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+title: "Develop a custom data collector in Python"
+description: "Learn how write a custom data collector in Python, which you'll use to collect metrics from and monitor any application that isn't supported out of the box."
+image: /img/seo/guides/python-collector.png
+author: "Panagiotis Papaioannou"
+author_title: "University of Patras"
+author_img: "/img/authors/panagiotis-papaioannou.jpg"
+# Develop a custom data collector in Python
+The Netdata Agent uses [data collectors](/docs/collect/ to fetch metrics from hundreds of system,
+container, and service endpoints. While the Netdata team and community has built [powerful
+collectors](/collectors/ for most system, container, and service/application endpoints, there are plenty
+of custom applications that can't be monitored by default.
+## Problem
+You have a custom application or infrastructure that you need to monitor, but no open-source monitoring tool offers a
+prebuilt method for collecting your required metric data.
+## Solution
+In this tutorial, you'll learn how to leverage the [Python programming language]( to build a
+custom data collector for the Netdata Agent. Follow along with your own dataset, using the techniques and best practices
+covered here, or use the included examples for collecting and organizing either random or weather data.
+## What you need to get started
+- A physical or virtual Linux system, which we'll call a _node_.
+- A working installation of the free and open-source [Netdata](/docs/get-started.mdx) monitoring agent.
+## Jobs and elements of a Python collector
+A Python collector for Netdata is a Python script that gathers data from an external source and transforms these data
+into charts to be displayed by Netdata dashboard. The basic jobs of the plugin are:
+- Gather the data from the service/application.
+- Create the required charts.
+- Parse the data to extract or create the actual data to be represented.
+- Assign the correct values to the charts
+- Set the order for the charts to be displayed.
+- Give the charts data to Netdata for visualization.
+The basic elements of a Netdata collector are:
+- `ORDER[]`: A list containing the charts to be displayed.
+- `CHARTS{}`: A dictionary containing the details for the charts to be displayed.
+- `data{}`: A dictionary containing the values to be displayed.
+- `get_data()`: The basic function of the plugin which will return to Netdata the correct values.
+Let's walk through these jobs and elements as independent elements first, then apply them to example Python code.
+### Determine how to gather metrics data
+Netdata can collect data from any program that can print to stdout. Common input sources for collectors can be logfiles,
+HTTP requests, executables, and more. While this tutorial will offer some example inputs, your custom application will
+have different inputs and metrics.
+A great deal of the work in developing a Netdata collector is investigating the target application and understanding
+which metrics it exposes and how to
+### Create charts
+For the data to be represented in the Netdata dashboard, you need to create charts. Charts (in general) are defined by
+several characteristics: title, legend, units, type, and presented values. Each chart is represented as a dictionary
+chart= {
+ "chart_name":
+ {
+ "options": [option_list],
+ "lines": [
+ [dimension_list]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Use the `options` field to set the chart's options, which is a list in the form `options: [name, title, units, family,
+context, charttype]`, where:
+- `name`: The name of the chart.
+- `title` : The title to be displayed in the chart.
+- `units` : The units for this chart.
+- `family`: An identifier used to group charts together (can be null).
+- `context`: An identifier used to group contextually similar charts together. The best practice is to provide a context
+ that is `A.B`, with `A` being the name of the collector, and `B` being the name of the specific metric.
+- `charttype`: Either `line`, `area`, or `stacked`. If null line is the default value.
+You can read more about `family` and `context` in the [web dashboard](/web/ doc.
+Once the chart has been defined, you should define the dimensions of the chart. Dimensions are basically the metrics to
+be represented in this chart and each chart can have more than one dimension. In order to define the dimensions, the
+"lines" list should be filled in with the required dimensions. Each dimension is a list:
+`dimension: [id, name, algorithm, multiplier, divisor]`
+- `id` : The id of the dimension. Mandatory unique field (string) required in order to set a value.
+- `name`: The name to be presented in the chart. If null id will be used.
+- `algorithm`: Can be absolute or incremental. If null absolute is used. Incremental shows the difference from the
+ previous value.
+- `multiplier`: an integer value to divide the collected value, if null, 1 is used
+- `divisor`: an integer value to divide the collected value, if null, 1 is used
+The multiplier/divisor fields are used in cases where the value to be displayed should be decimal since Netdata only
+gathers integer values.
+### Parse the data to extract or create the actual data to be represented
+Once the data is received, your collector should process it in order to get the values required. If, for example, the
+received data is a JSON string, you should parse the data to get the required data to be used for the charts.
+### Assign the correct values to the charts
+Once you have process your data and get the required values, you need to assign those values to the charts you created.
+This is done using the `data` dictionary, which is in the form:
+`"data": {dimension_id: value }`, where:
+- `dimension_id`: The id of a defined dimension in a created chart.
+- `value`: The numerical value to associate with this dimension.
+### Set the order for the charts to be displayed
+Next, set the order of chart appearance with the `ORDER` list, which is in the form:
+`"ORDER": [chart_name_1,chart_name_2, …., chart_name_X]`, where:
+- `chart_name_x`: is the chart name to be shown in X order.
+### Give the charts data to Netdata for visualization
+Our plugin should just rerun the data dictionary. If everything is set correctly the charts should be updated with the
+correct values.
+## Framework classes
+The `python.d` plugin has a number of framework classes that can be used to speed up the development of your python
+collector. Your class can inherit one of these framework classes, which have preconfigured methods.
+For example, the snippet below is from the [RabbitMQ
+This collector uses an HTTP endpoint and uses the `UrlService` framework class, which only needs to define an HTTP
+endpoint for data collection.
+class Service(UrlService):
+ def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
+ UrlService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
+ self.order = ORDER
+ self.definitions = CHARTS
+ self.url = '{0}://{1}:{2}'.format(
+ configuration.get('scheme', 'http'),
+ configuration.get('host', ''),
+ configuration.get('port', 15672),
+ )
+ self.node_name = str()
+ self.vhost = VhostStatsBuilder()
+ self.collected_vhosts = set()
+ self.collect_queues_metrics = configuration.get('collect_queues_metrics', False)
+ self.debug("collect_queues_metrics is {0}".format("enabled" if self.collect_queues_metrics else "disabled"))
+ if self.collect_queues_metrics:
+ self.queue = QueueStatsBuilder()
+ self.collected_queues = set()
+In our use-case, we use the `SimpleService` framework, since there is no framework class that suits our needs.
+You can read more about the [framework classes](/collectors/python.d.plugin/ from
+the Netdata documentation.
+## An example collector using weather station data
+Let's build a custom Python collector for visualizing data from a weather monitoring station.
+### Determine how to gather metrics data
+This example assumes you can gather metrics data through HTTP requests to a web server, and that the data provided are
+numeric values for temperature, humidity and pressure. It also assumes you can get the `min`, `max`, and `average`
+values for these metrics.
+### Chart creation
+First, create a single chart that shows the latest temperature metric:
+ "temp_current": {
+ "options": ["my_temp", "Temperature", "Celsius", "TEMP", "weather_station.temperature", "line"],
+ "lines": [
+ ["current_temp_id","current_temperature"]
+ ]
+ }
+## Parse the data to extract or create the actual data to be represented
+A standard practice would be to either get the data on JSON format or transform them to JSON format. We use a dictionary
+to give this format and issue random values to simulate received data.
+The following code iterates through the names of the expected values and creates a dictionary with the name of the value
+as `key`, and a random value as `value`.
+ weather_data=dict()
+ weather_metrics=[
+ "temp","av_temp","min_temp","max_temp",
+ "humid","av_humid","min_humid","max_humid",
+ "pressure","av_pressure","min_pressure","max_pressure",
+ ]
+ def populate_data(self):
+ for metric in self.weather_metrics:
+ self.weather_data[metric]=random.randint(0,100)
+### Assign the correct values to the charts
+Our chart has a dimension called `current_temp_id`, which should have the temperature value received.
+data['current_temp_id'] = self.weather_data["temp"]
+### Set the order for the charts to be displayed
+ORDER = [
+ "temp_current"
+### Give the charts data to Netdata for visualization
+return data
+A snapshot of the chart created by this plugin:
+![A snapshot of the chart created by this plugin](
+Here's the current source code for the data collector:
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Description: howto weather station netdata python.d module
+# Author: Panagiotis Papaioannou (papajohn-uop)
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
+import random
+priority = 90000
+ORDER = [
+ "temp_current"
+ "temp_current": {
+ "options": ["my_temp", "Temperature", "Celsius", "TEMP", "weather_station.temperature", "line"],
+ "lines": [
+ ["current_temperature"]
+ ]
+ }
+class Service(SimpleService):
+ def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
+ SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
+ self.order = ORDER
+ self.definitions = CHARTS
+ #values to show at graphs
+ self.values=dict()
+ @staticmethod
+ def check():
+ return True
+ weather_data=dict()
+ weather_metrics=[
+ "temp","av_temp","min_temp","max_temp",
+ "humid","av_humid","min_humid","max_humid",
+ "pressure","av_pressure","min_pressure","max_pressure",
+ ]
+ def logMe(self,msg):
+ self.debug(msg)
+ def populate_data(self):
+ for metric in self.weather_metrics:
+ self.weather_data[metric]=random.randint(0,100)
+ def get_data(self):
+ #The data dict is basically all the values to be represented
+ # The entries are in the format: { "dimension": value}
+ #And each "dimension" should belong to a chart.
+ data = dict()
+ self.populate_data()
+ data['current_temperature'] = self.weather_data["temp"]
+ return data
+## Add more charts to the existing weather station collector
+To enrich the example, add another chart the collector which to present the humidity metric.
+Add a new entry in the `CHARTS` dictionary with the definition for the new chart.
+ 'temp_current': {
+ 'options': ['my_temp', 'Temperature', 'Celsius', 'TEMP', 'weather_station.temperature', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['current_temperature']
+ ]
+ },
+ 'humid_current': {
+ 'options': ['my_humid', 'Humidity', '%', 'HUMIDITY', 'weather_station.humidity', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['current_humidity']
+ ]
+ }
+The data has already been created and parsed by the `weather_data=dict()` function, so you only need to populate the
+`current_humidity` dimension `self.weather_data["humid"]`.
+ data['current_temperature'] = self.weather_data["temp"]
+ data['current_humidity'] = self.weather_data["humid"]
+Next, put the new `humid_current` chart into the `ORDER` list:
+ORDER = [
+ 'temp_current',
+ 'humid_current'
+[Restart Netdata](/docs/configure/ with `sudo systemctl restart netdata` to see the new humidity
+![A snapshot of the modified chart](
+Next, time to add one more chart that visualizes the average, minimum, and maximum temperature values.
+Add a new entry in the `CHARTS` dictionary with the definition for the new chart. Since you want three values
+represented in this this chart, add three dimensions. You should also use the same `FAMILY` value in the charts (`TEMP`)
+so that those two charts are grouped together.
+ 'temp_current': {
+ 'options': ['my_temp', 'Temperature', 'Celsius', 'TEMP', 'weather_station.temperature', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['current_temperature']
+ ]
+ },
+ 'temp_stats': {
+ 'options': ['stats_temp', 'Temperature', 'Celsius', 'TEMP', 'weather_station.temperature_stats', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['min_temperature'],
+ ['max_temperature'],
+ ['avg_temperature']
+ ]
+ },
+ 'humid_current': {
+ 'options': ['my_humid', 'Humidity', '%', 'HUMIDITY', 'weather_station.humidity', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['current_humidity']
+ ]
+ }
+As before, initiate new dimensions and add data to them:
+ data['current_temperature'] = self.weather_data["temp"]
+ data['min_temperature'] = self.weather_data["min_temp"]
+ data['max_temperature'] = self.weather_data["max_temp"]
+ data['avg_temperature`'] = self.weather_data["av_temp"]
+ data['current_humidity'] = self.weather_data["humid"]
+Finally, set the order for the `temp_stats` chart:
+ORDER = [
+ 'temp_current',
+ ‘temp_stats’
+ 'humid_current'
+[Restart Netdata](/docs/configure/ with `sudo systemctl restart netdata` to see the new
+min/max/average temperature chart with multiple dimensions:
+![A snapshot of the modified chart](
+## Add a configuration file
+The last piece of the puzzle to create a fully robust Python collector is the configuration file. Python.d uses
+configuration in [YAML]( format and is used as follows:
+- Create a configuration file in the same directory as the `<plugin_name>`. Name it `<plugin_name>.conf`.
+- Define a `job`, which is an instance of the collector. It is useful when you want to collect data from different
+ sources with different attributes. For example, we could gather data from 2 different weather stations, which use
+ different temperature measures: Fahrenheit and Celsius.
+- You can define many different jobs with the same name, but with different attributes. Netdata will try each job
+ serially and will stop at the first job that returns data. If multiple jobs have the same name, only one of them can
+ run. This enables you to define different "ways" to fetch data from a particular data source so that the collector has
+ more chances to work out-of-the-box. For example, if the data source supports both `HTTP` and `linux socket`, you can
+ define 2 jobs named `local`, with each using a different method.
+- Check the `example` collector configuration file on
+ [GitHub]( to get a
+ sense of the structure.
+ name: 'Greece'
+ endpoint: ''
+ port: 67
+ type: 'celsius'
+ name: 'Florida USA'
+ endpoint: ''
+ port: 67
+ type: 'fahrenheit'
+Next, access the above configuration variables in the `__init__` function:
+def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
+ SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
+ self.endpoint = self.configuration.get('endpoint', <default_endpoint>)
+Because you initiate the `framework class` (e.g `SimpleService.__init__`), the configuration will be available
+throughout the whole `Service` class of your module, as `self.configuration`. Finally, note that the `configuration.get`
+function takes 2 arguments, one with the name of the configuration field and one with a default value in case it doesn't
+find the configuration field. This allows you to define sane defaults for your collector.
+Moreover, when creating the configuration file, create a large comment section that describes the configuration
+variables and inform the user about the defaults. For example, take a look at the `example` collector on
+You can read more about the configuration file on the [`python.d.plugin`
+## What's next?
+Find the source code for the above examples on [GitHub](
+Now you are ready to start developing our Netdata python Collector and share it with the rest of the Netdata community.
+- If you need help while developing your collector, join our [Netdata
+ Community]( to chat about it.
+- Follow the
+ [checklist](
+ to contribute the collector to the Netdata Agent [repository](
+- Check out the [example]( Python
+ collector, which is a minimal example collector you could also use as a starting point. Once comfortable with that,
+ then browse other [existing collectors](
+ that might have similarities to what you want to do.
+- If you're developing a proof of concept (PoC), consider migrating the collector in Golang
+ ([go.d.plugin]( once you validate its value in production. Golang is more
+ performant, easier to maintain, and simpler for users since it doesn't require a particular runtime on the node to
+ execute (Python plugins require Python on the machine to be executed). Netdata uses Go as the platform of choice for
+ production-grade collectors.
+- Celebrate! You have contributed to an open-source project with hundreds of thousands of users!