path: root/src/lib/dhcp_ddns/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcp_ddns/tests/')
1 files changed, 1428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcp_ddns/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcp_ddns/tests/
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index 0000000..b63ed8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/dhcp_ddns/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <asiolink/interval_timer.h>
+#include <dhcp_ddns/ncr_io.h>
+#include <dhcp_ddns/ncr_udp.h>
+#include <util/multi_threading_mgr.h>
+#include <util/time_utilities.h>
+#include <test_utils.h>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/udp.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace isc::dhcp_ddns;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Defines a list of valid JSON NameChangeRequest test messages.
+const char *valid_msgs[] =
+ // Valid Add.
+ "{"
+ " \"change-type\" : 0 , "
+ " \"forward-change\" : true , "
+ " \"reverse-change\" : false , "
+ " \"fqdn\" : \"\" , "
+ " \"ip-address\" : \"\" , "
+ " \"dhcid\" : \"010203040A7F8E3D\" , "
+ " \"lease-expires-on\" : \"20130121132405\" , "
+ " \"lease-length\" : 1300, "
+ " \"use-conflict-resolution\": true"
+ "}",
+ // Valid Remove.
+ "{"
+ " \"change-type\" : 1 , "
+ " \"forward-change\" : true , "
+ " \"reverse-change\" : false , "
+ " \"fqdn\" : \"\" , "
+ " \"ip-address\" : \"\" , "
+ " \"dhcid\" : \"010203040A7F8E3D\" , "
+ " \"lease-expires-on\" : \"20130121132405\" , "
+ " \"lease-length\" : 1300, "
+ " \"use-conflict-resolution\": false"
+ "}",
+ // Valid Add with IPv6 address
+ "{"
+ " \"change-type\" : 0 , "
+ " \"forward-change\" : true , "
+ " \"reverse-change\" : false , "
+ " \"fqdn\" : \"\" , "
+ " \"ip-address\" : \"fe80::2acf:e9ff:fe12:e56f\" , "
+ " \"dhcid\" : \"010203040A7F8E3D\" , "
+ " \"lease-expires-on\" : \"20130121132405\" , "
+ " \"lease-length\" : 1300, "
+ " \"use-conflict-resolution\" : true"
+ "}"
+const char* TEST_ADDRESS = "";
+const uint32_t LISTENER_PORT = 5301;
+const uint32_t SENDER_PORT = LISTENER_PORT+1;
+const long TEST_TIMEOUT = 5 * 1000;
+/// @brief A NOP derivation for constructor test purposes.
+class SimpleListenHandler : public NameChangeListener::RequestReceiveHandler {
+ virtual void operator ()(const NameChangeListener::Result,
+ NameChangeRequestPtr&) {
+ }
+/// @brief Tests the NameChangeUDPListener constructors.
+/// This test verifies that:
+/// 1. Given valid parameters, the listener constructor works
+TEST(NameChangeUDPListenerBasicTest, constructionTests) {
+ // Verify the default constructor works.
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ uint32_t port = LISTENER_PORT;
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleListenHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Verify that valid constructor works.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(NameChangeUDPListener(ip_address, port, FMT_JSON,
+ ncr_handler));
+/// @brief Tests NameChangeUDPListener starting and stopping listening .
+/// This test verifies that the listener will:
+/// 1. Enter listening state
+/// 2. If in the listening state, does not allow calls to start listening
+/// 3. Exist the listening state
+/// 4. Return to the listening state after stopping
+TEST(NameChangeUDPListenerBasicTest, basicListenTests) {
+ // Verify the default constructor works.
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ uint32_t port = LISTENER_PORT;
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleListenHandler ncr_handler;
+ NameChangeListenerPtr listener;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(listener.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPListener(ip_address, port, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler)));
+ // Verify that we can start listening.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener->startListening(io_service));
+ // Verify that we are in listening mode.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(listener->amListening());
+ // Verify that a read is in progress.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(listener->isIoPending());
+ // Verify that attempting to listen when we already are is an error.
+ EXPECT_THROW(listener->startListening(io_service), NcrListenerError);
+ // Verify that we can stop listening.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener->stopListening());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener->amListening());
+ // Verify that IO pending is still true, as IO cancel event has not yet
+ // occurred.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(listener->isIoPending());
+ // Verify that IO pending is false, after cancel event occurs.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service.run_one());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener->isIoPending());
+ // Verify that attempting to stop listening when we are not is ok.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener->stopListening());
+ // Verify that we can re-enter listening.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener->startListening(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(listener->amListening());
+/// @brief Compares two NameChangeRequests for equality.
+bool checkSendVsReceived(NameChangeRequestPtr sent_ncr,
+ NameChangeRequestPtr received_ncr) {
+ return ((sent_ncr && received_ncr) &&
+ (*sent_ncr == *received_ncr));
+/// @brief Text fixture for testing NameChangeUDPListener
+class NameChangeUDPListenerTest : public virtual ::testing::Test,
+ NameChangeListener::RequestReceiveHandler {
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service_;
+ NameChangeListener::Result result_;
+ NameChangeRequestPtr sent_ncr_;
+ NameChangeRequestPtr received_ncr_;
+ NameChangeListenerPtr listener_;
+ isc::asiolink::IntervalTimer test_timer_;
+ /// @brief Constructor
+ //
+ // Instantiates the listener member and the test timer. The timer is used
+ // to ensure a test doesn't go awry and hang forever.
+ NameChangeUDPListenerTest()
+ : io_service_(), result_(NameChangeListener::SUCCESS),
+ test_timer_(io_service_) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress addr(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ listener_.reset(new NameChangeUDPListener(addr, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, *this, true));
+ // Set the test timeout to break any running tasks if they hang.
+ test_timer_.setup(std::bind(&NameChangeUDPListenerTest::
+ testTimeoutHandler, this),
+ }
+ virtual ~NameChangeUDPListenerTest(){
+ }
+ /// @brief Converts JSON string into an NCR and sends it to the listener.
+ ///
+ void sendNcr(const std::string& msg) {
+ // Build an NCR from json string. This verifies that the
+ // test string is valid.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sent_ncr_ = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(msg));
+ // Now use the NCR to write JSON to an output buffer.
+ isc::util::OutputBuffer ncr_buffer(1024);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sent_ncr_->toFormat(FMT_JSON, ncr_buffer));
+ // Create a UDP socket through which our "sender" will send the NCR.
+ boost::asio::ip::udp::socket
+ udp_socket(io_service_.get_io_service(), boost::asio::ip::udp::v4());
+ // Create an endpoint pointed at the listener.
+ boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint
+ listener_endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(TEST_ADDRESS),
+ // A response message is now ready to send. Send it!
+ // Note this uses a synchronous send so it ships immediately.
+ // If listener isn't in listening mode, it will get missed.
+ udp_socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(ncr_buffer.getData(),
+ ncr_buffer.getLength()),
+ listener_endpoint);
+ }
+ /// @brief RequestReceiveHandler operator implementation for receiving NCRs.
+ ///
+ /// The fixture acts as the "application" layer. It derives from
+ /// RequestReceiveHandler and as such implements operator() in order to
+ /// receive NCRs.
+ virtual void operator ()(const NameChangeListener::Result result,
+ NameChangeRequestPtr& ncr) {
+ // save the result and the NCR we received
+ result_ = result;
+ received_ncr_ = ncr;
+ }
+ /// @brief Handler invoked when test timeout is hit
+ ///
+ /// This callback stops all running (hanging) tasks on IO service.
+ void testTimeoutHandler() {
+ io_service_.stop();
+ FAIL() << "Test timeout hit.";
+ }
+/// @brief Tests NameChangeUDPListener ability to receive NCRs.
+/// This test verifies that a listener can enter listening mode and
+/// receive NCRs in wire format on its UDP socket; reconstruct the
+/// NCRs and delivery them to the "application" layer.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPListenerTest, basicReceiveTests) {
+ // Verify we can enter listening mode.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(listener_->amListening());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(listener_->startListening(io_service_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(listener_->amListening());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(listener_->isIoPending());
+ // Iterate over a series of requests, sending and receiving one
+ /// at time.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ // We are not verifying ability to send, so if we can't test is over.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sendNcr(valid_msgs[i]));
+ // Execute no more then one event, which should be receive complete.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service_.run_one());
+ // Verify the "application" status value for a successful complete.
+ EXPECT_EQ(NameChangeListener::SUCCESS, result_);
+ // Verify the received request matches the sent request.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(checkSendVsReceived(sent_ncr_, received_ncr_));
+ }
+ // Verify we can gracefully stop listening.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener_->stopListening());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener_->amListening());
+ // Verify that IO pending is false, after cancel event occurs.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service_.run_one());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener_->isIoPending());
+/// @brief A NOP derivation for constructor test purposes.
+class SimpleSendHandler : public NameChangeSender::RequestSendHandler {
+ SimpleSendHandler() : pass_count_(0), error_count_(0) {
+ }
+ virtual void operator ()(const NameChangeSender::Result result,
+ NameChangeRequestPtr&) {
+ if (result == NameChangeSender::SUCCESS) {
+ ++pass_count_;
+ } else {
+ ++error_count_;
+ }
+ }
+ int pass_count_;
+ int error_count_;
+/// @brief Text fixture for testing NameChangeUDPListener
+class NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest : public virtual ::testing::Test {
+ NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest() {
+ // Disable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(false);
+ }
+ ~NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest() {
+ // Disable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(false);
+ }
+/// @brief Tests the NameChangeUDPSender constructors.
+/// This test verifies that:
+/// 1. Constructing with a max queue size of 0 is not allowed
+/// 2. Given valid parameters, the sender constructor works
+/// 3. Default construction provides default max queue size
+/// 4. Construction with a custom max queue size works
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, constructionTests) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ uint32_t port = SENDER_PORT;
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Verify that constructing with an queue size of zero is not allowed.
+ EXPECT_THROW(NameChangeUDPSender(ip_address, port,
+ ip_address, port, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 0), NcrSenderError);
+ NameChangeSenderPtr sender;
+ // Verify that valid constructor works.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPSender(ip_address, port, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler)));
+ // Verify that send queue default max is correct.
+ size_t expected = NameChangeSender::MAX_QUEUE_DEFAULT;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, sender->getQueueMaxSize());
+ // Verify that constructor with a valid custom queue size works.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPSender(ip_address, port, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, sender->getQueueMaxSize());
+/// @brief Tests the NameChangeUDPSender constructors.
+/// This test verifies that:
+/// 1. Constructing with a max queue size of 0 is not allowed
+/// 2. Given valid parameters, the sender constructor works
+/// 3. Default construction provides default max queue size
+/// 4. Construction with a custom max queue size works
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, constructionTestsMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ uint32_t port = SENDER_PORT;
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Verify that constructing with an queue size of zero is not allowed.
+ EXPECT_THROW(NameChangeUDPSender(ip_address, port,
+ ip_address, port, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 0), NcrSenderError);
+ NameChangeSenderPtr sender;
+ // Verify that valid constructor works.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPSender(ip_address, port, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler)));
+ // Verify that send queue default max is correct.
+ size_t expected = NameChangeSender::MAX_QUEUE_DEFAULT;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, sender->getQueueMaxSize());
+ // Verify that constructor with a valid custom queue size works.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPSender(ip_address, port, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, sender->getQueueMaxSize());
+/// @brief Tests NameChangeUDPSender basic send functionality
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, basicSendTests) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create the sender, setting the queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, SENDER_PORT, ip_address,
+ LISTENER_PORT, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler,
+ num_msgs, true);
+ // Verify that we can start sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Verify that attempting to send when we already are is an error.
+ EXPECT_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service), NcrSenderError);
+ // Verify that we can stop sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender.amSending());
+ // Verify that attempting to stop sending when we are not is ok.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ // Verify that we can re-enter sending after stopping.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Fetch the sender's select-fd.
+ int select_fd = sender.getSelectFd();
+ // Verify select_fd is valid and currently shows no ready to read.
+ ASSERT_NE(util::WatchSocket::SOCKET_NOT_VALID, select_fd);
+ // Make sure select_fd does evaluates to not ready via select and
+ // that ioReady() method agrees.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, selectCheck(select_fd));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Iterate over a series of messages, sending each one. Since we
+ // do not invoke IOService::run, then the messages should accumulate
+ // in the queue.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ // Verify that the queue count increments in step with each send.
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that peekAt(i) returns the NCR we just added.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr2 = sender.peekAt(i));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ncr2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ncr == *ncr2);
+ }
+ // Verify that attempting to peek beyond the end of the queue, throws.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender.peekAt(sender.getQueueSize()+1), NcrSenderError);
+ // Verify that attempting to send an additional message results in a
+ // queue full exception.
+ EXPECT_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr), NcrSenderQueueFull);
+ // Loop for the number of valid messages. So long as there is at least
+ // on NCR in the queue, select-fd indicate ready to read. Invoke
+ // IOService::run_one. This should complete the send of exactly one
+ // message and the queue count should decrement accordingly.
+ for (int i = num_msgs; i > 0; i--) {
+ // Make sure select_fd does evaluates to ready via select and
+ // that ioReady() method agrees.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(selectCheck(select_fd) > 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Execute at one ready handler.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify that the queue count decrements in step with each run.
+ EXPECT_EQ(i-1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Make sure select_fd does evaluates to not ready via select and
+ // that ioReady() method agrees.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, selectCheck(select_fd));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Verify that the queue is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that we can add back to the queue
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that we can remove the current entry at the front of the queue.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.skipNext());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that flushing the queue is not allowed in sending state.
+ EXPECT_THROW(sender.clearSendQueue(), NcrSenderError);
+ // Put num_msgs messages on the queue.
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ }
+ // Make sure we have number of messages expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that we can gracefully stop sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender.amSending());
+ // Verify that the queue is preserved after leaving sending state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs - 1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that flushing the queue works when not sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.clearSendQueue());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+/// @brief Tests NameChangeUDPSender basic send functionality
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, basicSendTestsMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create the sender, setting the queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, SENDER_PORT, ip_address,
+ LISTENER_PORT, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler,
+ num_msgs, true);
+ // Verify that we can start sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Verify that attempting to send when we already are is an error.
+ EXPECT_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service), NcrSenderError);
+ // Verify that we can stop sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender.amSending());
+ // Verify that attempting to stop sending when we are not is ok.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ // Verify that we can re-enter sending after stopping.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Fetch the sender's select-fd.
+ int select_fd = sender.getSelectFd();
+ // Verify select_fd is valid and currently shows no ready to read.
+ ASSERT_NE(util::WatchSocket::SOCKET_NOT_VALID, select_fd);
+ // Make sure select_fd does evaluates to not ready via select and
+ // that ioReady() method agrees.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, selectCheck(select_fd));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Iterate over a series of messages, sending each one. Since we
+ // do not invoke IOService::run, then the messages should accumulate
+ // in the queue.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ // Verify that the queue count increments in step with each send.
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that peekAt(i) returns the NCR we just added.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr2 = sender.peekAt(i));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ncr2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ncr == *ncr2);
+ }
+ // Verify that attempting to peek beyond the end of the queue, throws.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender.peekAt(sender.getQueueSize()+1), NcrSenderError);
+ // Verify that attempting to send an additional message results in a
+ // queue full exception.
+ EXPECT_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr), NcrSenderQueueFull);
+ // Loop for the number of valid messages. So long as there is at least
+ // on NCR in the queue, select-fd indicate ready to read. Invoke
+ // IOService::run_one. This should complete the send of exactly one
+ // message and the queue count should decrement accordingly.
+ for (int i = num_msgs; i > 0; i--) {
+ // Make sure select_fd does evaluates to ready via select and
+ // that ioReady() method agrees.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(selectCheck(select_fd) > 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Execute at one ready handler.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify that the queue count decrements in step with each run.
+ EXPECT_EQ(i-1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Make sure select_fd does evaluates to not ready via select and
+ // that ioReady() method agrees.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, selectCheck(select_fd));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Verify that the queue is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that we can add back to the queue
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that we can remove the current entry at the front of the queue.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.skipNext());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that flushing the queue is not allowed in sending state.
+ EXPECT_THROW(sender.clearSendQueue(), NcrSenderError);
+ // Put num_msgs messages on the queue.
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ }
+ // Make sure we have number of messages expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that we can gracefully stop sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender.amSending());
+ // Verify that the queue is preserved after leaving sending state.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs - 1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify that flushing the queue works when not sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.clearSendQueue());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+/// @brief Tests that sending gets kick-started if the queue isn't empty
+/// when startSending is called.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, autoStart) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create the sender, setting the queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, SENDER_PORT, ip_address,
+ LISTENER_PORT, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler,
+ num_msgs, true);
+ // Verify that we can start sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Queue up messages.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ }
+ // Make sure queue count is what we expect.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Stop sending.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.amSending());
+ // We should have completed the first message only.
+ EXPECT_EQ(--num_msgs, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Restart sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ // We should be able to loop through remaining messages and send them.
+ for (int i = num_msgs; i > 0; i--) {
+ // ioReady() should evaluate to true.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Execute at one ready handler.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ }
+ // Verify that the queue is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+/// @brief Tests that sending gets kick-started if the queue isn't empty
+/// when startSending is called.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, autoStartMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create the sender, setting the queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, SENDER_PORT, ip_address,
+ LISTENER_PORT, FMT_JSON, ncr_handler,
+ num_msgs, true);
+ // Verify that we can start sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Queue up messages.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ }
+ // Make sure queue count is what we expect.
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Stop sending.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.stopSending());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.amSending());
+ // We should have completed the first message only.
+ EXPECT_EQ(--num_msgs, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Restart sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ // We should be able to loop through remaining messages and send them.
+ for (int i = num_msgs; i > 0; i--) {
+ // ioReady() should evaluate to true.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.ioReady());
+ // Execute at one ready handler.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ }
+ // Verify that the queue is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+/// @brief Tests NameChangeUDPSender basic send with INADDR_ANY and port 0.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, anyAddressSend) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress any_address("");
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create the sender, setting the queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(any_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, num_msgs);
+ // Enter send mode.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Create and queue up a message.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[0]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify we have a ready IO, then execute at one ready handler.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.ioReady());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify that sender shows no IO ready.
+ // and that the queue is empty.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.ioReady());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+/// @brief Tests NameChangeUDPSender basic send with INADDR_ANY and port 0.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, anyAddressSendMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress any_address("");
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create the sender, setting the queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(any_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, num_msgs);
+ // Enter send mode.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Create and queue up a message.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[0]));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify we have a ready IO, then execute at one ready handler.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.ioReady());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify that sender shows no IO ready.
+ // and that the queue is empty.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender.ioReady());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender.getQueueSize());
+/// @brief Test the NameChangeSender::assumeQueue method.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, assumeQueue) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ uint32_t port = SENDER_PORT;
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create two senders with queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender1(ip_address, port, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, num_msgs);
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender2(ip_address, port+1, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, num_msgs);
+ // Place sender1 into send mode and queue up messages.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.startSending(io_service));
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.sendRequest(ncr));
+ }
+ // Make sure sender1's queue count is as expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(num_msgs, sender1.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify sender1 is sending, sender2 is not.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender1.amSending());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender2.amSending());
+ // Transfer from sender1 to sender2 should fail because
+ // sender1 is in send mode.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender2.assumeQueue(sender1), NcrSenderError);
+ // Take sender1 out of send mode.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.stopSending());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender1.amSending());
+ // Stopping should have completed the first message.
+ --num_msgs;
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender1.getQueueSize());
+ // Transfer should succeed. Verify sender1 has none,
+ // and sender2 has num_msgs queued.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender2.assumeQueue(sender1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender1.getQueueSize());
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender2.getQueueSize());
+ // Reduce sender1's max queue size.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.setQueueMaxSize(num_msgs - 1));
+ // Transfer should fail as sender1's queue is not large enough.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender1.assumeQueue(sender2), NcrSenderError);
+ // Place sender1 into send mode and queue up a message.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[0]));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.sendRequest(ncr));
+ // Take sender1 out of send mode.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.stopSending());
+ // Try to transfer from sender1 to sender2. This should fail
+ // as sender2's queue is not empty.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender2.assumeQueue(sender1), NcrSenderError);
+/// @brief Test the NameChangeSender::assumeQueue method.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, assumeQueueMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ uint32_t port = SENDER_PORT;
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ // Tests are based on a list of messages, get the count now.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Create two senders with queue max equal to the number of
+ // messages we will have in the list.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender1(ip_address, port, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, num_msgs);
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender2(ip_address, port+1, ip_address, port,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, num_msgs);
+ // Place sender1 into send mode and queue up messages.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.startSending(io_service));
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.sendRequest(ncr));
+ }
+ // Make sure sender1's queue count is as expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(num_msgs, sender1.getQueueSize());
+ // Verify sender1 is sending, sender2 is not.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender1.amSending());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender2.amSending());
+ // Transfer from sender1 to sender2 should fail because
+ // sender1 is in send mode.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender2.assumeQueue(sender1), NcrSenderError);
+ // Take sender1 out of send mode.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.stopSending());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender1.amSending());
+ // Stopping should have completed the first message.
+ --num_msgs;
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender1.getQueueSize());
+ // Transfer should succeed. Verify sender1 has none,
+ // and sender2 has num_msgs queued.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender2.assumeQueue(sender1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender1.getQueueSize());
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_msgs, sender2.getQueueSize());
+ // Reduce sender1's max queue size.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.setQueueMaxSize(num_msgs - 1));
+ // Transfer should fail as sender1's queue is not large enough.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender1.assumeQueue(sender2), NcrSenderError);
+ // Place sender1 into send mode and queue up a message.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[0]));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.sendRequest(ncr));
+ // Take sender1 out of send mode.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender1.stopSending());
+ // Try to transfer from sender1 to sender2. This should fail
+ // as sender2's queue is not empty.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender2.assumeQueue(sender1), NcrSenderError);
+/// @brief Text fixture that allows testing a listener and sender together
+/// It derives from both the receive and send handler classes and contains
+/// and instance of UDP listener and UDP sender.
+class NameChangeUDPTest : public virtual ::testing::Test,
+ NameChangeListener::RequestReceiveHandler,
+ NameChangeSender::RequestSendHandler {
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service_;
+ NameChangeListener::Result recv_result_;
+ NameChangeSender::Result send_result_;
+ NameChangeListenerPtr listener_;
+ NameChangeSenderPtr sender_;
+ isc::asiolink::IntervalTimer test_timer_;
+ std::vector<NameChangeRequestPtr> sent_ncrs_;
+ std::vector<NameChangeRequestPtr> received_ncrs_;
+ NameChangeUDPTest()
+ : io_service_(), recv_result_(NameChangeListener::SUCCESS),
+ send_result_(NameChangeSender::SUCCESS), test_timer_(io_service_) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress addr(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ // Create our listener instance. Note that reuse_address is true.
+ listener_.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPListener(addr, LISTENER_PORT, FMT_JSON,
+ *this, true));
+ // Create our sender instance. Note that reuse_address is true.
+ sender_.reset(
+ new NameChangeUDPSender(addr, SENDER_PORT, addr, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, *this, 100, true));
+ // Set the test timeout to break any running tasks if they hang.
+ test_timer_.setup(std::bind(&NameChangeUDPTest::testTimeoutHandler,
+ this),
+ // Disable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(false);
+ }
+ ~NameChangeUDPTest() {
+ // Disable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(false);
+ }
+ void reset_results() {
+ sent_ncrs_.clear();
+ received_ncrs_.clear();
+ }
+ /// @brief Implements the receive completion handler.
+ virtual void operator ()(const NameChangeListener::Result result,
+ NameChangeRequestPtr& ncr) {
+ // save the result and the NCR received.
+ recv_result_ = result;
+ received_ncrs_.push_back(ncr);
+ }
+ /// @brief Implements the send completion handler.
+ virtual void operator ()(const NameChangeSender::Result result,
+ NameChangeRequestPtr& ncr) {
+ // save the result and the NCR sent.
+ send_result_ = result;
+ sent_ncrs_.push_back(ncr);
+ }
+ /// @brief Handler invoked when test timeout is hit
+ ///
+ /// This callback stops all running (hanging) tasks on IO service.
+ void testTimeoutHandler() {
+ io_service_.stop();
+ FAIL() << "Test timeout hit.";
+ }
+ /// @brief checks the received NCR content, ignoring the order if necessary.
+ ///
+ /// The UDP does not provide any guarantees regarding order. While in most cases
+ /// the NCRs are received in the order they're sent, that's not guaranteed. As such,
+ /// the test does the normal ordered check, which will pass in most cases. However,
+ /// we have documented Jenkins history that it sometimes fail. In those cases, we
+ /// need to go through a full check assuming the packets were received not in order.
+ /// If that fails, the test will print detailed information about the failure.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns a status, but it's not really necessary to check it as
+ /// it calls gtest macros to indicate failures.
+ ///
+ /// @param num_msgs number of received and sent messages
+ /// @param sent vector of sent NCRs
+ /// @param rcvd vector of received NCRs
+ /// @return true if all packets were received, false otherwise
+ bool checkUnordered(size_t num_msgs, const std::vector<NameChangeRequestPtr>& sent,
+ const std::vector<NameChangeRequestPtr>& rcvd) {
+ // Verify that what we sent matches what we received.
+ // WRONG ASSUMPTION HERE: UDP does not guarantee ordered delivery.
+ bool ok = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ if (!checkSendVsReceived(sent[i], rcvd[i])) {
+ // Ok, the data was not received in order.
+ ok = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ std::cout << "UDP data received not in order! Checking un ordered delivery"
+ << std::endl;
+ // We need to double iterate through the messages to check every one
+ // against one another.
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ ok = false;
+ for (int j = 0; j < num_msgs; j++) {
+ if (checkSendVsReceived(sent[i], rcvd[j])) {
+ std::cout << "Found UDP packet " << i << ", received as " << j << "th"
+ << std::endl;
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ok) << "failed to find UDP packet " << i << " among total of "
+ << num_msgs << " messages received";
+ }
+ }
+ return (ok);
+ }
+/// @brief Uses a sender and listener to test UDP-based NCR delivery
+/// Conducts a "round-trip" test using a sender to transmit a set of valid
+/// NCRs to a listener. The test verifies that what was sent matches what
+/// was received both in quantity and in content.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPTest, roundTripTest) {
+ // Place the listener into listening state.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(listener_->startListening(io_service_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(listener_->amListening());
+ // Get the number of messages in the list of test messages.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Place the sender into sending state.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender_->startSending(io_service_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->amSending());
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ sender_->sendRequest(ncr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender_->getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Execute callbacks until we have sent and received all of messages.
+ while (sender_->getQueueSize() > 0 || (received_ncrs_.size() < num_msgs)) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service_.run_one());
+ }
+ // Send queue should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender_->getQueueSize());
+ // We should have the same number of sends and receives as we do messages.
+ ASSERT_EQ(num_msgs, sent_ncrs_.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(num_msgs, received_ncrs_.size());
+ // Check if the payload was received, ignoring the order if necessary.
+ checkUnordered(num_msgs, sent_ncrs_, received_ncrs_);
+ // Verify that we can gracefully stop listening.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener_->stopListening());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener_->amListening());
+ // Verify that IO pending is false, after cancel event occurs.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service_.run_one());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener_->isIoPending());
+ // Verify that we can gracefully stop sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender_->stopSending());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->amSending());
+/// @brief Uses a sender and listener to test UDP-based NCR delivery
+/// Conducts a "round-trip" test using a sender to transmit a set of valid
+/// NCRs to a listener. The test verifies that what was sent matches what
+/// was received both in quantity and in content.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPTest, roundTripTestMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ // Place the listener into listening state.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(listener_->startListening(io_service_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(listener_->amListening());
+ // Get the number of messages in the list of test messages.
+ int num_msgs = sizeof(valid_msgs)/sizeof(char*);
+ // Place the sender into sending state.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender_->startSending(io_service_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->amSending());
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ sender_->sendRequest(ncr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender_->getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Execute callbacks until we have sent and received all of messages.
+ while (sender_->getQueueSize() > 0 || (received_ncrs_.size() < num_msgs)) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service_.run_one());
+ }
+ // Send queue should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender_->getQueueSize());
+ // We should have the same number of sends and receives as we do messages.
+ ASSERT_EQ(num_msgs, sent_ncrs_.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(num_msgs, received_ncrs_.size());
+ // Verify that what we sent matches what we received. Ignore the order
+ // if necessary.
+ checkUnordered(num_msgs, sent_ncrs_, received_ncrs_);
+ // Verify that we can gracefully stop listening.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(listener_->stopListening());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener_->amListening());
+ // Verify that IO pending is false, after cancel event occurs.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(io_service_.run_one());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(listener_->isIoPending());
+ // Verify that we can gracefully stop sending.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(sender_->stopSending());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->amSending());
+// Tests error handling of a failure to mark the watch socket ready, when
+// sendRequest() is called.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, watchClosedBeforeSendRequest) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Create the sender and put into send mode.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100, true);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Create an NCR.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[0]));
+ // Tamper with the watch socket by closing the select-fd.
+ close(sender.getSelectFd());
+ // Send should fail as we interfered by closing the select-fd.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr), util::WatchSocketError);
+ // Verify we didn't invoke the handler.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ncr_handler.pass_count_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ncr_handler.error_count_);
+ // Request remains in the queue. Technically it was sent but its
+ // completion handler won't get called.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+// Tests error handling of a failure to mark the watch socket ready, when
+// sendRequest() is called.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, watchClosedBeforeSendRequestMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Create the sender and put into send mode.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100, true);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Create an NCR.
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[0]));
+ // Tamper with the watch socket by closing the select-fd.
+ close(sender.getSelectFd());
+ // Send should fail as we interfered by closing the select-fd.
+ ASSERT_THROW(sender.sendRequest(ncr), util::WatchSocketError);
+ // Verify we didn't invoke the handler.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ncr_handler.pass_count_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ncr_handler.error_count_);
+ // Request remains in the queue. Technically it was sent but its
+ // completion handler won't get called.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+// Tests error handling of a failure to mark the watch socket ready, when
+// sendNext() is called during completion handling.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, watchClosedAfterSendRequest) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Create the sender and put into send mode.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100, true);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Build and queue up 2 messages. No handlers will get called yet.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ sender.sendRequest(ncr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Tamper with the watch socket by closing the select-fd.
+ close (sender.getSelectFd());
+ // Run one handler. This should execute the send completion handler
+ // after sending the first message. Doing completion handling, we will
+ // attempt to queue the second message which should fail.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify handler got called twice. First request should have be sent
+ // without error, second call should have failed to send due to watch
+ // socket markReady failure.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.pass_count_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.error_count_);
+ // The second request should still be in the queue.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+// Tests error handling of a failure to mark the watch socket ready, when
+// sendNext() is called during completion handling.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, watchClosedAfterSendRequestMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Create the sender and put into send mode.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100, true);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Build and queue up 2 messages. No handlers will get called yet.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ sender.sendRequest(ncr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Tamper with the watch socket by closing the select-fd.
+ close (sender.getSelectFd());
+ // Run one handler. This should execute the send completion handler
+ // after sending the first message. Doing completion handling, we will
+ // attempt to queue the second message which should fail.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify handler got called twice. First request should have be sent
+ // without error, second call should have failed to send due to watch
+ // socket markReady failure.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.pass_count_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.error_count_);
+ // The second request should still be in the queue.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+// Tests error handling of a failure to clear the watch socket during
+// completion handling.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, watchSocketBadRead) {
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Create the sender and put into send mode.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100, true);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Build and queue up 2 messages. No handlers will get called yet.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ sender.sendRequest(ncr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Fetch the sender's select-fd.
+ int select_fd = sender.getSelectFd();
+ // Verify that select_fd appears ready.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(selectCheck(select_fd) > 0);
+ // Interfere by reading part of the marker from the select-fd.
+ uint32_t buf = 0;
+ ASSERT_EQ((read (select_fd, &buf, 1)), 1);
+ ASSERT_NE(util::WatchSocket::MARKER, buf);
+ // Run one handler. This should execute the send completion handler
+ // after sending the message. Doing completion handling clearing the
+ // watch socket should fail, which will close the socket, but not
+ // result in a throw.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify handler got called twice. First request should have be sent
+ // without error, second call should have failed to send due to watch
+ // socket markReady failure.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.pass_count_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.error_count_);
+ // The second request should still be in the queue.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+// Tests error handling of a failure to clear the watch socket during
+// completion handling.
+TEST_F(NameChangeUDPSenderBasicTest, watchSocketBadReadMultiThreading) {
+ // Enable multi-threading
+ MultiThreadingMgr::instance().setMode(true);
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ip_address(TEST_ADDRESS);
+ isc::asiolink::IOService io_service;
+ SimpleSendHandler ncr_handler;
+ // Create the sender and put into send mode.
+ NameChangeUDPSender sender(ip_address, 0, ip_address, LISTENER_PORT,
+ FMT_JSON, ncr_handler, 100, true);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.startSending(io_service));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sender.amSending());
+ // Build and queue up 2 messages. No handlers will get called yet.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ NameChangeRequestPtr ncr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ncr = NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(valid_msgs[i]));
+ sender.sendRequest(ncr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(i+1, sender.getQueueSize());
+ }
+ // Fetch the sender's select-fd.
+ int select_fd = sender.getSelectFd();
+ // Verify that select_fd appears ready.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(selectCheck(select_fd) > 0);
+ // Interfere by reading part of the marker from the select-fd.
+ uint32_t buf = 0;
+ ASSERT_EQ((read (select_fd, &buf, 1)), 1);
+ ASSERT_NE(util::WatchSocket::MARKER, buf);
+ // Run one handler. This should execute the send completion handler
+ // after sending the message. Doing completion handling clearing the
+ // watch socket should fail, which will close the socket, but not
+ // result in a throw.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sender.runReadyIO());
+ // Verify handler got called twice. First request should have be sent
+ // without error, second call should have failed to send due to watch
+ // socket markReady failure.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.pass_count_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ncr_handler.error_count_);
+ // The second request should still be in the queue.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sender.getQueueSize());
+} // end of anonymous namespace