path: root/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/dhcp6/tests/')
1 files changed, 2916 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/ b/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714102f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,2916 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <dhcp/option.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_int.h>
+#include <dhcp/option6_client_fqdn.h>
+#include <dhcp/option6_addrlst.h>
+#include <dhcp/tests/iface_mgr_test_config.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfg_subnets6.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease_mgr_factory.h>
+#include <dhcp6/json_config_parser.h>
+#include <dhcp6/tests/dhcp6_client.h>
+#include <dhcp6/tests/dhcp6_test_utils.h>
+#include <cc/command_interpreter.h>
+#include <stats/stats_mgr.h>
+#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::dhcp::test;
+using namespace isc::stats;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Array of server configurations used throughout the tests.
+const char* NETWORKS_CONFIG[] = {
+// Configuration #0.
+// - one shared network with two subnets, each with address and prefix pools
+// - one plain subnet
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"comment\": \"example\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"4000::\","
+ " \"prefix-len\": 96,"
+ " \"delegated-len\": 96"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"5000::\","
+ " \"prefix-len\": 96,"
+ " \"delegated-len\": 96"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/96\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\","
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"3000::1 - 3000::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #1.
+// - one shared network with relay-ip specified and one subnet with address pool
+// - one plain subnet with relay-ip specified and one address pool
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3001::1\""
+ " },"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3001::2\""
+ " },"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #2.
+// - two classes specified
+// - one shared network with two subnets (the first has class restrictions)
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #3.
+// - two classes defined
+// - one shared network with two subnets, each with a different class restriction
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-class\": \"b-devices\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #4.
+// - one shared network with two subnets. Each subnet has:
+// - address and prefix pool
+// - reservation
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"4000::\","
+ " \"prefix-len\": 96,"
+ " \"delegated-len\": 96"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::1 - 2001:db8:2::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"5000::\","
+ " \"prefix-len\": 96,"
+ " \"delegated-len\": 112"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:11:22:33:44:55:66\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::28\" ],"
+ " \"prefixes\": [ \"5000::8:0000/112\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #5 (similar to #4, but without prefix pool and using different
+// DUID for reservations)
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:11:22:33:44:55:66\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::1 - 2001:db8:2::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #6.
+// - one class
+// - one shared network with two subnets:
+// - first subnet has address pool, class restriction and a reservation
+// - second subnet has just an address pool
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::16 - 2001:db8:2::16\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #7.
+// - option defined on global level
+// - one shared network with two options and two subnets
+// - the first subnet has its own options defined as well
+// - plain subnet with its own options
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"nis-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3001::21\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"nisp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3002::34\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"sntp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"4004::22\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"nisp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3003::33\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " \{"
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/96\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"nisp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"4000::5\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"3000::1 - 3000::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #8.
+// - two shared networks
+// - first network with two subnets, each with its own address pool
+// - second network with two subnets, each with its own address pool
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::20 - 2001:db8:3::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10000,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::20 - 2001:db8:4::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #9 (similar to #8, but with relay-ip addresses specified)
+// - two shared networks, each with relay IP addresses specified
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3000::1\""
+ " },"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dog\","
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3000::2\""
+ " },"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::20 - 2001:db8:3::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10000,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::20 - 2001:db8:4::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #10.
+// - one class with an option (and not test expression)
+// - one shared network with two subnets
+// - first subnet with one address pool
+// - second with a pool and reservation that assigns client to a class
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"class-with-dns-servers\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::50\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::30\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:11:22:33:44:55:66\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::20\" ],"
+ " \"hostname\": \"\","
+ " \"client-classes\": [ \"class-with-dns-servers\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #11.
+// - two classes defined
+// - two shared networks, each with one subnet and class restriction
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #12.
+// - one client class
+// - one shared network with two subnets, the second subnet has class restriction
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-class\": \"b-devices\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #13.
+// - one shared network, with two subnets, each with the same relay-ip addresses
+// - one plain subnet, with its own (different) relay-ip address
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3001::1\""
+ " },"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3001::1\""
+ " },"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"relay\": {"
+ " \"ip-address\": \"3001::2\""
+ " },"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::20 - 2001:db8:3::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #14.
+// - one share network with interface-id specified and one subnet
+// - one plain subnet, with its own interface-id
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface-id\": \"vlan10\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"interface-id\": \"vlan1000\","
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #15.
+// - one shared network, with two subnets, each with the same interface-id
+// - one plain subnet, with its own interface-id
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"interface-id\": \"vlan10\","
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 11,"
+ " \"interface-id\": \"vlan10\","
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::10 - 2001:db8:2::10\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::1/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"interface-id\": \"vlan1000\","
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #16.
+// - one shared network with three subnets, each with different option value
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"4004::22\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"5555::33\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 1000,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"1234::23\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::20 - 2001:db8:3::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #17.
+// - one shared network with two subnets, both have rapid-commit enabled
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"rapid-commit\": true,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"rapid-commit\": true,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #18.
+// - one shared network with rapid-commit enabled
+// - two subnets (which should derive the rapid-commit setting)
+ "{"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"rapid-commit\": true,"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 100,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::20 - 2001:db8:2::20\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #19.
+// - one shared network with one subnet and two pools (the first has
+// class restrictions)
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::50 - 2001:db8:1::50\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #20.
+// - one shared network with one subnet and two pools (each with class
+// restriction)
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::50 - 2001:db8:1::50\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"b-devices\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #21.
+// - one plain subnet with two pools (the first has class restrictions)
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::50 - 2001:db8:1::50\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}",
+// Configuration #22.
+// - one plain subnet with two pools (each with class restriction)
+ "{"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"a-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0001\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"b-devices\","
+ " \"test\": \"option[1234].hex == 0x0002\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::20 - 2001:db8:1::20\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"a-devices\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::50 - 2001:db8:1::50\","
+ " \"client-class\": \"b-devices\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}"
+/// @Brief Test fixture class for DHCPv6 server using shared networks.
+class Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest : public Dhcpv6SrvTest {
+ /// @brief Indicates how test functions should check presence of a lease on
+ /// the server.
+ enum class LeaseOnServer{
+ };
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest()
+ : Dhcpv6SrvTest(),
+ iface_mgr_test_config_(true) {
+ IfaceMgr::instance().openSockets6();
+ StatsMgr::instance().removeAll();
+ }
+ /// @brief Verifies lease statistics against values held by StatsMgr.
+ ///
+ /// This method retrieves lease statistics from the database and then compares it
+ /// against values held by the StatsMgr. The compared statistics are number of
+ /// assigned addresses and prefixes for a subnet.
+ void verifyAssignedStats() {
+ LeaseStatsQueryPtr query = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().startLeaseStatsQuery6();
+ LeaseStatsRow row;
+ while (query->getNextRow(row)) {
+ // Only check valid leases.
+ if (row.lease_state_ == Lease::STATE_DEFAULT) {
+ std::string stat_name;
+ // Addresses
+ if (row.lease_type_ == Lease::TYPE_NA) {
+ stat_name = StatsMgr::generateName("subnet", row.subnet_id_,
+ "assigned-nas");
+ // Prefixes.
+ } else if (row.lease_type_ == Lease::TYPE_PD) {
+ stat_name = StatsMgr::generateName("subnet", row.subnet_id_,
+ "assigned-pds");
+ }
+ // Number of leases held in the database should match the information
+ // held in the Stats Manager.
+ if (!stat_name.empty()) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(row.state_count_, getStatsAssignedLeases(stat_name))
+ << "test failed for statistic " << stat_name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Retrieves statistics for a subnet.
+ ///
+ /// @param stat_name Name of the statistics to be retrieved, e.g. subnet[1234].assigned-nas.
+ /// @return Number of assigned leases for a subnet.
+ int64_t getStatsAssignedLeases(const std::string& stat_name) const {
+ // Top element is a map with a subnet[id].assigned-addresses parameter.
+ ConstElementPtr top_element = StatsMgr::instance().get(stat_name);
+ if (top_element && (top_element->getType() == Element::map)) {
+ // It contains two lists (nested).
+ ConstElementPtr first_list = top_element->get(stat_name);
+ if (first_list && (first_list->getType() == Element::list) &&
+ (first_list->size() > 0)) {
+ // Get the nested list which should have two elements, of which first
+ // is the statistics value we're looking for.
+ ConstElementPtr second_list = first_list->get(0);
+ if (second_list && (second_list->getType() == Element::list)) {
+ ConstElementPtr addresses_element = second_list->get(0);
+ if (addresses_element && (addresses_element->getType() == Element::integer)) {
+ return (addresses_element->intValue());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Statistics invalid or not found.
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /// @brief Launches specific operation and verifies lease statistics before and
+ /// after this operation.
+ ///
+ /// @param operation Operation to be launched.
+ void testAssigned(const std::function<void()>& operation) {
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(verifyAssignedStats());
+ operation();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(verifyAssignedStats());
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns subnet having specified address or prefix in range.
+ ///
+ /// @param type Resource type: NA or PD.
+ /// @param resource Address or prefix for which subnet is being searched.
+ /// @return Pointer to the subnet having an resource in range or null pointer
+ /// if no subnet found.
+ Subnet6Ptr getConfiguredSubnet(const Lease::Type& type, const IOAddress& resource) const {
+ CfgSubnets6Ptr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6();
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = cfg->getAll();
+ for (auto subnet_it = subnets->cbegin(); subnet_it != subnets->cend(); ++subnet_it) {
+ if ((*subnet_it)->inPool(type, resource)) {
+ return (*subnet_it);
+ }
+ }
+ return (Subnet6Ptr());
+ }
+ /// @brief Check if client has a lease for the specified address.
+ ///
+ /// Apart from checking whether the client has got the lease it also
+ /// checks whether this lease is stored in the lease database and that
+ /// it holds valid subnet identifier.
+ ///
+ /// @param client Reference to the client.
+ /// @param address Leased address.
+ /// @param lease_on_server Specify whether the lease should be also present or
+ /// absent in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if the lease for the client has been found both in the
+ /// database and in the server's response.
+ bool hasLeaseForAddress(Dhcp6Client& client, const IOAddress& address,
+ const LeaseOnServer& lease_on_server = LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST) {
+ Lease6Ptr lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, address);
+ // Sanity check the lease.
+ if (lease) {
+ Subnet6Ptr subnet = getConfiguredSubnet(Lease::TYPE_NA, address);
+ if (!subnet) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unable to find configured subnet for the"
+ " address " << address;
+ return (false);
+ }
+ // Make sure that the subnet id is not messed up in the lease.
+ if (subnet->getID() != lease->subnet_id_) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "invalid subnet identifier found in the lease for"
+ " address " << address << ", expected " << subnet->getID()
+ << ", got " << lease->subnet_id_;
+ return (false);
+ }
+ }
+ return ((((lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST) && lease) ||
+ ((lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST) && !lease)) &&
+ client.hasLeaseForAddress(address));
+ }
+ /// @brief Check if client has a lease for the specified prefix.
+ ///
+ /// Apart from checking whether the client has got the lease it also
+ /// checks whether this lease is stored in the lease database and that
+ /// it holds valid subnet identifier.
+ ///
+ /// @param client Reference to the client.
+ /// @param prefix Leased prefix.
+ /// @param prefix_len Leased prefix length.
+ /// @param lease_on_server Specify whether the lease should be also present or
+ /// absent in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if the lease for the client has been found both in the
+ /// database and in the server's response.
+ bool hasLeaseForPrefix(Dhcp6Client& client, const IOAddress& prefix,
+ const uint8_t prefix_len, const IAID& iaid,
+ const LeaseOnServer& lease_on_server = LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST) {
+ Lease6Ptr lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix);
+ // Sanity check the lease.
+ if (lease) {
+ Subnet6Ptr subnet = getConfiguredSubnet(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix);
+ if (!subnet) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unable to find configured subnet for the"
+ " prefix " << prefix;
+ return (false);
+ }
+ // Make sure that the subnet id is not messed up in the lease.
+ if (subnet->getID() != lease->subnet_id_) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "invalid subnet identifier found in the lease for"
+ " prefix " << prefix;
+ return (false);
+ }
+ }
+ return ((((lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST) && lease &&
+ (lease->prefixlen_ = prefix_len) && (lease->iaid_ == iaid)) ||
+ ((lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST) && !lease)) &&
+ client.hasLeaseForPrefix(prefix, prefix_len, iaid));
+ }
+ /// @brief Check if client has a lease belonging to address range.
+ ///
+ /// Apart from checking whether the client has got the lease it also
+ /// checks whether this lease is stored in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @param client Reference to the client.
+ /// @param first Lower bound of the address range.
+ /// @param last Upper bound of the address range.
+ /// @param lease_on_server Specify whether the lease should be also present or
+ /// absent in the lease database.
+ bool hasLeaseForAddressRange(Dhcp6Client& client, const IOAddress& first, const IOAddress& last,
+ const LeaseOnServer& lease_on_server = LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST) {
+ std::vector<Lease6> leases = client.getLeasesByAddressRange(first, last);
+ for (auto lease_it = leases.cbegin(); lease_it != leases.cend(); ++lease_it) {
+ // Take into account only valid leases.
+ if (lease_it->valid_lft_ == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Lease6Ptr lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, lease_it->addr_);
+ if ((lease && (lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST)) ||
+ (!lease && (lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST))) {
+ return (false);
+ }
+ }
+ return (!leases.empty());
+ }
+ /// @brief Check if client has a lease belonging to a prefix pool.
+ ///
+ /// Apart from checking whether the client has got the lease it also
+ /// checks whether this lease is stored in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @param client Reference to the client.
+ /// @param prefix Pool prefix.
+ /// @param prefix_len Prefix length.
+ /// @param delegated_len Delegated prefix length.
+ /// @param lease_on_server Specify whether the lease should be also present or
+ /// absent in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if client has a lease belonging to specified pool,
+ /// false otherwise.
+ bool hasLeaseForPrefixPool(Dhcp6Client& client, const asiolink::IOAddress& prefix,
+ const uint8_t prefix_len, const uint8_t delegated_len,
+ const LeaseOnServer& lease_on_server = LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST) {
+ std::vector<Lease6> leases = client.getLeasesByPrefixPool(prefix, prefix_len, delegated_len);
+ for (auto lease_it = leases.cbegin(); lease_it != leases.cend(); ++lease_it) {
+ // Take into account only valid leases.
+ if (lease_it->valid_lft_ == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Lease6Ptr lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, lease_it->addr_);
+ if ((lease && (lease->prefixlen_ == lease->prefixlen_) &&
+ (lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST)) ||
+ (!lease && (lease_on_server == LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST))) {
+ return (false);
+ }
+ }
+ return (!leases.empty());
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests that for a given configuration the rapid-commit works (or not)
+ ///
+ /// The provided configuration is expected to be able to handle two clients.
+ /// The second parameter governs whether rapid-commit is expected to be enabled
+ /// or disabled. Third and fourth parameters are text representations of expected
+ /// leases to be assigned (if rapid-commit is enabled)
+ ///
+ /// @param config - text version of the configuration to be tested
+ /// @param enabled - true = rapid-commit is expected to work
+ /// @param exp_addr1 - an address the first client is expected to get (if
+ /// rapid-commit is enabled).
+ /// @param exp_addr2 - an address the second client is expected to get (if
+ /// rapid-commit is enabled).
+ void testRapidCommit(const std::string& config, bool enabled,
+ const std::string& exp_addr1,
+ const std::string& exp_addr2) {
+ // Create client #1. This clients wants to use rapid-commit.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ client1.useRapidCommit(true);
+ Dhcp6Client client2;
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ client2.useRapidCommit(true);
+ // Configure the server with a shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(config, *client1.getServer()));
+ // Ok, client should have one
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client1.getLeaseNum());
+ // Client #1 should be assigned an address from shared network. The first
+ // subnet has rapid-commit enabled, so the address should be assigned.
+ // We provide a hint for this allocation to make sure that the address
+ // from the first subnet is allocated. In theory, an address from the
+ // second subnet could be allocated as well if the hint was not provided.
+ IOAddress requested_address = exp_addr1.empty() ? IOAddress::IPV6_ZERO_ADDRESS() :
+ IOAddress(exp_addr1);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca0, requested_address));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSolicit());
+ });
+ // Make sure something was sent back.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1.getContext().response_);
+ if (enabled) {
+ // rapid-commit enabled.
+ // Make sure that REPLY was sent back.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_REPLY, client1.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // Just make sure the client didn't get an address.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress(exp_addr1),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST));
+ } else {
+ // rapid-commit disabled.
+ // Make sure that ADVERTISE was sent back.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_ADVERTISE, client1.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // And that it doesn't have any leases.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client1.getLeaseNum());
+ }
+ // Create client #2. This client behaves the same as the first one, but the
+ // first subnet is already full (it's a really small subnet) and the second
+ // subnet does not allow rapid-commit.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSolicit());
+ });
+ // Make sure something was sent back.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2.getContext().response_);
+ if (enabled) {
+ // rapid-commit enabled.
+ // Make sure that REPLY was sent back.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_REPLY, client2.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // Just make sure the client didn't get an address.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress(exp_addr2),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_EXIST));
+ } else {
+ // rapid-commit disabled.
+ // Make sure that ADVERTISE was sent back.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_ADVERTISE, client1.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // And that it doesn't have any leases.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client1.getLeaseNum());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Check precedence.
+ ///
+ /// @param config the configuration.
+ /// @param ns_address expected name server address.
+ void testPrecedence(const std::string& config, const std::string& ns_address) {
+ // Create client and set DUID to the one that has a reservation.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.setDUID("00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff");
+ client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::28"));
+ // Request dns-servers.
+ client.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS);
+ // Create server configuration.
+ configure(config, *client.getServer());
+ // Perform SARR.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Check response.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Pkt6Ptr resp = client.getContext().response_;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resp);
+ // Check dns-servers option.
+ OptionPtr opt = resp->getOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS);
+ Option6AddrLstPtr servers =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Option6AddrLst>(opt);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(servers);
+ auto addrs = servers->getAddresses();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, addrs.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ns_address, addrs[0].toText());
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ virtual ~Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest() {
+ StatsMgr::instance().removeAll();
+ }
+ /// @brief Interface Manager's fake configuration control.
+ IfaceMgrTestConfig iface_mgr_test_config_;
+// Check user-context parsing
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, parse) {
+ // Create client
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ // Don't use configure from utils
+ Parser6Context ctx;
+ ConstElementPtr json;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(NETWORKS_CONFIG[0], true));
+ ConstElementPtr status;
+ disableIfacesReDetect(json);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(*client1.getServer(), json));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(status);
+ int rcode;
+ ConstElementPtr comment = config::parseAnswer(rcode, status);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, rcode);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSharedNetworks6();
+ SharedNetwork6Ptr network = cfg->getByName("frog");
+ ConstElementPtr context = network->getContext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(context);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, context->size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(context->get("comment"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("\"example\"", context->get("comment")->str());
+// Running out of addresses within a subnet in a shared network.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, addressPoolInSharedNetworkShortage) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Configure the server with one shared network including two subnets and
+ // one subnet outside of the shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[0], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 requests an address in first subnet within a shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca0, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Client #2 The second client will request a lease and should be assigned
+ // an address from the second subnet.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // Client #3. It sends Solicit which should result in NoAddrsAvail status
+ // code because all addresses available for this link have been assigned.
+ Dhcp6Client client3(client1.getServer());
+ client3.setInterface("eth1");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client3] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client3.getLeaseNum());
+ // Client #3 should be assigned an address if subnet 3 is selected for it.
+ client3.setInterface("eth0");
+ testAssigned([&client3] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client3.getLeaseNum());
+ // Client #1 should be able to renew its lease.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client1.getLeaseNum());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Client #2 should be able to renew its lease too.
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client2.getLeaseNum());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+// Shared network is selected based on relay link address.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkSelectedByRelay) {
+ // Create client #1. This is a relayed client which is using relay address
+ // matching configured shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ // Configure the server with one shared network and one subnet outside of the
+ // shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[1], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 should be assigned an address from shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Create client #2. This is a relayed client which is using relay
+ // address matching subnet outside of the shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::2"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+// Providing a hint for any address belonging to a shared network.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, hintWithinSharedNetwork) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Configure the server with one shared network including two subnets and
+ // one subnet outside of the shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[0], *client.getServer()));
+ // Provide a hint to an existing address within first subnet. This address
+ // should be offered out of this subnet.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20"),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST));
+ // Similarly, we should be offered an address from another subnet within
+ // the same shared network when we ask for it.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST));
+ // Asking for an address that is not in address pool should result in getting
+ // an address from one of the subnets, but generally hard to tell from which one.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("3002::123")));
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ std::vector<Lease6> leases = client.getLeasesByType(Lease::TYPE_NA);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+ if (!hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20"),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST) &&
+ !hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST)) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Unexpected address advertised by the server " <<;
+ }
+// Shared network is selected based on the client class specified.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, subnetInSharedNetworkSelectedByClass) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Configure the server with one shared network including two subnets and
+ // one subnet outside of the shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[2], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 requests an address in the restricted subnet but can't be assigned
+ // this address because the client doesn't belong to a certain class.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // Release the lease that the client has got, because we'll need this address
+ // further in the test.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doRelease());
+ });
+ // Add option 1234 which would cause the client to be classified as "a-devices".
+ OptionPtr option1234(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0001));
+ client1.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // This time, the allocation of the address provided as hint should be successful.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Client 2 should be assigned an address from the unrestricted subnet.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // Now, let's reconfigure the server to also apply restrictions on the
+ // subnet to which client2 now belongs.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[3], *client1.getServer()));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client2.getLeaseNum());
+ // If we add option 1234 with a value matching this class, the lease should
+ // get renewed.
+ OptionPtr option1234_bis(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0002));
+ client2.addExtraOption(option1234_bis);
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client2.getLeaseNum());
+// IPv6 address reservation exists in one of the subnets within shared network.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, reservationInSharedNetwork) {
+ // Create client #1. Explicitly set client's DUID to the one that has a
+ // reservation in the second subnet within shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ client1.setDUID("00:03:00:01:11:22:33:44:55:66");
+ // Create server configuration with a shared network including two subnets. There
+ // is an IP address reservation in each subnet for two respective clients.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[4], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 should get his reserved address from the second subnet.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::28")));
+ // Create client #2.
+ Dhcp6Client client2;
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ client2.setDUID("00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff");
+ // Client #2 should get its reserved address from the first subnet.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::30")));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::28")));
+ // Reconfigure the server. Now, the first client get's second client's
+ // reservation and vice versa.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[5], *client1.getServer(), true, true, false));
+ // The first client is trying to renew the lease but should get a different lease
+ // because its lease is now reserved for some other client. The client won't be
+ // assigned a lease for which it has a reservation because another client holds
+ // this lease.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1.hasLeaseWithZeroLifetimeForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::28")));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::28")));
+ // The client should be allocated a lease from one of the dynamic pools.
+ if (!hasLeaseForAddressRange(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::1"), IOAddress("2001:db8:2::64")) &&
+ !hasLeaseForAddressRange(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"), IOAddress("2001:db8:1::64"))) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected lease allocated for renewing client";
+ }
+ // Client #2 is now renewing its lease and should get its newly reserved address.
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2.hasLeaseWithZeroLifetimeForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::28")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::28")));
+ // Same for client #1.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::28")));
+// Reserved address can't be assigned as long as access to a subnet is
+// restricted by classification.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, reservationAccessRestrictedByClass) {
+ // Create client #1. Explicitly set client's DUID to the one that has a
+ // reservation in the firstsubnet within shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.setDUID("00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff");
+ // Create server configuration with a shared network including two subnets. Access to
+ // one of the subnets is restricted by client classification.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[6], *client.getServer()));
+ // Assigned address should be allocated from the second subnet, because the
+ // client doesn't belong to the "a-devices" class.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca));
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::16")));
+ // Add option 1234 which would cause the client to be classified as "a-devices".
+ OptionPtr option1234(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0001));
+ client.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // The client should now be assigned the reserved address from the first subnet.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseWithZeroLifetimeForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::16")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::28")));
+// Subnet in which the client is renewing an address is restricted by classification.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, renewalRestrictedByClass) {
+ // Create client.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Create server configuration with a shared network including two subnets. Access to
+ // the second subnet is restricted by client classification.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[12], *client.getServer()));
+ // Add option 1234 to cause the client to belong to the class.
+ OptionPtr option1234(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0002));
+ client.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // Client requests an address from the second subnet which should be successful.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // Now remove the client from this class.
+ client.clearExtraOptions();
+ // The client should not be able to renew the existing lease because it is now
+ // prohibited by the classification. Instead, the client should get a lease from the
+ // unrestricted subnet.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseWithZeroLifetimeForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+// Some options are specified on the shared subnet level, some on the
+// subnets level.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, optionsDerivation) {
+ // Client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[7], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 belongs to shared network. By providing a hint "2001:db8:1::20 we force
+ // the server to select first subnet within the shared network for this client.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Request all configured options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestOption(D6O_NIS_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestOption(D6O_NISP_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestOption(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange and make sure we have been assigned address from the
+ // subnet we wanted.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // This option is specified on the global level.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NIS_SERVERS, "3000::20"));
+ // Subnet specific value should override a value specified on the shared network level.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NISP_SERVERS, "3003::33"));
+ // Shared network level value should be derived to the subnet.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "3001::21"));
+ // This option is only specified in the subnet level.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client1.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS, "4004::22"));
+ // Client #2.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Request an address from the second subnet within the shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // Request all configured options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestOption(D6O_NIS_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestOption(D6O_NISP_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestOption(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange and make sure we have been assigned address from the
+ // subnet we wanted.
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // This option is specified on the global level.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NIS_SERVERS, "3000::20"));
+ // Shared network level value should be derived to the subnet.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "3001::21"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NISP_SERVERS, "3002::34"));
+ // Client #3.
+ Dhcp6Client client3(client1.getServer());
+ client3.setInterface("eth0");
+ // Request an address from the subnet outside of the shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("3000::1")));
+ // Request all configured options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.requestOption(D6O_NIS_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.requestOption(D6O_NISP_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.requestOption(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange and make sure we have been assigned address from the
+ // subnet we wanted.
+ testAssigned([&client3] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client3.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client3, IOAddress("3000::1")));
+ // This option is specified on the global level.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client3.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NIS_SERVERS, "3000::20"));
+ // Subnet specific value should be assigned.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client3.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NISP_SERVERS, "4000::5"));
+// The same option is specified differently for each subnet belonging to the
+// same shared network.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, optionsFromSelectedSubnet) {
+ // Create a client.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Create configuration with one shared network including three subnets with
+ // the same option having different values.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[16], *client.getServer()));
+ // Client provides no hint and any subnet can be picked from the shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca));
+ // Request Name Servers option.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS));
+ // Send solicit without a hint. The client should be offered an address from the
+ // shared network. Depending on the subnet from which the address has been allocated
+ // a specific value of the Name Servers option should be returned.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ if (client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20"))) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "4004::22"));
+ } else if (client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"))) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "5555::33"));
+ } else if (client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:3::20"))) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "1234::23"));
+ }
+ // This time let's provide a hint.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"));
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "5555::33"));
+ // This time, let's do the 4-way exchange.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "5555::33"));
+ // And renew the lease.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "5555::33"));
+// Different shared network is selected for different local interface.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkSelectionByInterface) {
+ // Create client #1. The server receives requests from this client
+ // via interface eth1 and should assign shared network "frog" for
+ // this client.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ client1.requestAddress(0xabca);
+ // Create server configuration with two shared networks selected
+ // by the local interface: eth1 and eth0.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[8], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 should be assigned an address from one of the two subnets
+ // belonging to the first shared network.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ if (!hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")) &&
+ !hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"))) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected shared network selected for the client";
+ }
+ // Client #2.
+ Dhcp6Client client2;
+ client2.setInterface("eth0");
+ client2.requestAddress(0xabca);
+ // Client #2 should be assigned an address from one of the two subnets
+ // belonging to the second shared network.
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ if (!hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:3::20")) &&
+ !hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:4::20"))) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected shared network selected for the client";
+ }
+// Different shared network is selected for different relay address.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkSelectionByRelay) {
+ // Create relayed client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3000::1"));
+ client1.requestAddress(0xabcd);
+ // Create server configuration with two shared networks selected
+ // by the relay address.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[9], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 should be assigned an address from one of the two subnets
+ // belonging to the first shared network.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ if (!hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")) &&
+ !hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"))) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected shared network selected for the client";
+ }
+ // Create relayed client #2.
+ Dhcp6Client client2;
+ client2.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3000::2"));
+ client2.requestAddress(0xabca);
+ // Client #2 should be assigned an address from one of the two subnets
+ // belonging to the second shared network
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ if (!hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:3::20")) &&
+ !hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:4::20"))) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected shared network selected for the client";
+ }
+// Host reservations include hostname and client class.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, variousFieldsInReservation) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.setDUID("00:03:00:01:11:22:33:44:55:66");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabcd));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.useFQDN(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ "",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[10], *client.getServer()));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ // The client should get an FQDN from the reservation, rather than
+ // the FQDN it has sent to the server. If there is a logic error,
+ // the server would use the first subnet from the shared network to
+ // assign the FQDN. This subnet has no reservation so it would
+ // return the same FQDN that the client has sent. We expect
+ // that the FQDN being sent is the one that is included in the
+ // reservations.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.getContext().response_);
+ OptionPtr opt_fqdn = client.getContext().response_->getOption(D6O_CLIENT_FQDN);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opt_fqdn);
+ Option6ClientFqdnPtr fqdn = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Option6ClientFqdn>(opt_fqdn);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fqdn);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", fqdn->getDomainName());
+ // Make sure that the correct hostname has been stored in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease->hostname_);
+ // The DNS servers option should be derived from the client class based on the
+ // static class reservations.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "2001:db8:1::50"));
+// Shared network is selected based on the client class specified.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkSelectedByClass) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ client1.requestAddress(0xabcd);
+ // Add option 1234 which would cause the client1 to be classified as "b-devices".
+ OptionPtr option1234(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0002));
+ client1.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // Configure the server with two shared networks which can be accessed
+ // by clients belonging to "a-devices" and "b-devices" classes
+ // respectively.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[11], *client1.getServer()));
+ // The client 1 should be offered an address from the second subnet.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20"),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST));
+ // Create another client which will belong to a different class.
+ Dhcp6Client client2;
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ client2.requestAddress(0xabcd);
+ /// Add option 1234 which will cause the client 2 to be classified as "a-devices".
+ option1234.reset(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0001));
+ client2.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // Client 2 should be offered an address from the first subnet.
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSolicit(true));
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20"),
+ LeaseOnServer::MUST_NOT_EXIST));
+// Client requests two addresses and two prefixes and obtains them from two
+// different subnets.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, assignmentsFromDifferentSubnets) {
+ // Create client.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.requestAddress(0xabcd);
+ client.requestAddress(0x1234);
+ client.requestPrefix(0x1111);
+ client.requestPrefix(0x2222);
+ // Configure the server with a shared network including two subnets. Each
+ // subnet has an address and prefix pool with a single available address
+ // and prefix respectively.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[0], *client.getServer()));
+ // 4-way exchange.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ // The two addresses should come from different subnets.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ // Same for prefixes.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForPrefixPool(client, IOAddress("4000::"), 96, 96));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForPrefixPool(client, IOAddress("5000::"), 96, 96));
+ // Try to renew.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForPrefixPool(client, IOAddress("4000::"), 96, 96));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForPrefixPool(client, IOAddress("5000::"), 96, 96));
+// Client requests 2 addresses and 2 prefixes. There is one address and one prefix
+// reserved for the client.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, reservedAddressAndPrefix) {
+ // Create client.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.setDUID("00:03:00:01:11:22:33:44:55:66");
+ // Client will request two addresses and two prefixes.
+ client.requestAddress(0xabcd);
+ client.requestAddress(0x1234);
+ client.requestPrefix(0x1111);
+ client.requestPrefix(0x2222);
+ // The server configuration contains a shared network with two subnets. Each
+ // subnet has an address and prefix pool. One of the subnets includes a reservation
+ // for an address and prefix.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[4], *client.getServer()));
+ // 4-way exchange.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, client.getLeaseNum());
+ // The client should have got one reserved address and one reserved prefix.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::28")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForPrefix(client, IOAddress("5000::8:0000"), 112, IAID(0x1111)));
+ // The client should have got dynamically allocated address too and it must be
+ // different than the reserved address.
+ std::vector<Lease6> leases_1234 = client.getLeasesByIAID(0x1234);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_1234.size());
+ ASSERT_NE("2001:db8:2::28", leases_1234[0].addr_.toText());
+ // Same for prefix.
+ std::vector<Lease6> leases_2222 = client.getLeasesByIAID(0x2222);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_2222.size());
+ ASSERT_NE("1234::", leases_2222[0].addr_.toText());
+ // Try to renew and check this again.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doRenew());
+ });
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, client.getLeaseNum());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::28")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForPrefix(client, IOAddress("5000::8:0000"), 112, IAID(0x1111)));
+ leases_1234 = client.getLeasesByIAID(0x1234);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_1234.size());
+ ASSERT_NE("2001:db8:2::28", leases_1234[0].addr_.toText());
+ leases_2222 = client.getLeasesByIAID(0x2222);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_2222.size());
+ ASSERT_NE(IOAddress("5000::8:0000").toText(), leases_2222[0].addr_.toText());
+// Relay address is specified for each subnet within shared network.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, relaySpecifiedForEachSubnet) {
+ // Create client.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ client.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ // Client will request two addresses.
+ client.requestAddress(0xabcd);
+ client.requestAddress(0x1234);
+ // Configure the server with three subnets. Two of them belong to a shared network.
+ // Each subnet is configured with relay info, i.e. IP address of the relay agent
+ // for which the shared network is used.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[13], *client.getServer()));
+ // 4-way exchange.
+ testAssigned([&client] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, client.getLeaseNum());
+ // The client should have got two leases, one from each subnet within the
+ // shared network.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+// Shared network is selected based on interface id.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkSelectedByInterfaceId) {
+ // Create client #1. This is a relayed client for which interface id
+ // has been specified and this interface id is matching the one specified
+ // for the shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ client1.useInterfaceId("vlan10");
+ // Configure the server with one shared network and one subnet outside of the
+ // shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[14], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 should be assigned an address from shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Create client #2. This is a relayed client which is using interface id
+ // matching a subnet outside of the shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::2"));
+ client2.useInterfaceId("vlan1000");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+// Shared network is selected based on interface id specified for a subnet
+// belonging to a shared network.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkSelectedByInterfaceIdInSubnet) {
+ // Create client #1. This is a relayed client for which interface id
+ // has been specified and this interface id is matching the one specified
+ // for the shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ client1.useInterfaceId("vlan10");
+ // Configure the server with one shared network and one subnet outside of the
+ // shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[15], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 should be assigned an address from shared network.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Create client #2. This is a relayed client which is using interface id
+ // matching a subnet outside of the shared network.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.useRelay(true, IOAddress("3001::2"));
+ client2.useInterfaceId("vlan1000");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::20")));
+// Check that the rapid-commit works with shared networks. Rapid-commit
+// enabled on each subnet separately.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkRapidCommit1) {
+ testRapidCommit(NETWORKS_CONFIG[17], true, "2001:db8:1::20", "2001:db8:2::20");
+// Check that the rapid-commit works with shared networks. Rapid-commit
+// enabled for the whole shared network. This should be applied to both
+// subnets.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkRapidCommit2) {
+ testRapidCommit(NETWORKS_CONFIG[18], true, "2001:db8:1::20", "2001:db8:2::20");
+// Check that the rapid-commit is disabled by default.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, sharedNetworkRapidCommit3) {
+ testRapidCommit(NETWORKS_CONFIG[1], false, "", "");
+// Pool is selected based on the client class specified.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, poolInSharedNetworkSelectedByClass) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Configure the server with one shared network including one subnet and
+ // two pools. The access to one of the pools is restricted by
+ // by client classification.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[19], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 requests an address in the restricted pool but can't be assigned
+ // this address because the client doesn't belong to a certain class.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::50")));
+ // Release the lease that the client has got, because we'll need this address
+ // further in the test.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doRelease());
+ });
+ // Add option 1234 which would cause the client to be classified as "a-devices".
+ OptionPtr option1234(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0001));
+ client1.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // This time, the allocation of the address provided as hint should be successful.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Client 2 should be assigned an address from the unrestricted pool.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::50")));
+ // Now, let's reconfigure the server to also apply restrictions on the
+ // pool to which client2 now belongs.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[20], *client1.getServer()));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client2.getLeasesWithNonZeroLifetime().size());
+ // If we add option 1234 with a value matching this class, the lease should
+ // get renewed.
+ OptionPtr option1234_bis(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0002));
+ client2.addExtraOption(option1234_bis);
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client2.getLeaseNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client2.getLeasesWithNonZeroLifetime().size());
+// Pool is selected based on the client class specified using a plain subnet.
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, poolInSubnetSelectedByClass) {
+ // Create client #1.
+ Dhcp6Client client1;
+ client1.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Configure the server with one plain subnet including two pools.
+ // The access to one of the pools is restricted by client classification.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[21], *client1.getServer()));
+ // Client #1 requests an address in the restricted pool but can't be assigned
+ // this address because the client doesn't belong to a certain class.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::50")));
+ // Release the lease that the client has got, because we'll need this address
+ // further in the test.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doRelease());
+ });
+ // Add option 1234 which would cause the client to be classified as "a-devices".
+ OptionPtr option1234(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0001));
+ client1.addExtraOption(option1234);
+ // This time, the allocation of the address provided as hint should be successful.
+ testAssigned([&client1] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client1.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client1, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::20")));
+ // Client 2 should be assigned an address from the unrestricted pool.
+ Dhcp6Client client2(client1.getServer());
+ client2.setInterface("eth1");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.requestAddress(0xabca0));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doSARR());
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hasLeaseForAddress(client2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::50")));
+ // Now, let's reconfigure the server to also apply restrictions on the
+ // pool to which client2 now belongs.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(NETWORKS_CONFIG[22], *client1.getServer()));
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, client2.getLeasesWithNonZeroLifetime().size());
+ // If we add option 1234 with a value matching this class, the lease should
+ // get renewed.
+ OptionPtr option1234_bis(new OptionUint16(Option::V6, 1234, 0x0002));
+ client2.addExtraOption(option1234_bis);
+ testAssigned([&client2] {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client2.doRenew());
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client2.getLeaseNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client2.getLeasesWithNonZeroLifetime().size());
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedenceGlobal) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::1");
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedenceClass) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::2\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::2");
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedenceClasses) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"beta\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::2\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::3\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ // Class order is the insert order
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::2");
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedenceNetworkClass) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::2\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::3\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::3");
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedenceSubnet) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::2\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::3\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::4\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::4");
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedencePool) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::2\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::3\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::4\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::5\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::5");
+// Verify option processing precedence
+// Order is global < class < shared-network < subnet < pools < host reservation
+TEST_F(Dhcpv6SharedNetworkTest, precedenceReservation) {
+ const std::string config =
+ "{"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::1\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"client-classes\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\","
+ " \"test\": \"'' == ''\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::2\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"shared-networks\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"frog\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::3\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\","
+ " \"id\": 10,"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::4\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::64\","
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::5\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"reservations\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"00:03:00:01:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:1::28\" ],"
+ " \"option-data\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"2001:db8:1::6\""
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "}";
+ testPrecedence(config, "2001:db8:1::6");
+} // end of anonymous namespace