path: root/src/lib/asiolink/io_asio_socket.h
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1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/asiolink/io_asio_socket.h b/src/lib/asiolink/io_asio_socket.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#define IO_ASIO_SOCKET_H 1
+// IMPORTANT NOTE: only very few ASIO headers files can be included in
+// this file. In particular, asio.hpp should never be included here.
+// See the description of the namespace below.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <unistd.h> // for some network system calls
+#include <functional>
+#include <string>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <util/buffer.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_error.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_socket.h>
+// We want to use coroutine.hpp from the system's boost headers if possible.
+// However, very old Boost versions (provided by RHEL 7 or CentOS 7) didn't have
+// this header. So we can resort to our bundled version, but only if necessary.
+#include <ext/coroutine/coroutine.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/coroutine.hpp>
+namespace isc {
+namespace asiolink {
+/// \brief Socket not open
+/// Thrown on an attempt to do read/write to a socket that is not open.
+class SocketNotOpen : public IOError {
+ SocketNotOpen(const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ IOError(file, line, what) {}
+/// \brief Error setting socket options
+/// Thrown if attempt to change socket options fails.
+class SocketSetError : public IOError {
+ SocketSetError(const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ IOError(file, line, what) {}
+/// \brief Buffer overflow
+/// Thrown if an attempt is made to receive into an area beyond the end of
+/// the receive data buffer.
+class BufferOverflow : public IOError {
+ BufferOverflow(const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ IOError(file, line, what) {}
+/// Forward declaration of an IOEndpoint
+class IOEndpoint;
+/// \brief I/O Socket with asynchronous operations
+/// This class is a wrapper for the ASIO socket classes such as
+/// \c ip::tcp::socket and \c ip::udp::socket.
+/// This is the basic IOSocket with additional operations - open, send, receive
+/// and close. Depending on how the asiolink code develops, it may be a
+/// temporary class: its main use is to add the template parameter needed for
+/// the derived classes UDPSocket and TCPSocket but without changing the
+/// signature of the more basic IOSocket class.
+/// We may revisit this decision when we generalize the wrapper and more
+/// modules use it. Also, at that point we may define a separate (visible)
+/// derived class for testing purposes rather than providing factory methods
+/// (i.e., getDummy variants below).
+/// \param C Template parameter identifying type of the callback object.
+template <typename C>
+class IOAsioSocket : public IOSocket {
+ ///
+ /// \name Constructors and Destructor
+ ///
+ /// Note: The copy constructor and the assignment operator are
+ /// intentionally defined as private, making this class non-copyable.
+ //@{
+ IOAsioSocket(const IOAsioSocket<C>& source);
+ IOAsioSocket& operator=(const IOAsioSocket<C>& source);
+ /// \brief The default constructor.
+ ///
+ /// This is intentionally defined as \c protected as this base class
+ /// should never be instantiated (except as part of a derived class).
+ IOAsioSocket() {}
+ /// The destructor.
+ virtual ~IOAsioSocket() {}
+ //@}
+ /// \brief Return the "native" representation of the socket.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, this is the file descriptor of the socket for UNIX-like
+ /// systems so the current implementation simply uses \c int as the type of
+ /// the return value. We may have to need revisit this decision later.
+ ///
+ /// In general, the application should avoid using this method; it
+ /// essentially discloses an implementation specific "handle" that can
+ /// change the internal state of the socket (consider what would happen if
+ /// the application closes it, for example). But we sometimes need to
+ /// perform very low-level operations that requires the native
+ /// representation. Passing the file descriptor to a different process is
+ /// one example. This method is provided as a necessary evil for such
+ /// limited purposes.
+ ///
+ /// This method never throws an exception.
+ ///
+ /// \return The native representation of the socket. This is the socket
+ /// file descriptor for UNIX-like systems.
+ virtual int getNative() const = 0;
+ /// \brief Return the transport protocol of the socket.
+ ///
+ /// Currently, it returns \c IPPROTO_UDP for UDP sockets, and
+ /// \c IPPROTO_TCP for TCP sockets.
+ ///
+ /// This method never throws an exception.
+ ///
+ /// \return \c IPPROTO_UDP for UDP sockets, \c IPPROTO_TCP for TCP sockets
+ virtual int getProtocol() const = 0;
+ /// \brief Is Open() synchronous?
+ ///
+ /// On a TCP socket, an "open" operation is a call to the socket's "open()"
+ /// method followed by a connection to the remote system: it is an
+ /// asynchronous operation. On a UDP socket, it is just a call to "open()"
+ /// and completes synchronously.
+ ///
+ /// For TCP, signalling of the completion of the operation is done by
+ /// by calling the callback function in the normal way. This could be done
+ /// for UDP (by posting en event on the event queue); however, that will
+ /// incur additional overhead in the most common case. So we give the
+ /// caller the choice for calling this open() method synchronously or
+ /// asynchronously.
+ ///
+ /// Owing to the way that the stackless coroutines are implemented, we need
+ /// to know _before_ executing the "open" function whether or not it is
+ /// asynchronous. So this method is called to provide that information.
+ ///
+ /// (The reason there is a need to know is because the call to open() passes
+ /// in the state of the coroutine at the time the call is made. On an
+ /// asynchronous I/O, we need to set the state to point to the statement
+ /// after the call to open() _before_ we pass the coroutine to the open()
+ /// call. Unfortunately, the macros that set the state of the coroutine
+ /// also yield control - which we don't want to do if the open is
+ /// synchronous. Hence we need to know before we make the call to open()
+ /// whether that call will complete asynchronously.)
+ virtual bool isOpenSynchronous() const = 0;
+ /// \brief Open AsioSocket
+ ///
+ /// Opens the socket for asynchronous I/O. The open will complete
+ /// synchronously on UCP or asynchronously on TCP (in which case a callback
+ /// will be queued).
+ ///
+ /// \param endpoint Pointer to the endpoint object. This is ignored for
+ /// a UDP socket (the target is specified in the send call), but
+ /// should be of type TCPEndpoint for a TCP connection.
+ /// \param callback I/O Completion callback, called when the operation has
+ /// completed, but only if the operation was asynchronous. (It is
+ /// ignored on a UDP socket.)
+ virtual void open(const IOEndpoint* endpoint, C& callback) = 0;
+ /// \brief Send Asynchronously
+ ///
+ /// This corresponds to async_send_to() for UDP sockets and async_send()
+ /// for TCP. In both cases an endpoint argument is supplied indicating the
+ /// target of the send - this is ignored for TCP.
+ ///
+ /// \param data Data to send
+ /// \param length Length of data to send
+ /// \param endpoint Target of the send
+ /// \param callback Callback object.
+ virtual void asyncSend(const void* data, size_t length,
+ const IOEndpoint* endpoint, C& callback) = 0;
+ /// \brief Receive Asynchronously
+ ///
+ /// This corresponds to async_receive_from() for UDP sockets and
+ /// async_receive() for TCP. In both cases, an endpoint argument is
+ /// supplied to receive the source of the communication. For TCP it will
+ /// be filled in with details of the connection.
+ ///
+ /// \param data Buffer to receive incoming message
+ /// \param length Length of the data buffer
+ /// \param offset Offset into buffer where data is to be put. Although the
+ /// offset could be implied by adjusting "data" and "length"
+ /// appropriately, using this argument allows data to be specified as
+ /// "const void*" - the overhead of converting it to a pointer to a
+ /// set of bytes is hidden away here.
+ /// \param endpoint Source of the communication
+ /// \param callback Callback object
+ virtual void asyncReceive(void* data, size_t length, size_t offset,
+ IOEndpoint* endpoint, C& callback) = 0;
+ /// \brief Processes received data
+ ///
+ /// In the IOFetch code, data is received into a staging buffer before being
+ /// copied into the target buffer. (This is because (a) we don't know how
+ /// much data we will be receiving, so don't know how to size the output
+ /// buffer and (b) TCP data is preceded by a two-byte count field that needs
+ /// to be discarded before being returned to the user.)
+ ///
+ /// An additional consideration is that TCP data is not received in one
+ /// I/O - it may take a number of I/Os - each receiving any non-zero number
+ /// of bytes - to read the entire message.
+ ///
+ /// So the IOFetch code has to loop until it determines that all the data
+ /// has been read. This is where this method comes in. It has several
+ /// functions:
+ ///
+ /// - It checks if the received data is complete.
+ /// - If data is not complete, decides if the next set of data is to go into
+ /// the start of the staging buffer or at some offset into it. (This
+ /// simplifies the case we could have in a TCP receive where the two-byte
+ /// count field is received in one-byte chunks: we put off interpreting
+ /// the count until we have all of it. The alternative - copying the
+ /// data to the output buffer and interpreting the count from there -
+ /// would require moving the data in the output buffer by two bytes before
+ /// returning it to the caller.)
+ /// - Copies data from the staging buffer into the output buffer.
+ ///
+ /// This functionality mainly applies to TCP receives. For UDP, all the
+ /// data is received in one I/O, so this just copies the data into the
+ /// output buffer.
+ ///
+ /// \param staging Pointer to the start of the staging buffer.
+ /// \param length Amount of data in the staging buffer.
+ /// \param cumulative Amount of data received before the staging buffer is
+ /// processed (this includes the TCP count field if appropriate).
+ /// The value should be set to zero before the receive loop is
+ /// entered, and it will be updated by this method as required.
+ /// \param offset Offset into the staging buffer where the next read should
+ /// put the received data. It should be set to zero before the first
+ /// call and may be updated by this method.
+ /// \param expected Expected amount of data to be received. This is
+ /// really the TCP count field and is set to that value when enough
+ /// of a TCP message is received. It should be initialized to -1
+ /// before the first read is executed.
+ /// \param outbuff Output buffer. Data in the staging buffer may be copied
+ /// to this output buffer in the call.
+ ///
+ /// \return true if the receive is complete, false if another receive is
+ /// needed. This is always true for UDP, but for TCP involves
+ /// checking the amount of data received so far against the amount
+ /// expected (as indicated by the two-byte count field). If this
+ /// method returns false, another read should be queued and data
+ /// should be read into the staging buffer at offset given by the
+ /// "offset" parameter.
+ virtual bool processReceivedData(const void* staging, size_t length,
+ size_t& cumulative, size_t& offset,
+ size_t& expected,
+ isc::util::OutputBufferPtr& outbuff) = 0;
+ /// \brief Cancel I/O On AsioSocket
+ virtual void cancel() = 0;
+ /// \brief Close socket
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+/// \brief The \c DummyAsioSocket class is a concrete derived class of
+/// \c IOAsioSocket that is not associated with any real socket.
+/// This main purpose of this class is tests, where it may be desirable to
+/// instantiate an \c IOAsioSocket object without involving system resource
+/// allocation such as real network sockets.
+/// \param C Template parameter identifying type of the callback object.
+template <typename C>
+class DummyAsioSocket : public IOAsioSocket<C> {
+ DummyAsioSocket(const DummyAsioSocket<C>& source);
+ DummyAsioSocket& operator=(const DummyAsioSocket<C>& source);
+ /// \brief Constructor from the protocol number.
+ ///
+ /// The protocol must validly identify a standard network protocol.
+ /// For example, to specify TCP \c protocol must be \c IPPROTO_TCP.
+ ///
+ /// \param protocol The network protocol number for the socket.
+ DummyAsioSocket(const int protocol) : protocol_(protocol) {}
+ /// \brief A dummy derived method of \c IOAsioSocket::getNative().
+ ///
+ /// \return Always returns -1 as the object is not associated with a real
+ /// (native) socket.
+ virtual int getNative() const { return (-1); }
+ /// \brief A dummy derived method of \c IOAsioSocket::getProtocol().
+ ///
+ /// \return Protocol socket was created with
+ virtual int getProtocol() const { return (protocol_); }
+ /// \brief Is socket opening synchronous?
+ ///
+ /// \return true - it is for this class.
+ bool isOpenSynchronous() const {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// \brief Open AsioSocket
+ ///
+ /// A call that is a no-op on UDP sockets, this opens a connection to the
+ /// system identified by the given endpoint.
+ /// The endpoint and callback are unused.
+ ///
+ /// \return false indicating that the operation completed synchronously.
+ virtual bool open(const IOEndpoint*, C&) {
+ return (false);
+ }
+ /// \brief Send Asynchronously
+ ///
+ /// Must be supplied as it is abstract in the base class.
+ /// This is unused.
+ virtual void asyncSend(const void*, size_t, const IOEndpoint*, C&) {
+ }
+ /// \brief Receive Asynchronously
+ ///
+ /// Must be supplied as it is abstract in the base class.
+ /// The parameters are unused.
+ virtual void asyncReceive(void*, size_t, size_t, IOEndpoint*, C&) {
+ }
+ /// \brief Checks if the data received is complete.
+ ///
+ /// The parameters are unused.
+ /// \return Always true
+ virtual bool receiveComplete(const void*, size_t, size_t&, size_t&,
+ size_t&, isc::util::OutputBufferPtr&)
+ {
+ return (true);
+ }
+ /// \brief Cancel I/O On AsioSocket
+ ///
+ /// Must be supplied as it is abstract in the base class.
+ virtual void cancel() {
+ }
+ /// \brief Close socket
+ ///
+ /// Must be supplied as it is abstract in the base class.
+ virtual void close() {
+ }
+ const int protocol_;
+} // namespace asiolink
+} // namespace isc
+#endif // IO_ASIO_SOCKET_H