path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/')
1 files changed, 1454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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index 0000000..7751591
--- /dev/null
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+// Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <dhcp/libdhcp++.h>
+#include <dhcp/option.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_string.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/parsers/client_class_def_parser.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/parsers/dhcp_parsers.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <eval/evaluate.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+/// @file Unit tests for client class
+/// definition parsing.
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::util;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c ExpressionParser.
+class ExpressionParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Test that validate expression can be evaluated against v4 or
+ /// v6 packet.
+ ///
+ /// Verifies that given a valid expression, the ExpressionParser
+ /// produces an Expression which can be evaluated against a v4 or v6
+ /// packet.
+ ///
+ /// @param family AF_INET or AF_INET6
+ /// @param expression Textual representation of the expression to be
+ /// evaluated.
+ /// @param option_string String data to be placed in the hostname
+ /// option, being placed in the packet used for evaluation.
+ /// @tparam Type of the packet: @c Pkt4 or @c Pkt6.
+ template<typename PktType>
+ void testValidExpression(uint16_t family,
+ const std::string& expression,
+ const std::string& option_string) {
+ ExpressionPtr parsed_expr;
+ ExpressionParser parser;
+ // Turn config into elements. This may emit exceptions.
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(expression);
+ // Expression should parse.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(parser.parse(parsed_expr, config_element, family));
+ // Parsed expression should exist.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(parsed_expr);
+ // Build a packet that will fail evaluation.
+ uint8_t message_type;
+ if (family == AF_INET) {
+ message_type = DHCPDISCOVER;
+ } else {
+ message_type = DHCPV6_SOLICIT;
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<PktType> pkt(new PktType(message_type, 123));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(evaluateBool(*parsed_expr, *pkt));
+ // Now add the option so it will pass. Use a standard option carrying a
+ // single string value, i.e. hostname for DHCPv4 and bootfile url for
+ // DHCPv6.
+ Option::Universe universe(family == AF_INET ? Option::V4 : Option::V6);
+ uint16_t option_type;
+ if (family == AF_INET) {
+ option_type = DHO_HOST_NAME;
+ } else {
+ option_type = D6O_BOOTFILE_URL;
+ }
+ OptionPtr opt(new OptionString(universe, option_type, option_string));
+ pkt->addOption(opt);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(evaluateBool(*parsed_expr, *pkt));
+ }
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c ClientClassDefParser.
+class ClientClassDefParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Convenience method for parsing a configuration
+ ///
+ /// Attempt to parse a given client class definition.
+ ///
+ /// @param config - JSON string containing the client class configuration
+ /// to parse.
+ /// @param family - the address family in which the parsing should
+ /// occur.
+ /// @return Returns a pointer to class instance created, or NULL if
+ /// for some unforeseen reason it wasn't created in the local dictionary
+ /// @throw indirectly, exceptions converting the JSON text to elements,
+ /// or by the parsing itself are not caught
+ ClientClassDefPtr parseClientClassDef(const std::string& config,
+ uint16_t family) {
+ // Create local dictionary to which the parser add the class.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ // Turn config into elements. This may emit exceptions.
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(config);
+ // Parse the configuration. This may emit exceptions.
+ ClientClassDefParser parser;
+ parser.parse(dictionary, config_element, family);
+ // If we didn't throw, then return the first and only class
+ ClientClassDefListPtr classes = dictionary->getClasses();
+ ClientClassDefList::const_iterator it = classes->cbegin();
+ if (it != classes->cend()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ // Return NULL if for some reason the class doesn't exist.
+ return (ClientClassDefPtr());
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that client class parser throws when unspported parameter
+ /// is specified.
+ ///
+ /// @param config JSON string containing the client class configuration.
+ /// @param family The address family indicating whether the DHCPv4 or
+ /// DHCPv6 client class is parsed.
+ void testClassParamsUnsupported(const std::string& config,
+ const uint16_t family) {
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(config);
+ ClientClassDefParser parser;
+ EXPECT_THROW(parser.checkParametersSupported(config_element, family),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+ }
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c ClientClassDefListParser.
+class ClientClassDefListParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Convenience method for parsing a list of client class
+ /// definitions.
+ ///
+ /// Attempt to parse a given list of client class definitions into a
+ /// ClientClassDictionary.
+ ///
+ /// @param config - JSON string containing the list of definitions to parse.
+ /// @param family - the address family in which the parsing should
+ /// occur.
+ /// @param check_dependencies - indicates if the parser should check whether
+ /// referenced classes exist.
+ /// @return Returns a pointer to class dictionary created
+ /// @throw indirectly, exceptions converting the JSON text to elements,
+ /// or by the parsing itself are not caught
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr parseClientClassDefList(const std::string& config,
+ uint16_t family,
+ bool check_dependencies = true)
+ {
+ // Turn config into elements. This may emit exceptions.
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(config);
+ // Parse the configuration. This may emit exceptions.
+ ClientClassDefListParser parser;
+ return (parser.parse(config_element, family, check_dependencies));
+ }
+// Verifies that given a valid expression, the ExpressionParser
+// produces an Expression which can be evaluated against a v4 packet.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpression4) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt4>(AF_INET,
+ "\"option[12].text == 'hundred4'\"",
+ "hundred4");
+// Verifies that the option name can be used in the evaluated expression.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpressionWithOptionName4) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt4>(AF_INET,
+ "\"option[host-name].text == 'hundred4'\"",
+ "hundred4");
+// Verifies that given a valid expression using .hex operator for option, the
+// ExpressionParser produces an Expression which can be evaluated against
+// a v4 packet.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpressionWithHex4) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt4>(AF_INET,
+ "\"option[12].hex == 0x68756E6472656434\"",
+ "hundred4");
+// Verifies that the option name can be used together with .hex operator in
+// the evaluated expression.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpressionWithOptionNameAndHex4) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt6>(AF_INET,
+ "\"option[host-name].text == 0x68756E6472656434\"",
+ "hundred4");
+// Verifies that given a valid expression, the ExpressionParser
+// produces an Expression which can be evaluated against a v6 packet.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpression6) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt6>(AF_INET6,
+ "\"option[59].text == 'hundred6'\"",
+ "hundred6");
+// Verifies that the option name can be used in the evaluated expression.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpressionWithOptionName6) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt6>(AF_INET6,
+ "\"option[bootfile-url].text == 'hundred6'\"",
+ "hundred6");
+// Verifies that given a valid expression using .hex operator for option, the
+// ExpressionParser produces an Expression which can be evaluated against
+// a v6 packet.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpressionWithHex6) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt6>(AF_INET6,
+ "\"option[59].hex == 0x68756E6472656436\"",
+ "hundred6");
+// Verifies that the option name can be used together with .hex operator in
+// the evaluated expression.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, validExpressionWithOptionNameAndHex6) {
+ testValidExpression<Pkt6>(AF_INET6,
+ "\"option[bootfile-url].text == 0x68756E6472656436\"",
+ "hundred6");
+// Verifies that an the ExpressionParser only accepts StringElements.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, invalidExpressionElement) {
+ // This will create an integer element should fail.
+ std::string cfg_txt = "777";
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(cfg_txt);
+ // Create the parser.
+ ExpressionPtr parsed_expr;
+ ExpressionParser parser;
+ // Expression parsing should fail.
+ ASSERT_THROW(parser.parse(parsed_expr, config_element, AF_INET6),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that given an invalid expression with a syntax error,
+// the Expression parser will throw a DhdpConfigError. Note this
+// is not intended to be an exhaustive test or expression syntax.
+// It is simply to ensure that if the parser fails, it does so
+// Properly.
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, expressionSyntaxError) {
+ // Turn config into elements.
+ std::string cfg_txt = "\"option 'bogus'\"";
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(cfg_txt);
+ // Create the parser.
+ ExpressionPtr parsed_expr;
+ ExpressionParser parser;
+ // Expression parsing should fail.
+ ASSERT_THROW(parser.parse(parsed_expr, config_element, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that the name parameter is required and must not be empty
+TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, nameEmpty) {
+ std::string cfg_txt = "{ \"name\": \"\" }";
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(cfg_txt);
+ // Create the parser.
+ ExpressionPtr parsed_expr;
+ ExpressionParser parser;
+ // Expression parsing should fail.
+ ASSERT_THROW(parser.parse(parsed_expr, config_element, AF_INET6),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that the function checking if specified client class parameters
+// are supported does not throw if all specified DHCPv4 client class
+// parameters are recognized.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, checkAllSupported4) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\","
+ " \"option-def\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { },\n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": false,\n"
+ " \"next-server\": \"\",\n"
+ " \"server-hostname\": \"myhost\",\n"
+ " \"boot-file-name\": \"efi\""
+ "}\n";
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(cfg_text);
+ ClientClassDefParser parser;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parser.checkParametersSupported(config_element, AF_INET));
+// Verifies that the function checking if specified client class parameters
+// are supported does not throw if all specified DHCPv6 client class
+// parameters are recognized.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, checkAllSupported6) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\","
+ " \"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { },\n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": false\n"
+ "}\n";
+ ElementPtr config_element = Element::fromJSON(cfg_text);
+ ClientClassDefParser parser;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parser.checkParametersSupported(config_element, AF_INET6));
+// Verifies that the function checking if specified client class parameters
+// are supported throws if DHCPv4 specific parameters are specified for the
+// DHCPv6 client class.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, checkParams4Unsupported6) {
+ std::string cfg_text;
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("option-def");
+ cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\","
+ " \"option-def\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { },\n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": false\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testClassParamsUnsupported(cfg_text, AF_INET6);
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("next-server");
+ cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\","
+ " \"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { },\n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": false,\n"
+ " \"next-server\": \"\"\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testClassParamsUnsupported(cfg_text, AF_INET6);
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("server-hostname");
+ cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\","
+ " \"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { },\n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": false,\n"
+ " \"server-hostname\": \"myhost\"\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testClassParamsUnsupported(cfg_text, AF_INET6);
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("boot-file-name");
+ cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\","
+ " \"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ " \"user-context\": { },\n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": false,\n"
+ " \"boot-file-name\": \"efi\""
+ "}\n";
+ testClassParamsUnsupported(cfg_text, AF_INET6);
+ }
+// Verifies that the function checking if specified DHCPv4 client class
+// parameters are supported throws if one of the parameters is not recognized.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, checkParams4Unsupported) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"unsupported\": \"member('ALL')\""
+ "}\n";
+ testClassParamsUnsupported(cfg_text, AF_INET);
+// Verifies that the function checking if specified DHCPv6 client class
+// parameters are supported throws if one of the parameters is not recognized.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, checkParams6Unsupported) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\","
+ " \"unsupported\": \"member('ALL')\""
+ "}\n";
+ testClassParamsUnsupported(cfg_text, AF_INET6);
+// Verifies you can create a class with only a name
+// Whether that's useful or not, remains to be seen.
+// For now the class allows it.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, nameOnlyValid) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\" \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("MICROSOFT", cclass->getName());
+ // CfgOption should be a non-null pointer but there
+ // should be no options. Currently there's no good
+ // way to test that there no options.
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ cfg_option = cclass->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_option);
+ OptionContainerPtr oc;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(oc = cclass->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, oc->size());
+ // Verify we have no expression.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cclass->getMatchExpr());
+// Verifies you can create a class with a name, expression,
+// but no options.
+// @todo same with AF_INET6
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, nameAndExpressionClass) {
+ std::string test = "option[100].text == 'works right'";
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"class_one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"" + test + "\" \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("class_one", cclass->getName());
+ // CfgOption should be a non-null pointer but there
+ // should be no options. Currently there's no good
+ // way to test that there no options.
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ cfg_option = cclass->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_option);
+ OptionContainerPtr oc;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(oc = cclass->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, oc->size());
+ // Verify we can retrieve the expression
+ ExpressionPtr match_expr = cclass->getMatchExpr();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(match_expr);
+ // Verify the original expression was saved.
+ EXPECT_EQ(test, cclass->getTest());
+ // Build a packet that will fail evaluation.
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 123));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(evaluateBool(*match_expr, *pkt4));
+ // Now add the option so it will pass.
+ OptionPtr opt(new OptionString(Option::V4, 100, "works right"));
+ pkt4->addOption(opt);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(evaluateBool(*match_expr, *pkt4));
+// Verifies you can create a class with a name and options,
+// but no expression.
+// @todo same with AF_INET6
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, nameAndOptionsClass) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 6, \n"
+ " \"space\": \"dhcp4\", \n"
+ " \"csv-format\": true, \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("MICROSOFT", cclass->getName());
+ // Our one option should exist.
+ OptionDescriptor od = cclass->getCfgOption()->get(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, 6);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(od.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, od.option_->getType());
+ // Verify we have no expression
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cclass->getMatchExpr());
+// Verifies you can create a class with a name, expression,
+// and options.
+// @todo same with AF_INET6
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, basicValidClass) {
+ std::string test = "option[100].text == 'booya'";
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"" + test + "\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 6, \n"
+ " \"space\": \"dhcp4\", \n"
+ " \"csv-format\": true, \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("MICROSOFT", cclass->getName());
+ // Our one option should exist.
+ OptionDescriptor od = cclass->getCfgOption()->get(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, 6);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(od.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, od.option_->getType());
+ // Verify we can retrieve the expression
+ ExpressionPtr match_expr = cclass->getMatchExpr();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(match_expr);
+ // Verify the original expression was saved.
+ EXPECT_EQ(test, cclass->getTest());
+ // Build a packet that will fail evaluation.
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 123));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(evaluateBool(*match_expr, *pkt4));
+ // Now add the option so it will pass.
+ OptionPtr opt(new OptionString(Option::V4, 100, "booya"));
+ pkt4->addOption(opt);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(evaluateBool(*match_expr, *pkt4));
+// Verifies that a class with no name, fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, noClassName) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"test\": \"option[123].text == 'abc'\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 6, \n"
+ " \"space\": \"dhcp4\", \n"
+ " \"csv-format\": true, \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that a class with a blank name, fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, blankClassName) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"option[123].text == 'abc'\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 6, \n"
+ " \"space\": \"dhcp4\", \n"
+ " \"csv-format\": true, \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that a class with an invalid expression, fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, invalidExpression) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": 777 \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET6),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that a class with invalid option-def, fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, invalidOptionDef) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"option-def\": [ \n"
+ " { \"bogus\": \"bad\" } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that a class with invalid option-data, fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, invalidOptionData) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \"bogus\": \"bad\" } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that a valid list of client classes will parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, simpleValidList) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"two\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"three\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ // Parsing the list should succeed.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary = parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary);
+ // We should have three classes in the dictionary.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, dictionary->getClasses()->size());
+ // Make sure we can find all three.
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("one"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("one", cclass->getName());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("two"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("two", cclass->getName());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("three"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("three", cclass->getName());
+ // For good measure, make sure we can't find a non-existent class.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("bogus"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass);
+// Verifies that class list containing a duplicate class entries, fails
+// to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, duplicateClass) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"two\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"two\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ ASSERT_THROW(dictionary = parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Test verifies that without any class specified, the fixed fields have their
+// default, empty value.
+// @todo same with AF_INET6
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, noFixedFields) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ // And it should not have any fixed fields set
+ EXPECT_EQ(IOAddress(""), cclass->getNextServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cclass->getSname().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cclass->getFilename().size());
+ // Nor option definitions
+ CfgOptionDefPtr cfg = cclass->getCfgOptionDef();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg->getAll(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE)->empty());
+// Test verifies option-def for a bad option fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, badOptionDef) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"option-def\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 222, \n"
+ " \"type\": \"uint32\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError);
+// Test verifies option-def works for private options (224-254).
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, privateOptionDef) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"option-def\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 232, \n"
+ " \"type\": \"uint32\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ // And the option definition.
+ CfgOptionDefPtr cfg = cclass->getCfgOptionDef();
+// Test verifies option-def works for option 43.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, option43Def) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"option[60].text == 'MICROSOFT'\", \n"
+ " \"option-def\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"vendor-encapsulated-options\", \n"
+ " \"code\": 43, \n"
+ " \"space\": \"dhcp4\", \n"
+ " \"type\": \"empty\", \n"
+ " \"encapsulate\": \"vsi\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ], \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"vendor-encapsulated-options\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"code\": 1, \n"
+ " \"space\": \"vsi\", \n"
+ " \"csv-format\": false, \n"
+ " \"data\": \"C0000200\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ // And the option definition.
+ CfgOptionDefPtr cfg_def = cclass->getCfgOptionDef();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_def);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg_def->get(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, 43));
+ // Verify the option data.
+ OptionDescriptor od = cclass->getCfgOption()->get(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, 43);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(od.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(43, od.option_->getType());
+ const OptionCollection& oc = od.option_->getOptions();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, oc.size());
+ OptionPtr opt = od.option_->getOption(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, opt->getType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, opt->getData().size());
+ const uint8_t expected[4] = { 0xc0, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00 };
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, std::memcmp(expected, &opt->getData()[0], 4));
+// Test verifies that it is possible to define next-server field and it
+// is actually set in the class properly.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, nextServer) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"next-server\": \"\",\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ // And it should have next-server set, but everything else not set.
+ EXPECT_EQ(IOAddress(""), cclass->getNextServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cclass->getSname().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cclass->getFilename().size());
+// Test verifies that the parser rejects bogus next-server value.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, nextServerBogus) {
+ std::string bogus_v6 =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"next-server\": \"2001:db8::1\",\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ std::string bogus_junk =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"next-server\": \"not-an-address\",\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ std::string bogus_broadcast =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"next-server\": \"\",\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDef(bogus_v6, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDef(bogus_junk, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDef(bogus_broadcast, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+// Test verifies that it is possible to define server-hostname field and it
+// is actually set in the class properly.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, serverName) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"server-hostname\": \"hal9000\",\n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ // And it should not have any fixed fields set
+ std::string exp_sname("hal9000");
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_sname, cclass->getSname());
+// Test verifies that the parser rejects bogus server-hostname value.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, serverNameInvalid) {
+ std::string cfg_too_long =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"server-hostname\": \"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "1234567890123456789012345\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDef(cfg_too_long, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+// Test verifies that it is possible to define boot-file-name field and it
+// is actually set in the class properly.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, filename) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"boot-file-name\": \"ipxe.efi\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ // We should find our class.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ // And it should not have any fixed fields set
+ std::string exp_filename("ipxe.efi");
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_filename, cclass->getFilename());
+// Test verifies that the parser rejects bogus boot-file-name value.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, filenameBogus) {
+ // boot-file-name is allowed up to 128 bytes, this one is 129.
+ std::string cfg_too_long =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"MICROSOFT\", \n"
+ " \"boot-file-name\": \"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
+ "123456789\", \n"
+ " \"option-data\": [ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"domain-name-servers\", \n"
+ " \"data\": \",\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ] \n"
+ "} \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDef(cfg_too_long, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that backward and built-in dependencies will parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dependentList) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('VENDOR_CLASS_foo')\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"two\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"three\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('two')\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ // Parsing the list should succeed.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary = parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary);
+ // We should have three classes in the dictionary.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, dictionary->getClasses()->size());
+ // Make sure we can find all three.
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("one"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("one", cclass->getName());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("two"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("two", cclass->getName());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("three"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("three", cclass->getName());
+// Verifies that not defined dependencies will not parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dependentNotDefined) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('foo')\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6), DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that error is not reported when a class references another
+// not defined class, but dependency checking is disabled.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dependencyCheckingDisabled) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('foo')\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ try {
+ parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6, false);
+ } catch ( const std::exception& ex) {
+ std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6, false));
+// Verifies that forward dependencies will not parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dependentForwardError) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('foo')\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6), DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that backward dependencies will parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dependentBackward) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"foo\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('foo')\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6));
+// Verifies that the depend on known flag is correctly handled.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dependOnKnown) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"alpha\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('ALL')\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"beta\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('alpha')\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"gamma\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('KNOWN') and member('alpha')\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"delta\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('beta') and member('gamma')\" \n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"zeta\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"not member('UNKNOWN') and member('alpha')\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ // Parsing the list should succeed.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(dictionary = parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary);
+ // We should have five classes in the dictionary.
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, dictionary->getClasses()->size());
+ // Check alpha.
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("alpha"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("alpha", cclass->getName());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ // Check beta.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("beta"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("beta", cclass->getName());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ // Check gamma which directly depends on KNOWN.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("gamma"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("gamma", cclass->getName());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ // Check delta which indirectly depends on KNOWN.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("delta"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("delta", cclass->getName());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ // Check that zeta which directly depends on UNKNOWN.
+ // (and yes I know that I skipped epsilon)
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("zeta"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("zeta", cclass->getName());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+// Verifies that a built-in class can't be required or evaluated.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, builtinCheckError) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"ALL\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6));
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"ALL\", \n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": true \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"ALL\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"'aa' == 'aa'\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6), DhcpConfigError);
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"KNOWN\", \n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": true \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"KNOWN\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"'aa' == 'aa'\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6), DhcpConfigError);
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"UNKNOWN\", \n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": true \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"UNKNOWN\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"'aa' == 'aa'\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6), DhcpConfigError);
+// Verifies that the special DROP class can't be required.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefListParserTest, dropCheckError) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"DROP\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"option[123].text == 'abc'\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6));
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"DROP\", \n"
+ " \"only-if-required\": true \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET), DhcpConfigError);
+ // This constraint was relaxed in #1815.
+ cfg_text =
+ "[ \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"name\": \"DROP\", \n"
+ " \"test\": \"member('KNOWN')\" \n"
+ " } \n"
+ "] \n";
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parseClientClassDefList(cfg_text, AF_INET6));
+// Verify the ability to configure valid lifetime triplet.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, validLifetimeTests) {
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string desc_;
+ std::string cfg_txt_;
+ Triplet<uint32_t> exp_triplet_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "unspecified",
+ "",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>()
+ },
+ {
+ "valid only",
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 100",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(100)
+ },
+ {
+ "min only",
+ "\"min-valid-lifetime\": 50",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(50, 50, 50)
+ },
+ {
+ "max only",
+ "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 75",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(75, 75, 75)
+ },
+ {
+ "all three",
+ "\"min-valid-lifetime\": 25, \"valid-lifetime\": 50, \"max-valid-lifetime\": 75",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(25, 50, 75)
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.desc_); {
+ std::stringstream oss;
+ oss << "{ \"name\": \"foo\"";
+ if (!scenario.cfg_txt_.empty()) {
+ oss << ",\n" << scenario.cfg_txt_;
+ }
+ oss << "\n}\n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(class_def = parseClientClassDef(oss.str(), AF_INET));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(class_def);
+ if (scenario.exp_triplet_.unspecified()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(class_def->getValid().unspecified());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getValid(), scenario.exp_triplet_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getValid().getMin(), scenario.exp_triplet_.getMin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getValid().get(), scenario.exp_triplet_.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getValid().getMax(), scenario.exp_triplet_.getMax());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Verify the ability to configure lease preferred lifetime triplet.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, preferredLifetimeTests) {
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string desc_;
+ std::string cfg_txt_;
+ Triplet<uint32_t> exp_triplet_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "unspecified",
+ "",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>()
+ },
+ {
+ "preferred only",
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 100",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(100)
+ },
+ {
+ "min only",
+ "\"min-preferred-lifetime\": 50",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(50, 50, 50)
+ },
+ {
+ "max only",
+ "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 75",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(75, 75, 75)
+ },
+ {
+ "all three",
+ "\"min-preferred-lifetime\": 25,"
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 50,"
+ "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 75",
+ Triplet<uint32_t>(25, 50, 75)
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.desc_); {
+ std::stringstream oss;
+ oss << "{ \"name\": \"foo\"";
+ if (!scenario.cfg_txt_.empty()) {
+ oss << ",\n" << scenario.cfg_txt_;
+ }
+ oss << "\n}\n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(class_def = parseClientClassDef(oss.str(), AF_INET6));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(class_def);
+ if (scenario.exp_triplet_.unspecified()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(class_def->getPreferred().unspecified());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getPreferred(), scenario.exp_triplet_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getPreferred().getMin(), scenario.exp_triplet_.getMin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getPreferred().get(), scenario.exp_triplet_.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(class_def->getPreferred().getMax(), scenario.exp_triplet_.getMax());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that an invalid user-context fails to parse.
+TEST_F(ClientClassDefParserTest, invalidUserContext) {
+ std::string cfg_text =
+ "{ \n"
+ " \"name\": \"one\", \n"
+ " \"user-context\": \"i am not a map\" \n"
+ "} \n";
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(cclass = parseClientClassDef(cfg_text, AF_INET),
+ DhcpConfigError, "User context has to be a map (<string>:3:20)");
+} // end of anonymous namespace