path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/')
1 files changed, 1148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e1acb2
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+++ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <dhcp/dhcp6.h>
+#include <dhcp/option.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_custom.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_int.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_int_array.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_space.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_string.h>
+#include <dhcp/option4_addrlst.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfg_option.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <testutils/test_to_element.h>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <limits>
+#include <list>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+namespace {
+// This test verifies that the OptionDescriptor factory function creates a
+// valid instance.
+TEST(OptionDescriptorTest, create) {
+ OptionPtr option = Option::create(Option::V4, 234);
+ ElementPtr context = Element::createMap();
+ context->set("name", Element::create("value"));
+ auto desc = OptionDescriptor::create(option, true, "value", context);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc);
+ EXPECT_EQ(option, desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(desc->persistent_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("value", desc->formatted_value_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(context, desc->getContext());
+// This test verifies that the OptionDescriptor factory function variant
+// taking persistent flag as an argument creates valid instance.
+TEST(OptionDescriptorTest, createPersistent) {
+ auto desc = OptionDescriptor::create(true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(desc->persistent_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(desc->formatted_value_.empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(desc->getContext());
+// This test verifies that the OptionDescriptor factory function variant
+// copying a descriptor provided as an argument creates valid instance.
+TEST(OptionDescriptorTest, createCopy) {
+ OptionPtr option = Option::create(Option::V4, 234);
+ ElementPtr context = Element::createMap();
+ context->set("name", Element::create("value"));
+ auto desc = OptionDescriptor::create(option, true, "value", context);
+ auto desc_copy = OptionDescriptor::create(*desc);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc_copy);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc_copy);
+ EXPECT_EQ(option, desc_copy->option_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(desc_copy->persistent_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("value", desc_copy->formatted_value_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(context, desc_copy->getContext());
+// This test verifies that the OptionDescriptor assignment operator
+// does the shallow copy.
+TEST(OptionDescriptorTest, assign) {
+ // Create a persistent option descriptor.
+ auto desc = OptionDescriptor::create(true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc);
+ // Create another option descriptor.
+ OptionPtr option = Option::create(Option::V4, 234);
+ ElementPtr context = Element::createMap();
+ context->set("name", Element::create("value"));
+ auto desc1 = OptionDescriptor::create(option, true, "value", context);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc1);
+ // Assign the option descriptor.
+ desc = desc1;
+ // Check it.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc);
+ EXPECT_EQ(option, desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(desc->persistent_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("value", desc->formatted_value_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(context, desc->getContext());
+/// This class fixture for testing @c CfgOption class, holding option
+/// configuration.
+class CfgOptionTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Generates encapsulated options and adds them to CfgOption
+ ///
+ /// This method generates the following options:
+ /// - 1000-1019 options: uint16 with value 1234, encapsulate "foo"
+ /// - 1-19 options: uint8 with value 1, encapsulate "foo-subs"
+ /// - 1-9 options: uint8 with value 3
+ /// - 1020-1039 options: uint16 with value 2345, encapsulate "bar"
+ /// - 100-119 options: uint8 with value 2, encapsulate "bar-subs"
+ /// - 501-509 options: uint8 with value 4
+ void generateEncapsulatedOptions(CfgOption& cfg) {
+ // Create top-level options encapsulating "foo" option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1000; code < 1020; ++code) {
+ OptionUint16Ptr option = OptionUint16Ptr(new OptionUint16(Option::V6,
+ code, 1234));
+ option->setEncapsulatedSpace("foo");
+ // In order to easier identify the options by id, let's use the option
+ // code as the id.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE,
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ // Create top level options encapsulating "bar" option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1020; code < 1040; ++code) {
+ OptionUint16Ptr option = OptionUint16Ptr(new OptionUint16(Option::V6,
+ code, 2345));
+ option->setEncapsulatedSpace("bar");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE,
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ // Create sub-options belonging to "foo" option space and encapsulating
+ // foo-subs option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1; code < 20; ++code) {
+ OptionUint8Ptr option = OptionUint8Ptr(new OptionUint8(Option::V6, code,
+ 0x01));
+ option->setEncapsulatedSpace("foo-subs");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "foo", static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ // Create sub-options belonging to "bar" option space and encapsulating
+ // bar-subs option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 119; ++code) {
+ OptionUint8Ptr option = OptionUint8Ptr(new OptionUint8(Option::V6,
+ code, 0x02));
+ option->setEncapsulatedSpace("bar-subs");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "bar", static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ // Create sub-options belonging to "foo-subs" option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1; code < 10; ++code) {
+ OptionUint8Ptr option = OptionUint8Ptr(new OptionUint8(Option::V6, code,
+ 0x03));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "foo-subs",
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ // Create sub-options belonging to "bar-subs" option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 501; code < 510; ++code) {
+ OptionUint8Ptr option = OptionUint8Ptr(new OptionUint8(Option::V6,
+ code, 0x04));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "bar-subs",
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ }
+// This test verifies the empty predicate.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, empty) {
+ CfgOption cfg1;
+ CfgOption cfg2;
+ // Initially the option configurations should be empty.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg1.empty());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg2.empty());
+ // Add an option to each configuration
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, 1));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg1.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg2.add(option, true, "isc"));
+ // The first option configuration has an option
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg1.empty());
+ // The second option configuration has a vendor option
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg2.empty());
+// This test verifies that the option configurations can be compared.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, equals) {
+ CfgOption cfg1;
+ CfgOption cfg2;
+ // Initially the configurations should be equal.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg1 == cfg2);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg1 != cfg2);
+ // Add 9 options to two different option spaces. Each option have different
+ // option code and content.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1; code < 10; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, code)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg1.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg1.add(option, true, "vendor-123"));
+ }
+ // Configurations should now be different.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg1 == cfg2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg1 != cfg2);
+ // Add 8 options (excluding the option with code 1) to the same option
+ // spaces.
+ for (uint16_t code = 2; code < 10; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, code)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg2.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg2.add(option, true, "vendor-123"));
+ }
+ // Configurations should still be unequal.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg1 == cfg2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg1 != cfg2);
+ // Add missing option to the option space isc.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg2.add(OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V6, 1,
+ OptionBuffer(10, 0x01))),
+ false, "isc"));
+ // Configurations should still be unequal because option with code 1
+ // is missing in the option space vendor-123.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg1 == cfg2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg1 != cfg2);
+ // Add missing option.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg2.add(OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V6, 1,
+ OptionBuffer(10, 0x01))),
+ true, "vendor-123"));
+ // Configurations should now be equal.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg1 == cfg2);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cfg1 != cfg2);
+// This test verifies that multiple options can be added to the configuration
+// and that they can be retrieved using the option space name.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, add) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Differentiate options by their codes (100-109)
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ }
+ // Add 7 options to another option space. The option codes partially overlap
+ // with option codes that we have added to dhcp6 option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 105; code < 112; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ }
+ // Get options from the Subnet and check if all 10 are there.
+ OptionContainerPtr options = cfg.getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10, options->size());
+ // Validate codes of options added to dhcp6 option space.
+ uint16_t expected_code = 100;
+ for (OptionContainer::const_iterator option_desc = options->begin();
+ option_desc != options->end(); ++option_desc) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, option_desc->option_->getType());
+ ++expected_code;
+ }
+ options = cfg.getAll("isc");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options);
+ ASSERT_EQ(7, options->size());
+ // Validate codes of options added to isc option space.
+ expected_code = 105;
+ for (OptionContainer::const_iterator option_desc = options->begin();
+ option_desc != options->end(); ++option_desc) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, option_desc->option_->getType());
+ ++expected_code;
+ }
+ // Try to get options from a non-existing option space.
+ options = cfg.getAll("abcd");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(options->empty());
+// This test verifies that options can be replaced with updated content.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, replace) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Let's add some options to the config to the config.
+ OptionStringPtr option(new OptionString(Option::V6, 1, "one"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ option.reset(new OptionString(Option::V6, 2, "two"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ option.reset(new OptionString(Option::V6, 3, "three"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ // Now let's make sure we can find them and they are as expected.
+ OptionDescriptor desc = cfg.get("isc", 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ OptionStringPtr opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("one", opstr->getValue());
+ desc = cfg.get("isc", 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("two", opstr->getValue());
+ desc = cfg.get("isc", 3);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("three", opstr->getValue());
+ // Now let's replace one and three.
+ desc.option_.reset(new OptionString(Option::V6, 1, "new one"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.replace(desc, "isc"));
+ desc.option_.reset(new OptionString(Option::V6, 3, "new three"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.replace(desc, "isc"));
+ // Now let's make sure we can find them again and they are as expected.
+ desc = cfg.get("isc", 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("new one", opstr->getValue());
+ desc = cfg.get("isc", 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("two", opstr->getValue());
+ desc = cfg.get("isc", 3);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("new three", opstr->getValue());
+// This test verifies that one configuration can be merged into another.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, mergeTo) {
+ CfgOption cfg_src;
+ CfgOption cfg_dst;
+ // Create collection of options in option space dhcp6, with option codes
+ // from the range of 100 to 109 and holding one byte of data equal to 0xFF.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_src.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ }
+ // Create collection of options in vendor space 123, with option codes
+ // from the range of 100 to 109 and holding one byte of data equal to 0xFF.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; code += 2) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_src.add(option, false, "vendor-123"));
+ }
+ // Create destination configuration (configuration that we merge the
+ // other configuration to).
+ // Create collection of options having even option codes in the range of
+ // 100 to 108.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; code += 2) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0x01)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_dst.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ }
+ // Create collection of options having odd option codes in the range of
+ // 101 to 109.
+ for (uint16_t code = 101; code < 110; code += 2) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0x01)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_dst.add(option, false, "vendor-123"));
+ }
+ // Merge source configuration to the destination configuration. The options
+ // in the destination should be preserved. The options from the source
+ // configuration should be added.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_src.mergeTo(cfg_dst));
+ // Validate the options in the dhcp6 option space in the destination.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionDescriptor desc = cfg_dst.get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, code);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, desc.option_->getData().size());
+ // The options with even option codes should hold one byte of data
+ // equal to 0x1. These are the ones that we have initially added to
+ // the destination configuration. The other options should hold the
+ // values of 0xFF which indicates that they have been merged from the
+ // source configuration.
+ if ((code % 2) == 0) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0x01, desc.option_->getData()[0]);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0xFF, desc.option_->getData()[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate the options in the vendor space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionDescriptor desc = cfg_dst.get(123, code);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, desc.option_->getData().size());
+ // This time, the options with even option codes should hold a byte
+ // of data equal to 0xFF. The other options should hold the byte of
+ // data equal to 0x01.
+ if ((code % 2) == 0) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0xFF, desc.option_->getData()[0]);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0x01, desc.option_->getData()[0]);
+ }
+ }
+// This test verifies that the options configuration can be copied between
+// objects.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, copy) {
+ CfgOption cfg_src;
+ // Add 10 options to the custom option space in the source configuration.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0x01)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_src.add(option, false, "foo"));
+ }
+ CfgOption cfg_dst;
+ // Add 20 options to the custom option space in destination configuration.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 120; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_dst.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ }
+ // Copy entire configuration to the destination. This should override any
+ // existing data.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg_src.copyTo(cfg_dst));
+ // Validate options in the destination configuration.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionDescriptor desc = cfg_dst.get("foo", code);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, desc.option_->getData().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0x01, desc.option_->getData()[0]);
+ }
+ // Any existing options should be removed.
+ OptionContainerPtr container = cfg_dst.getAll("isc");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(container);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(container->empty());
+ // The option space "foo" should contain exactly 10 options.
+ container = cfg_dst.getAll("foo");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(container);
+ EXPECT_EQ(10, container->size());
+// This test verifies that DHCP options from one configuration
+// can be used to update options in another configuration.
+// In other words, options from an "other" configuration
+// can be merged into an existing configuration, with any
+// duplicates in other overwriting those in the existing
+// configuration.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, validMerge) {
+ CfgOption this_cfg;
+ CfgOption other_cfg;
+ // We need to create a dictionary of definitions pass into option merge.
+ CfgOptionDefPtr defs(new CfgOptionDef());
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("one", 1, "isc", "uint8"))));
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("two", 2, "isc", "uint8"))));
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("four", 4, "isc", "uint8"))));
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("three", 3, "fluff", "uint8"))));
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("four", 4, "fluff", "uint8"))));
+ // Create our existing config, that gets merged into.
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V4, 1, OptionBuffer(1, 0x01)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(this_cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ // Add option 3 to "fluff"
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 3, OptionBuffer(1, 0x03)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(this_cfg.add(option, false, "fluff"));
+ // Add option 4 to "fluff".
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 4, OptionBuffer(1, 0x04)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(this_cfg.add(option, false, "fluff"));
+ // Create our other config that will be merged from.
+ // Add Option 1 to "isc", this should "overwrite" the original.
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 1, OptionBuffer(1, 0x10)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(other_cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ // Add option 2 to "isc".
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 2, OptionBuffer(1, 0x20)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(other_cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ // Add option 4 to "isc".
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 4, OptionBuffer(1, 0x40)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(other_cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ // Merge source configuration to the destination configuration. The options
+ // in the destination should be preserved. The options from the source
+ // configuration should be added.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(this_cfg.merge(defs, other_cfg));
+ // isc:1 should come from "other" config.
+ OptionDescriptor desc = this_cfg.get("isc", 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ OptionUint8Ptr opint = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opint);
+ EXPECT_EQ(16, opint->getValue());
+ // isc:2 should come from "other" config.
+ desc = this_cfg.get("isc", 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opint = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opint);
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, opint->getValue());
+ // isc:4 should come from "other" config.
+ desc = this_cfg.get("isc", 4);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opint = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opint);
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, opint->getValue());
+ // fluff:3 should come from "this" config.
+ desc = this_cfg.get("fluff", 3);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opint = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opint);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, opint->getValue());
+ // fluff:4 should come from "this" config.
+ desc = this_cfg.get("fluff", 4);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ opint = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8>(desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opint);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, opint->getValue());
+// This test verifies that attempting to merge options
+// which are by incompatible with "known" option definitions
+// are detected.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, mergeInvalid) {
+ CfgOption this_cfg;
+ CfgOption other_cfg;
+ // Create an empty dictionary of defintions pass into option merge.
+ CfgOptionDefPtr defs(new CfgOptionDef());
+ // Create our other config that will be merged from.
+ // Add an option without a formatted value.
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V4, 1, OptionBuffer(1, 0x01)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(other_cfg.add(option, false, "isc"));
+ // Add an option with a formatted value.
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 2));
+ OptionDescriptor desc(option, false, "one,two,three");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(other_cfg.add(desc, "isc"));
+ // When we attempt to merge, it should fail, recognizing that
+ // option 2, which has a formatted value, has no definition.
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(this_cfg.merge(defs, other_cfg), InvalidOperation,
+ "option: isc.2 has a formatted value: "
+ "'one,two,three' but no option definition");
+ // Now let's add an option definition that will force data truncated
+ // error for option 1.
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("one", 1, "isc", "uint16"))));
+ // When we attempt to merge, it should fail because option 1's data
+ // is not valid per its definition.
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(this_cfg.merge(defs, other_cfg), InvalidOperation,
+ "could not create option: isc.1"
+ " from data specified, reason:"
+ " OptionInt 1 truncated");
+// This test verifies the all of the valid option cases
+// in createDescriptorOption():
+// 1. standard option
+// 2. vendor option
+// 3. user-defined, unformatted option
+// 4. user-defined, formatted option
+// 5. undefined, unformatted option
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, createDescriptorOptionValid) {
+ // First we'll create our "known" user definitions
+ CfgOptionDefPtr defs(new CfgOptionDef());
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("one", 1, "isc", "uint8"))));
+ defs->add((OptionDefinitionPtr(new OptionDefinition("two", 2, "isc", "uint8", true))));
+ // We'll try a standard V4 option first.
+ std::string space = DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE;
+ std::string value = "";
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, DHO_HOST_NAME));
+ option->setData(value.begin(), value.end());
+ OptionDescriptorPtr desc(new OptionDescriptor(option, false));
+ bool updated = false;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = CfgOption::createDescriptorOption(defs, space, *desc));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated);
+ OptionStringPtr opstr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionString>(desc->option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opstr);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", opstr->getValue());
+ // Next we'll try a standard V6 option.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> fqdn =
+ { 2, 'v', '6', 7, 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', 3, 'c', 'o', 'm', 0 };
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_AFTR_NAME));
+ option->setData(fqdn.begin(), fqdn.end());
+ desc.reset(new OptionDescriptor(option, false));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = CfgOption::createDescriptorOption(defs, space, *desc));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated);
+ OptionCustomPtr opcustom = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionCustom>(desc->option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opcustom);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", opcustom->readFqdn());
+ // Next we'll try a vendor option with a formatted value
+ space = "vendor-4491";
+ value = ",";
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 2));
+ desc.reset(new OptionDescriptor(option, false, value));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = CfgOption::createDescriptorOption(defs, space, *desc));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated);
+ Option4AddrLstPtr opaddrs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Option4AddrLst>(desc->option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opaddrs);
+ Option4AddrLst::AddressContainer exp_addresses = { IOAddress(""), IOAddress("") };
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_addresses, opaddrs->getAddresses());
+ // Now, a user defined uint8 option
+ space = "isc";
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 1, OptionBuffer(1, 0x77)));
+ desc.reset(new OptionDescriptor(option, false));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = CfgOption::createDescriptorOption(defs, space, *desc));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated);
+ OptionUint8Ptr opint = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8>(desc->option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opint);
+ EXPECT_EQ(119, opint->getValue());
+ // Now, a user defined array of ints from a formatted value
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 2));
+ desc.reset(new OptionDescriptor(option, false, "1,2,3"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = CfgOption::createDescriptorOption(defs, space, *desc));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated);
+ OptionUint8ArrayPtr oparray = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionUint8Array>(desc->option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(oparray);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> exp_ints = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_ints, oparray->getValues());
+ // Finally, a generic, undefined option
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 199, OptionBuffer(1, 0x77)));
+ desc.reset(new OptionDescriptor(option, false));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(updated = CfgOption::createDescriptorOption(defs, space, *desc));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(updated);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, desc->option_->getData().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0x77, desc->option_->getData()[0]);
+// This test verifies that encapsulated options are added as sub-options
+// to the top level options on request.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, encapsulate) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ generateEncapsulatedOptions(cfg);
+ // Append options from "foo" and "bar" space as sub-options and options
+ // from "foo-subs" and "bar-subs" as sub-options of "foo" and "bar"
+ // options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.encapsulate());
+ // Verify that we have 40 top-level options.
+ OptionContainerPtr options = cfg.getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE);
+ ASSERT_EQ(40, options->size());
+ // Iterate over top level options.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1000; code < 1040; ++code) {
+ OptionUint16Ptr option = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
+ OptionUint16>(cfg.get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, code).option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option) << "option with code " << code << " not found";
+ // First level sub options. There are 19 sub-options for each top
+ // level option.
+ const OptionCollection& first_level = option->getOptions();
+ ASSERT_EQ(19, first_level.size());
+ // Iterate over all first level sub-options.
+ std::pair<unsigned int, OptionPtr> first_level_opt;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(first_level_opt, first_level) {
+ // Each option in this test comprises a single one byte field and
+ // should cast to OptionUint8 type.
+ OptionUint8Ptr first_level_uint8 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
+ OptionUint8>(first_level_opt.second);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(first_level_uint8);
+ const unsigned int value = static_cast<unsigned int>(first_level_uint8->getValue());
+ // There are two sets of first level sub-options. Those that include
+ // a value of 1 and those that include a value of 2.
+ if (first_level_uint8->getType() < 20) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, value);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, value);
+ }
+ // Each first level sub-option should include 9 second level
+ // sub options.
+ const OptionCollection& second_level = first_level_uint8->getOptions();
+ ASSERT_EQ(9, second_level.size());
+ // Iterate over sub-options and make sure they include the expected
+ // values.
+ std::pair<unsigned int, OptionPtr> second_level_opt;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(second_level_opt, second_level) {
+ OptionUint8Ptr second_level_uint8 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
+ OptionUint8>(second_level_opt.second);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(second_level_uint8);
+ const unsigned value = static_cast<
+ unsigned>(second_level_uint8->getValue());
+ // Certain sub-options should have a value of 3, other the values
+ // of 4.
+ if (second_level_uint8->getType() < 20) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, value);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This test verifies that an option can be deleted from the configuration.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, deleteOptions) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ generateEncapsulatedOptions(cfg);
+ // Append options from "foo" and "bar" space as sub-options and options
+ // from "foo-subs" and "bar-subs" as sub-options of "foo" and "bar"
+ // options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.encapsulate());
+ // The option with the code 5 should exist in the option space "foo".
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg.get("foo", 5).option_);
+ // Because we called "encapsulate", this option should have been
+ // propagated to the options encapsulating option space "foo".
+ for (uint16_t code = 1000; code < 1020; ++code) {
+ OptionDescriptor top_level_option(false);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(top_level_option = cfg.get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, code));
+ // Make sure that the option with code 5 is there.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(top_level_option.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(top_level_option.option_->getOption(5));
+ // Make sure that options belonging to space "foo-subs" should contain
+ // options with the code of 5.
+ for (uint16_t code_subs = 1; code_subs != 19; ++code_subs) {
+ OptionPtr sub_option;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sub_option = top_level_option.option_->getOption(code_subs));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sub_option);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sub_option->getOption(5));
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete option with the code 5 and belonging to option space "foo".
+ uint64_t deleted_num;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleted_num = cfg.del("foo", 5));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, deleted_num);
+ // The option should now be gone from options config.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cfg.get("foo", 5).option_);
+ // Option with the code of 5 in other option spaces should remain.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg.get("foo-subs", 5).option_);
+ // Iterate over the options encapsulating "foo" option space. Make sure
+ // that the option with code 5 is no longer encapsulated by these options.
+ for (uint16_t code = 1000; code < 1020; ++code) {
+ OptionDescriptor top_level_option(false);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(top_level_option = cfg.get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, code));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(top_level_option.option_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(top_level_option.option_->getOption(5));
+ // Other options should remain.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(top_level_option.option_->getOption(1));
+ // Iterate over options within foo-subs option space and make sure
+ // that they still contain options with the code of 5.
+ for (uint16_t code_subs = 1; code_subs != 19; ++code_subs) {
+ // There shouldn't be option with the code of 5 in the "foo" space.
+ if (code_subs == 5) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ OptionPtr sub_option;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(sub_option = top_level_option.option_->getOption(code_subs));
+ // Options belonging to option space "foo-subs" should include option
+ // with the code of 5.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sub_option);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sub_option->getOption(5));
+ }
+ }
+// This test verifies that an option can be deleted from the configuration
+// by database id.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, deleteOptionsById) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ generateEncapsulatedOptions(cfg);
+ // Append options from "foo" and "bar" space as sub-options and options
+ // from "foo-subs" and "bar-subs" as sub-options of "foo" and "bar"
+ // options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.encapsulate());
+ // Create multiple vendor options for vendor id 123.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "vendor-123", static_cast<uint64_t>(code)));
+ }
+ // Delete options with id of 100. It includes both regular options and
+ // the vendor options. There are two options with id of 100.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, cfg.del(100));
+ // Make sure that the option 100 was deleted but another option
+ // in the same option space was not.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cfg.get("bar", 100).option_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg.get("bar", 101).option_);
+ // Make sure that the deleted option was dereferenced from the
+ // top level options but that does not affect encapsulation of
+ // other options.
+ for (uint16_t option_code = 1020; option_code < 1040; ++option_code) {
+ auto top_level_option = cfg.get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, option_code);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(top_level_option.option_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(top_level_option.option_->getOption(100));
+ // The second level encapsulation should have been preserved.
+ auto second_level_option = top_level_option.option_->getOption(101);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(second_level_option);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(second_level_option->getOption(501));
+ }
+ // Vendor option with id of 100 should have been deleted too.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cfg.get(123, 100).option_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg.get(123, 101).option_);
+// This test verifies that a vendor option can be deleted from the configuration.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, delVendorOption) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Create multiple vendor options for vendor id 123.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "vendor-123"));
+ }
+ // Create multiple vendor options for vendor id 234.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(1, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "vendor-234"));
+ }
+ // Make sure that the option we're trying to delete is there.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg.get(123, 105).option_);
+ // There should also be an option 105 for vendor id 234.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg.get(234, 105).option_);
+ // Delete the option for vendor id 123.
+ uint64_t deleted_num;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(deleted_num = cfg.del(123, 105));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, deleted_num);
+ // Make sure the option is gone.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cfg.get(123, 105).option_);
+ // Make sure that the option with code 105 is not affected for vendor id 234.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg.get(234, 105).option_);
+ // Other options, like 107, shouldn't be gone.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg.get(123, 107).option_);
+// This test verifies that single option can be retrieved from the configuration
+// using option code and option space.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, get) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Add 10 options to a "dhcp6" option space in the subnet.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ }
+ // Check that we can get each added option descriptor using
+ // individually.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ // First, try the invalid option space name.
+ OptionDescriptor desc = cfg.get("isc", code);
+ // Returned descriptor should contain NULL option ptr.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(desc.option_);
+ // Now, try the valid option space.
+ desc = cfg.get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, code);
+ // Test that the option code matches the expected code.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(code, desc.option_->getType());
+ }
+// This test verifies that the same options can be added to the configuration
+// under different option space.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, addNonUniqueOptions) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Create a set of options with non-unique codes.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ // In the inner loop we create options with unique codes (100-109).
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ }
+ }
+ // Sanity check that all options are there.
+ OptionContainerPtr options = cfg.getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE);
+ ASSERT_EQ(20, options->size());
+ // Use container index #1 to get the options by their codes.
+ OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>();
+ // Look for the codes 100-109.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++ code) {
+ // For each code we should get two instances of options->
+ OptionContainerTypeRange range = idx.equal_range(code);
+ // Distance between iterators indicates how many options
+ // have been returned for the particular code.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, distance(range.first, range.second));
+ // Check that returned options actually have the expected option code.
+ for (OptionContainerTypeIndex::const_iterator option_desc = range.first;
+ option_desc != range.second; ++option_desc) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(code, option_desc->option_->getType());
+ }
+ }
+ // Let's try to find some non-exiting option.
+ const uint16_t non_existing_code = 150;
+ OptionContainerTypeRange range = idx.equal_range(non_existing_code);
+ // Empty set is expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, distance(range.first, range.second));
+// This test verifies that the option with the persistency flag can be
+// added to the configuration and that options with the persistency flags
+// can be retrieved.
+TEST(Subnet6Test, addPersistentOption) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Add 10 options to the subnet with option codes 100 - 109.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ // We create 10 options and want some of them to be flagged
+ // persistent and some non-persistent. Persistent options are
+ // those that server sends to clients regardless if they ask
+ // for them or not. We pick 3 out of 10 options and mark them
+ // non-persistent and 7 other options persistent.
+ // Code values: 102, 105 and 108 are divisible by 3
+ // and options with these codes will be flagged non-persistent.
+ // Options with other codes will be flagged persistent.
+ bool persistent = (code % 3) ? true : false;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, persistent, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ }
+ // Get added options from the subnet.
+ OptionContainerPtr options = cfg.getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE);
+ // options->get<2> returns reference to container index #2. This
+ // index is used to access options by the 'persistent' flag.
+ OptionContainerPersistIndex& idx = options->get<2>();
+ // Get all persistent options->
+ OptionContainerPersistRange range_persistent = idx.equal_range(true);
+ // 7 out of 10 options have been flagged persistent.
+ ASSERT_EQ(7, distance(range_persistent.first, range_persistent.second));
+ // Get all non-persistent options->
+ OptionContainerPersistRange range_non_persistent = idx.equal_range(false);
+ // 3 out of 10 options have been flagged not persistent.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, distance(range_non_persistent.first, range_non_persistent.second));
+// This test verifies that the vendor option can be added to the configuration.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, addVendorOptions) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Differentiate options by their codes (100-109)
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, "vendor-12345678"));
+ }
+ // Second option space uses corner case value for vendor id = max uint8.
+ uint32_t vendor_id = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+ std::ostringstream option_space;
+ option_space << "vendor-" << vendor_id;
+ // Add 7 options to another option space. The option codes partially overlap
+ // with option codes that we have added to dhcp6 option space.
+ for (uint16_t code = 105; code < 112; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, option_space.str()));
+ }
+ // Get options from the Subnet and check if all 10 are there.
+ OptionContainerPtr options = cfg.getAll(12345678);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10, options->size());
+ // Validate codes of options added to dhcp6 option space.
+ uint16_t expected_code = 100;
+ for (OptionContainer::const_iterator option_desc = options->begin();
+ option_desc != options->end(); ++option_desc) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, option_desc->option_->getType());
+ ++expected_code;
+ }
+ options = cfg.getAll(vendor_id);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options);
+ ASSERT_EQ(7, options->size());
+ // Validate codes of options added to isc option space.
+ expected_code = 105;
+ for (OptionContainer::const_iterator option_desc = options->begin();
+ option_desc != options->end(); ++option_desc) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc->option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, option_desc->option_->getType());
+ ++expected_code;
+ }
+ // Try to get options from a non-existing option space.
+ options = cfg.getAll(1111111);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(options->empty());
+// This test verifies that option space names for the vendor options are
+// correct.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, getVendorIdsSpaceNames) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Create 10 options, each goes under a different vendor id.
+ for (uint16_t code = 100; code < 110; ++code) {
+ OptionPtr option(new Option(Option::V6, code, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ // Generate space name for a unique vendor id.
+ std::ostringstream s;
+ s << "vendor-" << code;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg.add(option, false, s.str()));
+ }
+ // We should now have 10 different vendor ids.
+ std::list<std::string> space_names = cfg.getVendorIdsSpaceNames();
+ ASSERT_EQ(10, space_names.size());
+ // Check that the option space names for those vendor ids are correct.
+ for (std::list<std::string>::iterator name = space_names.begin();
+ name != space_names.end(); ++name) {
+ uint16_t id = static_cast<uint16_t>(std::distance(space_names.begin(),
+ name));
+ std::ostringstream s;
+ s << "vendor-" << (100 + id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s.str(), *name);
+ }
+// This test verifies that the unparse function returns what is expected.
+TEST_F(CfgOptionTest, unparse) {
+ CfgOption cfg;
+ // Add some options.
+ OptionPtr opt1(new Option(Option::V6, 100, OptionBuffer(4, 0x12)));
+ cfg.add(opt1, false, "dns");
+ OptionPtr opt2(new Option(Option::V6, 101, OptionBuffer(4, 12)));
+ OptionDescriptor desc2(opt2, false, "12, 12, 12, 12");
+ std::string ctx = "{ \"comment\": \"foo\", \"bar\": 1 }";
+ desc2.setContext(data::Element::fromJSON(ctx));
+ cfg.add(desc2, "dns");
+ OptionPtr opt3(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_STATUS_CODE, OptionBuffer(2, 0)));
+ cfg.add(opt3, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE);
+ OptionPtr opt4(new Option(Option::V6, 100, OptionBuffer(4, 0x21)));
+ cfg.add(opt4, true, "vendor-1234");
+ // Unparse
+ std::string expected = "[\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"code\": 100,\n"
+ " \"space\": \"dns\",\n"
+ " \"csv-format\": false,\n"
+ " \"data\": \"12121212\",\n"
+ " \"always-send\": false\n"
+ "},{\n"
+ " \"code\": 101,\n"
+ " \"space\": \"dns\",\n"
+ " \"csv-format\": true,\n"
+ " \"data\": \"12, 12, 12, 12\",\n"
+ " \"always-send\": false,\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { \"comment\": \"foo\", \"bar\": 1 }\n"
+ "},{\n"
+ " \"code\": 13,\n"
+ " \"name\": \"status-code\",\n"
+ " \"space\": \"dhcp6\",\n"
+ " \"csv-format\": false,\n"
+ " \"data\": \"0000\",\n"
+ " \"always-send\": false\n"
+ "},{\n"
+ " \"code\": 100,\n"
+ " \"space\": \"vendor-1234\",\n"
+ " \"csv-format\": false,\n"
+ " \"data\": \"21212121\",\n"
+ " \"always-send\": true\n"
+ "}]\n";
+ isc::test::runToElementTest<CfgOption>(expected, cfg);
+} // end of anonymous namespace