path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/')
1 files changed, 1240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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index 0000000..c15afc5
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+// Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <dhcp/option4_client_fqdn.h>
+#include <dhcp/option6_client_fqdn.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/d2_client_mgr.h>
+#include <testutils/test_to_element.h>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <util/strutil.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace isc::test;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Tests conversion of NameChangeFormat between enum and strings.
+TEST(ReplaceClientNameModeTest, formatEnumConversion){
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::stringToReplaceClientNameMode("never"),
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::stringToReplaceClientNameMode("always"),
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS);
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::stringToReplaceClientNameMode("when-present"),
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT);
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::stringToReplaceClientNameMode("when-not-present"),
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT);
+ ASSERT_THROW(D2ClientConfig::stringToReplaceClientNameMode("BOGUS"),
+ isc::BadValue);
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::
+ replaceClientNameModeToString(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER),
+ "never");
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::
+ replaceClientNameModeToString(D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS),
+ "always");
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::
+ replaceClientNameModeToString(D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT),
+ "when-present");
+ ASSERT_EQ(D2ClientConfig::
+ replaceClientNameModeToString(D2ClientConfig::
+ "when-not-present");
+/// @brief Checks constructors and accessors of D2ClientConfig.
+TEST(D2ClientConfigTest, constructorsAndAccessors) {
+ D2ClientConfigPtr d2_client_config;
+ // Verify default constructor creates a disabled instance.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates());
+ // Verify the enable-updates can be toggled.
+ d2_client_config->enableUpdates(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates());
+ d2_client_config->enableUpdates(false);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates());
+ d2_client_config.reset();
+ bool enable_updates = true;
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress server_ip("");
+ size_t server_port = 477;
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress sender_ip("");
+ size_t sender_port = 478;
+ size_t max_queue_size = 2048;
+ dhcp_ddns::NameChangeProtocol ncr_protocol = dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP;
+ dhcp_ddns::NameChangeFormat ncr_format = dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON;
+ std::string generated_prefix = "the_prefix";
+ std::string qualifying_suffix = "the.suffix.";
+ std::string hostname_char_set = "[^A-Z]";
+ std::string hostname_char_replacement = "*";
+ // Verify that we can construct a valid, enabled instance.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_config.reset(new
+ D2ClientConfig(enable_updates,
+ server_ip,
+ server_port,
+ sender_ip,
+ sender_port,
+ max_queue_size,
+ ncr_protocol,
+ ncr_format)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_client_config);
+ // Add user context
+ std::string user_context = "{ \"comment\": \"bar\", \"foo\": 1 }";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getContext());
+ d2_client_config->setContext(Element::fromJSON(user_context));
+ // Verify that the accessors return the expected values.
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates(), enable_updates);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getServerIp(), server_ip);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getServerPort(), server_port);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getSenderIp(), sender_ip);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getSenderPort(), sender_port);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getMaxQueueSize(), max_queue_size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getNcrProtocol(), ncr_protocol);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getNcrFormat(), ncr_format);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_client_config->getContext());
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2_client_config->getContext()->str(), user_context);
+ // Verify that toText called by << operator doesn't bomb.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(std::cout << "toText test:" << std::endl <<
+ *d2_client_config << std::endl);
+ // Verify what toElement returns.
+ std::string expected = "{\n"
+ "\"enable-updates\": true,\n"
+ "\"server-ip\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"server-port\": 477,\n"
+ "\"sender-ip\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"sender-port\": 478,\n"
+ "\"max-queue-size\": 2048,\n"
+ "\"ncr-protocol\": \"UDP\",\n"
+ "\"ncr-format\": \"JSON\",\n"
+ "\"user-context\": { \"foo\": 1, \"comment\": \"bar\" }\n"
+ "}\n";
+ runToElementTest<D2ClientConfig>(expected, *d2_client_config);
+ // Verify that constructor does not allow use of NCR_TCP.
+ /// @todo obviously this becomes invalid once TCP is supported.
+ ASSERT_THROW(d2_client_config.reset(new
+ D2ClientConfig(enable_updates,
+ server_ip,
+ server_port,
+ sender_ip,
+ sender_port,
+ max_queue_size,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_TCP,
+ ncr_format)),
+ D2ClientError);
+ Optional<std::string> opt_hostname_char_set("", true);
+ Optional<std::string> opt_hostname_char_replacement("", true);
+ // Verify that constructor handles optional hostname char stuff.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_config.reset(new
+ D2ClientConfig(enable_updates,
+ server_ip,
+ server_port,
+ sender_ip,
+ sender_port,
+ max_queue_size,
+ ncr_protocol,
+ ncr_format)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(d2_client_config);
+ // Verify what toElement returns.
+ expected = "{\n"
+ "\"enable-updates\": true,\n"
+ "\"server-ip\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"server-port\": 477,\n"
+ "\"sender-ip\": \"\",\n"
+ "\"sender-port\": 478,\n"
+ "\"max-queue-size\": 2048,\n"
+ "\"ncr-protocol\": \"UDP\",\n"
+ "\"ncr-format\": \"JSON\"\n"
+ "}\n";
+ runToElementTest<D2ClientConfig>(expected, *d2_client_config);
+ /// @todo if additional validation is added to ctor, this test needs to
+ /// expand accordingly.
+/// @brief Tests the equality and inequality operators of D2ClientConfig.
+TEST(D2ClientConfigTest, equalityOperator) {
+ D2ClientConfigPtr ref_config;
+ D2ClientConfigPtr test_config;
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress ref_address("");
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress test_address("");
+ // Create an instance to use as a reference.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(ref_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ ref_address, 477, ref_address, 478, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ref_config);
+ // Check a configuration that is identical to reference configuration.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ ref_address, 477, ref_address, 478, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+ // Check a configuration that differs only by enable flag.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(false,
+ ref_address, 477, ref_address, 478, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+ // Check a configuration that differs only by server ip.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ test_address, 477, ref_address, 478, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+ // Check a configuration that differs only by server port.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ ref_address, 333, ref_address, 478, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+ // Check a configuration that differs only by sender ip.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ ref_address, 477, test_address, 478, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+ // Check a configuration that differs only by sender port.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ ref_address, 477, ref_address, 333, 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+ // Check a configuration that differs only by max queue size.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(test_config.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ ref_address, 477, ref_address, 478, 2048,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(*ref_config == *test_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*ref_config != *test_config);
+/// @brief Checks the D2ClientMgr constructor.
+TEST(D2ClientMgr, constructor) {
+ D2ClientMgrPtr d2_client_mgr;
+ // Verify we can construct with the default constructor.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_mgr.reset(new D2ClientMgr()));
+ // After construction, D2 configuration should be disabled.
+ // Fetch it and verify this is the case.
+ D2ClientConfigPtr original_config = d2_client_mgr->getD2ClientConfig();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(original_config);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(original_config->getEnableUpdates());
+ // Make sure convenience method agrees.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_mgr->ddnsEnabled());
+/// @brief Checks passing the D2ClientMgr a valid D2 client configuration.
+/// @todo Once NameChangeSender is integrated, this test needs to expand, and
+/// additional scenario tests will need to be written.
+TEST(D2ClientMgr, validConfig) {
+ D2ClientMgrPtr d2_client_mgr;
+ // Construct the manager and fetch its initial configuration.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_mgr.reset(new D2ClientMgr()));
+ D2ClientConfigPtr original_config = d2_client_mgr->getD2ClientConfig();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(original_config);
+ // Verify that we cannot set the config to an empty pointer.
+ D2ClientConfigPtr new_cfg;
+ ASSERT_THROW(d2_client_mgr->setD2ClientConfig(new_cfg), D2ClientError);
+ // Create a new, enabled config.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(new_cfg.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress(""), 477,
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress(""), 478,
+ 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ // Verify that we can assign a new, non-empty configuration.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_mgr->setD2ClientConfig(new_cfg));
+ // Verify that we can fetch the newly assigned configuration.
+ D2ClientConfigPtr updated_config = d2_client_mgr->getD2ClientConfig();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(updated_config->getEnableUpdates());
+ // Make sure convenience method agrees with the updated configuration.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(d2_client_mgr->ddnsEnabled());
+ // Make sure the configuration we fetched is the one we assigned,
+ // and not the original configuration.
+ EXPECT_EQ(*new_cfg, *updated_config);
+ EXPECT_NE(*original_config, *updated_config);
+/// @brief Checks passing the D2ClientMgr a valid D2 client configuration
+/// using IPv6 service.
+TEST(D2ClientMgr, ipv6Config) {
+ D2ClientMgrPtr d2_client_mgr;
+ // Construct the manager and fetch its initial configuration.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_mgr.reset(new D2ClientMgr()));
+ D2ClientConfigPtr original_config = d2_client_mgr->getD2ClientConfig();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(original_config);
+ // Create a new, enabled config.
+ D2ClientConfigPtr new_cfg;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(new_cfg.reset(new D2ClientConfig(true,
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress("::1"), 477,
+ isc::asiolink::IOAddress("::1"), 478,
+ 1024,
+ dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON)));
+ // Verify that we can assign a new, non-empty configuration.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(d2_client_mgr->setD2ClientConfig(new_cfg));
+ // Verify that we can fetch the newly assigned configuration.
+ D2ClientConfigPtr updated_config = d2_client_mgr->getD2ClientConfig();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated_config);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(updated_config->getEnableUpdates());
+ // Make sure convenience method agrees with the updated configuration.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(d2_client_mgr->ddnsEnabled());
+ // Make sure the configuration we fetched is the one we assigned,
+ // and not the original configuration.
+ EXPECT_EQ(*new_cfg, *updated_config);
+ EXPECT_NE(*original_config, *updated_config);
+/// @brief Test class for execerising manager functions that are
+/// influenced by DDNS parameters.
+class D2ClientMgrParamsTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Constructor
+ D2ClientMgrParamsTest() = default;
+ /// @brief Destructor
+ virtual ~D2ClientMgrParamsTest() = default;
+ /// @brief Prepares the class for a test.
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ // Create a subnet and then a DdnsParams instance.
+ // We'll use the subnet's setters to alter DDNS parameter values.
+ subnet_.reset(new Subnet4(IOAddress(""), 16, 1, 2, 3, 10));
+ ddns_params_.reset(new DdnsParams(subnet_, true));
+ }
+ /// @brief Cleans up after the test.
+ virtual void TearDown() {};
+ /// @brief Acts as the "selected" subnet. It is passed into the
+ /// constructor of ddns_params_. This allows DDNS parameters to
+ /// be modified via setters on subnet_.
+ Subnet4Ptr subnet_;
+ /// @brief Parameter instance based into D2ClientMgr functions
+ DdnsParamsPtr ddns_params_;
+/// @brief Tests that analyzeFqdn detects invalid combination of both the
+/// client S and N flags set to true.
+TEST(D2ClientMgr, analyzeFqdnInvalidCombination) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool server_s = false;
+ bool server_n = false;
+ DdnsParams ddns_params;
+ // client S=1 N=1 is invalid. analyzeFqdn should throw.
+ ASSERT_THROW(mgr.analyzeFqdn(true, true, server_s, server_n, ddns_params),
+ isc::BadValue);
+/// @brief Tests that analyzeFqdn generates correct server S and N flags when
+/// updates are enabled and all overrides are off.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, analyzeFqdnEnabledNoOverrides) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool server_s = false;
+ bool server_n = false;
+ // Create enabled configuration with all controls off (no overrides).
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // client S=0 N=0 means client wants to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 0 (server is not doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing reverse updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(false, false, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+ // client S=1 N=0 means client wants server to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(true, false, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+ // client S=0 N=1 means client wants no one to do forward updates.
+ // server S should be 0 (server is not forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 1 (server is not doing any updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(false, true, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_n);
+/// @brief Tests that analyzeFqdn generates correct server S and N flags when
+/// updates are enabled and override-no-update is on.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, analyzeFqdnEnabledOverrideNoUpdate) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool server_s = false;
+ bool server_n = false;
+ // Create enabled configuration with override-no-update true.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // client S=0 N=0 means client wants to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 0 (server is not doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server is doing reverse updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(false, false, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+ // client S=1 N=0 means client wants server to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(true, false, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+ // client S=0 N=1 means client wants no one to do forward updates.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server is doing updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(false, true, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+/// @brief Tests that analyzeFqdn generates correct server S and N flags when
+/// updates are enabled and override-client-update is on.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, analyzeFqdnEnabledOverrideClientUpdate) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool server_s = false;
+ bool server_n = false;
+ // Create enabled configuration with override-client-update true.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // client S=0 N=0 means client wants to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(false, false, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+ // client S=1 N=0 means client wants server to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(true, false, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_n);
+ // client S=0 N=1 means client wants no one to do forward updates.
+ // server S should be 0 (server is not forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 1 (server is not doing any updates)
+ mgr.analyzeFqdn(false, true, server_s, server_n, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(server_s);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_n);
+/// @brief Verifies the adustFqdnFlags template with Option4ClientFqdn objects.
+/// Ensures that the method can set the N, S, and O flags properly.
+/// Other permutations are covered by analyzeFqdnFlag tests.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, adjustFqdnFlagsV4) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ Option4ClientFqdnPtr request;
+ Option4ClientFqdnPtr response;
+ // Create enabled configuration with override-no-update true.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // client S=0 N=0 means client wants to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 0 (server is not doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server is doing reverse updates)
+ // and server O should be 0
+ request.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(0, Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ response.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(*request));
+ response->resetFlags();
+ mgr.adjustFqdnFlags<Option4ClientFqdn>(*request, *response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_O));
+ // client S=1 N=0 means client wants server to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ // and server O should be 0
+ request.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ response.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(*request));
+ response->resetFlags();
+ mgr.adjustFqdnFlags<Option4ClientFqdn>(*request, *response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_O));
+ // client S=0 N=1 means client wants no one to do updates
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ // and O should be 1 (overriding client S)
+ request.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N,
+ Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ response.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(*request));
+ response->resetFlags();
+ mgr.adjustFqdnFlags<Option4ClientFqdn>(*request, *response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response->getFlag(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_O));
+/// @brief Verified the getUpdateDirections template method with
+/// Option4ClientFqdn objects.
+TEST(D2ClientMgr, updateDirectionsV4) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ Option4ClientFqdnPtr response;
+ bool do_forward = false;
+ bool do_reverse = false;
+ // Response S=0, N=0 should mean do reverse only.
+ response.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(0,
+ Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ mgr.getUpdateDirections(*response, do_forward, do_reverse);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(do_forward);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(do_reverse);
+ // Response S=0, N=1 should mean don't do either.
+ response.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N,
+ Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ mgr.getUpdateDirections(*response, do_forward, do_reverse);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(do_forward);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(do_reverse);
+ // Response S=1, N=0 should mean do both.
+ response.reset(new Option4ClientFqdn(Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ mgr.getUpdateDirections(*response, do_forward, do_reverse);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(do_forward);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(do_reverse);
+ // Response S=1, N=1 isn't possible.
+/// @brief Tests the qualifyName method's ability to construct FQDNs
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, qualifyName) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool do_not_dot = false;
+ bool do_dot = true;
+ // Create enabled configuration
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix gets appended with a trailing dot added.
+ std::string partial_name = "somehost";
+ std::string qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix gets appended without a trailing dot.
+ partial_name = "somehost";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_not_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that an empty suffix and false flag, does not change the name
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ partial_name = "somehost";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_not_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("somehost", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that a qualifying suffix that already has a trailing
+ // dot gets appended without doubling the dot.
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix gets appended without an
+ // extraneous dot when partial_name ends with a "."
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName("somehost.", *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that a name with a trailing dot does not get an extraneous
+ // dot when the suffix is blank
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName("somehost.", *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("somehost.", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that a name with no trailing dot gets just a dot when the
+ // suffix is blank
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName("somehost", *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("somehost.", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that a name with no trailing dot does not get dotted when the
+ // suffix is blank and trailing dot is false
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName("somehost", *ddns_params_, do_not_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("somehost", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that a name with trailing dot gets "undotted" when the
+ // suffix is blank and trailing dot is false
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName("somehost.", *ddns_params_, do_not_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("somehost", qualified_name);
+/// @brief Tests the qualifyName method's ability to avoid duplicating
+/// qualifying suffix.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, qualifyNameWithoutDuplicatingSuffix) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool do_dot = true;
+ // Create enabled configuration
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix does not get appended when the
+ // input name has the suffix but no trailing dot.
+ std::string partial_name = "";
+ std::string qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix does not get appended when the
+ // input name has the suffix and a trailing dot.
+ partial_name = "";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix does get appended when the
+ // input name has the suffix embedded in it but does not begin
+ // at a label boundary.
+ partial_name = "";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix does get appended when the
+ // input name has the suffix embedded in it.
+ partial_name = "";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ // Verify that the qualifying suffix does not get appended when the
+ // input name is the suffix itself.
+ partial_name = "";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ partial_name = "";
+ qualified_name = mgr.qualifyName(partial_name, *ddns_params_, do_dot);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", qualified_name);
+/// @brief Tests the generateFdqn method's ability to construct FQDNs
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, generateFqdn) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ bool do_dot = true;
+ // Create enabled configuration
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // Verify that it works with an IPv4 address.
+ asiolink::IOAddress v4address("");
+ mgr.generateFqdn(v4address, *ddns_params_, do_dot));
+ // Verify that it works with an IPv6 address.
+ asiolink::IOAddress v6address("2001:db8::2");
+ mgr.generateFqdn(v6address, *ddns_params_, do_dot));
+ // Create a disabled config.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(false);
+ // Verify names generate properly with a disabled configuration.
+ mgr.generateFqdn(v4address, *ddns_params_, do_dot));
+ mgr.generateFqdn(v6address, *ddns_params_, do_dot));
+/// @brief Tests adjustDomainName template method with Option4ClientFqdn
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, adjustDomainNameV4) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ // Create enabled configuration
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_;
+ D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode mode_;
+ std::string client_name_;
+ Option4ClientFqdn::DomainNameType client_name_type_;
+ std::string expected_name_;
+ Option4ClientFqdn::DomainNameType expected_name_type_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "RCM_NEVER #1, empty client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_NEVER #2, partial client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER,
+ "myhost", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_NEVER #3, full client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_ALWAYS #1, empty client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_ALWAYS #2, partial client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS,
+ "myhost", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_ALWAYS #3, full client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_PRESENT #1, empty client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_PRESENT #2, partial client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT,
+ "myhost", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_PRESENT #3, full client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT #1, empty client name",
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT #2, partial client name",
+ "myhost", Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT #3, full client name",
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ {
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(scenario.mode_);
+ Option4ClientFqdn request (0, Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ scenario.client_name_,
+ scenario.client_name_type_);
+ Option4ClientFqdn response(request);
+ mgr.adjustDomainName<Option4ClientFqdn>(request, response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.expected_name_, response.getDomainName());
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.expected_name_type_, response.getDomainNameType());
+ }
+ }
+/// @brief Tests adjustDomainName template method with Option6ClientFqdn
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, adjustDomainNameV6) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ // Create enabled configuration
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_;
+ D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode mode_;
+ std::string client_name_;
+ Option6ClientFqdn::DomainNameType client_name_type_;
+ std::string expected_name_;
+ Option6ClientFqdn::DomainNameType expected_name_type_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "RCM_NEVER #1, empty client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_NEVER #2, partial client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER,
+ "myhost", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_NEVER #3, full client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_ALWAYS #1, empty client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_ALWAYS #2, partial client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS,
+ "myhost", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_ALWAYS #3, full client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_ALWAYS,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_PRESENT #1, empty client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_PRESENT #2, partial client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT,
+ "myhost", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_PRESENT #3, full client name",
+ D2ClientConfig::RCM_WHEN_PRESENT,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT #1, empty client name",
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT #2, partial client name",
+ "myhost", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL
+ },
+ {
+ "RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT #3, full client name",
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ {
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(scenario.mode_);
+ Option6ClientFqdn request(0, scenario.client_name_,
+ scenario.client_name_type_);
+ Option6ClientFqdn response(request);
+ mgr.adjustDomainName<Option6ClientFqdn>(request, response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.expected_name_, response.getDomainName());
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.expected_name_type_, response.getDomainNameType());
+ }
+ }
+/// @brief Verifies the adustFqdnFlags template with Option6ClientFqdn objects.
+/// Ensures that the method can set the N, S, and O flags properly.
+/// Other permutations are covered by analyzeFqdnFlags tests.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, adjustFqdnFlagsV6) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ Option6ClientFqdnPtr request;
+ Option6ClientFqdnPtr response;
+ // Create enabled configuration with override-no-update true.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("");
+ // client S=0 N=0 means client wants to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 0 (server is not doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing reverse updates)
+ // and server O should be 0
+ request.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(0, "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ response.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(*request));
+ response->resetFlags();
+ mgr.adjustFqdnFlags<Option6ClientFqdn>(*request, *response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_N));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_O));
+ // client S=1 N=0 means client wants server to do forward update.
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ // and server O should be 0
+ request.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ response.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(*request));
+ response->resetFlags();
+ mgr.adjustFqdnFlags<Option6ClientFqdn>(*request, *response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_N));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_O));
+ // client S=0 N=1 means client wants no one to do updates
+ // server S should be 1 (server is doing forward updates)
+ // and server N should be 0 (server doing updates)
+ // and O should be 1 (overriding client S)
+ request.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_N,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ response.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(*request));
+ response->resetFlags();
+ mgr.adjustFqdnFlags<Option6ClientFqdn>(*request, *response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_N));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response->getFlag(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_O));
+/// @brief Verified the getUpdateDirections template method with
+/// Option6ClientFqdn objects.
+TEST(D2ClientMgr, updateDirectionsV6) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ Option6ClientFqdnPtr response;
+ bool do_forward = false;
+ bool do_reverse = false;
+ // Response S=0, N=0 should mean do reverse only.
+ response.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(0,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ mgr.getUpdateDirections(*response, do_forward, do_reverse);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(do_forward);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(do_reverse);
+ // Response S=0, N=1 should mean don't do either.
+ response.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_N,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ mgr.getUpdateDirections(*response, do_forward, do_reverse);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(do_forward);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(do_reverse);
+ // Response S=1, N=0 should mean do both.
+ response.reset(new Option6ClientFqdn(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ "", Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL));
+ mgr.getUpdateDirections(*response, do_forward, do_reverse);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(do_forward);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(do_reverse);
+ // Response S=1, N=1 isn't possible.
+/// @brief Tests v4 FQDN name sanitizing
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, sanitizeFqdnV4) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ // Create enabled configuration with override-no-update true.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("[^A-Za-z0-9-]");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("x");
+ // Get the sanitizer.
+ str::StringSanitizerPtr hostname_sanitizer;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(hostname_sanitizer = ddns_params_->getHostnameSanitizer());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hostname_sanitizer);
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_;
+ std::string client_name_;
+ Option4ClientFqdn::DomainNameType name_type_;
+ std::string expected_name_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "full FQDN, name unchanged",
+ "",
+ Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "partial FQDN, name unchanged, but qualified",
+ "One.123",
+ Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "full FQDN, scrubbed",
+ "O#n^e.123.ex&a*",
+ Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "partial FQDN, scrubbed and qualified",
+ "One.1+2|3",
+ Option4ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "full FQDN with characters that get escaped",
+ "O n e.123.exa(m)",
+ Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "full FQDN with escape sequences",
+ "O\032n\",
+ Option4ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ {
+ Option4ClientFqdn request(0, Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT(),
+ scenario.client_name_, scenario.name_type_);
+ Option4ClientFqdn response(request);
+ mgr.adjustDomainName<Option4ClientFqdn>(request, response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.expected_name_, response.getDomainName());
+ EXPECT_EQ(Option4ClientFqdn::FULL, response.getDomainNameType());
+ }
+ }
+/// @brief Tests v6 FQDN name sanitizing
+/// @todo This test currently verifies that Option6ClientFqdn::DomainName
+/// downcases strings used to construct it. For some reason, currently
+/// unknown, Option4ClientFqdn preserves the case, while Option6ClientFqdn
+/// downcases it (see setDomainName() in both classes. See Trac #5700.
+TEST_F(D2ClientMgrParamsTest, sanitizeFqdnV6) {
+ D2ClientMgr mgr;
+ // Create enabled configuration with override-no-update true.
+ subnet_->setDdnsSendUpdates(true);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(false);
+ subnet_->setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(D2ClientConfig::RCM_NEVER);
+ subnet_->setDdnsGeneratedPrefix("prefix");
+ subnet_->setDdnsQualifyingSuffix("");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharSet("[^A-Za-z0-9-]");
+ subnet_->setHostnameCharReplacement("x");
+ // Get the sanitizer.
+ str::StringSanitizerPtr hostname_sanitizer;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(hostname_sanitizer = ddns_params_->getHostnameSanitizer());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hostname_sanitizer);
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_;
+ std::string client_name_;
+ Option6ClientFqdn::DomainNameType name_type_;
+ std::string expected_name_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "full FQDN, name unchanged",
+ "",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "partial FQDN, name unchanged, but qualified",
+ "One.123",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "full FQDN, scrubbed",
+ "O#n^e.123.ex&a*",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "partial FQDN, scrubbed and qualified",
+ "One.1+2|3",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::PARTIAL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "full FQDN with characters that get escaped",
+ "O n e.123.exa(m)",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ },
+ {
+ "full FQDN with escape sequences",
+ "O\032n\",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL,
+ ""
+ }
+ };
+ Option6ClientFqdnPtr response;
+ for (auto scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ {
+ Option6ClientFqdn request(0, scenario.client_name_, scenario.name_type_);
+ Option6ClientFqdn response(request);
+ mgr.adjustDomainName<Option6ClientFqdn>(request, response, *ddns_params_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.expected_name_, response.getDomainName());
+ EXPECT_EQ(Option6ClientFqdn::FULL, response.getDomainNameType());
+ }
+ }
+} // end of anonymous namespace