path: root/src/lib/mysql/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/mysql/tests/')
1 files changed, 789 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19d1a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/mysql/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <mysql/mysql_connection.h>
+#include <mysql/testutils/mysql_schema.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+using namespace isc::db;
+using namespace isc::db::test;
+namespace {
+/// @brief RAII wrapper over MYSQL_RES obtained from MySQL library functions like
+/// mysql_use_result().
+struct MySqlResult {
+ MySqlResult(MYSQL_RES* result) : result_(result) {
+ }
+ ~MySqlResult() {
+ mysql_free_result(result_);
+ }
+ MYSQL_RES* const result_;
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c MySqlConnection class.
+class MySqlConnectionTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Indexes of prepared statements used within the tests.
+ enum StatementIndex {
+ };
+ /// @brief Array of tagged MySQL statements.
+ typedef std::array<TaggedStatement, NUM_STATEMENTS> TaggedStatementArray;
+ /// @brief Prepared MySQL statements used in the tests.
+ TaggedStatementArray tagged_statements = {{
+ "SELECT tinyint_value, int_value, bigint_value, string_value,"
+ " blob_value, timestamp_value"
+ " FROM mysql_connection_test WHERE int_value = ?" },
+ "DELETE FROM mysql_connection_test WHERE int_value = ?" },
+ "INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value, int_value,"
+ "bigint_value, string_value, blob_value, timestamp_value)"
+ " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" }
+ }};
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Re-creates database schema, opens new database connection and creates
+ /// prepared statements used in tests. Created schema contains a test
+ /// table @c mysql_connection_test which includes 6 columns of various
+ /// types.
+ MySqlConnectionTest(bool const primary_key = false)
+ : conn_(DatabaseConnection::parse(validMySQLConnectionString())) {
+ try {
+ // Open new connection.
+ conn_.openDatabase();
+ // Create mysql_connection_test table.
+ createTestTable(primary_key);
+ // In Percona XtraDB cluster, you can't do much on tables with
+ // primary keys. So far the connection and the table creation have
+ // been tested. Continue only if:
+ // * we are in primary key mode
+ // * a MySQL database other than Percona is running
+ // * Percona's pxc_strict_mode is set to "DISABLED" or "PERMISSIVE"
+ // The last two checks are done with inverse logic against the two
+ // modes that restrict this: "ENFORCING" and "MASTER". This check is
+ // to be paired inside the tests without a primary key to disable
+ // those tests.
+ if (!primary_key &&
+ (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Created prepared statements for basic queries to test table.
+ conn_.prepareStatements(tagged_statements.begin(),
+ tagged_statements.end());
+ } catch (...) {
+ std::cerr << "*** ERROR: unable to open database. The test\n"
+ "*** environment is broken and must be fixed before\n"
+ "*** the MySQL tests will run correctly.\n"
+ "*** The reason for the problem is described in the\n"
+ "*** accompanying exception output.\n";
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor
+ ///
+ /// Removes test table from the database.
+ virtual ~MySqlConnectionTest() {
+ if (conn_.isTransactionStarted()) {
+ conn_.rollback();
+ }
+ dropTestTable();
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates test table @c mysql_connection_test.
+ ///
+ /// The new table contains 6 columns of various data types. All of
+ /// the columns accept null values.
+ void createTestTable(bool const primary_key = false) {
+ /// @todo TIMESTAMP value lacks sub second precision because
+ /// it is supported since MySQL 5.6.4, which is still not a
+ /// default version on some OSes. When the subsecond precision
+ /// is available on all OSes that Kea supports, the timestamp
+ /// column should be turned to TIMESTAMP(6). Until then, it
+ /// must remain TIMESTAMP.
+ runQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql_connection_test ("
+ "tinyint_value TINYINT " +
+ std::string(primary_key ? "PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," : "NULL,") +
+ "int_value INT NULL,"
+ "bigint_value BIGINT NULL,"
+ "string_value TEXT NULL,"
+ "blob_value BLOB NULL,"
+ "timestamp_value TIMESTAMP NULL"
+ ")");
+ }
+ /// @brief Drops test table.
+ void dropTestTable() {
+ runQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mysql_connection_test");
+ }
+ /// @brief Runs MySQL query on the opened connection.
+ ///
+ /// @param sql Query in the textual form.
+ void runQuery(const std::string& sql) {
+ MYSQL_STMT *stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn_.mysql_);
+ if (stmt == NULL) {
+ isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to allocate MySQL prepared "
+ "statement structure, reason: " << mysql_error(conn_.mysql_));
+ }
+ int status = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql.c_str(), sql.length());
+ if (status != 0) {
+ isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to prepare MySQL statement <"
+ << sql << ">, reason: " << mysql_errno(conn_.mysql_));
+ }
+ // Execute the prepared statement.
+ if (MysqlExecuteStatement(stmt) != 0) {
+ isc_throw(DbOperationError, "cannot execute MySQL query <"
+ << sql << ">, reason: " << mysql_errno(conn_.mysql_));
+ }
+ // Discard the statement and its resources
+ mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
+ }
+ /// @brief Tests inserting and retrieving data from the database.
+ ///
+ /// In this test data carried in the bindings is inserted into the database.
+ /// Then this data is retrieved from the database and compared with the
+ /// orginal.
+ ///
+ /// @param in_bindings Collection of bindings encapsulating the data to
+ /// be inserted into the database and then retrieved.
+ void testInsertSelect(const MySqlBindingCollection& in_bindings) {
+ // Expecting 6 bindings because we have 6 columns in our table.
+ ASSERT_EQ(6, in_bindings.size());
+ // We are going to select by int_value so this value must not be null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(in_bindings[1]->amNull());
+ // Store data in the database.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_.insertQuery(MySqlConnectionTest::INSERT_VALUE,
+ in_bindings));
+ // Create input binding for select query.
+ MySqlBindingCollection bindings =
+ { MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(in_bindings[1]->getInteger<uint32_t>()) };
+ // Also, create output (placeholder) bindings for receiving data.
+ MySqlBindingCollection out_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(),
+ MySqlBinding::createString(512),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(512),
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp()
+ };
+ // Execute select statement. We expect one row to be returned. For this
+ // returned row the lambda provided as 4th argument should be executed.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_.selectQuery(MySqlConnectionTest::GET_BY_INT_VALUE,
+ bindings, out_bindings,
+ [&](MySqlBindingCollection& out_bindings) {
+ // Compare received data with input data assuming they are both non-null.
+ if (!out_bindings[0]->amNull() && !in_bindings[0]->amNull()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(in_bindings[0]->getInteger<uint8_t>()),
+ static_cast<int>(out_bindings[0]->getInteger<uint8_t>()));
+ }
+ if (!out_bindings[1]->amNull() && !in_bindings[1]->amNull()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(in_bindings[1]->getInteger<uint32_t>(),
+ out_bindings[1]->getInteger<uint32_t>());
+ }
+ if (!out_bindings[2]->amNull() && !in_bindings[2]->amNull()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(in_bindings[2]->getInteger<int64_t>(),
+ out_bindings[2]->getInteger<int64_t>());
+ }
+ if (!out_bindings[3]->amNull() && !in_bindings[3]->amNull()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(in_bindings[3]->getString(),
+ out_bindings[3]->getString());
+ }
+ if (!out_bindings[4]->amNull() && !in_bindings[4]->amNull()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(in_bindings[4]->getBlob(),
+ out_bindings[4]->getBlob());
+ }
+ if (!out_bindings[5]->amNull() && !in_bindings[5]->amNull()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(in_bindings[5]->getTimestamp() ==
+ out_bindings[5]->getTimestamp());
+ }
+ }));
+ // Make sure that null values were returned for columns for which null
+ // was set.
+ ASSERT_EQ(in_bindings.size(), out_bindings.size());
+ for (auto i = 0; i < in_bindings.size(); ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(in_bindings[i]->amNull(), out_bindings[i]->amNull())
+ << "null value test failed for binding #" << i;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Run a raw, unprepared statement and return the result.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when running statements that can't be parameterized with a
+ /// question mark in place of a bound variable e.g. "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES"
+ /// and thus cannot be prepared beforehand. All the results are string, the
+ /// output should be the same as that which one would see in a mysql command
+ /// line client.
+ ///
+ /// @param statement the statement in string form
+ /// @throw DbOperationError if the statement could not be run
+ /// @return the list of rows, each row consisting of a list of values for
+ /// each column
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>
+ rawStatement(std::string const& statement) const {
+ // Execute a SQL statement.
+ if (mysql_query(conn_.mysql_, statement.c_str())) {
+ isc_throw(DbOperationError,
+ statement << ": " << mysql_error(conn_.mysql_));
+ }
+ // Get a result set.
+ MySqlResult result(mysql_use_result(conn_.mysql_));
+ // Fetch a result set.
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> output;
+ size_t r(0);
+ MYSQL_ROW row;
+ size_t const column_count(mysql_num_fields(result.result_));
+ while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result.result_)) != NULL) {
+ output.push_back(std::vector<std::string>());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < column_count; ++i) {
+ output[r].push_back(row[i]);
+ }
+ ++r;
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ /// @brief Get pxc_strict_mode global variable from the database.
+ /// For Percona, they can be: DISABLED, PERMISSIVE, ENFORCING, MASTER.
+ std::string showPxcStrictMode() {
+ // Store in a static variable so this only runs once per gtest binary
+ // invocation.
+ static std::string const pxc_strict_mode([&]() -> std::string {
+ // Execute select statement. We expect one row to be returned. For
+ // this returned row the lambda provided as 4th argument should be
+ // executed.
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> const result(
+ rawStatement("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'pxc_strict_mode'"));
+ if (result.size() < 1 || result[0].size() < 2) {
+ // Not Percona
+ return "";
+ }
+ return result[0][1];
+ }());
+ return pxc_strict_mode;
+ }
+ /// *** Test definitions start here. Tests are invoked ***
+ /// *** multiple times further below in different test fixtures. ***
+ /// @brief Test that non-null values of various types can be inserted and
+ /// retrieved from the dataabse.
+ void select() {
+ std::string blob = "myblob";
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(-4096),
+ MySqlBinding::createString("shellfish"),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(blob.begin(), blob.end()),
+ /// @todo Change it to microsec_clock once we transition to
+ /// subsecond precision.
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp(
+ boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()),
+ };
+ testInsertSelect(in_bindings);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that null value can be inserted to a column having numeric
+ /// type and retrieved.
+ void selectNullInteger() {
+ std::string blob = "myblob";
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ MySqlBinding::createString("shellfish"),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(blob.begin(), blob.end()),
+ /// @todo Change it to microsec_clock once we transition to
+ /// subsecond precision.
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp(
+ boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()),
+ };
+ testInsertSelect(in_bindings);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that null value can be inserted to a column having string
+ /// type and retrieved.
+ void selectNullString() {
+ std::string blob = "myblob";
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(-4096),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(blob.begin(), blob.end()),
+ /// @todo Change it to microsec_clock once we transition to
+ /// subsecond precision.
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp(
+ boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()),
+ };
+ testInsertSelect(in_bindings);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that null value can be inserted to a column having blob type
+ /// and retrieved.
+ void selectNullBlob() {
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(-4096),
+ MySqlBinding::createString("shellfish"),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ /// @todo Change it to microsec_clock once we transition to
+ /// subsecond precision.
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp(
+ boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()),
+ };
+ testInsertSelect(in_bindings);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that null value can be inserted to a column having timestamp
+ /// type and retrieved.
+ void selectNullTimestamp() {
+ std::string blob = "myblob";
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(-4096),
+ MySqlBinding::createString("shellfish"),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(blob.begin(), blob.end()),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ };
+ testInsertSelect(in_bindings);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that empty string and empty blob can be inserted to a
+ /// database.
+ void selectEmptyStringBlob() {
+ std::string blob = "";
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(-4096),
+ MySqlBinding::createString(""),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(blob.begin(), blob.end()),
+ /// @todo Change it to microsec_clock once we transition to
+ /// subsecond precision.
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp(
+ boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()),
+ };
+ testInsertSelect(in_bindings);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test that a row can be deleted from the database.
+ void deleteByValue() {
+ // Insert a row with numeric values.
+ MySqlBindingCollection in_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(123),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(-4096),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ MySqlBinding::createNull(),
+ };
+ conn_.insertQuery(MySqlConnectionTest::INSERT_VALUE, in_bindings));
+ // This variable will be checked to see if the row has been deleted
+ // from the database.
+ bool deleted = false;
+ // Execute delete query but use int_value of non existing row.
+ // The row should not be deleted.
+ in_bindings = {MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1)};
+ deleted = conn_.updateDeleteQuery(
+ MySqlConnectionTest::DELETE_BY_INT_VALUE, in_bindings));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(deleted);
+ // This time use the correct value.
+ in_bindings = {MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(1024)};
+ deleted = conn_.updateDeleteQuery(
+ MySqlConnectionTest::DELETE_BY_INT_VALUE, in_bindings));
+ // The row should have been deleted.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(deleted);
+ // Let's confirm that it has been deleted by issuing a select query.
+ MySqlBindingCollection out_bindings = {
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint8_t>(),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<uint32_t>(),
+ MySqlBinding::createInteger<int64_t>(),
+ MySqlBinding::createString(512),
+ MySqlBinding::createBlob(512),
+ MySqlBinding::createTimestamp(),
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_.selectQuery(MySqlConnectionTest::GET_BY_INT_VALUE,
+ in_bindings, out_bindings,
+ [&deleted](MySqlBindingCollection&) {
+ // This will be executed if the
+ // row is returned as a result of
+ // select query. We expect that
+ // this is not executed.
+ deleted = false;
+ }));
+ // Make sure that select query returned nothing.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(deleted);
+ }
+ /// @brief Test MySQL connection.
+ MySqlConnection conn_;
+struct MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest : MySqlConnectionTest {
+ MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest()
+ : MySqlConnectionTest(/* primary_key = */ true) {
+ }
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, select) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ select();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, selectNullInteger) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ selectNullInteger();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, selectNullString) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ selectNullString();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, selectNullBlob) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ selectNullBlob();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, selectNullTimestamp) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ selectNullTimestamp();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, selectEmptyStringBlob) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ selectEmptyStringBlob();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, deleteByValue) {
+ if (showPxcStrictMode() == "ENFORCING" || showPxcStrictMode() == "MASTER") {
+ return;
+ }
+ deleteByValue();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionTest, transactions) {
+ // Two inserts within a transaction and successful commit.
+ conn_.startTransaction();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (1)");
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (2)");
+ conn_.commit();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ auto result = rawStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql_connection_test");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result[0].size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2", result[0][0]);
+ // Add third row but roll back the transaction. We should still have
+ // two rows in the table.
+ conn_.startTransaction();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (5)");
+ conn_.rollback();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result[0].size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2", result[0][0]);
+ // Nested transaction. The inner transaction should be ignored and the outer
+ // transaction rolled back. We should still have two rows in the database.
+ conn_.startTransaction();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (3)");
+ conn_.startTransaction();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (4)");
+ conn_.commit();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ conn_.rollback();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ result = rawStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql_connection_test");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result[0].size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2", result[0][0]);
+ // Nested transaction. The inner transaction is rolled back but this should
+ // be ignored because nested transactions are not supported. We should
+ // have two new rows.
+ conn_.startTransaction();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (5)");
+ conn_.startTransaction();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ runQuery("INSERT INTO mysql_connection_test (tinyint_value) VALUES (6)");
+ conn_.rollback();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ conn_.commit();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(conn_.isTransactionStarted());
+ result = rawStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql_connection_test");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, result[0].size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("4", result[0][0]);
+ // Committing or rolling back a not started transaction is a coding error.
+ EXPECT_THROW(conn_.commit(), isc::Unexpected);
+ EXPECT_THROW(conn_.rollback(), isc::Unexpected);
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, select) {
+ select();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, selectNullInteger) {
+ selectNullInteger();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, selectNullString) {
+ selectNullString();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, selectNullBlob) {
+ selectNullBlob();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, selectNullTimestamp) {
+ selectNullTimestamp();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, selectEmptyStringBlob) {
+ selectEmptyStringBlob();
+TEST_F(MySqlConnectionWithPrimaryKeyTest, deleteByValue) {
+ deleteByValue();
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c MySqlConnection class methods.
+class MySqlSchemaTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ MySqlSchemaTest() {
+ // Ensure we have the proper schema.
+ createMySQLSchema();
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ virtual ~MySqlSchemaTest() {
+ destroyMySQLSchema();
+ }
+/// @brief Check that getVersion() returns the expected version.
+TEST_F(MySqlSchemaTest, checkVersion) {
+ // Check version
+ auto parameters = DatabaseConnection::parse(validMySQLConnectionString());
+ std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> version;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(version = MySqlConnection::getVersion(parameters));
+/// @brief Test fixture class for secure connection.
+class MySqlSecureConnectionTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Check if SSL/TLS support is available and configured.
+ bool hasMySQLTls() {
+ std::string tls = getMySQLTlsEnv();
+ if (tls.empty()) {
+ tls = getMySQLTlsServer();
+ }
+ return (tls == "YES");
+ }
+/// @brief Check that we can get the MySQL support status.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, getMySQLTls) {
+ std::string env;
+ try {
+ env = getMySQLTlsEnv();
+ std::cout << "getMySQLTlsEnv returns '" << env << "'\n";
+ } catch (const isc::Exception& ex) {
+ std::cerr << "getMySQLTlsEnv fails with " << ex.what() << "\n";
+ }
+ if (!env.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ std::cout << "getMySQLTlsServer returns '" << getMySQLTlsServer() << "'\n";
+ } catch (const isc::Exception& ex) {
+ std::cerr << "getMySQLTlsServer fails with " << ex.what() << "\n";
+ }
+/// @brief Check the enforced TCP connection.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, Tcp) {
+ std::string conn_str = connectionString(MYSQL_VALID_TYPE, VALID_NAME,
+ MySqlConnection conn(DatabaseConnection::parse(conn_str));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn.openDatabase());
+/// @brief Check the SSL/TLS protected connection.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, Tls) {
+ if (!hasMySQLTls()) {
+ std::cout << "SSL/TLS support is not available or configured: "
+ << "skipping this test\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string conn_str = connectionString(MYSQL_VALID_TYPE, VALID_NAME,
+ MySqlConnection conn(DatabaseConnection::parse(conn_str));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn.openDatabase());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conn.getTls());
+ std::string cipher = conn.getTlsCipher();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cipher.empty());
+ std::cout << "TLS cipher is '" << cipher << "'\n";
+/// @brief Check the SSL/TLS protected connection still requires the password.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, TlsInvalidPassword) {
+ if (!hasMySQLTls()) {
+ std::cout << "SSL/TLS support is not available or configured: "
+ << "skipping this test\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string conn_str = connectionString(MYSQL_VALID_TYPE, VALID_NAME,
+ MySqlConnection conn(DatabaseConnection::parse(conn_str));
+ EXPECT_THROW(conn.openDatabase(), DbOpenError);
+/// @brief Check the SSL/TLS protected connection requires crypto parameters.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, TlsNoCrypto) {
+ if (!hasMySQLTls()) {
+ std::cout << "SSL/TLS support is not available or configured: "
+ << "skipping this test\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string conn_str = connectionString(MYSQL_VALID_TYPE, VALID_NAME,
+ MySqlConnection conn(DatabaseConnection::parse(conn_str));
+ EXPECT_THROW(conn.openDatabase(), DbOpenError);
+/// @brief Check the SSL/TLS protected connection requires valid key.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, TlsInvalidKey) {
+ if (!hasMySQLTls()) {
+ std::cout << "SSL/TLS support is not available or configured: "
+ << "skipping this test\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string conn_str = connectionString(MYSQL_VALID_TYPE, VALID_NAME,
+ MySqlConnection conn(DatabaseConnection::parse(conn_str));
+ EXPECT_THROW(conn.openDatabase(), DbOpenError);
+/// @brief Check the SSL/TLS protected connection requires a key.
+TEST_F(MySqlSecureConnectionTest, TlsNoKey) {
+ if (!hasMySQLTls()) {
+ std::cout << "SSL/TLS support is not available or configured: "
+ << "skipping this test\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string conn_str = connectionString(MYSQL_VALID_TYPE, VALID_NAME,
+ MySqlConnection conn(DatabaseConnection::parse(conn_str));
+ EXPECT_THROW(conn.openDatabase(), DbOpenError);
+} // namespace