <d2/parser_context.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <testutils/sandbox.h>
+#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <thread>
+#include <unistd.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::config;
+using namespace isc::d2;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::dhcp::test;
+using namespace isc::process;
+using namespace boost::asio;
+namespace ph = std::placeholders;
+namespace isc {
+namespace d2 {
+class NakedD2Controller;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<NakedD2Controller> NakedD2ControllerPtr;
+class NakedD2Controller : public D2Controller {
+ // "Naked" D2 controller, exposes internal methods.
+ static DControllerBasePtr& instance() {
+ static DControllerBasePtr controller_ptr;
+ if (!controller_ptr) {
+ controller_ptr.reset(new NakedD2Controller());
+ }
+ return (controller_ptr);
+ }
+ virtual ~NakedD2Controller() { deregisterCommands(); }
+ using DControllerBase::getIOService;
+ using DControllerBase::initProcess;
+ D2ProcessPtr getProcess() {
+ return (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<D2Process>(DControllerBase::getProcess()));
+ }
+ NakedD2Controller() { }
+}; // namespace isc::d2
+}; // namespace isc
+namespace {
+/// @brief Simple RAII class which stops IO service upon destruction
+/// of the object.
+class IOServiceWork {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// @param io_service Pointer to the IO service to be stopped.
+ explicit IOServiceWork(const IOServicePtr& io_service)
+ : io_service_(io_service) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ ///
+ /// Stops IO service.
+ ~IOServiceWork() {
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }
+ /// @brief Pointer to the IO service to be stopped upon destruction.
+ IOServicePtr io_service_;
+/// @brief Fixture class intended for testing control channel in D2.
+class CtrlChannelD2Test : public ::testing::Test {
+ isc::test::Sandbox sandbox;
+ /// @brief Path to the UNIX socket being used to communicate with the server.
+ string socket_path_;
+ /// @brief Reference to the base controller object.
+ DControllerBasePtr& server_;
+ /// @brief Cast controller object.
+ NakedD2Controller* d2Controller() {
+ return (dynamic_cast<NakedD2Controller*>(server_.get()));
+ }
+ /// @brief Configuration file.
+ static const char* CFG_TEST_FILE;
+ /// @brief Default constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Sets socket path to its default value.
+ CtrlChannelD2Test()
+ : server_(NakedD2Controller::instance()) {
+ const char* env = getenv("KEA_SOCKET_TEST_DIR");
+ if (env) {
+ socket_path_ = string(env) + "/d2.sock";
+ } else {
+ socket_path_ = sandbox.join("d2.sock");
+ }
+ ::remove(socket_path_.c_str());
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ ~CtrlChannelD2Test() {
+ // Deregister & co.
+ server_.reset();
+ // Remove files.
+ ::remove(CFG_TEST_FILE);
+ ::remove(socket_path_.c_str());
+ // Reset command manager.
+ CommandMgr::instance().deregisterAll();
+ CommandMgr::instance().setConnectionTimeout(TIMEOUT_DHCP_SERVER_RECEIVE_COMMAND);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns pointer to the server's IO service.
+ ///
+ /// @return Pointer to the server's IO service or null pointer if the
+ /// hasn't been created server.
+ IOServicePtr getIOService() {
+ return (server_ ? d2Controller()->getIOService() : IOServicePtr());
+ }
+ /// @brief Runs parser in DHCPDDNS mode
+ ///
+ /// @param config input configuration
+ /// @param verbose display errors
+ /// @return element pointer representing the configuration
+ ElementPtr parseDHCPDDNS(const string& config, bool verbose = false) {
+ try {
+ D2ParserContext ctx;
+ return (ctx.parseString(config,
+ D2ParserContext::PARSER_SUB_DHCPDDNS));
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ if (verbose) {
+ cout << "EXCEPTION: " << ex.what() << endl;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Create a server with a command channel.
+ void createUnixChannelServer() {
+ ::remove(socket_path_.c_str());
+ // Just a simple config. The important part here is the socket
+ // location information.
+ string header =
+ "{"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\","
+ " \"port\": 777,"
+ " \"control-socket\": {"
+ " \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+ " \"socket-name\": \"";
+ string footer =
+ "\""
+ " },"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [],"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {},"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}"
+ "}";
+ // Fill in the socket-name value with socket_path_ to make
+ // the actual configuration text.
+ string config_txt = header + socket_path_ + footer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(server_);
+ ConstElementPtr config;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCPDDNS(config_txt, true));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->initProcess());
+ D2ProcessPtr proc = d2Controller()->getProcess();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(proc);
+ ConstElementPtr answer = proc->configure(config, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->registerCommands());
+ int status = 0;
+ ConstElementPtr txt = parseAnswer(status, answer);
+ // This should succeed. If not, print the error message.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, status) << txt->str();
+ // Now check that the socket was indeed open.
+ ASSERT_GT(CommandMgr::instance().getControlSocketFD(), -1);
+ }
+ /// @brief Conducts a command/response exchange via UnixCommandSocket.
+ ///
+ /// This method connects to the given server over the given socket path.
+ /// If successful, it then sends the given command and retrieves the
+ /// server's response. Note that it polls the server's I/O service
+ /// where needed to cause the server to process IO events on
+ /// the control channel sockets
+ ///
+ /// @param command the command text to execute in JSON form
+ /// @param response variable into which the received response should be
+ /// placed.
+ void sendUnixCommand(const string& command, string& response) {
+ response = "";
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client;
+ client.reset(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Connect to the server. This is expected to trigger server's acceptor
+ // handler when IOService::poll() is run.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+ // Send the command. This will trigger server's handler which receives
+ // data over the unix domain socket. The server will start sending
+ // response to the client.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendCommand(command));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+ // Read the response generated by the server. Note that getResponse
+ // only fails if there an IO error or no response data was present.
+ // It is not based on the response content.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->getResponse(response));
+ // Now disconnect and process the close event.
+ client->disconnectFromServer();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks response for list-commands.
+ ///
+ /// This method checks if the list-commands response is generally sane
+ /// and whether specified command is mentioned in the response.
+ ///
+ /// @param rsp response sent back by the server.
+ /// @param command command expected to be on the list.
+ void checkListCommands(const ConstElementPtr& rsp, const string command) {
+ ConstElementPtr params;
+ int status_code = -1;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(params = parseAnswer(status_code, rsp));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(params);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::list, params->getType());
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < params->size(); ++i) {
+ string tmp = params->get(i)->stringValue();
+ if (tmp == command) {
+ // Command found, but that's not enough.
+ // Need to continue working through the list to see
+ // if there are no duplicates.
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Exactly one command on the list is expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, cnt) << "Command " << command << " not found";
+ }
+ /// @brief Check if the answer for config-write command is correct.
+ ///
+ /// @param response_txt response in text form.
+ /// (as read from the control socket)
+ /// @param exp_status expected status.
+ /// (0 success, 1 failure)
+ /// @param exp_txt for success cases this defines the expected filename,
+ /// for failure cases this defines the expected error message.
+ void checkConfigWrite(const string& response_txt, int exp_status,
+ const string& exp_txt = "") {
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(rsp = Element::fromJSON(response_txt));
+ int status;
+ ConstElementPtr params = parseAnswer(status, rsp);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_status, status);
+ if (exp_status == CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ // Let's check couple things...
+ // The parameters must include filename.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(params);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(params->get("filename"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, params->get("filename")->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_txt, params->get("filename")->stringValue());
+ // The parameters must include size. And the size
+ // must indicate some content.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(params->get("size"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, params->get("size")->getType());
+ int64_t size = params->get("size")->intValue();
+ EXPECT_LE(1, size);
+ // Now check if the file is really there and suitable for
+ // opening.
+ ifstream f(exp_txt, ios::binary | ios::ate);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(f.good());
+ // Now check that it is the correct size as reported.
+ EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int64_t>(f.tellg()));
+ // Finally, check that it's really a JSON.
+ ElementPtr from_file = Element::fromJSONFile(exp_txt);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_file);
+ } else if (exp_status == CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR) {
+ // Let's check if the reason for failure was given.
+ ConstElementPtr text = rsp->get("text");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, text->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_txt, text->stringValue());
+ } else {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Invalid expected status: " << exp_status;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Handler for long command.
+ ///
+ /// It checks whether the received command is equal to the one specified
+ /// as an argument.
+ ///
+ /// @param expected_command String representing an expected command.
+ /// @param command_name Command name received by the handler.
+ /// @param arguments Command arguments received by the handler.
+ ///
+ /// @returns Success answer.
+ static ConstElementPtr
+ longCommandHandler(const string& expected_command,
+ const string& command_name,
+ const ConstElementPtr& arguments) {
+ // The handler is called with a command name and the structure holding
+ // command arguments. We have to rebuild the command from those
+ // two arguments so as it can be compared against expected_command.
+ ElementPtr entire_command = Element::createMap();
+ entire_command->set("command", Element::create(command_name));
+ entire_command->set("arguments", (arguments));
+ // The rebuilt command will have a different order of parameters so
+ // let's parse expected_command back to JSON to guarantee that
+ // both structures are built using the same order.
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::fromJSON(expected_command)->str(),
+ entire_command->str());
+ return (createAnswer(0, "long command received ok"));
+ }
+ /// @brief Command handler which generates long response.
+ ///
+ /// This handler generates a large response (over 400kB). It includes
+ /// a list of randomly generated strings to make sure that the test
+ /// can catch out of order delivery.
+ static ConstElementPtr
+ longResponseHandler(const string&, const ConstElementPtr&) {
+ ElementPtr arguments = Element::createList();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 80000; ++i) {
+ std::ostringstream s;
+ s << std::setw(5) << i;
+ arguments->add(Element::create(s.str()));
+ }
+ return (createAnswer(0, arguments));
+ }
+const char* CtrlChannelD2Test::CFG_TEST_FILE = "d2-test-config.json";
+// Test bad syntax rejected by the parser.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, parser) {
+ // no empty map.
+ string bad1 =
+ "{"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\","
+ " \"port\": 777,"
+ " \"control-socket\": { },"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [],"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {},"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}"
+ "}";
+ ASSERT_THROW(parseDHCPDDNS(bad1), D2ParseError);
+ // unknown keyword.
+ string bad2 =
+ "{"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\","
+ " \"port\": 777,"
+ " \"control-socket\": {"
+ " \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+ " \"socket-name\": \"/tmp/d2.sock\","
+ " \"bogus\": \"unknown...\""
+ " },"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [],"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {},"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}"
+ "}";
+ ASSERT_THROW(parseDHCPDDNS(bad2), D2ParseError);
+// Test bad syntax rejected by the process.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configure) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(server_);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->initProcess());
+ D2ProcessPtr proc = d2Controller()->getProcess();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(proc);
+ // no type.
+ string bad1 =
+ "{"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\","
+ " \"port\": 777,"
+ " \"control-socket\": {"
+ " \"socket-name\": \"/tmp/d2.sock\""
+ " },"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [],"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {},"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}"
+ "}";
+ ConstElementPtr config;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCPDDNS(bad1, true));
+ ConstElementPtr answer = proc->configure(config, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ int status = 0;
+ ConstElementPtr txt = parseAnswer(status, answer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, status);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, txt->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ("Mandatory 'socket-type' parameter missing", txt->stringValue());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, CommandMgr::instance().getControlSocketFD());
+ // bad type.
+ string bad2 =
+ "{"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\","
+ " \"port\": 777,"
+ " \"control-socket\": {"
+ " \"socket-type\": \"bogus\","
+ " \"socket-name\": \"/tmp/d2.sock\""
+ " },"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [],"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {},"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}"
+ "}";
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCPDDNS(bad2, true));
+ answer = proc->configure(config, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ status = 0;
+ txt = parseAnswer(status, answer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, status);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, txt->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ("Invalid 'socket-type' parameter value bogus",
+ txt->stringValue());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, CommandMgr::instance().getControlSocketFD());
+ // no name.
+ string bad3 =
+ "{"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\","
+ " \"port\": 777,"
+ " \"control-socket\": {"
+ " \"socket-type\": \"unix\""
+ " },"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [],"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {},"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}"
+ "}";
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCPDDNS(bad3, true));
+ answer = proc->configure(config, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ status = 0;
+ txt = parseAnswer(status, answer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, status);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, txt->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ("Mandatory 'socket-name' parameter missing",
+ txt->stringValue());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, CommandMgr::instance().getControlSocketFD());
+// This test checks which commands are registered by the D2 server.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, commandsRegistration) {
+ ConstElementPtr list_cmds = createCommand("list-commands");
+ ConstElementPtr answer;
+ // By default the list should be empty (except the standard list-commands
+ // supported by the CommandMgr itself).
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(answer = CommandMgr::instance().processCommand(list_cmds));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer->get("arguments"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("[ \"list-commands\" ]", answer->get("arguments")->str());
+ // Created server should register several additional commands.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(answer = CommandMgr::instance().processCommand(list_cmds));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer->get("arguments"));
+ string command_list = answer->get("arguments")->str();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"list-commands\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"build-report\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"config-get\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"config-reload\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"config-set\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"config-test\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"config-write\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"shutdown\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"status-get\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"statistic-get\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"statistic-get-all\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"statistic-reset\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"statistic-reset-all\"") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(command_list.find("\"version-get\"") != string::npos);
+ // Ok, and now delete the server. It should deregister its commands.
+ server_.reset();
+ // The list should be (almost) empty again.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(answer = CommandMgr::instance().processCommand(list_cmds));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer->get("arguments"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("[ \"list-commands\" ]", answer->get("arguments")->str());
+// Tests that the server properly responds to invalid commands.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, invalid) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"bogus\" }", response);
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 2, \"text\": \"'bogus' command not supported.\" }",
+ response);
+ sendUnixCommand("utter nonsense", response);
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"invalid first character u\" }",
+ response);
+// Tests that the server properly responds to shutdown command.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, shutdown) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"shutdown\" }", response);
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"Shutdown initiated, type is: normal\" }",
+ response);
+ EXPECT_EQ(EXIT_SUCCESS, server_->getExitValue());
+// Tests that the server sets exit value supplied as argument
+// to shutdown command.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, shutdownExitValue) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"shutdown\", "
+ "\"arguments\": { \"exit-value\": 77 }}",
+ response);
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"Shutdown initiated, type is: normal\" }",
+ response);
+ EXPECT_EQ(77, server_->getExitValue());
+// This test verifies that the DHCP server handles version-get commands.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, getversion) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ // Send the version-get command.
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"version-get\" }", response);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response.find("\"result\": 0") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response.find("log4cplus") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response.find("GTEST_VERSION") != string::npos);
+ // Send the build-report command.
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"build-report\" }", response);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response.find("\"result\": 0") != string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response.find("GTEST_VERSION") != string::npos);
+// Tests that the server properly responds to list-commands command.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, listCommands) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"list-commands\" }", response);
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(rsp = Element::fromJSON(response));
+ // We expect the server to report at least the following commands:
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "build-report");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "config-get");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "config-reload");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "config-set");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "config-test");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "config-write");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "list-commands");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "statistic-get");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "statistic-get-all");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "statistic-reset");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "statistic-reset-all");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "status-get");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "shutdown");
+ checkListCommands(rsp, "version-get");
+// This test verifies that the D2 server handles status-get commands
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, statusGet) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ std::string response_txt;
+ // Send the version-get command
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"status-get\" }", response_txt);
+ ConstElementPtr response;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(response = Element::fromJSON(response_txt));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, response->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, response->size());
+ ConstElementPtr result = response->get("result");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, result->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, result->intValue());
+ ConstElementPtr arguments = response->get("arguments");
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, arguments->getType());
+ // The returned pid should be the pid of our process.
+ auto found_pid = arguments->get("pid");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(found_pid);
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64_t>(getpid()), found_pid->intValue());
+ // It is hard to check the actual reload time as it is based
+ // on current time. Let's just make sure it is within a reasonable
+ // range.
+ auto found_reload = arguments->get("reload");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(found_reload);
+ EXPECT_LE(found_reload->intValue(), 5);
+ EXPECT_GE(found_reload->intValue(), 0);
+ /// @todo uptime is not available in this test, because the launch()
+ /// function is not called. This is not critical to test here,
+ /// because the same logic is tested for CA and in that case the
+ /// uptime is tested.
+// Tests if the server returns its configuration using config-get.
+// Note there are separate tests that verify if toElement() called by the
+// config-get handler are actually converting the configuration correctly.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configGet) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"config-get\" }", response);
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ // The response should be a valid JSON.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(rsp = Element::fromJSON(response));
+ int status;
+ ConstElementPtr cfg = parseAnswer(status, rsp);
+ // Ok, now roughly check if the response seems legit.
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, cfg->getType());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg->get("DhcpDdns"));
+// Verify that the "config-test" command will do what we expect.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configTest) {
+ // Define strings to permutate the config arguments.
+ // (Note the line feeds makes errors easy to find)
+ string config_test_txt = "{ \"command\": \"config-test\" \n";
+ string args_txt = " \"arguments\": { \n";
+ string d2_header =
+ " \"DhcpDdns\": \n";
+ string d2_cfg_txt =
+ " { \n"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"port\": 777, \n"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {}, \n"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}, \n"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [ \n";
+ string key1 =
+ " {\"name\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"algorithm\": \"hmac-md5\", \n"
+ " \"secret\": \"LSWXnfkKZjdPJI5QxlpnfQ==\"} \n";
+ string key2 =
+ " {\"name\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"algorithm\": \"hmac-md5\", \n"
+ " \"digest-bits\": 120, \n"
+ " \"secret\": \"LSWXnfkKZjdPJI5QxlpnfQ==\"} \n";
+ string bad_key =
+ " {\"BOGUS\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"algorithm\": \"hmac-md5\", \n"
+ " \"secret\": \"LSWXnfkKZjdPJI5QxlpnfQ==\"} \n";
+ string key_footer =
+ " ] \n";
+ string control_socket_header =
+ " ,\"control-socket\": { \n"
+ " \"socket-type\": \"unix\", \n"
+ " \"socket-name\": \"";
+ string control_socket_footer =
+ "\" \n} \n";
+ ostringstream os;
+ // Create a valid config with all the parts should parse.
+ os << d2_cfg_txt
+ << key1
+ << key_footer
+ << control_socket_header
+ << socket_path_
+ << control_socket_footer
+ << "}\n";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(server_);
+ ConstElementPtr config;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCPDDNS(os.str(), true));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->initProcess());
+ D2ProcessPtr proc = d2Controller()->getProcess();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(proc);
+ ConstElementPtr answer = proc->configure(config, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"Configuration applied successfully.\" }",
+ answer->str());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->registerCommands());
+ // Check that the config was indeed applied.
+ D2CfgMgrPtr cfg_mgr = proc->getD2CfgMgr();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_mgr);
+ D2CfgContextPtr d2_context = cfg_mgr->getD2CfgContext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_context);
+ TSIGKeyInfoMapPtr keys = d2_context->getKeys();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(keys);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, keys->size());
+ ASSERT_GT(CommandMgr::instance().getControlSocketFD(), -1);
+ // Create a config with malformed subnet that should fail to parse.
+ os.str("");
+ os << config_test_txt << ","
+ << args_txt
+ << d2_header
+ << d2_cfg_txt
+ << bad_key
+ << key_footer
+ << control_socket_header
+ << socket_path_
+ << control_socket_footer
+ << "}\n" // close DhcpDdns.
+ << "}}";
+ // Send the config-test command.
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand(os.str(), response);
+ // Should fail with a syntax error.
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"missing parameter 'name' (<wire>:9:14)\" }",
+ response);
+ // Check that the config was not lost (fix: reacquire the context).
+ d2_context = cfg_mgr->getD2CfgContext();
+ keys = d2_context->getKeys();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(keys);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, keys->size());
+ // Create a valid config with two keys and no command channel.
+ os.str("");
+ os << config_test_txt << ","
+ << args_txt
+ << d2_header
+ << d2_cfg_txt
+ << key1
+ << ",\n"
+ << key2
+ << key_footer
+ << "}\n" // close DhcpDdns.
+ << "}}";
+ // Verify the control channel socket exists.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test::fileExists(socket_path_));
+ // Send the config-test command.
+ sendUnixCommand(os.str(), response);
+ // Verify the control channel socket still exists.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(test::fileExists(socket_path_));
+ // Verify the configuration was successful.
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"Configuration check successful\" }",
+ response);
+ // Check that the config was not applied.
+ d2_context = cfg_mgr->getD2CfgContext();
+ keys = d2_context->getKeys();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(keys);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, keys->size());
+// Verify that the "config-set" command will do what we expect.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configSet) {
+ // Define strings to permutate the config arguments.
+ // (Note the line feeds makes errors easy to find)
+ string config_set_txt = "{ \"command\": \"config-set\" \n";
+ string args_txt = " \"arguments\": { \n";
+ string d2_header =
+ " \"DhcpDdns\": \n";
+ string d2_cfg_txt =
+ " { \n"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"port\": 777, \n"
+ " \"forward-ddns\" : {}, \n"
+ " \"reverse-ddns\" : {}, \n"
+ " \"tsig-keys\": [ \n";
+ string key1 =
+ " {\"name\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"algorithm\": \"hmac-md5\", \n"
+ " \"secret\": \"LSWXnfkKZjdPJI5QxlpnfQ==\"} \n";
+ string key2 =
+ " {\"name\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"algorithm\": \"hmac-md5\", \n"
+ " \"digest-bits\": 120, \n"
+ " \"secret\": \"LSWXnfkKZjdPJI5QxlpnfQ==\"} \n";
+ string bad_key =
+ " {\"BOGUS\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"algorithm\": \"hmac-md5\", \n"
+ " \"secret\": \"LSWXnfkKZjdPJI5QxlpnfQ==\"} \n";
+ string key_footer =
+ " ] \n";
+ string control_socket_header =
+ " ,\"control-socket\": { \n"
+ " \"socket-type\": \"unix\", \n"
+ " \"socket-name\": \"";
+ string control_socket_footer =
+ "\" \n} \n";
+ ostringstream os;
+ // Create a valid config with all the parts should parse.
+ os << d2_cfg_txt
+ << key1
+ << key_footer
+ << control_socket_header
+ << socket_path_
+ << control_socket_footer
+ << "}\n";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(server_);
+ ConstElementPtr config;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCPDDNS(os.str(), true));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->initProcess());
+ D2ProcessPtr proc = d2Controller()->getProcess();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(proc);
+ ConstElementPtr answer = proc->configure(config, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer);
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"Configuration applied successfully.\" }",
+ answer->str());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2Controller()->registerCommands());
+ // Check that the config was indeed applied.
+ D2CfgMgrPtr cfg_mgr = proc->getD2CfgMgr();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_mgr);
+ D2CfgContextPtr d2_context = cfg_mgr->getD2CfgContext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_context);
+ TSIGKeyInfoMapPtr keys = d2_context->getKeys();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(keys);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, keys->size());
+ ASSERT_GT(CommandMgr::instance().getControlSocketFD(), -1);
+ // Create a config with malformed subnet that should fail to parse.
+ os.str("");
+ os << config_set_txt << ","
+ << args_txt
+ << d2_header
+ << d2_cfg_txt
+ << bad_key
+ << key_footer
+ << control_socket_header
+ << socket_path_
+ << control_socket_footer
+ << "}\n" // close DhcpDdns.
+ << "}}";
+ // Send the config-set command.
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand(os.str(), response);
+ // Should fail with a syntax error.
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"missing parameter 'name' (<wire>:9:14)\" }",
+ response);
+ // Check that the config was not lost (fix: reacquire the context).
+ d2_context = cfg_mgr->getD2CfgContext();
+ keys = d2_context->getKeys();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(keys);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, keys->size());
+ // Create a valid config with two keys and no command channel.
+ os.str("");
+ os << config_set_txt << ","
+ << args_txt
+ << d2_header
+ << d2_cfg_txt
+ << key1
+ << ",\n"
+ << key2
+ << key_footer
+ << "}\n" // close DhcpDdns.
+ << "}}";
+ // Verify the control channel socket exists.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test::fileExists(socket_path_));
+ // Send the config-set command.
+ sendUnixCommand(os.str(), response);
+ // Verify the control channel socket no longer exists.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(test::fileExists(socket_path_));
+ // Verify the configuration was successful.
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"Configuration applied successfully.\" }",
+ response);
+ // Check that the config was applied.
+ d2_context = cfg_mgr->getD2CfgContext();
+ keys = d2_context->getKeys();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(keys);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, keys->size());
+// Tests if config-write can be called without any parameters.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, writeConfigNoFilename) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ // This is normally set by the command line -c parameter.
+ server_->setConfigFile("test1.json");
+ // If the filename is not explicitly specified, the name used
+ // in -c command line switch is used.
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"config-write\" }", response);
+ checkConfigWrite(response, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "test1.json");
+ ::remove("test1.json");
+// Tests if config-write can be called with a valid filename as parameter.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, writeConfigFilename) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"config-write\", "
+ "\"arguments\": { \"filename\": \"test2.json\" } }",
+ response);
+ checkConfigWrite(response, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "test2.json");
+ ::remove("test2.json");
+// Tests if config-reload attempts to reload a file and reports that the
+// file is missing.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configReloadMissingFile) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+ // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+ server_->setConfigFile("does-not-exist.json");
+ // Tell the server to reload its configuration. It should attempt to load
+ // does-not-exist.json (and fail, because the file is not there).
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"config-reload\" }", response);
+ // Verify the reload was rejected.
+ string expected = "{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": "
+ "\"Configuration parsing failed: "
+ "Unable to open file does-not-exist.json\" }";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, response);
+// Tests if config-reload attempts to reload a file and reports that the
+// file is not a valid JSON.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configReloadBrokenFile) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+ // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+ server_->setConfigFile("testbad.json");
+ // Although Kea is smart, its AI routines are not smart enough to handle
+ // this one... at least not yet.
+ ofstream f("testbad.json", ios::trunc);
+ f << "bla bla bla...";
+ f.close();
+ // Tell the server to reload its configuration. It should attempt to load
+ // testbad.json (and fail, because the file is not valid JSON).
+ // does-not-exist.json (and fail, because the file is not there).
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"config-reload\" }", response);
+ // Verify the reload was rejected.
+ string expected = "{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": "
+ "\"Configuration parsing failed: "
+ "testbad.json:1.1: Invalid character: b\" }";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, response);
+ // Remove the file.
+ ::remove("testbad.json");
+// Tests if config-reload attempts to reload a file and reports that the
+// file is missing.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, configReloadFileValid) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ string response;
+ // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+ // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+ server_->setConfigFile("testvalid.json");
+ // Ok, enough fooling around. Let's create a valid config.
+ ofstream f("testvalid.json", ios::trunc);
+ f << "{ \"DhcpDdns\": "
+ << "{"
+ << " \"ip-address\": \"\" , "
+ << " \"port\": 777 , "
+ << "\"tsig-keys\": [], "
+ << "\"forward-ddns\" : {}, "
+ << "\"reverse-ddns\" : {} "
+ << "}"
+ << " }" << endl;
+ f.close();
+ // Tell the server to reload its configuration. It should attempt to load
+ // testvalid.json (and succeed).
+ sendUnixCommand("{ \"command\": \"config-reload\" }", response);
+ // Verify the reload was successful.
+ string expected = "{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": "
+ "\"Configuration applied successfully.\" }";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, response);
+ // Check that the config was indeed applied.
+ D2ProcessPtr proc = d2Controller()->getProcess();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(proc);
+ D2CfgMgrPtr d2_cfg_mgr = proc->getD2CfgMgr();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_cfg_mgr);
+ D2ParamsPtr d2_params = d2_cfg_mgr->getD2Params();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_params);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", d2_params->getIpAddress().toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(777, d2_params->getPort());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(d2_cfg_mgr->forwardUpdatesEnabled());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(d2_cfg_mgr->reverseUpdatesEnabled());
+ // Remove the file.
+ ::remove("testvalid.json");
+/// Verify that concurrent connections over the control channel can be
+/// established. (@todo change when response will be sent in multiple chunks)
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, concurrentConnections) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(createUnixChannelServer());
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client1(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1);
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client2(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2);
+ // Client 1 connects.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+ // Client 2 connects.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+ // Send the command while another client is connected.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2->sendCommand("{ \"command\": \"list-commands\" }"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+ string response;
+ // The server should respond ok.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2->getResponse(response));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response.find("\"result\": 0") != std::string::npos);
+ // Disconnect the servers.
+ client1->disconnectFromServer();
+ client2->disconnectFromServer();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(getIOService()->poll());
+// This test verifies that the server can receive and process a large command.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, longCommand) {
+ ostringstream command;
+ // This is the desired size of the command sent to the server (1MB).
+ // The actual size sent will be slightly greater than that.
+ const size_t command_size = 1024 * 1000;
+ while (command.tellp() < command_size) {
+ // We're sending command 'foo' with arguments being a list of
+ // strings. If this is the first transmission, send command name
+ // and open the arguments list. Also insert the first argument
+ // so as all subsequent arguments can be prefixed with a comma.
+ if (command.tellp() == 0) {
+ command << "{ \"command\": \"foo\", \"arguments\": [ \"begin\"";
+ } else {
+ // Generate a random number and insert it into the stream as
+ // 10 digits long string.
+ ostringstream arg;
+ arg << setw(10) << std::rand();
+ // Append the argument in the command.
+ command << ", \"" << arg.str() << "\"\n";
+ // If we have hit the limit of the command size, close braces to
+ // get appropriate JSON.
+ if (command.tellp() > command_size) {
+ command << "] }";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("foo",
+ std::bind(&CtrlChannelD2Test::longCommandHandler,
+ command.str(), ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ );
+ createUnixChannelServer();
+ string response;
+ std::thread th([this, &response, &command]() {
+ // IO service will be stopped automatically when this object goes
+ // out of scope and is destroyed. This is useful because we use
+ // asserts which may break the thread in various exit points.
+ IOServiceWork work(getIOService());
+ // Create client which we will use to send command to the server.
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Connect to the server. This will trigger acceptor handler on the
+ // server side and create a new connection.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ // Initially the remaining_string holds the entire command and we
+ // will be erasing the portions that we have sent.
+ string remaining_data = command.str();
+ while (!remaining_data.empty()) {
+ // Send the command in chunks of 1024 bytes.
+ const size_t l = remaining_data.size() < 1024 ? remaining_data.size() : 1024;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendCommand(remaining_data.substr(0, l)));
+ remaining_data.erase(0, l);
+ }
+ // Set timeout to 5 seconds to allow the time for the server to send
+ // a response.
+ const unsigned int timeout = 5;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->getResponse(response, timeout));
+ // We're done. Close the connection to the server.
+ client->disconnectFromServer();
+ });
+ // Run the server until the command has been processed and response
+ // received.
+ getIOService()->run();
+ // Wait for the thread to complete.
+ th.join();
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": \"long command received ok\" }",
+ response);
+// This test verifies that the server can send long response to the client.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, longResponse) {
+ // We need to generate large response. The simplest way is to create
+ // a command and a handler which will generate some static response
+ // of a desired size
+ CommandMgr::instance().registerCommand("foo",
+ std::bind(&CtrlChannelD2Test::longResponseHandler, ph::_1, ph::_2));
+ );
+ createUnixChannelServer();
+ // The UnixControlClient doesn't have any means to check that the entire
+ // response has been received. What we want to do is to generate a
+ // reference response using our command handler and then compare
+ // what we have received over the unix domain socket with this reference
+ // response to figure out when to stop receiving.
+ string reference_response = longResponseHandler("foo", ConstElementPtr())->str();
+ // In this stream we're going to collect out partial responses.
+ ostringstream response;
+ // The client is synchronous so it is useful to run it in a thread.
+ std::thread th([this, &response, reference_response]() {
+ // IO service will be stopped automatically when this object goes
+ // out of scope and is destroyed. This is useful because we use
+ // asserts which may break the thread in various exit points.
+ IOServiceWork work(getIOService());
+ // Remember the response size so as we know when we should stop
+ // receiving.
+ const size_t long_response_size = reference_response.size();
+ // Create the client and connect it to the server.
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ // Send the stub command.
+ std::string command = "{ \"command\": \"foo\", \"arguments\": { } }";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendCommand(command));
+ // Keep receiving response data until we have received the full answer.
+ while (response.tellp() < long_response_size) {
+ std::string partial;
+ const unsigned int timeout = 5;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->getResponse(partial, timeout));
+ response << partial;
+ }
+ // We have received the entire response, so close the connection and
+ // stop the IO service.
+ client->disconnectFromServer();
+ });
+ // Run the server until the entire response has been received.
+ getIOService()->run();
+ // Wait for the thread to complete.
+ th.join();
+ // Make sure we have received correct response.
+ EXPECT_EQ(reference_response, response.str());
+// This test verifies that the server signals timeout if the transmission
+// takes too long, after receiving a partial command
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, connectionTimeoutPartialCommand) {
+ createUnixChannelServer();
+ // Set connection timeout to 2s to prevent long waiting time for the
+ // timeout during this test.
+ const unsigned short timeout = 2000;
+ CommandMgr::instance().setConnectionTimeout(timeout);
+ // Server's response will be assigned to this variable.
+ string response;
+ // It is useful to create a thread and run the server and the client
+ // at the same time and independently.
+ std::thread th([this, &response]() {
+ // IO service will be stopped automatically when this object goes
+ // out of scope and is destroyed. This is useful because we use
+ // asserts which may break the thread in various exit points.
+ IOServiceWork work(getIOService());
+ // Create the client and connect it to the server.
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ // Send partial command. The server will be waiting for the remaining
+ // part to be sent and will eventually signal a timeout.
+ string command = "{ \"command\": \"foo\" ";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendCommand(command));
+ // Let's wait up to 15s for the server's response. The response
+ // should arrive sooner assuming that the timeout mechanism for
+ // the server is working properly.
+ const unsigned int timeout = 15;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->getResponse(response, timeout));
+ // Explicitly close the client's connection.
+ client->disconnectFromServer();
+ });
+ // Run the server until stopped.
+ getIOService()->run();
+ // Wait for the thread to return.
+ th.join();
+ // Check that the server has signalled a timeout.
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"Connection over control channel timed out, discarded partial command of 19 bytes\" }" ,
+ response);
+// This test verifies that the server signals timeout if the transmission
+// takes too long, having received no data from the client.
+TEST_F(CtrlChannelD2Test, connectionTimeoutNoData) {
+ createUnixChannelServer();
+ // Set connection timeout to 2s to prevent long waiting time for the
+ // timeout during this test.
+ const unsigned short timeout = 2000;
+ CommandMgr::instance().setConnectionTimeout(timeout);
+ // Server's response will be assigned to this variable.
+ string response;
+ // It is useful to create a thread and run the server and the client
+ // at the same time and independently.
+ std::thread th([this, &response]() {
+ // IO service will be stopped automatically when this object goes
+ // out of scope and is destroyed. This is useful because we use
+ // asserts which may break the thread in various exit points.
+ IOServiceWork work(getIOService());
+ // Create the client and connect it to the server.
+ boost::scoped_ptr<UnixControlClient> client(new UnixControlClient());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->connectToServer(socket_path_));
+ // Let's wait up to 15s for the server's response. The response
+ // should arrive sooner assuming that the timeout mechanism for
+ // the server is working properly.
+ const unsigned int timeout = 15;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client->getResponse(response, timeout));
+ // Explicitly close the client's connection.
+ client->disconnectFromServer();
+ });
+ // Run the server until stopped.
+ getIOService()->run();
+ // Wait for the thread to return.
+ th.join();
+ // Check that the server has signalled a timeout.
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"Connection over control channel timed out\" }",
+ response);
+} // End of anonymous namespace