path: root/src/lib/dhcp/option.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcp/option.h')
1 files changed, 608 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcp/option.h b/src/lib/dhcp/option.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c469d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/dhcp/option.h
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#ifndef OPTION_H
+#define OPTION_H
+#include <util/buffer.h>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace isc {
+namespace dhcp {
+/// @brief buffer types used in DHCP code.
+/// Dereferencing OptionBuffer iterator will point out to contiguous memory.
+typedef std::vector<uint8_t> OptionBuffer;
+/// iterator for walking over OptionBuffer
+typedef OptionBuffer::iterator OptionBufferIter;
+/// const_iterator for walking over OptionBuffer
+typedef OptionBuffer::const_iterator OptionBufferConstIter;
+/// pointer to a DHCP buffer
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<OptionBuffer> OptionBufferPtr;
+/// shared pointer to Option object
+class Option;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<Option> OptionPtr;
+/// A collection of DHCP (v4 or v6) options
+typedef std::multimap<unsigned int, OptionPtr> OptionCollection;
+/// A pointer to an OptionCollection
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<OptionCollection> OptionCollectionPtr;
+/// @brief Exception thrown during option unpacking
+/// This exception is thrown when an error has occurred, unpacking
+/// an option from a packet and we wish to abandon any any further
+/// unpacking efforts and allow the server to attempt to process
+/// the packet as it stands. In other words, the option that failed
+/// is perhaps optional, and rather than drop the packet as unusable
+/// we wish to attempt to process it.
+class SkipRemainingOptionsError : public Exception {
+ SkipRemainingOptionsError (const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ isc::Exception(file, line, what) { };
+/// @brief Exception thrown during option unpacking
+/// This exception is thrown when an error has occurred unpacking
+/// an option from a packet and rather than drop the whole packet, we
+/// wish to simply skip over the option (i.e. omit it from the unpacked
+/// results), and resume unpacking with the next option in the buffer.
+/// The intent is to allow us to be liberal with what we receive, and
+/// skip nonsensical options rather than drop the whole packet. This
+/// exception is thrown, for instance, when string options are found to
+/// be empty or to contain only nuls.
+class SkipThisOptionError : public Exception {
+ SkipThisOptionError (const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ isc::Exception(file, line, what) { };
+class Option {
+ /// length of the usual DHCPv4 option header (there are exceptions)
+ const static size_t OPTION4_HDR_LEN = 2;
+ /// length of any DHCPv6 option header
+ const static size_t OPTION6_HDR_LEN = 4;
+ /// defines option universe DHCPv4 or DHCPv6
+ enum Universe { V4, V6 };
+ /// @brief a factory function prototype
+ ///
+ /// @param u option universe (DHCPv4 or DHCPv6)
+ /// @param type option type
+ /// @param buf pointer to a buffer
+ ///
+ /// @todo Passing a separate buffer for each option means that a copy
+ /// was done. We can avoid it by passing 2 iterators.
+ ///
+ /// @return a pointer to a created option object
+ typedef OptionPtr Factory(Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer& buf);
+ /// @brief Factory function to create instance of option.
+ ///
+ /// Factory method creates instance of specified option. The option
+ /// to be created has to have corresponding factory function
+ /// registered with \ref LibDHCP::OptionFactoryRegister.
+ ///
+ /// @param u universe of the option (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param type option-type
+ /// @param buf option-buffer
+ ///
+ /// @return instance of option.
+ ///
+ /// @throw isc::InvalidOperation if there is no factory function
+ /// registered for specified option type.
+ static OptionPtr factory(Option::Universe u,
+ uint16_t type,
+ const OptionBuffer& buf);
+ /// @brief Factory function to create instance of option.
+ ///
+ /// Factory method creates instance of specified option. The option
+ /// to be created has to have corresponding factory function
+ /// registered with \ref LibDHCP::OptionFactoryRegister.
+ /// This method creates empty \ref OptionBuffer object. Use this
+ /// factory function if it is not needed to pass custom buffer.
+ ///
+ /// @param u universe of the option (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param type option-type
+ ///
+ /// @return instance of option.
+ ///
+ /// @throw isc::InvalidOperation if there is no factory function
+ /// registered for specified option type.
+ static OptionPtr factory(Option::Universe u, uint16_t type) {
+ return factory(u, type, OptionBuffer());
+ }
+ /// @brief ctor, used for options constructed, usually during transmission
+ ///
+ /// @param u option universe (DHCPv4 or DHCPv6)
+ /// @param type option type
+ Option(Universe u, uint16_t type);
+ /// @brief Constructor, used for received options.
+ ///
+ /// This constructor takes vector<uint8_t>& which is used in cases
+ /// when content of the option will be copied and stored within
+ /// option object. V4 Options follow that approach already.
+ /// @todo Migrate V6 options to that approach.
+ ///
+ /// @param u specifies universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param type option type (0-255 for V4 and 0-65535 for V6)
+ /// @param data content of the option
+ Option(Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer& data);
+ /// @brief Constructor, used for received options.
+ ///
+ /// This constructor is similar to the previous one, but it does not take
+ /// the whole vector<uint8_t>, but rather subset of it.
+ ///
+ /// @todo This can be templated to use different containers, not just
+ /// vector. Prototype should look like this:
+ /// template<typename InputIterator> Option(Universe u, uint16_t type,
+ /// InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
+ ///
+ /// vector<int8_t> myData;
+ /// Example usage: new Option(V4, 123, myData.begin()+1, myData.end()-1)
+ /// This will create DHCPv4 option of type 123 that contains data from
+ /// trimmed (first and last byte removed) myData vector.
+ ///
+ /// @param u specifies universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param type option type (0-255 for V4 and 0-65535 for V6)
+ /// @param first iterator to the first element that should be copied
+ /// @param last iterator to the next element after the last one
+ /// to be copied.
+ Option(Universe u, uint16_t type, OptionBufferConstIter first,
+ OptionBufferConstIter last);
+ /// @brief Copy constructor.
+ ///
+ /// This constructor makes a deep copy of the option and all of the
+ /// suboptions. It calls @ref getOptionsCopy to deep copy suboptions.
+ ///
+ /// @param source Option to be copied.
+ Option(const Option& source);
+ /// @brief Factory function creating an instance of the @c Option.
+ ///
+ /// This function should be used to create an instance of the DHCP
+ /// option within a hooks library in cases when the library may be
+ /// unloaded before the object is destroyed. This ensures that the
+ /// ownership of the object by the Kea process is retained.
+ ///
+ /// @param u specifies universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param type option type (0-255 for V4 and 0-65535 for V6)
+ ///
+ /// @return Pointer to the @c Option instance.
+ static OptionPtr create(Universe u, uint16_t type);
+ /// @brief Factory function creating an instance of the @c Option.
+ ///
+ /// This function should be used to create an instance of the DHCP
+ /// option within a hooks library in cases when the library may be
+ /// unloaded before the object is destroyed. This ensures that the
+ /// ownership of the object by the Kea process is retained.
+ ///
+ /// @param u specifies universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param type option type (0-255 for V4 and 0-65535 for V6)
+ /// @param data content of the option
+ ///
+ /// @return Pointer to the @c Option instance.
+ static OptionPtr create(Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer& data);
+ /// @brief Assignment operator.
+ ///
+ /// The assignment operator performs a deep copy of the option and
+ /// its suboptions. It calls @ref getOptionsCopy to deep copy
+ /// suboptions.
+ ///
+ /// @param rhs Option to be assigned.
+ Option& operator=(const Option& rhs);
+ /// @brief Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.
+ ///
+ /// This function must be overridden in the derived classes to make
+ /// a copy of the derived type. The simplest way to do it is by
+ /// calling @ref cloneInternal function with an appropriate template
+ /// parameter.
+ ///
+ /// @return Pointer to the copy of the option.
+ virtual OptionPtr clone() const;
+ /// @brief returns option universe (V4 or V6)
+ ///
+ /// @return universe type
+ Universe getUniverse() const {
+ return (universe_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Writes option in wire-format to a buffer.
+ ///
+ /// Writes option in wire-format to buffer, returns pointer to first unused
+ /// byte after stored option (that is useful for writing options one after
+ /// another).
+ ///
+ /// @param buf pointer to a buffer
+ /// @param check flag which indicates if checking the option length is
+ /// required (used only in V4)
+ ///
+ /// @throw BadValue Universe of the option is neither V4 nor V6.
+ virtual void pack(isc::util::OutputBuffer& buf, bool check = true) const;
+ /// @brief Parses received buffer.
+ ///
+ /// @param begin iterator to first byte of option data
+ /// @param end iterator to end of option data (first byte after option end)
+ virtual void unpack(OptionBufferConstIter begin,
+ OptionBufferConstIter end);
+ /// Returns string representation of the option.
+ ///
+ /// @param indent number of spaces before printing text
+ ///
+ /// @return string with text representation.
+ virtual std::string toText(int indent = 0) const;
+ /// @brief Returns string representation of the value
+ ///
+ /// This is terse representation used in cases where client classification
+ /// refers to a specific option.
+ ///
+ /// @return string that represents the value of the option.
+ virtual std::string toString() const;
+ /// @brief Returns binary representation of the option.
+ ///
+ /// @param include_header Boolean flag which indicates if the output should
+ /// also contain header fields. The default is that it shouldn't include
+ /// header fields.
+ ///
+ /// @return Vector holding binary representation of the option.
+ virtual std::vector<uint8_t> toBinary(const bool include_header = false) const;
+ /// @brief Returns string containing hexadecimal representation of option.
+ ///
+ /// @param include_header Boolean flag which indicates if the output should
+ /// also contain header fields. The default is that it shouldn't include
+ /// header fields.
+ ///
+ /// @return String containing hexadecimal representation of the option.
+ virtual std::string toHexString(const bool include_header = false) const;
+ /// Returns option type (0-255 for DHCPv4, 0-65535 for DHCPv6)
+ ///
+ /// @return option type
+ uint16_t getType() const {
+ return (type_);
+ }
+ /// Returns length of the complete option (data length + DHCPv4/DHCPv6
+ /// option header)
+ ///
+ /// @return length of the option
+ virtual uint16_t len() const;
+ /// @brief Returns length of header (2 for v4, 4 for v6)
+ ///
+ /// @return length of option header
+ virtual uint16_t getHeaderLen() const;
+ /// returns if option is valid (e.g. option may be truncated)
+ ///
+ /// @return true, if option is valid
+ virtual bool valid() const;
+ /// Returns pointer to actual data.
+ ///
+ /// @return pointer to actual data (or reference to an empty vector
+ /// if there is no data)
+ virtual const OptionBuffer& getData() const {
+ return (data_);
+ }
+ /// Adds a sub-option.
+ ///
+ /// Some DHCPv6 options can have suboptions. This method allows adding
+ /// options within options.
+ ///
+ /// Note: option is passed by value. That is very convenient as it allows
+ /// downcasting from any derived classes, e.g. shared_ptr<Option6_IA> type
+ /// can be passed directly, without any casts. That would not be possible
+ /// with passing by reference. addOption() is expected to be used in
+ /// many places. Requiring casting is not feasible.
+ ///
+ /// @param opt shared pointer to a suboption that is going to be added.
+ void addOption(OptionPtr opt);
+ /// Returns shared_ptr to suboption of specific type
+ ///
+ /// @param type type of requested suboption
+ ///
+ /// @return shared_ptr to requested suboption
+ OptionPtr getOption(uint16_t type) const;
+ /// @brief Returns all encapsulated options.
+ ///
+ /// @warning This function returns a reference to the container holding
+ /// encapsulated options, which is valid as long as the object which
+ /// returned it exists.
+ const OptionCollection& getOptions() const {
+ return (options_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns all encapsulated options.
+ ///
+ /// @warning This function returns a reference to the container holding
+ /// encapsulated options, which is valid as long as the object which
+ /// returned it exists. Any changes to the container will be reflected
+ /// in the option content.
+ OptionCollection& getMutableOptions() {
+ return (options_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Performs deep copy of suboptions.
+ ///
+ /// This method calls @ref clone method to deep copy each option.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] options_copy Container where copied options are stored.
+ void getOptionsCopy(OptionCollection& options_copy) const;
+ /// Attempts to delete first suboption of requested type
+ ///
+ /// @param type Type of option to be deleted.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if option was deleted, false if no such option existed
+ bool delOption(uint16_t type);
+ /// @brief Returns content of first byte.
+ ///
+ /// @throw isc::OutOfRange Thrown if the option has a length of 0.
+ ///
+ /// @return value of the first byte
+ uint8_t getUint8() const;
+ /// @brief Returns content of first word.
+ ///
+ /// @throw isc::OutOfRange Thrown if the option has a length less than 2.
+ ///
+ /// @return uint16_t value stored on first two bytes
+ uint16_t getUint16() const;
+ /// @brief Returns content of first double word.
+ ///
+ /// @throw isc::OutOfRange Thrown if the option has a length less than 4.
+ ///
+ /// @return uint32_t value stored on first four bytes
+ uint32_t getUint32() const;
+ /// @brief Sets content of this option to a single uint8 value.
+ ///
+ /// Option it resized appropriately (to length of 1 octet).
+ ///
+ /// @param value value to be set
+ void setUint8(uint8_t value);
+ /// @brief Sets content of this option to a single uint16 value.
+ ///
+ /// Option it resized appropriately (to length of 2 octets).
+ ///
+ /// @param value value to be set
+ void setUint16(uint16_t value);
+ /// @brief Sets content of this option to a single uint32 value.
+ ///
+ /// Option it resized appropriately (to length of 4 octets).
+ ///
+ /// @param value value to be set
+ void setUint32(uint32_t value);
+ /// @brief Sets content of this option from buffer.
+ ///
+ /// Option will be resized to length of buffer.
+ ///
+ /// @param first iterator pointing to beginning of buffer to copy.
+ /// @param last iterator pointing to end of buffer to copy.
+ ///
+ /// @tparam InputIterator type of the iterator representing the
+ /// limits of the buffer to be assigned to a data_ buffer.
+ template<typename InputIterator>
+ void setData(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
+ data_.assign(first, last);
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets the name of the option space encapsulated by this option.
+ ///
+ /// @param encapsulated_space name of the option space encapsulated by
+ /// this option.
+ void setEncapsulatedSpace(const std::string& encapsulated_space) {
+ encapsulated_space_ = encapsulated_space;
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns the name of the option space encapsulated by this option.
+ ///
+ /// @return name of the option space encapsulated by this option.
+ std::string getEncapsulatedSpace() const {
+ return (encapsulated_space_);
+ }
+ /// just to force that every option has virtual dtor
+ virtual ~Option();
+ /// @brief Checks if options are equal.
+ ///
+ /// This method calls a virtual @c equals function to compare objects.
+ /// This method is not meant to be overridden in the derived classes.
+ /// Instead, the other @c equals function must be overridden.
+ ///
+ /// @param other Pointer to the option to compare this option to.
+ /// @return true if both options are equal, false otherwise.
+ bool equals(const OptionPtr& other) const;
+ /// @brief Checks if two options are equal.
+ ///
+ /// Equality verifies option type and option content. Care should
+ /// be taken when using this method. Implementation for derived
+ /// classes should be provided when this method is expected to be
+ /// used. It is safe in general, as the first check (different types)
+ /// will detect differences between base Option and derived
+ /// objects.
+ ///
+ /// @param other Instance of the option to compare to.
+ ///
+ /// @return true if options are equal, false otherwise.
+ virtual bool equals(const Option& other) const;
+ /// @brief Governs whether options should be parsed less strictly.
+ ///
+ /// Populated on configuration commit.
+ ///
+ /// When enabled:
+ /// * Tuples are parsed as length-value pairs as usual, but if a length
+ /// surpasses the total option length, the rest of the option buffer is
+ /// parsed as the next value. This more commonly affects DHCPv6's vendor
+ /// class option (16), but it also affects custom options that are defined
+ /// with tuple fields.
+ static bool lenient_parsing_;
+ /// @brief Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.
+ ///
+ /// The deep copy of the option is performed by calling copy
+ /// constructor of the option of a given type. Derived classes call
+ /// this method in the implementations of @ref clone methods to
+ /// create a copy of the option of their type.
+ ///
+ /// @tparam OptionType Type of the option of which a clone should
+ /// be created.
+ template<typename OptionType>
+ OptionPtr cloneInternal() const {
+ const OptionType* cast_this = dynamic_cast<const OptionType*>(this);
+ if (cast_this) {
+ return (boost::shared_ptr<OptionType>(new OptionType(*cast_this)));
+ }
+ return (OptionPtr());
+ }
+ /// @brief Store option's header in a buffer.
+ ///
+ /// This method writes option's header into a buffer in the
+ /// on-wire format. The universe set for the particular option
+ /// is used to determine whether option code and length are
+ /// stored as 2-byte (for DHCPv6) or single-byte (for DHCPv4)
+ /// values. For DHCPv4 options, this method checks if the
+ /// length does not exceed 255 bytes and throws exception if
+ /// it does.
+ /// This method is used by derived classes to pack option's
+ /// header into a buffer. This method should not be called
+ /// directly by other classes.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] buf output buffer.
+ /// @param check if set to false, allows options larger than 255 for v4
+ void packHeader(isc::util::OutputBuffer& buf, bool check = true) const;
+ /// @brief Store sub options in a buffer.
+ ///
+ /// This method stores all sub-options defined for a particular
+ /// option in a on-wire format in output buffer provided.
+ /// This function is called by pack function in this class or
+ /// derived classes that override pack.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] buf output buffer.
+ /// @param check if set to false, allows options larger than 255 for v4
+ ///
+ /// @todo The set of exceptions thrown by this function depend on
+ /// exceptions thrown by pack methods invoked on objects
+ /// representing sub options. We should consider whether to aggregate
+ /// those into one exception which can be documented here.
+ void packOptions(isc::util::OutputBuffer& buf, bool check = true) const;
+ /// @brief Builds a collection of sub options from the buffer.
+ ///
+ /// This method parses the provided buffer and builds a collection
+ /// of objects representing sub options. This function may throw
+ /// different exceptions when option assembly fails.
+ ///
+ /// @param buf buffer to be parsed.
+ ///
+ /// @todo The set of exceptions thrown by this function depend on
+ /// exceptions thrown by unpack methods invoked on objects
+ /// representing sub options. We should consider whether to aggregate
+ /// those into one exception which can be documented here.
+ void unpackOptions(const OptionBuffer& buf);
+ /// @brief Returns option header in the textual format.
+ ///
+ /// This protected method should be called by the derived classes in
+ /// their respective @c toText implementations.
+ ///
+ /// @param indent Number of spaces to insert before the text.
+ /// @param type_name Option type name. If empty, the option name
+ /// is omitted.
+ ///
+ /// @return Option header in the textual format.
+ std::string headerToText(const int indent = 0,
+ const std::string& type_name = "") const;
+ /// @brief Returns collection of suboptions in the textual format.
+ ///
+ /// This protected method should be called by the derived classes
+ /// in their respective @c toText implementations to append the
+ /// suboptions held by this option. Note that there are some
+ /// option types which don't have suboptions because they contain
+ /// variable length fields. For such options this method is not
+ /// called.
+ ///
+ /// @param indent Number of spaces to insert before the text.
+ ///
+ //// @return Suboptions in the textual format.
+ std::string suboptionsToText(const int indent = 0) const;
+ /// @brief A protected method used for option correctness.
+ ///
+ /// It is used in constructors. In there are any problems detected
+ /// (like specifying type > 255 for DHCPv4 option), it will throw
+ /// BadValue or OutOfRange exceptions.
+ void check() const;
+ /// option universe (V4 or V6)
+ Universe universe_;
+ /// option type (0-255 for DHCPv4, 0-65535 for DHCPv6)
+ uint16_t type_;
+ /// contains content of this data
+ OptionBuffer data_;
+ /// collection for storing suboptions
+ OptionCollection options_;
+ /// Name of the option space being encapsulated by this option.
+ std::string encapsulated_space_;
+ /// @todo probably 2 different containers have to be used for v4 (unique
+ /// options) and v6 (options with the same type can repeat)
+} // namespace isc::dhcp
+} // namespace isc
+#endif // OPTION_H