path: root/src/lib/process/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <config_backend/base_config_backend_mgr.h>
+#include <config_backend/base_config_backend_pool.h>
+#include <process/cb_ctl_base.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::cb;
+using namespace isc::db;
+using namespace isc::process;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Implementation of the config backend for testing the
+/// @c CBControlBase template class.
+/// This simple class allows for adding, retrieving and clearing audit
+/// entries. The @c CBControlBase unit tests use it to control the
+/// behavior of the @c CBControlBase class under test.
+class CBControlBackend : BaseConfigBackend {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ CBControlBackend(const db::DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap&) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Retrieves the audit entries later than specified time.
+ ///
+ /// @param modification_time The lower bound time for which audit
+ /// entries should be returned.
+ /// @param modification_id The lower bound id for which audit
+ /// entries should be returned.
+ ///
+ /// @return Collection of audit entries later than specified time.
+ virtual db::AuditEntryCollection
+ getRecentAuditEntries(const db::ServerSelector&,
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime& modification_time,
+ const uint64_t modification_id) const {
+ db::AuditEntryCollection filtered_entries;
+ // Use the index which orders the audit entries by timestamps.
+ const auto& index = audit_entries_.get<AuditEntryModificationTimeIdTag>();
+ // Locate the first audit entry after the last one having the
+ // specified modification time and id.
+ auto modification = boost::make_tuple(modification_time, modification_id);
+ auto first_entry = index.upper_bound(modification);
+ // If there are any entries found return them.
+ if (first_entry != index.end()) {
+ filtered_entries.insert(first_entry, index.end());
+ }
+ return (filtered_entries);
+ }
+ /// @brief Add audit entry to the backend.
+ ///
+ /// @param object_type Object type to be stored in the audit entry.
+ /// @param object_id Object id to be stored in the audit entry.
+ /// @param modification_time Audit entry modification time to be set.
+ /// @param modification_id Audit entry modification id to be set.
+ void addAuditEntry(const ServerSelector&,
+ const std::string& object_type,
+ const uint64_t object_id,
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime& modification_time,
+ const uint64_t modification_id) {
+ // Create new audit entry from the specified parameters.
+ AuditEntryPtr audit_entry(new AuditEntry(object_type,
+ object_id,
+ AuditEntry::ModificationType::CREATE,
+ modification_time,
+ modification_id,
+ "added audit entry"));
+ // The audit entries are held in the static variable so as they
+ // don't disappear when we diconnect from the backend. The
+ // audit entries are explicitly cleared during the unit tests
+ // setup.
+ audit_entries_.insert(audit_entry);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns backend type in the textual format.
+ ///
+ /// @return Name of the storage for configurations, e.g. "mysql",
+ /// "pgsql" and so forth.
+ virtual std::string getType() const {
+ return ("memfile");
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns backend host
+ ///
+ /// This is used by the @c BaseConfigBackendPool to select backend
+ /// when @c BackendSelector is specified.
+ ///
+ /// @return host on which the database is located.
+ virtual std::string getHost() const {
+ return ("");
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns backend port number.
+ ///
+ /// This is used by the @c BaseConfigBackendPool to select backend
+ /// when @c BackendSelector is specified.
+ ///
+ /// @return Port number on which database service is available.
+ virtual uint16_t getPort() const {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /// @brief Removes audit entries.
+ static void clearAuditEntries() {
+ audit_entries_.clear();
+ }
+ /// @brief Static collection of audit entries.
+ ///
+ /// Thanks to storing them in the static member they are preserved
+ /// when the unit tests "disconnect" from the backend.
+ static AuditEntryCollection audit_entries_;
+/// @brief Pointer to the @c CBControlBackend object.
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<CBControlBackend> CBControlBackendPtr;
+AuditEntryCollection CBControlBackend::audit_entries_;
+/// @brief Implementation of the backends pool used in the
+/// @c CBControlBase template class unit tests.
+class CBControlBackendPool : public BaseConfigBackendPool<CBControlBackend> {
+ /// @brief Add audit entry to the backend.
+ ///
+ /// @param backend_selector Backend selector.
+ /// @param server_selector Server selector.
+ /// @param object_type Object type to be stored in the audit entry.
+ /// @param object_id Object id to be stored in the audit entry.
+ /// @param modification_time Audit entry modification time to be set.
+ /// @param modification_id Audit entry modification id to be set.
+ void addAuditEntry(const BackendSelector& backend_selector,
+ const ServerSelector& server_selector,
+ const std::string& object_type,
+ const uint64_t object_id,
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime& modification_time,
+ const uint64_t modification_id) {
+ createUpdateDeleteProperty<void, const std::string&, uint64_t,
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime&, uint64_t>
+ (&CBControlBackend::addAuditEntry, backend_selector, server_selector,
+ object_type, object_id, modification_time, modification_id);
+ }
+ /// @brief Retrieves the audit entries later than specified time.
+ ///
+ /// @param backend_selector Backend selector.
+ /// @param server_selector Server selector.
+ /// @param modification_time The lower bound time for which audit
+ /// entries should be returned.
+ /// @param modification_id The lower bound id for which audit
+ /// entries should be returned.
+ ///
+ /// @return Collection of audit entries later than specified time.
+ virtual db::AuditEntryCollection
+ getRecentAuditEntries(const BackendSelector& backend_selector,
+ const ServerSelector& server_selector,
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime& modification_time,
+ const uint64_t modification_id) const {
+ AuditEntryCollection audit_entries;
+ getMultiplePropertiesConst<AuditEntryCollection, const boost::posix_time::ptime&>
+ (&CBControlBackend::getRecentAuditEntries, backend_selector,
+ server_selector, audit_entries, modification_time,
+ modification_id);
+ return (audit_entries);
+ }
+/// @brief Implementation of the config backends manager used
+/// in the @c CBControlBase template class unit tests.
+class CBControlBackendMgr : public BaseConfigBackendMgr<CBControlBackendPool> {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ CBControlBackendMgr()
+ : instance_id_(0) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns instance of the @c CBControlBackendMgr.
+ ///
+ /// @return Reference to the instance of the @c CBControlBackendMgr.
+ static CBControlBackendMgr& instance() {
+ static CBControlBackendMgr mgr;
+ return (mgr);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns instance id.
+ ///
+ /// This value is used in tests which verify that the @c CBControlBase::getMgr
+ /// returns the right instance of the CB manager.
+ ///
+ /// @return Instance id.
+ uint32_t getInstanceId() const {
+ return (instance_id_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Sets new instance id.
+ ///
+ /// @param instance_id New instance id.
+ void setInstanceId(const uint32_t instance_id) {
+ instance_id_ = instance_id;
+ }
+ /// @brief Instance id.
+ uint32_t instance_id_;
+/// @brief Implementation of the @c CBControlBase class used in
+/// the unit tests.
+/// It makes some of the protected methods public. It also provides
+/// means to test the behavior of the @c CBControlBase template.
+class CBControl : public CBControlBase<CBControlBackendMgr> {
+ using CBControlBase<CBControlBackendMgr>::fetchConfigElement;
+ using CBControlBase<CBControlBackendMgr>::getMgr;
+ using CBControlBase<CBControlBackendMgr>::getInitialAuditRevisionTime;
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ CBControl()
+ : CBControlBase<CBControlBackendMgr>(),
+ merges_num_(0),
+ backend_selector_(BackendSelector::Type::MYSQL),
+ server_selector_(ServerSelector::UNASSIGNED()),
+ audit_entries_num_(-1),
+ enable_throw_(false) {
+ }
+ /// @brief Implementation of the method called to fetch and apply
+ /// configuration from the database into the local configuration.
+ ///
+ /// This stub implementation doesn't attempt to merge any configurations
+ /// but merely records the values of the parameters called.
+ ///
+ /// @param backend_selector Backend selector.
+ /// @param server_selector Server selector.
+ /// @param audit_entries Collection of audit entries.
+ virtual void databaseConfigApply(const BackendSelector& backend_selector,
+ const ServerSelector& server_selector,
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime&,
+ const AuditEntryCollection& audit_entries) {
+ ++merges_num_;
+ backend_selector_ = backend_selector;
+ server_selector_ = server_selector;
+ audit_entries_num_ = static_cast<int>(audit_entries.size());
+ if (enable_throw_) {
+ isc_throw(Unexpected, "throwing from databaseConfigApply");
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns the number of times the @c databaseConfigApply was called.
+ size_t getMergesNum() const {
+ return (merges_num_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns backend selector used as an argument in a call to
+ /// @c databaseConfigApply.
+ const BackendSelector& getBackendSelector() const {
+ return (backend_selector_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns server selector used as an argument in a call to
+ /// @c databaseConfigApply.
+ const ServerSelector& getServerSelector() const {
+ return (server_selector_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns the number of audit entries in the collection passed
+ /// to @c databaseConfigApply
+ int getAuditEntriesNum() const {
+ return (audit_entries_num_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns the recorded time of last audit entry.
+ boost::posix_time::ptime getLastAuditRevisionTime() const {
+ return (last_audit_revision_time_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Returns the recorded id of last audit entry.
+ uint64_t getLastAuditRevisionId() const {
+ return (last_audit_revision_id_);
+ }
+ /// @brief Overwrites the last audit entry time.
+ ///
+ /// @param last_audit_revision_time New time to be set.
+ void setLastAuditRevisionTime(const boost::posix_time::ptime& last_audit_revision_time) {
+ last_audit_revision_time_ = last_audit_revision_time;
+ }
+ /// @brief Overwrites the last audit revision id.
+ ///
+ /// @param last_audit_revision_id New id to be set.
+ void setLastAuditRevisionId(const uint64_t& last_audit_revision_id) {
+ last_audit_revision_id_ = last_audit_revision_id;
+ }
+ /// @brief Enables the @c databaseConfigApply function to throw.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful to test scenarios when configuration merge fails.
+ void enableThrow() {
+ enable_throw_ = true;
+ }
+ /// @brief Recorded number of calls to @c databaseConfigApply.
+ size_t merges_num_;
+ /// @brief Recorded backend selector value.
+ BackendSelector backend_selector_;
+ /// @brief Recorded server selector value.
+ ServerSelector server_selector_;
+ /// @brief Recorded number of audit entries.
+ int audit_entries_num_;
+ /// @brief Boolean value indicating if the @c databaseConfigApply should throw.
+ bool enable_throw_;
+/// @brief Out of the blue instance id used in tests.
+constexpr uint32_t TEST_INSTANCE_ID = 123;
+/// @brief Test fixture class for @c CBControlBase template class.
+class CBControlBaseTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ CBControlBaseTest()
+ : cb_ctl_(), mgr_(CBControlBackendMgr::instance()),
+ timestamps_() {
+ mgr_.registerBackendFactory("db1",
+ [](const DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap& params)
+ -> CBControlBackendPtr {
+ return (CBControlBackendPtr(new CBControlBackend(params)));
+ });
+ mgr_.setInstanceId(TEST_INSTANCE_ID);
+ initTimestamps();
+ CBControlBackend::clearAuditEntries();
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ ///
+ /// Removes audit entries created in the test.
+ ~CBControlBaseTest() {
+ CBControlBackend::clearAuditEntries();
+ }
+ /// @brief Initialize posix time values used in tests.
+ void initTimestamps() {
+ // Current time minus 1 hour to make sure it is in the past.
+ timestamps_["today"] = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()
+ - boost::posix_time::hours(1);
+ // Yesterday.
+ timestamps_["yesterday"] = timestamps_["today"] - boost::posix_time::hours(24);
+ // Two days ago.
+ timestamps_["two days ago"] = timestamps_["today"] - boost::posix_time::hours(48);
+ // Tomorrow.
+ timestamps_["tomorrow"] = timestamps_["today"] + boost::posix_time::hours(24);
+ }
+ /// @brief Creates an instance of the configuration object.
+ ///
+ /// @param db1_access Database access string to be used to connect to
+ /// the test configuration backend. It doesn't connect if the string
+ /// is empty.
+ ConfigPtr makeConfigBase(const std::string& db1_access = "") const {
+ ConfigControlInfoPtr config_ctl_info(new ConfigControlInfo());
+ if (!db1_access.empty()) {
+ config_ctl_info->addConfigDatabase(db1_access);
+ }
+ ConfigPtr config_base(new ConfigBase());
+ config_base->setConfigControlInfo(config_ctl_info);
+ return (config_base);
+ }
+ /// @brief Instance of the @c CBControl used in tests.
+ CBControl cb_ctl_;
+ /// @brief Instance of the Config Backend Manager.
+ CBControlBackendMgr& mgr_;
+ /// @brief Holds timestamp values used in tests.
+ std::map<std::string, boost::posix_time::ptime> timestamps_;
+// This test verifies that the same instance of the Config
+// Backend Manager is returned all the time.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, getMgr) {
+ auto mgr = cb_ctl_.getMgr();
+ EXPECT_EQ(TEST_INSTANCE_ID, mgr.getInstanceId());
+// This test verifies that the initial audit revision time is set to
+// local time of 2000-01-01.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, getInitialAuditRevisionTime) {
+ auto initial_time = cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(initial_time.is_not_a_date_time());
+ auto tm = boost::posix_time::to_tm(initial_time);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, tm.tm_year);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tm.tm_mon);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tm.tm_yday);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tm.tm_hour);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tm.tm_min);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tm.tm_sec);
+// This test verifies that last audit entry time is reset upon the
+// call to CBControlBase::reset().
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, reset) {
+ cb_ctl_.setLastAuditRevisionTime(timestamps_["tomorrow"]);
+ cb_ctl_.reset();
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+// This test verifies that it is correctly determined what entries the
+// server should fetch for the particular configuration element.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, fetchConfigElement) {
+ db::AuditEntryCollection audit_entries;
+ db::AuditEntryCollection updated;
+ // When audit entries collection is empty any subset is empty too.
+ updated = cb_ctl_.fetchConfigElement(audit_entries, "my_object_type");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(updated.empty());
+ // Now test the case that there is a DELETE audit entry. In this case
+ // our function should indicate that the configuration should not be
+ // fetched for the given object type. Note that when the configuration
+ // element is deleted, it no longer exists in database so there is
+ // no reason to fetch the data from the database.
+ AuditEntryPtr audit_entry(new AuditEntry("dhcp4_subnet", 1234 ,
+ AuditEntry::ModificationType::DELETE,
+ 2345, "added audit entry"));
+ audit_entries.insert(audit_entry);
+ updated = cb_ctl_.fetchConfigElement(audit_entries, "my_object_type");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(updated.empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasObjectId(audit_entries, 1234));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(hasObjectId(audit_entries, 5678));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(hasObjectId(updated, 1234));
+ // Add another audit entry which indicates creation of the configuration element.
+ // This time we should get it.
+ audit_entry.reset(new AuditEntry("my_object_type", 5678,
+ AuditEntry::ModificationType::CREATE,
+ 6789, "added audit entry"));
+ audit_entries.insert(audit_entry);
+ updated = cb_ctl_.fetchConfigElement(audit_entries, "my_object_type");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, updated.size());
+ AuditEntryPtr updated_entry = (*updated.begin());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(updated_entry);
+ EXPECT_EQ("my_object_type", updated_entry->getObjectType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5678, updated_entry->getObjectId());
+ EXPECT_EQ(AuditEntry::ModificationType::CREATE, updated_entry->getModificationType());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasObjectId(audit_entries, 5678));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasObjectId(updated, 5678));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(hasObjectId(updated, 1234));
+ // Also we should get 'true' for the UPDATE case.
+ audit_entry.reset(new AuditEntry("my_object_type",
+ 5678, AuditEntry::ModificationType::UPDATE,
+ 6790, "added audit entry"));
+ audit_entries.insert(audit_entry);
+ updated = cb_ctl_.fetchConfigElement(audit_entries, "my_object_type");
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, updated.size());
+ bool saw_create = false;
+ bool saw_update = false;
+ for (auto entry : updated) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("my_object_type", entry->getObjectType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5678, entry->getObjectId());
+ if (AuditEntry::ModificationType::CREATE == entry->getModificationType()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(saw_create);
+ saw_create = true;
+ } else if (AuditEntry::ModificationType::UPDATE == entry->getModificationType()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(saw_update);
+ saw_update = true;
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(saw_create);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(saw_update);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(hasObjectId(updated, 5678));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(hasObjectId(updated, 1234));
+// This test verifies that true is return when the server successfully
+// connects to the backend and false if there are no backends to connect
+// to.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, connect) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigConnect(makeConfigBase("type=db1")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigConnect(makeConfigBase()));
+// This test verifies the scenario when the server fetches the entire
+// configuration from the database upon startup.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, fetchAll) {
+ auto config_base = makeConfigBase("type=db1");
+ // Add two audit entries to the database. The server should load
+ // the entire configuration from the database regardless of the
+ // existing audit entries. However, the last audit entry timestamp
+ // should be set to the most recent audit entry in the
+ // @c CBControlBase.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigConnect(config_base));
+ cb_ctl_.getMgr().getPool()->addAuditEntry(BackendSelector::UNSPEC(),
+ ServerSelector::ALL(),
+ "sql_table_2",
+ 1234,
+ timestamps_["yesterday"],
+ 2345);
+ cb_ctl_.getMgr().getPool()->addAuditEntry(BackendSelector::UNSPEC(),
+ ServerSelector::ALL(),
+ "sql_table_1",
+ 3456,
+ timestamps_["today"],
+ 4567);
+ // Disconnect from the database in order to check that the
+ // databaseConfigFetch reconnects.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigDisconnect());
+ // Verify that various indicators are set to their initial values.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ ASSERT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::MYSQL, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::UNASSIGNED, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+ // Connect to the database and fetch the configuration.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigFetch(config_base));
+ // There should be one invocation of the databaseConfigApply.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ // Since this is full reconfiguration the audit entry collection
+ // passed to the databaseConfigApply should be empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::UNSPEC, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::ALL, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ // Make sure that the internal timestamp is set to the most recent
+ // audit entry, so as the server will only later fetch config
+ // updates after this timestamp.
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamps_["today"], cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4567, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+// This test verifies that the configuration can be fetched for a
+// specified server tag.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, fetchFromServer) {
+ auto config_base = makeConfigBase("type=db1");
+ // Set a server tag.
+ config_base->setServerTag("a-tag");
+ // Verify that various indicators are set to their initial values.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ ASSERT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::MYSQL, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::UNASSIGNED, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigFetch(config_base));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::UNSPEC, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ // An explicit server selector should have been used this time.
+ ASSERT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::SUBSET, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ // Make sure that the server selector used in databaseConfigFetch is
+ // correct.
+ auto tags = cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getTags();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, tags.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("a-tag", tags.begin()->get());
+// This test verifies that incremental configuration changes can be
+// fetched.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, fetchUpdates) {
+ auto config_base = makeConfigBase("type=db1");
+ // Connect to the database and store an audit entry. Do not close
+ // the database connection to simulate the case when the server
+ // uses existing connection to fetch configuration updates.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigConnect(config_base));
+ cb_ctl_.getMgr().getPool()->addAuditEntry(BackendSelector::UNSPEC(),
+ ServerSelector::ALL(),
+ "sql_table_1",
+ 3456,
+ timestamps_["today"],
+ 4567);
+ // Verify that various indicators are set to their initial values.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ ASSERT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::MYSQL, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::UNASSIGNED, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigFetch(config_base,
+ CBControl::FetchMode::FETCH_UPDATE));
+ // There should be one invocation to databaseConfigApply recorded.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ // The number of audit entries passed to this function should be 1.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::UNSPEC, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::ALL, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ // The last audit entry time should be set to the latest audit entry.
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamps_["today"], cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4567, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+// Check that the databaseConfigApply function is not called when there
+// are no more unprocessed audit entries.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, fetchNoUpdates) {
+ auto config_base = makeConfigBase("type=db1");
+ // Set last audit entry time to the timestamp of the audit
+ // entry we are going to add. That means that there will be
+ // no new audit entries to fetch.
+ cb_ctl_.setLastAuditRevisionTime(timestamps_["yesterday"]);
+ cb_ctl_.setLastAuditRevisionId(4567);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigConnect(config_base));
+ cb_ctl_.getMgr().getPool()->addAuditEntry(BackendSelector::UNSPEC(),
+ ServerSelector::ALL(),
+ "sql_table_1",
+ 3456,
+ timestamps_["yesterday"],
+ 4567);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigFetch(config_base,
+ CBControl::FetchMode::FETCH_UPDATE));
+ // The databaseConfigApply should not be called because there are
+ // no new audit entires to process.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+// This test verifies that database config fetch failures are handled
+// gracefully.
+TEST_F(CBControlBaseTest, fetchFailure) {
+ auto config_base = makeConfigBase("type=db1");
+ // Connect to the database and store an audit entry. Do not close
+ // the database connection to simulate the case when the server
+ // uses existing connection to fetch configuration updates.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigConnect(config_base));
+ cb_ctl_.getMgr().getPool()->addAuditEntry(BackendSelector::UNSPEC(),
+ ServerSelector::ALL(),
+ "sql_table_1",
+ 3456,
+ timestamps_["today"],
+ 4567);
+ // Configure the CBControl to always throw simulating the failure
+ // during configuration merge.
+ cb_ctl_.enableThrow();
+ // Verify that various indicators are set to their initial values.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ ASSERT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::MYSQL, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::UNASSIGNED, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());
+ ASSERT_THROW(cb_ctl_.databaseConfigFetch(config_base, CBControl::FetchMode::FETCH_UPDATE),
+ isc::Unexpected);
+ // There should be one invocation to databaseConfigApply recorded.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, cb_ctl_.getMergesNum());
+ // The number of audit entries passed to this function should be 1.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, cb_ctl_.getAuditEntriesNum());
+ EXPECT_EQ(BackendSelector::Type::UNSPEC, cb_ctl_.getBackendSelector().getBackendType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ServerSelector::Type::ALL, cb_ctl_.getServerSelector().getType());
+ // The last audit entry time should not be modified because there was a merge
+ // error.
+ EXPECT_EQ(cb_ctl_.getInitialAuditRevisionTime(), cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionTime());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cb_ctl_.getLastAuditRevisionId());