path: root/src/lib/eval/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/eval/tests/')
1 files changed, 2118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/eval/tests/ b/src/lib/eval/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ef533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/eval/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <eval/eval_context.h>
+#include <eval/token.h>
+#include <dhcp/option.h>
+#include <dhcp/pkt4.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Test class for testing EvalContext aka class test parsing
+class EvalContextTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief constructor to initialize members
+ EvalContextTest() : ::testing::Test(),
+ universe_(Option::V4), parsed_(false)
+ { }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a string with the expected value
+ void checkTokenString(const TokenPtr& token, const std::string& expected) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenString> str =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenString>(token);
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 12345));
+ ValueStack values;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(token->evaluate(*pkt4, values));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, values.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected,;
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a hex string with the expected value
+ void checkTokenHexString(const TokenPtr& token,
+ const std::string& expected) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenHexString> hex =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenHexString>(token);
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 12345));
+ ValueStack values;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(token->evaluate(*pkt4, values));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, values.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected,;
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is an IP address with the expected value
+ void checkTokenIpAddress(const TokenPtr& token,
+ const std::string& expected) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenIpAddress> ipaddr =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenIpAddress>(token);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ipaddr);
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 12345));
+ ValueStack values;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(token->evaluate(*pkt4, values));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, values.size());
+ string value =;
+ boost::scoped_ptr<IOAddress> exp_ip;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(exp_ip.reset(new IOAddress(expected)));
+ vector<uint8_t> exp_addr = exp_ip->toBytes();
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_addr.size(), value.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&exp_addr[0], &value[0], value.size()));
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is an equal operator
+ void checkTokenEq(const TokenPtr& token) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenEqual> eq =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenEqual>(token);
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks if the given token is integer with expected value
+ ///
+ /// @param token token to be inspected
+ /// @param exp_value expected integer value of the token
+ void checkTokenInteger(const TokenPtr& token, uint32_t exp_value) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenInteger> integer =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenInteger>(token);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(integer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_value, integer->getInteger());
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is an option with the expected code
+ /// and representation type
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param expected_code expected option code
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (text, hex, exists)
+ void checkTokenOption(const TokenPtr& token,
+ uint16_t expected_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType expected_repr) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenOption> opt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenOption>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, opt->getCode());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_repr, opt->getRepresentation());
+ }
+ /// @brief check if the given token is relay4 with the expected code
+ /// and representation type
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param expected_code expected option code
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (text, hex, exists)
+ void checkTokenRelay4(const TokenPtr& token,
+ uint16_t expected_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType expected_repr) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenRelay4Option> relay4 =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenRelay4Option>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(relay4);
+ if (relay4) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, relay4->getCode());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_repr, relay4->getRepresentation());
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a TokenRelay6Option with
+ /// the correct nesting level, option code and representation.
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param expected_level expected nesting level
+ /// @param expected_code expected option code
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (text, hex, exists)
+ void checkTokenRelay6Option(const TokenPtr& token,
+ int8_t expected_level,
+ uint16_t expected_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType expected_repr) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenRelay6Option> opt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenRelay6Option>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_level, opt->getNest());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, opt->getCode());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_repr, opt->getRepresentation());
+ }
+ /// @brief This tests attempts to parse the expression then checks
+ /// if the number of tokens is correct and the TokenRelay6Option
+ /// is as expected.
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_level expected level to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_code expected option code to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_repr expected representation to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_tokens expected number of tokens
+ void testRelay6Option(const std::string& expr,
+ int8_t exp_level,
+ uint16_t exp_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType exp_repr,
+ int exp_tokens) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ // parse the expression
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ FAIL() <<"Exception thrown: " << ex.what();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parsing should succeed and return a token.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // There should be the expected number of tokens.
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_tokens, eval.expression.size());
+ // checked that the first token is TokenRelay6Option and that
+ // is has the correct attributes
+ checkTokenRelay6Option(, exp_level, exp_code, exp_repr);
+ }
+ /// @brief check if the given token is a Pkt of specified type
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param type expected type of the Pkt metadata
+ void checkTokenPkt(const TokenPtr& token, TokenPkt::MetadataType type) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenPkt> pkt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenPkt>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(type, pkt->getType());
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that verifies access to the DHCP packet metadata.
+ ///
+ /// This test attempts to parse the expression, will check if the number
+ /// of tokens is exactly as expected and then will try to verify if the
+ /// first token represents the expected metadata in DHCP packet.
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_type expected metadata type to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_tokens expected number of tokens
+ void testPktMetadata(const std::string& expr,
+ TokenPkt::MetadataType exp_type,
+ int exp_tokens) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ // Parse the expression.
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ FAIL() << "Exception thrown: " << ex.what();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parsing should succeed and return a token.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // There should be exactly the expected number of tokens.
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_tokens, eval.expression.size());
+ // Check that the first token is TokenPkt instance and has correct type.
+ checkTokenPkt(, exp_type);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is Pkt4 of specified type
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param type expected type of the Pkt4 field
+ void checkTokenPkt4(const TokenPtr& token, TokenPkt4::FieldType type) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenPkt4> pkt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenPkt4>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(type, pkt->getType());
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that verifies access to the DHCPv4 packet fields.
+ ///
+ /// This test attempts to parse the expression, will check if the number
+ /// of tokens is exactly as expected and then will try to verify if the
+ /// first token represents the expected field in DHCPv4 packet.
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_type expected field type to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_tokens expected number of tokens
+ void testPkt4Field(const std::string& expr,
+ TokenPkt4::FieldType exp_type,
+ int exp_tokens) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // Parse the expression.
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ FAIL() << "Exception thrown: " << ex.what();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parsing should succeed and return a token.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // There should be exactly the expected number of tokens.
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_tokens, eval.expression.size());
+ // Check that the first token is TokenPkt4 instance and has correct type.
+ checkTokenPkt4(, exp_type);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is Pkt6 of specified type
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param exp_type expected type of the Pkt6 field
+ void checkTokenPkt6(const TokenPtr& token,
+ TokenPkt6::FieldType exp_type) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenPkt6> pkt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenPkt6>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_type, pkt->getType());
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that verifies access to the DHCPv6 packet fields.
+ ///
+ /// This test attempts to parse the expression, will check if the number
+ /// of tokens is exactly as planned and then will try to verify if the
+ /// first token represents expected the field in DHCPv6 packet.
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_type expected field type to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_tokens expected number of tokens
+ void testPkt6Field(const std::string& expr,
+ TokenPkt6::FieldType exp_type,
+ int exp_tokens) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ // Parse the expression.
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ FAIL() << "Exception thrown: " << ex.what();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parsing should succeed and return a token.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // There should be the requested number of tokens
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_tokens, eval.expression.size());
+ // Check that the first token is TokenPkt6 instance and has correct type.
+ checkTokenPkt6(, exp_type);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a TokenRelay with the
+ /// correct nesting level and field type.
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param expected_level expected nesting level
+ /// @param expected_code expected option code
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (text, hex, exists)
+ void checkTokenRelay6Field(const TokenPtr& token,
+ int8_t expected_level,
+ TokenRelay6Field::FieldType expected_type) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenRelay6Field> opt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenRelay6Field>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_level, opt->getNest());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_type, opt->getType());
+ }
+ /// @brief This tests attempts to parse the expression then checks
+ /// if the number of tokens is correct and the TokenRelay6Field is as
+ /// expected.
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_level expected level to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_type expected field type to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_tokens expected number of tokens
+ void testRelay6Field(const std::string& expr,
+ int8_t exp_level,
+ TokenRelay6Field::FieldType exp_type,
+ int exp_tokens) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ // parse the expression
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ FAIL() <<"Exception thrown: " << ex.what();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parsing should succeed and return a token.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // There should be the expected number of tokens.
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_tokens, eval.expression.size());
+ // checked that the first token is TokenRelay6Field and that
+ // is has the correct attributes
+ checkTokenRelay6Field(, exp_level, exp_type);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a TokenMember with the
+ /// correct client class name.
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param expected_client_class expected client class name
+ void checkTokenMember(const TokenPtr& token,
+ const std::string& expected_client_class) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenMember> member =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenMember>(token);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(member);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_client_class, member->getClientClass());
+ }
+ /// @brief This tests attempts to parse the expression then checks
+ /// if the number of tokens is correct and the TokenMember is as
+ /// expected.
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param check_defined closure checking if the client class is defined
+ /// @param exp_client_class expected client class name to be parsed
+ /// @param exp_tokens expected number of tokens
+ void testMember(const std::string& expr,
+ EvalContext::CheckDefined check_defined,
+ const std::string& exp_client_class,
+ int exp_tokens) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6, check_defined);
+ // parse the expression
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ FAIL() <<"Exception thrown: " << ex.what();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parsing should succeed and return a token.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // There should be the expected number of tokens.
+ ASSERT_EQ(exp_tokens, eval.expression.size());
+ // checked that the first token is TokenRelay6Field and that
+ // is has the correct attributes
+ checkTokenMember(, exp_client_class);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a substring operator
+ void checkTokenSubstring(const TokenPtr& token) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenSubstring> sub =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenSubstring>(token);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a concat operator
+ void checkTokenConcat(const TokenPtr& token) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenConcat> conc =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenConcat>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conc);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is an ifelse operator
+ void checkTokenIfElse(const TokenPtr& token) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenIfElse> alt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenIfElse>(token);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a hexstring operator
+ void checkTokenToHexString(const TokenPtr& token) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenToHexString> tohex =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenToHexString>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tohex);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is an addrtotext operator
+ void checkTokenIpAddressToText(const TokenPtr& token,
+ const std::string& expected) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenIpAddressToText> addrtotext =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenIpAddressToText>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(addrtotext);
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 12345));
+ ValueStack values;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = IOAddress(expected).toBytes();
+ values.push(std::string(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(token->evaluate(*pkt4, values));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, values.size());
+ string value =;
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, expected);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a inttotext operator
+ template <typename IntegerType, typename TokenIntegerType>
+ void checkTokenIntToText(const TokenPtr& token,
+ const std::string& expected) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenIntegerType> inttotext =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenIntegerType>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(inttotext);
+ Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, 12345));
+ ValueStack values;
+ IntegerType n;
+ try {
+ if (is_signed<IntegerType>()) {
+ n = static_cast<IntegerType>(boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(expected));
+ } else {
+ n = static_cast<IntegerType>(boost::lexical_cast<uint32_t>(expected));
+ }
+ } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) {
+ FAIL() << "invalid value " << expected << ", error: " << e.what();
+ }
+ values.push(std::string(const_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n)), sizeof(IntegerType)));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(token->evaluate(*pkt4, values));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, values.size());
+ string value =;
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, expected);
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given expression raises the expected message
+ /// when it is parsed.
+ void checkError(const string& expr, const string& msg) {
+ EvalContext eval(universe_);
+ parsed_ = false;
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr);
+ FAIL() << "Expected EvalParseError but nothing was raised";
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(msg, ex.what());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parsed_);
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ FAIL() << "Expected EvalParseError but something else was raised";
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief sets the universe
+ /// @note the default universe is DHCPv4
+ void setUniverse(const Option::Universe& universe) {
+ universe_ = universe;
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks if the given token is TokenVendor and has expected characteristics
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param exp_vendor_id expected vendor-id (aka enterprise number)
+ /// @param exp_repr expected representation (either 'exists' or 'hex')
+ /// @param exp_option_code expected option code (ignored if 0)
+ void checkTokenVendor(const TokenPtr& token, uint32_t exp_vendor_id,
+ uint16_t exp_option_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType exp_repr) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenVendor> vendor =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenVendor>(token);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(vendor);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_vendor_id, vendor->getVendorId());
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_repr, vendor->getRepresentation());
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_option_code, vendor->getCode());
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests if specified token vendor expression can be parsed
+ ///
+ /// This test assumes the first token will be token vendor. Any additional
+ /// tokens are ignored. Tests expressions:
+ /// vendor[1234].option[234].hex
+ /// vendor[1234].option[234].exists
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param u universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param vendor_id expected vendor-id (aka enterprise number)
+ /// @param option_code expected option code (ignored if 0)
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (either 'exists' or 'hex')
+ void testVendor(const std::string& expr, Option::Universe u,
+ uint32_t vendor_id, uint16_t option_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType expected_repr) {
+ EvalContext eval(u);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // We need at least one token, we will evaluate the first one.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(eval.expression.empty());
+ checkTokenVendor(, vendor_id, option_code, expected_repr);
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks if token is really a TokenVendor, that the vendor_id was
+ /// stored properly and that it has expected representation
+ ///
+ /// This test is able to handle expressions similar to:
+ /// vendor[4491].option[1].hex
+ /// vendor[4491].option[1].exists
+ /// vendor[4491].exists
+ /// vendor[*].exists
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param u universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param vendor_id expected vendor-id (aka enterprise number)
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (either 'exists' or 'hex')
+ void testVendor(const std::string& expr, Option::Universe u,
+ uint32_t vendor_id,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType expected_repr) {
+ testVendor(expr, u, vendor_id, 0, expected_repr);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests if the expression parses into token vendor that returns enterprise-id
+ ///
+ /// This test is able to handle expressions similar to:
+ /// vendor.enterprise
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param u universe (V4 or V6)
+ void testVendorEnterprise(const std::string& expr,
+ Option::Universe u) {
+ EvalContext eval(u);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(eval.expression.empty());
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenVendor> vendor =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenVendor>(;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(vendor);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TokenVendor::ENTERPRISE_ID, vendor->getField());
+ }
+ /// @brief This test checks if vendor-class token is correct
+ ///
+ /// This test checks if EXISTS representation is set correctly.
+ /// It covers cases like:
+ /// - vendor-class[4491].exists
+ /// - vendor-class[*].exists
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param u universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param vendor_id expected vendor-id (aka enterprise number)
+ void testVendorClass(const std::string& expr,
+ Option::Universe u, uint32_t vendor_id) {
+ EvalContext eval(u);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenVendorClass(, vendor_id, 0, TokenOption::EXISTS,
+ TokenVendor::EXISTS);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests if specified token vendor class expression can be parsed
+ ///
+ /// This test assumes the first token will be token vendor-class.
+ /// Any additional tokens are ignored. Tests expressions:
+ /// - vendor-class[4491].exists
+ /// - vendor-class[*].exists
+ /// - vendor-class[4491].data
+ /// - vendor-class[4491].data[3]
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param u universe (V4 or V6)
+ /// @param vendor_id expected vendor-id (aka enterprise number)
+ /// @param index expected data index
+ void testVendorClass(const std::string& expr, Option::Universe u,
+ uint32_t vendor_id, uint16_t index) {
+ EvalContext eval(u);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // Make sure there's at least one token
+ ASSERT_FALSE(eval.expression.empty());
+ // The first token should be TokenVendorClass, let's take a closer look.
+ checkTokenVendorClass(, vendor_id, index,
+ TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL, TokenVendor::DATA);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests if the expression parses into vendor class token that
+ /// returns enterprise-id.
+ ///
+ /// This test is able to handle expressions similar to:
+ /// - vendor-class.enterprise
+ ///
+ /// @param expr expression to be parsed
+ /// @param u universe (V4 or V6)
+ void testVendorClassEnterprise(const std::string& expr,
+ Option::Universe u) {
+ EvalContext eval(u);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(expr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ // Make sure there's at least one token
+ ASSERT_FALSE(eval.expression.empty());
+ // The first token should be TokenVendorClass, let's take a closer look.
+ checkTokenVendorClass(, 0, 0, TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL,
+ TokenVendor::ENTERPRISE_ID);
+ }
+ /// @brief Checks if the given token is TokenVendorClass and has expected characteristics
+ ///
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param vendor_id expected vendor-id (aka enterprise number)
+ /// @param index expected index (used for data field only)
+ /// @param repr expected representation (either 'exists' or 'hex')
+ /// @param field expected field (none, enterprise or data)
+ void checkTokenVendorClass(const TokenPtr& token, uint32_t vendor_id,
+ uint16_t index, TokenOption::RepresentationType repr,
+ TokenVendor::FieldType field) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenVendorClass> vendor =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenVendorClass>(token);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(vendor);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vendor_id, vendor->getVendorId());
+ EXPECT_EQ(index, vendor->getDataIndex());
+ EXPECT_EQ(repr, vendor->getRepresentation());
+ EXPECT_EQ(field, vendor->getField());
+ }
+ /// @brief checks if the given token is a sub-option with the expected
+ /// parent option and sub-option codes and representation type
+ /// @param token token to be checked
+ /// @param expected_code expected option code
+ /// @param expected_sub_code expected sub-option code
+ /// @param expected_repr expected representation (text, hex, exists)
+ void checkTokenSubOption(const TokenPtr& token,
+ uint16_t expected_code,
+ uint16_t expected_sub_code,
+ TokenOption::RepresentationType expected_repr) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenSubOption> sub =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenSubOption>(token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, sub->getCode());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_sub_code, sub->getSubCode());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_repr, sub->getRepresentation());
+ }
+ Option::Universe universe_; ///< Universe (V4 or V6)
+ bool parsed_; ///< Parsing status
+// Test the error method without location
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, error) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_THROW(eval.error("an error"), EvalParseError);
+// Test the fatal method
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, fatal) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_THROW(eval.fatal("a fatal error"), isc::Unexpected);
+// Test the convertOptionCode method with an illegal input
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, badOptionCode) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // the option code must be a number
+ EXPECT_THROW(eval.convertOptionCode("bad", location(position())),
+ EvalParseError);
+// Test the convertNestLevelNumber method with an illegal input
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, badNestLevelNumber) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // the nest level number must be a number
+ EXPECT_THROW(eval.convertNestLevelNumber("bad", location(position())),
+ EvalParseError);
+// Test the parsing of a basic expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, basic) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[123].text == 'MSFT'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+// Test the parsing of a string terminal
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, string) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("'foo' == 'bar'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "foo");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "bar");
+// Test the parsing of a basic expression using integers
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, integer) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("substring(option[123].text, 0, 2) == '42'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+// Test the parsing of a hexstring terminal
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, hexstring) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("0x666f6f == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenHexString(tmp, "foo");
+// Test the parsing of a hexstring terminal with an odd number of
+// hexadecimal digits
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, oddHexstring) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("0X7 == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenHexString(tmp, "\a");
+// Test the parsing of an IPv4 address
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, ipaddress4) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(" == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp, "");
+// Test the parsing of an IPv6 address
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, ipaddress6) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("2001:db8::1 == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp, "2001:db8::1");
+// Test the parsing of an IPv4 compatible IPv6 address
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, ipaddress46) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(":: == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp, "::");
+// Test the parsing of the unspecified IPv6 address
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, ipaddress6unspec) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString(":: == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp, "::");
+// Test the parsing of an IPv6 prefix
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, ipaddress6prefix) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("2001:db8:: == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp, "2001:db8::");
+// Test the parsing of an equal expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, equal) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("'foo' == 'bar'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "foo");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "bar");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp3);
+// Test the parsing of an option terminal
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, option) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[123].text == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenOption(, 123, TokenOption::TEXTUAL);
+// Test parsing of an option identified by name.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, optionWithName) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // Option 'host-name' is a standard DHCPv4 option defined in the libdhcp++.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[host-name].text == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenOption(, 12, TokenOption::TEXTUAL);
+// Test parsing of an option existence
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, optionExists) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[100].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenOption(, 100, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+// Test checking that whitespace can surround option name.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, optionWithNameAndWhitespace) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // Option 'host-name' is a standard DHCPv4 option defined in the libdhcp++.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[ host-name ].text == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenOption(, 12, TokenOption::TEXTUAL);
+// Test checking that newlines can surround option name.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, optionWithNameAndNewline) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // Option 'host-name' is a standard DHCPv4 option defined in the libdhcp++.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("option[\n host-name \n ].text == \n'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenOption(, 12, TokenOption::TEXTUAL);
+// Test parsing of an option represented as hexadecimal string.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, optionHex) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[123].hex == 0x666F6F"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenOption(, 123, TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL);
+// This test checks that the relay4[code].hex can be used in expressions.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay4Option) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("relay4[13].hex == 'thirteen'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ checkTokenRelay4(tmp1, 13, TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL);
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "thirteen");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp3);
+// This test check the relay4[code].exists is supported.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay4Exists) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("relay4[13].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenRelay4(, 13, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+// Verify that relay4[13] is not usable in v6
+// There will be a separate relay accessor for v6.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay4Error) {
+ universe_ = Option::V6;
+ checkError("relay4[13].hex == 'thirteen'",
+ "<string>:1.1-6: relay4 can only be used in DHCPv4.");
+// Test the parsing of a relay6 option
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6Option) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ testRelay6Option("relay6[0].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ 0, 123, TokenOption::TEXTUAL, 3);
+// Test the parsing of existence for a relay6 option
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6OptionExists) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ testRelay6Option("relay6[1].option[75].exists",
+ 1, 75, TokenOption::EXISTS, 1);
+// Test the parsing of hex for a relay6 option
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6OptionHex) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ testRelay6Option("relay6[2].option[85].hex == 'foo'",
+ 2, 85, TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL, 3);
+// Test the parsing of a relay6 option in reverse order
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6OptionReverse) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ testRelay6Option("relay6[-1].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ -1, 123, TokenOption::TEXTUAL, 3);
+// Test the nest level of a relay6 option should be in [-32..32[
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6OptionLimits) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ // max nest level is hop count limit minus one so 31
+ testRelay6Option("relay6[31].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ 31, 123, TokenOption::TEXTUAL, 3);
+ universe_ = Option::V6;
+ checkError("relay6[32].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.8-9: Nest level has invalid value in 32. "
+ "Allowed range: -32..31");
+ // min nest level is minus hop count limit
+ testRelay6Option("relay6[-32].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ -32, 123, TokenOption::TEXTUAL, 3);
+ checkError("relay6[-33].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.8-10: Nest level has invalid value in -33. Allowed range: -32..31");
+// Verify that relay6[13].option is not usable in v4
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6OptionError) {
+ universe_ = Option::V4;
+ // nest_level is reduced first so raises the error
+ // (if we'd like to get a relay6 error we have to insert an
+ // intermediate action to check the universe)
+ checkError("relay6[0].option[123].text == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.8: Nest level invalid for DHCPv4 packets");
+// Tests whether iface metadata in DHCP can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pktMetadataIface) {
+ testPktMetadata("pkt.iface == 'eth0'", TokenPkt::IFACE, 3);
+// Tests whether src metadata in DHCP can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pktMetadataSrc) {
+ testPktMetadata("pkt.src == fe80::1", TokenPkt::SRC, 3);
+// Tests whether dst metadata in DHCP can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pktMetadataDst) {
+ testPktMetadata("pkt.dst == fe80::2", TokenPkt::DST, 3);
+// Tests whether len metadata in DHCP can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pktMetadataLen) {
+ testPktMetadata("pkt.len == 0x00000100", TokenPkt::LEN, 3);
+// Tests whether chaddr field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldChaddr) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.mac == 0x000102030405", TokenPkt4::CHADDR, 3);
+// Tests whether chaddr field in DHCPv4 can be accessed and converted.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldChaddrHexa) {
+ testPkt4Field("hexstring(pkt4.mac, ':') == '00:01:02:03:04:05'",
+ TokenPkt4::CHADDR, 5);
+// Tests whether hlen field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldHlen) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.hlen == 0x6", TokenPkt4::HLEN, 3);
+// Tests whether htype field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldHtype) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.htype == 0x1", TokenPkt4::HTYPE, 3);
+// Tests whether ciaddr field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldCiaddr) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.ciaddr ==", TokenPkt4::CIADDR, 3);
+// Tests whether giaddr field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldGiaddr) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.giaddr ==", TokenPkt4::GIADDR, 3);
+// Tests whether yiaddr field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldYiaddr) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.yiaddr ==", TokenPkt4::YIADDR, 3);
+// Tests whether siaddr field in DHCPv4 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt4FieldSiaddr) {
+ testPkt4Field("pkt4.siaddr ==", TokenPkt4::SIADDR, 3);
+// Tests whether message type field in DHCPv6 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt6FieldMsgtype) {
+ testPkt6Field("pkt6.msgtype == 1", TokenPkt6::MSGTYPE, 3);
+// Tests whether transaction id field in DHCPv6 can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, pkt6FieldTransid) {
+ testPkt6Field("pkt6.transid == 1", TokenPkt6::TRANSID, 3);
+// Tests if the linkaddr field in a Relay6 encapsulation can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6FieldLinkAddr) {
+ testRelay6Field("relay6[0].linkaddr == ::",
+ 0, TokenRelay6Field::LINKADDR, 3);
+// Tests if the peeraddr field in a Relay6 encapsulation can be accessed.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6FieldPeerAddr) {
+ testRelay6Field("relay6[1].peeraddr == ::",
+ 1, TokenRelay6Field::PEERADDR, 3);
+// Verify that relay6[0].<field> is not usable in v4
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, relay6FieldError) {
+ universe_ = Option::V4;
+ // nest_level is reduced first so raises the error
+ // (if we'd like to get a relay6 error we have to insert an
+ // intermediate action to check the universe)
+ checkError("relay6[0].linkaddr == ::",
+ "<string>:1.8: Nest level invalid for DHCPv4 packets");
+// Tests parsing of member with defined class
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, member) {
+ auto check_defined = [](const ClientClass& cc) { return (cc == "foo"); };
+ testMember("member('foo')", check_defined, "foo", 1);
+// Test parsing of member with not defined class
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, memberError) {
+ auto check_defined = [](const ClientClass& cc) { return (cc == "foo"); };
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6, check_defined);
+ parsed_ = false;
+ try {
+ parsed_ = eval.parseString("member('bar')");
+ FAIL() << "Expected EvalParseError but nothing was raised";
+ }
+ catch (const EvalParseError& ex) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("<string>:1.8-12: Not defined client class 'bar'",
+ std::string(ex.what()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parsed_);
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ FAIL() << "Expected EvalParseError but something else was raised";
+ }
+// Test parsing of logical operators
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, logicalOps) {
+ // option.exists
+ EvalContext eval0(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval0.parseString("option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, eval0.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenOption> opt =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenOption>(token);
+ // not
+ EvalContext evaln(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = evaln.parseString("not option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, evaln.expression.size());
+ token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenNot> tnot =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenNot>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tnot);
+ // and
+ EvalContext evala(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ evala.parseString("option[123].exists and option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, evala.expression.size());
+ token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenAnd> tand =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenAnd>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tand);
+ // or
+ EvalContext evalo(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ evalo.parseString("option[123].exists or option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, evalo.expression.size());
+ token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenOr> tor =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenOr>(token);
+// Test parsing of logical operators with precedence
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, logicalPrecedence) {
+ // not precedence > and precedence
+ EvalContext evalna(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ evalna.parseString("not option[123].exists and option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, evalna.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenAnd> tand =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenAnd>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tand);
+ // and precedence > or precedence
+ EvalContext evaloa(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ evaloa.parseString("option[123].exists or option[123].exists "
+ "and option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5, evaloa.expression.size());
+ token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenOr> tor =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenOr>(token);
+// Test parsing of logical operators with parentheses (same than
+// with precedence but using parentheses to overwrite precedence)
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, logicalParentheses) {
+ // not precedence > and precedence
+ EvalContext evalna(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ evalna.parseString("not (option[123].exists and option[123].exists)"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, evalna.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenNot> tnot =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenNot>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tnot);
+ // and precedence > or precedence
+ EvalContext evaloa(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ evaloa.parseString("(option[123].exists or option[123].exists) "
+ "and option[123].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5, evaloa.expression.size());
+ token =;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(token);
+ boost::shared_ptr<TokenAnd> tand =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TokenAnd>(token);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tand);
+// Test the parsing of a substring expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, substring) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("substring('foobar',2,all) == 'obar'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(6, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "foobar");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "2");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "all");
+ checkTokenSubstring(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a concat expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, concat) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("concat('foo','bar') == 'foobar'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "foo");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "bar");
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp3);
+// Test the parsing of a plus expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, plus) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("'foo' + 'bar' == 'foobar'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "foo");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "bar");
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp3);
+// Test the parsing of plus expressions
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, assocPlus) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ // Operator '+' is (left) associative
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("'a' + 'b' + 'c' == 'abc'"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(7, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp5 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "a");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "b");
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp3);
+ checkTokenString(tmp4, "c");
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp5);
+// Test the parsing of plus expressions with enforced associativity
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, assocRightPlus) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("'a' + ('b' + 'c') == 'abc'"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(7, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp5 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "a");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "b");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "c");
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp4);
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp5);
+// Test the parsing of an ifelse expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, ifElse) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("ifelse('foo' == 'bar', 'us', 'them') == 'you'"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(8, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenEq(tmp1);
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "us");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "them");
+ checkTokenIfElse(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a plus operator and ifelse expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, plusIfElse) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("'foo' + ifelse('a' == 'a', 'bar', '') == 'foobar'"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp5 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp6 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp7 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp8 =;
+ checkTokenString(tmp1, "foo");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "a");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "a");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+ checkTokenString(tmp5, "bar");
+ checkTokenString(tmp6, "");
+ checkTokenIfElse(tmp7);
+ checkTokenConcat(tmp8);
+// Test the parsing of a hexstring expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, toHexString) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ =
+ eval.parseString("hexstring(0x666f,'-') == '66-6f'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ checkTokenHexString(tmp1, "fo");
+ checkTokenString(tmp2, "-");
+ checkTokenToHexString(tmp3);
+// Test the parsing of an addrtotext expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, addressToText) {
+ {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("addrtotext( == ''"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp1, "");
+ checkTokenIpAddressToText(tmp2, "");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+ }
+ {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("addrtotext(2001:db8::1) == '2001:db8::1'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenIpAddress(tmp1, "2001:db8::1");
+ checkTokenIpAddressToText(tmp2, "2001:db8::1");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "2001:db8::1");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+ }
+// Test the parsing of a int8_t expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, int8ToText) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("int8totext(255) == '-1'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp1, 255);
+ checkTokenIntToText<int8_t, TokenInt8ToText>(tmp2, "-1");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "-1");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a int16_t expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, int16ToText) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("int16totext(65535) == '-1'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp1, 65535);
+ checkTokenIntToText<int16_t, TokenInt16ToText>(tmp2, "-1");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "-1");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a int32_t expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, int32ToText) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("int32totext(4294967295) == '-1'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp1, 4294967295);
+ checkTokenIntToText<int32_t, TokenInt32ToText>(tmp2, "-1");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "-1");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a uint8_t expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, uint8ToText) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("uint8totext(255) == '255'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp1, 255);
+ checkTokenIntToText<uint8_t, TokenUInt8ToText>(tmp2, "255");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "255");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a uint16_t expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, uint16ToText) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("uint16totext(65535) == '65535'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp1, 65535);
+ checkTokenIntToText<uint16_t, TokenUInt16ToText>(tmp2, "65535");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "65535");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+// Test the parsing of a uint32_t expression
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, uint32ToText) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("uint32totext(4294967295) == '4294967295'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp1 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp2 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp3 =;
+ TokenPtr tmp4 =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp1, 4294967295);
+ checkTokenIntToText<uint32_t, TokenUInt32ToText>(tmp2, "4294967295");
+ checkTokenString(tmp3, "4294967295");
+ checkTokenEq(tmp4);
+// Test some scanner error cases
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, scanErrors) {
+ checkError("'", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: '");
+ checkError("'\''", "<string>:1.3: Invalid character: '");
+ checkError("'\n'", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: '");
+ checkError("0x123h", "<string>:1.6: Invalid character: h");
+ checkError(":1", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: :");
+ checkError("=", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: =");
+ // Typo should be handled as well.
+ checkError("subtring", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: s");
+ checkError("foo", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: f");
+ checkError(" bar", "<string>:1.2: Invalid character: b");
+ checkError("relay[12].hex == 'foo'", "<string>:1.1: Invalid character: r");
+ checkError("pkt4.ziaddr", "<string>:1.6: Invalid character: z");
+ checkError("members('foo'", "<string>:1.7: Invalid character: s");
+// Tests some scanner/parser error cases
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, scanParseErrors) {
+ checkError("", "<string>:1.1: syntax error, unexpected end of file");
+ checkError(" ", "<string>:1.2: syntax error, unexpected end of file");
+ checkError("0x", "<string>:1.2: Invalid character: x");
+ checkError("0abc",
+ "<string>:1.2: Invalid character: a");
+ // This one is a little bid odd. This is a truncated address, so it's not
+ // recognized as an address. Instead, the first token (10) is recognized as
+ // an integer. The only thing we can do with integers right now is to
+ // apply equality or concat operators, so the only possible next token
+ // are == and +. There's a dot instead, so an error is reported.
+ checkError("10.0.1", "<string>:1.3: syntax error, unexpected ., "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("",
+ "<string>:1.1-10: Failed to convert to "
+ "an IP address.");
+ checkError(":::",
+ "<string>:1.1-3: Failed to convert ::: to an IP address.");
+ checkError("===", "<string>:1.1-2: syntax error, unexpected ==");
+ checkError("option[-1].text",
+ "<string>:1.8-9: Option code has invalid "
+ "value in -1. Allowed range: 0..255");
+ checkError("option[256].text",
+ "<string>:1.8-10: Option code has invalid "
+ "value in 256. Allowed range: 0..255");
+ setUniverse(Option::V6);
+ checkError("option[65536].text",
+ "<string>:1.8-12: Option code has invalid "
+ "value in 65536. Allowed range: 0..65535");
+ setUniverse(Option::V4);
+ checkError("option[12345678901234567890].text",
+ "<string>:1.8-27: Failed to convert 12345678901234567890 "
+ "to an integer.");
+ checkError("option[123]",
+ "<string>:1.12: syntax error, unexpected end of file,"
+ " expecting .");
+ checkError("option[123].text < 'foo'", "<string>:1.18: Invalid"
+ " character: <");
+ checkError("option[-ab].text", "<string>:1.8: Invalid character: -");
+ checkError("option[0ab].text",
+ "<string>:1.9-10: syntax error, unexpected option name, "
+ "expecting ]");
+ checkError("option[ab_].hex", "<string>:1.8: Invalid character: a");
+ checkError("option[\nhost-name\n].hex =\n= 'foo'",
+ "<string>:3.7: Invalid character: =");
+ checkError("substring('foo',12345678901234567890,1)",
+ "<string>:1.17-36: Failed to convert 12345678901234567890 "
+ "to an integer.");
+// Tests some parser error cases
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, parseErrors) {
+ checkError("'foo''bar'",
+ "<string>:1.6-10: syntax error, unexpected constant string, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("'foo' (",
+ "<string>:1.7: syntax error, unexpected (, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("== 'ab'", "<string>:1.1-2: syntax error, unexpected ==");
+ checkError("'foo' ==",
+ "<string>:1.9: syntax error, unexpected end of file");
+ checkError("('foo' == 'bar'",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected end of file, "
+ "expecting ) or and or or");
+ checkError("('foo' == 'bar') ''",
+ "<string>:1.18-19: syntax error, unexpected constant string, "
+ "expecting end of file");
+ checkError("not",
+ "<string>:1.4: syntax error, unexpected end of file");
+ checkError("not 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.10: syntax error, unexpected end of file, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("not()",
+ "<string>:1.5: syntax error, unexpected )");
+ checkError("(not('foo' 'bar')",
+ "<string>:1.12-16: syntax error, unexpected constant string, "
+ "expecting ) or == or +");
+ checkError("and",
+ "<string>:1.1-3: syntax error, unexpected and");
+ checkError("'foo' and",
+ "<string>:1.7-9: syntax error, unexpected and, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("'foo' == 'bar' and",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file");
+ checkError("'foo' == 'bar' and ''",
+ "<string>:1.22: syntax error, unexpected end of file, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("or",
+ "<string>:1.1-2: syntax error, unexpected or");
+ checkError("'foo' or",
+ "<string>:1.7-8: syntax error, unexpected or, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("'foo' == 'bar' or",
+ "<string>:1.18: syntax error, unexpected end of file");
+ checkError("'foo' == 'bar' or ''",
+ "<string>:1.21: syntax error, unexpected end of file, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("option 'ab'",
+ "<string>:1.8-11: syntax error, unexpected "
+ "constant string, expecting [");
+ checkError("option(10) == 'ab'",
+ "<string>:1.7: syntax error, "
+ "unexpected (, expecting [");
+ checkError("option['ab'].text == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.8-11: syntax error, "
+ "unexpected constant string, "
+ "expecting integer or option name");
+ checkError("option[ab].text == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.8-9: option 'ab' is not defined");
+ checkError("option[0xa].text == 'ab'",
+ "<string>:1.8-10: syntax error, "
+ "unexpected constant hexstring, "
+ "expecting integer or option name");
+ checkError("option[10].bin", "<string>:1.12: Invalid character: b");
+ checkError("option[boot-size].bin", "<string>:1.19: Invalid character: b");
+ checkError("option[10].exists == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.19-20: syntax error, unexpected ==, "
+ "expecting end of file");
+ checkError("substring('foobar') == 'f'",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected ), "
+ "expecting \",\" or +");
+ checkError("substring('foobar',3) == 'bar'",
+ "<string>:1.21: syntax error, unexpected ), expecting \",\"");
+ checkError("substring('foobar','3',3) == 'bar'",
+ "<string>:1.20-22: syntax error, unexpected constant string, "
+ "expecting integer");
+ checkError("substring('foobar',1,a) == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.22: Invalid character: a");
+ string long_text = "substring('foobar',1,65535) == ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 16); ++i) {
+ long_text += "0";
+ }
+ long_text += "'";
+ checkError(long_text,
+ "<string>:1.65568: Invalid character: '");
+ checkError("concat('foobar') == 'f'",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected ), "
+ "expecting \",\" or +");
+ checkError("concat('foo','bar','') == 'foobar'",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected \",\", "
+ "expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("ifelse('foo'=='bar','foo')",
+ "<string>:1.26: syntax error, unexpected ), "
+ "expecting \",\" or +");
+ checkError("ifelse('foo'=='bar','foo','bar','')",
+ "<string>:1.32: syntax error, unexpected \",\", "
+ "expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("+ 'a' = 'a'", "<string>:1.1: syntax error, unexpected +");
+ checkError("'a' + == 'a'", "<string>:1.7-8: syntax error, unexpected ==");
+ checkError("'a' ++ 'b' == 'ab'",
+ "<string>:1.6: syntax error, unexpected +");
+ checkError("addrtotext(,",
+ "<string>:1.20: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("addrtotext('cafebabecafebabe')",
+ "<string>:1.31: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("addrtotext('')",
+ "<string>:1.15: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("int8totext('01', '01')",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("int8totext('0123')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("int8totext('')",
+ "<string>:1.15: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("int16totext('0123', '0123')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("int16totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.18: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("int16totext('')",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("int32totext('01234567', '01234567')",
+ "<string>:1.23: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("int32totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.18: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("int32totext('')",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("uint8totext('01', '01')",
+ "<string>:1.17: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("uint8totext('0123')",
+ "<string>:1.20: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("uint8totext('')",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("uint16totext('0123', '0123')",
+ "<string>:1.20: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("uint16totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("uint16totext('')",
+ "<string>:1.17: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("uint32totext('01234567', '01234567')",
+ "<string>:1.24: syntax error, unexpected \",\", expecting ) or +");
+ checkError("uint32totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ checkError("uint32totext('')",
+ "<string>:1.17: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+// Tests some type error cases
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, typeErrors) {
+ checkError("'foobar'",
+ "<string>:1.9: syntax error, unexpected end of file, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("substring('foobar',all,1) == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.20-22: syntax error, unexpected all, "
+ "expecting integer");
+ checkError("substring('foobar',0x32,1) == 'foo'",
+ "<string>:1.20-23: syntax error, unexpected constant "
+ "hexstring, expecting integer");
+ // With the #4483 addition, all integers are treated as 4 byte strings,
+ // so those checks no longer makes sense. Commenting it out.
+ // checkError("concat('foo',3) == 'foo3'",
+ // "<string>:1.14: syntax error, unexpected integer");
+ // checkError("concat(3,'foo') == '3foo'",
+ // "<string>:1.8: syntax error, unexpected integer");
+ checkError("('foo' == 'bar') == 'false'",
+ "<string>:1.18-19: syntax error, unexpected ==, "
+ "expecting end of file");
+ checkError("not 'true'",
+ "<string>:1.11: syntax error, unexpected end of file, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("'true' and 'false'",
+ "<string>:1.8-10: syntax error, unexpected and, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("'true' or 'false'",
+ "<string>:1.8-9: syntax error, unexpected or, "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ // Ifelse requires a boolean condition and string branches.
+ checkError("ifelse('foobar','foo','bar')",
+ "<string>:1.16: syntax error, unexpected \",\", "
+ "expecting == or +");
+ checkError("ifelse('foo'=='bar','foo'=='foo','bar')",
+ "<string>:1.26-27: syntax error, unexpected ==, "
+ "expecting \",\" or +");
+ checkError("ifelse('foo'=='bar','foo','bar'=='bar')",
+ "<string>:1.32-33: syntax error, unexpected ==, "
+ "expecting ) or +");
+ // Member uses quotes around the client class name.
+ checkError("member(foo)", "<string>:1.8: Invalid character: f");
+ // sub-option by name is not supported.
+ checkError("option[123].option[host-name].exists",
+ "<string>:1.20-28: syntax error, unexpected option name, "
+ "expecting integer");
+ // Addrtotext requires string storing the binary representation of the address.
+ checkError("addrtotext('')",
+ "<string>:1.26: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ // Int8totext requires string storing the binary representation of the 8 bit integer.
+ checkError("int8totext('0123')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ // Int16totext requires string storing the binary representation of the 16 bit integer.
+ checkError("int16totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.18: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ // Int32totext requires string storing the binary representation of the 32 bit integer.
+ checkError("int32totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.18: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ // Uint8totext requires string storing the binary representation of the 8 bit unsigned integer.
+ checkError("uint8totext('0123')",
+ "<string>:1.20: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ // Uint16totext requires string storing the binary representation of the 16 bit unsigned integer.
+ checkError("uint16totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+ // Uint32totext requires string storing the binary representation of the 32 bit unsigned integer.
+ checkError("uint32totext('01')",
+ "<string>:1.19: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting == or +");
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor4SpecificVendorExists) {
+ testVendor("vendor[4491].exists", Option::V4, 4491, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor6SpecificVendorExists) {
+ testVendor("vendor[4491].exists", Option::V6, 4491, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor4AnyVendorExists) {
+ testVendor("vendor[*].exists", Option::V4, 0, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor6AnyVendorExists) {
+ testVendor("vendor[*].exists", Option::V6, 0, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor4enterprise) {
+ testVendorEnterprise("vendor.enterprise == 0x1234", Option::V4);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor6enterprise) {
+ testVendorEnterprise("vendor.enterprise == 0x1234", Option::V6);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor4SuboptionExists) {
+ testVendor("vendor[4491].option[1].exists", Option::V4, 4491, 1, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor6SuboptionExists) {
+ testVendor("vendor[4491].option[1].exists", Option::V6, 4491, 1, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor4SuboptionHex) {
+ testVendor("vendor[4491].option[1].hex == 0x1234", Option::V4, 4491, 1,
+ TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendor6SuboptionHex) {
+ testVendor("vendor[4491].option[1].hex == 0x1234", Option::V6, 4491, 1,
+ TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass4SpecificVendorExists) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[4491].exists", Option::V4, 4491);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass6SpecificVendorExists) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[4491].exists", Option::V6, 4491);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass4AnyVendorExists) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[*].exists", Option::V4, 0);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass6AnyVendorExists) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[*].exists", Option::V6, 0);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass4enterprise) {
+ testVendorClassEnterprise("vendor-class.enterprise == 0x1234", Option::V4);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass6enterprise) {
+ testVendorClassEnterprise("vendor-class.enterprise == 0x1234", Option::V6);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass4SpecificVendorData) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[4491].data == 0x1234", Option::V4, 4491, 0);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass6SpecificVendorData) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[4491].data == 0x1234", Option::V6, 4491, 0);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass4AnyVendorData) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[*].data == 0x1234", Option::V4, 0, 0);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass6AnyVendorData) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[*].data == 0x1234", Option::V6, 0, 0);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass4DataIndex) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[4491].data[3] == 0x1234", Option::V4, 4491, 3);
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, vendorClass6DataIndex) {
+ testVendorClass("vendor-class[4491].data[3] == 0x1234", Option::V6, 4491, 3);
+// Test the parsing of a sub-option with parent by code.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, subOptionWithCode) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[123].option[234].text == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenSubOption(, 123, 234, TokenOption::TEXTUAL);
+// Test the parsing of a sub-option with parent by name.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, subOptionWithName) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[host-name].option[123].text == 'foo'"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenSubOption(, 12, 123, TokenOption::TEXTUAL);
+// Test the parsing of a sub-option existence
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, subOptionExists) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[100].option[200].exists"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenSubOption(, 100, 200, TokenOption::EXISTS);
+// Test parsing of a sub-option represented as hexadecimal string.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, subOptionHex) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V4);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("option[123].option[234].hex == 0x666F6F"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ checkTokenSubOption(, 123, 234, TokenOption::HEXADECIMAL);
+// Checks if integer expressions can be parsed and checked for equality.
+TEST_F(EvalContextTest, integer1) {
+ EvalContext eval(Option::V6);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(parsed_ = eval.parseString("1 == 2"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parsed_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, eval.expression.size());
+ TokenPtr tmp =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp, 1);
+ tmp =;
+ checkTokenInteger(tmp, 2);