path: root/src/lib/dns/tsigrecord.h
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diff --git a/src/lib/dns/tsigrecord.h b/src/lib/dns/tsigrecord.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#define TSIGRECORD_H 1
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <util/buffer.h>
+#include <dns/name.h>
+#include <dns/rdataclass.h>
+namespace isc {
+namespace util {
+class OutputBuffer;
+namespace dns {
+class AbstractMessageRenderer;
+/// TSIG resource record.
+/// A \c TSIGRecord class object represents a TSIG resource record and is
+/// responsible for conversion to and from wire format TSIG record based on
+/// the protocol specification (RFC2845).
+/// This class is provided so that other classes and applications can handle
+/// TSIG without knowing protocol details of TSIG, such as that it uses a
+/// fixed constant of TTL.
+/// \todo So the plan is to eventually provide the "from wire" constructor.
+/// It's not yet provided in the current phase of development.
+/// \note
+/// This class could be a derived class of \c AbstractRRset. That way
+/// it would be able to be used in a polymorphic way; for example,
+/// an application can construct a TSIG RR by itself and insert it to a
+/// \c Message object as a generic RRset. On the other hand, it would mean
+/// this class would have to implement an \c RdataIterator (even though it
+/// can be done via straightforward forwarding) while the iterator is mostly
+/// redundant since there should be one and only one RDATA for a valid TSIG
+/// RR. Likewise, some methods such as \c setTTL() method wouldn't be well
+/// defined due to such special rules for TSIG as using a fixed TTL.
+/// Overall, TSIG is a very special RR type that simply uses the compatible
+/// resource record format, and it will be unlikely that a user wants to
+/// handle it through a generic interface in a polymorphic way.
+/// We therefore chose to define it as a separate class. This is also
+/// similar to why \c EDNS is a separate class.
+class TSIGRecord {
+ ///
+ /// \name Constructors
+ ///
+ /// We use the default copy constructor, default copy assignment operator,
+ /// (and default destructor) intentionally.
+ //@{
+ /// Constructor from TSIG key name and RDATA
+ ///
+ /// \exception std::bad_alloc Resource allocation for copying the name or
+ /// RDATA fails
+ TSIGRecord(const Name& key_name, const rdata::any::TSIG& tsig_rdata);
+ /// Constructor from resource record (RR) parameters.
+ ///
+ /// This constructor is intended to be used in the context of parsing
+ /// an incoming DNS message that contains a TSIG. The parser would
+ /// first extract the owner name, RR type (which is TSIG) class, TTL and
+ /// the TSIG RDATA from the message. This constructor is expected to
+ /// be given these RR parameters (except the RR type, because it must be
+ /// TSIG).
+ ///
+ /// According to RFC2845, a TSIG RR uses fixed RR class (ANY) and TTL (0).
+ /// If the RR class or TTL is different from the expected one, this
+ /// implementation considers it an invalid record and throws an exception
+ /// of class \c DNSMessageFORMERR.
+ ///
+ /// \note This behavior is not specified in the protocol specification,
+ /// but this implementation rejects unexpected values for the following
+ /// reasons (but in any case, this won't matter much in practice as
+ /// RFC2848 clearly states these fields always have the fixed values and
+ /// any sane implementation of TSIG signer will follow that):
+ /// According to the RFC editor (in a private communication), the intended
+ /// use of the TSIG TTL field is to signal protocol extensions (currently
+ /// no such extension is defined), so this field may actually be
+ /// validly non 0 in future. However, until the implementation supports
+ /// that extension it may not always be able to handle the extended
+ /// TSIG as intended; the extension may even affect digest computation.
+ /// There's a related issue on this point. Different implementations
+ /// interpret the RFC in different ways on the received TTL when
+ /// digesting the message: BIND 9 uses the received value (even if
+ /// it's not 0) as part of the TSIG variables; NLnet Labs' LDNS and NSD
+ /// always use a fixed constant of 0 regardless of the received TTL value.
+ /// This means if and when an extension with non 0 TTL is introduced
+ /// there will be interoperability problems in the form of verification
+ /// failure. By explicitly rejecting it (and subsequently returning
+ /// a response with a format error) we can indicate the source of the
+ /// problem more clearly than a "bad signature" TSIG error, which can
+ /// happen for various reasons. On the other hand, rejecting unexpected
+ /// RR classes is mostly for consistency; the RFC lists these two fields
+ /// in the same way, so it makes more sense to handle them equally.
+ /// (BIND 9 rejects unexpected RR classes for TSIG, but that is part of
+ /// general check on RR classes on received RRs; it generally requests
+ /// all classes are the same, and if the protocol specifies the use of
+ /// a particular class for a particular type of RR, it requests that
+ /// class be used).
+ ///
+ /// Likewise, if \c rdata is not of type \c any::TSIG, an exception of
+ /// class DNSMessageFORMERR will be thrown. When the caller is a
+ /// DNS message parser and builds \c rdata from incoming wire format
+ /// data as described above, this case happens when the RR class is
+ /// different from ANY (in the implementation, the type check takes place
+ /// before the explicit check against the RR class explained in the
+ /// previous paragraph).
+ ///
+ /// The \c length parameter is intended to be the length of the TSIG RR
+ /// (from the beginning of the owner name to the end of the RDATA) when
+ /// the caller is a DNS message parser. Note that it is the actual length
+ /// for the RR in the format; if the owner name or the algorithm name
+ /// (in the RDATA) is compressed (although the latter should not be
+ /// compressed according to RFC3597), the length must be the size of the
+ /// compressed data. The length is recorded inside the class and will
+ /// be returned via subsequent calls to \c getLength(). It's intended to
+ /// be used in the context TSIG verification; in the verify process
+ /// the MAC computation must be performed for the original data without
+ /// TSIG, so, to avoid parsing the entire data in the verify process
+ /// again, it's necessary to record information that can identify the
+ /// length to be digested for the MAC. This parameter serves for that
+ /// purpose.
+ ///
+ /// \note Since the constructor doesn't take the wire format data per se,
+ /// it doesn't (and cannot) check the validity of \c length, and simply
+ /// accepts any given value. It even accepts obviously invalid values
+ /// such as 0. It's caller's responsibility to provide a valid value of
+ /// length, and, the verifier's responsibility to use the length safely.
+ ///
+ /// <b>DISCUSSION:</b> this design is fragile in that it introduces
+ /// a tight coupling between message parsing and TSIG verification via
+ /// the \c TSIGRecord class. In terms of responsibility decoupling,
+ /// the ideal way to have \c TSIGRecord remember the entire wire data
+ /// along with the length of the TSIG. Then in the TSIG verification
+ /// we could refer to the necessary potion of data solely from a
+ /// \c TSIGRecord object. However, this approach would require expensive
+ /// heavy copy of the original data or introduce another kind of coupling
+ /// between the data holder and this class (if the original data is freed
+ /// while a \c TSIGRecord object referencing the data still exists, the
+ /// result will be catastrophic). As a "best current compromise", we
+ /// use the current design. We may reconsider it if it turns out to
+ /// cause a big problem or we come up with a better idea.
+ ///
+ /// \exception DNSMessageFORMERR Given RR parameters are invalid for TSIG.
+ /// \exception std::bad_alloc Internal resource allocation fails.
+ ///
+ /// \param name The owner name of the TSIG RR
+ /// \param rrclass The RR class of the RR. Must be \c RRClass::ANY()
+ /// (see above)
+ /// \param ttl The TTL of the RR. Must be 0 (see above)
+ /// \param rdata The RDATA of the RR. Must be of type \c any::TSIG.
+ /// \param length The size of the RR (see above)
+ TSIGRecord(const Name& name, const RRClass& rrclass, const RRTTL& ttl,
+ const rdata::Rdata& rdata, size_t length);
+ //@}
+ /// Return the owner name of the TSIG RR, which is the TSIG key name
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ const Name& getName() const { return (key_name_); }
+ /// Return the RDATA of the TSIG RR
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ const rdata::any::TSIG& getRdata() const { return (rdata_); }
+ /// \name Protocol constants and defaults
+ ///
+ //@{
+ /// Return the RR class of TSIG
+ ///
+ /// TSIG always uses the ANY RR class. This static method returns it,
+ /// when, though unlikely, an application wants to know which class TSIG
+ /// is supposed to use.
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ static const RRClass& getClass();
+ /// Return the TTL value of TSIG
+ ///
+ /// TSIG always uses 0 TTL. This static method returns it,
+ /// when, though unlikely, an application wants to know the TTL TSIG
+ /// is supposed to use.
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ static const RRTTL& getTTL();
+ //@}
+ /// Return the length of the TSIG record
+ ///
+ /// When constructed from the key name and RDATA, it is the length of
+ /// the record when it is rendered by the \c toWire() method.
+ ///
+ /// \note When constructed "from wire", that will mean the length of
+ /// the wire format data for the TSIG RR. The length will be necessary
+ /// to verify the message once parse is completed.
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ size_t getLength() const { return (length_); }
+ /// \brief Render the \c TSIG RR in the wire format.
+ ///
+ /// This method renders the TSIG record as a form of a DNS TSIG RR
+ /// via \c renderer, which encapsulates output buffer and other rendering
+ /// contexts.
+ ///
+ /// Normally this version of \c toWire() method tries to compress the
+ /// owner name of the RR whenever possible, but this method intentionally
+ /// skips owner name compression. This is due to a report that some
+ /// Windows clients refuse a TSIG if its owner name is compressed
+ /// (See
+ /// Reportedly this seemed to be specific to GSS-TSIG, but this
+ /// implementation skip compression regardless of the algorithm.
+ ///
+ /// If by adding the TSIG RR the message size would exceed the limit
+ /// maintained in \c renderer, this method skips rendering the RR
+ /// and returns 0 and mark \c renderer as "truncated" (so that a
+ /// subsequent call to \c isTruncated() on \c renderer will result in
+ /// \c true); otherwise it returns 1, which is the number of RR
+ /// rendered.
+ ///
+ /// \note If the caller follows the specification of adding TSIG
+ /// as described in RFC2845, this should not happen; the caller is
+ /// generally expected to leave a sufficient room in the message for
+ /// the TSIG. But this method checks the unexpected case nevertheless.
+ ///
+ /// \exception std::bad_alloc Internal resource allocation fails (this
+ /// should be rare).
+ ///
+ /// \param renderer DNS message rendering context that encapsulates the
+ /// output buffer and name compression information.
+ /// \return 1 if the TSIG RR fits in the message size limit; otherwise 0.
+ int toWire(AbstractMessageRenderer& renderer) const;
+ /// \brief Render the \c TSIG RR in the wire format.
+ ///
+ /// This method is same as \c toWire(AbstractMessageRenderer&)const
+ /// except it renders the RR in an \c OutputBuffer and therefore
+ /// does not care about message size limit.
+ /// As a consequence it always returns 1.
+ int toWire(isc::util::OutputBuffer& buffer) const;
+ /// Convert the TSIG record to a string.
+ ///
+ /// The output format is the same as the result of \c toText() for
+ /// other normal types of RRsets (with always using the same RR class
+ /// and TTL). It also ends with a newline.
+ ///
+ /// \exception std::bad_alloc Internal resource allocation fails (this
+ /// should be rare).
+ ///
+ /// \return A string representation of \c TSIG record
+ std::string toText() const;
+ /// The TTL value to be used in TSIG RRs.
+ static const uint32_t TSIG_TTL = 0;
+ //@}
+ const Name key_name_;
+ const rdata::any::TSIG rdata_;
+ const size_t length_;
+/// A pointer-like type pointing to a \c TSIGRecord object.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<TSIGRecord> TSIGRecordPtr;
+/// A pointer-like type pointing to an immutable \c TSIGRecord object.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<const TSIGRecord> ConstTSIGRecordPtr;
+/// Insert the \c TSIGRecord as a string into stream.
+/// This method convert \c record into a string and inserts it into the
+/// output stream \c os.
+/// \param os A \c std::ostream object on which the insertion operation is
+/// performed.
+/// \param record A \c TSIGRecord object output by the operation.
+/// \return A reference to the same \c std::ostream object referenced by
+/// parameter \c os after the insertion operation.
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TSIGRecord& record);
+#endif // TSIGRECORD_H
+// Local Variables:
+// mode: c++
+// End: