path: root/src/hooks/dhcp/high_availability/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/hooks/dhcp/high_availability/tests/')
1 files changed, 7699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/hooks/dhcp/high_availability/tests/ b/src/hooks/dhcp/high_availability/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f38e89
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+++ b/src/hooks/dhcp/high_availability/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asiolink/asio_wrapper.h>
+#include <ha_test.h>
+#include <ha_config.h>
+#include <ha_service.h>
+#include <ha_service_states.h>
+#include <asiolink/interval_timer.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_service.h>
+#include <cc/command_interpreter.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <dhcp/classify.h>
+#include <dhcp/dhcp4.h>
+#include <dhcp/dhcp6.h>
+#include <dhcp/duid.h>
+#include <dhcp/hwaddr.h>
+#include <dhcp/pkt4.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease_mgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease_mgr_factory.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/network_state.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/subnet_id.h>
+#include <hooks/parking_lots.h>
+#include <http/basic_auth_config.h>
+#include <http/date_time.h>
+#include <http/http_types.h>
+#include <http/listener.h>
+#include <http/post_request_json.h>
+#include <http/response_creator.h>
+#include <http/response_creator_factory.h>
+#include <http/response_json.h>
+#include <util/multi_threading_mgr.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::config;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::ha;
+using namespace isc::ha::test;
+using namespace isc::hooks;
+using namespace isc::http;
+using namespace isc::util;
+/// @file The tests herein were created prior to HA+MT but are very valuable
+/// for testing HA single-threaded operation and overall HA behavior.
+/// HA+MT testing is done elsewhere.
+namespace {
+/// @brief IP address to which HTTP service is bound.
+const std::string SERVER_ADDRESS = "";
+/// @brief Port number to which HTTP service is bound.
+const unsigned short SERVER_PORT = 18123;
+/// @brief Request Timeout used in most of the tests (ms).
+const long REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 10000;
+/// @brief Persistent connection idle timeout used in most of the tests (ms).
+const long IDLE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
+/// @brief Test timeout (ms).
+const long TEST_TIMEOUT = 10000;
+/// @brief Generates IPv4 leases to be used by the tests.
+/// @param [out] leases reference to the container where leases are stored.
+void generateTestLeases(std::vector<Lease4Ptr>& leases) {
+ for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ uint32_t lease_address = 0xC0000201 + 256 * i;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> hwaddr(6, i);
+ Lease4Ptr lease(new Lease4(IOAddress(lease_address),
+ HWAddrPtr(new HWAddr(hwaddr, HTYPE_ETHER)),
+ ClientIdPtr(),
+ 60,
+ static_cast<time_t>(1000 + i),
+ SubnetID(i)));
+ leases.push_back(lease);
+ }
+/// @brief Generates IPv6 leases to be used by the tests.
+/// @param [out] leases reference to the container where leases are stored.
+void generateTestLeases(std::vector<Lease6Ptr>& leases) {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> address_bytes = IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1").toBytes();
+ for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(std::vector<uint8_t>(10, i)));
+ address_bytes[6] += i;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ IOAddress::fromBytes(AF_INET6, &address_bytes[0]),
+ duid, 1, 50, 60, SubnetID(i)));
+ leases.push_back(lease);
+ }
+/// @brief Returns generated leases in JSON format.
+/// @tparam LeasesVec vector of IPv4 or IPv6 lease pointers.
+/// @param leases reference to the container holding leases to be
+/// converted to JSON format.
+template<typename LeasesVec>
+ConstElementPtr getLeasesAsJson(const LeasesVec& leases) {
+ ElementPtr leases_json = Element::createList();
+ for (auto l = leases.begin(); l != leases.end(); ++l) {
+ leases_json->add((*l)->toElement());
+ }
+ return (leases_json);
+/// @brief Derivation of the @c HAService which provides access to
+/// protected methods and members.
+class TestHAService : public HAService {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// @param io_service Pointer to the IO service used by the DHCP server.
+ /// @param network_state Object holding state of the DHCP service
+ /// (enabled/disabled).
+ /// @param config Parsed HA hook library configuration.
+ /// @param server_type Server type, i.e. DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 server.
+ TestHAService(const IOServicePtr& io_service,
+ const NetworkStatePtr& network_state,
+ const HAConfigPtr& config,
+ const HAServerType& server_type = HAServerType::DHCPv4)
+ : HAService(io_service, network_state, config, server_type) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Test version of the @c HAService::runModel.
+ ///
+ /// The original implementation of this method returns control when
+ /// @c NOP_EVT is found. This implementation runs a
+ /// single handler to allow the tests to verify if the state machine
+ /// transitions to an expected state before it is run again.
+ virtual void runModel(unsigned int event) {
+ try {
+ postNextEvent(event);
+ getState(getCurrState())->run();
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ abortModel(ex.what());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Schedules asynchronous "dhcp-disable" command to the specified
+ /// server.
+ ///
+ /// This variant of the method uses default HTTP client for communication.
+ ///
+ /// @param server_name name of the server to which the command should be
+ /// sent.
+ /// @param max_period maximum number of seconds for which the DHCP service
+ /// should be disabled.
+ /// @param post_request_action pointer to the function to be executed when
+ /// the request is completed.
+ void asyncDisableDHCPService(const std::string& server_name,
+ const unsigned int max_period,
+ const PostRequestCallback& post_request_action) {
+ HAService::asyncDisableDHCPService(*client_, server_name, max_period,
+ post_request_action);
+ }
+ /// @brief Schedules asynchronous "dhcp-enable" command to the specified
+ /// server.
+ ///
+ /// This variant of the method uses default HTTP client for communication.
+ ///
+ /// @param server_name name of the server to which the command should be
+ /// sent.
+ /// @param post_request_action pointer to the function to be executed when
+ /// the request is completed.
+ void asyncEnableDHCPService(const std::string& server_name,
+ const PostRequestCallback& post_request_action) {
+ HAService::asyncEnableDHCPService(*client_, server_name, post_request_action);
+ }
+ using HAService::asyncSendHeartbeat;
+ using HAService::asyncSyncLeases;
+ using HAService::postNextEvent;
+ using HAService::transition;
+ using HAService::verboseTransition;
+ using HAService::shouldSendLeaseUpdates;
+ using HAService::shouldQueueLeaseUpdates;
+ using HAService::pendingRequestSize;
+ using HAService::getPendingRequest;
+ using HAService::network_state_;
+ using HAService::config_;
+ using HAService::communication_state_;
+ using HAService::query_filter_;
+ using HAService::lease_update_backlog_;
+ using HAService::client_;
+ using HAService::listener_;
+/// @brief Pointer to the @c TestHAService.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<TestHAService> TestHAServicePtr;
+/// @brief Test HTTP response creator.
+/// It records received requests and allows the tests to retrieve them
+/// to verify that they include expected values.
+class TestHttpResponseCreator : public HttpResponseCreator {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ TestHttpResponseCreator() :
+ requests_(), control_result_(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS),
+ arguments_(), per_request_control_result_(),
+ per_request_arguments_(), request_index_(), basic_auth_() {
+ }
+ /// @brief Removes all received requests.
+ void clearReceivedRequests() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ requests_.clear();
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns a vector of received requests.
+ std::vector<PostHttpRequestJsonPtr> getReceivedRequests() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ return (requests_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Finds a received request which includes two strings.
+ ///
+ /// @param str1 First string which must be included in the request.
+ /// @param str2 Second string which must be included in the request.
+ /// @param str3 Third string which must be included in the request.
+ /// It is optional and defaults to empty string which means "do not
+ /// match".
+ ///
+ /// @return Pointer to the request found, or null pointer if there is
+ /// no such request.
+ PostHttpRequestJsonPtr
+ findRequest(const std::string& str1, const std::string& str2,
+ const std::string& str3 = "") {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ for (auto r = requests_.begin(); r < requests_.end(); ++r) {
+ std::string request_as_string = (*r)->toString();
+ if (request_as_string.find(str1) != std::string::npos) {
+ if (request_as_string.find(str2) != std::string::npos) {
+ if (str3.empty() ||
+ (request_as_string.find(str3) != std::string::npos))
+ return (*r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Request not found.
+ return (PostHttpRequestJsonPtr());
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets control result to be included in the responses.
+ ///
+ /// @param control_result new control result value.
+ void setControlResult(const int control_result) {
+ control_result_ = control_result;
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets control result to be returned for the particular command.
+ ///
+ /// @param command_name command name.
+ /// @param control_result new control result value.
+ void setControlResult(const std::string& command_name,
+ const int control_result) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ per_request_control_result_[command_name] = control_result;
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets arguments to be included in the responses.
+ ///
+ /// @param arguments pointer to the arguments.
+ void setArguments(const ElementPtr& arguments) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ arguments_ = arguments;
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets arguments to be included in the response to a particular
+ /// command.
+ ///
+ /// Some tests require that the returned arguments vary for the same
+ /// command sent multiple times. One example of such command is the
+ /// @c lease4-get-page command sent multiple times to fetch pages of
+ /// leases from the partner. This method facilitates such test scenario.
+ /// In order to set different arguments for consecutive requests this
+ /// method must be called multiple times. Each call results in adding
+ /// arguments to be returned when the command is issued multiple times.
+ ///
+ /// @param command_name command name.
+ /// @param arguments pointer to the arguments.
+ void setArguments(const std::string& command_name,
+ const ElementPtr& arguments) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ per_request_arguments_[command_name].push_back(isc::data::copy(arguments));
+ // Create request index for this command if it doesn't exist.
+ if (request_index_.count(command_name) == 0) {
+ request_index_[command_name] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Create a new request.
+ ///
+ /// @return Pointer to the new instance of the @ref HttpRequest.
+ virtual HttpRequestPtr
+ createNewHttpRequest() const {
+ return (HttpRequestPtr(new PostHttpRequestJson()));
+ }
+ /// @brief Get basic HTTP authentication credentials.
+ ///
+ /// @return Basic HTTP authentication credentials and user id map.
+ const BasicHttpAuthMap& getCredentials() const {
+ return (basic_auth_.getCredentialMap());
+ }
+ /// @brief Add basic HTTP authentication client.
+ ///
+ /// @param user The user id to authorize.
+ /// @param password The password.
+ void addBasicAuth(const std::string& user, const std::string& password) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ basic_auth_.add(user, "", password, "");
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates HTTP response.
+ ///
+ /// @param request Pointer to the HTTP request.
+ /// @return Pointer to the generated HTTP response.
+ virtual HttpResponsePtr
+ createStockHttpResponse(const HttpRequestPtr& request,
+ const HttpStatusCode& status_code) const {
+ // The request hasn't been finalized so the request object
+ // doesn't contain any information about the HTTP version number
+ // used. But, the context should have this data (assuming the
+ // HTTP version is parsed ok).
+ HttpVersion http_version(request->context()->http_version_major_,
+ request->context()->http_version_minor_);
+ // This will generate the response holding JSON content.
+ HttpResponseJsonPtr response(new HttpResponseJson(http_version, status_code));
+ response->finalize();
+ return (response);
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates HTTP response.
+ ///
+ /// It records received request so it may be later validated by the tests.
+ /// The returned status code and arguments are set using @c setControlResult
+ /// and @c setArguments methods. The per-request control result and arguments
+ /// take precedence over global values.
+ ///
+ /// @param request Pointer to the HTTP request.
+ /// @return Pointer to the generated HTTP OK response.
+ virtual HttpResponsePtr
+ createDynamicHttpResponse(HttpRequestPtr request) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ // Check authentication.
+ const BasicHttpAuthMap& credentials = getCredentials();
+ if (!credentials.empty()) {
+ bool authorized = false;
+ try {
+ std::string value = request->getHeaderValue("Authorization");
+ if (value.size() < 8) {
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "header content is too short");
+ }
+ if (value.substr(0, 6) != "Basic ") {
+ isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "no basic authentication");
+ }
+ value = value.substr(6);
+ if (credentials.count(value) != 0) {
+ authorized = true;
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception&) {
+ authorized = false;
+ }
+ if (!authorized) {
+ return (createStockHttpResponse(request,
+ HttpStatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED));
+ }
+ }
+ // Request must always be JSON.
+ PostHttpRequestJsonPtr request_json =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PostHttpRequestJson>(request);
+ // Remember the request received.
+ requests_.push_back(request_json);
+ // The request must always contain non-empty Host header.
+ bool invalid_host = false;
+ try {
+ auto host_hdr = request_json->getHeader("Host");
+ if (host_hdr->getValue().empty()) {
+ invalid_host = true;
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ // Host header does not exist.
+ invalid_host = true;
+ }
+ // If invalid host then return Bad Request.
+ if (invalid_host) {
+ return (createStockHttpResponse(request, HttpStatusCode::BAD_REQUEST));
+ }
+ int control_result = -1;
+ ElementPtr arguments;
+ // First, check if the request contains a body with a command.
+ // If so, we may include a specific error code and arguments in the
+ // response based on the command name.
+ ConstElementPtr body = request_json->getBodyAsJson();
+ if (body && (body->getType() == Element::map)) {
+ ConstElementPtr command = body->get("command");
+ if (command && (command->getType() == Element::string)) {
+ std::string command_name = command->stringValue();
+ // Check if there is specific error code to be returned for this
+ // command.
+ if (per_request_control_result_.count(command_name) > 0) {
+ control_result = per_request_control_result_[command_name];
+ }
+ // Check if there are specific arguments to be returned for this
+ // command.
+ if (per_request_arguments_.count(command_name) > 0) {
+ // For certain requests we may return different arguments for consecutive
+ // instances of the same command. The request_index_ tracks the current
+ // index of the arguments to be returned.
+ arguments = per_request_arguments_[command_name][request_index_[command_name]];
+ // If we have reached the last arguments do not increase the index. Simply
+ // continue returning the same arguments.
+ if (request_index_[command_name] + 1 < per_request_arguments_[command_name].size()) {
+ // Not the last arguments, increase the index.
+ ++request_index_[command_name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HttpResponseJsonPtr response(new HttpResponseJson(request->getHttpVersion(),
+ HttpStatusCode::OK));
+ // Body is a list of responses from multiple servers listed in "service"
+ // argument of the request.
+ ElementPtr response_body = Element::createList();
+ // No per-command control result specified, so include the global result.
+ if (control_result < 0) {
+ control_result = control_result_;
+ }
+ // No per-command arguments specified, so include the global arguments.
+ if (!arguments) {
+ arguments = arguments_;
+ }
+ // Insert current date-time if not statically provided.
+ if (arguments && !arguments->contains("date-time")) {
+ arguments->set("date-time", Element::create(HttpDateTime().rfc1123Format()));
+ }
+ // Insert unsent-update-count if not present.
+ if (arguments && !arguments->contains("unsent-update-count")) {
+ arguments->set("unsent-update-count", Element::create(int64_t(0)));
+ }
+ response_body->add(boost::const_pointer_cast<Element>
+ (createAnswer(control_result, "response returned",
+ arguments)));
+ response->setBodyAsJson(response_body);
+ response->finalize();
+ return (response);
+ }
+ /// @brief Holds received HTTP requests.
+ std::vector<PostHttpRequestJsonPtr> requests_;
+ /// @brief Control result to be returned in the server responses.
+ int control_result_;
+ /// @brief Arguments to be included in the responses.
+ ElementPtr arguments_;
+ /// @brief Command specific control results.
+ std::map<std::string, int> per_request_control_result_;
+ /// @brief Command specific response arguments.
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<ElementPtr> > per_request_arguments_;
+ /// @brief Index of the next request of the given type.
+ std::map<std::string, size_t> request_index_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication configuration.
+ BasicHttpAuthConfig basic_auth_;
+ /// @brief Mutex to protect member access.
+ std::mutex mutex_;
+/// @brief Shared pointer to the @c TestHttpResponseCreator.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<TestHttpResponseCreator> TestHttpResponseCreatorPtr;
+/// @brief Implementation of the test @ref HttpResponseCreatorFactory.
+/// This factory class creates @ref TestHttpResponseCreator instances.
+class TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory : public HttpResponseCreatorFactory {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Initializes common HTTP response creator instance.
+ TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory()
+ : creator_(new TestHttpResponseCreator()) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates @ref TestHttpResponseCreator instance.
+ virtual HttpResponseCreatorPtr create() const {
+ return (creator_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns instance of the response creator constructed by this
+ /// factory.
+ TestHttpResponseCreatorPtr getResponseCreator() const {
+ return (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TestHttpResponseCreator>(creator_));
+ }
+ /// @brief Pointer to the common HTTP response creator.
+ HttpResponseCreatorPtr creator_;
+/// @brief Pointer to the @c TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory>
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c HAService.
+/// It creates 3 HTTP listeners (servers) which are used in the unit tests.
+class HAServiceTest : public HATest {
+ struct MyState {
+ explicit MyState(const int state)
+ : state_(state) {
+ }
+ int state_;
+ };
+ struct PartnerState {
+ explicit PartnerState(const int state)
+ : state_(state) {
+ }
+ int state_;
+ };
+ struct FinalState {
+ explicit FinalState(const int state)
+ : state_(state) {
+ }
+ int state_;
+ };
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ HAServiceTest()
+ : HATest(),
+ service_(),
+ factory_(new TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory()),
+ factory2_(new TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory()),
+ factory3_(new TestHttpResponseCreatorFactory()),
+ listener_(new HttpListener(*io_service_, IOAddress(SERVER_ADDRESS),
+ SERVER_PORT, TlsContextPtr(), factory_,
+ HttpListener::RequestTimeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT),
+ HttpListener::IdleTimeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT))),
+ listener2_(new HttpListener(*io_service_, IOAddress(SERVER_ADDRESS),
+ SERVER_PORT + 1, TlsContextPtr(), factory2_,
+ HttpListener::RequestTimeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT),
+ HttpListener::IdleTimeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT))),
+ listener3_(new HttpListener(*io_service_, IOAddress(SERVER_ADDRESS),
+ SERVER_PORT + 2, TlsContextPtr(), factory3_,
+ HttpListener::RequestTimeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT),
+ HttpListener::IdleTimeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT))),
+ leases4_(),
+ leases6_(),
+ user1_(""),
+ password1_(""),
+ user2_(""),
+ password2_(""),
+ user3_(""),
+ password3_("") {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(false);
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ ///
+ /// Stops all test servers.
+ ~HAServiceTest() {
+ listener_->stop();
+ listener2_->stop();
+ listener3_->stop();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(false);
+ }
+ /// @brief Callback function invoke upon test timeout.
+ ///
+ /// It stops the IO service and reports test timeout.
+ ///
+ /// @param fail_on_timeout Specifies if test failure should be reported.
+ void timeoutHandler(const bool fail_on_timeout) {
+ if (fail_on_timeout) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout occurred while running the test!";
+ }
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates a TestHAService instance with HA+MT disabled.
+ ///
+ /// @param network_state Object holding state of the DHCP service
+ /// (enabled/disabled).
+ /// @param config Parsed HA hook library configuration.
+ /// @param server_type server type, i.e. DHCPv4 or DHCPv6.
+ void createSTService(const NetworkStatePtr& state,
+ const HAConfigPtr config,
+ const HAServerType& server_type = HAServerType::DHCPv4) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(config->getEnableMultiThreading());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(service_.reset(new TestHAService(io_service_, state,
+ config, server_type)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(service_->client_);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(service_->client_->getThreadIOService());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(service_->listener_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Generates IPv4 leases to be used by the tests.
+ void generateTestLeases4() {
+ generateTestLeases(leases4_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns range of generated IPv4 leases in JSON format.
+ ///
+ /// @param first_index Index of the first lease to be returned.
+ /// @param last_index Index of the last lease to be returned.
+ ConstElementPtr getTestLeases4AsJson(const size_t first_index,
+ const size_t last_index) const {
+ return (getLeasesAsJson(std::vector<Lease4Ptr>(leases4_.begin() + first_index,
+ leases4_.begin() + last_index)));
+ }
+ /// @brief Generates IPv6 leases to be used by the tests.
+ void generateTestLeases6() {
+ generateTestLeases(leases6_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns range of generated IPv6 leases in JSON format.
+ ///
+ /// @param first_index Index of the first lease to be returned.
+ /// @param last_index Index of the last lease to be returned.
+ ConstElementPtr getTestLeases6AsJson(const size_t first_index,
+ const size_t last_index) const {
+ return (getLeasesAsJson(std::vector<Lease6Ptr>(leases6_.begin() + first_index,
+ leases6_.begin() + last_index)));
+ }
+ /// @brief Configure server side to return IPv4 leases in 3-element
+ /// chunks.
+ ///
+ /// Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease4-get-page should be
+ /// sent multiple times. The server is configured to return leases
+ /// in 3-element chunks. Note that the HA configis set to ask for 3
+ /// leases.
+ void createPagedSyncResponses4() {
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ // First, return leases with indexes from 0 to 2.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases4AsJson(0, 3));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ // Next, return leases with indexes from 3 to 5.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases4AsJson(3, 6));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ // Then, return leases with indexes from 6 to 8.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases4AsJson(6, 9));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ // Finally, there is one lease with index 9 to be returned.
+ // When the server requests a page of 3 leases and gets 1 it
+ // means that the last page was returned. At this point, the
+ // server ends synchronization.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases4AsJson(9, 10));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ }
+ /// @brief Configure server side to return IPv6 leases in 3-element
+ /// chunks.
+ ///
+ /// Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease6-get-page should be
+ /// sent multiple times. The server is configured to return leases
+ /// in 3-element chunks. Note that the HA configis set to ask for 3
+ /// leases.
+ void createPagedSyncResponses6() {
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ // First, return leases with indexes from 0 to 2.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases6AsJson(0, 3));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ // Next, return leases with indexes from 3 to 5.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases6AsJson(3, 6));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ // Then, return leases with indexes from 6 to 8.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases6AsJson(6, 9));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ // Finally, there is one lease with index 9 to be returned.
+ // When the server requests a page of 3 leases and gets 1 it
+ // means that the last page was returned. At this point, the
+ // server ends synchronization.
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getTestLeases6AsJson(9, 10));
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-get-page", response_arguments);
+ }
+ /// @brief Set basic HTTP authentication in a config.
+ ///
+ /// @param config Configuration to update.
+ void setBasicAuth(HAConfigPtr config) {
+ if (!config) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "null config";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!user1_.empty()) {
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer = config->getPeerConfig("server1");
+ if (!peer) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "null server1 config";
+ return;
+ }
+ BasicHttpAuthPtr& auth = peer->getBasicAuth();
+ auth.reset(new BasicHttpAuth(user1_, password1_));
+ }
+ if (!user2_.empty()) {
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer = config->getPeerConfig("server2");
+ if (!peer) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "null server2 config";
+ return;
+ }
+ BasicHttpAuthPtr& auth = peer->getBasicAuth();
+ auth.reset(new BasicHttpAuth(user2_, password2_));
+ }
+ if (!user3_.empty()) {
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer = config->getPeerConfig("server3");
+ if (!peer) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "null server3 config";
+ return;
+ }
+ BasicHttpAuthPtr& auth = peer->getBasicAuth();
+ auth.reset(new BasicHttpAuth(user3_, password3_));
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when lease updates are sent to a partner while
+ /// the partner is online or offline.
+ ///
+ /// @param unpark_handler a function called when packet is unparked.
+ /// @param should_fail indicates if the update is expected to be unsuccessful.
+ /// @param num_updates expected number of servers to which lease updates are
+ /// sent.
+ /// @param my_state state of the server while lease updates are sent.
+ /// @param wait_backup_ack indicates if the server should wait for the acknowledgment
+ /// from the backup servers.
+ void testSendLeaseUpdates(std::function<void()> unpark_handler,
+ const bool should_fail,
+ const size_t num_updates,
+ const MyState& my_state = MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ const bool wait_backup_ack = false) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ config_storage->setWaitBackupAck(wait_backup_ack);
+ // Let's override the default value. The lower value makes it easier
+ // for some unit tests to simulate the server's overflow. Simulating it
+ // requires appending leases to the backlog. It is easier to add 10
+ // than 100.
+ config_storage->setDelayedUpdatesLimit(10);
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Create parking lot where query is going to be parked and unparked.
+ ParkingLotPtr parking_lot(new ParkingLot());
+ ParkingLotHandlePtr parking_lot_handle(new ParkingLotHandle(parking_lot));
+ // Create query.
+ Pkt4Ptr query(new Pkt4(DHCPREQUEST, 1234));
+ // Create leases collection and put the lease there.
+ Lease4CollectionPtr leases4(new Lease4Collection());
+ HWAddrPtr hwaddr(new HWAddr(std::vector<uint8_t>(6, 1), HTYPE_ETHER));
+ Lease4Ptr lease4(new Lease4(IOAddress(""), hwaddr,
+ static_cast<const uint8_t*>(0), 0,
+ 60, 0, 1));
+ leases4->push_back(lease4);
+ // Create deleted leases collection and put the lease there too.
+ Lease4CollectionPtr deleted_leases4(new Lease4Collection());
+ Lease4Ptr deleted_lease4(new Lease4(IOAddress(""), hwaddr,
+ static_cast<const uint8_t*>(0), 0,
+ 60, 0, 1));
+ deleted_leases4->push_back(deleted_lease4);
+ // The communication state is the member of the HAServce object. We have to
+ // replace this object with our own implementation to have an ability to
+ // modify its poke time.
+ NakedCommunicationState4Ptr state(new NakedCommunicationState4(io_service_,
+ config_storage));
+ // Set poke time 30s in the past. If the state is poked it will be reset
+ // to the current time. This allows for testing whether the object has been
+ // poked by the HA service.
+ state->modifyPokeTime(-30);
+ // Create HA service and schedule lease updates.
+ createSTService(network_state_, config_storage);
+ service_->communication_state_ = state;
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_updates,
+ service_->asyncSendLeaseUpdates(query, leases4, deleted_leases4,
+ parking_lot_handle));
+ // The number of pending requests should be 2 times the number of
+ // contacted servers because we send one lease update and one
+ // lease deletion to each contacted server from which we expect
+ // an acknowledgment.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2 * num_updates, service_->getPendingRequest(query));
+ // Let's park the packet and associate it with the callback function which
+ // simply records the fact that it has been called. We expect that it wasn't
+ // because the parked packet should be dropped as a result of lease updates
+ // failures.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(parking_lot->park(query, unpark_handler));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(parking_lot->reference(query));
+ // Actually perform the lease updates.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(TEST_TIMEOUT, [this]() {
+ // Finish running IO service when there are no more pending requests.
+ return (service_->pendingRequestSize() == 0);
+ }));
+ // Only if we wait for lease updates to complete it makes sense to test
+ // that the packet was either dropped or unparked.
+ if (num_updates > 0) {
+ // Try to drop the packet. We expect that the packet has been already
+ // dropped so this should return false.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parking_lot_handle->drop(query));
+ }
+ // The updates should not be sent to this server.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+ if (should_fail) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST, state->getPartnerState());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when IPv6 lease updates are sent to a partner while
+ /// the partner is online or offline.
+ ///
+ /// @param unpark_handler a function called when packet is unparked.
+ /// @param should_fail indicates if the update is expected to be unsuccessful.
+ /// @param num_updates expected number of servers to which lease updates are
+ /// sent.
+ /// @param my_state state of the server while lease updates are sent.
+ /// @param wait_backup_ack indicates if the server should wait for the acknowledgment
+ /// from the backup servers.
+ void testSendLeaseUpdates6(std::function<void()> unpark_handler,
+ const bool should_fail,
+ const size_t num_updates,
+ const MyState& my_state = MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ const bool wait_backup_ack = false) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ config_storage->setDelayedUpdatesLimit(10);
+ config_storage->setWaitBackupAck(wait_backup_ack);
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Create parking lot where query is going to be parked and unparked.
+ ParkingLotPtr parking_lot(new ParkingLot());
+ ParkingLotHandlePtr parking_lot_handle(new ParkingLotHandle(parking_lot));
+ // Create query.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ // Create leases collection and put the lease there.
+ Lease6CollectionPtr leases6(new Lease6Collection());
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(std::vector<uint8_t>(8, 2)));
+ Lease6Ptr lease6(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::cafe"), duid,
+ 1234, 50, 60, 1));
+ leases6->push_back(lease6);
+ // Create deleted leases collection and put the lease there too.
+ Lease6CollectionPtr deleted_leases6(new Lease6Collection());
+ Lease6Ptr deleted_lease6(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::efac"),
+ duid, 1234, 50, 60, 1));
+ deleted_leases6->push_back(deleted_lease6);
+ // The communication state is the member of the HAServce object. We have to
+ // replace this object with our own implementation to have an ability to
+ // modify its poke time.
+ NakedCommunicationState6Ptr state(new NakedCommunicationState6(io_service_,
+ config_storage));
+ // Set poke time 30s in the past. If the state is poked it will be reset
+ // to the current time. This allows for testing whether the object has been
+ // poked by the HA service.
+ state->modifyPokeTime(-30);
+ // Create HA service and schedule lease updates.
+ createSTService(network_state_, config_storage, HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ service_->communication_state_ = state;
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_updates,
+ service_->asyncSendLeaseUpdates(query, leases6, deleted_leases6,
+ parking_lot_handle));
+ // The number of requests we send is equal to the number of servers
+ // from which we expect an acknowledgement. We send both lease updates
+ // and the deletions in a single bulk update command.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_updates, service_->getPendingRequest(query));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(state->isPoked());
+ // Let's park the packet and associate it with the callback function which
+ // simply records the fact that it has been called. We expect that it wasn't
+ // because the parked packet should be dropped as a result of lease updates
+ // failures.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(parking_lot->park(query, unpark_handler));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(parking_lot->reference(query));
+ // Actually perform the lease updates.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(TEST_TIMEOUT, [this]() {
+ // Finish running IO service when there are no more pending requests.
+ return (service_->pendingRequestSize() == 0);
+ }));
+ // Only if we wait for lease updates to complete it makes sense to test
+ // that the packet was either dropped or unparked.
+ if (num_updates > 0) {
+ // Try to drop the packet. We expect that the packet has been already
+ // dropped so this should return false.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parking_lot_handle->drop(query));
+ }
+ // The updates should not be sent to this server.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+ if (should_fail) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST, state->getPartnerState());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when recurring heartbeat has been enabled
+ /// and the partner is online or offline.
+ ///
+ /// @param control_result control result that the servers should return.
+ /// @param should_pass boolean value indicating if the heartbeat should
+ /// be successful or not.
+ void testRecurringHeartbeat(const int control_result,
+ const bool should_pass) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(1000);
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Create a valid static response to the heartbeat command.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ response_arguments->set("state", Element::create(std::string("load-balancing")));
+ // Both server 2 and server 3 are configured to send this response.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ // Configure server 2 and server 3 to send a specified control result.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(control_result);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(control_result);
+ // The communication state is the member of the HAServce object. We have to
+ // replace this object with our own implementation to have an ability to
+ // modify its poke time.
+ NakedCommunicationState4Ptr state(new NakedCommunicationState4(io_service_,
+ config_storage));
+ // Set poke time 30s in the past. If the state is poked it will be reset
+ // to the current time. This allows for testing whether the object has been
+ // poked by the HA service.
+ state->modifyPokeTime(-30);
+ // Create the service and replace the default communication state object.
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ service.communication_state_ = state;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(state->isPoked());
+ // Let's explicitly transition the state machine to the load balancing state
+ // in which the periodic heartbeats should be generated.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.verboseTransition(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ // Run the IO service to allow the heartbeat interval timers to execute.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(2000));
+ // Server 1 and server 3 must never receive heartbeats because the former
+ // is the one that generates them and the latter is a backup server.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory3_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+ // If should pass, the communication state should be poked.
+ if (should_pass) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state->isPoked());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(state->isPoked());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+ void testSendSuccessfulUpdates() {
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 1);
+ // Expecting that the packet was unparked because lease
+ // updates are expected to be successful.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(unpark_called);
+ // Updates have been sent so this counter should remain 0.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->communication_state_->getUnsentUpdateCount());
+ // The server 2 should have received two commands.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease4-update command.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease4-del command.
+ auto delete_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delete_request2);
+ // Lease updates should be successfully sent to server3.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, factory3_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease4-update command.
+ auto update_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request3);
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease4-del command.
+ auto delete_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delete_request3);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests that DHCPv4 lease updates are queued when the server is in the
+ /// communication-recovery state and later sent before transitioning back to
+ /// the load-balancing state.
+ void testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery() {
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ // Packet shouldn't be unparked because no updates went out. We merely
+ // queued the updates.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(unpark_called);
+ // Let's make sure they have been queued.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ // Make partner available.
+ service_->communication_state_->poke();
+ service_->communication_state_->setPartnerState("load-balancing");
+ // This should cause the server to send outstanding lease updates and
+ // because they are all successful the server should transition to the
+ // load-balancing state and continue normal operation.
+ testSynchronousCommands([this]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ });
+ // Lease updates should have been sent.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ ""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ ""));
+ // Backlog should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ }
+ /// @brief Test the cases when the trying to recover from the communication
+ /// interruption and sending lease updates or/and ha-reset fails.
+ ///
+ /// @param partner_state partner state when communication is re-established.
+ /// @param lease_update_result control result returned to lease updates.
+ /// @param ha_reset_result control result returned to ha-reset command.
+ /// @param overflow boolean value indicating if this test should verify the
+ /// case when the leases backlog is overflown (when true), or not (when
+ /// false).
+ void testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed(const std::string& partner_state,
+ const int lease_update_result,
+ const int ha_reset_result,
+ const bool overflow = false) {
+ // Partner responds with a specified control result to lease updates.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("lease4-update",
+ lease_update_result);
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("lease4-del",
+ lease_update_result);
+ // Partner returns specified control result to ha-reset.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("ha-reset", ha_reset_result);
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ // Packet shouldn't be unparked because no updates went out. We merely
+ // queued the updates.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(unpark_called);
+ // Let's make sure they have been queued.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ // When testing the case when the backlog should be overflown, we need
+ // to add several more leases to the backlog to exceed the limit.
+ if (overflow) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases4());
+ for (auto lease : leases4_) {
+ service_->lease_update_backlog_.push(LeaseUpdateBacklog::ADD, lease);
+ }
+ }
+ // Make partner available.
+ service_->communication_state_->poke();
+ service_->communication_state_->setPartnerState(partner_state);
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This should cause the server to attempt to send outstanding lease
+ // updates to the partner.
+ testSynchronousCommands([this, ha_reset_result]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // If the ha-reset returns success the server should transition to the
+ // waiting state and begin synchronization. Otherwise, if the ha-reset
+ // fails the server should wait in the communication-recovery state
+ // until it succeeds.
+ if (ha_reset_result == CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ } else {
+ }
+ });
+ // The server will only send lease updates if it is not overflown. If
+ // it is overflown, it will rather transition to the waiting state to
+ // initiate full synchronization.
+ if (!overflow) {
+ // Deletions are scheduled first and this should cause the failure.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ ""));
+ // This lease update should not be sent because the first update
+ // triggered an error.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ ""));
+ }
+ if ((partner_state == "load-balancing") || (partner_state == "communication-recovery")) {
+ // The lease updates failed and the partner remains in the load-balancing or
+ // communication-recovery state, so the server should send ha-reset to the
+ // partner to cause it to transition to the waiting state and synchronize
+ // the lease database.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-reset", ""));
+ } else {
+ // The lease updates failed but the partner is already synchronizing lease
+ // database. In this case, don't send the ha-reset.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-reset", ""));
+ }
+ // The backlog should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when lease updates are not sent to the failover peer.
+ void testSendUpdatesPartnerDown() {
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 0, MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ // There were no lease updates for which we have been waiting
+ // to complete so the packet was never unparked. Note that in
+ // such situation the packet is not parked either.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(unpark_called);
+ // In the partner-down state we don't send lease updates. We
+ // should count transactions for which lease updates were not sent.
+ // This is later returned in the heartbeat so the partner can
+ // determine whether it should synchronize its lease database or
+ // not.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->communication_state_->getUnsentUpdateCount());
+ // Server 2 should not receive lease4-update.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update_request2);
+ // Server 2 should not receive lease4-del.
+ auto delete_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delete_request2);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which
+ /// updates are sent is offline.
+ void testSendUpdatesActiveServerOffline() {
+ // Start only two servers out of three. The server 3 is not running.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([] {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unpark function called but expected that "
+ "the packet is dropped";
+ }, true, 1);
+ // Server 2 should not receive lease4-update.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update_request2);
+ // Server 2 should not receive lease4-del.
+ auto delete_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delete_request2);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which a
+ /// lease update is sent returns an error.
+ void testSndUpdatesControlResultError() {
+ // Instruct the server 2 to return an error as a result of receiving a command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([] {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unpark function called but expected that "
+ "the packet is dropped";
+ }, true, 1);
+ // The updates should be sent to server 2 and this server should
+ // return error code.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Server 2 should receive lease4-update.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ // Server 2 should receive lease4-del.
+ auto delete_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delete_request2);
+ // Lease updates should be successfully sent to server3.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, factory3_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease4-update command.
+ auto update_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request3);
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease4-del command.
+ auto delete_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delete_request3);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which a
+ /// lease update is sent does not authorize the local server.
+ void testSndUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized() {
+ // Instruct the server 2 to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([] {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unpark function called but expected that "
+ "the packet is dropped";
+ }, true, 1);
+ // The updates should be sent to server 2 and this server should
+ // return error code.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+ // Lease updates should be successfully sent to server3.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, factory3_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease4-update command.
+ auto update_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request3);
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease4-del command.
+ auto delete_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delete_request3);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which
+ /// updates are sent is offline.
+ void testSendUpdatesBackupServerOffline() {
+ // Start only two servers out of three. The server 2 is not running.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(unpark_called);
+ // The server 2 should have received two commands.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease4-update command.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease4-del command.
+ auto delete_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delete_request2);
+ // Server 3 should not receive lease4-update.
+ auto update_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-update",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update_request3);
+ // Server 3 should not receive lease4-del.
+ auto delete_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-del",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delete_request3);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+ void testSendSuccessfulUpdates6() {
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 1);
+ // Expecting that the packet was unparked because lease
+ // updates are expected to be successful.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(unpark_called);
+ // Updates have been sent so this counter should remain 0.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->communication_state_->getUnsentUpdateCount());
+ // The server 2 should have received one command.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease6-bulk-apply command.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ // Lease updates should be successfully sent to server3.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, factory3_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 3 has received lease6-bulk-apply command.
+ auto update_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request3);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests that DHCPv6 lease updates are queued when the server is in the
+ /// communication-recovery state and later sent before transitioning back to
+ /// the load-balancing state.
+ void testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6() {
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ // Packet shouldn't be unparked because no updates went out. We merely
+ // queued the updates.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(unpark_called);
+ // Let's make sure they have been queued.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ // Make partner available.
+ service_->communication_state_->poke();
+ service_->communication_state_->setPartnerState("load-balancing");
+ // This should cause the server to send outstanding lease updates and
+ // because they are all successful the server should transition to the
+ // load-balancing state and continue normal operation.
+ testSynchronousCommands([this]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ });
+ // Bulk lease update should have been sent.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac"));
+ // Backlog should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ }
+ /// @brief Test the cases when the trying to recover from the communication
+ /// interruption and sending lease updates or/and ha-reset fails.
+ ///
+ /// @param partner_state partner state when communication is re-established.
+ /// @param lease_update_result control result returned to lease updates.
+ /// @param ha_reset_result control result returned to ha-reset command.
+ /// @param overflow boolean value indicating if this test should verify the
+ /// case when the leases backlog is overflown (when true), or not (when
+ /// false).
+ void testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed(const std::string& partner_state,
+ const int lease_update_result,
+ const int ha_reset_result,
+ const bool overflow = false) {
+ // Partner responds with a specified control result to lease updates.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ lease_update_result);
+ // Partner returns specified control result to ha-reset.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("ha-reset",
+ ha_reset_result);
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ // Packet shouldn't be unparked because no updates went out. We merely
+ // queued the updates.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(unpark_called);
+ // Let's make sure they have been queued.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ // When testing the case when the backlog should be overflown, we need
+ // to add several more leases to the backlog to exceed the limit.
+ if (overflow) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases6());
+ for (auto lease : leases6_) {
+ service_->lease_update_backlog_.push(LeaseUpdateBacklog::ADD, lease);
+ }
+ }
+ // Make partner available.
+ service_->communication_state_->poke();
+ service_->communication_state_->setPartnerState(partner_state);
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This should cause the server to attempt to send outstanding lease
+ // updates to the partner.
+ testSynchronousCommands([this, ha_reset_result]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // If the ha-reset returns success the server should transition to the
+ // waiting state and begin synchronization. Otherwise, if the ha-reset
+ // fails the server should wait in the communication-recovery state
+ // until it succeeds.
+ if (ha_reset_result == CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ } else {
+ }
+ });
+ // The server will only send lease updates if it is not overflown. If
+ // it is overflown, it will rather transition to the waiting state to
+ // initiate full synchronization.
+ if (!overflow) {
+ // The server should have sent lease updates in a single command.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac"));
+ }
+ if ((partner_state == "load-balancing") || (partner_state == "communication-recovery")) {
+ // The lease updates failed and the partner remains in the load-balancing or
+ // communication-recovery state, so the server should send ha-reset to the
+ // partner to cause it to transition to the waiting state and synchronize
+ // the lease database.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-reset", ""));
+ } else {
+ // The lease updates failed but the partner is already synchronizing lease
+ // database. In this case, don't send the ha-reset.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-reset", ""));
+ }
+ // Backlog should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, service_->lease_update_backlog_.size());
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when lease updates are not sent to the failover peer.
+ void testSendUpdatesPartnerDown6() {
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 0, MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ // There were no lease updates for which we have been waiting to
+ // complete so the packet was never unparked. Note that in such
+ // situation the packet is not parked either.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(unpark_called);
+ // In the partner-down state we don't send lease updates. We
+ // should count transactions for which lease updates were not sent.
+ // This is later returned in the heartbeat so the partner can
+ // determine whether it should synchronize its lease database or
+ // not.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, service_->communication_state_->getUnsentUpdateCount());
+ // Server 2 should not receive lease6-bulk-apply.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update_request2);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which
+ /// updates are sent is offline.
+ void testSendUpdatesActiveServerOffline6() {
+ // Start only two servers out of three. The server 3 is not running.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([] {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unpark function called but expected that "
+ "the packet is dropped";
+ }, true, 1);
+ // Server 2 should not receive lease6-bulk-apply.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update_request2);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which
+ /// updates are sent is offline.
+ void testSendUpdatesBackupServerOffline6() {
+ // Start only two servers out of three. The server 2 is not running.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(unpark_called);
+ // The server 2 should have received one command.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease6-bulk-apply command.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ // Server 3 should not receive lease6-bulk-apply.
+ auto update_request3 =
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(update_request3);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which a
+ /// lease update is sent returns an error.
+ void testSendUpdatesControlResultError6() {
+ // Instruct the server 2 to return an error as a result of receiving a command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([] {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unpark function called but expected that "
+ "the packet is dropped";
+ }, true, 1);
+ // The updates should be sent to server 2 and this server should return error code.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Server 2 should receive lease6-bulk-apply.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests scenarios when one of the servers to which a
+ /// lease update is sent does not authorize the local server.
+ void testSendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized6() {
+ // Instruct the server 2 to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([] {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "unpark function called but expected that "
+ "the packet is dropped";
+ }, true, 1);
+ // The updates should be sent to server 2 and this server should return error code.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+ }
+ /// @brief These tests verify that the server accepts the response
+ /// to the lease6-bulk-apply command including
+ /// failed-deleted-leases and failed-leases parameters.
+ void testSendUpdatesFailedLeases6() {
+ // Create a dummy lease which failed to be deleted.
+ auto failed_deleted_lease = Element::createMap();
+ failed_deleted_lease->set("type",
+ Element::create("IA_NA"));
+ failed_deleted_lease->set("ip-address",
+ Element::create("2001:db8:1::1"));
+ failed_deleted_lease->set("subnet-id",
+ Element::create(1));
+ failed_deleted_lease->set("result",
+ Element::create(CONTROL_RESULT_EMPTY));
+ failed_deleted_lease->set("error-message",
+ Element::create("no lease found"));
+ // Crate a dummy lease which failed to be created.
+ auto failed_lease = Element::createMap();
+ failed_lease->set("type",
+ Element::create("IA_PD"));
+ failed_lease->set("ip-address",
+ Element::create("2001:db8:1::"));
+ failed_lease->set("subnet-id",
+ Element::create(2));
+ failed_lease->set("result",
+ Element::create(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR));
+ failed_lease->set("error-message",
+ Element::create("failed to create lease"));
+ // Create the "failed-deleted-leases" list.
+ auto failed_deleted_leases = Element::createList();
+ failed_deleted_leases->add(failed_deleted_lease);
+ // Create the "failed-leases" list.
+ auto failed_leases = Element::createList();
+ failed_leases->add(failed_lease);
+ // Add both lists to the arguments.
+ ElementPtr arguments = Element::createMap();
+ arguments->set("failed-deleted-leases", failed_deleted_leases);
+ arguments->set("failed-leases", failed_leases);
+ // Configure the server to return this response.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ arguments);
+ // Start HTTP servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // This flag will be set to true if unpark is called.
+ bool unpark_called = false;
+ testSendLeaseUpdates6([&unpark_called] { unpark_called = true; },
+ false, 1);
+ // Expecting that the packet was unparked because lease
+ // updates are expected to be successful.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(unpark_called);
+ // The server 2 should have received one command.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+ // Check that the server 2 has received lease6-bulk-apply command.
+ auto update_request2 =
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-bulk-apply",
+ "2001:db8:1::cafe",
+ "2001:db8:1::efac");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(update_request2);
+ }
+ /// @brief Runs HAService::processSynchronize for the DHCPv4 server and
+ /// returns a response.
+ ///
+ /// The HAService::processSynchronize is synchronous. Therefore, the IO service
+ /// for HTTP servers is run in a thread. The unit test is responsible for setting
+ /// up the status codes to be returned by the servers, verifying a response and
+ /// leases in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] rsp pointer to the object where response will be stored.
+ void runProcessSynchronize4(ConstElementPtr& rsp) {
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=4 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases4());
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease4-get-page should be
+ // sent multiple times. The server is configured to return leases
+ // in 3-element chunks.
+ createPagedSyncResponses4();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in bakckground to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-sync command.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processSynchronize("server2", 20));
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ }
+ /// @brief Runs HAService::processSynchronize for the DHCPv6 server
+ /// and returns a response.
+ ///
+ /// The HAService::processSynchronize is synchronous. Therefore, the IO service
+ /// for HTTP servers is run in a thread. The unit test is responsible for setting
+ /// up the status codes to be returned by the servers, verifying a response and
+ /// leases in the lease database.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] rsp pointer to the object where response will be stored.
+ void runProcessSynchronize6(ConstElementPtr& rsp) {
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=6 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases6());
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease6-get-page should be
+ // sent multiple times. The server is configured to return leases
+ // in 3-element chunks.
+ createPagedSyncResponses6();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage,
+ HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in bakckground to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-sync command.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processSynchronize("server2", 20));
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ }
+ /// @brief Pointer to the HA service under test.
+ TestHAServicePtr service_;
+ /// @brief HTTP response factory for server 1.
+ TestHttpResponseCreatorFactoryPtr factory_;
+ /// @brief HTTP response factory for server 2.
+ TestHttpResponseCreatorFactoryPtr factory2_;
+ /// @brief HTTP response factory for server 3.
+ TestHttpResponseCreatorFactoryPtr factory3_;
+ /// @brief Test HTTP server 1.
+ HttpListenerPtr listener_;
+ /// @brief Test HTTP server 2.
+ HttpListenerPtr listener2_;
+ /// @brief Test HTTP server 3.
+ HttpListenerPtr listener3_;
+ /// @brief IPv4 leases to be used in the tests.
+ std::vector<Lease4Ptr> leases4_;
+ /// @brief IPv6 leases to be used in the tests.
+ std::vector<Lease6Ptr> leases6_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication user id for server1.
+ std::string user1_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication password for server1.
+ std::string password1_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication user id for server2.
+ std::string user2_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication password for server2.
+ std::string password2_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication user id for server3.
+ std::string user3_;
+ /// @brief Basic HTTP authentication password for server3.
+ std::string password3_;
+// Test that server performs load balancing and assigns appropriate classes
+// to the queries.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, loadBalancingScopeSelection) {
+ // Create HA configuration for load balancing.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // ... and HA service using this configuration.
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ service.verboseTransition(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST);
+ service.runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Count number of in scope packets.
+ unsigned in_scope = 0;
+ // Set the test size - 65535 queries.
+ const unsigned queries_num = 65535;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < queries_num; ++i) {
+ // Create query with random HW address.
+ Pkt4Ptr query4 = createQuery4(randomKey(HWAddr::ETHERNET_HWADDR_LEN));
+ // Some queries should be processed by this server, some not.
+ if (service.inScope(query4)) {
+ // If the query is to be processed by this server the query
+ // should be assigned to the "HA_server1" class but not to
+ // the "HA_server2" class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server1")));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server2")));
+ ++in_scope;
+ } else {
+ // If the query is to be processed by another server, the
+ // "HA_server2" class should be assigned instead.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server1")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server2")));
+ }
+ }
+ // We should have roughly 50/50 split of in scope and out of scope queries.
+ // However, we don't know exactly how many. To be safe we simply assume that
+ // we got more than 25% of in scope and more than 25% out of scope queries.
+ EXPECT_GT(in_scope, static_cast<unsigned>(queries_num / 4));
+ EXPECT_GT(queries_num - in_scope, static_cast<unsigned>(queries_num / 4));
+// Test that primary server in hot standby configuration processes all queries.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, hotStandbyScopeSelectionThisPrimary) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ config_storage->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ // ... and HA service using this configuration.
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ service.verboseTransition(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST);
+ service.runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Check the reported info about servers.
+ ConstElementPtr ha_servers = service.processStatusGet();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ha_servers);
+ std::string expected = "{"
+ " \"local\": {"
+ " \"role\": \"primary\","
+ " \"scopes\": [ \"server1\" ],"
+ " \"state\": \"hot-standby\""
+ " }, "
+ " \"remote\": {"
+ " \"age\": 0,"
+ " \"in-touch\": false,"
+ " \"role\": \"standby\","
+ " \"last-scopes\": [ ],"
+ " \"last-state\": \"\","
+ " \"communication-interrupted\": false,"
+ " \"connecting-clients\": 0,"
+ " \"unacked-clients\": 0,"
+ " \"unacked-clients-left\": 0,"
+ " \"analyzed-packets\": 0"
+ " }"
+ "}";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(isEquivalent(Element::fromJSON(expected), ha_servers));
+ // Set the test size - 65535 queries.
+ const unsigned queries_num = 65535;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < queries_num; ++i) {
+ // Create query with random HW address.
+ Pkt4Ptr query4 = createQuery4(randomKey(HWAddr::ETHERNET_HWADDR_LEN));
+ // All queries should be processed by this server.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(service.inScope(query4));
+ // The query should be assigned to the "HA_server1" class but not to
+ // the "HA_server2" class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server1")));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server2")));
+ }
+// Test that secondary server in hot standby configuration processes no queries.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, hotStandbyScopeSelectionThisStandby) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ config_storage->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ config_storage->setThisServerName("server2");
+ // ... and HA service using this configuration.
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Check the reported info about servers.
+ ConstElementPtr ha_servers = service.processStatusGet();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ha_servers);
+ std::string expected = "{"
+ " \"local\": {"
+ " \"role\": \"standby\","
+ " \"scopes\": [ ],"
+ " \"state\": \"waiting\""
+ " }, "
+ " \"remote\": {"
+ " \"age\": 0,"
+ " \"in-touch\": false,"
+ " \"role\": \"primary\","
+ " \"last-scopes\": [ ],"
+ " \"last-state\": \"\","
+ " \"communication-interrupted\": false,"
+ " \"connecting-clients\": 0,"
+ " \"unacked-clients\": 0,"
+ " \"unacked-clients-left\": 0,"
+ " \"analyzed-packets\": 0"
+ " }"
+ "}";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(isEquivalent(Element::fromJSON(expected), ha_servers));
+ // Set the test size - 65535 queries.
+ const unsigned queries_num = 65535;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < queries_num; ++i) {
+ // Create query with random HW address.
+ Pkt4Ptr query4 = createQuery4(randomKey(HWAddr::ETHERNET_HWADDR_LEN));
+ // No queries should be processed by this server.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(service.inScope(query4));
+ // The query should be assigned to the "HA_server1" class but not to
+ // the "HA_server2" class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server1")));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(query4->inClass(ClientClass("HA_server2")));
+ }
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdates) {
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates();
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdatesMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state for later send.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state for later send. Multi threading case.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in load-balancing
+// state when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is sent to the partner.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailedPartnerLoadBalancing) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in load-balancing
+// state when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is sent to the partner.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailedPartnerLoadBalancingMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later fails. The partner server in the load-balancing
+// state but sending ha-reset fails. The server should remain in the
+// communication-recovery state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailedResetFailed) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later fails. The partner server in the load-balancing
+// state but sending ha-reset fails. The server should remain in the
+// communication-recovery state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailedResetFailedMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in ready state
+// when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is NOT sent to the partner. The lease backlog is overflown,
+// so the server should transition to the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailedPartnerReady) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed("ready", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in ready state
+// when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is NOT sent to the partner. The lease backlog is overflown,
+// so the server should transition to the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailedPartnerReadyMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecoveryFailed("ready", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdatesAuthorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates();
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdatesAuthorizedMultiThreading) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are not sent to the failover peer.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesPartnerDown) {
+ testSendUpdatesPartnerDown();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are not sent to the failover peer.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesPartnerDownMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesPartnerDown();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesActiveServerOffline) {
+ testSendUpdatesActiveServerOffline();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesActiveServerOfflineMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesActiveServerOffline();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesBackupServerOffline) {
+ testSendUpdatesBackupServerOffline();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesBackupServerOfflineMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesBackupServerOffline();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// returns an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultError) {
+ testSndUpdatesControlResultError();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// returns an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultErrorMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSndUpdatesControlResultError();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized) {
+ testSndUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorizedMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSndUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized();
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdates6) {
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates6();
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdates6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates6();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state for later send. Then, the partner refuses lease updates causing the
+// server to transition to the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state for later send. Then, the partner refuses lease updates causing the
+// server to transition to the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in load-balancing
+// state when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is sent to the partner.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecoveryFailed6PartnerLoadBalancing) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in load-balancing
+// state when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is sent to the partner.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecovery6FailedPartnerLoadBalancingMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later fails. The partner server in the load-balancing
+// state but sending ha-reset fails. The server should remain in the
+// communication-recovery state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecovery6FailedResetFailed) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later fails. The partner server in the load-balancing
+// state but sending ha-reset fails. The server should remain in the
+// communication-recovery state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecovery6FailedResetFailedMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed("load-balancing", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in ready state
+// when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is NOT sent to the partner. The lease backlog is overflown,
+// so the server should transition to the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecovery6FailedPartnerReady) {
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed("ready", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when lease updates are queued in the communication-recovery
+// state and sending them later is unsuccessful. Partner is in ready state
+// when the communication is re-established, so the test expects that the
+// ha-reset command is NOT sent to the partner. The lease backlog is overflown,
+// so the server should transition to the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, communicationRecovery6FailedPartnerReadyMultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesCommunicationRecovery6Failed("ready", CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdates6Authorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates6();
+// Test scenario when all lease updates are sent successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendSuccessfulUpdates6AuthorizedMultiThreading) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendSuccessfulUpdates6();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are not sent to the failover peer.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesPartnerDown6) {
+ testSendUpdatesPartnerDown6();
+// Test scenario when lease updates are not sent to the failover peer.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesPartnerDown6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesPartnerDown6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesActiveServerOffline6) {
+ testSendUpdatesActiveServerOffline6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesActiveServerOffline6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesActiveServerOffline6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesBackupServerOffline6) {
+ testSendUpdatesBackupServerOffline6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which updates are sent is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesBackupServerOffline6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesBackupServerOffline6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// returns an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultError6) {
+ testSendUpdatesControlResultError6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// returns an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultError6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesControlResultError6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized6) {
+ testSendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized6();
+// Test scenario when one of the servers to which a lease update is sent
+// requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesControlResultUnauthorized6();
+// This test verifies that the server accepts the response to the lease6-bulk-apply
+// command including failed-deleted-leases and failed-leases parameters.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesFailedLeases6) {
+ testSendUpdatesFailedLeases6();
+// This test verifies that the server accepts the response to the lease6-bulk-apply
+// command including failed-deleted-leases and failed-leases parameters.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, sendUpdatesFailedLeases6MultiThreading) {
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ testSendUpdatesFailedLeases6();
+// This test verifies that the heartbeat command is processed successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processHeartbeat) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ std::string config_text =
+ "["
+ " {"
+ " \"this-server-name\": \"server1\","
+ " \"mode\": \"load-balancing\","
+ " \"peers\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"server1\","
+ " \"url\": \"\","
+ " \"role\": \"primary\","
+ " \"auto-failover\": true"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"server2\","
+ " \"url\": \"\","
+ " \"role\": \"secondary\","
+ " \"auto-failover\": true"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"server3\","
+ " \"url\": \"\","
+ " \"role\": \"backup\","
+ " \"auto-failover\": false"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " }"
+ "]";
+ // Parse the HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage(new HAConfig());
+ HAConfigParser parser;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(parser.parse(config_storage, Element::fromJSON(config_text)));
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ service.query_filter_.serveDefaultScopes();
+ int unsent_updates = 6;
+ for (auto i = 0; i < unsent_updates; ++i) {
+ service.communication_state_->increaseUnsentUpdateCount();
+ }
+ // Process heartbeat command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processHeartbeat());
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "HA peer status returned.");
+ // Response must include arguments.
+ ConstElementPtr args = rsp->get("arguments");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(args);
+ // Response must include server state as string.
+ ConstElementPtr state = args->get("state");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(state);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::string, state->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ("waiting", state->stringValue());
+ // Response must include timestamp when the response was generated.
+ ConstElementPtr date_time = args->get("date-time");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(date_time);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::string, date_time->getType());
+ auto scopes_list = args->get("scopes");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(scopes_list);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::list, scopes_list->getType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, scopes_list->size());
+ auto scope = scopes_list->get(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(scope);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::string, scope->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ("server1", scope->stringValue());
+ // The response should contain the timestamp in the format specified
+ // in RFC1123. We use the HttpDateTime method to parse this timestamp.
+ HttpDateTime t;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(t = HttpDateTime::fromRfc1123(date_time->stringValue()));
+ // Let's test if the timestamp is accurate. We do it by checking current
+ // time and comparing with the received timestamp.
+ HttpDateTime now;
+ boost::posix_time::time_duration td = now.getPtime() - t.getPtime();
+ // Let's allow the response propagation time of 5 seconds to make
+ // sure this test doesn't fail on slow systems.
+ EXPECT_LT(td.seconds(), 5);
+ // The response should contain unsent-update-count parameter indicating
+ // how many updates haven't been sent to a partner because the partner
+ // was unavailable.
+ ConstElementPtr unsent_update_count = args->get("unsent-update-count");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(unsent_update_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::integer, unsent_update_count->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(unsent_updates, static_cast<uint64_t>(unsent_update_count->intValue()));
+// This test verifies that the correct value of the heartbeat-delay is used.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, recurringHeartbeatDelay) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Set the heartbeat delay to 6 seconds.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(6000);
+ // The communication state is the member of the HAServce object. We have to
+ // replace this object with our own implementation to have an ability to
+ // test the setup of the interval timer.
+ NakedCommunicationState4Ptr state(new NakedCommunicationState4(io_service_,
+ config_storage));
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ service.communication_state_ = state;
+ // Let's explicitly transition the state machine to the load balancing state
+ // in which the periodic heartbeats should be generated.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.verboseTransition(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(state->timer_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(6000, state->timer_->getInterval());
+// This test verifies that the heartbeat is periodically sent to the
+// other server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, recurringHeartbeat) {
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // All servers are configured to return success and all servers are online.
+ // The heartbeat should be successful (as indicated by the 'true' argument).
+ // Server 2 should have received the heartbeat
+ EXPECT_GE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size(), 0);
+// This test verifies that the heartbeat is periodically sent to the
+// other server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, recurringHeartbeatAuthorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // All servers are configured to return success and all servers are online.
+ // The heartbeat should be successful (as indicated by the 'true' argument).
+ // Server 2 should have received the heartbeat
+ EXPECT_GE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size(), 0);
+// This test verifies that the heartbeat is considered being unsuccessful if the
+// partner is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, recurringHeartbeatServerOffline) {
+ // Start the servers but do not start server 2.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // The servers are configured to return success but the server 2 is offline
+ // so the heartbeat should be unsuccessful.
+ // Server 2 is offline so it would be very weird if it received any command.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+// This test verifies that the heartbeat is considered being unsuccessful if the
+// partner returns error control result.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, recurringHeartbeatControlResultError) {
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // Run the actual test. The servers return a control error and it is expected
+ // that the state is not poked.
+ // Server 2 should have received the heartbeat.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().size());
+// This test verifies that the heartbeat is considered being unsuccessful if
+// the partner requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, recurringHeartbeatControlResultUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ // Run the actual test. The servers return a control error and it is expected
+ // that the state is not poked.
+ // Server 2 should have received the heartbeat.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+// This test verifies that IPv4 leases can be fetched from the peer and inserted
+// or updated in the local lease database.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeases) {
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=4 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases4());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases4_.size(); ++i) {
+ // For every even lease index we add this lease to the database to exercise
+ // the scenario when a lease is already in the database and may be updated
+ // by the lease synchronization procedure.
+ if ((i % 2) == 0) {
+ // Add a copy of the lease to make sure that by modifying the lease
+ // contents we don't affect the lease in the database.
+ Lease4Ptr lease_to_add(new Lease4(*leases4_[i]));
+ // Modify valid lifetime of the lease in the database so we can
+ // later use this value to verify if the lease has been updated.
+ --lease_to_add->valid_lft_;
+ LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease_to_add);
+ }
+ }
+ // Modify cltt of the first lease. This lease should be updated as a result
+ // of synchronization process because cltt is checked and the lease is
+ // updated if the cltt of the fetched lease is later than the cltt of the
+ // existing lease.
+ ++leases4_[0]->cltt_;
+ // For the second lease, set the wrong subnet identifier. This should be
+ // rejected and this lease shouldn't be inserted into the database.
+ // Other leases should be inserted/updated just fine.
+ ++leases4_[1]->subnet_id_ = 0;
+ // Modify the partner's lease cltt so it is earlier than the local lease.
+ // Therefore, this lease update should be rejected.
+ --leases4_[2]->cltt_;
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Convert leases to the JSON format, the same as used by the lease_cmds
+ // hook library. Configure our test HTTP servers to return those
+ // leases in this format.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ // Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease4-get-page should be
+ // sent multiple times. The server is configured to return leases
+ // in 3-element chunks.
+ createPagedSyncResponses4();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // Stop running the IO service if we see a lease in the lease
+ // database which is expected to be inserted as a result of lease
+ // syncing.
+ return (!LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLeases4(SubnetID(10)).empty());
+ }));
+ // Check if all leases have been stored in the local database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases4_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // This lease was purposely malformed and thus shouldn't be
+ // inserted into the database.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease4(leases4_[i]->addr_))
+ << "lease " << leases4_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " was inserted into the database, but it shouldn't";
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should be in the database.
+ Lease4Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease4(leases4_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases4_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ // The lease with #2 returned by the partner is older than its local instance.
+ // The local server should reject this lease.
+ if (i == 2) {
+ // The existing lease should have unmodified timestamp because the
+ // update is expected to be rejected. Same for valid lifetime.
+ EXPECT_LT(leases4_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_NE(leases4_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have the same cltt.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases4_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ // Leases with even indexes were added to the database with modified
+ // valid lifetime. Thus the local copy of each such lease should have
+ // this modified valid lifetime. The lease #0 should be updated from
+ // the partner because of the partner's cltt was set to later time.
+ if ((i != 0) && (i % 2) == 0) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases4_[i]->valid_lft_ - 1, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have been fetched from the partner and
+ // inserted with no change.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases4_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This test verifies that IPv4 leases can be fetched from the peer and inserted
+// or updated in the local lease database.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeasesAuthorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=4 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases4());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases4_.size(); ++i) {
+ // For every even lease index we add this lease to the database to exercise
+ // the scenario when a lease is already in the database and may be updated
+ // by the lease synchronization procedure.
+ if ((i % 2) == 0) {
+ // Add a copy of the lease to make sure that by modifying the lease
+ // contents we don't affect the lease in the database.
+ Lease4Ptr lease_to_add(new Lease4(*leases4_[i]));
+ // Modify valid lifetime of the lease in the database so we can
+ // later use this value to verify if the lease has been updated.
+ --lease_to_add->valid_lft_;
+ LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease_to_add);
+ }
+ }
+ // Modify cltt of the first lease. This lease should be updated as a result
+ // of synchronization process because cltt is checked and the lease is
+ // updated if the cltt of the fetched lease is later than the cltt of the
+ // existing lease.
+ ++leases4_[0]->cltt_;
+ // For the second lease, set the wrong subnet identifier. This should be
+ // rejected and this lease shouldn't be inserted into the database.
+ // Other leases should be inserted/updated just fine.
+ ++leases4_[1]->subnet_id_ = 0;
+ // Modify the partner's lease cltt so it is earlier than the local lease.
+ // Therefore, this lease update should be rejected.
+ --leases4_[2]->cltt_;
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Convert leases to the JSON format, the same as used by the lease_cmds
+ // hook library. Configure our test HTTP servers to return those
+ // leases in this format.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ // Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease4-get-page should be
+ // sent multiple times. The server is configured to return leases
+ // in 3-element chunks.
+ createPagedSyncResponses4();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // Stop running the IO service if we see a lease in the lease
+ // database which is expected to be inserted as a result of lease
+ // syncing.
+ return (!LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLeases4(SubnetID(10)).empty());
+ }));
+ // Check if all leases have been stored in the local database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases4_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // This lease was purposely malformed and thus shouldn't be
+ // inserted into the database.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease4(leases4_[i]->addr_))
+ << "lease " << leases4_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " was inserted into the database, but it shouldn't";
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should be in the database.
+ Lease4Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease4(leases4_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases4_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ // The lease with #2 returned by the partner is older than its local instance.
+ // The local server should reject this lease.
+ if (i == 2) {
+ // The existing lease should have unmodified timestamp because the
+ // update is expected to be rejected. Same for valid lifetime.
+ EXPECT_LT(leases4_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_NE(leases4_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have the same cltt.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases4_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ // Leases with even indexes were added to the database with modified
+ // valid lifetime. Thus the local copy of each such lease should have
+ // this modified valid lifetime. The lease #0 should be updated from
+ // the partner because of the partner's cltt was set to later time.
+ if ((i != 0) && (i % 2) == 0) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases4_[i]->valid_lft_ - 1, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have been fetched from the partner and
+ // inserted with no change.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases4_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Test that there is no exception thrown during leases synchronization
+// when server returns a wrong answer.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeasesWrongAnswer) {
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=4 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases4());
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Set empty response. This should cause the HA service to log an
+ // error but not crash.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(1000));
+// Test that there is no exception thrown during leases synchronization
+// when servers are offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeasesServerOffline) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service for 1 second.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(1000));
+// Test that there is no exception thrown during leases synchronization
+// when servers require not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeasesServerUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=4 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases4());
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service for 1 second.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(1000));
+// This test verifies that IPv6 leases can be fetched from the peer and inserted
+// or updated in the local lease database.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeases6) {
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=6 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv6 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases6());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases6_.size(); ++i) {
+ // For every even lease index we add this lease to the database to exercise
+ // the scenario when a lease is already in the database and may be updated
+ // by the lease synchronization procedure.
+ if ((i % 2) == 0) {
+ // Add a copy of the lease to make sure that by modifying the lease
+ // contents we don't affect the lease in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr lease_to_add(new Lease6(*leases6_[i]));
+ // Modify valid lifetime of the lease in the database so we can
+ // later use this value to verify if the lease has been updated.
+ --lease_to_add->valid_lft_;
+ LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease_to_add);
+ }
+ }
+ // Modify cltt of the first lease. This lease should be updated as a result
+ // of synchronization process because cltt is checked and the lease is
+ // updated if the cltt of the fetched lease is later than the cltt of the
+ // existing lease.
+ ++leases6_[0]->cltt_;
+ // For the second lease, set the wrong subnet identifier. This should be
+ // rejected and this lease shouldn't be inserted into the database.
+ // Other leases should be inserted/updated just fine.
+ ++leases6_[1]->subnet_id_ = 0;
+ // Modify the partner's lease cltt so it is earlier than the local lease.
+ // Therefore, this lease update should be rejected.
+ --leases6_[2]->cltt_;
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Convert leases to the JSON format, the same as used by the lease_cmds
+ // hook library. Configure our test HTTP servers to return those
+ // leases in this format.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ // Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease4-get-page should be
+ // sent multiple times. We need to configure the server side to
+ // return leases in 3-element chunks.
+ createPagedSyncResponses6();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage,
+ HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // Stop running the IO service if we see a lease in the lease
+ // database which is expected to be inserted as a result of lease
+ // syncing.
+ return (!LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLeases6(SubnetID(10)).empty());
+ }));
+ // Check if all leases have been stored in the local database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases6_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // This lease was purposely malformed and thus shouldn't be
+ // inserted into the database.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases6_[i]->addr_))
+ << "lease " << leases6_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " was inserted into the database, but it shouldn't";
+ } else {
+ // Other leases should be inserted/updated.
+ Lease6Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases6_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases6_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ if (i == 2) {
+ // The existing lease should have unmodified timestamp because the
+ // update is expected to be rejected. Same for valid lifetime.
+ EXPECT_LT(leases6_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_NE(leases6_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have the same cltt.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases6_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ // Leases with even indexes were added to the database with modified
+ // valid lifetime. Thus the local copy of each such lease should have
+ // this modified valid lifetime. The lease #0 should be updated from
+ // the partner because of the partner's cltt was set to later time.
+ if ((i != 0) && (i % 2) == 0) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases6_[i]->valid_lft_ - 1, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have been fetched from the partner and
+ // inserted with no change.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases6_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This test verifies that IPv6 leases can be fetched from the peer and inserted
+// or updated in the local lease database.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeases6Authorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=6 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv6 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases6());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases6_.size(); ++i) {
+ // For every even lease index we add this lease to the database to exercise
+ // the scenario when a lease is already in the database and may be updated
+ // by the lease synchronization procedure.
+ if ((i % 2) == 0) {
+ // Add a copy of the lease to make sure that by modifying the lease
+ // contents we don't affect the lease in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr lease_to_add(new Lease6(*leases6_[i]));
+ // Modify valid lifetime of the lease in the database so we can
+ // later use this value to verify if the lease has been updated.
+ --lease_to_add->valid_lft_;
+ LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease_to_add);
+ }
+ }
+ // Modify cltt of the first lease. This lease should be updated as a result
+ // of synchronization process because cltt is checked and the lease is
+ // updated if the cltt of the fetched lease is later than the cltt of the
+ // existing lease.
+ ++leases6_[0]->cltt_;
+ // For the second lease, set the wrong subnet identifier. This should be
+ // rejected and this lease shouldn't be inserted into the database.
+ // Other leases should be inserted/updated just fine.
+ ++leases6_[1]->subnet_id_ = 0;
+ // Modify the partner's lease cltt so it is earlier than the local lease.
+ // Therefore, this lease update should be rejected.
+ --leases6_[2]->cltt_;
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Convert leases to the JSON format, the same as used by the lease_cmds
+ // hook library. Configure our test HTTP servers to return those
+ // leases in this format.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ // Leases are fetched in pages, so the lease4-get-page should be
+ // sent multiple times. We need to configure the server side to
+ // return leases in 3-element chunks.
+ createPagedSyncResponses6();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage,
+ HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // Stop running the IO service if we see a lease in the lease
+ // database which is expected to be inserted as a result of lease
+ // syncing.
+ return (!LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLeases6(SubnetID(10)).empty());
+ }));
+ // Check if all leases have been stored in the local database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases6_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // This lease was purposely malformed and thus shouldn't be
+ // inserted into the database.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases6_[i]->addr_))
+ << "lease " << leases6_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " was inserted into the database, but it shouldn't";
+ } else {
+ // Other leases should be inserted/updated.
+ Lease6Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases6_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases6_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ if (i == 2) {
+ // The existing lease should have unmodified timestamp because the
+ // update is expected to be rejected. Same for valid lifetime.
+ EXPECT_LT(leases6_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_NE(leases6_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have the same cltt.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases6_[i]->cltt_, existing_lease->cltt_);
+ // Leases with even indexes were added to the database with modified
+ // valid lifetime. Thus the local copy of each such lease should have
+ // this modified valid lifetime. The lease #0 should be updated from
+ // the partner because of the partner's cltt was set to later time.
+ if ((i != 0) && (i % 2) == 0) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases6_[i]->valid_lft_ - 1, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ } else {
+ // All other leases should have been fetched from the partner and
+ // inserted with no change.
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases6_[i]->valid_lft_, existing_lease->valid_lft_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Test that there is no exception thrown during IPv6 leases synchronization
+// when server returns a wrong answer.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeases6WrongAnswer) {
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=6 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv6 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases6());
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Set empty response. This should cause the HA service to log an
+ // error but not crash.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage,
+ HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(1000));
+// Test that there is no exception thrown during IPv6 leases synchronization
+// when servers are offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeases6ServerOffline) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage,
+ HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service for 1 second.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(1000));
+// Test that there is no exception thrown during IPv6 leases synchronization
+// when server requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncSyncLeases6Unauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create lease manager.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::create("universe=6 type=memfile persist=false"));
+ // Create IPv6 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases6());
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Setting the heartbeat delay to 0 disables the recurring heartbeat.
+ // We just want to synchronize leases and not send the heartbeat.
+ config_storage->setHeartbeatDelay(0);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage,
+ HAServerType::DHCPv6);
+ // Start fetching leases asynchronously.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncSyncLeases());
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(runIOService(1000));
+// This test verifies that the ha-sync command is processed successfully for the
+// DHCPv4 server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize4) {
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate success.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Lease database synchronization"
+ " complete.");
+ // All leases should have been inserted into the database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases4_.size(); ++i) {
+ Lease4Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease4(leases4_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases4_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ }
+ // The following commands should have been sent to the server2: dhcp-disable,
+ // lease4-get-page and ha-sync-complete-notify.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify", ""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable", ""));
+// This test verifies that the ha-sync command is processed successfully for the
+// DHCPv4 server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize4Authorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate success.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Lease database synchronization"
+ " complete.");
+ // All leases should have been inserted into the database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases4_.size(); ++i) {
+ Lease4Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease4(leases4_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases4_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ }
+ // The following commands should have been sent to the server2: dhcp-disable,
+ // lease4-get-page and ha-sync-complete-notify.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify", ""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable", ""));
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending a dhcp-disable
+// command causes an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronizeDisableError) {
+ // Setup the server2 to return an error to dhcp-disable commands.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("dhcp-disable",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should only receive dhcp-disable command. Remaining three should
+ // not be sent.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending any not
+// authenticated command causes a not authorized error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronizeUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct server2 to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should only receive dhcp-disable commands.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending a lease4-get-page
+// command causes an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronizeLease4GetPageError) {
+ // Setup the server2 to return an error to dhcp-disable commands.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("lease4-get-page",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should receive dhcp-disable, lease4-get-page and dhcp-enable
+ // commands. The lease4-get-page command results in an error (configured at
+ // the beginning of this test), but the dhcp-enable command should be sent
+ // to enable the DHCP service after the error anyway. The
+ // ha-sync-complete-notify must not be sent after the error. It should only
+ // be sent after successful synchronization.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending a dhcp-enable
+// command causes an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronizeEnableError) {
+ // Setup the server2 to return an error to dhcp-disable commands.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("dhcp-enable",
+ // Return the unsupported command status for this command to enforce
+ // sending the dhcp-enable command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("ha-sync-complete-notify",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should receive four commands of which ha-sync-complete-notify
+ // was unsupported.
+ auto requests = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests();
+ ASSERT_GE(requests.size(), 3);
+ // The dhcp-disable should be the first request.
+ auto request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(requests[0], request);
+ // There may be multiple lease4-get-page commands but the first one should
+ // follow the dhcp-disable request.
+ request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-get-page", "");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(requests[1], request);
+ // The ha-sync-complete-notify should be last but one.
+ request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify", "");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(requests[requests.size()-2], request);
+ // The dhcp-enable should be last.
+ request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable", "");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(requests[requests.size()-1], request);
+// This test verifies that dhcp-enable command is not sent to the partner after
+// receiving an error to the ha-sync-complete-notify command.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronizeNotifyError) {
+ // Return an error to the ha-sync-complete-notify command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("ha-sync-complete-notify",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize4(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ auto requests = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests();
+ ASSERT_GE(requests.size(), 3);
+ // The dhcp-disable should be the first request.
+ auto request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(requests[0], request);
+ // There may be multiple lease4-get-page commands but the first one should
+ // follow the dhcp-disable request.
+ request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease4-get-page","");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(requests[1], request);
+ // The ha-sync-complete-notify should be last.
+ request = factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify","");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*(requests.rbegin()), request);
+ // The dhcp-enable should not be sent after ha-sync-complete-notify failure.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that the ha-sync command is processed successfully for the
+// DHCPv6 server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize6) {
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate success.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Lease database synchronization"
+ " complete.");
+ // All leases should have been inserted into the database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases6_.size(); ++i) {
+ Lease6Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases6_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases6_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ }
+ // The following commands should have been sent to the server2: dhcp-disable,
+ // lease6-get-page and ha-sync-complete-notify.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+// This test verifies that the ha-sync command is processed successfully for the
+// DHCPv6 server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize6Authorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate success.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Lease database synchronization"
+ " complete.");
+ // All leases should have been inserted into the database.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < leases6_.size(); ++i) {
+ Lease6Ptr existing_lease = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases6_[i]->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(existing_lease) << "lease " << leases6_[i]->addr_.toText()
+ << " not in the lease database";
+ }
+ // The following commands should have been sent to the server2: dhcp-disable,
+ // lease6-get-page and ha-sync-complete-notify.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending a dhcp-disable
+// command causes an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize6DisableError) {
+ // Setup the server2 to return an error to dhcp-disable commands.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("dhcp-disable",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should only receive dhcp-disable command.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending any not
+// authenticated command causes a not authorized error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize6Unauthorized) {
+ // Instruct server2 to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should only receive dhcp-disable commands.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->getReceivedRequests().empty());
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending a lease6-get-page
+// command causes an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronizeLease6GetPageError) {
+ // Setup the server2 to return an error to dhcp-disable commands.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("lease6-get-page",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should receive all commands. The dhcp-disable was successful, so
+ // the dhcp-enable command must be sent to re-enable the service after failure.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+// This test verifies that an error is reported when sending a dhcp-enable
+// command causes an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize6EnableError) {
+ // Setup the server2 to return an error to dhcp-disable commands.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("dhcp-enable",
+ // Return the unsupported command status for this command to enforce
+ // sending the dhcp-enable command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("ha-sync-complete-notify",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // The server2 should receive four commands of which ha-sync-complete-notify
+ // was unsupported.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that dhcp-enable command is not sent to the partner after
+// receiving an error to the ha-sync-complete-notify command.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSynchronize6NotifyError) {
+ // Return an error to the ha-sync-complete-notify command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult("ha-sync-complete-notify",
+ // Run HAService::processSynchronize and gather a response.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ runProcessSynchronize6(rsp);
+ // The response should indicate an error
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","20"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("lease6-get-page",""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("ha-sync-complete-notify",""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that the DHCPv4 service can be disabled on the remote server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncDisableDHCPService4) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-disable command with max-period of 10 seconds.
+ // When the transaction is finished, the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncDisableDHCPService("server3", 10,
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // The second server should not receive the command.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","10"));
+ // The third server should receive the dhcp-disable command with the max-period
+ // value of 10.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","10"));
+// This test verifies that the DHCPv4 service can be disabled on the remote server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncDisableDHCPService4Authorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-disable command with max-period of 10 seconds.
+ // When the transaction is finished, the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncDisableDHCPService("server3", 10,
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // The second server should not receive the command.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","10"));
+ // The third server should receive the dhcp-disable command with the max-period
+ // value of 10.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-disable","10"));
+// This test verifies that there is no exception thrown as a result of dhcp-disable
+// command when the server is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncDisableDHCPService4ServerOffline) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-disable command with max-period of 10 seconds.
+ // When the transaction is finished, the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncDisableDHCPService("server2", 10,
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+// This test verifies that an error is returned when the remote server
+// returns control status error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncDisableDHCPService4ControlResultError) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Set the servers to return error code in response to the dhcp-enable
+ // command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-disable command with max-period of 10 seconds.
+ // When the transaction is finished, the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncDisableDHCPService("server3", 10,
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+// This test verifies that an error is returned when the remote server
+// requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncDisableDHCPService4ControlResultUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-disable command with max-period of 10 seconds.
+ // When the transaction is finished, the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncDisableDHCPService("server3", 10,
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+// This test verifies that the DHCPv4 service can be enabled on the remote server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncEnableDHCPService4) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-enable command. When the transaction is finished,
+ // the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncEnableDHCPService("server2",
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // The second server should receive the dhcp-enable.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+ // The third server should not receive the command.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that the DHCPv4 service can be enabled on the remote server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncEnableDHCPService4Authorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-enable command. When the transaction is finished,
+ // the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncEnableDHCPService("server2",
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+ // The second server should receive the dhcp-enable.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(factory2_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+ // The third server should not receive the command.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(factory3_->getResponseCreator()->findRequest("dhcp-enable",""));
+// This test verifies that there is no exception thrown as a result of dhcp-enable
+// command when the server is offline.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncEnableDHCPService4ServerOffline) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-enable command. When the transaction is finished,
+ // the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncEnableDHCPService("server2",
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+// This test verifies that an error is returned when the remote server
+// returns control status error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncEnableDHCPService4ControlResultError) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Set the servers to return error code in response to the dhcp-enable
+ // command.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-enable command. When the transaction is finished,
+ // the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncEnableDHCPService("server2",
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+// This test verifies that an error is returned when the remote server
+// requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, asyncEnableDHCPService4ControlResultUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ listener3_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Send dhcp-enable command. When the transaction is finished,
+ // the IO service gets stopped.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(service.asyncEnableDHCPService("server2",
+ [this](const bool success,
+ const std::string& error_message,
+ const int) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
+ io_service_->stop();
+ }));
+ // Run IO service to actually perform the transaction.
+// This test verifies that the "ha-scopes" command is processed correctly.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processScopes) {
+ // Create HA configuration.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Create HA service using this configuration.
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Enable "server1" and "server2" scopes.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processScopes({ "server1", "server2" }));
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "New HA scopes configured.");
+ // Verify that "server1" and "server2" scopes are enabled.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server1"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server2"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server3"));
+ // Enable "server2" scope only.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processScopes({ "server2" }));
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "New HA scopes configured.");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server1"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server2"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server3"));
+ // Clear scopes.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processScopes({ }));
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "New HA scopes configured.");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server2"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server3"));
+ // Unsupported scope.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processScopes({ "server1", "unsupported", "server3" }));
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "invalid server name specified 'unsupported'"
+ " while enabling/disabling HA scopes");
+ // Even though the "server1" is a valid scope name, it should not be
+ // enabled because we expect scopes enabling to be atomic operation,
+ // i.e. all or nothing.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server2"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.query_filter_.amServingScope("server3"));
+// This test verifies that the ha-continue command is processed successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processContinue) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // State machine is to be paused in the waiting state.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(config_storage->getStateMachineConfig()->
+ getStateConfig(HA_WAITING_ST)->setPausing("always"));
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Pause the state machine.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(HA_WAITING_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service.isModelPaused());
+ // Process ha-continue command that should unpause the state machine.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processContinue());
+ // The server should have responded.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "HA state machine continues.");
+ // State machine should have been unpaused as a result of processing the
+ // command.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.isModelPaused());
+ // Response should include no arguments.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(rsp->get("arguments"));
+ // Sending ha-continue command again which should return success but
+ // slightly different textual status.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processContinue());
+ // The server should have responded.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "HA state machine is not paused.");
+ // The state machine should not be paused.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.isModelPaused());
+ // Response should include no arguments.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(rsp->get("arguments"));
+// This test verifies that the ha-maintenance-notify command is processed
+// successfully and transitions the state machine to the in-maintenance state
+// and that it is possible to revert to the previous state.
+// It also verifies that this command fails to transition the state machine
+// for some selected states for which it is unsupported.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceNotify) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ std::set<int> valid_states = {
+ };
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Test transition from the states for which it is allowed.
+ for (auto state : valid_states) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(state, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ // Process ha-maintenance-notify command that should transition the
+ // state machine to the in-maintenance state.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceNotify(false));
+ // The server should have responded.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Server is in-maintenance state.");
+ // The state machine should have been transitioned to the in-maintenance state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST, service.getCurrState());
+ // Try to cancel the maintenance.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceNotify(true));
+ // The server should have responded.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Server maintenance canceled.");
+ // The state machine should have been transitioned to the state it was in
+ // prior to transitioning to the in-maintenance state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(state, service.getCurrState());
+ }
+ std::set<int> invalid_states = {
+ };
+ // Make sure that the transition from the other states is not allowed.
+ for (auto state : invalid_states) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(state, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceNotify(false));
+ "Unable to transition the server from the "
+ + stateToString(state) + " to in-maintenance state.");
+ }
+// This test verifies the case when the server receiving the ha-maintenance-start
+// command successfully transitions to the partner-in-maintenance state and its
+// partner transitions to the in-maintenance state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceStartSuccess) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-start command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceStart());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner of our server is online and should have responded with
+ // the success status. Therefore, this server should have transitioned
+ // to the partner-in-maintenance state.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Server is now in the partner-in-maintenance state"
+ " and its partner is in-maintenance state. The partner can be now safely"
+ " shut down.");
+// This test verifies the case when the server receiving the ha-maintenance-start
+// command successfully transitions to the partner-in-maintenance state and its
+// partner transitions to the in-maintenance state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceStartSuccessAuthorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-start command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceStart());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner of our server is online and should have responded with
+ // the success status. Therefore, this server should have transitioned
+ // to the partner-in-maintenance state.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Server is now in the partner-in-maintenance state"
+ " and its partner is in-maintenance state. The partner can be now safely"
+ " shut down.");
+// This test verifies the case that the server transitions to the partner-down
+// state after receiving the ha-maintenance-start command. This is the case
+// when the communication with the partner server fails while this command
+// is received. It is assumed that the partner server is already terminated
+// for maintenance.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceStartPartnerDown) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Start the server, but don't start the partner. This simulates
+ // the case that the partner is already down for maintenance.
+ listener_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-start command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceStart());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner of our server is online and should have responded with
+ // the success status. Therefore, this server should have transitioned
+ // to the partner-in-maintenance state.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "Server is now in the partner-down state as its"
+ " partner appears to be offline for maintenance.");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies the case when the server is receiving
+// ha-maintenance-start command and tries to notify the partner
+// which returns an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceStartPartnerError) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Simulate an error returned by the partner.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-start command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceStart());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "Server is now in the partner-down state as its"
+ " partner appears to be offline for maintenance.");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies the case when the server is receiving
+// ha-maintenance-start command and tries to notify the partner
+// which requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceStartPartnerUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-start command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceStart());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "Server is now in the partner-down state as its"
+ " partner appears to be offline for maintenance.");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies the case when the server is receiving
+// ha-maintenance-start command and tries to notify the partner
+// which returns a special result indicating that it can't enter
+// the in-maintenance state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceStartNotAllowed) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Simulate an error returned by the partner.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ HAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-start command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceStart());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "Unable to transition to the partner-in-maintenance state."
+ " The partner server responded with the following message"
+ " to the ha-maintenance-notify command: response returned,"
+ " error code 1001.");
+ // The partner's state precludes entering the in-maintenance state. Thus, this
+ // server must not change its state either.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies the case when the server receiving the ha-maintenance-cancel
+// command successfully transitions out of the partner-in-maintenance state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceCancelSuccess) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-cancel command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceCancel());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner of our server is online and should have responded with
+ // the success status. Therefore, this server should have transitioned
+ // to the partner-in-maintenance state.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Server maintenance successfully canceled.");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies the case when the server receiving the ha-maintenance-cancel
+// command successfully transitions out of the partner-in-maintenance state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceCancelSuccessAuthorized) {
+ // Update config to provide authentication.
+ user2_ = "foo";
+ password2_ = "bar";
+ user3_ = "test";
+ password3_ = "1234";
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ setBasicAuth(config_storage);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-cancel command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceCancel());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner of our server is online and should have responded with
+ // the success status. Therefore, this server should have transitioned
+ // to the partner-in-maintenance state.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Server maintenance successfully canceled.");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies that the maintenance is not canceled in case the
+// partner returns an error.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceCancelPartnerError) {
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Simulate an error returned by the partner.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-cancel command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceCancel());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner should have responded with an error.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "Unable to cancel maintenance. The partner server responded"
+ " with the following message to the ha-maintenance-notify"
+ " command: response returned, error code 1.");
+ // The state of this server should not change.
+// This test verifies that the maintenance is not canceled in case the
+// partner requires not provided authentication.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processMaintenanceCancelPartnerUnauthorized) {
+ // Instruct servers to require authentication.
+ factory2_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("foo", "bar");
+ factory3_->getResponseCreator()->addBasicAuth("test", "1234");
+ // Create HA configuration for 3 servers. This server is
+ // server 1.
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Start the servers.
+ listener_->start();
+ listener2_->start();
+ });
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // The tested function is synchronous, so we need to run server side IO service
+ // in background to not block the main thread.
+ auto thread = runIOServiceInThread();
+ // Process ha-maintenance-cancel command.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processMaintenanceCancel());
+ // Stop the IO service. This should cause the thread to terminate.
+ io_service_->stop();
+ thread->join();
+ io_service_->get_io_service().reset();
+ io_service_->poll();
+ // The partner should have responded with an error.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR,
+ "Unable to cancel maintenance. The partner server responded"
+ " with the following message to the ha-maintenance-notify"
+ " command: Unauthorized, error code 1.");
+ // The state of this server should not change.
+// This test verifies that the ha-reset command is processed successfully.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processHAReset) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Transition the server to the load-balancing state.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ // Process ha-reset command that should cause the server to transition
+ // to the waiting state.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processHAReset());
+ // The server should have responded.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "HA state machine reset.");
+ // Response should include no arguments.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(rsp->get("arguments"));
+ // The server should be in the waiting state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies that the ha-reset command is processed successfully when
+// the server is already in the waiting state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processHAResetWaiting) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Transition the server to the waiting state.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(HA_WAITING_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ // Process ha-reset command that should not change the state of the
+ // server because the server is already in the waiting state. It
+ // should not fail though.
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processHAReset());
+ // The server should have responded.
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "HA state machine already in WAITING state.");
+ // Response should include no arguments.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(rsp->get("arguments"));
+ // The server should be in the waiting state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service.getCurrState());
+// This test verifies that the ha-sync-complete-notify command is processed
+// successfully, the server keeps the DHCP service disabled in the partner-down
+// state and enables the service when it is in another state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceTest, processSyncCompleteNotify) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ TestHAService service(io_service_, network_state_, config_storage);
+ // Transition the server to the partner-down state.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ // Simulate disabling the DHCP service for synchronization.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.network_state_->disableService(NetworkState::Origin::HA_COMMAND));
+ ConstElementPtr rsp;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processSyncCompleteNotify());
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "Server successfully notified about the synchronization completion.");
+ // The server should remain in the partner-down state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service.getCurrState());
+ // The service should be disabled until the server transitions to the
+ // normal state.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service.network_state_->isServiceEnabled());
+ // It is possible that the connection from this server to the partner
+ // is still broken. In that case, the HA_SYNCED_PARTNER_UNAVAILABLE_EVT
+ // is emitted and the server should enable DHCP service to continue
+ // serving the clients in the partner-down state.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service.network_state_->isServiceEnabled());
+ // Transition the server to the load-balancing state.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.transition(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT));
+ // Disable the service again.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(service.network_state_->disableService(NetworkState::Origin::HA_COMMAND));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(rsp = service.processSyncCompleteNotify());
+ checkAnswer(rsp, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ "Server successfully notified about the synchronization completion.");
+ // The server should remain in the load-balancing state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service.getCurrState());
+ // This time the service should be enabled because the server is in
+ // the state in which it sends the lease updates.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service.network_state_->isServiceEnabled());
+/// @brief HA partner to the server under test.
+/// This is a wrapper class around @c HttpListener which simulates a
+/// partner server. It provides convenient methods to start, stop the
+/// partner (its listener) and to transition the partner between various
+/// HA states. Depending on the state and whether the partner is started
+/// or stopped, different answers are returned in response to the
+/// ha-heartbeat commands.
+class HAPartner {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Creates the partner instance from a listner and the corresponding
+ /// response factory. It automatically transitions the partner to the
+ /// "waiting" state unless otherwise specified with the third parameter.
+ ///
+ /// @param listner pointer to the listner to be used.
+ /// @param factory pointer to the response factory to be used. This
+ /// must be the same factory that the listener is using.
+ /// @param initial_state initial state for the partner. Default is to
+ /// transition the partner to the "waiting" state which is the default
+ /// state for each starting server.
+ HAPartner(const HttpListenerPtr& listener,
+ const TestHttpResponseCreatorFactoryPtr& factory,
+ const std::string& initial_state = "waiting")
+ : listener_(listener), factory_(factory), running_(false),
+ static_date_time_(), static_scopes_(),
+ static_unsent_update_count_(0) {
+ transition(initial_state);
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets control result to be returned as a result of the
+ /// communication with the partner.
+ ///
+ /// @param control_result new control result value.
+ void setControlResult(const int control_result) {
+ factory_->getResponseCreator()->setControlResult(control_result);
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets static date-time value to be used in responses.
+ ///
+ /// @param static_date_time fixed date-time value.
+ void setDateTime(const std::string& static_date_time) {
+ static_date_time_ = static_date_time;
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets static scopes to be used in responses.
+ ///
+ /// @param scopes Fixed scopes set.
+ void setScopes(const std::set<std::string>& scopes) {
+ static_scopes_ = scopes;
+ }
+ /// @brief Enable response to commands required for leases synchronization.
+ ///
+ /// Enables dhcp-disable, dhcp-enable and lease4-get-page commands. The last
+ /// of them returns a bunch of test leases.
+ void enableRespondLeaseFetching() {
+ // Create IPv4 leases which will be fetched from the other server.
+ std::vector<Lease4Ptr> leases4;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(generateTestLeases(leases4));
+ // Convert leases to the JSON format, the same as used by the lease_cmds
+ // hook library. Configure our test HTTP servers to return those
+ // leases in this format.
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ response_arguments->set("leases", getLeasesAsJson(leases4));
+ factory_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments("lease4-get-page", response_arguments);
+ }
+ /// @brief Starts up the partner.
+ void startup() {
+ if (!running_) {
+ listener_->start();
+ running_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Shuts down the partner.
+ ///
+ /// It may be used to simulate partner's crash as well as graceful
+ /// shutdown.
+ void shutdown() {
+ if (running_) {
+ listener_->stop();
+ running_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Transitions the partner to the specified state.
+ ///
+ /// The state is provided in the textual form and the function doesn't
+ /// validate whether it is correct or not.
+ ///
+ /// @param state new partner state.
+ void transition(const std::string& state) {
+ ElementPtr response_arguments = Element::createMap();
+ response_arguments->set("state", Element::create(state));
+ if (!static_date_time_.empty()) {
+ response_arguments->set("date-time", Element::create(static_date_time_));
+ }
+ if (!static_scopes_.empty()) {
+ auto json_scopes = Element::createList();
+ for (auto scope : static_scopes_) {
+ json_scopes->add(Element::create(scope));
+ }
+ response_arguments->set("scopes", json_scopes);
+ }
+ if (static_unsent_update_count_ >= 0) {
+ response_arguments->set("unsent-update-count", Element::create(static_unsent_update_count_));
+ }
+ factory_->getResponseCreator()->setArguments(response_arguments);
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets static value of unsent update count.
+ ///
+ /// @param unsent_update_count new value of the unsent update count.
+ /// Specify a negative value to exclude the count from the response.
+ void setUnsentUpdateCount(int64_t unsent_update_count) {
+ static_unsent_update_count_ = unsent_update_count;
+ }
+ /// @brief Instance of the listener wrapped by this class.
+ HttpListenerPtr listener_;
+ /// @brief Instance of the response factory used by the listener.
+ TestHttpResponseCreatorFactoryPtr factory_;
+ /// @brief IPv4 leases to be used in the tests.
+ std::vector<Lease4Ptr> leases4_;
+ /// @brief Boolean flag indicating if the partner is running.
+ bool running_;
+ /// @brief Static date-time value to be returned.
+ std::string static_date_time_;
+ /// @brief Static scopes to be reported.
+ std::set<std::string> static_scopes_;
+ /// @brief Static count of lease updates not sent by the partner
+ /// because the other server was unavailable.
+ int64_t static_unsent_update_count_;
+/// @brief Shared pointer to a partner.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<HAPartner> HAPartnerPtr;
+/// @brief Test fixture class for the HA service state machine.
+class HAServiceStateMachineTest : public HAServiceTest {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ HAServiceStateMachineTest()
+ : HAServiceTest(), state_(),
+ partner_(new HAPartner(listener2_, factory2_)) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates common HA service instance from the provided configuration.
+ ///
+ /// The custom @c state_ object is created and it replaces the default
+ /// @c state_ object of the HA service.
+ ///
+ /// @param config pointer to the configuration to be used by the service.
+ /// @param server_type server type, i.e. DHCPv4 or DHCPv6.
+ void startService(const HAConfigPtr& config,
+ const HAServerType& server_type = HAServerType::DHCPv4) {
+ config->setHeartbeatDelay(1);
+ config->setSyncPageLimit(1000);
+ createSTService(network_state_, config, server_type);
+ // Replace default communication state with custom state which exposes
+ // protected members and methods.
+ state_.reset(new NakedCommunicationState4(io_service_, config));
+ service_->communication_state_ = state_;
+ // Move the state machine from initial state to "waiting" state.
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ }
+ /// @brief Runs IO service until specified event occurs.
+ ///
+ /// This method runs IO service until state machine is run as a result
+ /// of receiving a response to an IO operation. IO operations such as
+ /// lease updates, heartbeats etc. trigger state machine changes.
+ /// We can capture certain events to detect when a response to the heartbeat
+ /// or other control commands is received. This is useful to return control
+ /// to a test to verify that the state machine remains in the expected state
+ /// after receiving such response.
+ ///
+ /// @param event an event which should trigger IO service to stop.
+ void waitForEvent(const int event) {
+ ASSERT_NE(event, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ service_->postNextEvent(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Run IO service until the event occurs.
+ runIOService(TEST_TIMEOUT, [this, event]() {
+ return (service_->getLastEvent() == event);
+ });
+ service_->postNextEvent(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ }
+ /// @brief Convenience method checking if HA service is currently running
+ /// recurring heartbeat.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if the heartbeat is run.
+ bool isDoingHeartbeat() {
+ return (state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ }
+ /// @brief Convenience method checking if HA service has detected communications
+ /// interrupted condition.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if the communications interrupted condition deemed, false
+ /// otherwise.
+ bool isCommunicationInterrupted() {
+ return (state_->isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ }
+ /// @brief Convenience method checking if communication failure has been
+ /// detected by the HA service based on the analysis of the DHCP traffic.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if the communication failure is deemed, false otherwise.
+ bool isFailureDetected() {
+ return (state_->failureDetected());
+ }
+ /// @brief Simulates a case when communication with the partner has failed
+ /// for a time long enough to assume communications interrupted condition.
+ ///
+ /// This case is simulated by modifying the last poking time far into the
+ /// past.
+ void simulateNoCommunication() {
+ state_->modifyPokeTime(-1000);
+ }
+ /// @brief Simulates reception of unanswered DHCP queries by the partner.
+ ///
+ /// This case is simulated by creating a large number of queries with
+ /// secs field set to high value.
+ void simulateDroppedQueries() {
+ // Create 100 packets. Around 50% of them should be assigned to the
+ // partner if load balancing is performed.
+ const unsigned queries_num = 100;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < queries_num; ++i) {
+ // Create query with random HW address.
+ Pkt4Ptr query4 = createQuery4(randomKey(HWAddr::ETHERNET_HWADDR_LEN));
+ // Set large secs field value.
+ query4->setSecs(0x00EF);
+ // This function, besides checking if the query is in scope,
+ // updates unanswered message counters. If the counters exceed
+ // a configured value the communication failure is assumed.
+ static_cast<void>(service_->inScope(query4));
+ }
+ // The state machine needs to react to the dropped queries. Therefore
+ // we run the machine now.
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks transitions dependent on the partner's state.
+ ///
+ /// This method uses @c partner_ object to control the state of the partner.
+ /// This method must not be used to test transitions from the syncing state
+ /// because this state includes synchronous IO operations. There is a
+ /// separate test for the transitions from the syncing state.
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state initial state of this server.
+ /// @param partner_state state of the partner.
+ /// @param final_state expected state to transition to.
+ void testTransition(const MyState& my_state, const PartnerState& partner_state,
+ const FinalState& final_state) {
+ // We need to shutdown the partner only if the partner is to be in the
+ // 'unavailable state'.
+ if (partner_state.state_ != HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST) {
+ // This function is not meant for testing transitions from the syncing
+ // state when partner is available.
+ ASSERT_NE(my_state.state_, HA_SYNCING_ST);
+ partner_->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS);
+ } else {
+ partner_->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ }
+ // Transition this server to the desired initial state.
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Transition the partner to the desired state.
+ partner_->transition(service_->getStateLabel(partner_state.state_));
+ // Run the heartbeat.
+ // Make sure that this server ended up in the expected state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(final_state.state_, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(final_state.state_)
+ << "' state for the partner state '" << service_->getStateLabel(partner_state.state_)
+ << "', but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ // If the partner is unavailable we also have to verify the case when
+ // we detect that the partner is considered offline (after running the
+ // whole failure detection algorithm). The server in the in-maintenance
+ // state is excluded from this because it must not transition out of this
+ // state until an administrator makes some action.
+ if ((my_state.state_ != HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST) &&
+ (partner_state.state_ == HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST)) {
+ // Transition this server back to the initial state.
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Simulate lack of communication between the servers.
+ simulateNoCommunication();
+ // Send the heartbeat again.
+ // The load balancing server or the standby server is monitoring the stream
+ // of packets directed to the partner to detect delays in responses. The
+ // primary server in the hot standby configuration doesn't do it, because
+ // the partner is not meant to process any queries until it detects that
+ // the primary server is down. This is only done in states in which the
+ // DHCP service is enabled. Otherwise, the server doesn't receive DHCP
+ // queries it could analyze.
+ if (service_->network_state_->isServiceEnabled() &&
+ ((service_->config_->getHAMode() == HAConfig::LOAD_BALANCING) ||
+ service_->config_->getThisServerConfig()->getRole() == HAConfig::PeerConfig::STANDBY)) {
+ // The server should remain in its current state until we also detect
+ // that the partner is not answering the queries.
+ ASSERT_EQ(final_state.state_, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(final_state.state_)
+ << "' state for the partner state '" << service_->getStateLabel(partner_state.state_)
+ << "', but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ // Back to the original state again.
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // This time simulate no responses from the partner to the DHCP clients'
+ // requests. This should cause the server to transition to the partner
+ // down state regardless of the initial state.
+ simulateDroppedQueries();
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the 'partner-down' state, but transitioned"
+ " to the '" << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ // The primary server in the hot-standby configuration should transition to
+ // the partner-down state when there is no communication with the partner
+ // over the control channel.
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the 'partner-down' state, but transitioned"
+ " to the '" << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks transitions from the syncing state.
+ ///
+ /// This method uses @c partner_ object to control the state of the partner.
+ ///
+ /// @param final_state expected final server state.
+ void testSyncingTransition(const FinalState& final_state) {
+ // Transition to the syncing state.
+ service_->transition(HA_SYNCING_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ partner_->transition("ready");
+ state_->stopHeartbeat();
+ testSynchronousCommands([this]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ });
+ state_->stopHeartbeat();
+ EXPECT_EQ(final_state.state_, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(final_state.state_)
+ << "' state, but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests transition from any state to "terminated".
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state initial server state.
+ void testTerminateTransition(const MyState& my_state) {
+ // Set the partner's time way in the past so as the clock skew gets high.
+ partner_->setDateTime("Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT");
+ partner_->transition("ready");
+ // Transition this server to the desired initial state.
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Run the heartbeat.
+ // The server should get into terminated state because of the high
+ // clock skew.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_TERMINATED_ST, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the 'terminated' state"
+ << "', but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests transition between states when passive-backup mode is
+ /// in use.
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state initial server state.
+ /// @param final_state expected final state.
+ void testPassiveBackupTransition(const MyState& my_state,
+ const FinalState& final_state) {
+ service_->transition(my_state.state_, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ service_->runModel(TestHAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(final_state.state_, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected transition to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(final_state.state_)
+ << "', but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that the server is serving expected scopes while being in a
+ /// certain state.
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state state of the server.
+ /// @param scopes vector of scopes which the server is expected to handle in this
+ /// state.
+ /// @param dhcp_enabled Indicates whether DHCP service is expected to be enabled
+ /// or disabled in the given state.
+ /// @param event Event to be passed to the tested handler.
+ void expectScopes(const MyState& my_state, const std::vector<std::string>& scopes,
+ const bool dhcp_enabled, const int event = TestHAService::NOP_EVT) {
+ // If expecting no scopes, let's enable some scope to make sure that the
+ // code changes this setting.
+ if (scopes.empty()) {
+ service_->query_filter_.serveScope("server1");
+ } else {
+ // If expecting some scopes, let's initially clear the scopes to make
+ // sure that the code sets it.
+ service_->query_filter_.serveNoScopes();
+ }
+ // Also, let's preset the DHCP server state to the opposite of the expected
+ // state.
+ if (dhcp_enabled) {
+ service_->network_state_->disableService(NetworkState::Origin::HA_COMMAND);
+ } else {
+ service_->network_state_->enableService(NetworkState::Origin::HA_COMMAND);
+ }
+ // Transition to the desired state.
+ service_->postNextEvent(event);
+ service_->verboseTransition(my_state.state_);
+ // Run the handler.
+ service_->runModel(TestHAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // First, check that the number of handlded scope is equal to the number of
+ // scopes specified as an argument.
+ ASSERT_EQ(scopes.size(), service_->query_filter_.getServedScopes().size())
+ << "test failed for state '" << service_->getStateLabel(my_state.state_)
+ << "'";
+ // Now, verify that each specified scope is handled.
+ for(auto scope : scopes) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->query_filter_.amServingScope(scope))
+ << "test failed for state '" << service_->getStateLabel(my_state.state_)
+ << "'";
+ }
+ // Verify if the DHCP service is enabled or disabled.
+ EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_enabled, service_->network_state_->isServiceEnabled())
+ << "test failed for state '" << service_->getStateLabel(my_state.state_)
+ << "'";
+ }
+ /// @brief Transitions the server to the specified state and checks if the
+ /// HA service would send lease updates in this state.
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state this server's state
+ /// @param peer_config configuration of the server to which lease updates are
+ /// to be sent.
+ /// @return true if the lease updates would be sent, false otherwise.
+ bool expectLeaseUpdates(const MyState& my_state,
+ const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr& peer_config) {
+ service_->verboseTransition(my_state.state_);
+ return (service_->shouldSendLeaseUpdates(peer_config));
+ }
+ /// @brief Transitions the server to the specified state and checks if the
+ /// HA service would queue lease updates in this state.
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state this server's state
+ /// @param peer_config configuration of the server to which lease updates are
+ /// to be sent or queued.
+ /// @return true if the lease updates would be queued, false otherwise.
+ bool expectQueueLeaseUpdates(const MyState& my_state,
+ const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr& peer_config) {
+ service_->verboseTransition(my_state.state_);
+ return (service_->shouldQueueLeaseUpdates(peer_config));
+ }
+ /// @brief Transitions the server to the specified state and checks if the
+ /// HA service is sending heartbeat in this state.
+ ///
+ /// @param my_state this server's state
+ /// @return true if the heartbeat is sent in this state, false otherwise.
+ bool expectHeartbeat(const MyState& my_state) {
+ service_->verboseTransition(my_state.state_);
+ service_->runModel(TestHAService::NOP_EVT);
+ return (isDoingHeartbeat());
+ }
+ /// @brief Pointer to the communication state used in the tests.
+ NakedCommunicationState4Ptr state_;
+ /// @brief Pointer to the partner used in some tests.
+ HAPartnerPtr partner_;
+// Test the following scenario:
+// 1. I show up in waiting state and look around
+// 2. My partner doesn't respond over control channel
+// 3. I start analyzing partner's packets and see that
+// it doesn't respond.
+// 4. I transition to partner down state.
+// 5. Partner finally shows up and eventually transitions to the ready state.
+// 6. I see the partner being ready, so I synchronize myself and eventually
+// transition to the load-balancing state.
+// 7. Next, the partner crashes again.
+// 8. I detect partner's crash and transition back to partner down.
+// 9. While being in the partner down state, I find that the partner
+// is available and it is doing load balancing.
+// 10. I stay in the partner-down state to force the partner to transition
+// to the waiting state and synchronize its database.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, waitingParterDownLoadBalancingPartnerDown) {
+ HAConfigPtr config_storage = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Disable syncing leases to avoid transitions via the syncing state.
+ // In this state it is necessary to perform synchronous tasks.
+ config_storage->setSyncLeases(false);
+ startService(config_storage);
+ // Start the server: offline ---> WAITING state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: no heartbeat response for a long period of time.
+ simulateNoCommunication();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ // WAITING state: communication interrupted. In this state we don't analyze
+ // packets ('secs' field) because the DHCP service is disabled.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ // PARTNER DOWN state: still no response from the partner.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // Partner shows up and (eventually) transitions to READY state.
+ HAPartner partner(listener2_, factory2_);
+ partner.setScopes({ "server1", "server2" });
+ partner.setUnsentUpdateCount(10);
+ partner.transition("ready");
+ partner.startup();
+ // PARTNER DOWN state: receive a response from the partner indicating that
+ // the partner is in READY state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // WAITING state: synchronization is disabled to simplify this test. The
+ // server should transition straight to the ready state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // Ensure that the state handler is invoked.
+ // Check the reported info about servers.
+ ConstElementPtr ha_servers = service_->processStatusGet();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ha_servers);
+ // Hard to know what is the age of the remote data. Therefore, let's simply
+ // grab it from the response.
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, ha_servers->getType());
+ auto remote = ha_servers->get("remote");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(remote);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::map, remote->getType());
+ auto age = remote->get("age");
+ EXPECT_EQ(Element::integer, age->getType());
+ auto age_value = age->intValue();
+ EXPECT_GE(age_value, 0);
+ // Now append it to the whole structure for comparison.
+ std::ostringstream s;
+ s << age_value;
+ std::string expected = "{"
+ " \"local\": {"
+ " \"role\": \"primary\","
+ " \"scopes\": [ \"server1\" ], "
+ " \"state\": \"load-balancing\""
+ " }, "
+ " \"remote\": {"
+ " \"age\": " + s.str() + ","
+ " \"in-touch\": true,"
+ " \"role\": \"secondary\","
+ " \"last-scopes\": [ \"server1\", \"server2\" ],"
+ " \"last-state\": \"ready\","
+ " \"communication-interrupted\": false,"
+ " \"connecting-clients\": 0,"
+ " \"unacked-clients\": 0,"
+ " \"unacked-clients-left\": 0,"
+ " \"analyzed-packets\": 0"
+ " }"
+ "}";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(isEquivalent(Element::fromJSON(expected), ha_servers));
+ // Crash the partner and see whether our server can return to the partner
+ // down state.
+ partner.setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // LOAD BALANCING state: wait for the next heartbeat to occur. This heartbeat
+ // fails causing the server to enter communication-recovery state in which the
+ // server is collecting lease updates to be sent when the communication is
+ // resumed.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // COMMUNICATION RECOVERY state: simulate lack of communication for a longer
+ // period of time. We should remain the communication-recovery state and
+ // keep analyzing the traffic directed to partner.
+ simulateNoCommunication();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // COMMUNICATION RECOVERY state: simulate a lot of unanswered DHCP
+ // messages to the partner. This server should detect that the partner is
+ // not answering and transition to partner down state.
+ simulateDroppedQueries();
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isFailureDetected());
+ // Start the partner again and transition it to the load balancing state.
+ partner.setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS);
+ partner.transition("load-balancing");
+ // PARTNER DOWN state: the partner shows up in the load-balancing state.
+ // It may happen when the partner did not crash but there was a temporary
+ // communication error with it. It is possible that this server was not
+ // configured to monitor unacked clients and that's why it transitioned
+ // to the partner-down state. The partner may be configured differently.
+ // The partner was not receiving lease updates from us, so we need to
+ // force it to transition to the waiting state and synchronize. We stay
+ // in the partner-down state as long as necessary to force the partner
+ // to synchronize.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+// Test the following scenario:
+// 1. I show up in waiting state and look around.
+// 2. My partner is offline and is not responding over the control channel.
+// 3. I can't communicate with the partner so I transition to the partner-down
+// state.
+// 4. Partner shows up and eventually transitions to the ready state.
+// 5. I see the partner being ready, so I synchronize myself and eventually
+// transition to the load-balancing state.
+// 6. Partner stops responding again.
+// 7. I monitor communication with the partner and eventually consider the
+// communication to be interrupted.
+// 8. I start monitoring the DHCP traffic directed to the partner and observe
+// delays in responses.
+// 9. I transition to the partner-down state again seeing that the certain
+// number of clients can't communicate with the partner.
+// 10. The partner unexpectedly shows up in the hot-standby mode. I stay in
+// the partner-down state to force the partner to transition to the waiting
+// state and synchronize its database.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, waitingParterDownHotStandbyPartnerDown) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ // Disable syncing leases to avoid transitions via the syncing state.
+ // In this state it is necessary to perform synchronous tasks.
+ valid_config->setSyncLeases(false);
+ // Start the server: offline ---> WAITING state.
+ startService(valid_config);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: no heartbeat response for a long period of time.
+ simulateNoCommunication();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ // WAITING state: communication interrupted. In this state we don't analyze
+ // packets ('secs' field) because the DHCP service is disabled.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ // PARTNER DOWN state: still no response from the partner.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // Partner shows up and (eventually) transitions to READY state.
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->setUnsentUpdateCount(10);
+ partner_->transition("ready");
+ partner_->startup();
+ // PARTNER DOWN state: receive a response from the partner indicating that
+ // the partner is in READY state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // WAITING state: synchronization is disabled to simplify this test. The
+ // server should transition straight to the ready state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // Primary server must transition to the hot-standby state first before
+ // standby can transition.
+ partner_->transition("hot-standby");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // Crash the partner and see whether our server can return to the partner
+ // down state.
+ partner_->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR);
+ // HOT STANDBY state: wait for the next heartbeat to occur and make
+ // sure that a single heartbeat loss is not yet causing us to assume
+ // partner down condition.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // HOT STANDBY state: simulate lack of communication for a longer
+ // period of time. We should remain in the hot-standby state waiting for
+ // unanswered DHCP traffic before going to partner-down state.
+ simulateNoCommunication();
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+ // HOT STANDBY state: simulate a lot of unanswered DHCP
+ // messages to the partner. This server should detect that the partner is
+ // not answering and transition to partner down state.
+ simulateDroppedQueries();
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isFailureDetected());
+ // Start the partner again and transition it to the hot standby state.
+ partner_->setControlResult(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS);
+ partner_->transition("hot-standby");
+ // PARTNER DOWN state: the partner shows up in the hot-standby state.
+ // It may happen when the partner did not crash but there was a temporary
+ // communication error with it. The partner was not receiving lease updates
+ // from us, so we need to force it to transition to the waiting state and
+ // synchronize. We stay in the partner-down state as long as necessary to
+ // force the partner to synchronize.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(isDoingHeartbeat());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isCommunicationInterrupted());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(isFailureDetected());
+// Test the following scenario:
+// 1. I begin in a load-balancing state.
+// 2. My partner is offline.
+// 3. I transition to the communication-recovery state.
+// 4. My partner shows up in the load-balancing state.
+// 5. I see the partner so I get back to load-balancing state as well.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, loadBalancingCommRecoveryLoadBalancing) {
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ service_->verboseTransition(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST);
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Simulate that the partner is not responding to my queries.
+ simulateNoCommunication();
+ HAPartner partner(listener2_, factory2_, "load-balancing");
+ partner.startup();
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+// Test the following scenario:
+// 1. I show up in the waiting state.
+// 2. My partner appears to be in the partner-down state.
+// 3. I proceed to the syncing state to fetch leases from the partner.
+// 4. The first attempt to fetch leases is unsuccessful.
+// 5. I remain in the syncing state until I am finally successful.
+// 6. I proceed to the ready state.
+// 7. I see that the partner is still in partner-down state, so I
+// wait for the partner to transition to load-balancing state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, waitingSyncingReadyLoadBalancing) {
+ // Partner is present and is in the PARTNER DOWN state.
+ HAPartner partner(listener2_, factory2_, "partner-down");
+ partner.startup();
+ // Start the server: offline ---> WAITING state.
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: receive a response from the partner indicating that the
+ // partner is in the load balancing state. I should transition to the
+ // SYNCING state to fetch leases from the partner.
+ // WAITING ---> SYNCING state
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_SYNCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // We better stop the heartbeat to not interfere with the synchronous
+ // commands.
+ state_->stopHeartbeat();
+ // The database synchronization is synchronous operation so we need to run
+ // the partner's IO service in thread (in background).
+ testSynchronousCommands([this, &partner]() {
+ // SYNCING state: the partner is up but it won't respond to the lease4-get-page
+ // command correctly. This should leave us in the SYNCING state until we finally
+ // can synchronize.
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_SYNCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // We better stop the heartbeat to not interfere with the synchronous
+ // commands.
+ state_->stopHeartbeat();
+ // Enable the partner to correctly respond to the lease fetching and retry.
+ // We should successfully update the database and transition.
+ partner.enableRespondLeaseFetching();
+ // After previous attempt to synchronize the recorded partner state became
+ // "unavailable". This server won't synchronize until the heartbeat is
+ // sent which would indicate that the server is running. Therefore, we
+ // manually set the state of the partner to "partner-down".
+ state_->setPartnerState("partner-down");
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ });
+ // READY state: I do another heartbeat but my partner still seems to be in the
+ // partner down state, so I can't transition to load balancing just yet. I
+ // still remain the READY state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // READY state: partner transitions to the LOAD BALANCING state seeing that I
+ // am ready. I should see this transition and also transition to that state.
+ partner.transition("load-balancing");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+// Test the following scenario:
+// 1. I am a primary server which is started at the same time as secondary.
+// 2. I determine that we're the primary server so I go ahead and start
+// synchronizing.
+// 3. Partner should also determine that it is a secondary server so it should
+// remain in the waiting state until we're ready.
+// 4. I synchronize the database and transition to the ready state.
+// 5. The partner should see that I am ready and should start the transition.
+// 6. I remain ready until the partner gets to the ready state.
+// 7. I transition to the load balancing state when the partner is ready.
+// 8. The partner transitions to the load balancing state which doesn't
+// affect my state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, waitingSyncingReadyLoadBalancingPrimary) {
+ // Partner is present and is in the WAITING state.
+ HAPartner partner(listener2_, factory2_);
+ partner.enableRespondLeaseFetching();
+ partner.startup();
+ // Start the server: offline ---> WAITING state.
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: both servers are in this state but our server is primary,
+ // so it transitions to the syncing state. The peer remains in the WAITING
+ // state until we're ready.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_SYNCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // We better stop the heartbeat to not interfere with the synchronous
+ // commands.
+ state_->stopHeartbeat();
+ // SYNCING state: this server will synchronously fetch leases from the peer.
+ // Therefore, we need to run the IO service in the thread to allow for
+ // synchronous operations to complete. Once the leases are fetched it should
+ // transition to the READY state.
+ // SYNCING ---> READY.
+ testSynchronousCommands([this]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ });
+ // READY state: our partner sees that we're ready so it will start to
+ // synchronize. We remain in the READY state as long as the partner is not
+ // ready.
+ partner.transition("syncing");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // READY state: our partner appears to be ready. We can now start load
+ // balancing.
+ partner.transition("ready");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // LOAD BALANCING state: our partner should eventually transition to the
+ // LOAD BALANCING state. This should not affect us doing load balancing.
+ partner.transition("load-balancing");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+// Test the following scenario:
+// 1. I am secondary server configured for load balancing and started at the
+// same time as the primary server.
+// 2. I determine that I am a secondary server, so I remain in the waiting
+// state until the primary server indicates that it is ready.
+// 3. I start synchronizing my lease database when the partner is ready.
+// 4. I transition to the ready state and leave in that state until I see
+// the primary transition to the load balancing state.
+// 5. I also transition to the load balancing state at that point.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, waitingSyncingReadyLoadBalancingSecondary) {
+ // Partner is present and is in the WAITING state.
+ HAPartner partner(listener_, factory_);
+ partner.enableRespondLeaseFetching();
+ partner.startup();
+ // Create the configuration in which we're the secondary server doing
+ // load balancing.
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ // Start the server: offline ---> WAITING state.
+ startService(valid_config);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: our partner is a primary so we remain in the WAITING state
+ // until it indicates it is ready.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: the partner is synchronizing the lease database. We still
+ // remain in the WAITING state.
+ partner.transition("syncing");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // WAITING state: partner transitions to the READY state. This is a signal
+ // for us to start synchronization of the lease database.
+ partner.transition("ready");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_SYNCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // We better stop the heartbeat to not interfere with the synchronous
+ // commands.
+ state_->stopHeartbeat();
+ // SYNCING state: this server will synchronously fetch leases from the peer.
+ // Therefore, we need to run the IO service in the thread to allow for
+ // synchronous operations to complete. Once the leases are fetched it should
+ // transition to the READY state.
+ // SYNCING ---> READY.
+ testSynchronousCommands([this]() {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ });
+ // READY state: we remain ready until the other server transitions to the
+ // LOAD BALANCING state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_READY_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // READY state: our primary server transitions to the LOAD BALANCING state.
+ // We can now also transition to this state.
+ partner.transition("load-balancing");
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+// This test checks all combinations of server and partner states and the
+// resulting state to which the server transitions. This server is primary.
+// There is another test which validates state transitions from the
+// secondary server perspective.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsLoadBalancingPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ // COMMUNICATION RECOVERY state transitions
+ {
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ }
+ // LOAD BALANCING state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("LOAD BALANCING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ }
+ // in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ }
+ // PARTNER DOWN state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER DOWN state transitions");
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // PARTNER in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // READY state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("READY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ }
+ // WAITING state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WAITING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ }
+// This test checks that the server in the load balancing mode does not
+// transition to the "syncing" state when "sync-leases" is disabled.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, noSyncingTransitionsLoadBalancingPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setSyncLeases(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+// This test verifies that the load balancing server does not transition to
+// the communication recovery state when delayed-updates-limit is set
+// to 0.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, noCommunicationRecoverytransitionsLoadBalancingPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setDelayedUpdatesLimit(0);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+// This test checks that the server in the load balancing mode transitions to
+// the "terminated" state when the clock skew gets high.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, terminateTransitionsLoadBalancingPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+// This test checks that the server does not transition out of the waiting state
+// to the terminated state when the server is restarted but the clock skew has
+// been corrected.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, terminateNoTransitionOnRestart) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ // Set partner's time to the current time. This guarantees that the clock
+ // skew is below 60s and there is no reason for the server to transition
+ // to the terminated state.
+ partner_->setDateTime(HttpDateTime().rfc1123Format());
+ // The partner is in the terminated state to simulate sequential restart
+ // of the two servers from the terminated state.
+ partner_->transition("terminated");
+ // This server is in the waiting state which simulates the restart case.
+ service_->transition(HA_WAITING_ST, HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ // Run the heartbeat.
+ // The server should remain in the waiting state because the clock skew
+ // is low.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected that the server remains in 'waiting' state"
+ << "', but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+ // Now, let's set the partner's time way to the past to verify that this
+ // server transitions to the 'terminated' state if the administrator
+ // failed to sync the clocks prior to the restart.
+ partner_->setDateTime("Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT");
+ // Run the heartbeat.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HA_WAITING_ST, service_->getCurrState())
+ << "expected that the server transitions to the 'terminated' state"
+ << "', but transitioned to the '"
+ << service_->getStateLabel(service_->getCurrState())
+ << "' state";
+// This test checks all combinations of server and partner states and the
+// resulting state to which the server transitions. This server is secondary.
+// There is another test which validates state transitions from the
+// primary server perspective.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsLoadBalancingSecondary) {
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ partner_->startup();
+ // COMMUNICATION RECOVERY state transitions
+ {
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ }
+ // LOAD BALANCING state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("LOAD BALANCING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ }
+ // in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ }
+ // PARTNER DOWN state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER DOWN state transitions");
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // PARTNER in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // READY state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("READY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ }
+ // WAITING state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WAITING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ }
+// This test checks that the server in the load balancing mode does not
+// transition to the "syncing" state when "sync-leases" is disabled.
+// This is the secondary server case.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, noSyncingTransitionsLoadBalancingSecondary) {
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->setSyncLeases(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+// This test checks that the secondary server in the load balancing mode
+// transitions to the "terminated" state when the clock skew gets high.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, terminateTransitionsLoadBalancingSecondary) {
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+// This test verifies that the backup server transitions to its own state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsLoadBalancingBackup) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ // server3 is marked as a backup server.
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server3");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // The server should transition to the backup state and stay there.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ service_->runModel(HAService::NOP_EVT);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HA_BACKUP_ST, service_->getCurrState());
+ // In the backup state the DHCP service is disabled by default.
+ // It can only be enabled manually.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(service_->network_state_->isServiceEnabled());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, service_->query_filter_.getServedScopes().size());
+ }
+// This test verifies transitions from the syncing state in the load
+// balancing configuration.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, syncingTransitionsLoadBalancing) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // The syncing state handler doesn't start synchronization until it
+ // detects that the partner is online. It may remember that from the
+ // previous heartbeat attempts. If the partner appears to be unavailable
+ // it will continue heartbeats before it synchronizes. This prevents the
+ // server from making endless attempts to synchronize without any chance
+ // to succeed. We verify that the server is not trying to synchronize
+ // by checking that the last event is not the one associated with the
+ // synchronization attempt.
+ ASSERT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_FAILED_EVT);
+ ASSERT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_SUCCEEDED_EVT);
+ // Run the syncing state handler.
+ testSyncingTransition(FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ // We should see no synchronization attempts because the partner is
+ // offline.
+ EXPECT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_FAILED_EVT);
+ EXPECT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_SUCCEEDED_EVT);
+ // Startup the partner.
+ partner_->enableRespondLeaseFetching();
+ partner_->startup();
+ // We haven't been running heartbeats so we have to manually set the
+ // partner's state to something other than 'unavailable'.
+ state_->setPartnerState("ready");
+ // Retry the test.
+ testSyncingTransition(FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ // This time the server should have synchronized.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HAService::HA_SYNCING_SUCCEEDED_EVT, service_->getLastEvent());
+// This test verifies that the HA state machine can be paused in certain states
+// when the server is operating in load balancing mode. The test also verifies
+// that heartbeat is active even if the state machine is paused.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsLoadBalancingPause) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ auto state_machine = valid_config->getStateMachineConfig();
+ // Set state machine pausing in various states.
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_READY_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_SYNCING_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_TERMINATED_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_WAITING_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("LOAD BALANCING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->unpause());
+ // An additional attempt to unpause should return false.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service_->unpause());
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER DOWN state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->unpause());
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("READY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->unpause());
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WAITING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->unpause());
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isHeartbeatRunning());
+ }
+// This test verifies that the HA state machine can be paused in the syncing
+// state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, syncingTransitionsLoadBalancingPause) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ auto state_machine = valid_config->getStateMachineConfig();
+ // Pause state machine in various states.
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_READY_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_SYNCING_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_TERMINATED_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ state_machine->getStateConfig(HA_WAITING_ST)->setPausing("always");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // The syncing state handler doesn't start synchronization until it
+ // detects that the partner is online. It may remember that from the
+ // previous heartbeat attempts. If the partner appears to be unavailable
+ // it will continue heartbeats before it synchronizes. This prevents the
+ // server from making endless attempts to synchronize without any chance
+ // to succeed. We verify that the server is not trying to synchronize
+ // by checking that the last event is not the one associated with the
+ // synchronization attempt.
+ ASSERT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_FAILED_EVT);
+ ASSERT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_SUCCEEDED_EVT);
+ // Startup the partner.
+ partner_->enableRespondLeaseFetching();
+ partner_->startup();
+ // We haven't been running heartbeats so we have to manually set the
+ // partner's state to something other than 'unavailable'.
+ state_->setPartnerState("ready");
+ // Run the syncing state handler.
+ testSyncingTransition(FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ // We should see no synchronization attempts because the server is paused
+ // in this state.
+ EXPECT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_FAILED_EVT);
+ EXPECT_NE(service_->getLastEvent(), HAService::HA_SYNCING_SUCCEEDED_EVT);
+ // Unpause the state machine.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->unpause());
+ // Retry the test. It should now transition to the ready state.
+ testSyncingTransition(FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ // This time the server should have synchronized.
+ EXPECT_EQ(HAService::HA_SYNCING_SUCCEEDED_EVT, service_->getLastEvent());
+// This test verifies that the server takes ownership of the given scopes
+// and whether the DHCP service is disabled or enabled in certain states.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingLoadBalancing) {
+ startService(createValidConfiguration());
+ // LOAD BALANCING and TERMINATED: serving my own scope.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // PARTNER DOWN and PARTNER IN MAINTENANCE: serving both scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1", "server2" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { "server1", "server2" }, true);
+ // IN MAINTENANCE, READY & WAITING: serving no scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_READY_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), { }, false);
+// This test verifies that the server does not take ownership of the
+// partner's scope when auto-failover parameter is set to false.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingLoadBalancingNoFailover) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->getThisServerConfig()->setAutoFailover(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // LOAD BALANCING and TERMINATED: serving my own scope.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // PARTNER DOWN: still serving my own scope because auto-failover is disabled.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // PARTNER IN MAINTENANCE: always serving all scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { "server1", "server2" }, true);
+ // Same for the partner-down case during maintenance.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1", "server2" }, true,
+ // IN MAINTENANCE, READY & WAITING: serving no scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_READY_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), { }, false);
+// This test verifies if the server would send lease updates to the partner
+// while being in various states. The HA configuration is load balancing.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesLoadBalancing) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getFailoverPeerConfig();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_READY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_SYNCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// Check that lease updates are sent to the backup server even when the
+// secondary is in the partner-down state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesToBackup) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setWaitBackupAck(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // Send the updates to the backup server.
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr backup_config = valid_config->getPeerConfig("server3");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), backup_config));
+// This test verifies if the server would not send lease updates to the
+// partner if lease updates are administratively disabled.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesDisabledLoadBalancing) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setSendLeaseUpdates(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getFailoverPeerConfig();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_READY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_SYNCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// Check that lease updates to the backup server are not queued.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldQueueLeaseUpdatesToBackup) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setWaitBackupAck(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr backup_config = valid_config->getPeerConfig("server3");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), backup_config));
+// This test verifies if the server would queue lease updates to the partner
+// while being in communication-recovery state. The HA configuration is load
+// balancing.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldQueueLeaseUpdatesLoadBalancing) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getFailoverPeerConfig();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_READY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_SYNCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// This test verifies if the server would not queue lease updates to the
+// partner if lease updates are administratively disabled.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldQueueLeaseUpdatesDisabledLoadBalancing) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ valid_config->setSendLeaseUpdates(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getFailoverPeerConfig();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_READY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_SYNCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectQueueLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// This test verifies if the server would send heartbeat to the partner
+// while being in various states. The HA configuration is load balancing.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, heartbeatLoadBalancing) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_READY_ST)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST)));
+// This test checks all combinations of server and partner states and the
+// resulting state to which the server transitions. This server is primary.
+// There is another test which validates state transitions from the
+// standby server perspective.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsHotStandbyPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // HOT STANDBY state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("HOT STANDBY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ }
+ // in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ }
+ // PARTNER DOWN state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER DOWN state transitions");
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // PARTNER in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // READY state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("READY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ }
+ // WAITING state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WAITING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ }
+// This test checks that the server in the hot standby mode does not
+// transition to the "syncing" state when "sync-leases" is disabled.
+// This is the primary server case.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, noSyncingTransitionsHotStandbyPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ valid_config->setSyncLeases(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+// This test checks that the primary server in the hot standby mode
+// transitions to the "terminated" state when the clock skew gets high.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, terminateTransitionsHotStandbyPrimary) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+// This test checks all combinations of server and partner states and the
+// resulting state to which the server transitions. This server is standby.
+// There is another test which validates state transitions from the
+// primary server perspective.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsHotStandbyStandby) {
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // HOT STANDBY state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("HOT STANDBY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ }
+ // in-maintenance state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("in-maintenance state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ }
+ // PARTNER DOWN state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("PARTNER DOWN state transitions");
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ }
+ // READY state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("READY state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_TERMINATED_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ }
+ // WAITING state transitions
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WAITING state transitions");
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_COMMUNICATION_RECOVERY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_LOAD_BALANCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_SYNCING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_SYNCING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_TERMINATED_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_WAITING_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_UNAVAILABLE_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+ }
+// This test checks that the server in the hot standby mode does not
+// transition to the "syncing" state when "sync-leases" is disabled.
+// This is the standby server case.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, noSyncingTransitionsHotStandbyStandby) {
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ valid_config->setSyncLeases(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), PartnerState(HA_READY_ST),
+ FinalState(HA_READY_ST));
+// This test checks that the standby server in the hot standby mode
+// transitions to the "terminated" state when the clock skew gets high.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, terminateTransitionsHotStandbyStandby) {
+ partner_.reset(new HAPartner(listener_, factory_));
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_READY_ST));
+ testTerminateTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST));
+// This test verifies that the server takes ownership of the given scopes
+// and whether the DHCP service is disabled or enabled in certain states.
+// This is primary server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingHotStandbyPrimary) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // HOT STANDBY and TERMINATED: serving my own scope
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // PARTNER DOWN and PARTNER IN MAINTENANCE: still serving my own scope.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // IN MAINTENANCE, READY & WAITING: serving no scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_READY_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), { }, false);
+// This test verifies that auto-failover setting does not affect scopes
+// handling by the primary server in the hot-standby mode.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingHotStandbyPrimaryNoFailover) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ // Disable auto-failover.
+ valid_config->getThisServerConfig()->setAutoFailover(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // HOT STANDBY and TERMINATED: serving my own scope
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // PARTNER IN MAINTENANCE & PARTNER DOWN: still serving my own scope.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // IN MAINTENANCE, READY & WAITING: serving no scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_READY_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), { }, false);
+// This test verifies if the server would send lease updates to the partner
+// while being in various states. The HA configuration is hot standby and
+// the server is primary.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesHotStandbyPrimary) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getFailoverPeerConfig();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_READY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_SYNCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// This test verifies if the server would send heartbeat to the partner
+// while being in various states. The HA configuration is hot standby.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, heartbeatHotStandby) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_READY_ST)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectHeartbeat(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST)));
+// This test verifies that the server takes ownership of the given scopes
+// and whether the DHCP service is disabled or enabled in certain states.
+// This is standby server.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingHotStandbyStandby) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // HOT STANDBY: serving no scopes because the primary is active.
+ // The DHCP is enabled to be able to monitor activity of the
+ // primary.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), { }, true);
+ // TERMINATED: serving no scopes because the primary is active.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), { }, true);
+ // PARTNER IN MAINTENANCE & PARTNER DOWN: serving server1's scope.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // IN MAINTENANCE, READY & WAITING: serving no scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_READY_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), { }, false);
+// This test verifies that the standby server does not take ownership
+// of the primary server's scope when auto-failover is set to false
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingHotStandbyStandbyNoFailover) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ // Disable auto-failover.
+ valid_config->getThisServerConfig()->setAutoFailover(false);
+ startService(valid_config);
+ // HOT STANDBY: serving no scopes because the primary is active.
+ // The DHCP is enabled to be able to monitor activity of the
+ // primary.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), { }, true);
+ // TERMINATED: serving no scopes because the primary is active.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), { }, true);
+ // PARTNER DOWN: still serving no scopes because auto-failover is set to false.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { }, true);
+ // PARTNER IN MAINTENANCE: serving partner's scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { "server1" }, true);
+ // Same for the partner-down case during maintenance.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), { "server1" }, true,
+ // IN MAINTENANCE, READY & WAITING: serving no scopes.
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_READY_ST), { }, false);
+ expectScopes(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), { }, false);
+// This test verifies if the server would send lease updates to the partner
+// while being in various states. The HA configuration is hot standby and
+// the server is secondary.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesHotStandbyStandby) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration(HAConfig::HOT_STANDBY);
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server2");
+ valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2")->setRole("standby");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getFailoverPeerConfig();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_HOT_STANDBY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_DOWN_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_PARTNER_IN_MAINTENANCE_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_READY_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_SYNCING_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_TERMINATED_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// This test verifies if the backup server doesn't send lease updates.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesBackup) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidConfiguration();
+ // Turn it into hot-standby configuration.
+ valid_config->setThisServerName("server3");
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getPeerConfig("server1");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_BACKUP_ST), peer_config));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+// This test checks all combinations of the primary server in the passive
+// backup configuration.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, stateTransitionsPassiveBackup) {
+ partner_->startup();
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidPassiveBackupConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ testPassiveBackupTransition(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), FinalState(HA_PASSIVE_BACKUP_ST));
+ testPassiveBackupTransition(MyState(HA_PASSIVE_BACKUP_ST), FinalState(HA_PASSIVE_BACKUP_ST));
+// This test checks that no scopes are being served in the waiting state
+// of the passive backup configuration and that active server's scope is
+// served while in the passive-backup state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, scopesServingPassiveBackup) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidPassiveBackupConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->query_filter_.amServingScope("server1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(service_->query_filter_.amServingScope("server2"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(service_->network_state_->isServiceEnabled());
+// Verifies that lease updates are sent by the server in the passive-backup state.
+TEST_F(HAServiceStateMachineTest, shouldSendLeaseUpdatesPassiveBackup) {
+ HAConfigPtr valid_config = createValidPassiveBackupConfiguration();
+ startService(valid_config);
+ HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr peer_config = valid_config->getPeerConfig("server2");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expectLeaseUpdates(MyState(HA_WAITING_ST), peer_config));
+} // end of anonymous namespace