path: root/src/lib/pgsql/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/pgsql/tests/')
1 files changed, 1540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/pgsql/tests/ b/src/lib/pgsql/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5dfdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/pgsql/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1540 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <pgsql/pgsql_connection.h>
+#include <pgsql/pgsql_exchange.h>
+#include <pgsql/testutils/pgsql_schema.h>
+#include <pgsql/tests/pgsql_basics.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::db;
+using namespace isc::db::test;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace boost::posix_time;
+using namespace boost::gregorian;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add various data types to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addDataTest) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Declare a vector to add. Vectors are not currently duplicated
+ // So they will go out of scope, unless caller ensures it.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ bytes.push_back(i+1);
+ }
+ // Declare a string
+ std::string not_temp_str("just a string");
+ // Now add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ // Add a const char*
+ b.add("booya!");
+ // Add the non temporary string
+ b.add(not_temp_str);
+ // Add a temporary string
+ b.addTempString("walah walah washington");
+ // Add a one byte int
+ uint8_t small_int = 25;
+ b.add(small_int);
+ // Add a four byte int
+ int reg_int = 376;
+ b.add(reg_int);
+ // Add a eight byte unsigned int
+ uint64_t big_int = 48786749032;
+ b.add(big_int);
+ // Add boolean true and false
+ b.add((bool)(1));
+ b.add((bool)(0));
+ // Add IP addresses
+ b.add(isc::asiolink::IOAddress(""));
+ b.add(isc::asiolink::IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ // Add the vector
+ b.add(bytes);
+ // Add an empty string.
+ b.add(std::string(""));
+ // Add a v4 address.
+ asiolink::IOAddress addr4("");
+ b.addInet4(addr4);
+ // Add a v6 address.
+ asiolink::IOAddress addr6("3001::1");
+ b.addInet6(addr6);
+ // Add a double. Not sure how portably reliable this test will be.
+ double dbl = 2.0;
+ b.add(dbl);
+ // Add a JSON.
+ ElementPtr elems = Element::fromJSON("{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }");
+ b.add(elems);
+ // Add a Temporary blob
+ std::vector<uint8_t> blob({0x0a,0x0b,0x0,0xc,0xd});
+ b.addTempBinary(blob);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : \"booya!\"\n"
+ "1 : \"just a string\"\n"
+ "2 : \"walah walah washington\"\n"
+ "3 : \"25\"\n"
+ "4 : \"376\"\n"
+ "5 : \"48786749032\"\n"
+ "6 : \"TRUE\"\n"
+ "7 : \"FALSE\"\n"
+ "8 : \"3221360418\"\n"
+ "9 : \"3001::1\"\n"
+ "10 : 0x0102030405060708090a\n"
+ "11 : empty\n"
+ "12 : \"\"\n"
+ "13 : \"3001::1\"\n"
+ "14 : \"2\"\n"
+ "15 : \"{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }\"\n"
+ "16 : 0x0a0b000c0d\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add Triplets to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addTriplet) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ Triplet<uint32_t> empty;
+ Triplet<uint32_t> not_empty(1,2,3);
+ // Add triplets to the array.
+ b.add(empty);
+ b.add(not_empty);
+ b.addMin(empty);
+ b.addMin(not_empty);
+ b.addMax(empty);
+ b.addMax(not_empty);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : empty\n"
+ "1 : \"2\"\n"
+ "2 : empty\n"
+ "3 : \"1\"\n"
+ "4 : empty\n"
+ "5 : \"3\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add Optional strings to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addOptionalString) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ Optional<std::string> empty;
+ Optional<std::string> not_empty("whoopee!");
+ // Add strings to the array.
+ b.addOptional(empty);
+ b.addOptional(not_empty);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : empty\n"
+ "1 : \"whoopee!\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add Optional booleans to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addOptionalBool) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ Optional<bool> empty;
+ Optional<bool> am_false(false);
+ Optional<bool> am_true(true);
+ // Add booleans to the array.
+ b.addOptional(empty);
+ b.addOptional(am_false);
+ b.addOptional(am_true);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : empty\n"
+ "1 : \"0\"\n"
+ "2 : \"1\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add OptionalIntegers to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addOptionalInteger) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ Optional<uint32_t> empty;
+ Optional<uint32_t> not_empty(123);
+ // Add the integers to the array..
+ b.addOptional(empty);
+ b.addOptional(not_empty);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : empty\n"
+ "1 : \"123\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add Optional IPv4 addresses to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addOptionalInet4) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ Optional<asiolink::IOAddress> empty;
+ Optional<asiolink::IOAddress> not_empty(asiolink::IOAddress(""));
+ // Verify we cannot add a v6 address.
+ Optional<asiolink::IOAddress> not_v4(asiolink::IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(b.addOptionalInet4(not_v4), BadValue,
+ "unable to add address to PsqlBindAray"
+ " '3001::1' is not an IPv4 address");
+ // Add addresses to bind array.
+ b.addOptionalInet4(empty);
+ b.addOptionalInet4(not_empty);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : empty\n"
+ "1 : \"\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to add optional IPv6 addresses to
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, addOptionalInet6) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ Optional<asiolink::IOAddress> empty;
+ Optional<asiolink::IOAddress> not_empty(asiolink::IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ // Verify we cannot add a v6 address.
+ Optional<asiolink::IOAddress> not_v6(asiolink::IOAddress(""));
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(b.addOptionalInet6(not_v6), BadValue,
+ "unable to add address to PsqlBindAray"
+ " '' is not an IPv6 address");
+ // Add addresses to bind array.
+ b.addOptionalInet6(empty);
+ b.addOptionalInet6(not_empty);
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : empty\n"
+ "1 : \"3001::1\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies that PgResultSet row and column meta-data is correct
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, rowColumnBasics) {
+ // We fetch the table contents, which at this point should be no rows.
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 0);
+ // Column meta-data is determined by the select statement and is
+ // present whether or not any rows were returned.
+ EXPECT_EQ(r->getCols(), NUM_BASIC_COLS);
+ // Negative indexes should be out of range. We test negative values
+ // as PostgreSQL functions accept column values as type int.
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->colCheck(-1), DbOperationError);
+ // Iterate over the column indexes verifying:
+ // 1. the column is valid
+ // 2. the result set column name matches the expected column name
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BASIC_COLS; i++) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(r->colCheck(i));
+ EXPECT_EQ(r->getColumnLabel(i), expectedColumnName(i));
+ }
+ // Verify above range column value is detected.
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->colCheck(NUM_BASIC_COLS), DbOperationError);
+ // Verify the fetching a column label for out of range columns
+ // do NOT throw.
+ std::string label;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(label = r->getColumnLabel(-1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(label, "Unknown column:-1");
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(label = r->getColumnLabel(NUM_BASIC_COLS));
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Unknown column:" << NUM_BASIC_COLS;
+ EXPECT_EQ(label, os.str());
+ // Verify row count and checking. With an empty result set all values of
+ // row are invalid.
+ EXPECT_EQ(r->getRows(), 0);
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowCheck(-1), DbOperationError);
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowCheck(0), DbOperationError);
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowCheck(1), DbOperationError);
+ // Verify Row-column check will always fail with an empty result set.
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowColCheck(-1, 1), DbOperationError);
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowColCheck(0, 1), DbOperationError);
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowColCheck(1, 1), DbOperationError);
+ // Insert three minimal rows. We don't really care about column content
+ // for this test.
+ int num_rows = 3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
+ RUN_SQL(r, "INSERT INTO basics (bool_col) VALUES ('t')",
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly created rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, num_rows);
+ // Verify we row count and checking
+ EXPECT_EQ(r->getRows(), num_rows);
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowCheck(-1), DbOperationError);
+ // Iterate over the row count, verifying that expected rows are valid
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(r->rowCheck(i));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(r->rowColCheck(i, 0));
+ }
+ // Verify an above range row is detected.
+ EXPECT_THROW(r->rowCheck(num_rows), DbOperationError);
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write BOOL columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, boolTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting bool_col
+ const char* st_name = "bool_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ {1, { OID_BOOL }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (bool_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ bool bools[] = { true, false };
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array(new PsqlBindArray());
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ // Insert bool rows
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(bools[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r,statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 2);
+ // Verify the fetched bool values are what we expect.
+ bool fetched_bool;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < 2; ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, BOOL_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_bool = !bools[row];
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, BOOL_COL,
+ fetched_bool));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_bool, bools[row]);
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, 1, fetched_bool),
+ DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL boolean
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ // Run the insert with the bind array.
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, 1));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write BYTEA columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, byteaTest) {
+ const char* st_name = "bytea_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ {1, { OID_BYTEA }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (bytea_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ const uint8_t bytes[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04
+ };
+ std::vector<uint8_t> vbytes(bytes, bytes + sizeof(bytes));
+ // Verify we can insert bytea from a vector
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array(new PsqlBindArray());
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ bind_array->add(vbytes);
+ RUN_PREP(r,statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Verify we can insert bytea from a buffer.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
+ RUN_PREP(r,statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ int num_rows = 2;
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, num_rows);
+ uint8_t fetched_bytes[sizeof(bytes)];
+ size_t byte_count;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < num_rows; ++row) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, BYTEA_COL));
+ // Extract the data into a correctly sized buffer
+ memset(fetched_bytes, 0, sizeof(fetched_bytes));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::convertFromBytea(*r, row, BYTEA_COL,
+ fetched_bytes,
+ sizeof(fetched_bytes),
+ byte_count));
+ // Verify the data is correct
+ ASSERT_EQ(byte_count, sizeof(bytes));
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(bytes); i++) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(bytes[i], fetched_bytes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::convertFromBytea(*r, row, BYTEA_COL,
+ fetched_bytes,
+ sizeof(fetched_bytes),
+ byte_count), DbOperationError);
+ // Verify that too small of a buffer throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::convertFromBytea(*r, 0, BYTEA_COL,
+ fetched_bytes,
+ sizeof(fetched_bytes) - 1,
+ byte_count), DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL for a bytea column
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull(PsqlBindArray::BINARY_FMT);
+ RUN_PREP(r,statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, BYTEA_COL));
+ // Verify that fetching a NULL bytea, returns 0 byte count
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::convertFromBytea(*r, 0, BYTEA_COL,
+ fetched_bytes,
+ sizeof(fetched_bytes),
+ byte_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(byte_count, 0);
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write BIGINT columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, bigIntTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting BIGINT
+ const char* st_name = "bigint_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_INT8 }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (bigint_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<int64_t> ints;
+ ints.push_back(-1);
+ ints.push_back(0);
+ ints.push_back(0x7fffffffffffffff);
+ ints.push_back(0xffffffffffffffff);
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ints.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ints[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, ints.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int64_t fetched_int;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < ints.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, BIGINT_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_int = 777;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, BIGINT_COL,
+ fetched_int));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_int, ints[row]);
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, BIGINT_COL,
+ fetched_int), DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, BIGINT_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write SMALLINT columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, smallIntTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a SMALLINT
+ const char* st_name = "smallint_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_INT2 }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (smallint_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<int16_t>ints;
+ ints.push_back(-1);
+ ints.push_back(0);
+ ints.push_back(0x7fff);
+ ints.push_back(0xffff);
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ints.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ints[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, ints.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int16_t fetched_int;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < ints.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, SMALLINT_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_int = 777;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, SMALLINT_COL,
+ fetched_int));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_int, ints[row]);
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, SMALLINT_COL,
+ fetched_int),
+ DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, SMALLINT_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write INT columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, intTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting an INT
+ const char* st_name = "int_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_INT4 }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (int_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<int32_t> ints;
+ ints.push_back(-1);
+ ints.push_back(0);
+ ints.push_back(0x7fffffff);
+ ints.push_back(0xffffffff);
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ints.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ints[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, ints.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int32_t fetched_int;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < ints.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, INT_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_int = 777;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, INT_COL,
+ fetched_int));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_int, ints[row]);
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, INT_COL, fetched_int),
+ DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, INT_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we use the methods used for testing:
+/// amNull(), getInteger<T>(), getType()
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, get) {
+ PsqlBindArray bind_array;
+ // The array itself is empty, its first column is not null
+ EXPECT_THROW(bind_array.amNull(), OutOfRange);
+ EXPECT_THROW(bind_array.getInteger<uint32_t>(), OutOfRange);
+ EXPECT_THROW(bind_array.getType(), OutOfRange);
+ // Now try again with proper values.
+ bind_array.add(123); // This will be converted to "123" string.
+ bind_array.addNull();
+ bind_array.add("sagittarius");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(bind_array.amNull(0)); // first column is not null
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bind_array.amNull(1)); // second column is null
+ EXPECT_FALSE(bind_array.amNull(2)); // third column is not null
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, bind_array.getInteger<uint32_t>(0)); // first column is 123
+ EXPECT_THROW(bind_array.getInteger<uint32_t>(1), BadValue);
+ EXPECT_THROW(bind_array.getInteger<uint32_t>(2), boost::bad_lexical_cast);
+ EXPECT_EQ(PsqlBindArray::TEXT_FMT, bind_array.getType(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(PsqlBindArray::TEXT_FMT, bind_array.getType(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(PsqlBindArray::TEXT_FMT, bind_array.getType(2));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write TEXT columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, textTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting TEXT
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, "text_insert",
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (text_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Our reference string.
+ std::string ref_string = "This is a text string";
+ // Insert the reference from std::string
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ref_string);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Insert the reference from a buffer
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ref_string.c_str());
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 2);
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying the value against the reference
+ std::string fetched_str;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < 2; ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, TEXT_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_str = "";
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, TEXT_COL,
+ fetched_str));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_str, ref_string);
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, TEXT_COL, fetched_str),
+ DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, TEXT_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write VARCHAR columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, varcharTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a VARCHAR
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_VARCHAR }, "varchar_insert",
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (varchar_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Our reference string.
+ std::string ref_string = "This is a varchar string";
+ // Insert the reference from std::string
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ref_string);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Insert the reference from a buffer
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(ref_string.c_str());
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 2);
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying the value against the reference
+ std::string fetched_str;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < 2; ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, VARCHAR_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_str = "";
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, VARCHAR_COL,
+ fetched_str));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_str, ref_string);
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, VARCHAR_COL,
+ fetched_str), DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, VARCHAR_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write TIMESTAMP columns
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, timeStampTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a TIMESTAMP
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TIMESTAMP }, "timestamp_insert",
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (timestamp_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our list of reference times
+ time_t now;
+ time(&now);
+ std::vector<time_t> times;
+ times.push_back(now);
+ times.push_back(DatabaseConnection::MAX_DB_TIME);
+ // Note on a 32-bit OS this value is really -1. PosgreSQL will store it
+ // and return it intact.
+ times.push_back(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ std::string time_str;
+ for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); ++i) {
+ // Timestamps are inserted as strings so convert them first
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(time_str =
+ PgSqlExchange::convertToDatabaseTime(times[i]));
+ // Add it to the bind array and insert it
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(time_str);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Insert a row with ref time plus one day
+ times.push_back(now + 24*3600);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(time_str =
+ PgSqlExchange::convertToDatabaseTime(times[0], 24*3600));
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(time_str);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, times.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying the value against its reference
+ std::string fetched_str;
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < times.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, TIMESTAMP_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ fetched_str = "";
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, TIMESTAMP_COL,
+ fetched_str));
+ time_t fetched_time;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(fetched_time =
+ PgSqlExchange::convertFromDatabaseTime(fetched_str));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_time, times[row]) << " row: " << row;
+ }
+ // While we here, verify that bad row throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, TIMESTAMP_COL,
+ fetched_str), DbOperationError);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, TIMESTAMP_COL));
+ // Verify exceeding max time throws
+ ASSERT_THROW(PgSqlExchange::convertToDatabaseTime(times[0],
+ DatabaseConnection::
+ MAX_DB_TIME), BadValue);
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write ptime using TIMESTAMP columns.
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, ptimeTimestamp) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a TIMESTAMP
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TIMESTAMP }, "timestamp_insert",
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (localtime_col) values ($1)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Create an empty array.
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array(new PsqlBindArray());
+ // Make sure we catch values that are too big.
+ time_duration duration = hours(10) + minutes(14) + seconds(15);
+ ptime day_too_far(date(2038, Jan, 21), duration);
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(bind_array->addTimestamp(day_too_far), BadValue,
+ "Time value is too large: 2147681655");
+ // Now add reasonable day, US National Ice Cream day.
+ ptime nice_day(date(2021, Jul, 18), duration);
+ bind_array->addTimestamp(nice_day);
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Timestamp column should not be null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, LOCALTIME_COL));
+ // Convert fetched value into a ptime.
+ ptime fetched_time;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, 0, LOCALTIME_COL,
+ fetched_time));
+ ASSERT_EQ(fetched_time, nice_day);
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to insert a string into
+/// the bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, insertString) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Make a non-temporary string to insert.
+ std::string one("one");
+ // Add all the items within a different scope. Everything should
+ // still be valid once we exit this scope.
+ {
+ // Make sure you can "insert" at the front of an empty array.
+ b.insert("two", 0);
+ // Add a binding.
+ b.add("four");
+ // Verify an out of range index throws.
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(b.insert(std::string("too far"), 5), OutOfRange,
+ "PsqlBindArray::insert - index: 5, "
+ "is larger than the array size: 2");
+ // Insert a non-temporary string at the front.
+ b.insert(one, 0);
+ // Insert a temporary string.
+ b.insert("three", 2);
+ // Add another one.
+ b.add("five");
+ }
+ // We've left bind scope, everything should be intact.
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, b.size());
+ // Verify contents are correct.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : \"one\"\n"
+ "1 : \"two\"\n"
+ "2 : \"three\"\n"
+ "3 : \"four\"\n"
+ "4 : \"five\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verifies the ability to pop bindings off
+/// the end of a bind array.
+TEST(PsqlBindArray, popBackTest) {
+ PsqlBindArray b;
+ // Popping on an empty array should throw.
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(b.popBack(), OutOfRange,
+ "PsqlBindArray::pop_back - array empty");
+ // Add five integers.
+ for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
+ b.add(i);
+ }
+ // Verify size.
+ EXPECT_EQ(b.size(), 5);
+ // Pop one off.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(b.popBack());
+ // Verify size.
+ EXPECT_EQ(b.size(), 4);
+ // Pop another one off.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(b.popBack());
+ // Verify size.
+ EXPECT_EQ(b.size(), 3);
+ // This is what we should have left.
+ std::string expected =
+ "0 : \"1\"\n"
+ "1 : \"2\"\n"
+ "2 : \"3\"\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, b.toText());
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write IPv4 addresses
+/// using INET columns.
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, inetTest4) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting an IPv4 address
+ const char* st_name = "inet4_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (inet4_col) values (cast($1 as inet))" },
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, "check_where",
+ "select * from BASICS where inet4_col = cast($1 as inet)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[1]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<asiolink::IOAddress>inets;
+ inets.push_back(asiolink::IOAddress(""));
+ inets.push_back(asiolink::IOAddress(""));
+ inets.push_back(asiolink::IOAddress(""));
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < inets.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addInet4(inets[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, inets.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int row = 0;
+ asiolink::IOAddress fetched_inet("");
+ for ( ; row < inets.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, INET4_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(fetched_inet = PgSqlExchange::getInetValue4(*r, row, INET4_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_inet, inets[row]);
+ }
+ // Verify that casting from string to inet works in where clauses.
+ r.reset();
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addInet4(inets[1]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[1], bind_array, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(r->getRows(),1);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(fetched_inet = PgSqlExchange::getInetValue4(*r, 0, INET4_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_inet, inets[1]);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, INET4_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write IPv6 addresses
+/// using INET columns.
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, inetTest6) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting an IPv6 address
+ const char* st_name = "inet6_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (inet6_col) values (cast($1 as inet))" },
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, "check_where",
+ "select * from BASICS where inet6_col = cast($1 as inet)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[1]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<asiolink::IOAddress>inets;
+ inets.push_back(asiolink::IOAddress("::"));
+ inets.push_back(asiolink::IOAddress("3001::1"));
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < inets.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addInet6(inets[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, inets.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int row = 0;
+ asiolink::IOAddress fetched_inet("::");
+ for ( ; row < inets.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, INET6_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(fetched_inet = PgSqlExchange::getInetValue6(*r, row, INET6_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_inet, inets[row]);
+ }
+ // Verify that casting from string to inet works in where clauses.
+ r.reset();
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addInet6(inets[1]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[1], bind_array, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(r->getRows(),1);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(fetched_inet = PgSqlExchange::getInetValue6(*r, 0, INET6_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_inet, inets[1]);
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, INET6_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write floats
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, floatTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a FLOAT
+ const char* st_name = "float_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (float_col) values (cast($1 as float))" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<double>floats;
+ floats.push_back(1.345);
+ floats.push_back(200);
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < floats.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(floats[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, floats.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < floats.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, FLOAT_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ double fetched_float;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, FLOAT_COL, fetched_float));
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched_float, floats[row]);
+ }
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, FLOAT_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write JSON columns.
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, jsonTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a JSON
+ const char* st_name = "json_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 1, { OID_TEXT }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (json_col) values (cast($1 as json))" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<ElementPtr>elem_ptrs;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(elem_ptrs.push_back(Element::fromJSON("{ \"one\":1 }")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(elem_ptrs.push_back(Element::fromJSON("{ \"two\":\"two\" }")));
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < elem_ptrs.size(); ++i) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(elem_ptrs[i]);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, elem_ptrs.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( ; row < elem_ptrs.size(); ++row ) {
+ // Verify the column is not null.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, row, JSON_COL));
+ // Fetch and verify the column value
+ ElementPtr fetched_ptr;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(*r, row, JSON_COL, fetched_ptr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetched_ptr->equals(*(elem_ptrs[row])));
+ }
+ // Clean out the table
+ // Verify we can insert a NULL value.
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->addNull();
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Verify the column is null.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PgSqlExchange::isColumnNull(*r, 0, JSON_COL));
+/// @brief Verify that we can read and write integer Triplets.
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, tripleTest) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting a Triplet
+ const char* st_name = "triplets_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 3, { OID_INT4, OID_INT4, OID_INT4 }, st_name,
+ "INSERT INTO BASICS (int_col, min_int_col, max_int_col) values ($1, $2, $3)" }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Build our reference list of reference values
+ std::vector<Triplet<uint32_t>> triplets;
+ triplets.push_back(Triplet<uint32_t>()); // def column is null
+ triplets.push_back(Triplet<uint32_t>(10)); // only default column
+ triplets.push_back(Triplet<uint32_t>(5,10,15)); // all three columns
+ triplets.push_back(Triplet<uint32_t>(10,10,15)); // min column is null
+ triplets.push_back(Triplet<uint32_t>(5,10,10)); // max column is null
+ // Insert a row for each reference value
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr bind_array;
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ for (auto triplet : triplets) {
+ bind_array.reset(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bind_array->add(triplet);
+ bind_array->addMin(triplet);
+ bind_array->addMax(triplet);
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], bind_array, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ }
+ // Fetch the newly inserted rows.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, triplets.size());
+ // Iterate over the rows, verifying each value against its reference
+ int row = 0;
+ for (auto expected : triplets) {
+ Triplet<uint32_t> fetched;
+ // First we test making a triplet only with default value column.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(fetched = PgSqlExchange::getTripletValue(*r, row, INT_COL));
+ if (expected.unspecified()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetched.unspecified());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fetched.unspecified());
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched.get(), expected.get());
+ }
+ // Now test making a triplet with all three columns.
+ fetched = PgSqlExchange::getTripletValue(*r, row,
+ if (expected.unspecified()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetched.unspecified());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fetched.unspecified());
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched.get(), expected.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched.getMin(), expected.getMin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(fetched.getMax(), expected.getMax());
+ }
+ ++row;
+ }
+ // Clean out the table
+/// @brief Verify PgResultRowWorker operations.
+TEST_F(PgSqlBasicsTest, resultRowWorker) {
+ // Create a prepared statement for inserting multiple types
+ const char* st_name = "row_insert";
+ PgSqlTaggedStatement statement[] = {
+ { 14,
+ {
+ }, st_name,
+ " bool_col, "
+ " bytea_col, "
+ " bigint_col, "
+ " smallint_col, "
+ " int_col, "
+ " text_col, "
+ " localtime_col, "
+ " varchar_col, "
+ " inet4_col, "
+ " float_col, "
+ " json_col, "
+ " min_int_col, "
+ " max_int_col, "
+ " inet6_col) "
+ " VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, cast($9 as inet), "
+ " cast($10 as float), cast($11 as json), $12, $13, $14)"
+ }
+ };
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(conn_->prepareStatement(statement[0]));
+ // Create a bind array of input values.
+ PsqlBindArrayPtr b(new PsqlBindArray());
+ bool exp_bool(true);
+ b->add(exp_bool);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> exp_bytes({0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04});
+ b->add(exp_bytes);
+ uint64_t exp_bigint = 9876;
+ b->add(exp_bigint);
+ uint16_t exp_smallint = 12;
+ b->add(exp_smallint);
+ uint32_t exp_int = 345;
+ b->add(exp_int);
+ std::string exp_text = "just some string";
+ b->add(exp_text);
+ time_duration duration = hours(7) + minutes(45) + seconds(9);
+ ptime exp_timestamp(date(2021, Jul, 18), duration);
+ b->addTimestamp(exp_timestamp);
+ const char* exp_varchar = "really just a string";
+ b->add(exp_varchar);
+ asiolink::IOAddress exp_inet4("");
+ b->addInet4(exp_inet4);
+ double exp_double(2.5);
+ b->add(exp_double);
+ ElementPtr exp_elems = Element::fromJSON("{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }");
+ b->add(exp_elems);
+ uint32_t exp_min = 100;
+ b->add(exp_min);
+ uint32_t exp_max = 500;
+ b->add(exp_max);
+ asiolink::IOAddress exp_inet6("3001::77");
+ b->addInet6(exp_inet6);
+ PgSqlResultPtr r;
+ RUN_PREP(r, statement[0], b, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
+ // Fetch the newly inserted row.
+ FETCH_ROWS(r, 1);
+ // Create a row worker.
+ PgSqlResultRowWorkerPtr worker;
+ // Creating the row worker for the first (and only) row should succeed.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(worker.reset(new PgSqlResultRowWorker(*r, 0)));
+ // Now let's test all the getters.
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_bool, worker->getBool(BOOL_COL));
+ std::vector<uint8_t> fetched_bytes;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(worker->getBytes(BYTEA_COL, fetched_bytes));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_bytes, fetched_bytes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_bigint, worker->getBigInt(BIGINT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_smallint, worker->getSmallInt(SMALLINT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_int, worker->getInt(INT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_text, worker->getString(TEXT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_timestamp, worker->getTimestamp(LOCALTIME_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_varchar, worker->getString(VARCHAR_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_inet4, worker->getInet4(INET4_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_double, worker->getDouble(FLOAT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*exp_elems, *(worker->getJSON(JSON_COL)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_min, worker->getInt(MIN_INT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_max, worker->getInt(MAX_INT_COL));
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_inet6, worker->getInet6(INET6_COL));
+ // Get a triplet using int_col as the sole value.
+ Triplet<uint32_t>fetched_triplet = worker->getTriplet(INT_COL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_int, fetched_triplet.get());
+ // Get a triplet using int_col, min_col, and max_col values.
+ fetched_triplet = worker->getTriplet(INT_COL, MIN_INT_COL, MAX_INT_COL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_int, fetched_triplet.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_min, fetched_triplet.getMin());
+ EXPECT_EQ(exp_max, fetched_triplet.getMax());
+ // Attempting to access an invalid row should throw.
+ ASSERT_THROW_MSG(worker.reset(new PgSqlResultRowWorker(*r, 1)),
+ DbOperationError, "row: 1, out of range: 0..1");
+} // namespace