path: root/storage/connect/json.h
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-04 18:00:34 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-04 18:00:34 +0000
commit3f619478f796eddbba6e39502fe941b285dd97b1 (patch)
treee2c7b5777f728320e5b5542b6213fd3591ba51e2 /storage/connect/json.h
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:10.11.6.upstream/1%10.11.6upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/connect/json.h')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/connect/json.h b/storage/connect/json.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53fc5f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/connect/json.h
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+/**************** json H Declares Source Code File (.H) ****************/
+/* Name: json.h Version 1.2 */
+/* */
+/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2014 - 2020 */
+/* */
+/* This file contains the JSON classes declares. */
+#pragma once
+#include <mysql_com.h>
+#include "value.h"
+#include "xobject.h"
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+#define X assert(false);
+#define X
+enum JTYP {
+class JDOC;
+class JOUT;
+class JSON;
+class JVALUE;
+class JOBJECT;
+class JARRAY;
+typedef class JDOC *PJDOC;
+typedef class JSON *PJSON;
+typedef class JVALUE *PJVAL;
+typedef class JOBJECT *PJOB;
+typedef class JARRAY *PJAR;
+typedef struct JPAIR *PJPR;
+//typedef struct VAL *PVL;
+/* Structure JPAIR. The pairs of a json Object. */
+struct JPAIR {
+ PCSZ Key; // This pair key name
+ PJVAL Val; // To the value of the pair
+ PJPR Next; // To the next pair
+}; // end of struct JPAIR
+//PVL AllocVal(PGLOBAL g, JTYP type);
+char *NextChr(PSZ s, char sep);
+char *GetJsonNull(void);
+const char* GetFmt(int type, bool un);
+PJSON ParseJson(PGLOBAL g, char* s, size_t n, int* prty = NULL, bool* b = NULL);
+PSZ Serialize(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp, char *fn, int pretty);
+DllExport bool IsNum(PSZ s);
+bool IsArray(PSZ s);
+bool Stringified(PCSZ strfy, char *colname);
+/* Class JDOC. The class for parsing and serializing json documents. */
+class JDOC: public BLOCK {
+ friend PJSON ParseJson(PGLOBAL, char*, size_t, int*, bool*);
+ friend PSZ Serialize(PGLOBAL, PJSON, char*, int);
+ JDOC(void) : js(NULL), s(NULL), len(0), dfp(0), pty(NULL) {}
+ void SetJp(JOUT* jp) { js = jp; }
+ protected:
+ PJAR ParseArray(PGLOBAL g, int& i);
+ PJOB ParseObject(PGLOBAL g, int& i);
+ PJVAL ParseValue(PGLOBAL g, int& i);
+ char *ParseString(PGLOBAL g, int& i);
+ void ParseNumeric(PGLOBAL g, int& i, PJVAL jvp);
+ PJAR ParseAsArray(PGLOBAL g, int& i, int pretty, int *ptyp);
+ bool SerializeArray(PJAR jarp, bool b);
+ bool SerializeObject(PJOB jobp);
+ bool SerializeValue(PJVAL jvp);
+ // Members used when parsing and serializing
+ private:
+ JOUT* js;
+ char *s;
+ int len, dfp;
+ bool *pty;
+}; // end of class JDOC
+/* Class JSON. The base class for all other json classes. */
+class JSON : public BLOCK {
+ // Constructor
+ JSON(void) { Type = TYPE_JSON; }
+ JSON(int) {}
+ // Implementation
+ inline JTYP GetType(void) { return Type; }
+ // Methods
+ virtual int size(void) { return 1; }
+ virtual void Clear(void) { X }
+ virtual PJOB GetObject(void) { return NULL; }
+ virtual PJAR GetArray(void) { return NULL; }
+ virtual PJVAL GetArrayValue(int i) { X return NULL; }
+ virtual int GetSize(bool b) { X return 0; }
+ virtual PJSON GetJsp(void) { X return NULL; }
+ virtual PJPR GetFirst(void) { X return NULL; }
+ virtual PSZ GetText(PGLOBAL g, PSTRG text) { X return NULL; }
+ virtual bool Merge(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp) { X return true; }
+ virtual void SetValue(PJSON jsp) { X }
+ virtual bool DeleteValue(int i) { X return true; }
+ virtual bool IsNull(void) { X return true; }
+ // Members
+ JTYP Type;
+}; // end of class JSON
+/* Class JOBJECT: contains a list of value pairs. */
+class JOBJECT : public JSON {
+ friend class JDOC;
+ friend class JSNX;
+ friend class SWAP;
+ JOBJECT(void) : JSON() { Type = TYPE_JOB; First = Last = NULL; }
+ JOBJECT(int i) : JSON(i) {}
+ // Methods
+ virtual void Clear(void) {First = Last = NULL;}
+//virtual JTYP GetValType(void) {return TYPE_JOB;}
+ virtual PJPR GetFirst(void) {return First;}
+ virtual int GetSize(bool b);
+ virtual PJOB GetObject(void) {return this;}
+ virtual PSZ GetText(PGLOBAL g, PSTRG text);
+ virtual bool Merge(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp);
+ virtual bool IsNull(void);
+ // Specific
+ PJPR AddPair(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ key);
+ PJVAL GetKeyValue(const char* key);
+ PJAR GetKeyList(PGLOBAL g);
+ PJAR GetValList(PGLOBAL g);
+ void SetKeyValue(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp, PCSZ key);
+ void DeleteKey(PCSZ k);
+ protected:
+ PJPR First;
+ PJPR Last;
+}; // end of class JOBJECT
+/* Class JARRAY. */
+class JARRAY : public JSON {
+ friend class SWAP;
+ public:
+ JARRAY(void);
+ JARRAY(int i) : JSON(i) {}
+ // Methods
+ virtual void Clear(void) {First = Last = NULL; Size = 0;}
+ virtual int size(void) { return Size; }
+ virtual PJAR GetArray(void) {return this;}
+ virtual int GetSize(bool b);
+ virtual PJVAL GetArrayValue(int i);
+ virtual PSZ GetText(PGLOBAL g, PSTRG text);
+ virtual bool Merge(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp);
+ virtual bool DeleteValue(int n);
+ virtual bool IsNull(void);
+ // Specific
+ PJVAL AddArrayValue(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp = NULL, int* x = NULL);
+ void SetArrayValue(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp, int i);
+ void InitArray(PGLOBAL g);
+ protected:
+ // Members
+ int Size; // The number of items in the array
+ int Alloc; // The Mvals allocated size
+ PJVAL First; // Used when constructing
+ PJVAL Last; // Last constructed value
+ PJVAL *Mvals; // Allocated when finished
+}; // end of class JARRAY
+/* Class JVALUE. */
+class JVALUE : public JSON {
+ friend class JARRAY;
+ friend class JSNX;
+ friend class JSONDISC;
+ friend class JSONCOL;
+ friend class JSON;
+ friend class JDOC;
+ friend class SWAP;
+ JVALUE(void) : JSON() { Type = TYPE_JVAL; Clear(); }
+ JVALUE(int i) : JSON(i) {}
+ //using JSON::GetVal;
+ //using JSON::SetVal;
+ // Methods
+ virtual void Clear(void);
+//virtual JTYP GetType(void) {return TYPE_JVAL;}
+ virtual JTYP GetValType(void);
+ virtual PJOB GetObject(void);
+ virtual PJAR GetArray(void);
+ virtual PJSON GetJsp(void) {return (DataType == TYPE_JSON ? Jsp : NULL);}
+ virtual PSZ GetText(PGLOBAL g, PSTRG text);
+ virtual bool IsNull(void);
+ // Specific
+ //inline PVL GetVal(void) { return Val; }
+ //inline void SetVal(PVL vlp) { Val = vlp; }
+ inline PJSON GetJson(void) { return (DataType == TYPE_JSON ? Jsp : this); }
+ PSZ GetString(PGLOBAL g, char* buff = NULL);
+ int GetInteger(void);
+ long long GetBigint(void);
+ double GetFloat(void);
+ PVAL GetValue(PGLOBAL g);
+ void SetValue(PJSON jsp);
+ void SetValue(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp);
+ void SetString(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int ci = 0);
+ void SetInteger(PGLOBAL g, int n);
+ void SetBigint(PGLOBAL g, longlong ll);
+ void SetFloat(PGLOBAL g, double f);
+ void SetBool(PGLOBAL g, bool b);
+ protected:
+ union {
+ PJSON Jsp; // To the json value
+ char *Strp; // Ptr to a string
+ int N; // An integer value
+ long long LLn; // A big integer value
+ double F; // A (double) float value
+ bool B; // True or false
+ };
+//PVL Val; // To the string or numeric value
+ PJVAL Next; // Next value in array
+ JTYP DataType; // The data value type
+ int Nd; // Decimal number
+ bool Del; // True when deleted
+}; // end of class JVALUE
+/* Class JOUT. Used by Serialize. */
+class JOUT : public BLOCK {
+ JOUT(PGLOBAL gp) : BLOCK() { g = gp; Pretty = 3; }
+ virtual bool WriteStr(const char* s) = 0;
+ virtual bool WriteChr(const char c) = 0;
+ virtual bool Escape(const char* s) = 0;
+ int Prty(void) { return Pretty; }
+ // Member
+ int Pretty;
+}; // end of class JOUT
+/* Class JOUTSTR. Used to Serialize to a string. */
+class JOUTSTR : public JOUT {
+ virtual bool WriteStr(const char* s);
+ virtual bool WriteChr(const char c);
+ virtual bool Escape(const char* s);
+ // Member
+ char* Strp; // The serialized string
+ size_t N; // Position of next char
+ size_t Max; // String max size
+}; // end of class JOUTSTR
+/* Class JOUTFILE. Used to Serialize to a file. */
+class JOUTFILE : public JOUT {
+ JOUTFILE(PGLOBAL g, FILE* str, int pty) : JOUT(g) { Stream = str; Pretty = pty; }
+ virtual bool WriteStr(const char* s);
+ virtual bool WriteChr(const char c);
+ virtual bool Escape(const char* s);
+ // Member
+ FILE* Stream;
+}; // end of class JOUTFILE
+/* Class JOUTPRT. Used to Serialize to a pretty file. */
+class JOUTPRT : public JOUTFILE {
+ JOUTPRT(PGLOBAL g, FILE* str) : JOUTFILE(g, str, 2) { M = 0; B = false; }
+ virtual bool WriteStr(const char* s);
+ virtual bool WriteChr(const char c);
+ // Member
+ int M;
+ bool B;
+}; // end of class JOUTPRT
+/* Class SWAP. Used to make or unmake a JSON tree movable. */
+/* This is done by making all pointers to offsets. */
+class SWAP : public BLOCK {
+ // Constructor
+ {
+ G = g, Base = (char*)jsp - 8;
+ }
+ // Methods
+ void SwapJson(PJSON jsp, bool move);
+ size_t MoffJson(PJSON jnp);
+ size_t MoffArray(PJAR jarp);
+ size_t MoffObject(PJOB jobp);
+ size_t MoffJValue(PJVAL jvp);
+ size_t MoffPair(PJPR jpp);
+//size_t MoffVal(PVL vlp);
+ PJSON MptrJson(PJSON jnp);
+ PJAR MptrArray(PJAR jarp);
+ PJOB MptrObject(PJOB jobp);
+ PJVAL MptrJValue(PJVAL jvp);
+ PJPR MptrPair(PJPR jpp);
+//PVL MptrVal(PVL vlp);
+ // Member
+ void *Base;
+}; // end of class SWAP