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+title: "Enable streaming between nodes"
+description: "With metrics streaming enabled, you can not only replicate metrics data into a second database, but also view dashboards and trigger alarm notifications for multiple nodes in parallel."
+type: how-to
+# Enable streaming between nodes
+The simplest streaming configuration is **replication**, in which a child node streams its metrics in real time to a
+parent node, and both nodes retain metrics in their own databases.
+To configure replication, you need two nodes, each running Netdata. First you'll first enable streaming on your parent
+node, then enable streaming on your child node. When you're finished, you'll be able to see the child node's metrics in
+the parent node's dashboard, quickly switch between the two dashboards, and be able to serve [alarm
+notifications](/docs/monitor/ from either or both nodes.
+## Enable streaming on the parent node
+First, log onto the node that will act as the parent.
+Run `uuidgen` to create a new API key, which is a randomly-generated machine GUID the Netdata Agent uses to identify
+itself while initiating a streaming connection. Copy that into a separate text file for later use.
+> Find out how to [install `uuidgen`]( on your node if you don't already have it.
+Next, open `stream.conf` using [`edit-config`](/docs/configure/
+from within the [Netdata config directory](/docs/configure/
+cd /etc/netdata
+sudo ./edit-config stream.conf
+Scroll down to the section beginning with `[API_KEY]`. Paste the API key you generated earlier between the brackets, so
+that it looks like the following:
+Set `enabled` to `yes`, and `default memory mode` to `dbengine`. Leave all the other settings as their defaults. A
+simplified version of the configuration, minus the commented lines, looks like the following:
+ enabled = yes
+ default memory mode = dbengine
+Save the file and close it, then restart Netdata with `sudo systemctl restart netdata`, or the [appropriate
+method](/docs/configure/ for your system.
+## Enable streaming on the child node
+Connect to your child node with SSH.
+Open `stream.conf` again. Scroll down to the `[stream]` section and set `enabled` to `yes`. Paste the IP address of your
+parent node at the end of the `destination` line, and paste the API key generated on the parent node onto the `api key`
+Leave all the other settings as their defaults. A simplified version of the configuration, minus the commented lines,
+looks like the following:
+ enabled = yes
+ destination =
+ api key = 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
+Save the file and close it, then restart Netdata with `sudo systemctl restart netdata`, or the [appropriate
+method](/docs/configure/ for your system.
+## Enable TLS/SSL on streaming (optional)
+While encrypting the connection between your parent and child nodes is recommended for security, it's not required to
+get started. If you're not interested in encryption, skip ahead to [view streamed
+In this example, we'll use self-signed certificates.
+On the **parent** node, use OpenSSL to create the key and certificate, then use `chown` to make the new files readable
+by the `netdata` user.
+sudo openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha512 -x509 -days 365 -keyout /etc/netdata/ssl/key.pem -out /etc/netdata/ssl/cert.pem
+sudo chown netdata:netdata /etc/netdata/ssl/cert.pem /etc/netdata/ssl/key.pem
+Next, enforce TLS/SSL on the web server. Open `netdata.conf`, scroll down to the `[web]` section, and look for the `bind
+to` setting. Add `^SSL=force` to turn on TLS/SSL. See the [web server
+reference](/web/server/ for other TLS/SSL options.
+ bind to = *=dashboard|registry|badges|management|streaming|netdata.conf^SSL=force
+Next, connect to the **child** node and open `stream.conf`. Add `:SSL` to the end of the existing `destination` setting
+to connect to the parent using TLS/SSL. Uncomment the `ssl skip certificate verification` line to allow the use of
+self-signed certificates.
+ enabled = yes
+ destination =
+ ssl skip certificate verification = yes
+ api key = 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
+Restart both the parent and child nodes with `sudo systemctl restart netdata`, or the [appropriate
+method](/docs/configure/ for your system, to stream encrypted metrics using TLS/SSL.
+## View streamed metrics in Netdata's dashboard
+At this point, the child node is streaming its metrics in real time to its parent. Open the local Agent dashboard for
+the parent by navigating to `http://PARENT-NODE:19999` in your browser, replacing `PARENT-NODE` with its IP address or
+This dashboard shows parent metrics. To see child metrics, open the left-hand sidebar with the hamburger icon
+![Hamburger icon](
+in the top panel. Both nodes appear under the **Replicated Nodes** menu. Click on either of the links to switch between
+separate parent and child dashboards.
+![Switching between parent and child
+The child dashboard is also available directly at `http://PARENT-NODE:19999/host/CHILD-HOSTNAME`, which in this example
+is ``.
+## What's next?
+Now that you have a basic streaming setup with replication, you may want to tweak the configuration to eliminate the
+child database, disable the child dashboard, or enable SSL on the streaming connection between the parent and child.
+See the [streaming reference
+doc](/docs/metrics-storage-management/reference-streaming.mdx#examples) for details about
+other possible configurations.
+When using Netdata's default TSDB (`dbengine`), the parent node maintains separate, parallel databases for itself and
+every child node streaming to it. Each instance is sized identically based on the `dbengine multihost disk space`
+setting in `netdata.conf`. See our doc on [changing metrics retention](/docs/store/ for
+### Related information & further reading
+- Streaming
+ - [How Netdata streams metrics](/docs/metrics-storage-management/how-streaming-works.mdx)
+ - **[Enable streaming between nodes](/docs/metrics-storage-management/enable-streaming.mdx)**
+ - [Streaming reference](/docs/metrics-storage-management/reference-streaming.mdx)
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+title: "How metrics streaming works"
+description: "Netdata's real-time streaming allows you to replicate metrics data across multiple nodes, or centralize all your metrics data into a single time-series database (TSDB)."
+type: explanation
+# How metrics streaming works
+Each node running Netdata can stream the metrics it collects, in real time, to another node. Streaming allows you to
+replicate metrics data across multiple nodes, or centralize all your metrics data into a single time-series database
+When one node streams metrics to another, the node receiving metrics can visualize them on the
+[dashboard](/docs/visualize/, run health checks to [trigger
+alarms](/docs/monitor/ and [send notifications](/docs/monitor/, and
+[export](/docs/export/ all metrics to an external TSDB. When Netdata streams metrics to another
+Netdata, the receiving one is able to perform everything a Netdata instance is capable of.
+Streaming lets you decide exactly how you want to store and maintain metrics data. While we believe Netdata's
+[distributed architecture](/docs/store/ is ideal for speed and scale, streaming
+provides centralization options for those who want to maintain only a single TSDB instance.
+## Streaming basics
+There are three types of nodes in Netdata's streaming ecosystem.
+- **Parent**: A node, running Netdata, that receives streamed metric data.
+- **Child**: A node, running Netdata, that streams metric data to one or more parent.
+- **Proxy**: A node, running Netdata, that receives metric data from a child and "forwards" them on to a
+ separate parent node.
+Netdata uses API keys, which are just random GUIDs, to authorize the communication between child and parent nodes. We
+recommend using `uuidgen` for generating API keys, which can then be used across any number of streaming connections.
+Or, you can generate unique API keys for each parent-child relationship.
+Once the parent node authorizes the child's API key, the child can start streaming metrics.
+It's important to note that the streaming connection uses TCP, UDP, or Unix sockets, _not HTTP_. To proxy streaming
+metrics, you need to use a proxy that tunnels [OSI layer 4-7
+traffic]( without interfering with it, such as
+[SOCKS]( or Nginx's [TCP/UDP load
+## Supported streaming configurations
+Netdata supports any combination of parent, child, and proxy nodes that you can imagine. Any node can act as both a
+parent, child, or proxy at the same time, sending or receiving streaming metrics from any number of other nodes.
+Here are a few example streaming configurations:
+- **Headless collector**:
+ - Child `A`, _without_ a database or web dashboard, streams metrics to parent `B`.
+ - `A` metrics are only available via the local Agent dashboard for `B`.
+ - `B` generates alarms for `A`.
+- **Replication**:
+ - Child `A`, _with_ a database and web dashboard, streams metrics to parent `B`.
+ - `A` metrics are available on both local Agent dashboards, and can be stored with the same or different metrics
+ retention policies.
+ - Both `A` and `B` generate alarms.
+- **Proxy**:
+ - Child `A`, _with or without_ a database, sends metrics to proxy `C`, also _with or without_ a database. `C` sends
+ metrics to parent `B`.
+ - Any node with a database can generate alarms.
+## Viewing streamed metrics
+Parent nodes feature a **Replicated Nodes** section in the left-hand panel, which opens with the hamburger icon
+![Hamburger icon](
+in the top navigation. The parent node, plus any child nodes, appear here. Click on any of the hostnames to switch
+between parent and child dashboards, all served by the parent's [web server](/web/server/
+![Switching between
+Each child dashboard is also available directly at the following URL pattern:
+## What's next?
+Now that you understand the fundamentals of streaming metrics between nodes, go ahead and [enable
+streaming](/docs/metrics-storage-management/enable-streaming.mdx) using a simple `parent-child` relationship. For all
+the details, see the [streaming reference](/docs/metrics-storage-management/reference-streaming.mdx) doc.
+Take your streaming setup even further by [exporting metrics](/docs/export/ to an external TSDB.
+### Related information & further reading
+- Streaming
+ - **[How Netdata streams metrics](/docs/metrics-storage-management/how-streaming-works.mdx)**
+ - [Enable streaming between nodes](/docs/metrics-storage-management/enable-streaming.mdx)
+ - [Streaming reference](/docs/metrics-storage-management/reference-streaming.mdx) \ No newline at end of file
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+title: "Streaming reference"
+description: "Each node running Netdata can stream the metrics it collects, in real time, to another node. See all of the available settings in this reference document."
+type: reference
+# Streaming reference
+Each node running Netdata can stream the metrics it collects, in real time, to another node. To learn more, read about
+[how streaming works](/docs/metrics-storage-management/how-streaming-works.mdx).
+For a quickstart guide for enabling a simple `parent-child` streaming relationship, see our [stream metrics between
+nodes](/docs/metrics-storage-management/enable-streaming.mdx) doc. All other configuration options and scenarios are
+covered in the sections below.
+## Configuration
+There are two files responsible for configuring Netdata's streaming capabilities: `stream.conf` and `netdata.conf`.
+From within your Netdata config directory (typically `/etc/netdata`), [use `edit-config`](/docs/configure/ to
+open either `stream.conf` or `netdata.conf`.
+sudo ./edit-config stream.conf
+sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
+## Settings
+As mentioned above, both `stream.conf` and `netdata.conf` contain settings relevant to streaming.
+### `stream.conf`
+The `stream.conf` file contains three sections. The `[stream]` section is for configuring child nodes.
+The `[API_KEY]` and `[MACHINE_GUID]` sections are both for configuring parent nodes, and share the same settings.
+`[API_KEY]` settings affect every child node using that key, whereas `[MACHINE_GUID]` settings affect only the child
+node with a matching GUID.
+The file `/var/lib/netdata/registry/` contains a random GUID that **uniquely identifies each
+node**. This file is automatically generated by Netdata the first time it is started and remains unaltered forever.
+#### `[stream]` section
+| Setting | Default | Description |
+| :---------------------------------------------- | :------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `enabled` | `no` | Whether this node streams metrics to any parent. Change to `yes` to enable streaming. |
+| [`destination`](#destination) | ` ` | A space-separated list of parent nodes to attempt to stream to, with the first available parent receiving metrics, using the following format: `[PROTOCOL:]HOST[%INTERFACE][:PORT][:SSL]`. [Read more →](#destination) |
+| `ssl skip certificate verification` | `yes` | If you want to accept self-signed or expired certificates, set to `yes` and uncomment. |
+| `CApath` | `/etc/ssl/certs/` | The directory where known certificates are found. Defaults to OpenSSL's default path. |
+| `CAfile` | `/etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem` | Add a parent node certificate to the list of known certificates in `CAPath`. |
+| `api key` | ` ` | The `API_KEY` to use as the child node. |
+| `timeout seconds` | `60` | The timeout to connect and send metrics to a parent. |
+| `default port` | `19999` | The port to use if `destination` does not specify one. |
+| [`send charts matching`](#send-charts-matching) | `*` | A space-separated list of [Netdata simple patterns](/libnetdata/simple_pattern/ to filter which charts are streamed. [Read more →](#send-charts-matching) |
+| `buffer size bytes` | `10485760` | The size of the buffer to use when sending metrics. The default `10485760` equals a buffer of 10MB, which is good for 60 seconds of data. Increase this if you expect latencies higher than that. The buffer is flushed on reconnect. |
+| `reconnect delay seconds` | `5` | How long to wait until retrying to connect to the parent node. |
+| `initial clock resync iterations` | `60` | Sync the clock of charts for how many seconds when starting. |
+### `[API_KEY]` and `[MACHINE_GUID]` sections
+| Setting | Default | Description |
+| :---------------------------------------------- | :------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `enabled` | `no` | Whether this API KEY enabled or disabled. |
+| [`allow from`](#allow-from) | `*` | A space-separated list of [Netdata simple patterns](/libnetdata/simple_pattern/ matching the IPs of nodes that will stream metrics using this API key. [Read more →](#allow-from) |
+| `default history` | `3600` | The default amount of child metrics history to retain when using the `save`, `map`, or `ram` memory modes. |
+| [`default memory mode`](#default-memory-mode) | `ram` | The [database](/database/ to use for all nodes using this `API_KEY`. Valid settings are `dbengine`, `map`, `save`, `ram`, or `none`. [Read more →](#default-memory-mode) |
+| `health enabled by default` | `auto` | Whether alarms and notifications should be enabled for nodes using this `API_KEY`. `auto` enables alarms when the child is connected. `yes` enables alarms always, and `no` disables alarms. |
+| `default postpone alarms on connect seconds` | `60` | Postpone alarms and notifications for a period of time after the child connects. |
+| `default proxy enabled` | ` ` | Route metrics through a proxy. |
+| `default proxy destination` | ` ` | Space-separated list of `IP:PORT` for proxies. |
+| `default proxy api key` | ` ` | The `API_KEY` of the proxy. |
+| `default send charts matching` | `*` | See [`send charts matching`](#send-charts-matching). |
+#### `destination`
+A space-separated list of parent nodes to attempt to stream to, with the first available parent receiving metrics, using
+the following format: `[PROTOCOL:]HOST[%INTERFACE][:PORT][:SSL]`.
+- `PROTOCOL`: `tcp`, `udp`, or `unix`. (only tcp and unix are supported by parent nodes)
+- `HOST`: A IPv4, IPv6 IP, or a hostname, or a unix domain socket path. IPv6 IPs should be given with brackets
+ `[ip:address]`.
+- `INTERFACE` (IPv6 only): The network interface to use.
+- `PORT`: The port number or service name (`/etc/services`) to use.
+- `SSL`: To enable TLS/SSL encryption of the streaming connection.
+To enable TCP streaming to a parent node at `` on port `20000` and with TLS/SSL encryption:
+ destination = tcp:
+#### `send charts matching`
+A space-separated list of [Netdata simple patterns](/libnetdata/simple_pattern/ to filter which charts are streamed.
+The default is a single wildcard `*`, which streams all charts.
+To send only a few charts, list them explicitly, or list a group using a wildcard. To send _only_ the `apps.cpu` chart
+and charts with contexts beginning with `system.`:
+ send charts matching = apps.cpu system.*
+To send all but a few charts, use `!` to create a negative match. To send _all_ charts _but_ `apps.cpu`:
+ send charts matching = !apps.cpu *
+#### `allow from`
+A space-separated list of [Netdata simple patterns](/libnetdata/simple_pattern/ matching the IPs of nodes that
+will stream metrics using this API key. The order is important, left to right, as the first positive or negative match is used.
+The default is `*`, which accepts all requests including the `API_KEY`.
+To allow from only a specific IP address:
+ allow from =
+To allow all IPs starting with `10.*`, except ``:
+ allow from = ! 10.*
+> If you set specific IP addresses here, and also use the `allow connections` setting in the `[web]` section of
+> `netdata.conf`, be sure to add the IP address there so that it can access the API port.
+#### `default memory mode`
+The [database](/database/ to use for all nodes using this `API_KEY`. Valid settings are `dbengine`, `ram`,
+`save`, `map`, or `none`.
+- `dbengine`: The default, recommended time-series database (TSDB) for Netdata. Stores recent metrics in memory, then
+ efficiently spills them to disk for long-term storage.
+- `ram`: Stores metrics _only_ in memory, which means metrics are lost when Netdata stops or restarts. Ideal for
+ streaming configurations that use ephemeral nodes.
+- `save`: Stores metrics in memory, but saves metrics to disk when Netdata stops or restarts, and loads historical
+ metrics on start.
+- `map`: Stores metrics in memory-mapped files, like swap, with constant disk write.
+- `none`: No database.
+When using `default memory mode = dbengine`, the parent node creates a separate instance of the TSDB to store metrics
+from child nodes. The [size of _each_ instance is configurable](/docs/store/ with the `page
+cache size` and `dbengine multihost disk space` settings in the `[global]` section in `netdata.conf`.
+### `netdata.conf`
+| Setting | Default | Description |
+| :----------------------------------------- | :---------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| **`[global]` section** | | |
+| `memory mode` | `dbengine` | Determines the [database type](/database/ to be used on that node. Other options settings include `none`, `ram`, `save`, and `map`. `none` disables the database at this host. This also disables alarms and notifications, as those can't run without a database. |
+| **`[web]` section** | | |
+| `mode` | `static-threaded` | Determines the [web server](/web/server/ type. The other option is `none`, which disables the dashboard, API, and registry. |
+| `accept a streaming request every seconds` | `0` | Set a limit on how often a parent node accepts streaming requests from child nodes. `0` equals no limit. If this is set, you may see `... too busy to accept new streaming request. Will be allowed in X secs` in Netdata's `error.log`. |
+## Examples
+### Per-child settings
+While the `[API_KEY]` section applies settings for any child node using that key, you can also use per-child settings
+with the `[MACHINE_GUID]` section.
+For example, the metrics streamed from only the child node with `MACHINE_GUID` are saved in memory, not using the
+default `dbengine` as specified by the `API_KEY`, and alarms are disabled.
+ enabled = yes
+ default memory mode = dbengine
+ health enabled by default = auto
+ allow from = *
+ enabled = yes
+ memory mode = save
+ health enabled = no
+### Securing streaming with TLS/SSL
+Netdata does not activate TLS encryption by default. To encrypt streaming connections, you first need to [enable TLS
+support](/web/server/ on the parent. With encryption enabled on the receiving side, you
+need to instruct the child to use TLS/SSL as well. On the child's `stream.conf`, configure the destination as follows:
+ destination = host:port:SSL
+The word `SSL` appended to the end of the destination tells the child that connections must be encrypted.
+> While Netdata uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 to encrypt communications rather than the obsolete SSL protocol,
+> it's still common practice to refer to encrypted web connections as `SSL`. Many vendors, like Nginx and even Netdata
+> itself, use `SSL` in configuration files, whereas documentation will always refer to encrypted communications as `TLS`
+> or `TLS/SSL`.
+#### Certificate verification
+When TLS/SSL is enabled on the child, the default behavior will be to not connect with the parent unless the server's
+certificate can be verified via the default chain. In case you want to avoid this check, add the following to the
+child's `stream.conf` file:
+ ssl skip certificate verification = yes
+#### Trusted certificate
+If you've enabled [certificate verification](#certificate-verification), you might see errors from the OpenSSL library
+when there's a problem with checking the certificate chain (`X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY`). More
+importantly, OpenSSL will reject self-signed certificates.
+Given these known issues, you have two options. If you trust your certificate, you can set the options `CApath` and
+`CAfile` to inform Netdata where your certificates, and the certificate trusted file, are stored.
+For more details about these options, you can read about [verify
+Before you changed your streaming configuration, you need to copy your trusted certificate to your child system and add
+the certificate to OpenSSL's list.
+On most Linux distributions, the `update-ca-certificates` command searches inside the `/usr/share/ca-certificates`
+directory for certificates. You should double-check by reading the `update-ca-certificate` manual (`man
+update-ca-certificate`), and then change the directory in the below commands if needed.
+If you have `sudo` configured on your child system, you can use that to run the following commands. If not, you'll have
+to log in as `root` to complete them.
+# mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/netdata
+# cp parent_cert.pem /usr/share/ca-certificates/netdata/parent_cert.crt
+# chown -R netdata.netdata /usr/share/ca-certificates/netdata/
+First, you create a new directory to store your certificates for Netdata. Next, you need to change the extension on your
+certificate from `.pem` to `.crt` so it's compatible with `update-ca-certificate`. Finally, you need to change
+permissions so the user that runs Netdata can access the directory where you copied in your certificate.
+Next, edit the file `/etc/ca-certificates.conf` and add the following line:
+Now you update the list of certificates running the following, again either as `sudo` or `root`:
+# update-ca-certificates
+> Some Linux distributions have different methods of updating the certificate list. For more details, please read this
+> guide on [adding trusted root certificates](
+Once you update your certificate list, you can set the stream parameters for Netdata to trust the parent certificate.
+Open `stream.conf` for editing and change the following lines:
+ CApath = /etc/ssl/certs/
+ CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/parent_cert.pem
+With this configuration, the `CApath` option tells Netdata to search for trusted certificates inside `/etc/ssl/certs`.
+The `CAfile` option specifies the Netdata parent certificate is located at `/etc/ssl/certs/parent_cert.pem`. With this
+configuration, you can skip using the system's entire list of certificates and use Netdata's parent certificate instead.
+#### Expected behaviors
+With the introduction of TLS/SSL, the parent-child communication behaves as shown in the table below, depending on the
+following configurations:
+- **Parent TLS (Yes/No)**: Whether the `[web]` section in `netdata.conf` has `ssl key` and `ssl certificate`.
+- **Parent port TLS (-/force/optional)**: Depends on whether the `[web]` section `bind to` contains a `^SSL=force` or
+ `^SSL=optional` directive on the port(s) used for streaming.
+- **Child TLS (Yes/No)**: Whether the destination in the child's `stream.conf` has `:SSL` at the end.
+- **Child TLS Verification (yes/no)**: Value of the child's `stream.conf` `ssl skip certificate verification`
+ parameter (default is no).
+| Parent TLS enabled | Parent port SSL | Child TLS | Child SSL Ver. | Behavior |
+| :----------------- | :--------------- | :-------- | :------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| No | - | No | no | Legacy behavior. The parent-child stream is unencrypted. |
+| Yes | force | No | no | The parent rejects the child connection. |
+| Yes | -/optional | No | no | The parent-child stream is unencrypted (expected situation for legacy child nodes and newer parent nodes) |
+| Yes | -/force/optional | Yes | no | The parent-child stream is encrypted, provided that the parent has a valid TLS/SSL certificate. Otherwise, the child refuses to connect. |
+| Yes | -/force/optional | Yes | yes | The parent-child stream is encrypted. |
+### Proxy
+A proxy is a node that receives metrics from a child, then streams them onward to a parent. To configure a proxy,
+configure it as a receiving and a sending Netdata at the same time.
+Netdata proxies may or may not maintain a database for the metrics passing through them. When they maintain a database,
+they can also run health checks (alarms and notifications) for the remote host that is streaming the metrics.
+In the following example, the proxy receives metrics from a child node using the `API_KEY` of
+`66666666-7777-8888-9999-000000000000`, then stores metrics using `dbengine`. It then uses the `API_KEY` of
+`11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555` to proxy those same metrics on to a parent node at ``.
+ enabled = yes
+ destination =
+ api key = 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
+ enabled = yes
+ default memory mode = dbengine
+### Ephemeral nodes
+Netdata can help you monitor ephemeral nodes, such as containers in an auto-scaling infrastructure, by always streaming
+metrics to any number of permanently-running parent nodes.
+On the parent, set the following in `stream.conf`:
+ # enable/disable this API key
+ enabled = yes
+ # one hour of data for each of the child nodes
+ default history = 3600
+ # do not save child metrics on disk
+ default memory = ram
+ # alarms checks, only while the child is connected
+ health enabled by default = auto
+On the child nodes, set the following in `stream.conf`:
+ # stream metrics to another Netdata
+ enabled = yes
+ # the IP and PORT of the parent
+ destination =
+ # the API key to use
+ api key = 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
+In addition, edit `netdata.conf` on each child node to disable the database and alarms.
+ # disable the local database
+ memory mode = none
+ # disable health checks
+ enabled = no
+## Troubleshooting
+Both parent and child nodes log information at `/var/log/netdata/error.log`.
+If the child manages to connect to the parent you will see something like (on the parent):
+2017-03-09 09:38:52: netdata: INFO : STREAM [receive from []:38564]: new client connection.
+2017-03-09 09:38:52: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx []:38564: receive thread created (task id 27721)
+2017-03-09 09:38:52: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [receive from []:38564]: client willing to stream metrics for host 'xxx' with machine_guid '1234567-1976-11e6-ae19-7cdd9077342a': update every = 1, history = 3600, memory mode = ram, health auto
+2017-03-09 09:38:52: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [receive from []:38564]: initializing communication...
+2017-03-09 09:38:52: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [receive from []:38564]: receiving metrics...
+and something like this on the child:
+2017-03-09 09:38:28: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [send to box:19999]: connecting...
+2017-03-09 09:38:28: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [send to box:19999]: initializing communication...
+2017-03-09 09:38:28: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [send to box:19999]: waiting response from remote netdata...
+2017-03-09 09:38:28: netdata: INFO : STREAM xxx [send to box:19999]: established communication - sending metrics...
+The following sections describe the most common issues you might encounter when connecting parent and child nodes.
+### Slow connections between parent and child
+When you have a slow connection between parent and child, Netdata raises a few different errors. Most of the
+errors will appear in the child's `error.log`.
+netdata ERROR : STREAM_SENDER[CHILD HOSTNAME] : STREAM CHILD HOSTNAME [send to PARENT IP:PARENT PORT]: too many data pending - buffer is X bytes long,
+Y unsent - we have sent Z bytes in total, W on this connection. Closing connection to flush the data.
+On the parent side, you may see various error messages, most commonly the following:
+netdata ERROR : STREAM_PARENT[CHILD HOSTNAME,[CHILD IP]:CHILD PORT] : read failed: end of file
+Another common problem in slow connections is the child sending a partial message to the parent. In this case, the
+parent will write the following to its `error.log`:
+ERROR : STREAM_RECEIVER[CHILD HOSTNAME,[CHILD IP]:CHILD PORT] : sent command 'B' which is not known by netdata, for host 'HOSTNAME'. Disabling it.
+In this example, `B` was part of a `BEGIN` message that was cut due to connection problems.
+Slow connections can also cause problems when the parent misses a message and then receives a command related to the
+missed message. For example, a parent might miss a message containing the child's charts, and then doesn't know
+what to do with the `SET` message that follows. When that happens, the parent will show a message like this:
+ERROR : STREAM_RECEIVER[CHILD HOSTNAME,[CHILD IP]:CHILD PORT] : requested a SET on chart 'CHART NAME' of host 'HOSTNAME', without a dimension. Disabling it.
+### Child cannot connect to parent
+When the child can't connect to a parent for any reason (misconfiguration, networking, firewalls, parent
+down), you will see the following in the child's `error.log`.
+ERROR : STREAM_SENDER[HOSTNAME] : Failed to connect to 'PARENT IP', port 'PARENT PORT' (errno 113, No route to host)
+### 'Is this a Netdata?'
+This question can appear when Netdata starts the stream and receives an unexpected response. This error can appear when
+the parent is using SSL and the child tries to connect using plain text. You will also see this message when
+Netdata connects to another server that isn't Netdata. The complete error message will look like this:
+ERROR : STREAM_SENDER[CHILD HOSTNAME] : STREAM child HOSTNAME [send to PARENT HOSTNAME:PARENT PORT]: server is not replying properly (is it a netdata?).
+### Stream charts wrong
+Chart data needs to be consistent between child and parent nodes. If there are differences between chart data on
+a parent and a child, such as gaps in metrics collection, it most often means your child's `memory mode`
+does not match the parent's. To learn more about the different ways Netdata can store metrics, and thus keep chart
+data consistent, read our [memory mode documentation](/database/
+### Forbidding access
+You may see errors about "forbidding access" for a number of reasons. It could be because of a slow connection between
+the parent and child nodes, but it could also be due to other failures. Look in your parent's `error.log` for errors
+that look like this:
+STREAM [receive from [child HOSTNAME]:child IP]: `MESSAGE`. Forbidding access."
+`MESSAGE` will have one of the following patterns:
+- `request without KEY` : The message received is incomplete and the KEY value can be API, hostname, machine GUID.
+- `API key 'VALUE' is not valid GUID`: The UUID received from child does not have the format defined in [RFC
+ 4122](
+- `machine GUID 'VALUE' is not GUID.`: This error with machine GUID is like the previous one.
+- `API key 'VALUE' is not allowed`: This stream has a wrong API key.
+- `API key 'VALUE' is not permitted from this IP`: The IP is not allowed to use STREAM with this parent.
+- `machine GUID 'VALUE' is not allowed.`: The GUID that is trying to send stream is not allowed.
+- `Machine GUID 'VALUE' is not permitted from this IP. `: The IP does not match the pattern or IP allowed to connect to
+ use stream.
+### Netdata could not create a stream
+The connection between parent and child is a stream. When the parent can't convert the initial connection into
+a stream, it will write the following message inside `error.log`:
+file descriptor given is not a valid stream
+After logging this error, Netdata will close the stream.