path: root/src/parallel_examples.pod
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+++ b/src/parallel_examples.pod
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+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, and Free Software and Foundation, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-or-later
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+=encoding utf8
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Working as xargs -n1. Argument appending
+GNU B<parallel> can work similar to B<xargs -n1>.
+To compress all html files using B<gzip> run:
+ find . -name '*.html' | parallel gzip --best
+If the file names may contain a newline use B<-0>. Substitute FOO BAR with
+FUBAR in all files in this dir and subdirs:
+ find . -type f -print0 | \
+ parallel -q0 perl -i -pe 's/FOO BAR/FUBAR/g'
+Note B<-q> is needed because of the space in 'FOO BAR'.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Simple network scanner
+B<prips> can generate IP-addresses from CIDR notation. With GNU
+B<parallel> you can build a simple network scanner to see which
+addresses respond to B<ping>:
+ prips | \
+ parallel --timeout 2 -j0 \
+ 'ping -c 1 {} >/dev/null && echo {}' 2>/dev/null
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Reading arguments from command line
+GNU B<parallel> can take the arguments from command line instead of
+stdin (standard input). To compress all html files in the current dir
+using B<gzip> run:
+ parallel gzip --best ::: *.html
+To convert *.wav to *.mp3 using LAME running one process per CPU run:
+ parallel lame {} -o {.}.mp3 ::: *.wav
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Inserting multiple arguments
+When moving a lot of files like this: B<mv *.log destdir> you will
+sometimes get the error:
+ bash: /bin/mv: Argument list too long
+because there are too many files. You can instead do:
+ ls | grep -E '\.log$' | parallel mv {} destdir
+This will run B<mv> for each file. It can be done faster if B<mv> gets
+as many arguments that will fit on the line:
+ ls | grep -E '\.log$' | parallel -m mv {} destdir
+In many shells you can also use B<printf>:
+ printf '%s\0' *.log | parallel -0 -m mv {} destdir
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Context replace
+To remove the files I<pict0000.jpg> .. I<pict9999.jpg> you could do:
+ seq -w 0 9999 | parallel rm pict{}.jpg
+You could also do:
+ seq -w 0 9999 | perl -pe 's/(.*)/pict$1.jpg/' | parallel -m rm
+The first will run B<rm> 10000 times, while the last will only run
+B<rm> as many times needed to keep the command line length short
+enough to avoid B<Argument list too long> (it typically runs 1-2 times).
+You could also run:
+ seq -w 0 9999 | parallel -X rm pict{}.jpg
+This will also only run B<rm> as many times needed to keep the command
+line length short enough.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Compute intensive jobs and substitution
+If ImageMagick is installed this will generate a thumbnail of a jpg
+ convert -geometry 120 foo.jpg thumb_foo.jpg
+This will run with number-of-cpus jobs in parallel for all jpg files
+in a directory:
+ ls *.jpg | parallel convert -geometry 120 {} thumb_{}
+To do it recursively use B<find>:
+ find . -name '*.jpg' | \
+ parallel convert -geometry 120 {} {}_thumb.jpg
+Notice how the argument has to start with B<{}> as B<{}> will include path
+(e.g. running B<convert -geometry 120 ./foo/bar.jpg
+thumb_./foo/bar.jpg> would clearly be wrong). The command will
+generate files like ./foo/bar.jpg_thumb.jpg.
+Use B<{.}> to avoid the extra .jpg in the file name. This command will
+make files like ./foo/bar_thumb.jpg:
+ find . -name '*.jpg' | \
+ parallel convert -geometry 120 {} {.}_thumb.jpg
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Substitution and redirection
+This will generate an uncompressed version of .gz-files next to the .gz-file:
+ parallel zcat {} ">"{.} ::: *.gz
+Quoting of > is necessary to postpone the redirection. Another
+solution is to quote the whole command:
+ parallel "zcat {} >{.}" ::: *.gz
+Other special shell characters (such as * ; $ > < | >> <<) also need
+to be put in quotes, as they may otherwise be interpreted by the shell
+and not given to GNU B<parallel>.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Composed commands
+A job can consist of several commands. This will print the number of
+files in each directory:
+ ls | parallel 'echo -n {}" "; ls {}|wc -l'
+To put the output in a file called <name>.dir:
+ ls | parallel '(echo -n {}" "; ls {}|wc -l) >{}.dir'
+Even small shell scripts can be run by GNU B<parallel>:
+ find . | parallel 'a={}; name=${a##*/};' \
+ 'upper=$(echo "$name" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]");'\
+ 'echo "$name - $upper"'
+ ls | parallel 'mv {} "$(echo {} | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"'
+Given a list of URLs, list all URLs that fail to download. Print the
+line number and the URL.
+ cat urlfile | parallel "wget {} 2>/dev/null || grep -n {} urlfile"
+Create a mirror directory with the same filenames except all files and
+symlinks are empty files.
+ cp -rs /the/source/dir mirror_dir
+ find mirror_dir -type l | parallel -m rm {} '&&' touch {}
+Find the files in a list that do not exist
+ cat file_list | parallel 'if [ ! -e {} ] ; then echo {}; fi'
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Composed command with perl replacement string
+You have a bunch of file. You want them sorted into dirs. The dir of
+each file should be named the first letter of the file name.
+ parallel 'mkdir -p {=s/(.).*/$1/=}; mv {} {=s/(.).*/$1/=}' ::: *
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Composed command with multiple input sources
+You have a dir with files named as 24 hours in 5 minute intervals:
+00:00, 00:05, 00:10 .. 23:55. You want to find the files missing:
+ parallel [ -f {1}:{2} ] "||" echo {1}:{2} does not exist \
+ ::: {00..23} ::: {00..55..5}
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Calling Bash functions
+If the composed command is longer than a line, it becomes hard to
+read. In Bash you can use functions. Just remember to B<export -f> the
+ doit() {
+ echo Doing it for $1
+ sleep 2
+ echo Done with $1
+ }
+ export -f doit
+ parallel doit ::: 1 2 3
+ doubleit() {
+ echo Doing it for $1 $2
+ sleep 2
+ echo Done with $1 $2
+ }
+ export -f doubleit
+ parallel doubleit ::: 1 2 3 ::: a b
+To do this on remote servers you need to transfer the function using
+ parallel --env doit -S server doit ::: 1 2 3
+ parallel --env doubleit -S server doubleit ::: 1 2 3 ::: a b
+If your environment (aliases, variables, and functions) is small you
+can copy the full environment without having to
+B<export -f> anything. See B<env_parallel>.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Function tester
+To test a program with different parameters:
+ tester() {
+ if (eval "$@") >&/dev/null; then
+ perl -e 'printf "\033[30;102m[ OK ]\033[0m @ARGV\n"' "$@"
+ else
+ perl -e 'printf "\033[30;101m[FAIL]\033[0m @ARGV\n"' "$@"
+ fi
+ }
+ export -f tester
+ parallel tester my_program ::: arg1 arg2
+ parallel tester exit ::: 1 0 2 0
+If B<my_program> fails a red FAIL will be printed followed by the failing
+command; otherwise a green OK will be printed followed by the command.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Continously show the latest line of output
+It can be useful to monitor the output of running jobs.
+This shows the most recent output line until a job finishes. After
+which the output of the job is printed in full:
+ parallel '{} | tee >(cat >&3)' ::: 'command 1' 'command 2' \
+ 3> >(perl -ne '$|=1;chomp;printf"%.'$COLUMNS's\r",$_." "x100')
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Log rotate
+Log rotation renames a logfile to an extension with a higher number:
+log.1 becomes log.2, log.2 becomes log.3, and so on. The oldest log is
+removed. To avoid overwriting files the process starts backwards from
+the high number to the low number. This will keep 10 old versions of
+the log:
+ seq 9 -1 1 | parallel -j1 mv log.{} log.'{= $_++ =}'
+ mv log log.1
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Removing file extension when processing files
+When processing files removing the file extension using B<{.}> is
+often useful.
+Create a directory for each zip-file and unzip it in that dir:
+ parallel 'mkdir {.}; cd {.}; unzip ../{}' ::: *.zip
+Recompress all .gz files in current directory using B<bzip2> running 1
+job per CPU in parallel:
+ parallel "zcat {} | bzip2 >{.}.bz2 && rm {}" ::: *.gz
+Convert all WAV files to MP3 using LAME:
+ find sounddir -type f -name '*.wav' | parallel lame {} -o {.}.mp3
+Put all converted in the same directory:
+ find sounddir -type f -name '*.wav' | \
+ parallel lame {} -o mydir/{/.}.mp3
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Removing strings from the argument
+If you have directory with tar.gz files and want these extracted in
+the corresponding dir (e.g foo.tar.gz will be extracted in the dir
+foo) you can do:
+ parallel --plus 'mkdir {..}; tar -C {..} -xf {}' ::: *.tar.gz
+If you want to remove a different ending, you can use {%string}:
+ parallel --plus echo {%_demo} ::: mycode_demo keep_demo_here
+You can also remove a starting string with {#string}
+ parallel --plus echo {#demo_} ::: demo_mycode keep_demo_here
+To remove a string anywhere you can use regular expressions with
+{/regexp/replacement} and leave the replacement empty:
+ parallel --plus echo {/demo_/} ::: demo_mycode remove_demo_here
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Download 24 images for each of the past 30 days
+Let us assume a website stores images like:
+where YYYYMMDD is the date and ## is the number 01-24. This will
+download images for the past 30 days:
+ getit() {
+ date=$(date -d "today -$1 days" +%Y%m%d)
+ num=$2
+ echo wget${date}_${num}.jpg
+ }
+ export -f getit
+ parallel getit ::: $(seq 30) ::: $(seq -w 24)
+B<$(date -d "today -$1 days" +%Y%m%d)> will give the dates in
+YYYYMMDD with B<$1> days subtracted.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Download world map from NASA
+NASA provides tiles to download on Download tiles
+for Blue Marble world map and create a 10240x20480 map.
+ base=
+ service="SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0"
+ layer="LAYER=BlueMarble_ShadedRelief_Bathymetry"
+ tile="TILEROW={1}&TILECOL={2}"
+ format="FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg"
+ url="$base?$service&$layer&$set&$tile&$format"
+ parallel -j0 -q wget "$url" -O {1}_{2}.jpg ::: {0..19} ::: {0..39}
+ parallel eval convert +append {}_{0..39}.jpg line{}.jpg ::: {0..19}
+ convert -append line{0..19}.jpg world.jpg
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Download Apollo-11 images from NASA using jq
+Search NASA using their API to get JSON for images related to 'apollo
+11' and has 'moon landing' in the description.
+The search query returns JSON containing URLs to JSON containing
+collections of pictures. One of the pictures in each of these
+collection is I<large>.
+B<wget> is used to get the JSON for the search query. B<jq> is then
+used to extract the URLs of the collections. B<parallel> then calls
+B<wget> to get each collection, which is passed to B<jq> to extract
+the URLs of all images. B<grep> filters out the I<large> images, and
+B<parallel> finally uses B<wget> to fetch the images.
+ base=""
+ q="q=apollo 11"
+ description="description=moon landing"
+ media_type="media_type=image"
+ wget -O - "$base?$q&$description&$media_type" |
+ jq -r .collection.items[].href |
+ parallel wget -O - |
+ jq -r .[] |
+ grep large |
+ parallel wget
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Download video playlist in parallel
+B<youtube-dl> is an excellent tool to download videos. It can,
+however, not download videos in parallel. This takes a playlist and
+downloads 10 videos in parallel.
+ url=''
+ export url
+ youtube-dl --flat-playlist "https://$url" |
+ parallel --tagstring {#} --lb -j10 \
+ youtube-dl --playlist-start {#} --playlist-end {#} '"https://$url"'
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Prepend last modified date (ISO8601) to file name
+ parallel mv {} '{= $a=pQ($_); $b=$_;' \
+ '$_=qx{date -r "$a" +%FT%T}; chomp; $_="$_ $b" =}' ::: *
+B<{=> and B<=}> mark a perl expression. B<pQ> perl-quotes the
+string. B<date +%FT%T> is the date in ISO8601 with time.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Save output in ISO8601 dirs
+Save output from B<ps aux> every second into dirs named
+ seq 1000 | parallel -N0 -j1 --delay 1 \
+ --results '{= $_=`date -Isec`; chomp=}/' ps aux
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Digital clock with "blinking" :
+The : in a digital clock blinks. To make every other line have a ':'
+and the rest a ' ' a perl expression is used to look at the 3rd input
+source. If the value modulo 2 is 1: Use ":" otherwise use " ":
+ parallel -k echo {1}'{=3 $_=$_%2?":":" "=}'{2}{3} \
+ ::: {0..12} ::: {0..5} ::: {0..9}
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Aggregating content of files
+ parallel --header : echo x{X}y{Y}z{Z} \> x{X}y{Y}z{Z} \
+ ::: X {1..5} ::: Y {01..10} ::: Z {1..5}
+will generate the files x1y01z1 .. x5y10z5. If you want to aggregate
+the output grouping on x and z you can do this:
+ parallel eval 'cat {=s/y01/y*/=} > {=s/y01//=}' ::: *y01*
+For all values of x and z it runs commands like:
+ cat x1y*z1 > x1z1
+So you end up with x1z1 .. x5z5 each containing the content of all
+values of y.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Breadth first parallel web crawler/mirrorer
+This script below will crawl and mirror a URL in parallel. It
+downloads first pages that are 1 click down, then 2 clicks down, then
+3; instead of the normal depth first, where the first link link on
+each page is fetched first.
+Run like this:
+ PARALLEL=-j100 ./parallel-crawl
+Remove the B<wget> part if you only want a web crawler.
+It works by fetching a page from a list of URLs and looking for links
+in that page that are within the same starting URL and that have not
+already been seen. These links are added to a new queue. When all the
+pages from the list is done, the new queue is moved to the list of
+URLs and the process is started over until no unseen links are found.
+ #!/bin/bash
+ # E.g.
+ URL=$1
+ # Stay inside the start dir
+ BASEURL=$(echo $URL | perl -pe 's:#.*::; s:(//.*/)[^/]*:$1:')
+ URLLIST=$(mktemp urllist.XXXX)
+ URLLIST2=$(mktemp urllist.XXXX)
+ SEEN=$(mktemp seen.XXXX)
+ # Spider to get the URLs
+ echo $URL >$URLLIST
+ while [ -s $URLLIST ] ; do
+ cat $URLLIST |
+ parallel lynx -listonly -image_links -dump {} \; \
+ wget -qm -l1 -Q1 {} \; echo Spidered: {} \>\&2 |
+ perl -ne 's/#.*//; s/\s+\d+.\s(\S+)$/$1/ and
+ do { $seen{$1}++ or print }' |
+ grep -F $BASEURL |
+ grep -v -x -F -f $SEEN | tee -a $SEEN > $URLLIST2
+ done
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Process files from a tar file while unpacking
+If the files to be processed are in a tar file then unpacking one file
+and processing it immediately may be faster than first unpacking all
+ tar xvf foo.tgz | perl -ne 'print $l;$l=$_;END{print $l}' | \
+ parallel echo
+The Perl one-liner is needed to make sure the file is complete before
+handing it to GNU B<parallel>.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Rewriting a for-loop and a while-read-loop
+for-loops like this:
+ (for x in `cat list` ; do
+ do_something $x
+ done) | process_output
+and while-read-loops like this:
+ cat list | (while read x ; do
+ do_something $x
+ done) | process_output
+can be written like this:
+ cat list | parallel do_something | process_output
+For example: Find which host name in a list has IP address 1.2.3 4:
+ cat hosts.txt | parallel -P 100 host | grep
+If the processing requires more steps the for-loop like this:
+ (for x in `cat list` ; do
+ no_extension=${x%.*};
+ do_step1 $x scale $no_extension.jpg
+ do_step2 <$x $no_extension
+ done) | process_output
+and while-loops like this:
+ cat list | (while read x ; do
+ no_extension=${x%.*};
+ do_step1 $x scale $no_extension.jpg
+ do_step2 <$x $no_extension
+ done) | process_output
+can be written like this:
+ cat list | parallel "do_step1 {} scale {.}.jpg ; do_step2 <{} {.}" |\
+ process_output
+If the body of the loop is bigger, it improves readability to use a function:
+ (for x in `cat list` ; do
+ do_something $x
+ [... 100 lines that do something with $x ...]
+ done) | process_output
+ cat list | (while read x ; do
+ do_something $x
+ [... 100 lines that do something with $x ...]
+ done) | process_output
+can both be rewritten as:
+ doit() {
+ x=$1
+ do_something $x
+ [... 100 lines that do something with $x ...]
+ }
+ export -f doit
+ cat list | parallel doit
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Rewriting nested for-loops
+Nested for-loops like this:
+ (for x in `cat xlist` ; do
+ for y in `cat ylist` ; do
+ do_something $x $y
+ done
+ done) | process_output
+can be written like this:
+ parallel do_something {1} {2} :::: xlist ylist | process_output
+Nested for-loops like this:
+ (for colour in red green blue ; do
+ for size in S M L XL XXL ; do
+ echo $colour $size
+ done
+ done) | sort
+can be written like this:
+ parallel echo {1} {2} ::: red green blue ::: S M L XL XXL | sort
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Finding the lowest difference between files
+B<diff> is good for finding differences in text files. B<diff | wc -l>
+gives an indication of the size of the difference. To find the
+differences between all files in the current dir do:
+ parallel --tag 'diff {1} {2} | wc -l' ::: * ::: * | sort -nk3
+This way it is possible to see if some files are closer to other
+=head2 EXAMPLE: for-loops with column names
+When doing multiple nested for-loops it can be easier to keep track of
+the loop variable if is is named instead of just having a number. Use
+B<--header :> to let the first argument be an named alias for the
+positional replacement string:
+ parallel --header : echo {colour} {size} \
+ ::: colour red green blue ::: size S M L XL XXL
+This also works if the input file is a file with columns:
+ cat addressbook.tsv | \
+ parallel --colsep '\t' --header : echo {Name} {E-mail address}
+=head2 EXAMPLE: All combinations in a list
+GNU B<parallel> makes all combinations when given two lists.
+To make all combinations in a single list with unique values, you
+repeat the list and use replacement string B<{choose_k}>:
+ parallel --plus echo {choose_k} ::: A B C D ::: A B C D
+ parallel --plus echo 2{2choose_k} 1{1choose_k} ::: A B C D ::: A B C D
+B<{choose_k}> works for any number of input sources:
+ parallel --plus echo {choose_k} ::: A B C D ::: A B C D ::: A B C D
+Where B<{choose_k}> does not care about order, B<{uniq}> cares about
+order. It simply skips jobs where values from different input sources
+are the same:
+ parallel --plus echo {uniq} ::: A B C ::: A B C ::: A B C
+ parallel --plus echo {1uniq}+{2uniq}+{3uniq} ::: A B C ::: A B C ::: A B C
+=head2 EXAMPLE: From a to b and b to c
+Assume you have input like:
+ aardvark
+ babble
+ cab
+ dab
+ each
+and want to run combinations like:
+ aardvark babble
+ babble cab
+ cab dab
+ dab each
+If the input is in the file in.txt:
+ parallel echo {1} - {2} ::::+ <(head -n -1 in.txt) <(tail -n +2 in.txt)
+If the input is in the array $a here are two solutions:
+ seq $((${#a[@]}-1)) | \
+ env_parallel --env a echo '${a[{=$_--=}]} - ${a[{}]}'
+ parallel echo {1} - {2} ::: "${a[@]::${#a[@]}-1}" :::+ "${a[@]:1}"
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Count the differences between all files in a dir
+Using B<--results> the results are saved in /tmp/diffcount*.
+ parallel --results /tmp/diffcount "diff -U 0 {1} {2} | \
+ tail -n +3 |grep -v '^@'|wc -l" ::: * ::: *
+To see the difference between file A and file B look at the file
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Speeding up fast jobs
+Starting a job on the local machine takes around 3-10 ms. This can be
+a big overhead if the job takes very few ms to run. Often you can
+group small jobs together using B<-X> which will make the overhead
+less significant. Compare the speed of these:
+ seq -w 0 9999 | parallel touch pict{}.jpg
+ seq -w 0 9999 | parallel -X touch pict{}.jpg
+If your program cannot take multiple arguments, then you can use GNU
+B<parallel> to spawn multiple GNU B<parallel>s:
+ seq -w 0 9999999 | \
+ parallel -j10 -q -I,, --pipe parallel -j0 touch pict{}.jpg
+If B<-j0> normally spawns 252 jobs, then the above will try to spawn
+2520 jobs. On a normal GNU/Linux system you can spawn 32000 jobs using
+this technique with no problems. To raise the 32000 jobs limit raise
+/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max to 4194303.
+If you do not need GNU B<parallel> to have control over each job (so
+no need for B<--retries> or B<--joblog> or similar), then it can be
+even faster if you can generate the command lines and pipe those to a
+shell. So if you can do this:
+ mygenerator | sh
+Then that can be parallelized like this:
+ mygenerator | parallel --pipe --block 10M sh
+ mygenerator() {
+ seq 10000000 | perl -pe 'print "echo This is fast job number "';
+ }
+ mygenerator | parallel --pipe --block 10M sh
+The overhead is 100000 times smaller namely around 100 nanoseconds per
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Using shell variables
+When using shell variables you need to quote them correctly as they
+may otherwise be interpreted by the shell.
+Notice the difference between:
+ ARR=("My brother's 12\" records are worth <\$\$\$>"'!' Foo Bar)
+ parallel echo ::: ${ARR[@]} # This is probably not what you want
+ ARR=("My brother's 12\" records are worth <\$\$\$>"'!' Foo Bar)
+ parallel echo ::: "${ARR[@]}"
+When using variables in the actual command that contains special
+characters (e.g. space) you can quote them using B<'"$VAR"'> or using
+"'s and B<-q>:
+ VAR="My brother's 12\" records are worth <\$\$\$>"
+ parallel -q echo "$VAR" ::: '!'
+ export VAR
+ parallel echo '"$VAR"' ::: '!'
+If B<$VAR> does not contain ' then B<"'$VAR'"> will also work
+(and does not need B<export>):
+ VAR="My 12\" records are worth <\$\$\$>"
+ parallel echo "'$VAR'" ::: '!'
+If you use them in a function you just quote as you normally would do:
+ VAR="My brother's 12\" records are worth <\$\$\$>"
+ export VAR
+ myfunc() { echo "$VAR" "$1"; }
+ export -f myfunc
+ parallel myfunc ::: '!'
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Group output lines
+When running jobs that output data, you often do not want the output
+of multiple jobs to run together. GNU B<parallel> defaults to grouping
+the output of each job, so the output is printed when the job
+finishes. If you want full lines to be printed while the job is
+running you can use B<--line-buffer>. If you want output to be
+printed as soon as possible you can use B<-u>.
+Compare the output of:
+ parallel wget --progress=dot --limit-rate=100k \
+{}0822.tar.bz2 \
+ ::: {12..16}
+ parallel --line-buffer wget --progress=dot --limit-rate=100k \
+{}0822.tar.bz2 \
+ ::: {12..16}
+ parallel --latest-line wget --progress=dot --limit-rate=100k \
+{}0822.tar.bz2 \
+ ::: {12..16}
+ parallel -u wget --progress=dot --limit-rate=100k \
+{}0822.tar.bz2 \
+ ::: {12..16}
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Tag output lines
+GNU B<parallel> groups the output lines, but it can be hard to see
+where the different jobs begin. B<--tag> prepends the argument to make
+that more visible:
+ parallel --tag wget --limit-rate=100k \
+{}0822.tar.bz2 \
+ ::: {12..16}
+B<--tag> works with B<--line-buffer> but not with B<-u>:
+ parallel --tag --line-buffer wget --limit-rate=100k \
+{}0822.tar.bz2 \
+ ::: {12..16}
+Check the uptime of the servers in I<~/.parallel/sshloginfile>:
+ parallel --tag -S .. --nonall uptime
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Colorize output
+Give each job a new color. Most terminals support ANSI colors with the
+escape code "\033[30;3Xm" where 0 <= X <= 7:
+ seq 10 | \
+ parallel --tagstring '\033[30;3{=$_=++$::color%8=}m' seq {}
+ parallel --rpl '{color} $_="\033[30;3".(++$::color%8)."m"' \
+ --tagstring {color} seq {} ::: {1..10}
+To get rid of the initial \t (which comes from B<--tagstring>):
+ ... | perl -pe 's/\t//'
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Keep order of output same as order of input
+Normally the output of a job will be printed as soon as it
+completes. Sometimes you want the order of the output to remain the
+same as the order of the input. This is often important, if the output
+is used as input for another system. B<-k> will make sure the order of
+output will be in the same order as input even if later jobs end
+before earlier jobs.
+Append a string to every line in a text file:
+ cat textfile | parallel -k echo {} append_string
+If you remove B<-k> some of the lines may come out in the wrong order.
+Another example is B<traceroute>:
+ parallel traceroute :::
+will give traceroute of, and, but it will be sorted according to which job
+completed first.
+To keep the order the same as input run:
+ parallel -k traceroute :::
+This will make sure the traceroute to will be printed
+A bit more complex example is downloading a huge file in chunks in
+parallel: Some internet connections will deliver more data if you
+download files in parallel. For downloading files in parallel see:
+"EXAMPLE: Download 10 images for each of the past 30 days". But if you
+are downloading a big file you can download the file in chunks in
+To download byte 10000000-19999999 you can use B<curl>:
+ curl -r 10000000-19999999 >file.part
+To download a 1 GB file we need 100 10MB chunks downloaded and
+combined in the correct order.
+ seq 0 99 | parallel -k curl -r \
+ {}0000000-{}9999999 > file
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Parallel grep
+B<grep -r> greps recursively through directories. GNU B<parallel> can
+often speed this up.
+ find . -type f | parallel -k -j150% -n 1000 -m grep -H -n STRING {}
+This will run 1.5 job per CPU, and give 1000 arguments to B<grep>.
+There are situations where the above will be slower than B<grep -r>:
+=over 2
+=item *
+If data is already in RAM. The overhead of starting jobs and buffering
+output may outweigh the benefit of running in parallel.
+=item *
+If the files are big. If a file cannot be read in a single seek, the
+disk may start thrashing.
+The speedup is caused by two factors:
+=over 2
+=item *
+On rotating harddisks small files often require a seek for each
+file. By searching for more files in parallel, the arm may pass
+another wanted file on its way.
+=item *
+NVMe drives often perform better by having multiple command running in
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Grepping n lines for m regular expressions.
+The simplest solution to grep a big file for a lot of regexps is:
+ grep -f regexps.txt bigfile
+Or if the regexps are fixed strings:
+ grep -F -f regexps.txt bigfile
+There are 3 limiting factors: CPU, RAM, and disk I/O.
+RAM is easy to measure: If the B<grep> process takes up most of your
+free memory (e.g. when running B<top>), then RAM is a limiting factor.
+CPU is also easy to measure: If the B<grep> takes >90% CPU in B<top>,
+then the CPU is a limiting factor, and parallelization will speed this
+It is harder to see if disk I/O is the limiting factor, and depending
+on the disk system it may be faster or slower to parallelize. The only
+way to know for certain is to test and measure.
+=head3 Limiting factor: RAM
+The normal B<grep -f regexps.txt bigfile> works no matter the size of
+bigfile, but if regexps.txt is so big it cannot fit into memory, then
+you need to split this.
+B<grep -F> takes around 100 bytes of RAM and B<grep> takes about 500
+bytes of RAM per 1 byte of regexp. So if regexps.txt is 1% of your
+RAM, then it may be too big.
+If you can convert your regexps into fixed strings do that. E.g. if
+the lines you are looking for in bigfile all looks like:
+ ID1 foo bar baz Identifier1 quux
+ fubar ID2 foo bar baz Identifier2
+then your regexps.txt can be converted from:
+ ID1.*Identifier1
+ ID2.*Identifier2
+ ID1 foo bar baz Identifier1
+ ID2 foo bar baz Identifier2
+This way you can use B<grep -F> which takes around 80% less memory and
+is much faster.
+If it still does not fit in memory you can do this:
+ parallel --pipe-part -a regexps.txt --block 1M grep -F -f - -n bigfile | \
+ sort -un | perl -pe 's/^\d+://'
+The 1M should be your free memory divided by the number of CPU threads and
+divided by 200 for B<grep -F> and by 1000 for normal B<grep>. On
+GNU/Linux you can do:
+ free=$(awk '/^((Swap)?Cached|MemFree|Buffers):/ { sum += $2 }
+ END { print sum }' /proc/meminfo)
+ percpu=$((free / 200 / $(parallel --number-of-threads)))k
+ parallel --pipe-part -a regexps.txt --block $percpu --compress \
+ grep -F -f - -n bigfile | \
+ sort -un | perl -pe 's/^\d+://'
+If you can live with duplicated lines and wrong order, it is faster to do:
+ parallel --pipe-part -a regexps.txt --block $percpu --compress \
+ grep -F -f - bigfile
+=head3 Limiting factor: CPU
+If the CPU is the limiting factor parallelization should be done on
+the regexps:
+ cat regexps.txt | parallel --pipe -L1000 --round-robin --compress \
+ grep -f - -n bigfile | \
+ sort -un | perl -pe 's/^\d+://'
+The command will start one B<grep> per CPU and read I<bigfile> one
+time per CPU, but as that is done in parallel, all reads except the
+first will be cached in RAM. Depending on the size of I<regexps.txt> it
+may be faster to use B<--block 10m> instead of B<-L1000>.
+Some storage systems perform better when reading multiple chunks in
+parallel. This is true for some RAID systems and for some network file
+systems. To parallelize the reading of I<bigfile>:
+ parallel --pipe-part --block 100M -a bigfile -k --compress \
+ grep -f regexps.txt
+This will split I<bigfile> into 100MB chunks and run B<grep> on each of
+these chunks. To parallelize both reading of I<bigfile> and I<regexps.txt>
+combine the two using B<--cat>:
+ parallel --pipe-part --block 100M -a bigfile --cat cat regexps.txt \
+ \| parallel --pipe -L1000 --round-robin grep -f - {}
+If a line matches multiple regexps, the line may be duplicated.
+=head3 Bigger problem
+If the problem is too big to be solved by this, you are probably ready
+for Lucene.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Using remote computers
+To run commands on a remote computer SSH needs to be set up and you
+must be able to login without entering a password (The commands
+B<ssh-copy-id>, B<ssh-agent>, and B<sshpass> may help you do that).
+If you need to login to a whole cluster, you typically do not want to
+accept the host key for every host. You want to accept them the first
+time and be warned if they are ever changed. To do that:
+ # Add the servers to the sshloginfile
+ (echo servera; echo serverb) > .parallel/my_cluster
+ # Make sure .ssh/config exist
+ touch .ssh/config
+ cp .ssh/config .ssh/config.backup
+ # Disable StrictHostKeyChecking temporarily
+ (echo 'Host *'; echo StrictHostKeyChecking no) >> .ssh/config
+ parallel --slf my_cluster --nonall true
+ # Remove the disabling of StrictHostKeyChecking
+ mv .ssh/config.backup .ssh/config
+The servers in B<.parallel/my_cluster> are now added in B<.ssh/known_hosts>.
+To run B<echo> on B<>:
+ seq 10 | parallel --sshlogin echo
+To run commands on more than one remote computer run:
+ seq 10 | parallel --sshlogin, echo
+ seq 10 | parallel --sshlogin \
+ --sshlogin echo
+If the login username is I<foo> on I<> use:
+ seq 10 | parallel --sshlogin \
+ --sshlogin echo
+If your list of hosts is I<> with login I<foo>:
+ seq 10 | parallel -Sfoo@server{1..88} echo
+To distribute the commands to a list of computers, make a file
+I<mycomputers> with all the computers:
+Then run:
+ seq 10 | parallel --sshloginfile mycomputers echo
+To include the local computer add the special sshlogin ':' to the list:
+ :
+GNU B<parallel> will try to determine the number of CPUs on each of
+the remote computers, and run one job per CPU - even if the remote
+computers do not have the same number of CPUs.
+If the number of CPUs on the remote computers is not identified
+correctly the number of CPUs can be added in front. Here the computer
+has 8 CPUs.
+ seq 10 | parallel --sshlogin 8/ echo
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Transferring of files
+To recompress gzipped files with B<bzip2> using a remote computer run:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | \
+ parallel --sshlogin \
+ --transfer "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+This will list the .gz-files in the I<logs> directory and all
+directories below. Then it will transfer the files to
+I<> to the corresponding directory in
+I<$HOME/logs>. On I<> the file will be recompressed
+using B<zcat> and B<bzip2> resulting in the corresponding file with
+I<.gz> replaced with I<.bz2>.
+If you want the resulting bz2-file to be transferred back to the local
+computer add I<--return {.}.bz2>:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | \
+ parallel --sshlogin \
+ --transfer --return {.}.bz2 "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+After the recompressing is done the I<.bz2>-file is transferred back to
+the local computer and put next to the original I<.gz>-file.
+If you want to delete the transferred files on the remote computer add
+I<--cleanup>. This will remove both the file transferred to the remote
+computer and the files transferred from the remote computer:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | \
+ parallel --sshlogin \
+ --transfer --return {.}.bz2 --cleanup "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+If you want run on several computers add the computers to I<--sshlogin>
+either using ',' or multiple I<--sshlogin>:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | \
+ parallel --sshlogin, \
+ --sshlogin \
+ --transfer --return {.}.bz2 --cleanup "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+You can add the local computer using I<--sshlogin :>. This will disable the
+removing and transferring for the local computer only:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | \
+ parallel --sshlogin, \
+ --sshlogin \
+ --sshlogin : \
+ --transfer --return {.}.bz2 --cleanup "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+Often I<--transfer>, I<--return> and I<--cleanup> are used together. They can be
+shortened to I<--trc>:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | \
+ parallel --sshlogin, \
+ --sshlogin \
+ --sshlogin : \
+ --trc {.}.bz2 "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+With the file I<mycomputers> containing the list of computers it becomes:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | parallel --sshloginfile mycomputers \
+ --trc {.}.bz2 "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+If the file I<~/.parallel/sshloginfile> contains the list of computers
+the special short hand I<-S ..> can be used:
+ find logs/ -name '*.gz' | parallel -S .. \
+ --trc {.}.bz2 "zcat {} | bzip2 -9 >{.}.bz2"
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Advanced file transfer
+Assume you have files in in/*, want them processed on server,
+and transferred back into /other/dir:
+ parallel -S server --trc /other/dir/./{/}.out \
+ cp {/} {/}.out ::: in/./*
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Distributing work to local and remote computers
+Convert *.mp3 to *.ogg running one process per CPU on local computer
+and server2:
+ parallel --trc {.}.ogg -S server2,: \
+ 'mpg321 -w - {} | oggenc -q0 - -o {.}.ogg' ::: *.mp3
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Running the same command on remote computers
+To run the command B<uptime> on remote computers you can do:
+ parallel --tag --nonall -S server1,server2 uptime
+B<--nonall> reads no arguments. If you have a list of jobs you want
+to run on each computer you can do:
+ parallel --tag --onall -S server1,server2 echo ::: 1 2 3
+Remove B<--tag> if you do not want the sshlogin added before the
+If you have a lot of hosts use '-j0' to access more hosts in parallel.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Running 'sudo' on remote computers
+Put the password into passwordfile then run:
+ parallel --ssh 'cat passwordfile | ssh' --nonall \
+ -S user@server1,user@server2 sudo -S ls -l /root
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Using remote computers behind NAT wall
+If the workers are behind a NAT wall, you need some trickery to get to
+If you can B<ssh> to a jumphost, and reach the workers from there,
+then the obvious solution would be this, but it B<does not work>:
+ parallel --ssh 'ssh jumphost ssh' -S host1 echo ::: DOES NOT WORK
+It does not work because the command is dequoted by B<ssh> twice where
+as GNU B<parallel> only expects it to be dequoted once.
+You can use a bash function and have GNU B<parallel> quote the command:
+ jumpssh() { ssh -A jumphost ssh $(parallel --shellquote ::: "$@"); }
+ export -f jumpssh
+ parallel --ssh jumpssh -S host1 echo ::: this works
+Or you can instead put this in B<~/.ssh/config>:
+ Host host1 host2 host3
+ ProxyCommand ssh jumphost.domain nc -w 1 %h 22
+It requires B<nc(netcat)> to be installed on jumphost. With this you
+can simply:
+ parallel -S host1,host2,host3 echo ::: This does work
+=head3 No jumphost, but port forwards
+If there is no jumphost but each server has port 22 forwarded from the
+firewall (e.g. the firewall's port 22001 = port 22 on host1, 22002 = host2,
+22003 = host3) then you can use B<~/.ssh/config>:
+ Host host1.v
+ Port 22001
+ Host host2.v
+ Port 22002
+ Host host3.v
+ Port 22003
+ Host *.v
+ Hostname firewall
+And then use host{1..3}.v as normal hosts:
+ parallel -S host1.v,host2.v,host3.v echo ::: a b c
+=head3 No jumphost, no port forwards
+If ports cannot be forwarded, you need some sort of VPN to traverse
+the NAT-wall. TOR is one options for that, as it is very easy to get
+You need to install TOR and setup a hidden service. In B<torrc> put:
+ HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
+ HiddenServicePort 22
+Then start TOR: B</etc/init.d/tor restart>
+The TOR hostname is now in B</var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname> and
+is something similar to B<izjafdceobowklhz.onion>. Now you simply
+prepend B<torsocks> to B<ssh>:
+ parallel --ssh 'torsocks ssh' -S izjafdceobowklhz.onion \
+ -S zfcdaeiojoklbwhz.onion,auclucjzobowklhi.onion echo ::: a b c
+If not all hosts are accessible through TOR:
+ parallel -S 'torsocks ssh izjafdceobowklhz.onion,host2,host3' \
+ echo ::: a b c
+See more B<ssh> tricks on
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Use sshpass with ssh
+If you cannot use passwordless login, you may be able to use B<sshpass>:
+ seq 10 | parallel -S user-with-password:MyPassword@server echo
+ export SSHPASS='MyPa$$w0rd'
+ seq 10 | parallel -S user-with-password:@server echo
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Use outrun instead of ssh
+B<outrun> lets you run a command on a remote server. B<outrun> sets up
+a connection to access files at the source server, and automatically
+transfers files. B<outrun> must be installed on the remote system.
+You can use B<outrun> in an sshlogin this way:
+ parallel -S 'outrun user@server' command
+ parallel --ssh outrun -S server command
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Slurm cluster
+The Slurm Workload Manager is used in many clusters.
+Here is a simple example of using GNU B<parallel> to call B<srun>:
+ #!/bin/bash
+ #SBATCH --time 00:02:00
+ #SBATCH --ntasks=4
+ #SBATCH --job-name GnuParallelDemo
+ #SBATCH --output gnuparallel.out
+ module purge
+ module load gnu_parallel
+ my_parallel="parallel --delay .2 -j $SLURM_NTASKS"
+ my_srun="srun --export=all --exclusive -n1 --cpus-per-task=1 --cpu-bind=cores"
+ $my_parallel "$my_srun" echo This is job {} ::: {1..20}
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Parallelizing rsync
+B<rsync> is a great tool, but sometimes it will not fill up the
+available bandwidth. Running multiple B<rsync> in parallel can fix
+ cd src-dir
+ find . -type f |
+ parallel -j10 -X rsync -zR -Ha ./{} fooserver:/dest-dir/
+Adjust B<-j10> until you find the optimal number.
+B<rsync -R> will create the needed subdirectories, so all files are
+not put into a single dir. The B<./> is needed so the resulting command
+looks similar to:
+ rsync -zR ././sub/dir/file fooserver:/dest-dir/
+The B</./> is what B<rsync -R> works on.
+If you are unable to push data, but need to pull them and the files
+are called digits.png (e.g. 000000.png) you might be able to do:
+ seq -w 0 99 | parallel rsync -Havessh fooserver:src/*{}.png destdir/
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Use multiple inputs in one command
+Copy files like to foo.ext:
+ ls *.es.* | perl -pe 'print; s/\.es//' | parallel -N2 cp {1} {2}
+The perl command spits out 2 lines for each input. GNU B<parallel>
+takes 2 inputs (using B<-N2>) and replaces {1} and {2} with the inputs.
+Count in binary:
+ parallel -k echo ::: 0 1 ::: 0 1 ::: 0 1 ::: 0 1 ::: 0 1 ::: 0 1
+Print the number on the opposing sides of a six sided die:
+ parallel --link -a <(seq 6) -a <(seq 6 -1 1) echo
+ parallel --link echo :::: <(seq 6) <(seq 6 -1 1)
+Convert files from all subdirs to PNG-files with consecutive numbers
+(useful for making input PNG's for B<ffmpeg>):
+ parallel --link -a <(find . -type f | sort) \
+ -a <(seq $(find . -type f|wc -l)) convert {1} {2}.png
+Alternative version:
+ find . -type f | sort | parallel convert {} {#}.png
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Use a table as input
+Content of table_file.tsv:
+ foo<TAB>bar
+ baz <TAB> quux
+To run:
+ cmd -o bar -i foo
+ cmd -o quux -i baz
+you can run:
+ parallel -a table_file.tsv --colsep '\t' cmd -o {2} -i {1}
+Note: The default for GNU B<parallel> is to remove the spaces around
+the columns. To keep the spaces:
+ parallel -a table_file.tsv --trim n --colsep '\t' cmd -o {2} -i {1}
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Output to database
+GNU B<parallel> can output to a database table and a CSV-file:
+ dburl=csv:///%2Ftmp%2Fmydir
+ dbtableurl=$dburl/mytable.csv
+ parallel --sqlandworker $dbtableurl seq ::: {1..10}
+It is rather slow and takes up a lot of CPU time because GNU
+B<parallel> parses the whole CSV file for each update.
+A better approach is to use an SQLite-base and then convert that to CSV:
+ dburl=sqlite3:///%2Ftmp%2Fmy.sqlite
+ dbtableurl=$dburl/mytable
+ parallel --sqlandworker $dbtableurl seq ::: {1..10}
+ sql $dburl '.headers on' '.mode csv' 'SELECT * FROM mytable;'
+This takes around a second per job.
+If you have access to a real database system, such as PostgreSQL, it
+is even faster:
+ dburl=pg://user:pass@host/mydb
+ dbtableurl=$dburl/mytable
+ parallel --sqlandworker $dbtableurl seq ::: {1..10}
+ sql $dburl \
+ "COPY (SELECT * FROM mytable) TO stdout DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;"
+Or MySQL:
+ dburl=mysql://user:pass@host/mydb
+ dbtableurl=$dburl/mytable
+ parallel --sqlandworker $dbtableurl seq ::: {1..10}
+ sql -p -B $dburl "SELECT * FROM mytable;" > mytable.tsv
+ perl -pe 's/"/""/g; s/\t/","/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"/;
+ %s=("\\" => "\\", "t" => "\t", "n" => "\n");
+ s/\\([\\tn])/$s{$1}/g;' mytable.tsv
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Output to CSV-file for R
+If you have no need for the advanced job distribution control that a
+database provides, but you simply want output into a CSV file that you
+can read into R or LibreCalc, then you can use B<--results>:
+ parallel --results my.csv seq ::: 10 20 30
+ R
+ > mydf <- read.csv("my.csv");
+ > print(mydf[2,])
+ > write(as.character(mydf[2,c("Stdout")]),'')
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Use XML as input
+The show Aflyttet on Radio 24syv publishes an RSS feed with their audio
+podcasts on:
+Using B<xpath> you can extract the URLs for 2019 and download them
+using GNU B<parallel>:
+ wget -O - | \
+ xpath -e "//pubDate[contains(text(),'2019')]/../enclosure/@url" | \
+ parallel -u wget '{= s/ url="//; s/"//; =}'
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Run the same command 10 times
+If you want to run the same command with the same arguments 10 times
+in parallel you can do:
+ seq 10 | parallel -n0 my_command my_args
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Working as cat | sh. Resource inexpensive jobs and evaluation
+GNU B<parallel> can work similar to B<cat | sh>.
+A resource inexpensive job is a job that takes very little CPU, disk
+I/O and network I/O. Ping is an example of a resource inexpensive
+job. wget is too - if the webpages are small.
+The content of the file jobs_to_run:
+ ping -c 1
+ wget
+ ping -c 1
+ wget
+ ...
+ ping -c 1
+ wget
+To run 100 processes simultaneously do:
+ parallel -j 100 < jobs_to_run
+As there is not a I<command> the jobs will be evaluated by the shell.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Call program with FASTA sequence
+FASTA files have the format:
+ >Sequence name1
+ sequence
+ sequence continued
+ >Sequence name2
+ sequence
+ sequence continued
+ more sequence
+To call B<myprog> with the sequence as argument run:
+ cat file.fasta |
+ parallel --pipe -N1 --recstart '>' --rrs \
+ 'read a; echo Name: "$a"; myprog $(tr -d "\n")'
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Call program with interleaved FASTQ records
+FASTQ files have the format:
+ @M10991:61:000000000-A7EML:1:1101:14011:1001 1:N:0:28
+ +
+Interleaved FASTQ starts with a line like these:
+ @HWUSI-EAS100R:6:73:941:1973#0/1
+ @EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:Y:18:ATCACG
+ @EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:N:18:1
+where '/1' and ' 1:' determines this is read 1.
+This will cut big.fq into one chunk per CPU thread and pass it on
+stdin (standard input) to the program fastq-reader:
+ parallel --pipe-part -a big.fq --block -1 --regexp \
+ --recend '\n' --recstart '@.*(/1| 1:.*)\n[A-Za-z\n\.~]' \
+ fastq-reader
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Processing a big file using more CPUs
+To process a big file or some output you can use B<--pipe> to split up
+the data into blocks and pipe the blocks into the processing program.
+If the program is B<gzip -9> you can do:
+ cat bigfile | parallel --pipe --recend '' -k gzip -9 > bigfile.gz
+This will split B<bigfile> into blocks of 1 MB and pass that to B<gzip
+-9> in parallel. One B<gzip> will be run per CPU. The output of B<gzip
+-9> will be kept in order and saved to B<bigfile.gz>
+B<gzip> works fine if the output is appended, but some processing does
+not work like that - for example sorting. For this GNU B<parallel> can
+put the output of each command into a file. This will sort a big file
+in parallel:
+ cat bigfile | parallel --pipe --files sort |\
+ parallel -Xj1 sort -m {} ';' rm {} >bigfile.sort
+Here B<bigfile> is split into blocks of around 1MB, each block ending
+in '\n' (which is the default for B<--recend>). Each block is passed
+to B<sort> and the output from B<sort> is saved into files. These
+files are passed to the second B<parallel> that runs B<sort -m> on the
+files before it removes the files. The output is saved to
+GNU B<parallel>'s B<--pipe> maxes out at around 100 MB/s because every
+byte has to be copied through GNU B<parallel>. But if B<bigfile> is a
+real (seekable) file GNU B<parallel> can by-pass the copying and send
+the parts directly to the program:
+ parallel --pipe-part --block 100m -a bigfile --files sort |\
+ parallel -Xj1 sort -m {} ';' rm {} >bigfile.sort
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Grouping input lines
+When processing with B<--pipe> you may have lines grouped by a
+value. Here is I<my.csv>:
+ Transaction Customer Item
+ 1 a 53
+ 2 b 65
+ 3 b 82
+ 4 c 96
+ 5 c 67
+ 6 c 13
+ 7 d 90
+ 8 d 43
+ 9 d 91
+ 10 d 84
+ 11 e 72
+ 12 e 102
+ 13 e 63
+ 14 e 56
+ 15 e 74
+Let us assume you want GNU B<parallel> to process each customer. In
+other words: You want all the transactions for a single customer to be
+treated as a single record.
+To do this we preprocess the data with a program that inserts a record
+separator before each customer (column 2 = $F[1]). Here we first make
+a 50 character random string, which we then use as the separator:
+ sep=`perl -e 'print map { ("a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(52)] } (1..50);'`
+ cat my.csv | \
+ perl -ape '$F[1] ne $l and print "'$sep'"; $l = $F[1]' | \
+ parallel --recend $sep --rrs --pipe -N1 wc
+If your program can process multiple customers replace B<-N1> with a
+reasonable B<--blocksize>.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Running more than 250 jobs workaround
+If you need to run a massive amount of jobs in parallel, then you will
+likely hit the filehandle limit which is often around 250 jobs. If you
+are super user you can raise the limit in /etc/security/limits.conf
+but you can also use this workaround. The filehandle limit is per
+process. That means that if you just spawn more GNU B<parallel>s then
+each of them can run 250 jobs. This will spawn up to 2500 jobs:
+ cat myinput |\
+ parallel --pipe -N 50 --round-robin -j50 parallel -j50 your_prg
+This will spawn up to 62500 jobs (use with caution - you need 64 GB
+RAM to do this, and you may need to increase /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max):
+ cat myinput |\
+ parallel --pipe -N 250 --round-robin -j250 parallel -j250 your_prg
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Working as mutex and counting semaphore
+The command B<sem> is an alias for B<parallel --semaphore>.
+A counting semaphore will allow a given number of jobs to be started
+in the background. When the number of jobs are running in the
+background, GNU B<sem> will wait for one of these to complete before
+starting another command. B<sem --wait> will wait for all jobs to
+Run 10 jobs concurrently in the background:
+ for i in *.log ; do
+ echo $i
+ sem -j10 gzip $i ";" echo done
+ done
+ sem --wait
+A mutex is a counting semaphore allowing only one job to run. This
+will edit the file I<myfile> and prepends the file with lines with the
+numbers 1 to 3.
+ seq 3 | parallel sem sed -i -e '1i{}' myfile
+As I<myfile> can be very big it is important only one process edits
+the file at the same time.
+Name the semaphore to have multiple different semaphores active at the
+same time:
+ seq 3 | parallel sem --id mymutex sed -i -e '1i{}' myfile
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Mutex for a script
+Assume a script is called from cron or from a web service, but only
+one instance can be run at a time. With B<sem> and B<--shebang-wrap>
+the script can be made to wait for other instances to finish. Here in
+ #!/usr/bin/sem --shebang-wrap -u --id $0 --fg /bin/bash
+ echo This will run
+ sleep 5
+ echo exclusively
+Here B<perl>:
+ #!/usr/bin/sem --shebang-wrap -u --id $0 --fg /usr/bin/perl
+ print "This will run ";
+ sleep 5;
+ print "exclusively\n";
+Here B<python>:
+ #!/usr/local/bin/sem --shebang-wrap -u --id $0 --fg /usr/bin/python
+ import time
+ print "This will run ";
+ time.sleep(5)
+ print "exclusively";
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Start editor with filenames from stdin (standard input)
+You can use GNU B<parallel> to start interactive programs like emacs or vi:
+ cat filelist | parallel --tty -X emacs
+ cat filelist | parallel --tty -X vi
+If there are more files than will fit on a single command line, the
+editor will be started again with the remaining files.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Running sudo
+B<sudo> requires a password to run a command as root. It caches the
+access, so you only need to enter the password again if you have not
+used B<sudo> for a while.
+The command:
+ parallel sudo echo ::: This is a bad idea
+is no good, as you would be prompted for the sudo password for each of
+the jobs. Instead do:
+ sudo parallel echo ::: This is a good idea
+This way you only have to enter the sudo password once.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Run ping in parallel
+B<ping> prints out statistics when killed with CTRL-C.
+Unfortunately, CTRL-C will also normally kill GNU B<parallel>.
+But by using B<--open-tty> and ignoring SIGINT you can get the wanted effect:
+ parallel -j0 --open-tty --lb --tag ping '{= $SIG{INT}=sub {} =}' \
+ :::
+B<--open-tty> will make the B<ping>s receive SIGINT (from CTRL-C).
+CTRL-C will not kill GNU B<parallel>, so that will only exit after
+B<ping> is done.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: GNU Parallel as queue system/batch manager
+GNU B<parallel> can work as a simple job queue system or batch manager.
+The idea is to put the jobs into a file and have GNU B<parallel> read
+from that continuously. As GNU B<parallel> will stop at end of file we
+use B<tail> to continue reading:
+ true >jobqueue; tail -n+0 -f jobqueue | parallel
+To submit your jobs to the queue:
+ echo my_command my_arg >> jobqueue
+You can of course use B<-S> to distribute the jobs to remote
+ true >jobqueue; tail -n+0 -f jobqueue | parallel -S ..
+Output only will be printed when reading the next input after a job
+has finished: So you need to submit a job after the first has finished
+to see the output from the first job.
+If you keep this running for a long time, jobqueue will grow. A way of
+removing the jobs already run is by making GNU B<parallel> stop when
+it hits a special value and then restart. To use B<--eof> to make GNU
+B<parallel> exit, B<tail> also needs to be forced to exit:
+ true >jobqueue;
+ while true; do
+ tail -n+0 -f jobqueue |
+ (parallel -E StOpHeRe -S ..; echo GNU Parallel is now done;
+ perl -e 'while(<>){/StOpHeRe/ and last};print <>' jobqueue > j2;
+ (seq 1000 >> jobqueue &);
+ echo Done appending dummy data forcing tail to exit)
+ echo tail exited;
+ mv j2 jobqueue
+ done
+In some cases you can run on more CPUs and computers during the night:
+ # Day time
+ echo 50% > jobfile
+ cp day_server_list ~/.parallel/sshloginfile
+ # Night time
+ echo 100% > jobfile
+ cp night_server_list ~/.parallel/sshloginfile
+ tail -n+0 -f jobqueue | parallel --jobs jobfile -S ..
+GNU B<parallel> discovers if B<jobfile> or B<~/.parallel/sshloginfile>
+=head2 EXAMPLE: GNU Parallel as dir processor
+If you have a dir in which users drop files that needs to be processed
+you can do this on GNU/Linux (If you know what B<inotifywait> is
+called on other platforms file a bug report):
+ inotifywait -qmre MOVED_TO -e CLOSE_WRITE --format %w%f my_dir |\
+ parallel -u echo
+This will run the command B<echo> on each file put into B<my_dir> or
+subdirs of B<my_dir>.
+You can of course use B<-S> to distribute the jobs to remote
+ inotifywait -qmre MOVED_TO -e CLOSE_WRITE --format %w%f my_dir |\
+ parallel -S .. -u echo
+If the files to be processed are in a tar file then unpacking one file
+and processing it immediately may be faster than first unpacking all
+files. Set up the dir processor as above and unpack into the dir.
+Using GNU B<parallel> as dir processor has the same limitations as
+using GNU B<parallel> as queue system/batch manager.
+=head2 EXAMPLE: Locate the missing package
+If you have downloaded source and tried compiling it, you may have seen:
+ $ ./configure
+ [...]
+ checking for something.h... no
+ configure: error: "libsomething not found"
+Often it is not obvious which package you should install to get that
+file. Debian has `apt-file` to search for a file. `tracefile` from
+ can tell which files a program
+tried to access. In this case we are interested in one of the last
+ $ tracefile -un ./configure | tail | parallel -j0 apt-file search
+=head1 AUTHOR
+When using GNU B<parallel> for a publication please cite:
+O. Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool, ;login:
+The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47.
+This helps funding further development; and it won't cost you a cent.
+If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing.
+Copyright (C) 2007-10-18 Ole Tange,
+Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Ole Tange,
+Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Ole Tange, and Free
+Software Foundation, Inc.
+Parts of the manual concerning B<xargs> compatibility is inspired by
+the manual of B<xargs> from GNU findutils 4.4.2.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+at your option any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+=head2 Documentation license I
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+documentation under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
+Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and
+with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the
+file LICENSES/GFDL-1.3-or-later.txt.
+=head2 Documentation license II
+You are free:
+=over 9
+=item B<to Share>
+to copy, distribute and transmit the work
+=item B<to Remix>
+to adapt the work
+Under the following conditions:
+=over 9
+=item B<Attribution>
+You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or
+licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or
+your use of the work).
+=item B<Share Alike>
+If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute
+the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible
+With the understanding that:
+=over 9
+=item B<Waiver>
+Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from
+the copyright holder.
+=item B<Public Domain>
+Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under
+applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.
+=item B<Other Rights>
+In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
+=over 2
+=item *
+Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable
+copyright exceptions and limitations;
+=item *
+The author's moral rights;
+=item *
+Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in
+how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
+=over 9
+=item B<Notice>
+For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the
+license terms of this work.
+A copy of the full license is included in the file as
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<parallel>(1), B<parallel_tutorial>(7), B<env_parallel>(1),
+B<parset>(1), B<parsort>(1), B<parallel_alternatives>(7),
+B<parallel_design>(7), B<niceload>(1), B<sql>(1), B<ssh>(1),
+B<ssh-agent>(1), B<sshpass>(1), B<ssh-copy-id>(1), B<rsync>(1)