path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/')
1 files changed, 806 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c2e07
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+++ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/client_class_def.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h>
+#include <dhcp/libdhcp++.h>
+#include <dhcp/option_space.h>
+#include <testutils/test_to_element.h>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+/// @file Unit tests for client class storage
+/// classes.
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::test;
+using namespace isc;
+namespace {
+// Tests basic construction of ClientClassDef
+TEST(ClientClassDef, construction) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ std::string name = "class1";
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Classes cannot have blank names
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("", expr, cfg_option)),
+ BadValue);
+ // Verify we can create a class with a name, expression, and no cfg_option
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef(name, expr)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(name, cclass->getName());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(cclass->getMatchExpr());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getCfgOptionDef());
+ // Verify we get an empty collection of cfg_option
+ cfg_option = cclass->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_option);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cfg_option->empty());
+ // Verify we don't depend on something.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->dependOnClass("foobar"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->dependOnClass(""));
+// Test that client class is copied using the copy constructor.
+TEST(ClientClassDef, copyConstruction) {
+ auto expr = boost::make_shared<Expression>();
+ auto cfg_option = boost::make_shared<CfgOption>();
+ auto option = boost::make_shared<Option>(Option::V6, 1024);
+ cfg_option->add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE);
+ auto option_def = boost::make_shared<OptionDefinition>("foo", 1024, "dhcp6", "empty");
+ CfgOptionDefPtr cfg_option_def = boost::make_shared<CfgOptionDef>();
+ cfg_option_def->add(option_def);
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("class1", expr, cfg_option)));
+ cclass->setId(123);
+ cclass->setContext(data::Element::create("my-context"));
+ cclass->setCfgOptionDef(cfg_option_def);
+ cclass->setTest("member('KNOWN')");
+ cclass->setRequired(true);
+ cclass->setDependOnKnown(true);
+ cclass->setNextServer(IOAddress(""));
+ cclass->setSname("ufo");
+ cclass->setFilename("ufo.efi");
+ cclass->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(10, 20, 30));
+ cclass->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(11, 21, 31));
+ // Copy the client class.
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass_copy;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass_copy.reset(new ClientClassDef(*cclass)));
+ // Ensure that class data was copied.
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getName(), cclass_copy->getName());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getId(), cclass_copy->getId());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass_copy->getContext());
+ ASSERT_EQ(data::Element::string, cclass_copy->getContext()->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ("my-context", cclass_copy->getContext()->stringValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass->getMatchExpr());
+ EXPECT_NE(cclass_copy->getMatchExpr(), cclass->getMatchExpr());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getTest(), cclass_copy->getTest());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getRequired(), cclass_copy->getRequired());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getDependOnKnown(), cclass_copy->getDependOnKnown());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getNextServer().toText(), cclass_copy->getNextServer().toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getSname(), cclass_copy->getSname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getFilename(), cclass_copy->getFilename());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getValid().get(), cclass_copy->getValid().get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getValid().getMin(), cclass_copy->getValid().getMin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getValid().getMax(), cclass_copy->getValid().getMax());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getPreferred().get(), cclass_copy->getPreferred().get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getPreferred().getMin(), cclass_copy->getPreferred().getMin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cclass->getPreferred().getMax(), cclass_copy->getPreferred().getMax());
+ // Ensure that the option was copied into a new structure.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass_copy->getCfgOption());
+ EXPECT_NE(cclass_copy->getCfgOption(), cclass->getCfgOption());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass_copy->getCfgOption()->get("dhcp6", 1024).option_);
+ // Ensure that the option definition was copied into a new structure.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass_copy->getCfgOptionDef());
+ EXPECT_NE(cclass_copy->getCfgOptionDef(), cclass->getCfgOptionDef());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass_copy->getCfgOptionDef()->get("dhcp6", 1024));
+// Tests options operations. Note we just do the basics
+// as CfgOption is heavily tested elsewhere.
+TEST(ClientClassDef, cfgOptionBasics) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ std::string name = "class1";
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr test_options;
+ CfgOptionPtr class_options;
+ OptionPtr opt;
+ // First construct the class with empty option pointer
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef(name, expr, test_options)));
+ // We should get back a collection with no entries,
+ // not an empty collection pointer
+ class_options = cclass->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(class_options);
+ // Create an option container and add some options
+ OptionPtr option;
+ test_options.reset(new CfgOption());
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 17, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_options->add(option, false, DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE));
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V6, 101, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_options->add(option, false, "isc"));
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V6, 100, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_options->add(option, false, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE));
+ // Now remake the client class with cfg_option
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef(name, expr, test_options)));
+ class_options = cclass->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(class_options);
+ // Now make sure we can find all the options
+ OptionDescriptor opt_desc = class_options->get(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE,17);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opt_desc.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, opt_desc.option_->getType());
+ opt_desc = class_options->get("isc",101);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opt_desc.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(101, opt_desc.option_->getType());
+ opt_desc = class_options->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE,100);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opt_desc.option_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, opt_desc.option_->getType());
+// Verifies copy constructor and equality tools (methods/operators)
+TEST(ClientClassDef, copyAndEquality) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr test_options;
+ OptionPtr opt;
+ // Make an expression
+ expr.reset(new Expression());
+ TokenPtr token(new TokenString("boo"));
+ expr->push_back(token);
+ // Create an option container with an option
+ OptionPtr option;
+ test_options.reset(new CfgOption());
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 17, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_options->add(option, false, DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE));
+ // Now remake the client class with cfg_option
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("class_one", expr,
+ test_options)));
+ // Now lets make a copy of it.
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass2;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef(*cclass)));
+ // The allocated Expression pointers should not match
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getMatchExpr().get() !=
+ cclass2->getMatchExpr().get());
+ // The allocated CfgOption pointers should not match
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getCfgOption().get() !=
+ cclass2->getCfgOption().get());
+ // Verify the equality tools reflect that the classes are equal.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Verify the required flag is enough to make classes not equal.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getRequired());
+ cclass2->setRequired(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass2->getRequired());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ cclass2->setRequired(false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ // Verify the depend on known flag is enough to make classes not equal.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ cclass2->setDependOnKnown(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass2->getDependOnKnown());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Make a class that differs from the first class only by name and
+ // verify that the equality tools reflect that the classes are not equal.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef("class_two", expr,
+ test_options)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Make a class with the same name and options, but no expression
+ // verify that the equality tools reflect that the classes are not equal.
+ expr.reset();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef("class_one", expr,
+ test_options)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Make a class with the same name and options, but different expression,
+ // verify that the equality tools reflect that the classes are not equal.
+ expr.reset(new Expression());
+ token.reset(new TokenString("yah"));
+ expr->push_back(token);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef("class_one", expr,
+ test_options)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Make a class that with same name, expression and options, but
+ // different option definitions, verify that the equality tools reflect
+ // that the equality tools reflect that the classes are not equal.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef(*cclass)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ OptionDefinitionPtr def = LibDHCP::getOptionDef(DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE,
+ CfgOptionDefPtr cfg(new CfgOptionDef());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cfg->add(def));
+ cclass2->setCfgOptionDef(cfg);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Make a class with same name and expression, but no options
+ // verify that the equality tools reflect that the classes are not equal.
+ test_options.reset(new CfgOption());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef("class_one", expr,
+ test_options)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+ // Make a class that with same name and expression, but different options
+ // verify that the equality tools reflect that the classes are not equal.
+ option.reset(new Option(Option::V4, 20, OptionBuffer(10, 0xFF)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_options->add(option, false, DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass2.reset(new ClientClassDef("class_one", expr,
+ test_options)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->equals(*cclass2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*cclass == *cclass2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*cclass != *cclass2);
+// Tests dependency.
+TEST(ClientClassDef, dependency) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ // Make an expression
+ expr.reset(new Expression());
+ TokenPtr token(new TokenMember("foo"));
+ expr->push_back(token);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("class", expr)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->dependOnClass("foo"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->dependOnClass("bar"));
+// Tests the basic operation of ClientClassDictionary
+// This includes adding, finding, and removing classes
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, basics) {
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Verify constructor doesn't throw
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.reset(new ClientClassDictionary()));
+ // Verify we can fetch a pointer the list of classes and
+ // that we start with no classes defined
+ const ClientClassDefListPtr classes = dictionary->getClasses();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(classes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, classes->size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(classes->empty());
+ // Verify that we can add classes with both addClass variants
+ // First addClass(name, expression, cfg_option)
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc1", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc2", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Verify duplicate add attempt throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc2", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option),
+ DuplicateClientClassDef);
+ // Verify that you cannot add a class with no name.
+ ASSERT_THROW(dictionary->addClass("", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option),
+ BadValue);
+ // Now with addClass(class pointer)
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("cc3", expr, cfg_option)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass(cclass));
+ // Verify duplicate add attempt throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(dictionary->addClass(cclass), DuplicateClientClassDef);
+ // Verify that you cannot add empty class pointer
+ cclass.reset();
+ ASSERT_THROW(dictionary->addClass(cclass), BadValue);
+ // Map should show 3 entries.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, classes->size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(classes->empty());
+ // Removing client class by id of 0 should be no-op.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->removeClass(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, classes->size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(classes->empty());
+ // Verify we can find them all.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("cc1"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("cc1", cclass->getName());
+ cclass->setId(1);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("cc2"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("cc2", cclass->getName());
+ cclass->setId(2);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("cc3"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cclass);
+ EXPECT_EQ("cc3", cclass->getName());
+ cclass->setId(3);
+ // Verify the looking for non-existing returns empty pointer
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("bogus"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass);
+ // Verify that we can remove a class
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->removeClass("cc3"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, classes->size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(classes->empty());
+ // Shouldn't be able to find anymore
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("cc3"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass);
+ // Verify that we can attempt to remove a non-existing class
+ // without harm.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->removeClass("cc3"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, classes->size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(classes->empty());
+ // Verify that we can remove client class by id.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->removeClass(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, classes->size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(classes->empty());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass = dictionary->findClass("cc2"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass);
+// Verifies copy constructor and equality tools (methods/operators)
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, copyAndEquality) {
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary2;
+ ClientClassDefPtr cclass;
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr options;
+ dictionary.reset(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("one", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("two", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("three", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ // Copy constructor should succeed.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary2.reset(new ClientClassDictionary(*dictionary)));
+ // Allocated class list pointers should not be equal
+ EXPECT_NE(dictionary->getClasses().get(), dictionary2->getClasses().get());
+ // Equality tools should reflect that the dictionaries are equal.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary->equals(*dictionary2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*dictionary == *dictionary2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*dictionary != *dictionary2);
+ // Remove a class from dictionary2.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary2->removeClass("two"));
+ // Equality tools should reflect that the dictionaries are not equal.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(dictionary->equals(*dictionary2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*dictionary == *dictionary2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*dictionary != *dictionary2);
+ // Create an empty dictionary.
+ dictionary2.reset(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ // Equality tools should reflect that the dictionaries are not equal.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(dictionary->equals(*dictionary2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*dictionary == *dictionary2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*dictionary != *dictionary2);
+// Verify that client class dictionaries are deep-copied.
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, copy) {
+ ClientClassDictionary dictionary;
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr options;
+ // Get a client class dictionary and fill it.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.addClass("one", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.addClass("two", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.addClass("three", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ // Make a copy with a copy constructor. Expect it to be a deep copy.
+ ClientClassDictionary dictionary_copy(dictionary);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.removeClass("one"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.removeClass("two"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.removeClass("three"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary.empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(dictionary_copy.empty());
+ // Refill the client class dictionary.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.addClass("one", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.addClass("two", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.addClass("three", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ // Make a copy with operator=. Expect it to be a deep copy.
+ dictionary_copy = dictionary;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.removeClass("one"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.removeClass("two"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary.removeClass("three"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary.empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(dictionary_copy.empty());
+// Tests dependency.
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, dependency) {
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Make an expression depending on forward class.
+ ExpressionPtr expr1;
+ expr1.reset(new Expression());
+ TokenPtr token1(new TokenMember("cc2"));
+ expr1->push_back(token1);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc1", expr1, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Make an expression depending on first class.
+ ExpressionPtr expr2;
+ expr2.reset(new Expression());
+ TokenPtr token2(new TokenMember("cc1"));
+ expr2->push_back(token2);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc2", expr2, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Make expression with dependency.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc3", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ ExpressionPtr expr3;
+ expr3.reset(new Expression());
+ TokenPtr token3(new TokenMember("cc3"));
+ expr3->push_back(token3);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("cc4", expr3, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Not matching dependency does not match.
+ string depend;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(dictionary->dependOnClass("foobar", depend));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(depend.empty());
+ // Forward dependency is ignored.
+ depend = "";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(dictionary->dependOnClass("cc2", depend));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(depend.empty());
+ // Backward dependency is detected.
+ depend = "";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary->dependOnClass("cc3", depend));
+ EXPECT_EQ("cc4", depend);
+// Tests that match expressions are set for all client classes in the
+// dictionary.
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, initMatchExpr) {
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Add several classes.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("foo", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("bar", expr, "member('KNOWN') or member('foo')", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("baz", expr, "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Create match expressions for all of them.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->initMatchExpr(AF_INET));
+ // Ensure that the expressions were created only if 'test' is not empty.
+ auto classes = *(dictionary->getClasses());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(classes[0]->getMatchExpr());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(classes[1]->getMatchExpr());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, classes[1]->getMatchExpr()->size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(classes[2]->getMatchExpr());
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, classes[2]->getMatchExpr()->size());
+// Tests that an error is returned when any of the test expressions is
+// invalid, and that no expressions are initialized if there is an error
+// for a single expression.
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, initMatchExprError) {
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Add several classes. One of them has invalid test expression.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("foo", expr, "member('KNOWN')", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("bar", expr, "wrong expression", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("baz", expr, "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // An attempt to initialize match expressions should fail because the
+ // test expression for the second class is invalid.
+ ASSERT_THROW(dictionary->initMatchExpr(AF_INET), std::exception);
+ // Ensure that no classes have their match expressions modified.
+ for (auto c : (*dictionary->getClasses())) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(c->getMatchExpr());
+ }
+// Tests the default constructor regarding fixed fields
+TEST(ClientClassDef, fixedFieldsDefaults) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ std::string name = "class1";
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Classes cannot have blank names
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("", expr, cfg_option)),
+ BadValue);
+ // Verify we can create a class with a name, expression, and no cfg_option
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef(name, expr)));
+ // Let's checks that it doesn't return any nonsense
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getRequired());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getCfgOptionDef());
+ string empty;
+ ASSERT_EQ(IOAddress(""), cclass->getNextServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(empty, cclass->getSname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(empty, cclass->getFilename());
+// Tests basic operations of fixed fields
+TEST(ClientClassDef, fixedFieldsBasics) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ std::string name = "class1";
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // Classes cannot have blank names
+ ASSERT_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef("", expr, cfg_option)),
+ BadValue);
+ // Verify we can create a class with a name, expression, and no cfg_option
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef(name, expr)));
+ cclass->setRequired(true);
+ cclass->setDependOnKnown(true);
+ string sname = "This is a very long string that can be a server name";
+ string filename = "this-is-a-slightly-longish-name-of-a-file.txt";
+ cclass->setNextServer(IOAddress(""));
+ cclass->setSname(sname);
+ cclass->setFilename(filename);
+ // Let's checks that it doesn't return any nonsense
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getRequired());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cclass->getDependOnKnown());
+ EXPECT_EQ(IOAddress(""), cclass->getNextServer());
+ EXPECT_EQ(sname, cclass->getSname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(filename, cclass->getFilename());
+// Verifies the unparse method of option class definitions
+TEST(ClientClassDef, unparseDef) {
+ CfgMgr::instance().setFamily(AF_INET);
+ boost::scoped_ptr<ClientClassDef> cclass;
+ // Get a client class definition and fill it
+ std::string name = "class1";
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cclass.reset(new ClientClassDef(name, expr)));
+ std::string test = "option[12].text == 'foo'";
+ cclass->setTest(test);
+ std::string comment = "bar";
+ std::string user_context = "{ \"comment\": \"" + comment + "\", ";
+ user_context += "\"bar\": 1 }";
+ cclass->setContext(isc::data::Element::fromJSON(user_context));
+ cclass->setRequired(true);
+ // The depend on known flag in not visible
+ cclass->setDependOnKnown(true);
+ std::string next_server = "";
+ cclass->setNextServer(IOAddress(next_server));
+ std::string sname = "";
+ cclass->setSname(sname);
+ std::string filename = "/boot/kernel";
+ cclass->setFilename(filename);
+ // Unparse it
+ std::string expected = "{\n"
+ "\"name\": \"" + name + "\",\n"
+ "\"test\": \"" + test + "\",\n"
+ "\"only-if-required\": true,\n"
+ "\"next-server\": \"" + next_server + "\",\n"
+ "\"server-hostname\": \"" + sname + "\",\n"
+ "\"boot-file-name\": \"" + filename + "\",\n"
+ "\"option-data\": [ ],\n"
+ "\"user-context\": { \"bar\": 1,\n"
+ "\"comment\": \"" + comment + "\" } }\n";
+ runToElementTest<ClientClassDef>(expected, *cclass);
+// Verifies the unparse method of client class dictionaries
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, unparseDict) {
+ CfgMgr::instance().setFamily(AF_INET);
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary;
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr options;
+ // Get a client class dictionary and fill it
+ dictionary.reset(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("one", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("two", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("three", expr, "", false,
+ false, options));
+ // Unparse it
+ auto add_defaults =
+ [](std::string name) {
+ return ("{\n"
+ "\"name\": \"" + name + "\",\n"
+ "\"next-server\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"server-hostname\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"boot-file-name\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"option-data\": [ ] }");
+ };
+ std::string expected = "[\n" +
+ add_defaults("one") + ",\n" +
+ add_defaults("two") + ",\n" +
+ add_defaults("three") + "]\n";
+ runToElementTest<ClientClassDictionary>(expected, *dictionary);
+// Tests that options have been created for all client classes in the
+// dictionary.
+TEST(ClientClassDictionary, createOptions) {
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary(new ClientClassDictionary());
+ ExpressionPtr expr;
+ CfgOptionPtr cfg_option;
+ // First class has no options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("foo", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Make some options for the second class.
+ cfg_option.reset(new CfgOption());
+ OptionPtr option = Option::create(Option::V4, DHO_BOOT_FILE_NAME);
+ OptionDescriptorPtr desc = OptionDescriptor::create(option, true, "bogus-file.txt");
+ desc->space_name_ = DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE;
+ cfg_option->add(*desc, desc->space_name_);
+ option = Option::create(Option::V4, DHO_TFTP_SERVER_NAME);
+ desc = OptionDescriptor::create(option, true, "bogus-tftp-server");
+ desc->space_name_ = DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE;
+ cfg_option->add(*desc, desc->space_name_);
+ // Add the second class with options.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->addClass("bar", expr, "", false,
+ false, cfg_option));
+ // Make sure first class has no options.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary->getClasses());
+ auto classes = *(dictionary->getClasses());
+ auto options = classes[0]->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options->empty());
+ // Make sure second class has both options but their
+ // data buffers are empty.
+ options = classes[1]->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(options->empty());
+ auto option_desc = options->get("dhcp4", DHO_BOOT_FILE_NAME);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc.option_->getData().empty());
+ option_desc = options->get("dhcp4", DHO_TFTP_SERVER_NAME);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc.option_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc.option_->getData().empty());
+ // Now create match expressions for all of them.
+ auto cfg_def = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgOptionDef();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(dictionary->createOptions(cfg_def));
+ // Make sure first class still has no options.
+ classes = *(dictionary->getClasses());
+ options = classes[0]->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(options->empty());
+ // Make sure second class has both options and that their
+ // data buffers are now correctly populated.
+ options = classes[1]->getCfgOption();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(options->empty());
+ option_desc = options->get("dhcp4", DHO_BOOT_FILE_NAME);
+ option = option_desc.option_;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OptionBuffer(option_desc.formatted_value_.begin(), option_desc.formatted_value_.end()),
+ option->getData());
+ option_desc = options->get("dhcp4", DHO_TFTP_SERVER_NAME);
+ option = option_desc.option_;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OptionBuffer(option_desc.formatted_value_.begin(), option_desc.formatted_value_.end()),
+ option->getData());
+} // end of anonymous namespace